// ==UserScript== // @name KOC Power Tools // @namespace mat // @include http://*.kingdomsofcamelot.com/*main_src.php* // @description Enhancements and bug fixes for Kingdoms of Camelot // ==/UserScript== var Version = '20110129a'; var Title = 'KOC Power Tools'; var DEBUG_BUTTON = true; var DEBUG_TRACE = false; var DEBUG_TRACE_DRAG = false; var MAP_DELAY = 1500; var ENABLE_TEST_TAB = false; var DISABLE_POST_KNIGHT_SKILLS = false; var DISABLE_POST_DEFENSES = false; var SEND_ALERT_AS_WHISPER = false; var ENABLE_SEARCH_TAB = false; var ENABLE_ALERT_TO_CHAT = false; var URL_CASTLE_BUT = 'http://i.imgur.com/MPlZr.png'; var URL_CASTLE_BUT_SEL = 'http://i.imgur.com/XWR4B.png'; var URL_PROVINCE_MAP = 'http://i.imgur.com/VE48b.png'; var provMapCoords = {imgWidth:680, imgHeight:654, mapWidth:595, mapHeight:595, leftMargin:44, topMargin:39}; /*************** 20110119a: WindowManager: Cooperate with Power Bot TabManager: restructured Fixed message counts Warn on 0,0 march Knights: assign skill points to any role enhanced report/list page navigation and 'back' button fix for new KofC reports change 20110126a: removed prototype.js dependency possibly fixed training hang ??? compatible with GM 0.9.x 20110128a: fixes for no prototype.js set fixed height in reports to make paging easier 20110129a: added clickable coords in alliance reports added num/total to wilds ***************/ /****************** TODO: fix missing 'forward' and 'all officers' buttons (conflict with alterUwFunction?) // TODO: ptGotoMap ... (WinManager.hideAll()) // TODO: Power button OUTSIDE of KOC's DOM (under ad frame?) // TODO: Food surplus trend (% change over 30 minutes, etc.) // TODO: Force KOC to update training queues, marches, etc for non-current city ? (fix 'waiting for reports', lingering tower alerts, etc) ***/ var Options = { includeMarching:true, encRemaining : true, maxIdlePop : false, srcSortBy : 'level', srcMinLevel : 1, srcMaxLevel : 7, wildType : 1, unownedOnly : true, fixTower : true, fixTower2 : true, fixMapDistance: true, fixMsgCount : true, fixWarnZero : true, fixPageNav : true, enhanceARpts : true, allowAlterAR : true, enhanceMsging : true, ptWinIsOpen : false, ptWinDrag : false, ptWinPos : {}, enableFoodWarn : true, foodWarnHours : 24, alertConfig : {aChat:false, aPrefix:'** I\'m being attacked! **', scouting:false, wilds:false, minTroops:10000, spamLimit:10 }, }; var JSON;if(!JSON){JSON={};}(function(){"use strict";function f(n){return n<10?'0'+n:n;}if(typeof Date.prototype.toJSON!=='function'){Date.prototype.toJSON=function(key){return isFinite(this.valueOf())?this.getUTCFullYear()+'-'+f(this.getUTCMonth()+1)+'-'+f(this.getUTCDate())+'T'+f(this.getUTCHours())+':'+f(this.getUTCMinutes())+':'+f(this.getUTCSeconds())+'Z':null;};String.prototype.toJSON=Number.prototype.toJSON=Boolean.prototype.toJSON=function(key){return this.valueOf();};}var cx=/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,escapable=/[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,gap,indent,meta={'\b':'\\b','\t':'\\t','\n':'\\n','\f':'\\f','\r':'\\r','"':'\\"','\\':'\\\\'},rep;function quote(string){escapable.lastIndex=0;return escapable.test(string)?'"'+string.replace(escapable,function(a){var c=meta[a];return typeof c==='string'?c:'\\u'+('0000'+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);})+'"':'"'+string+'"';}function str(key,holder){var i,k,v,length,mind=gap,partial,value=holder[key];if(value&&typeof value==='object'&&typeof value.toJSON==='function'){value=value.toJSON(key);}if(typeof rep==='function'){value=rep.call(holder,key,value);}switch(typeof value){case'string':return quote(value);case'number':return isFinite(value)?String(value):'null';case'boolean':case'null':return String(value);case'object':if(!value){return'null';}gap+=indent;partial=[];if(Object.prototype.toString.apply(value)==='[object Array]'){length=value.length;for(i=0;i<length;i+=1){partial[i]=str(i,value)||'null';}v=partial.length===0?'[]':gap?'[\n'+gap+partial.join(',\n'+gap)+'\n'+mind+']':'['+partial.join(',')+']';gap=mind;return v;}if(rep&&typeof rep==='object'){length=rep.length;for(i=0;i<length;i+=1){k=rep[i];if(typeof k==='string'){v=str(k,value);if(v){partial.push(quote(k)+(gap?': ':':')+v);}}}}else{for(k in value){if(Object.hasOwnProperty.call(value,k)){v=str(k,value);if(v){partial.push(quote(k)+(gap?': ':':')+v);}}}}v=partial.length===0?'{}':gap?'{\n'+gap+partial.join(',\n'+gap)+'\n'+mind+'}':'{'+partial.join(',')+'}';gap=mind;return v;}}if(typeof JSON.stringify!=='function'){JSON.stringify=function(value,replacer,space){var i;gap='';indent='';if(typeof space==='number'){for(i=0;i<space;i+=1){indent+=' ';}}else if(typeof space==='string'){indent=space;}rep=replacer;if(replacer&&typeof replacer!=='function'&&(typeof replacer!=='object'||typeof replacer.length!=='number')){throw new Error('JSON.stringify');}return str('',{'':value});};}if(typeof JSON.parse!=='function'){JSON.parse=function(text,reviver){var j;function walk(holder,key){var k,v,value=holder[key];if(value&&typeof value==='object'){for(k in value){if(Object.hasOwnProperty.call(value,k)){v=walk(value,k);if(v!==undefined){value[k]=v;}else{delete value[k];}}}}return reviver.call(holder,key,value);}text=String(text);cx.lastIndex=0;if(cx.test(text)){text=text.replace(cx,function(a){return'\\u'+('0000'+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);});}if(/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,'@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,']').replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,''))){j=eval('('+text+')');return typeof reviver==='function'?walk({'':j},''):j;}throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse');};}}()); var JSON2 = JSON; var Cities = {}; var Seed = unsafeWindow.seed; var Tabs = {}; var currentName = 'Overview'; var mainPop; var CPopUpTopClass = 'ptPopTop'; setTimeout (ptStartup, 500); ptStartupTimer = null; function ptStartup (){ window.clearTimeout (ptStartupTimer); if (document.getElementById('ptOfficial') != null) // button already present! (shouldn't happen) return; var metc = getClientCoords(document.getElementById('main_engagement_tabs')); if (metc.width==null || metc.width==0){ //logit ('*** STARTUP RETRY! '); ptStartupTimer = window.setTimeout (ptStartup, 2000); return; } //logit ('g_timeoff: '+ unsafeWindow.g_timeoff); Seed = unsafeWindow.seed; var styles = '.xtab {padding-right: 5px; border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap;}\ .xtabBR {padding-right: 5px; border:none; background:none;}\ div.ptDiv {background-color:#f0f0f0;}\ table.ptTab tr td {border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap;}\ table.ptTabPad tr td {border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap; padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;}\ table.ptTabBR tr td {border:none; background:none;}\ table.ptTabLined tr td {border:1px none none solid none;}\ table.ptTabPad tr td.ptentry {background-color:#ffeecc; padding-left: 8px;}\ table.ptNoPad tr td {border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap; padding:0px}\ .ptOddrow {background-color:#eee}\ .ptstat {border:1px solid; border-color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; background-color:#357}\ .ptStatLight {color:#ddd}\ .ptentry {padding: 7px; border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background-color:#ffeecc; white-space:nowrap;}\ .ptErrText {font-weight:bold; color:#600000}\ .castleBut {outline:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; width:24px; height:26px; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;}\ .castleBut:hover {border-size:3px; border-color:#000;}\ button::-moz-focus-inner, input[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner { border: none; }\ span.whiteOnRed {padding-left:3px; padding-right:3px; background-color:#700; color:white; font-weight:bold}\ span.boldRed {color:#800; font-weight:bold}\ .castleButNon {background-image:url("'+ URL_CASTLE_BUT +'")}\ .castleButSel {background-image:url("'+ URL_CASTLE_BUT_SEL +'")}\ a.ptButton20 {color:#ffff80}\ table.ptMainTab {empty-cells:show; margin-top:5px }\ table.ptMainTab tr td a {color:inherit }\ table.ptMainTab tr td {height:60%; empty-cells:show; padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; margin-top:5px; white-space:nowrap; border: 1px solid; border-style: none none solid none; }\ table.ptMainTab tr td.spacer {padding: 0px 4px;}\ table.ptMainTab tr td.sel {font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; border: 1px solid; border-style: solid solid none solid; background-color:#eed;}\ table.ptMainTab tr td.notSel {font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; border: 1px solid; border-style: solid solid none solid; background-color:#1e66bd; color:white; border-color:black;}\ tr.ptPopTop td { background-color:#dde; border:none; height: 21px; padding:0px; }\ tr.ptretry_ptPopTop td { background-color:#a00; color:#fff; border:none; height: 21px; padding:0px; }\ .CPopup .CPopMain { background-color:#f8f8f8; padding:6px;}\ .CPopup {border:3px ridge #666} )'; window.name = 'PT'; logit ("* KOCpowerTools v"+ Version +" Loaded"); readOptions(); setCities(); // TODO: Make sure WinPos is visible on-screen ? if (Options.ptWinPos==null || Options.ptWinPos.x==null|| Options.ptWinPos.x=='' || isNaN(Options.ptWinPos.x)){ //logit ( 'Options.ptWinPos: '+ inspect (Options.ptWinPos, 5, 1)); var c = getClientCoords (document.getElementById('main_engagement_tabs')); Options.ptWinPos.x = c.x+4; Options.ptWinPos.y = c.y+c.height; saveOptions (); } mainPop = new CPopup ('ptmain', Options.ptWinPos.x, Options.ptWinPos.y, 749,700, Options.ptWinDrag, function (){ tabManager.hideTab(); Options.ptWinIsOpen=false; saveOptions(); }); mainPop.getMainDiv().innerHTML = '<STYLE>'+ styles +'</style>'; TowerAlerts.init(); MessageCounts.init (); MapDistanceFix.init (); WarnZeroAttack.init (); AllianceReports.init (); messageNav.init(); PageNavigator.init (); tabManager.init (mainPop.getMainDiv()); attackTargetPicker.init(); if (Options.ptWinIsOpen){ mainPop.show (true); tabManager.showTab(); } window.addEventListener('unload', onUnload, false); if (Options.fixTower) TowerAlerts.enableFixTarget(true); if (Options.fixTower2) TowerAlerts.enableFixFalseReports(true); TowerAlerts.setPostToChatOptions(Options.alertConfig); AddMainTabLink('TOOLS', eventHideShow, mouseMainTab); } function onUnload (){ Options.ptWinPos = mainPop.getLocation(); saveOptions(); } var knightRoles = [ ['Foreman', 'politics', 'Pol'], ['Marshall', 'combat', 'Com'], ['Alchemystic', 'intelligence', 'Int'], ['Steward', 'resourcefulness', 'Res'], ]; /*************** WILDS TAB *********************/ var wildNames = { 0: 'Bog', 10: 'Grassland', 11: 'Lake', 20: 'Woods', 30: 'Hills', 40: 'Mountain', 50: 'Plain', }; var mercNames = { 0: 'None', 1: 'Novice', 2: 'Intermediate', 3: 'Veteran', }; Tabs.Wilds = { tabOrder : 35, cont : null, // state : null, upGoldTimer : null, wildList : [], buildList : {}, init : function (div){ var t = Tabs.Wilds; t.cont = div; unsafeWindow.ptButMaxTraps = t.e_butMaxTraps; unsafeWindow.ptInpWildTraps = t.e_inpTraps; unsafeWindow.ptButWildSet = t.e_butWildSet; t.cont.innerHTML = '<DIV id=wildContent style="maxheight:665px; height:665px; overflow-y:auto">'; // t.show (); }, hide : function (){ var t = Tabs.Wilds; clearTimeout (t.upGoldTimer); }, show : function (){ var t = Tabs.Wilds; clearTimeout (t.upGoldTimer); m = '<CENTER>'+ strButton20('RESET', 'id=ptwref') +'</center><TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=ptTabPad align=center>'; for (var c=0; c<Cities.numCities; c++){ var city = Cities.cities[c]; var cWilds = Seed.wilderness['city'+city.id]; t.wildList[c] = []; var castle = parseInt(Seed.buildings['city'+ city.id].pos0[1]); var totw = 0; if (matTypeof(cWilds)=='object'){ for (var k in cWilds) ++totw; } m += '<TR><TD colspan=20><DIV class=ptstat><TABLE class=ptNoPad width=100%><TR><TD width=100></td><TD width=90% align=center>'+ city.name +' ('+ city.x +','+ city.y +')</td><TD width=100 align=right>Wilds: '+ totw +' of '+ castle +' </TD></tr></table></div></td></tr>'; var row = 0; var sortem = []; if (matTypeof(cWilds) != 'array') { m += '<TR style="background-color:white; font-weight:bold;" align=right><TD align=left>Wild Type</td><TD></td><TD align=left>Coords</td><TD>Traps</td><TD align=left>Mercenaries</td>\ <TD width=15></td><TD colspan=3 class=entry>'+ htmlTitleLine(' CHANGE DEFENSES ') +'</td></tr>'; for (var k in Seed.wilderness['city'+city.id]) sortem.push (Seed.wilderness['city'+city.id][k]); sortem.sort (function (a,b){ var x; if ((x = b.tileLevel-a.tileLevel)!=0) return x; return a.tileType-b.tileType; }); for (i=0; i<sortem.length; i++){ var wild = sortem[i]; var wildDef = Seed.wildDef['t'+wild.tileId]; if (!wildDef) wildDef = {fort60Count:0, mercLevel:0}; var maxTraps = parseInt(wild.tileLevel)*100; var maxBuild = maxTraps - parseInt(wildDef.fort60Count); t.wildList[c][i] = [wild.tileId, maxBuild]; m += '<TR align=right'+ (row++%2?'':' class=ptOddrow') +'><TD align=left>'+ wildNames[wild.tileType] +'</td>\ <TD>'+ wild.tileLevel +'</td><TD align=center><A onclick="ptGotoMap('+ wild.xCoord +','+ wild.yCoord +')">'+ wild.xCoord +','+ wild.yCoord +'</a></td>\ <TD align=right><B>'+ wildDef.fort60Count +'</b></td><TD align=center><B>'+ mercNames[wildDef.mercLevel] +'</b></td>\ <TD></td><TD align=left class=ptentry><B>Build Traps:</b> <INPUT onchange="ptInpWildTraps(this)" id=ptwt_'+ c +'_'+ i + (maxBuild==0?' DISABLED ':'')+' style="margin:0px; padding:0px" type=text size=3 maxlength=4></td>' if (wildDef.fort60Count < maxTraps) m += '<TD class=ptentry style="padding:0px">'+ strButton14('Max', 'id=ptwx_'+ c +'_'+ i +' onclick="ptButMaxTraps(this)"') +'</td>'; else m += '<TD class=ptentry></td>'; m += '<TD class=ptentry> <B>Mercs:</b> ' + htmlSelector(mercNames, wildDef.mercLevel, 'id=ptwm_'+ c +'_'+ i) +' </td></tr>'; } m += '<TR><TD colspan=6></td><TD class=ptentry align=center colspan=3><TABLE><TR><TD width=40% align=left>Cost: <SPAN id=ptwgc_'+ c +'>0</span></td>\ <TD width=10%>'+ strButton20("SET DEFENSES", 'onclick="ptButWildSet('+ c +')"') +'<TD width=40% align=right>Gold: <SPAN id=ptwgt_'+ c +'>0</span></td></td></tr></table></td></tr>'; } else { m+= '<TR><TD colspan=9> </td></tr>'; } } document.getElementById('wildContent').innerHTML = m + '</table></div>'; document.getElementById('ptwref').addEventListener ('click', t.show, false); t.updateGold (); }, e_butWildSet : function (c){ var t = Tabs.Wilds; var totTraps = 0; var cid = Cities.cities[c].id; t.buildList = {cityId:cid, list:[]}; for (var w=0; w<t.wildList[c].length; w++){ var wild = Seed.wilderness['city'+cid]['t'+t.wildList[c][w][0]]; var wildDef = Seed.wildDef['t'+t.wildList[c][w][0]]; // TODO: Seed.wildDef is null if just aquired var numTraps = parseInt(document.getElementById('ptwt_'+ c +'_'+ w).value, 10); if (isNaN(numTraps)) numTraps = 0; totTraps += numTraps; if (numTraps > 0) t.buildList.list.push (['T', wild.tileId, numTraps]); var mercId =document.getElementById('ptwm_'+ c +'_'+ w).value; if (wildDef.mercLevel != mercId) t.buildList.list.push (['M', wild.tileId, mercId, wildDef.mercLevel]); } var totCost = totTraps * 200; if (totCost > parseInt(Seed.citystats['city'+cid].gold[0])){ document.getElementById('ptwgc_'+ c).innerHTML = '<SPAN class=boldRed>'+ addCommasInt(totCost) +'</span>'; return; } if (t.buildList.list.length == 0) return; t.setCurtain (true); var popDiv = t.setPopup (true); popDiv.innerHTML = '<TABLE class=ptTab width=100% height=100%><TR><TD>\ <DIV class=ptstat>Setting Wilderness Defenses</div>\ <DIV id=ptWildBuildDiv class=ptDiv style="padding:10px; height:225px; max-height:225px; overflow-y:auto"></div>\ </td></tr><TR><TD align=center>'+ strButton20('CANCEL', 'id=ptWildCancel') +'</td></tr></table>'; document.getElementById('ptWildCancel').addEventListener('click', t.e_buildCancel, false); t.processQue(null); }, e_buildCancel : function (){ var t = Tabs.Wilds; t.setCurtain(false); t.setPopup(false); t.show(); }, processQue : function (errMsg){ var t = Tabs.Wilds; var what = t.buildList.list.shift(); var div = document.getElementById('ptWildBuildDiv'); if (what==null || errMsg){ if (errMsg) div.innerHTML += '<BR><SPAN style="white-space:normal;" class=boldRed>ERROR: '+ errMsg +'</span>'; else div.innerHTML += 'Done.<BR>'; document.getElementById('ptWildCancel').firstChild.innerHTML = 'CLOSE'; return; } if (div.innerHTML != '') div.innerHTML += 'Done.<BR>'; var wild = Seed.wilderness['city'+ t.buildList.cityId]['t'+what[1]]; if (what[0] == 'T'){ div.innerHTML += 'Building '+ what[2] +' traps for '+ Cities.byID[t.buildList.cityId].name +'\'s wilderness at '+ wild.xCoord +','+ wild.yCoord +' ... '; t.postBuyTraps (t.buildList.cityId, what[1], what[2], t.processQue); } else { div.innerHTML += 'Setting Mercenaries to '+ mercNames[what[2]] +' for '+ Cities.byID[t.buildList.cityId].name +'\'s wilderness at '+ wild.xCoord +','+ wild.yCoord +' ... '; t.postHireMercs (t.buildList.cityId, what[1], what[2], what[3], t.processQue); } }, setPopup : function (onoff){ var t = Tabs.Wilds; if (onoff){ var div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = 'ptWildPop'; div.style.backgroundColor = '#fff'; div.style.zindex = mainPop.div.zIndex+2; div.style.opacity = '1'; div.style.border = '3px outset red'; div.style.width = '550px'; div.style.height = '300px'; div.style.display = 'block'; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.top = '100px'; div.style.left = '100px'; t.cont.appendChild (div); return div; } else { t.cont.removeChild (document.getElementById('ptWildPop')); } }, setCurtain : function (onoff){ var t = Tabs.Wilds; if (onoff){ var off = getAbsoluteOffsets (t.cont); var curtain = document.createElement('div'); curtain.id = 'ptWildCurtain'; curtain.style.zindex = mainPop.div.zIndex+1; curtain.style.backgroundColor = "#000000"; curtain.style.opacity = '0.5'; curtain.style.width = t.cont.clientWidth +'px'; curtain.style.height = t.cont.clientHeight +'px'; curtain.style.display = 'block'; curtain.style.position = 'absolute'; curtain.style.top = off.top + 'px'; curtain.style.left = off.left + 'px'; t.cont.appendChild (curtain); } else { t.cont.removeChild (document.getElementById('ptWildCurtain')); } }, e_butMaxTraps : function (e){ var t = Tabs.Wilds; var c = e.id.substr(5,1); var w = e.id.substr(7); var inp = document.getElementById('ptwt_'+ c +'_'+ w); inp.value = t.wildList[c][w][1]; t.e_inpTraps (inp); }, e_inpTraps : function (e){ var t = Tabs.Wilds; var c = e.id.substr(5,1); var w = e.id.substr (7); var tot = 0; for (var i=0; i<t.wildList[c].length; i++) { var val = parseInt(document.getElementById('ptwt_'+ c +'_'+ i).value, 10); if (isNaN(val)) val = 0; tot += val; } document.getElementById('ptwgc_'+ c).innerHTML = addCommasInt(tot * 200); if (isNaN(e.value) || e.value<0 || e.value>t.wildList[c][w][1]){ e.value = ''; e.style.backgroundColor = '#ffaaaa'; } else e.style.backgroundColor = null; }, updateGold : function (){ var t = Tabs.Wilds; for (var c=0; c<Cities.numCities; c++){ var e = document.getElementById('ptwgt_'+ c +''); if (e) e.innerHTML = addCommasInt(Seed.citystats['city'+Cities.cities[c].id].gold[0]); } t.upGoldTimer = setTimeout (t.updateGold, 2000); }, postBuyTraps : function (cid, tid, quant, notify){ if (DISABLE_POST_DEFENSES){ setTimeout (function (){notify(null)}, 1500); return; } var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.cid = cid; params.tid = tid; params.quant = quant; new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/buyWildTraps.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { if (rslt.ok) Seed.wildDef["t"+ tid].fort60Count = parseInt(Seed.wildDef["t"+ tid].fort60Count) + parseInt(quant); if (notify) notify (rslt.errorMsg); }, onFailure: function () { if (notify) notify ('AJAX ERROR'); }, }); }, postHireMercs : function (cid, tid, newLevel, oldLevel, notify){ if (DISABLE_POST_DEFENSES){ setTimeout (function (){notify('OK, so it\'s not really an error, it\'s just George playing around to see how the error message looks. It\'s a long one, how does it fit? Is it OK? Are you sure? JANE! Get me off of this thing!')}, 1500); return; } var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.cid = cid; params.tid = tid; params.lv = newLevel; params.olv = oldLevel; new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/hireWildMerc.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { if (rslt.ok) Seed.wildDef["t"+ tid].mercLevel = newLevel; if (notify) notify (rslt.errorMsg); }, onFailure: function () { if (notify) notify ('AJAX ERROR'); }, }); }, } /*************** KNIGHTS TAB *********************/ Tabs.Knights = { tabOrder : 30, cont : null, displayTimer : null, init : function (div){ var t = Tabs.Knights; t.cont = div; unsafeWindow.ptAssignSkill = t.clickedAssignPoints; t.cont.innerHTML = '<STYLE>table.ptTabPad tr.ptwpad {background-color:#ffffff; padding-left:15px}</style>\ <DIV id=ptknightdiv style="max-height:660px; height:660px; overflow-y:auto">'; }, hide : function (){ var t = Tabs.Knights; clearTimeout (t.displayTimer); }, show : function (){ var t = Tabs.Knights; clearTimeout (t.displayTimer); function _dispKnight (roleId, knight){ var rid = roleId; if (roleId==null) rid = 1; var sty=''; if (row++ % 2) sty = 'class=ptOddrow '; m = '<TR '+ sty +'valign=top align=right><TD><B>'+ (roleId==null ? '':knightRoles[rid][0]) +'</b></td><TD align=left>'; if (knight == null) { m += '--------</td><TD colspan=4></td><TD class=ptentry colspan=5></td><TD colspan=2></td></tr>'; } else { var level = parseInt(Math.sqrt(parseInt(knight.experience) / 75)) + 1; var unpoints = level - parseInt(knight.skillPointsApplied); var salary = (parseInt(knight.skillPointsApplied) + 1) * 20; totSalary += salary; var ass = ''; if (knight.knightStatus == 10){ ass = '<TD class=ptentry align=left colspan=4>Marching</td>'; } else { if (unpoints > 0){ unpoints = '<SPAN class="boldRed">'+ unpoints +'</span>'; for (var i=0; i<4; i++){ var sty = 'padding-left:1px;'; if (i == rid) // bold it sty += 'font-weight:bold;color:#116654'; ass += '<TD class=ptentry align=left style="'+ sty +'" ><A style="'+ sty +'" onclick="ptAssignSkill(this,' + cid +','+ knight.knightId +','+ i +')">['+ knightRoles[i][2] +'] </a></td>'; } } else ass = '<TD class=ptentry colspan=4></td>'; } var skills = []; for (var i=0; i<4; i++){ if (i == rid) skills[i] = '<B>'+ knight[knightRoles[i][1]] +'</b>'; else skills[i] = knight[knightRoles[i][1]]; } m += knight.knightName + '</td><TD>'+ skills[0] +'</td><TD>'+ skills[1] +'</td><TD>'+ skills[2] +'</td><TD>' + skills[3] +'</td><TD class=ptentry>'+ unpoints +'</td>'+ ass +'<TD>'+ addCommas(salary) +'</td><TD>'+ level +'</td></tr>'; } return m; } var totSalary = 0; var m = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 align=center class=ptTabPad><TBODY>'; for (var c=0; c<Cities.numCities; c++) { var cid = Cities.cities[c].id; m += '<TR><TD colspan=13><DIV class=ptstat>'+ Cities.cities[c].name +'</div></td></tr>\ <TR class=ptwpad style="font-weight:bold" align=right><TD width=70>Role</td><TD width=160 align=center>Name</td><TD width=26>Pol</td><TD width=26>Com</td>\ <TD width=26>Int</td><TD width=26>Res</td><TD width=90 align=center colspan=5>--- Unassigned ---</td><TD width=40 align=right> Salary </td><TD width=35>Level</td></tr>'; totSalary = 0; var did = {}; var row = 0; for (var i=0; i<knightRoles.length; i++){ var leader = Seed.leaders['city'+cid][knightRoles[i][1]+'KnightId']; if (leader == 0) m += _dispKnight (i, null); else { m += _dispKnight (i, Seed.knights['city'+cid]['knt'+leader]); did['knt'+leader] = true; } } var list = []; for (k in Seed.knights['city'+cid]){ if (!did[k]) list.push (Seed.knights['city'+cid][k]); } list.sort (function (a,b){return parseInt(b.combat)-parseInt(a.combat)}); for (i=0; i<list.length; i++) m += _dispKnight (null, list[i]); m += '<TR align=right><TD colspan=11><B>Total Salary:</b></td><TD>'+ addCommas(totSalary) +'</td></tr>'; } document.getElementById('ptknightdiv').innerHTML = m +'</tbody></table></div>'; t.displayTimer = setTimeout (t.show, 10000); }, clickedAssignPoints : function (e, cid, kid, rid){ var t = Tabs.Knights; clearTimeout (t.displayTimer); var knight = Seed.knights['city'+cid]['knt'+kid]; if (knight.knightStatus == 10){ var row = e.parentNode.parentNode; row.childNodes[7].innerHTML = 'Marching'; return; } sk = []; var unassigned = parseInt(Math.sqrt(parseInt(knight.experience)/75)) + 1 - parseInt(knight.skillPointsApplied); for (var i=0; i<4; i++){ sk[i] = parseInt(knight[knightRoles[i][1]]); if (i == rid) sk[i] += unassigned; } var row = e.parentNode.parentNode; for (i=row.cells.length-1; i>=1; i--) row.deleteCell (i); var newCell=row.insertCell(-1); newCell.colSpan = 12; newCell.align= 'left'; newCell.style.padding='1px 5px 1px 10px'; var div = document.createElement ('div'); div.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; div.style.textAlign = 'center'; div.style.border = '1px solid'; div.style.width = '98%'; div.style.whiteSpace = 'normal'; newCell.appendChild (div); div.innerHTML = 'Assigning '+ unassigned +' skill points to '+ knightRoles[rid][1] +' ... '; t.postSkillPoints (cid, kid, sk[0], sk[1], sk[2], sk[3], function (r){t.postDone(r, div)}); }, postDone : function (rslt, div){ var t = Tabs.Knights; clearTimeout (t.displayTimer); if (rslt.ok){ div.innerHTML += '<B>Done.</b>'; t.displayTimer = setTimeout (t.show, 5000); } else { div.innerHTML += '<BR><SPAN class=boldRed>ERROR: '+ rslt.errorMsg +'</span>'; t.displayTimer = setTimeout (t.show, 10000); } }, postSkillPoints : function (cid, kid, pol, com, int, res, notify){ var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.cid = cid; params.kid = kid; params.p = pol; params.c = com; params.i = int; params.r = res; if (DISABLE_POST_KNIGHT_SKILLS){ setTimeout (function (){notify({ok:true})}, 1500); // setTimeout ( function (){notify({ok:false, errorMsg:"FAKE ERROR message, a long one, to test how it will fit and overflow! Perhaps you'll need to retry?"})} , 2000); return; } new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/skillupKnight.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { if (rslt.ok) { var knight = Seed.knights["city" + cid]["knt" + kid]; var up = pol + com + int + res - knight.politics - knight.combat - knight.intelligence - knight.resourcefulness; knight.politics = pol; knight.combat = com; knight.intelligence = int; knight.resourcefulness = res; knight.skillPointsApplied = (parseInt(knight.skillPointsApplied) + up).toString(); } if (notify) notify (rslt); }, onFailure: function () { if (notify) notify (rslt); }, }); }, }; /**************/ var messageNav = { old_modal_messages : unsafeWindow.modal_messages, old_modal_messages_send : unsafeWindow.modal_messages_send, init : function (){ alterUwFunction ('modal_messages', [[/}\s*$/, 'setTimeout(messageNav_hook,0); }']]); alterUwFunction ('modal_messages_send', [[/{\s*var params/i, '{\nif (modal_messages_send_hook()) return;\nvar params']]); unsafeWindow.messageNav_hook = messageNav.hook; unsafeWindow.modal_messages_send_hook = messageNav.msgSendHook; }, enable : function (tf){ t = messageNav; Options.enhanceMsging = tf; saveOptions(); unsafeWindow.modal_messages = t.old_modal_messages; unsafeWindow.modal_messages_send = t.old_modal_messages_send; if (tf){ alterUwFunction ('modal_messages', [[/}\s*$/, 'setTimeout(messageNav_hook,0); }']]); alterUwFunction ('modal_messages_send', [[/{\s*var params/i, '{\nif (modal_messages_send_hook()) return;\nvar params']]); } }, hook : function (){ var div = document.getElementById('modal_msg_view_actions'); var but = makeButton20('Forward'); div.appendChild (but); but.addEventListener ('click', messageNav.eventForward, false); div = document.getElementById('modal_msg_write_to').parentNode; div.innerHTML = '<TABLE><TR><TD class=xtab><b>To:</b> <INPUT type=text id=modal_msg_write_to></td><TD class=xtab><SPAN id=ptfwdbut></span></td></tr></table>'; var button = makeButton20('All Officers'); document.getElementById('ptfwdbut').appendChild (button); button.addEventListener ('click', function (){document.getElementById("modal_msg_write_to").value = "<officers>"}, false); }, eventForward : function (){ document.getElementById('modal_msg_write_subj').value = "fwd: " + document.getElementById('modal_msg_view_subj').innerHTML.toString().stripTags(); document.getElementById('modal_msg_write_to').value = ''; var from = document.getElementById('modal_msg_view_from').children[0].innerHTML; var body = document.getElementById('modal_msg_view_body').innerHTML.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/<br>/gi, '\n').stripTags().replace (/back$/i, ''); document.getElementById('modal_msg_write_txt').value = '[Original message from '+ from +' follows:]\n'+ body; unsafeWindow.modal_messages_compose(); }, msgSendHook : function (){ var to = document.getElementById("modal_msg_write_to").value.trim(); if (to.toLowerCase() != '<officers>' || getMyAlliance()[0]==0) return false; var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.toIds = getMyAlliance()[0]; params.subject = document.getElementById("modal_msg_write_subj").value +' [Sent to all officers]'; params.message = document.getElementById("modal_msg_write_txt").value; params.type = 'alliance'; new AjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/sendMessage.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (message) { var rslt = eval("(" + message.responseText + ")"); if (rslt.ok) { unsafeWindow.Modal.showAlert(unsafeWindow.g_js_strings.modal_messages_send.msgsent); document.getElementById('modal_msg_write_to').value = ""; document.getElementById('modal_msg_write_subj').value = ""; document.getElementById('modal_msg_write_txt').value = "" } else { unsafeWindow.Modal.showAlert(unsafeWindow.g_js_strings.modal_messages_send.enterexistingname) } }, onFailure: function () { unsafeWindow.Modal.showAlert(unsafeWindow.g_js_strings.modal_messages_send.oopscompose) }, }); return true; }, } var attackTargetPicker = { init : function (){ alterUwFunction ('modal_attack', [['attack_checkOverMarch()', 'attack_checkOverMarch(); setTimeout(attackTargetPicker_hook,0)']]); unsafeWindow.attackTargetPicker_hook = attackTargetPicker.hook; }, hook : function (){ var div = document.getElementById('modal_attack_target_numflag'); div.parentNode.innerHTML += ' <SPAN id=modal_attack_citybuts></span>'; new CdispCityPicker ('ptatp', document.getElementById('modal_attack_citybuts'), false, attackTargetPicker.evtButtonClicked); var cityIdx = Cities.byID[unsafeWindow.currentcityid].idx; thisCityBut = document.getElementById('ptatp_'+ cityIdx); thisCityBut.style.opacity = '0.5'; thisCityBut.disabled = true; }, evtButtonClicked : function (city){ document.getElementById('modal_attack_target_coords_x').value = city.x; document.getElementById('modal_attack_target_coords_y').value = city.y; }, }; var AllianceReports = { checkPeriod : 300, allianceNames : [], saveArfunc : unsafeWindow.allianceReports, init : function (){ t = AllianceReports; t.enable (Options.enhanceARpts); }, enable : function (tf){ t = AllianceReports; if (tf) unsafeWindow.allianceReports = t.myAllianceReports; else unsafeWindow.allianceReports = t.saveArfunc; }, myAllianceReports : function (pageNum){ var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); if (pageNum) params.pageNo = pageNum; params.group = "a"; new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/listReports.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { //logit (inspect (rslt, 1, 1)); displayReports (rslt.arReports, rslt.arPlayerNames, rslt.arAllianceNames, rslt.arCityNames, rslt.totalPages); }, onFailure: function (rslt) { }, }, false); function displayReports (ar, playerNames, allianceNames, cityNames, totalPages){ var msg = new Array(); var myAllianceId = getMyAlliance()[0]; msg.push ("<STYLE>.msgviewtable tbody .myCol div {margin-left:5px; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; color:#000}\ .msgviewtable tbody .myHostile div {font-weight:600; color:#600}\ .msgviewtable tbody .myGray div {color:#666}\ .msgviewtable tbody .myWarn div {font-weight:600; color:#442200}\ </style>"); msg.push("<div class='modal_msg_reports'>"); var rptkeys = unsafeWindow.Object.keys(ar); if (matTypeof(ar) != 'array') { if (Options.allowAlterAR) msg.push("<div id='modal_alliance_reports_tablediv' class='modal_msg_list'><table width=675 cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='msgviewtable reportviewtable alliancetable'>"); else msg.push("<div id='modal_alliance_reports_tabledivNKA' class='modal_msg_list'><table width=675 cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='msgviewtable reportviewtable alliancetable'>"); msg.push("<thead><tr><td width=105>Date</td><td width=40>Type</td><td width=150>Attacker</td><td>Target</td><td>View</td></tr></thead><tbody>"); for (var i = 0; i < rptkeys.length; i++) { var rpt = ar[rptkeys[i]]; var colClass = '"myCol"'; rpt.side0AllianceId = parseInt(rpt.side0AllianceId); var targetDiplomacy = getDiplomacy (rpt.side0AllianceId); if (rpt.side1AllianceId != myAllianceId){ colClass = '"myCol myHostile"'; } else { if (parseInt(rpt.side0TileType) < 50){ // if wild if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) == 0) colClass = '"myCol myGray"'; else colClass = '"myCol myWarn"'; } else if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) == 0) { // barb colClass = '"myCol myGray"'; } else { if (targetDiplomacy == 'friendly') colClass = '"myCol myWarn"'; } } msg.push ('<tr valign=top'); if (i%2 == 0) msg.push(" class=stripe"); msg.push("><TD class="+ colClass +"><div>"); msg.push(unsafeWindow.formatDateByUnixTime(rpt.reportUnixTime)); msg.push("</div></td><TD class="+ colClass +"><div>"); rpt.marchType = parseInt(rpt.marchType); if (rpt.marchType == 1) msg.push (unsafeWindow.g_js_strings.commonstr.transport); else if (rpt.marchType == 3) msg.push (unsafeWindow.g_js_strings.commonstr.scout); else msg.push (unsafeWindow.g_js_strings.commonstr.attack); // attacker ... msg.push ("</div></td><TD class="+ colClass +"><div>"); if (parseInt(rpt.side1PlayerId) != 0) msg.push(escape(playerNames["p" + rpt.side1PlayerId])) else msg.push ('?Unknown?'); // msg.push (' ('); // msg.push (rpt.side1XCoord); // msg.push (','); // msg.push (rpt.side1YCoord); // msg.push (')<BR>'); msg.push (' '); msg.push (coordLink(rpt.side1XCoord, rpt.side1YCoord)); msg.push ('<BR>'); if (rpt.side1AllianceId != myAllianceId){ msg.push (allianceNames['a'+rpt.side1AllianceId]); msg.push (' ('); msg.push (getDiplomacy(rpt.side1AllianceId)); msg.push (')'); } else { msg.push ('<BR>'); } msg.push ('</div></td>'); // target ... msg.push ("<TD class="+ colClass +"><DIV>"); var type = parseInt(rpt.side0TileType); if (type < 50){ // wild msg.push(unsafeWindow.g_mapObject.types[type].toString().capitalize()); msg.push(" Lvl " + rpt.side0TileLevel) if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) != 0) { // IF OWNED, show owner ... msg.push (' ['); msg.push (escape(playerNames["p" + rpt.side0PlayerId])); msg.push ('] '); } } else { if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) == 0) { // barb msg.push(unsafeWindow.g_js_strings.commonstr.barbariancamp); msg.push(" Lvl " + rpt.side0TileLevel) } else { // city msg.push (escape(playerNames["p" + rpt.side0PlayerId])); msg.push (' - '); msg.push (cityNames['c'+ rpt.side0CityId]); } } // msg.push (' ('); // msg.push (rpt.side0XCoord); // msg.push (','); // msg.push (rpt.side0YCoord); // msg.push (')'); msg.push (' '); msg.push (coordLink(rpt.side0XCoord, rpt.side0YCoord)); if (rpt.side0AllianceId!=0 && rpt.side0AllianceId!=myAllianceId){ msg.push ('<BR>'); msg.push (allianceNames['a'+rpt.side0AllianceId]); msg.push (' ('); msg.push (targetDiplomacy); msg.push (')'); } // 'view report' link ... if (Options.allowAlterAR) msg.push("</div></td><TD class="+ colClass +"><div><a onclick=' modal_alliance_report_view(\""); // ONCLICK ??? else msg.push("</div></td><TD class="+ colClass +"><div><a onclick=' $(\"modal_alliance_reports_tabledivNKA\").id=\"modal_alliance_reports_tablediv\"; modal_alliance_report_view(\""); // ONCLICK ??? // msg.push(rpt.marchReportId); msg.push(rpt.reportId); msg.push('",'); if (parseInt(rpt.side1AllianceId) == parseInt(Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceId)) msg.push(1); else msg.push(0); msg.push(","); msg.push(rpt.side0TileType); msg.push(","); msg.push(rpt.side0TileLevel); msg.push(","); msg.push(rpt.side0PlayerId); msg.push(',"'); if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) != 0) msg.push(escape(playerNames["p" + rpt.side0PlayerId])); else msg.push(unsafeWindow.g_js_strings.commonstr.enemy); msg.push('","'); if (parseInt(rpt.side0PlayerId) != 0) msg.push(escape(playerNames["g" + rpt.side0PlayerId])); else msg.push(0) msg.push('","'); if (parseInt(rpt.side1PlayerId) > 0) msg.push(escape(playerNames["p" + rpt.side1PlayerId])); msg.push('","'); if (parseInt(rpt.side1PlayerId) != 0) msg.push(escape(playerNames["g" + rpt.side1PlayerId])); msg.push('",'); msg.push(rpt.marchType); msg.push(","); msg.push(rpt.side0XCoord); msg.push(","); msg.push(rpt.side0YCoord); msg.push(","); msg.push(rpt.reportUnixTime); msg.push(","); if (parseInt(rpt.reportStatus) == 2) msg.push(1); else msg.push(0); if (rpt.side1XCoord) { msg.push(","); msg.push(rpt.side1XCoord); msg.push(","); msg.push(rpt.side1YCoord) } else { msg.push(",,"); } msg.push(");return false;'>View</a></div></td></tr>"); } msg.push("</tbody></table></div>"); } msg.push("</div><div id='modal_report_list_pagination'></div>"); document.getElementById('allianceContent').innerHTML = msg.join(""); if (pageNum) { unsafeWindow.ctrlPagination("modal_report_list_pagination", totalPages, "allianceReports", pageNum) } else { unsafeWindow.ctrlPagination("modal_report_list_pagination", totalPages, "allianceReports") } } }, } // end AllianceReports singleton /************************ Tower Alerts ************************/ var TowerAlerts = { viewImpendingFunc : null, generateIncomingFunc : null, fixTargetEnabled : false, towerMarches : {}, // track all marches that have been posted to alliance chat init : function (){ var t = TowerAlerts; var s = GM_getValue ('towerMarches_'+GetServerId()); if (s != null) t.towerMarches = JSON2.parse (s); t.viewImpendingFunc = new CalterUwFunc ('attack_viewimpending_view', [[/Modal.showModal\((.*)\)/im, 'Modal.showModal\($1\); ptViewImpending_hook(a);']]); unsafeWindow.ptViewImpending_hook = t.viewImpending_hook; t.viewImpendingFunc.setEnable (true); t.generateIncomingFunc = new CalterUwFunc ('attack_generateincoming', [[/.*} else {\s*e = true;\s*}/im, '} else { e = ptGenerateIncoming_hook(); }']]); unsafeWindow.ptGenerateIncoming_hook = t.generateIncoming_hook; }, // fix 'target', add button viewImpending_hook : function (atkinc){ var t = TowerAlerts; var div = document.getElementById('modal_attackimpending_view'); var isFalse = false; if (t.fixTargetEnabled){ var city = Cities.byID[atkinc.toCityId]; var target = ''; if (!city || (atkinc.marchType!=3 && atkinc.marchType!=4)){ target = '<B>FALSE REPORT!</b>'; isFalse = true; } else if (city.tileId == atkinc.toTileId){ target = city.name + ' ('+ city.x + ','+ city.y +')'; } else { wilds = Seed.wilderness['city'+atkinc.toCityId]; m = ''; for (k in wilds){ if (wilds[k].tileId == atkinc.toTileId){ m = 'at '+ wilds[k].xCoord + ','+ wilds[k].yCoord; break; } } target = city.name + ', <B>WILD '+ m +'</b>'; } div.childNodes[0].innerHTML = '<B>Target: </b>'+ target; } if (!isFalse){ var d = document.createElement ('div'); d.innerHTML = '<BR><TABLE><TR><TD><a id=towerPostToChat class=button20><span>Post to Alliance Chat</span></a></td></tr></table>'; div.appendChild (d); document.getElementById('towerPostToChat').addEventListener('click', function (){t.e_buttonPostToChat(atkinc)}, false); } }, // fix false reports generateIncoming_hook : function (){ return false; }, enableFixFalseReports : function (tf){ var t = TowerAlerts; t.generateIncomingFunc.setEnable (tf); }, enableFixTarget : function (tf){ var t = TowerAlerts; t.fixTargetEnabled = tf; }, isFixTargetAvailable : function (){ var t = TowerAlerts; return t.viewImpendingFunc.isAvailable(); }, isFixFalseReportsAvailable : function (){ var t = TowerAlerts; return t.generateIncomingFunc.isAvailable(); }, postToChatOptions : {aChat:false}, secondTimer : null, setPostToChatOptions : function (obj){ var t = TowerAlerts; t.postToChatOptions = obj; clearTimeout(t.secondTimer); if (obj.aChat && ENABLE_ALERT_TO_CHAT) t.e_eachSecond(); }, addTowerMarch : function (m){ var t = TowerAlerts; var now = unixTime(); for (k in t.towerMarches){ if (t.towerMarches[k].arrival < now) delete t.towerMarches[k]; } t.towerMarches['m'+m.mid] = {added:now, arrival:parseIntNan(m.arrivalTime) }; GM_setValue ('towerMarches_'+GetServerId(), JSON2.stringify(t.towerMarches) ); }, getTowerMarch : function (mid){ // ID only (no 'm') var t = TowerAlerts; return t.towerMarches['m'+mid]; }, e_eachSecond : function (){ // check for incoming marches var t = TowerAlerts; var now = unixTime(); if (matTypeof(Seed.queue_atkinc) != 'array'){ for (var k in Seed.queue_atkinc){ var m = Seed.queue_atkinc[k]; if ((m.marchType==3 || m.marchType==4) && parseIntNan(m.arrivalTime)>now && t.getTowerMarch(m.mid)==null){ t.addTowerMarch (m); t.postToChat (m, false); } } } t.secondTimer = setTimeout (t.e_eachSecond, 2000); }, e_buttonPostToChat : function (march){ var t = TowerAlerts; t.postToChat (march, true); unsafeWindow.Modal.hideModal(); }, postToChat : function (m, force){ var t = TowerAlerts; if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit ("checkTower(): INCOMING at "+ unixTime() +": \n"+ inspect (m, 8, 1)); if (m.marchType == null) // bogus march (returning scouts) return; if (ENABLE_TEST_TAB) Tabs.Test.addDiv ("Incoming!<BR><PRE style='margin:0px;'>" + inspect (m, 8, 1) +'</pre>'); if (m.marchType == 3){ if (!t.postToChatOptions.scouting && !force) return; atkType = 'scouted'; } else if (m.marchType == 4){ atkType = 'attacked'; } else { return; } var target, atkType, who; var city = Cities.byID[m.toCityId]; if ( city.tileId == m.toTileId ) target = 'city at '+ city.x +','+ city.y; else { if (!t.postToChatOptions.wilds && !force) return; target = 'wilderness'; for (k in Seed.wilderness['city'+m.toCityId]){ if (Seed.wilderness['city'+m.toCityId][k].tileId == m.toTileId){ target += ' at '+ Seed.wilderness['city'+m.toCityId][k].xCoord +','+ Seed.wilderness['city'+m.toCityId][k].yCoord; break; } } } if (Seed.players['u'+m.pid]) who = Seed.players['u'+m.pid].n; else if (m.players && m.players['u'+m.pid]) who = m.players['u'+m.pid].n; else who = 'Unknown'; if (m.fromXCoord) who += ' at '+ m.fromXCoord +','+ m.fromYCoord; var msg = ''; if (!force) msg = t.postToChatOptions.aPrefix +' '; msg += 'My '+ target +' is being '+ atkType +' by '+ who +'. Incoming Troops (arriving in '+ unsafeWindow.timestr(parseInt(m.arrivalTime - unixTime())) +') : '; var totTroops = 0; for (k in m.unts){ var uid = parseInt(k.substr (1)); msg += m.unts[k] +' '+ unsafeWindow.unitcost['unt'+uid][0] +', '; totTroops += m.unts[k]; } if ((totTroops < t.postToChatOptions.minTroops) && !force) return; msg = msg.slice (0, -2); msg += '.'; if ( city.tileId == m.toTileId ){ var emb = getCityBuilding(m.toCityId, 8); if (emb.count > 0){ var availSlots = emb.maxLevel; for (k in Seed.queue_atkinc){ if (Seed.queue_atkinc[k].marchType==2 && Cities.byID[Seed.queue_atkinc[k].fromCityId]==null){ --availSlots; } } msg += ' My embassy has '+ availSlots +' of '+ emb.maxLevel +' slots available.'; } } if (ENABLE_TEST_TAB) Tabs.Test.addDiv (msg); if (SEND_ALERT_AS_WHISPER) sendChat ("/"+ Seed.player.name +' '+ msg); // Whisper to myself else sendChat ("/a "+ msg); // Alliance chat }, } function parseIntNan (n){ x = parseInt(n, 10); if (isNaN(x)) return 0; return x; } function parseIntZero (n){ if (n == '') return 0; return parseInt(n, 10); } /*********************************** Players TAB ***********************************/ function officerId2String (oid){ if (oid==null) return ''; else if (oid==3) return 'Officer'; else if (oid==2) return 'Vice Chance'; else if (oid==1) return 'Chancellor'; return ''; } Tabs.AllianceList = { tabOrder : 25, tabLabel : 'Players', cont : null, dat : [], init : function (div){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; t.cont = div; unsafeWindow.PTgetMembers = t.eventGetMembers; unsafeWindow.PTpd = t.clickedPlayerDetail; unsafeWindow.PTpl = t.clickedPlayerLeaderboard; if (getMyAlliance()[0] == 0) { t.cont.innerHTML = '<BR><BR><CENTER>You need to be in an alliance to use this feature.</center>'; t.state = 1; return; } var m = '<DIV class=ptentry><TABLE width=100% cellpadding=0>\ <TR><TD class=xtab align=right></td><TD class=xtab>Enter all or part of a player name: </td>\ <TD width=80% class=xtab><INPUT id=allPlayName size=20 type=text /> <INPUT id=playSubmit type=submit value="Find Player" /></td>\ <TD class="xtab ptErrText"><SPAN id=ptplayErr></span></td></tr>\ <TR><TD class=xtab>OR: </td><TD class=xtab> Enter all or part of an alliance name: </td>\ <TD class=xtab><INPUT id=allAllName type=text /> <INPUT id=allSubmit type=submit value="Find Alliance" /></td>\ <TD class="xtab ptErrText"><SPAN id=ptallErr></span></td></tr>\ </table><span style="vertical-align:middle;" id=altInput></span></div>\ <SPAN id=allListOut></span>'; t.cont.innerHTML = m; document.getElementById('allSubmit').addEventListener ('click', t.eventSubmit, false); document.getElementById('playSubmit').addEventListener ('click', t.eventPlayerSubmit, false); document.getElementById('allAllName').addEventListener ('focus', function (){document.getElementById('ptallErr').innerHTML='';}, false); document.getElementById('allPlayName').addEventListener ('focus', function (){document.getElementById('ptplayErr').innerHTML='';}, false); }, hide : function (){ }, show : function (){ }, pName : '', eventPlayerSubmit : function (){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; document.getElementById('ptplayErr').innerHTML=''; var name = document.getElementById('allPlayName').value; t.pName = name; if (name.length < 3){ document.getElementById('ptplayErr').innerHTML = 'Enter at least 3 characters'; return; } document.getElementById('altInput').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('allListOut').innerHTML = '<BR><BR><CENTER>Searching ...</center>'; t.fetchPlayerList (name, t.eventGotPlayerList); }, eventGotPlayerList : function (rslt){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; if (!rslt.ok){ document.getElementById('allListOut').innerHTML = rslt.errorMsg; return; } var m = '<DIV class=ptstat>Showing players matching <B>"'+ t.pName +'"</b></div>\ <DIV style="height:575px; max-height:575px; overflow-y:auto">\ <TABLE width=95% align=center class=ptTab cellspacing=0><TR style="font-weight:bold"><TD>Name</td>\ <TD align=right>Might</td><TD> Facebook </td><TD width=75%>Lookup </td></tr>'; var row=0; var cl=''; for (k in rslt.matchedUsers){ var u = rslt.matchedUsers[k]; if (++row % 2) cl = 'class=ptOddrow '; else cl = ''; m += '<TR '+ cl +'valign=top><TD>'+ u.genderAndName +'</td><TD align=right>'+ addCommasInt(u.might) +'</td>\ <TD align=center><A target="_tab" href="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id='+ u.fbuid +'">profile</a></td>\ <TD><SPAN onclick="PTpd(this, '+ u.userId +')"><A>details</a> <BR></span><SPAN onclick="PTpl(this, \''+ u.userId +'\')"><A>leaderboard</a></span></td></tr>'; } m += '</table></div>'; document.getElementById('allListOut').innerHTML = m; }, clickedPlayerDetail : function (span, uid){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; span.onclick = ''; span.innerHTML = "fetching details ..."; t.fetchPlayerInfo (uid, function (r) {t.gotPlayerDetail(r, span)}); }, clickedPlayerLeaderboard : function (span, uid){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; span.onclick = ''; span.innerHTML = "fetching leaderboard info ..."; t.fetchLeaderboard (uid, function (r) {t.gotPlayerLeaderboard(r, span)}); }, gotPlayerLeaderboard : function (rslt, span){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; if (!rslt.ok){ span.innerHTML = rslt.errorMsg; return; } if (rslt.totalResults == 0){ span.innerHTML = '<B>Leaderboard:</b> Not found! (misted?)'; return; } var p = rslt.results[0]; var an = p.allianceName; if (!an || an=='' || p.officerType==4) an = 'none'; else an += ' ('+ officerId2String(p.officerType) +')'; m = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 class=ptTab><TR><TD><B>Leaderboard: </b></td><TD colspan=2> Might: '+ p.might +' Alliance: '+ an +'</td></tr>'; for (var i=0; i<p.cities.length; i++){ var c = p.cities[i]; var created = ''; if (c.dateCreated && c.dateCreated.substr(0,2)=='20') created = ' created: ' + c.dateCreated.substr(0,10); m += '<TR><TD align=right><B>City #'+ (i+1) +':</b></td><TD> '+ c.cityName +' (<a onclick="ptGotoMap ('+ c.xCoord +',' +c.yCoord+ ')">'+ c.xCoord +','+ c.yCoord +'</a>)</td><TD width=75%> level: ' + c.tileLevel +' status: '+ cityStatusString (c.cityStatus) + created +'</td></tr>'; } span.innerHTML = m + '</table>'; }, gotPlayerDetail : function (rslt, span){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; if (!rslt.ok){ span.innerHTML = rslt.errorMsg; return; } var u = rslt.userInfo[0]; var a = 'None'; if (u.allianceName) a = u.allianceName +' ('+ getDiplomacy(u.allianceId) + ')'; var m = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 class=ptTab><TR><TD><B>Details:</b> </td><TD>Alliance: '+ a +' Cities: ' + u.cities +' Population: '+ u.population +'</td></tr><TR><TD></td><TD>Provinces: '; var pids = u.provinceIds.split (','); var p = []; for (var i=0; i<pids.length; i++) p.push(unsafeWindow.provincenames['p'+pids[i]]); span.innerHTML = m + p.join (', ') +'</td></tr></table>'; }, aName : '', eventSubmit : function (){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; document.getElementById('ptallErr').innerHTML=''; t.aName = document.getElementById('allAllName').value; if (t.aName.length < 3){ document.getElementById('ptallErr').innerHTML = 'Enter at least 3 characters'; return; } var myA = getMyAlliance (); document.getElementById('altInput').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('allListOut').innerHTML = '<BR><BR><CENTER>Searching ...</center>'; if (myA[0]!=0 && myA[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(t.aName.toLowerCase())>=0 ) t.fetchAllianceList (t.aName, myA[0], t.eventGotAllianceList); else t.fetchAllianceList (t.aName, null, t.eventGotAllianceList); }, eventGotAllianceList : function (rslt){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; if (!rslt.ok){ document.getElementById('allListOut').innerHTML = rslt.errorMsg; return; } var m = '<DIV class=ptstat>Showing alliances matching <B>"'+ t.aName +'"</b></div>\ <TABLE><TR style="font-weight:bold"><TD class=xtab>Alliance Name</td><TD class=xtab>Rank</td><TD class=xtab>Members</td>\ <TD align=right class=xtab>Might</td><TD class=xtab>Diplomacy</td><TD class=xtab></td></tr>'; for (k in rslt.alliancesMatched){ var all = rslt.alliancesMatched[k]; var dip = ''; if (all.relation && all.relation==1) dip = 'Friendly'; else if (all.relation && all.relation==2) dip = 'Hostile'; m += '<TR><TD class=xtab>'+ all.allianceName +'</td><TD align=right class=xtab>'+ all.ranking +'</td><TD align=right class=xtab>'+ all.membersCount +'</td>\ <TD align=right class=xtab>'+ addCommasInt(all.might) +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ dip +'</td>\ <TD class=xtab><a onclick="PTgetMembers('+ all.allianceId +')">View Members</a></td></tr>'; } document.getElementById('allListOut').innerHTML = m; }, eventGotMemberList : function (rslt){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; if (!rslt.ok){ document.getElementById('allListOut').innerHTML = rslt.errorMsg; return; } var numInvalid = 0; var numPlayers = 0; t.dat = []; for (var i=0; i<rslt.results.length; i++){ p = rslt.results[i]; if (p.userId == 0){ ++numInvalid; } else { ++numPlayers; for (var c=0; c<p.cities.length; c++){ t.dat.push ([p.displayName, parseInt(p.might), p.officerType, parseInt(p.numCities), parseInt(p.cities[c].tileLevel), parseInt(p.cities[c].xCoord), parseInt(p.cities[c].yCoord), p.cities[c].cityName, 0]); } } } t.setDistances (Cities.cities[0].x, Cities.cities[0].y); t.displayMembers (rslt.allianceName, numPlayers); }, // sort and display reDisp : function (){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; function sortFunc (a, b){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; if (typeof(a[t.sortColNum]) == 'number'){ if (t.sortDir > 0) return a[t.sortColNum] - b[t.sortColNum]; else return b[t.sortColNum] - a[t.sortColNum]; } else { if (t.sortDir > 0) return a[t.sortColNum].localeCompare(b[t.sortColNum]); else return b[t.sortColNum].localeCompare(a[t.sortColNum]); } } t.dat.sort (sortFunc); var m = ''; for (var i=0; i<t.dat.length; i++){ m += '<TR style="max-height:30px"><TD class=xxtab>'+ t.dat[i][0] +'</td><TD align=right class=xxtab>'+ addCommasInt(t.dat[i][1]) +'</td><TD align=center class=xxtab>'+ t.dat[i][3] +'</td>\ <TD class=xxtab>'+ officerId2String(t.dat[i][2]) +'</td><TD class=xxtab>'+ t.dat[i][7] +'</td><TD align=right class=xxtab>'+ t.dat[i][4] +'</td>\ <TD align=center class=xxtab><DIV onclick="ptGotoMap('+ t.dat[i][5] +','+ t.dat[i][6] +')"><A>'+ t.dat[i][5] +','+ t.dat[i][6] +'</a></div></td>\ <TD align=right class=xxtab style="padding-right:20px;">'+ t.dat[i][8].toFixed(2) +'</td></tr>'; } var tbody = document.getElementById('allBody'); tbody.style.maxHeight = ''; tbody.innerHTML = m; if (parseInt(tbody.clientHeight) > 475){ tbody.style.height = '475px'; tbody.style.maxHeight = '475px'; } //new CtableToText('tabAllMembers').toText(); }, setDistances : function (x, y){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; for (var i=0; i<t.dat.length; i++) t.dat[i][8] = distance (x, y, t.dat[i][5], t.dat[i][6]); }, sortColNum : 8, sortDir : 1, displayMembers : function (allName, numPlayers){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; function alClickSort (e){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; var newColNum = e.id.substr(8); document.getElementById('clickCol'+t.sortColNum).className = 'clickable'; e.className='clickable clickableSel'; if (newColNum == t.sortColNum) t.sortDir *= -1; else t.sortColNum = newColNum; t.reDisp(); } unsafeWindow.PTalClickSort = alClickSort; var m = '<STYLE>.clickable{background-color:#ddd; border:2px outset; border-color:#555; padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px}\ .clickableSel{background-color:#ffffcc;}\ .xxtab{background-color:none; padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px;} </style>\ <DIV class=ptstat><TABLE id=tabAllMembers cellpadding=0 width=100%><TR font-weight:bold"><TD class=xtab> '+ allName +'</td>\ <TD class=xtab width=80% align=center>Distance is from <SPAN id=distFrom>'+ Cities.cities[0].name +' ('+ Cities.cities[0].x +','+ Cities.cities[0].y +')</span></td><TD class=xtab align=right>'+ numPlayers +' players found </td></tr></table></div>\ <TABLE id=tabAllMembers align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><THEAD>\ <TR style="font-weight:bold"><TD id=clickCol0 onclick="PTalClickSort(this)" class=clickable><A><DIV>Player</div></a></td>\ <TD id=clickCol1 onclick="PTalClickSort(this)" class=clickable align=center><A><DIV>Might</a></div></td>\ <TD id=clickCol3 onclick="PTalClickSort(this)" class=clickable><A><DIV>Cities</a></div></td>\ <TD id=clickCol2 onclick="PTalClickSort(this)" class=clickable align=center><A><DIV>Rank</a></div></td>\ <TD id=clickCol7 onclick="PTalClickSort(this)" class=clickable><A><DIV>City Name</a></div></td>\ <TD id=clickCol4 onclick="PTalClickSort(this)" class=clickable><A><DIV>Lvl</a></div></td>\ <TD id=clickCol5 onclick="PTalClickSort(this)" class=clickable><A><DIV>Coords</a></div></td>\ <TD id=clickCol8 onclick="PTalClickSort(this)" class=clickable><A><DIV>Distance</a></div></td></tr></thead>\ <TBODY id=allBody style="background-color:#ffffff; overflow-y:auto; overflow-x:hidden;"></tbody></table>\ <DIV style="top:670px; left:0px; position:absolute; width:100%; background-color:#ffffff; border-top:1px solid; margin-top:8px; color:#700; font-weight:bold;">\ <TABLE width=100%><TR><TD class=xtab>Data is from the leaderboard and may be up to 24 hours old!</td>\ <TD class=xtab align=right>Click on column headers to sort</td></tr></table></div>'; document.getElementById('allListOut').innerHTML = m; document.getElementById('altInput').innerHTML = '<HR><TABLE width=100% cellpaddding=0><TR align=center>\ <TD class=xtab>Show distance from: X: <INPUT size=2 type=text id=plyrX /> Y: <INPUT size=2 type=text id=plyrY /> Or, choose city: <span id=dmcoords></span></td></tr></table>'; document.getElementById('clickCol'+t.sortColNum).className = 'clickable clickableSel'; t.reDisp(); new CdispCityPicker ('plyrdcp', document.getElementById ('dmcoords'), true, t.eventCoords, 0).bindToXYboxes(document.getElementById('plyrX'), document.getElementById('plyrY')); }, eventCoords : function (city, x, y){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; var m = ''; if (city != null) m = city.name +' ('+ city.x +','+ city.y +')'; else m = x +','+ y; document.getElementById('distFrom').innerHTML = m; t.setDistances(x,y); t.reDisp(); }, eventGetMembers : function (aid){ var t = Tabs.AllianceList; document.getElementById('allListOut').innerHTML = '<BR><BR><CENTER>Searching ...</center>'; t.fetchAllianceMemberList (aid, null, t.eventGotMemberList); }, fetchAllianceMemberList : function (allianceId, allianceName, notify) { var t = Tabs.AllianceList; var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.perPage = 100; if (allianceName) params.allianceName = allianceName; if (allianceId && allianceId != 0) params.allianceId = allianceId; new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getUserLeaderboard.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, onFailure: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, }); }, fetchLeaderboard : function (uid, notify) { var t = Tabs.AllianceList; var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.userId = uid; new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getUserLeaderboard.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, onFailure: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, }); }, fetchAllianceList : function (allianceName, myAid, notify) { // at least 3 chars :) var t = Tabs.AllianceList; function combineResults (rsltA, rsltM, notify){ if (!rsltA.ok){ if (rsltA.msg.indexOf("No alliance found under")!=0 || !rsltM.ok){ notify (rsltA); return; } rsltA.ok = true; rsltA.count = 0; rsltA.alliancesMatched = {}; } if (rsltM.ok){ rsltA.alliancesMatched['a'+rsltM.allianceInfo.allianceId] = {allianceId: rsltM.allianceInfo.allianceId, allianceName: rsltM.allianceInfo.allianceName, membersCount: rsltM.allianceInfo.members, relation: null, might: rsltM.allianceInfo.might, ranking: rsltM.allianceInfo.ranking}; ++rsltA.count; } notify (rsltA); } var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.allianceName = allianceName; new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/allianceGetSearchResults.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { if (myAid!=null && myAid>0) t.fetchMyAllianceInfo (function (r){ combineResults (rslt, r, notify)}); else notify (rslt); }, onFailure: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, }); }, fetchOtherAllianceInfo : function (pageNum, notify){ // as in alliance list, sorted by rank, 10 per page var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.pageNo = pageNum; params.cityId = unsafeWindow.currentcityid; new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/allianceGetOtherInfo.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, }); }, fetchMyAllianceInfo : function (notify){ var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/allianceGetInfo.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, }); }, fetchPlayerList : function (name, notify){ // at least 3 chars!! UNTESTED var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.searchName = name; params.subType = "ALLIANCE_INVITE"; new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/searchPlayers.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, }); }, fetchPlayerInfo : function (uid, notify){ var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.uid = uid; new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getUserGeneralInfo.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, onSuccess: function (rslt) { notify (rslt); }, }); }, }; /*********************************** Test TAB ***********************************/ Tabs.Test = { tabOrder : 100, tabDisabled : !ENABLE_TEST_TAB, cont : null, init : function (div){ var t = Tabs.Test; t.cont = div; var m = '<TABLE><TR><TD align=right>Scout: </td><TD><INPUT type=checkbox id=fakeIsScout></td></tr>\ <TR><TD align=right>Wild: </td><TD><INPUT type=checkbox id=fakeIsWild></td></tr>\ <TR><TD align=right>False Report: </td><TD><INPUT type=checkbox id=fakeFalse></td></tr>\ <TR><TD align=right>Seconds: </td><TD><INPUT type=text size=4 value=300 id=fakeSeconds></td></tr>\ <TR><TD align=right># of Militia: </td><TD><INPUT type=text size=6 value=5000 id=fakeMilitia></td></tr>\ <TR><TD colspan=2 align=center><INPUT id=testSendMarch type=submit value="Fake Attack" \></td></tr></table>\ <INPUT id=ptReloadKOC type=submit value="Reload KOC" \>\ <BR><DIV id=testDiv style="background-color:#fffff0; maxwidth:675; max-height:430px; height:430px; overflow-y:auto;"></div>'; t.cont.innerHTML = m; document.getElementById('testSendMarch').addEventListener ('click', t.clickFakeAttack, false); document.getElementById('ptReloadKOC').addEventListener ('click', t.reloadKOC, false); function xyNotify(city, x, y){ var m = '[ Notified: '+ (city?city.name:'null') +', x='+ x +', y='+ y +' ]'; document.getElementById('testNotify').innerHTML = m; } }, hide : function (){ }, show : function (){ }, reloadKOC : function (){ window.location.href = ''; setTimeout (function (){window.location.href = window.location.href +'&rload=3';}, 0); }, writeDiv : function (msg){ var t = Tabs.Test; if (t.state != null) document.getElementById('testDiv').innerHTML = msg; }, addDiv : function (msg){ var t = Tabs.Test; if (t.state != null) document.getElementById('testDiv').innerHTML += msg; }, createFakeAttack : function (cityNum, isScout, isWild, isFalse, secs, numMilitia){ var marchId = 'm'+ (88888 + Math.floor(Math.random()*11111)); var march = {}; if (matTypeof(Seed.queue_atkinc)=='array') Seed.queue_atkinc = {}; if (isFalse) march.marchType = 0; else if (isScout) march.marchType = 3; else march.marchType = 4; march.toCityId = Cities.cities[cityNum].id; if (isWild) { keys = unsafeWindow.Object.keys(Seed.wilderness['city'+Cities.cities[cityNum].id]); march.toTileId = Seed.wilderness['city'+Cities.cities[cityNum].id][keys[0]].tileId; } else { march.toTileId = Cities.cities[cityNum].tileId; } secs = parseInt(secs); march.arrivalTime = unixTime() + secs; march.departureTime = unixTime() - 10; march.unts = {} march.unts.u3 = 1 march.unts.u2 = numMilitia march.pid = 1234567 march.score = 9 march.mid = marchId.substr(1); march.players = {} march.players.u1234567 = {} march.players.u1234567.n = 'Fred Flintstone'; march.players.u1234567.t = 60 march.players.u1234567.m = 5441192 march.players.u1234567.s = 'M'; march.players.u1234567.w = 1 march.players.u1234567.a = 1 march.players.u1234567.i = 5 Seed.queue_atkinc[marchId] = march; Seed.players.u1234567 = march.players.u1234567; }, clickFakeAttack : function (){ var t = Tabs.Test; var isScout = document.getElementById('fakeIsScout').checked; var isWild = document.getElementById('fakeIsWild').checked; var isFalse = document.getElementById('fakeFalse').checked; var secs = parseInt(document.getElementById('fakeSeconds').value); var mil = parseInt(document.getElementById('fakeMilitia').value); t.createFakeAttack (0, isScout, isWild, isFalse, secs, mil); }, } /*********************************** Info tab ***********************************/ Tabs.Info = { tabOrder : 20, cont : null, init : function (div){ var t = Tabs.Info; t.cont = div; fortmight = { u53: "4", u55: "7", u60: "1", u61: "2", u62: "3", }; var t = Tabs.Info; rownum = 0; m = '<STYLE>.xtabH {background:#ffffe8; border:none; padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; margin-left:10px; }\ .xtabHL { background:#ffffe8; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none none solid; padding-right:5px; padding-left:5px; margin-left:10px; }\ .xtabL { background:none; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none none solid; padding-right:5px; padding-left: 5px; margin-left:10px; }\ .xtabLine { padding:0px; spacing:0px; height:1px; border-color:black; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none solid none }</style>\ <DIV style="height:650px; max-height:650px; overflow-y:auto; overflow-x:hidden"><DIV class=ptstat>UNIT INFORMATION</div><TABLE align=center cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0>\ <TR align=center><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtabHL colspan=5><B>COST TO BUILD</b></td><TD class=xtabHL colspan=7><B>STATS</b></td><TD class=xtabHL><B>Upkeep</b></td></tr>\ <TR valign=bottom align=right><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtabHL>Food</td><TD class=xtabH>Wood</td><TD class=xtabH>Stone</td>\ <TD class=xtabH>Ore</td><TD class=xtabH>Pop</td><TD class=xtabHL>Might</td><TD class=xtabH>Life</td><TD class=xtabH>Atk</td><TD class=xtabH>Def</td><TD class=xtabH>Speed</td><TD class=xtabH>Range</td><TD class=xtabH>Load</td>\ <TD class=xtabHL>Food</td></tr>\ <TR style="height:1px;"><TD style="padding:0px; spacing:0px; height:1px; border-color:black; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none solid none" colspan=14></td></tr>'; for (ui=1; ui<13; ui++){ if (++rownum % 2) rsty = ''; else rsty = ' style="background: #e8e8e8" '; cost = unsafeWindow.unitcost['unt'+ui]; // NAME, Food, Wood, Stone, Ore, ?, IdlePop, Time stats = unsafeWindow.unitstats['unt'+ui]; // Life, Attack, Defense, Speed, Range, Load food = unsafeWindow.unitupkeeps[ui]; might = unsafeWindow.unitmight['u'+ui]; m += '<TR '+ rsty +'align=right><TD class=xtab align=left><B>'+ cost[0] +'</b></td><TD class=xtabL>'+ cost[1] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ cost[2] +'</td>\ <TD class=xtab>'+ cost[3] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ cost[4] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ cost[6] +'</td><TD class=xtabL>'+ might +'</td>\ <TD class=xtab>'+ stats[0] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ stats[1] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ stats[2] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ stats[3] +'</td>\ <TD class=xtab>'+ stats[4] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ stats[5] +'</td><TD class=xtabL>'+ food +'</td></tr>'; } m += '<TR class=xtabLine><TD colspan=14 class=xtabLine></td></tr>'; for (k in unsafeWindow.fortcost){ if (++rownum % 2) rsty = ''; else rsty = ' style="background: #e8e8e8" '; cost = unsafeWindow.fortcost[k]; // NAME, Food, Wood, Stone, Ore, ?, IdlePop, Time fi = k.substring(3); stats = unsafeWindow.fortstats['unt'+fi]; // Life, Attack, Defense, Speed, Range, Load food = 0; might = fortmight['u'+fi]; name = cost[0].replace ('Defensive',''); name = name.replace ('Wall-Mounted',''); m += '<TR '+ rsty +'align=right><TD align=left class=xtab><B>'+ name +'</b></td><TD class=xtabL>'+ cost[1] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ cost[2] +'</td>\ <TD class=xtab>'+ cost[3] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ cost[4] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ cost[6] +'</td><TD class=xtabL>'+ might +'</td>\ <TD class=xtab>'+ stats[0] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ stats[1] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ stats[2] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ stats[3] +'</td>\ <TD class=xtab>'+ stats[4] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ stats[5] +'</td><TD class=xtabL>'+ food +'</td></tr>'; } m += '<TR class=xtabLine><TD colspan=14 class=xtabLine></td></tr>'; m += '</table>'; m += '<BR><DIV class=ptstat>DISTANCE CALCULATOR</div><DIV class=ptentry><TABLE align=center cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0>\ <TR><TD class=xtab align=right><B>First Location: </b></td><TD class=xtab> X: <INPUT id=calcX type=text\> Y: <INPUT id=calcY type=text\> Or, choose city: <SPAN id=ptloc1></span></td></tr>\ <TR><TD class=xtab><B>Second Location: </b></td><TD class=xtab> X: <INPUT id=calcX2 type=text\> Y: <INPUT id=calcY2 type=text\> Or, choose city: <SPAN id=ptloc2></span></td></tr></table>\ <CENTER><DIV style="width:60%; font-size:14px; border: 1px solid; background-color:white; margin:20px 3px 3px 0px; padding:4px" id=ptdistout></div></div>\ <BR><BR><DIV class=ptstat>PROVINCE MAP</div><DIV id=ptProvMap><IMG width=680 height=654 SRC="'+ URL_PROVINCE_MAP +'"></div></center></div>'; t.cont.innerHTML = m; new CdispCityPicker ('ptloc1', document.getElementById('ptloc1'), true, t.eventLocChanged, 0).bindToXYboxes(document.getElementById('calcX'), document.getElementById('calcY')); new CdispCityPicker ('ptloc2', document.getElementById('ptloc2'), true, t.eventLocChanged, 0).bindToXYboxes(document.getElementById('calcX2'), document.getElementById('calcY2')); t.eventLocChanged(Cities.cities[0], Cities.cities[0].x, Cities.cities[0].y); var eMap = document.getElementById('ptProvMap'); for (var c=0; c<Cities.numCities; c++) t.makeCityImg (c, eMap); }, hide : function (){ }, show : function (){ }, // var provMapCoords = {imgWidth:680, imgHeight:654, mapWidth:595, mapHeight:595, leftMargin:44, topMargin:39}; makeCityImg : function (cityNum, eMap){ //logit ('makeCityImg: '+ cityNum); var t = Tabs.Info; var city = Cities.cities[cityNum]; // var off = getAbsoluteOffsets (eMap); var x = parseInt((provMapCoords.mapWidth * city.x) / 750); var y = parseInt((provMapCoords.mapHeight * city.y) / 750); var ce = document.createElement ('span'); ce.style.background = 'black'; ce.style.opacity = '1.0'; ce.style.position='relative'; ce.style.display='block'; ce.style.width='14px'; ce.style.height='16px'; ce.style.border='1px solid #fff'; ce.style.color = 'white'; ce.style.textAlign = 'center'; // ce.style.top = (off.top+y+provMapCoords.topMargin-eMap.offsetHeight) +'px'; ce.style.top = (y+provMapCoords.topMargin-provMapCoords.imgHeight-(cityNum*16)-8) +'px'; ce.style.left = (x+provMapCoords.leftMargin-7) +'px'; eMap.appendChild(ce); ce.innerHTML = (cityNum+1) +''; }, eventLocChanged : function (city, x, y){ var x1 = parseInt(document.getElementById('calcX').value); var x2 = parseInt(document.getElementById('calcX2').value); if (isNaN(x2)) return; var y1 = parseInt(document.getElementById('calcY').value); var y2 = parseInt(document.getElementById('calcY2').value); var m = 'The distance from '+ x1 +','+ y1 +' to '+ x2 +','+ y2 +' is: <B>'+ distance (x1, y1, x2, y2).toFixed(2) +'</b>'; document.getElementById('ptdistout').innerHTML = m; }, } /*********************************** Options Tab ***********************************/ Tabs.Options = { tabOrder : 40, cont : null, fixAvailable : {}, init : function (div){ var t = Tabs.Options; t.cont = div; try { m = '<TABLE class=ptTab>\ <TR><TD colspan=2><B>Config:</b></td></tr>\ <TR><TD><INPUT id=ptAllowWinMove type=checkbox /></td><TD>Enable window drag (move window by dragging top bar with mouse)</td></tr>\ <TR><TD><INPUT id=ptEnableFoodWarn type=checkbox /></td><TD>Show \'food left\' in RED if food will run out in less than \ <INPUT id=optFoodHours type=text size=3 value="'+ Options.foodWarnHours +'"> hours</td></tr>\ <TR><TD colspan=2><P><B>KofC Features:</b></td></tr>\ <TR><TD><INPUT id=togMsgCountFix type=checkbox /></td><TD>Show number of new messages separately from number of reports on Messages icon.</td></tr>'; if (ENABLE_ALERT_TO_CHAT){ m += '<TR><TD><INPUT id=alertEnable type=checkbox '+ (Options.alertConfig.aChat?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td><TD>Automatically post incoming attacks to alliance chat.</td></tr>\ <TR><TD></td><TD><TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\ <TR><TD align=right>Message Prefix: </td><TD><INPUT id=alertPrefix type=text size=60 maxlength=120 value="'+ Options.alertConfig.aPrefix +'" \></td></tr>\ <TR><TD align=right>Alert on scouting: </td><TD><INPUT id=alertScout type=checkbox '+ (Options.alertConfig.scouting?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td></tr>\ <TR><TD align=right>Alert on wild attack: </td><TD><INPUT id=alertWild type=checkbox '+ (Options.alertConfig.wilds?'CHECKED ':'') +'/></td></tr>\ <TR><TD align=right>Minimum # of troops: </td><TD><INPUT id=alertTroops type=text size=7 value="'+ Options.alertConfig.minTroops +'" \> <span id=alerterr></span></td></tr>\ </table></td></tr>'; } m += '<TR><TD><INPUT id=togAllRpts type=checkbox /></td><TD>Enable enhanced Alliance Reports.</td></tr>\ <TR><TD><INPUT id=togAllowAlter type=checkbox /></td><TD>Allow other scripts to change format of Alliance Reports.</td></tr>\ <TR><TD><INPUT id=togEnhanceMsging type=checkbox /></td><TD>Enable enhanced messaging ("forward" and "all officers" buttons).</td></tr>\ <TR><TD><INPUT id=togPageNav type=checkbox /></td><TD>Enhanced page navigation for messages and reports. <SPAN class=boldRed> (NEW)</span></td></tr>\ <TR><TD><INPUT id=togWarnZero type=checkbox /></td><TD>Warn if attempting to march to location 0,0. <SPAN class=boldRed> (NEW)</span></td></tr>\ <TR><TD colspan=2><BR><BR><B>KofC Bug Fixes:</b></td></tr>\ <TR><TD><INPUT id=togTowerFix type=checkbox /></td><TD>Fix tower report to show exact target (city, wild or invalid)</td></tr>\ <TR><TD><INPUT id=togMapDistFix type=checkbox /></td><TD>Fix map to show distances from currently selected city, instead of always the first city.</td></tr>\ <TR><TD><INPUT id=togTowerFix2 type=checkbox /></td><TD>Fix false attack alerts created from scouting missions.</td></tr>\ </table><BR><BR><HR>Note that if a checkbox is greyed out there has probably been a change of KofC\'s code, rendering the option inoperable.'; t.cont.innerHTML = m; if (ENABLE_ALERT_TO_CHAT){ document.getElementById('alertEnable').addEventListener ('change', e_alertOptChanged, false); document.getElementById('alertPrefix').addEventListener ('change', e_alertOptChanged, false); document.getElementById('alertScout').addEventListener ('change', e_alertOptChanged, false); document.getElementById('alertWild').addEventListener ('change', e_alertOptChanged, false); document.getElementById('alertTroops').addEventListener ('change', e_alertOptChanged, false); } t.togOpt ('ptEnableFoodWarn', 'enableFoodWarn'); t.togOpt ('ptAllowWinMove', 'ptWinDrag', mainPop.setEnableDrag); t.togOpt ('togAllowAlter', 'allowAlterAR'); t.togOpt ('togTowerFix', 'fixTower', TowerAlerts.enableFixTarget, TowerAlerts.isFixTargetAvailable); t.togOpt ('togTowerFix2', 'fixTower2', TowerAlerts.enableFixFalseReports, TowerAlerts.isFixFalseReportsAvailable); t.togOpt ('togMsgCountFix', 'fixMsgCount', MessageCounts.enable, MessageCounts.isAvailable); t.togOpt ('togMapDistFix', 'fixMapDistance', MapDistanceFix.enable, MapDistanceFix.isAvailable); t.togOpt ('togWarnZero', 'fixWarnZero', WarnZeroAttack.enable, WarnZeroAttack.isAvailable); t.togOpt ('togPageNav', 'fixPageNav', PageNavigator.enable, PageNavigator.isAvailable); document.getElementById('optFoodHours').addEventListener ('change', function () { var x = document.getElementById('optFoodHours').value; if (isNaN(x) || x<0.01 || x>99999){ document.getElementById('optFoodHours').value = Options.foodWarnHours; return; } Options.foodWarnHours = x; saveOptions(); }, false); var checkbox = document.getElementById('togEnhanceMsging'); if (Options.enhanceMsging) checkbox.checked = true; checkbox.addEventListener ('change', function (){messageNav.enable(document.getElementById('togEnhanceMsging').checked)}, false); var checkbox = document.getElementById('togAllRpts'); if (Options.enhanceARpts) checkbox.checked = true; checkbox.addEventListener ('change', function() {Options.enhanceARpts=document.getElementById('togAllRpts').checked; saveOptions(); AllianceReports.enable(Options.enhanceARpts);}, false); } catch (e) { t.cont.innerHTML = '<PRE>'+ e.name +' : '+ e.message +'</pre>'; } function e_alertOptChanged (){ Options.alertConfig.aChat = document.getElementById('alertEnable').checked; Options.alertConfig.aPrefix=document.getElementById('alertPrefix').value; Options.alertConfig.scouting=document.getElementById('alertScout').checked; Options.alertConfig.wilds=document.getElementById('alertWild').checked; var mt = parseInt(document.getElementById('alertTroops').value); if (mt<1 || mt>120000){ document.getElementById('alertTroops').value = Options.alertConfig.minTroops; document.getElementById('alerterr').innerHTML = '<font color=#600000><B>INVALID</b></font>'; setTimeout (function (){document.getElementById('alerterr').innerHTML =''}, 2000); return; } Options.alertConfig.minTroops = mt; saveOptions(); TowerAlerts.setPostToChatOptions (Options.alertConfig); } }, hide : function (){ }, show : function (){ }, togOpt : function (checkboxId, optionName, callEnable, callIsAvailable){ var t = Tabs.Options; var checkbox = document.getElementById(checkboxId); if (callIsAvailable && callIsAvailable()==false){ checkbox.disabled = true; return; } if (Options[optionName]) checkbox.checked = true; checkbox.addEventListener ('change', new eventToggle(checkboxId, optionName, callEnable).handler, false); function eventToggle (checkboxId, optionName, callOnChange){ this.handler = handler; var optName = optionName; var callback = callOnChange; function handler(event){ Options[optionName] = this.checked; saveOptions(); if (callback != null) callback (this.checked); } } }, } /********************************* Search Tab *************************************/ function distance (d, f, c, e) { var a = 750; var g = a / 2; var b = Math.abs(c - d); if (b > g) b = a - b; var h = Math.abs(e - f); if (h > g) h = a - h; return Math.round(100 * Math.sqrt(b * b + h * h)) / 100; }; Tabs.Search = { tabOrder : 10, tabDisabled : !ENABLE_SEARCH_TAB, cont:null, init : function (div){ var t = Tabs.Search; this.cont = div; this.cont.innerHTML = '\ <DIV class=ptentry><TABLE><TR valign=bottom><TD class=xtab width=100 align=right>Search for: </td><TD>\ <SELECT id="srcType">\ <OPTION value=0>Barb Camp</option>\ <OPTION value=1>Wilderness</option>\ </select></td></tr>\ </table>\ <DIV id="srcOpts" style="height:100px"></div></div>\ <DIV id="srcResults" style="height:470px; max-height:470px;"></div>'; var psearch = document.getElementById ("srcType"); m = '<TABLE><TR valign=middle><TD class=xtab width=100 align=right>Center: X: </td><TD class=xtab>\ <INPUT id=srchX type=text\> Y: <INPUT id=srchY type=text\> <SPAN id=spInXY></span>\ </td></tr><TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Max. Distance: </td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=srcDist size=4 value=10 /></td></tr>'; m += '<TR><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=srcStart type=submit value="Start Search"/></td></tr>'; m += '</table>'; document.getElementById ('srcOpts').innerHTML = m; new CdispCityPicker ('srchdcp', document.getElementById ('spInXY'), true).bindToXYboxes(document.getElementById ('srchX'), document.getElementById ('srchY')); document.getElementById ('srcStart').addEventListener ('click', t.clickedSearch, false); }, hide : function (){ }, show : function (cont){ }, opt : {}, searchRunning : false, tilesSearched : 0, tilesFound : 0, curX : 0, curY : 0, lastX : 0, firstX : 0, firstY : 0, lastY : 0, normalizeCoord : function (x){ if ( x >= 750) x -= 750; else if (x < 0) x += 750; return parseInt (x/5) * 5; }, clickedSearch : function (){ var t = Tabs.Search; if (t.searchRunning){ t.stopSearch ('SEARCH CANCELLED!'); return; } t.opt.searchType = document.getElementById ('srcType').value; t.opt.startX = parseInt(document.getElementById ('srchX').value); t.opt.startY = parseInt(document.getElementById ('srchY').value); t.opt.maxDistance = parseInt(document.getElementById ('srcDist').value); errMsg = ''; if (isNaN (t.opt.startX) ||t.opt.startX<0 || t.opt.startX>749) errMsg = "X must be between 0 and 749<BR>"; if (isNaN (t.opt.startY) ||t.opt.startY<0 || t.opt.startY>749) errMsg += "Y must be between 0 and 749<BR>"; if (isNaN (t.opt.maxDistance) ||t.opt.maxDistance<1 || t.opt.maxDistance>75) errMsg += "Max Distance must be between 1 and 75<BR>"; if (errMsg != ''){ document.getElementById('srcResults').innerHTML = '<FONT COLOR=#660000>ERROR:</font><BR><BR>'+ errMsg; return; } t.searchRunning = true; document.getElementById ('srcStart').value = 'Stop Search'; m = '<DIV class=ptstat><TABLE width=100% cellspacing=0><TR><TD class=xtab width=125><DIV id=statSearched></div></td>\ <TD class=xtab align=center><SPAN id=statStatus></span></td>\ <TD class=xtab align=right width=125><DIV id=statFound></div></td></tr></table></div>\ <TABLE width=100%><TR><TD><DIV id=divOutTab style="width:380px; height:470px; max-height:470px; overflow-y:auto;"></div></td>\ <TD width=100% height=100%><DIV id=divOutOpts style="background:#e0e0f0; height:450px; padding:10px"></div></td></table>'; document.getElementById('srcResults').innerHTML = m; if (t.opt.searchType == 0) typeName = 'Barbarians'; else typeName = 'Wildernesses'; m = '<CENTER><B>Search for '+ typeName +'<BR>\ Center: '+ t.opt.startX +','+ t.opt.startY +' Distance: '+ t.opt.maxDistance +'<BR></center>\ <DIV class=ptentry><TABLE cellspacing=0 width=100%><TR align=center><TD class=xtab colspan=10><B>LIST OPTIONS:</b><BR></td></tr>\ <TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Min. level to show:</td><TD class=xtab> <INPUT id=filMinLvl size=2 value='+ Options.srcMinLevel +' /></td></tr>\ <TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Max. level to show:</td><TD class=xtab> <INPUT id=filMaxLvl size=2 value='+ Options.srcMaxLevel +' /></td></tr>'; if (t.opt.searchType == 1){ m += '<TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Wilderness Type:</td><TD class=xtab><SELECT id=filWildType>'; m += htmlOptions ( {1:'Glassland/Lake', 3:'Woodlands', 4:'Hills', 5:'Mountain', 6:'Plain', 0:'ALL'}, Options.wildType ); m += '</select></td></tr><TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Unowned Only:</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=filUnowned type=CHECKBOX '+ (Options.unownedOnly?' CHECKED':'') +'\><td></tr>'; } m+= '<TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Sort By:</td><TD class=xtab><SELECT id=filSortBy>\ <OPTION value="level" '+ (Options.srcSortBy=='level'?'SELECTED':'') +'>Level</option>\ <OPTION value="dist" '+ (Options.srcSortBy=='dist'?'SELECTED':'') +'>Distance</option>\ </select></td></tr>\ <TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Show coordinates only:</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT type=checkbox id=coordsOnly \></td></tr>\ </table></div><BR><SPAN id=srchSizeWarn></span>'; document.getElementById('divOutOpts').innerHTML = m; document.getElementById('filMinLvl').addEventListener ('change', function (){ Options.srcMinLevel = document.getElementById('filMinLvl').value; saveOptions(); t.dispMapTable (); }, false); document.getElementById('filMaxLvl').addEventListener ('change', function (){ Options.srcMaxLevel = document.getElementById('filMaxLvl').value; saveOptions(); t.dispMapTable (); }, false); document.getElementById('filSortBy').addEventListener ('change', function (){ Options.srcSortBy = document.getElementById('filSortBy').value; saveOptions(); t.dispMapTable (); }, false); document.getElementById('coordsOnly').addEventListener ('change', function (){ t.dispMapTable (); }, false); if (t.opt.searchType == 1){ document.getElementById('filWildType').addEventListener ('change', function (){ Options.wildType = document.getElementById('filWildType').value; saveOptions(); t.dispMapTable (); }, false); document.getElementById('filUnowned').addEventListener ('change', function (){ Options.unownedOnly = (document.getElementById('filUnowned').checked); saveOptions(); t.dispMapTable (); }, false); } t.mapDat = []; t.firstX = t.opt.startX - t.opt.maxDistance; t.lastX = t.opt.startX + t.opt.maxDistance; t.firstY = t.opt.startY - t.opt.maxDistance; t.lastY = t.opt.startY + t.opt.maxDistance; t.tilesSearched = 0; t.tilesFound = 0; t.curX = t.firstX; t.curY = t.firstY; var xxx = t.normalizeCoord(t.curX); var yyy = t.normalizeCoord(t.curY); document.getElementById ('statStatus').innerHTML = 'Searching at '+ xxx +','+ yyy; if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 0 clickedSearch()... setTimeout ..:" + xxx +' , '+ yyy +' , '+ t.mapCallback.name); setTimeout (function(){Map.request (xxx, yyy, 15, t.mapCallback)}, MAP_DELAY); }, dispMapTable : function (){ var tileNames = ['Barb Camp', 'Grassland', 'Lake', 'Woodlands', 'Hills', 'Mountain', 'Plain' ]; var t = Tabs.Search; var coordsOnly = document.getElementById('coordsOnly').checked; if (DEBUG_TRACE) DebugTimer.start(); function mySort(a, b){ if (Options.srcSortBy == 'level'){ if ((x = a[4] - b[4]) != 0) return x; } return a[2] - b[2]; } dat = []; for (i=0; i<t.mapDat.length; i++){ lvl = parseInt (t.mapDat[i][4]); type = t.mapDat[i][3]; if (lvl>=Options.srcMinLevel && lvl<=Options.srcMaxLevel){ if (t.opt.searchType==0 || Options.wildType==0 || (Options.wildType==1 && (type==1 || type==2)) || (Options.wildType == type)){ if (!Options.unownedOnly || t.mapDat[i][5]===false) dat.push (t.mapDat[i]); } } } if (DEBUG_TRACE) DebugTimer.display('SEACHdraw: FILTER'); document.getElementById('statFound').innerHTML = 'Found: '+ dat.length; if (dat.length == 0){ m = '<BR><CENTER>None found</center>'; } else { dat.sort(mySort); if (DEBUG_TRACE) DebugTimer.display('SEACHdraw: SORT'); if (coordsOnly) m = '<TABLE align=center id=srcOutTab cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR style="font-weight: bold"><TD>Location</td></tr>'; else m = '<TABLE id=srcOutTab cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR style="font-weight: bold"><TD>Location</td><TD style="padding-left: 10px">Distance</td><TD style="padding-left: 10px;">Lvl</td><TD width=80%> Type</td><TD style="padding-left: 10px;"></td></tr>'; var numRows = dat.length; if (numRows > 500 && t.searchRunning){ numRows = 500; document.getElementById('srchSizeWarn').innerHTML = '<FONT COLOR=#600000>NOTE: Table only shows 500 of '+ dat.length +' results until search is complete.</font>'; } for (i=0; i<numRows; i++){ m += '<TR><TD><DIV onclick="ptGotoMap('+ dat[i][0] +','+ dat[i][1] +')"><A>'+ dat[i][0] +','+ dat[i][1] +'</a></div></td>'; if (coordsOnly) m += '</tr>'; else m += '<TD align=right>'+ dat[i][2].toFixed(2) +' </td><TD align=right>'+ dat[i][4] +'</td><TD> '+ tileNames[dat[i][3]] +'</td><TD>'+ (dat[i][5]?' OWNED':'') +'</td></tr>'; } m += '</table>'; } document.getElementById('divOutTab').innerHTML = m; dat = null; if (DEBUG_TRACE) DebugTimer.display('SEACHdraw: DRAW'); }, mapDat : [], stopSearch : function (msg){ var t = Tabs.Search; document.getElementById ('statStatus').innerHTML = '<FONT color=#ffaaaa>'+ msg +'</font>'; document.getElementById ('srcStart').value = 'Start Search'; document.getElementById('srchSizeWarn').innerHTML = ''; t.searchRunning = false; }, /** mapdata.userInfo: (object) u4127810 = [object Object] (string) n = George2gh02 (name) (string) t = 1 (title code) (string) m = 55 (might) (string) s = M (sex) (string) w = 2 (mode: 1=normal, 2=begprotect, 3=truce, 4=vacation ) (string) a = 0 (alliance) (string) i = 1 (avatar code) *****/ mapCallback : function (left, top, width, rslt){ function insertRow (x, y, msg){ row = document.getElementById('srcOutTab').insertRow(-1); row.insertCell(0).innerHTML = x +','+ y; row.insertCell(1).innerHTML = distance (t.opt.startX, t.opt.startY, x, y); row.insertCell(2).innerHTML = msg; } if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 3 mapCallback()"); var t = Tabs.Search; if (!t.searchRunning) return; if (!rslt.ok){ t.stopSearch ('ERROR: '+ rslt.errorMsg); return; } map = rslt.data; for (k in map){ if (t.opt.searchType==0 && map[k].tileType==51 && !map[k].tileCityId ) { // if barb type = 0; } else if (t.opt.searchType==1 && map[k].tileType>=10 && map[k].tileType<=50) { if (map[k].tileType == 10) type = 1; else if (map[k].tileType == 11) type = 2; else type = (map[k].tileType/10) + 1; } else continue; dist = distance (t.opt.startX, t.opt.startY, map[k].xCoord, map[k].yCoord); if (dist <= t.opt.maxDistance){ isOwned = map[k].tileUserId>0 || map[k].misted; t.mapDat.push ([map[k].xCoord, map[k].yCoord, dist, type, map[k].tileLevel, isOwned]); ++t.tilesFound; } } t.tilesSearched += (15*15); document.getElementById('statSearched').innerHTML = 'Searched: '+ t.tilesSearched; t.dispMapTable(); t.curX += 15; if (t.curX > t.lastX){ t.curX = t.firstX; t.curY += 15; if (t.curY > t.lastY){ t.stopSearch ('Done!'); return; } } var x = t.normalizeCoord(t.curX); var y = t.normalizeCoord(t.curY); document.getElementById ('statStatus').innerHTML = 'Searching at '+ x +','+ y; if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 0 mapCallback()... setTimeout ..:" + x +' , '+ y +' , '+ t.mapCallback.toString().substr (0,50)); setTimeout (function(){Map.request (x, y, 15, t.mapCallback)}, MAP_DELAY); }, }; /******************* KOC Map interface ****************/ Map = { /*** 0: bog 10: grassland 11: lake 20: woods 30: hills 40: mountain 50: plain 51: city / barb 53: misted city ***/ generateBlockList : function(left, top, width) { var width5 = parseInt(width / 5); var bl = []; for (x=0; x<width5; x++){ xx = left + (x*5); if (xx > 745) xx -= 750; for (y=0; y<width5; y++){ yy = top + (y*5); if (yy > 745) yy -= 750; bl.push ('bl_'+ xx +'_bt_'+ yy); } } return bl.join(","); }, callback : null, request : function (left, top, width, cb) { if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 1 Map.request(): "+ left +' , '+ top +' , '+ width); left = parseInt(left / 5) * 5; top = parseInt(top / 5) * 5; width = parseInt((width+4) / 5) * 5; var blockString = this.generateBlockList(left, top, width); Map.callback = cb; if (unsafeWindow.SANDBOX) return RequestMAPTEST(left, top, width, callback); var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.blocks = blockString; new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/fetchMapTiles.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 2 Map.request Map = "+ inspect (Map, 2, 1, 2)); Map.callback(left, top, width, rslt); }, onFailure: function (rslt) { Map.callback(left, top, width, rslt); } }); }, }; /*************************************** Train Tab ***********************************************/ Tabs.Train = { tabOrder : 15, cont : null, timer : null, stats : {}, selectedCity : {}, init : function (div){ var t = Tabs.Train; t.cont = div; s = "<DIV id=trainTopSelect>\ <DIV class=ptstat>Train troops and build wall/field defenses</div><DIV style='height:10px'></div><DIV class=ptentry>\ <DIV style='text-align:center; margin-bottom:10px;'>Select City: <span id=ptspeedcity></span></div>\ <TABLE class=ptTab width=100%><TR valign=top><TD width=50%>\ <TABLE align=center><TR><TD align=right>Troop Type: </td><TD colspan=2>\ <SELECT id=ptttType>\ <option value='1'>Supply Troop</option>\ <option value='2'>Militiaman</option>\ <option value='3'>Scout</option>\ <option value='4'>Pikeman</option>\ <option value='5'>Swordsman</option>\ <option value='6'>Archer</option>\ <option value='7'>Cavalry</option>\ <option value='8'>Heavy Cavalry</option>\ <option value='9'>Supply Wagon</option>\ <option value='10'>Ballista</option>\ <option value='11'>Battering Ram</option>\ <option value='12'>Catapult</option>\ </select> (max <span id=ptttSpMax></span>)</td></tr>\ <TR><TD align=right># per slot: </td><TD><INPUT id='ptttInpPS' size=5 type='text' value='0'\></td>\ <TD><INPUT id='ptttButMaxPS' type=submit value='max'\> (max <span id=ptttSpMaxPS>0</span>)</td></tr>\ <TR><TD align=right># of slots: </td><TD><INPUT id='ptttInpSlots' size=2 type='text' value='1'\></td>\ <TD width=75%><INPUT id='ptttButMaxSlots' type=submit value='max'\> (max <span id=ptttSpMaxSlots>1</span>)</td></tr>\ <TR><TD align=right valign=top>Set Workers idle: </td><TD colspan=2><INPUT type=CHECKBOX id=chkPop"+ (Options.maxIdlePop?' CHECKED ':'') +"> \ <SPAN style='white-space:normal;'>Allows you to train more troops. May temporarily set idle population negative.</span></td></tr>\ <TR><TD colspan=3 align=center><DIV style='height:10px'></div><INPUT id='ptttButDo' type=submit value='Train Troops'\></td></tr>\ </table></td><TD width=20></td><TD style='border-left:solid 2px;' width=50% align=center>\ <TABLE align=center><TR><TD align=right>Defense Type: </td><TD colspan=2>\ <SELECT id=pttdType>\ <option value='53'>Crossbow</option>\ <option value='55'>Trebuchet</option>\ <option value='60'>Trap</option>\ <option value='61'>Caltrop</option>\ <option value='62'>Spiked Barrier</option>\ </select> (<span id=pttdSpMax></span>)</td></tr>\ <TR><TD align=right># per slot: </td><TD><INPUT id='pttdInpPS' size=5 type='text' value='0'\></td>\ <TD><INPUT id='pttdButMaxPS' type=submit value='max'\> (max <span id=pttdSpMaxPS>0</span>)</td></tr>\ <TR><TD align=right># of slots: </td><TD><INPUT id='pttdInpSlots' size=2 type='text' value='1'\></td>\ <TD width=75%><INPUT id='pttdButMaxSlots' type=submit value='max'\> (max <span id=pttdSpMaxSlots>1</span>)</td></tr>\ <TR align=center><TD colspan=3><SPAN id=pttdSpace></span></td></tr>\ <TR><TD colspan=3 align=center><DIV style='height:10px'></div><INPUT id='pttdButDo' type=submit value='Build Defenses'\></td></tr></table>\ </td></tr></table></div></div>\ <TABLE align=center width=425 class=ptTab><TR><TD><div id=ptTrainStatus style='overflow-y:auto; max-height:78px; height: 78px;'></div></td></tr></table>\ <div style='height: 325px; background: #e8ffe8'>\ <TABLE width=100% class=ptTab><TR><TD colspan=3><DIV id=divSTtop></div></td></tr>\ <TR><TD width=50% style='padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px'><DIV style='text-align:center'><B>Troop Queue (<SPAN id=statTTtot></span>)</b><BR><HR></div><DIV id=divSTleft style='overflow-y: auto; height:210px; max-height:210px'></div></td>\ <TD width=50% style='padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px'><DIV style='text-align:center'><B>Defense Queue (<SPAN id=statDTtot></span>)</b><BR><HR></div><DIV id=divSTright style='overflow-y: auto; height:210px; max-height:210px'></div></td></tr>\ </div>"; t.cont.innerHTML = s; var dcp = new CdispCityPicker ('ptspeed', document.getElementById('ptspeedcity'), true, t.clickCitySelect, 0); t.TTspMax = document.getElementById ('ptttSpMax'); t.TTspMaxPS = document.getElementById ('ptttSpMaxPS'); t.TTspMaxSlots = document.getElementById ('ptttSpMaxSlots'); t.TTbutMaxSlots = document.getElementById ('ptttButMaxSlots'); t.TTbutMaxPerSlot = document.getElementById ('ptttButMaxPS'); t.TTinpPerSlot = document.getElementById ('ptttInpPS'); t.TTinpSlots = document.getElementById ('ptttInpSlots'); t.TTselType = document.getElementById ('ptttType'); t.TTbutDo = document.getElementById ('ptttButDo'); t.TDspMax = document.getElementById ('pttdSpMax'); t.TDspMaxPS = document.getElementById ('pttdSpMaxPS'); t.TDspMaxSlots = document.getElementById ('pttdSpMaxSlots'); t.TDbutMaxSlots = document.getElementById ('pttdButMaxSlots'); t.TDbutMaxPerSlot = document.getElementById ('pttdButMaxPS'); t.TDinpPerSlot = document.getElementById ('pttdInpPS'); t.TDinpSlots = document.getElementById ('pttdInpSlots'); t.TDselType = document.getElementById ('pttdType'); t.TDbutDo = document.getElementById ('pttdButDo'); t.TDspSpace = document.getElementById ('pttdSpace'); t.divTrainStatus = document.getElementById ('ptTrainStatus'); t.TTinpSlots.addEventListener ('change', t.updateTopTroops, false); t.TTbutMaxPerSlot.addEventListener ('click', t.clickTroopMaxPS, false); t.TTbutMaxSlots.addEventListener ('click', t.clickTroopMaxSlots, false); t.TTselType.addEventListener ('change', t.changeTroopSelect, false); t.TTbutDo.addEventListener ('click', t.clickTroopDo, false); t.TDinpSlots.addEventListener ('change', t.updateTopDef, false); t.TDselType.addEventListener ('change', t.changeDefSelect, false); t.TDbutMaxPerSlot.addEventListener ('click', t.clickDefMaxPS, false); t.TDbutMaxSlots.addEventListener ('click', t.clickDefMaxSlots, false); t.TDbutDo.addEventListener ('click', t.clickDefDo, false); document.getElementById ('chkPop').addEventListener ('change', t.clickCheckIdlePop, false); t.changeTroopSelect(); t.changeDefSelect(); }, hide : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; clearTimeout (t.timer); }, show : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; clearTimeout (t.timer); t.displayCityStats(); t.changeTroopSelect(); t.changeDefSelect(); t.timer = setTimeout (t.show, 1000); }, /******* TROOPS ******/ updateTopTroops : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; var slots = parseInt(t.TTinpSlots.value, 10); if (isNaN(slots) || slots<0) slots = 0; t.TTspMax.innerHTML = t.stats.MaxTrain; t.TTspMaxSlots.innerHTML = t.stats.barracks - t.stats.queued; if (slots<1 || (t.stats.barracks-t.stats.queued < 1)) t.TTspMaxPS.innerHTML = 0; else t.TTspMaxPS.innerHTML = parseInt(t.stats.MaxTrain / slots); }, clickTroopMaxPS : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; var slots = parseInt(t.TTinpSlots.value, 10); if (slots<1 || (t.stats.barracks-t.stats.queued < 1)) t.TTinpPerSlot.value = 0; else t.TTinpPerSlot.value = parseInt(t.stats.MaxTrain / slots); }, clickTroopMaxSlots : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; t.TTinpSlots.value = t.stats.barracks - t.stats.queued; }, clickCitySelect : function (city){ var t = Tabs.Train; t.selectedCity = city; t.lastQueString = null; t.lastDQueString = null; t.displayCityStats (); t.changeTroopSelect(); t.changeDefSelect(); }, clickCheckIdlePop : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; if (document.getElementById ('chkPop').checked) Options.maxIdlePop = true; else Options.maxIdlePop = false; saveOptions (); t.displayCityStats (); t.changeTroopSelect (); }, changeTroopSelect : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; var cityId = t.selectedCity.id; // unitcost: NAME, Food, Wood, Stone, Ore, Gold, Pop, ? var id = t.TTselType.value; t.lastTroopSelect = id; var uc = unsafeWindow.unitcost['unt'+id]; var max = 9999999999; if ( (t.stats.food / uc[1]) < max) max = t.stats.food / uc[1]; if ( (t.stats.wood / uc[2]) < max) max = t.stats.wood / uc[2]; if ( (t.stats.stone / uc[3]) < max) max = t.stats.stone / uc[3]; if ( (t.stats.ore / uc[4]) < max) max = t.stats.ore / uc[4]; if ( (t.stats.idlePop / uc[6]) < max) max = t.stats.idlePop / uc[6]; t.stats.MaxTrain = parseInt (max); if (t.stats.MaxTrain < 0) t.stats.MaxTrain = 0; if (matTypeof(uc[8]) == 'object'){ for (k in uc[8]){ // check building requirement var b = getCityBuilding (cityId, k.substr(1)); if (b.maxLevel < uc[8][k][1]){ t.stats.MaxTrain = 0; break; } } } if (matTypeof(uc[9]) == 'object'){ for (k in uc[9]){ // check tech requirement if (parseInt(Seed.tech['tch'+k.substr(1)]) < uc[9][k][1]){ t.stats.MaxTrain = 0; break; } } } t.updateTopTroops(); }, clickTroopDo : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; var cityId = t.selectedCity.id; var unitId = t.TTselType.value; var perSlot = parseInt(t.TTinpPerSlot.value, 10); var numSlots = parseInt(t.TTinpSlots.value, 10); t.displayCityStats (); if (perSlot<1){ t.divTrainStatus.innerHTML = '<FONT COLOR=#550000>Number of troops per slot must be greater than 0.</font>'; return; } if (perSlot*numSlots > t.stats.MaxTrain){ t.divTrainStatus.innerHTML = '<FONT COLOR=#550000>Can\'t train that many troops (max is '+ t.stats.MaxTrain +' total)</font>'; return; } if (numSlots<1 || numSlots>t.stats.barracks - t.stats.queued){ t.divTrainStatus.innerHTML = '<FONT COLOR=#550000>Invalid number of slots.</font>'; return; } t.setBusy(true); var que = []; for (var i=0; i<numSlots; i++) que.push (['T', unitId, parseInt (perSlot)]); t.divTrainStatus.innerHTML = ''; t.doQueue (cityId, que); }, /******* DEF ******/ updateTopDef : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; var slots = parseInt(t.TDinpSlots.value, 10); if (isNaN(slots) || slots<0) slots = 0; t.TDspMax.innerHTML = 'max:'+ t.stats.MaxDefTrain +' owned:'+ t.stats.defOwned; t.TDspMaxSlots.innerHTML = t.stats.wallLevel-t.stats.Dqueued; if (slots<1) t.TDspMaxPS.innerHTML = 0; else t.TDspMaxPS.innerHTML = parseInt(t.stats.MaxDefTrain / slots); t.TDspSpace.innerHTML = 'Wall level: <B>'+ t.stats.wallLevel +'</b><BR>Wall space: '+ (t.stats.wallSpaceUsed+t.stats.wallSpaceQueued) +'/<B>'+ t.stats.wallSpace +'</b><BR>\ Field space: '+ (t.stats.fieldSpaceUsed+t.stats.fieldSpaceQueued) +'/<B>'+ t.stats.fieldSpace +'</b>'; }, changeDefSelect : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; var cityId = t.selectedCity.id; // unitcost: NAME, Food, Wood, Stone, Ore, Gold, Pop, ? var id = t.TDselType.value; t.lastDefSelect = id; t.stats.defOwned = parseInt(Seed.fortifications['city' + cityId]['fort'+id]); var uc = unsafeWindow.fortcost['frt'+id]; var max = 9999999999; if ( (t.stats.food / uc[1]) < max) max = t.stats.food / uc[1]; if ( (t.stats.wood / uc[2]) < max) max = t.stats.wood / uc[2]; if ( (t.stats.stone / uc[3]) < max) max = t.stats.stone / uc[3]; if ( (t.stats.ore / uc[4]) < max) max = t.stats.ore / uc[4]; if ( (t.stats.idlePop / uc[6]) < max) max = t.stats.idlePop / uc[6]; t.stats.MaxDefTrain = parseInt (max); if (t.stats.MaxDefTrain < 0) t.stats.MaxDefTrain = 0; if (matTypeof(uc[8]) == 'object'){ for (k in uc[8]){ // check building requirement var b = getCityBuilding (cityId, k.substr(1)); if (b.maxLevel < uc[8][k][1]){ t.stats.MaxDefTrain = 0; break; } } } if (matTypeof(uc[9]) == 'object'){ for (k in uc[9]){ // check tech requirement if (parseInt(Seed.tech['tch'+k.substr(1)]) < uc[9][k][1]){ t.stats.MaxDefTrain = 0; break; } } } var spaceEach = parseInt(unsafeWindow.fortstats["unt"+ id][5]); if (id<60) var spaceAvail = t.stats.wallSpace - t.stats.wallSpaceUsed - t.stats.wallSpaceQueued; else var spaceAvail = t.stats.fieldSpace - t.stats.fieldSpaceUsed - t.stats.fieldSpaceQueued; if ( t.stats.MaxDefTrain * spaceEach > spaceAvail) t.stats.MaxDefTrain = parseInt(spaceAvail / spaceEach); t.updateTopDef(); }, clickDefMaxPS : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; var slots = parseInt(t.TDinpSlots.value, 10); if (slots<1) t.TDinpPerSlot.value = 0; else t.TDinpPerSlot.value = parseInt(t.stats.MaxDefTrain / slots); }, clickDefMaxSlots : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; t.TDinpSlots.value = t.stats.wallLevel-t.stats.Dqueued; }, clickDefDo : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; var cityId = t.selectedCity.id; var unitId = t.TDselType.value; var perSlot = parseInt(t.TDinpPerSlot.value, 10); var numSlots = parseInt(t.TDinpSlots.value, 10); t.displayCityStats (); if (perSlot<1){ t.divTrainStatus.innerHTML = '<FONT COLOR=#550000>Number of units per slot must be greater than 0.</font>'; return; } if (perSlot*numSlots > t.stats.MaxDefTrain){ t.divTrainStatus.innerHTML = '<FONT COLOR=#550000>Can\'t train that many unit (max is '+ t.stats.MaxDefTrain +' total)</font>'; return; } if (numSlots<1 || numSlots > t.stats.wallLevel-t.stats.Dqueued){ t.divTrainStatus.innerHTML = '<FONT COLOR=#550000>Invalid number of slots.</font>'; return; } t.setBusy(true); var que = []; for (var i=0; i<numSlots; i++) que.push (['T', unitId, parseInt (perSlot)]); t.divTrainStatus.innerHTML = ''; t.doDefQueue (cityId, que); }, doDefQueue : function (cityId, que, errMsg){ var t = Tabs.Train; try { t.displayCityStats(); if (errMsg){ t.dispTrainStatus ('<font color=#550000><B>ERROR: '+ errMsg +'</b></font><BR>'); t.setBusy(false); return; } var cmd = que.shift(); if (!cmd){ t.dispTrainStatus ('<B>Done queueing defenses.</b><BR>'); t.setBusy(false); return; } if (cmd[0] == 'T'){ t.dispTrainStatus ('Training '+ cmd[2] +' '+ fortNamesShort[cmd[1]] +'<BR>'); doDefTrain (cityId, cmd[1], cmd[2], function(errMsg){Tabs.Train.doDefQueue(cityId, que, errMsg);} ); } } catch (err) { logit (inspect (err, 8, 1)); t.dispTrainStatus ('<font color=#550000>PROGRAM ERROR: '+ err.message +'</font><BR>'); t.setBusy(false); } }, setBusy : function (tf){ var t = Tabs.Train; t.TDbutDo.disabled = tf; t.TTbutDo.disabled = tf; }, // fix KofC bugs .... // if first start time > now, make it now // if any end time != next start time, fix it fixQueTimes : function (q){ var now = unixTime(); if (q[0][2] > now) q[0][2] = now; for (var i=0; i<q.length; i++){ if (q[i+1]!=null && q[i+1][2]!=q[i][3]) q[i][3] = q[i+1][2]; } }, displayCityStats : function (){ var t = Tabs.Train; var cityId = t.selectedCity.id; t.stats.food = parseInt (Seed.resources['city'+cityId].rec1[0]/3600); t.stats.wood = parseInt (Seed.resources['city'+cityId].rec2[0]/3600); t.stats.stone = parseInt (Seed.resources['city'+cityId].rec3[0]/3600); t.stats.ore = parseInt (Seed.resources['city'+cityId].rec4[0]/3600); t.stats.gold = Seed.citystats['city'+cityId].gold[0]; if (Options.maxIdlePop) t.stats.idlePop = parseInt(Seed.citystats['city'+cityId].pop[0]); else t.stats.idlePop = parseInt(Seed.citystats['city'+cityId].pop[0]) - parseInt(Seed.citystats['city'+cityId].pop[3]); t.stats.barracks = getCityBuilding (cityId, 13).count; var m = '<CENTER><B>'+ Cities.byID[cityId].name +' ('+ Cities.byID[cityId].x +','+ Cities.byID[cityId].y +')</b></center><HR>'; m += '<TABLE class=ptTab width=100%><TR align=center>\ <TD width=18%><B>Food:</b></td><TD width=16%><B>Wood:</b></td><TD width=16%><B>Stone:</b></td>\ <TD width=16%><B>Ore:</b></td><TD width=16%><B>Gold:</b></td><TD width=16%><B>Idle Pop:</b></td></tr>\ <TR align=center><TD>'+ addCommasInt(t.stats.food) +'</td><TD>'+ addCommasInt(t.stats.wood) +'</td><TD>'+ addCommasInt(t.stats.stone) +'</td>\ <TD>'+ addCommasInt(t.stats.ore) +'</td><TD>'+ addCommasInt(t.stats.gold) +'</td>\ <TD>'+ addCommasInt(t.stats.idlePop) +'</td></tr></table><BR>'; document.getElementById ('divSTtop').innerHTML = m; // troop queue .... var totTime = 0; var q = Seed.queue_unt['city'+cityId]; var qs = q.toString(); var now = unixTime(); if (q!=null && q.length>0) totTime = q[q.length-1][3] - now; if ( qs == t.lastQueString){ if (q!=null && q.length>0){ var cur = q[0][3] - now; if (cur < 1) q.shift(); document.getElementById ('ptttfq').innerHTML = timestr(cur, true); } } else { t.lastQueString = qs; t.stats.queued = 0; m = '<TABLE align=center class=ptTab>'; if (q!=null && q.length>0 ){ t.fixQueTimes (q); t.stats.queued = q.length; first = true; for (var i=0; i<q.length; i++){ start = q[i][2]; end = q[i][3]; if (first) actual = end - now; else actual = end - lastEnd; if (actual < 0) actual = 0; m += '<TR align=right><TD>'+ q[i][1] +' </td><TD align=left> '+ unsafeWindow.unitcost['unt'+q[i][0]][0]; if (first) m += '</td><TD> '+ timestr(end-start, true) +'</td><TD> (<SPAN id=ptttfq>'+ timestr(actual, true) +'</span>)'; else m += '</td><TD> '+ timestr(actual, true) +'</td></tr>'; lastEnd = end; first = false; } } m += '</table>'; document.getElementById ('divSTleft').innerHTML = m; } m = t.stats.barracks +' barracks'; if (t.stats.queued > 0) m += ', '+ t.stats.queued +' slots'; if (totTime > 0) m += ', '+ unsafeWindow.timestr(totTime); document.getElementById ('statTTtot').innerHTML = m; // defense queue .... getWallInfo (cityId, t.stats); var totTime = 0; var q = Seed.queue_fort['city'+cityId]; var qs = q.toString(); if (q!=null && q.length>0) totTime = q[q.length-1][3] - now; if ( qs == t.lastDQueString){ if (q!=null && q.length>0){ var cur = q[0][3] - now; if (cur < 1) q.shift(); document.getElementById ('pttdfq').innerHTML = timestr(cur, true); } } else { t.lastDQueString = qs; t.stats.Dqueued = 0; t.stats.wallSpaceQueued = 0; t.stats.fieldSpaceQueued = 0; m = '<TABLE align=center class=ptTab>'; if (q!=null && q.length > 0 ){ t.fixQueTimes (q); t.stats.Dqueued = q.length; first = true; for (i=0; i<q.length; i++){ if (q[i][0] < 60) t.stats.wallSpaceQueued += parseInt(unsafeWindow.fortstats["unt"+ q[i][0]][5]) * parseInt(q[i][1]); else t.stats.fieldSpaceQueued += parseInt(unsafeWindow.fortstats["unt"+ q[i][0]][5]) * parseInt(q[i][1]); start = q[i][2]; end = q[i][3]; if (first) actual = end - now; else actual = end - lastEnd; if (actual < 0) actual = 0; m += '<TR align=right><TD>'+ q[i][1] +' </td><TD align=left> '+ fortNamesShort[q[i][0]]; if (first) m += '</td><TD> '+ timestr(end-start, true) +'</td><TD> (<SPAN id=pttdfq>'+ timestr(actual, true) +'</span>)'; else m += '</td><TD> '+ timestr(actual, true) +'</td></tr>'; lastEnd = end; first = false; } } m += '</table>'; document.getElementById ('divSTright').innerHTML = m; } m = t.stats.Dqueued +' slots'; if (totTime > 0) m += ', '+ unsafeWindow.timestr(totTime); document.getElementById ('statDTtot').innerHTML = m; }, dispTrainStatus : function (msg){ var t = Tabs.Train; t.divTrainStatus.innerHTML = msg + t.divTrainStatus.innerHTML; }, doQueue : function (cityId, que, errMsg){ var t = Tabs.Train; try { t.displayCityStats(); if (errMsg){ t.dispTrainStatus ('<font color=#550000><B>ERROR: '+ errMsg +'</b></font><BR>'); t.setBusy(false); return; } var cmd = que.shift(); if (!cmd){ t.dispTrainStatus ('<B>Done queueing troops.</b><BR>'); t.setBusy(false); return; } if (cmd[0] == 'T'){ t.dispTrainStatus ('Training '+ cmd[2] +' '+ unsafeWindow.unitcost['unt'+cmd[1]][0] +'<BR>'); doTrain (cityId, cmd[1], cmd[2], function(errMsg){Tabs.Train.doQueue(cityId, que, errMsg);} ); } } catch (err) { logit (inspect (err, 8, 1)); t.dispTrainStatus ('<font color=#550000>PROGRAM ERROR: '+ err.message +'</font><BR>'); t.setBusy(false); } }, } /*************************************** OVERVIEW TAB ************************************************/ function getResourceProduction (cityId){ var ret = [0,0,0,0,0]; var now = unixTime (); var wilds = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var w = Seed.wilderness["city" + cityId]; for (var k in w){ var type = parseInt(w[k].tileType); if (type==10 || type==11) wilds[1] += parseInt(w[k].tileLevel); else wilds[type/10] += parseInt(w[k].tileLevel); } knight = 0; var s = Seed.knights["city" + cityId]; if (s) { s = s["knt" + Seed.leaders["city" + cityId].resourcefulnessKnightId]; if (s){ var knight = parseInt(s.resourcefulness); if (s.resourcefulnessBoostExpireUnixtime > now) knight *= 1.25; } } var workerFactor = 1; var c = parseInt(Seed.citystats["city" + cityId]["pop"][0]); // Current population var w = parseInt(Seed.citystats["city" + cityId]["pop"][3]); // Labor force if (w > c) workerFactor = c / w; for (var i=1; i<5; i++){ var usage = Seed.resources["city" + cityId]["rec" + i]; var items = 0; if (parseInt(Seed.playerEffects["r" + i + "BstExp"]) > now) { items = 0.25; } var tech = Seed.tech["tch" + i]; ret[i] = parseInt((usage[2] * (1 + tech/10 + knight/100 + items + 0.05 * wilds[i]) * workerFactor + 100)); } return ret; } Tabs.Overview = { tabOrder : 1, cont : null, displayTimer : null, checkBox:null, Overview : function (){ }, init : function (div){ this.cont = div; }, hide : function (){ clearTimeout (Tabs.Overview.displayTimer); }, show : function (){ var rownum = 0; var t = Tabs.Overview; clearTimeout (t.displayTimer); function clickEnableMarch (){ var t = Tabs.Overview; if (checkBox.checked) Options.includeMarching = true; else Options.includeMarching = false; t.show (); } function _row (name, row, noTotal){ if (rownum++ % 2) style = ''; else style = ' style = "background: #e8e8e8"'; var tot = 0; var m = []; m.push ('<TR style="background: #fff" align=right'); m.push (style); m.push ('><TD'); m.push (style); m.push ('><B>'); m.push (name); m.push (' </td>'); if (noTotal){ m.push ('<TD'); m.push (style); m.push ('> </td>'); } else { for (i=0; i<row.length; i++) tot += row[i]; m.push ('<TD style="background: #ffc">'); m.push (addCommas(tot)); m.push ('</td>'); } for (i=0; i<row.length; i++){ m.push ('<TD'); m.push (style); m.push ('>'); m.push (addCommas(row[i])); m.push ('</td>'); } m.push ('</tr>'); return m.join(''); } //DebugTimer.start(); try { if (Options.includeMarching) march = getMarchInfo (); dt = new Date (); dt.setTime (Seed.player.datejoinUnixTime * 1000); str = '<DIV class=ptstat style="margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px;"><TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=ptTab width=97% align=center>\ <TR align=left><TD><SPAN class=ptStatLight>Joined on:</span> '+ dt.toLocaleDateString() +'</td>\ <TD><SPAN class=ptStatLight>Might:</span> ' + addCommas(Seed.player.might) +'</td>\ <TD><SPAN class=ptStatLight>Alliance:</span> ' + getMyAlliance()[1] +'</td>\ <TD align=right><SPAN class=ptStatLight>Domain:</span> ' + unsafeWindow.domainName +'</td></tr></table></div>'; str += "<TABLE class=ptTabLined cellspacing=0><TR valign=top align=right><TD width=65></td><TD width=88 style='background: #ffc'><B>TOTAL</b></td>"; for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) { str += "<TD width=81><B>"+ Cities.cities[i].name.substring(0,10) +'</b><BR>('+ Cities.cities[i].x +','+ Cities.cities[i].y +")</td>"; } if (Options.includeMarching) str += '<TD width=81><B>Marching</b></td>'; str += "</tr>"; rows = []; rows[0] = []; for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) { cityID = 'city'+ Cities.cities[i].id; rows[0][i] = parseInt(Seed.citystats[cityID].gold[0]); } for (r=1; r<5; r++){ rows[r] = []; for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) { cityID = 'city'+ Cities.cities[i].id; rows[r][i] = parseInt(Seed.resources[cityID]['rec'+r][0] / 3600); } } if (Options.includeMarching){ for (var i=0; i<5; i++) rows[i][Cities.numCities] = march.resources[i]; } str += _row ('Gold', rows[0]); str += _row ('Food', rows[1]); str += _row ('Wood', rows[2]); str += _row ('Stone', rows[3]); str += _row ('Ore', rows[4]); str += '<TR><TD><BR></td></tr>'; for (r=1; r<13; r++){ rows[r] = []; for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) { cityID = 'city'+ Cities.cities[i].id; rows[r][i] = parseInt(Seed.units[cityID]['unt'+r]); } } if (Options.includeMarching){ for (var i=0; i<13; i++) rows[i][Cities.numCities] = march.marchUnits[i]; } rownum = 0; str += _row ('SupTrp', rows[1]); str += _row ('Militia', rows[2]); str += _row ('Scout', rows[3]); str += _row ('Pike', rows[4]); str += _row ('Sword', rows[5]); str += _row ('Archer', rows[6]); str += _row ('Cavalry', rows[7]); str += _row ('Heavy', rows[8]); str += _row ('Wagon', rows[9]); str += _row ('Ballista', rows[10]); str += _row ('Ram', rows[11]); str += _row ('Catapult', rows[12]); str += '<TR><TD><BR></td></tr>'; row = []; for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) { var rp = getResourceProduction (Cities.cities[i].id); var usage = parseInt(Seed.resources["city" + Cities.cities[i].id]['rec1'][3]); row[i] = rp[1] - usage; } str += _row ('Food +/-', row, true); for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) { if (row[i] >= 0) row[i] = '----'; else { var timeLeft = parseInt(Seed.resources["city" + Cities.cities[i].id]['rec1'][0]) / 3600 / (0-row[i]) * 3600; if (timeLeft > 86313600) row[i] = '----'; else { if (Options.enableFoodWarn && timeLeft<(Options.foodWarnHours*3600)) row[i] = '<SPAN class=whiteOnRed>'+ timestrShort(timeLeft) +'</span>'; else row[i] = timestrShort(timeLeft); } } } str += _row ('Food left', row, true); str += '<TR><TD><BR></td></tr>'; row = []; for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) { var totWilds = 0; dat = Seed.wilderness['city'+ Cities.cities[i].id]; if (dat!=null && matTypeof(dat)=='object') for (k in dat) ++totWilds; var castle = parseInt(Seed.buildings['city'+ Cities.cities[i].id].pos0[1]); if (totWilds < castle) row[i] = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>'+ totWilds +'/'+ castle +'</b></span>'; else row[i] = totWilds +'/'+ castle; } str += _row ('# Wilds', row, true); row = []; for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) { totKnights = 0; dat = Seed.knights['city'+ Cities.cities[i].id]; for (k in dat) ++totKnights; row[i] = totKnights; } str += _row ('# Knights', row, true); var now = unixTime(); var row = []; for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) { var totTime = 0; var q = Seed.queue_unt['city'+Cities.cities[i].id]; if (q!=null && q.length>0) totTime = q[q.length-1][3] - now; if (totTime < 0) totTime = 0; if (totTime < 3600) row[i] = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>'+ timestr(totTime) +'</b></span>'; else row[i] = timestr(totTime); } str += _row ('Troop Que', row, true); var row = []; for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) { var wall = {}; getWallInfo (Cities.cities[i].id, wall); var totTime = 0; var q = Seed.queue_fort['city'+Cities.cities[i].id]; if (q!=null && q.length>0) totTime = q[q.length-1][3] - now; if (totTime < 0) totTime = 0; if (totTime<1 && (wall.wallSpaceUsed < wall.wallSpace-4 || wall.fieldSpaceUsed < wall.fieldSpace-4)) row[i] = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>'+ timestr(totTime) +'</b></span>'; else row[i] = timestr(totTime); } str += _row ('Wall Que', row, true); str += '<TR><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtab colspan=4><BR><INPUT type=CHECKBOX id=idCheck'+ (Options.includeMarching?' CHECKED':'') +'>Include Marching Troops/Resources</td></tr>'; str += "</table>"; if (DEBUG_BUTTON) str += '<BR><BR><INPUT id=subSeed type=submit name="SEED" value="DEBUG">'; Tabs.Overview.cont.innerHTML = str; checkBox = document.getElementById('idCheck'); checkBox.addEventListener('click', clickEnableMarch, false); if (DEBUG_BUTTON){ subSeed = document.getElementById('subSeed'); subSeed.addEventListener('click', function (){debugWin.doit()}, false); } //DebugTimer.display ('Draw Overview'); } catch (e){ Tabs.Overview.cont.innerHTML = '<PRE>'+ e.name +' : '+ e.message +'</pre>'; } t.displayTimer = setTimeout (t.show, 5000); }, }; function getWallInfo (cityId, objOut){ objOut.wallSpaceUsed = 0; objOut.fieldSpaceUsed = 0; objOut.wallLevel = 0; objOut.wallSpace = 0; objOut.fieldSpace = 0; var b = Seed.buildings["city" + cityId]; if (b.pos1==null) return; objOut.wallLevel = parseInt(b.pos1[1]); var spots = 0; for (var i=1; i<(objOut.wallLevel+1); i++) spots += (i * 500); objOut.wallSpace = spots; objOut.fieldSpace = spots; var fort = Seed.fortifications["city" + cityId]; for (k in fort){ var id = parseInt(k.substr(4)); if (id<60) objOut.wallSpaceUsed += parseInt(unsafeWindow.fortstats["unt"+ id][5]) * parseInt(fort[k]); else objOut.fieldSpaceUsed += parseInt(unsafeWindow.fortstats["unt"+ id][5]) * parseInt(fort[k]); } } /*************************************** ENCAMPED ************************************************/ Tabs.Encamped = { tabOrder : 5, cont:null, displayTimer:null, init : function (div){ var t = Tabs.Encamped; t.cont = div; }, hide : function (){ clearTimeout (Tabs.Encamped.displayTimer); }, show : function (cont){ var rownum = 0; var names = ['Supply', 'Mil', 'Scout', 'Pike', 'Sword', 'Archer', 'Cav', 'Heavy', 'Wagon', 'Balli', 'Ram', 'Cat']; var t = Tabs.Encamped; if (t.displayTimer != null) clearTimeout (t.displayTimer); function clickShowRemaining (){ checkBox = document.getElementById('idCheck2'); if (checkBox.checked) Options.encRemaining = false; else Options.encRemaining = true; t.show (); } enc = {}; numSlots = 0; if (matTypeof(Seed.queue_atkinc) != 'array'){ for (k in Seed.queue_atkinc){ march = Seed.queue_atkinc[k]; if (march.marchType == 2){ ++numSlots; city = march.toCityId; from = march.fromPlayerId; if (!enc[city]) enc[city] = {}; if (!enc[city][from]) enc[city][from] = []; s = []; s[0] = parseInt (march.knightCombat); for (i=1; i<13; i++){ if (Options.encRemaining) s[i] = parseInt (march['unit'+ i +'Return']); else s[i] = parseInt (march['unit'+ i +'Count']); } enc[city][from].push (s); } } } s = '<div class=ptstat>Showing all of the troops encamped at each of your embassies.</div><BR>'; if (numSlots == 0){ s += '<BR><CENTER><B>No troops encamped.</b></center>'; } else { s += '<STYLE> .tot{background:#f0e0f8;} .city{background:#ffffaa;}</style>'; s += '<TABLE cellspacing=0 width=100%><TR align=right><TD align=left width=16%><B>Player (knight)</b></td>'; for (k=0; k<names.length; k++) s += '<TD width=7%><B>' + names[k] + '</b></td>'; s += '</tr>'; tot = []; for (i=0; i<13; i++) tot[i] = 0; for (c in Cities.cities){ dest = Cities.cities[c].id; if (enc[dest]){ s+= '<TR><TD class=xtab><BR></td></tr>'; s+= '<TR><TD class="city" colspan=13 align=center><B>'+ Cities.cities[c].name +'</b></td></tr>'; for (p in enc[dest]){ try { player = Seed.players['u'+p].n; } catch (err){ player = '???'; } for (m=0; m<enc[dest][p].length; m++){ knight = ''; if (enc[dest][p][m][0] > 0) knight = ' ('+ enc[dest][p][m][0] +')'; s += '<TR align=right><TD align=left>'+ player + knight +'</td>' for (i=1; i<13; i++){ num = enc[dest][p][m][i]; s += '<TD>'+ num +'</td>'; tot[i] += num; } s += '</tr>'; } } } } s += '<TR><TD colspan=13><BR><BR></td></tr><TR align=right><TD class="tot" align=left><B>TOTALS:</b></td>'; for (i=1; i<13; i++) s+= '<TD class="tot">'+ tot[i] +'</td>'; s += '</tr></table>'; } s += '<BR><BR><INPUT type=CHECKBOX id=idCheck2 '+ (Options.encRemaining?'':' CHECKED ') +'> Show Original Troops'; s += '<BR><BR><DIV style="font-size: 10px">NOTE: You will need to refresh KofC to show new encampments or remaining troops after a battle.</div>'; t.cont.innerHTML = s; checkBox = document.getElementById('idCheck2'); checkBox.addEventListener('click', clickShowRemaining, false); t.displayTimer = setTimeout (t.show, 10000); }, }; /*******************************************/ var PageNavigator = { modalMessagesFunc : null, ctrlPaginationOld : null, loadPage_paginationOld : null, cpPager : null, init : function (){ var t = PageNavigator; t.modalMessagesFunc = new CalterUwFunc ('modal_messages', [ [/pageNavigatorModel =.*$/im, 'var pager = new ptPagerHook(0,5); pageNavigatorModel=pager'], [/pageNavigatorView =.*$/im, 'pageNavigatorView=pager'], [/pageNavigatorController =.*$/im, 'pageNavigatorController=pager'] ]); unsafeWindow.ptPagerHook = t.Cpager; t.ctrlPaginationOld = unsafeWindow.ctrlPagination; t.loadPage_paginationOld = unsafeWindow.loadPage_pagination; t.cpPager = new t.Cpager (0,0); t.cpPager.oldStyle = true; t.enable(Options.fixPageNav); }, // called on 'back' ... loadPage_pagination : function (divId, currentPage, callbackFunction, totalPages) { var t = PageNavigator; var curPage = parseInt(currentPage); //logit ('loadPage_pagination: '+ divId +','+ t.cpPager.divId +','+ currentPage +','+ callbackFunction +','+ totalPages +','+ t.cpPager.getCurrentPage()); if (divId == t.cpPager.divId) // if 'old' style ... unsafeWindow[callbackFunction] (t.cpPager.getCurrentPage()); else unsafeWindow[callbackFunction] (currentPage); }, ctrlPagination : function (navDivId, numPages, notify, curPage){ var t = PageNavigator; //logit ('ctrlPagination (divid:'+ navDivId +')'); if (document.getElementById(navDivId).firstChild == null) document.getElementById(navDivId).appendChild (t.cpPager.getHtmlElement()); t.cpPager.setPageCount(numPages); t.cpPager.divId = navDivId; if (!curPage) curPage = 1; t.cpPager.gotoPage(curPage); t.cpPager.onClick = unsafeWindow[notify]; unsafeWindow.pageNavigatorView = t.cpPager; }, enable : function (tf){ var t = PageNavigator; t.modalMessagesFunc.setEnable(tf); if (tf){ unsafeWindow.ctrlPagination = t.ctrlPagination; unsafeWindow.loadPage_pagination = t.loadPage_pagination; } else { unsafeWindow.ctrlPagination = t.ctrlPaginationOld; unsafeWindow.loadPage_pagination = t.loadPage_paginationOld; } }, isAvailable : function (){ var t = PageNavigator; return t.modalMessagesFunc.isAvailable(); }, Cpager : function (a, b){ // public function protos ... this.getHtmlElement = getHtmlElement; this.setPageCount = setPageCount; this.getPageCount = getPageCount; this.getCurrentPage = getCurrentPage; this.gotoPage = gotoPage; this.e_but = e_but; this.e_inp = e_inp; // var t = this; this.onClick = null; this.numPages = b; this.curPage = a; this.oldStyle = false; function getHtmlElement (){ function aButton (msg, evtPage){ return '<A class=ptPageNav onclick="pageNavigatorView.e_but(\''+ evtPage +'\')"><SPAN class=ptPageNav>'+ msg +'</span></a>'; } var div = document.createElement ('div'); div.id = 'ptPageNavBar'; div.innerHTML = '<STYLE>table.ptPageNav tr td {border:none; text-align:center; padding:0px 1px;}\ span.ptPageNav {font-size:12px; background:inherit; line-height:135%}\ A.ptPageNav {background-color:#44e; color:#ff4; display:block; border:1px solid #666666; height:18px; width:18px;}\ A.ptPageNav:hover {background-color:#66f;}\ A.ptPageNav:active {background-color:#186}\ </style>\ <TABLE class=ptPageNav><TR valign=middle>\ <TD style="margin-right:15px">'+ aButton('<SPAN style="padding-right:0.8em; letter-spacing:-0.99em;">▏▏◄</span>', 'F') +'</td>\ <TD>'+ aButton('◄', '-') +'</td>\ <TD>'+ aButton('►', '+') +'</td>\ <TD style="margin-right:15px">'+ aButton('<SPAN style="padding-right:1.05em; letter-spacing:-0.99em;">►▕▕</span>', 'L') +'</td>\ <TD width=20></td><TD>Page <INPUT id=ptPagerPageNum onChange="pageNavigatorView.e_inp()" type=text size=1> OF <span id=ptPagerNumPages>?</span></td>\ </tr></table>'; var mml = document.getElementById('modal_msg_list'); if (mml != null) mml.style.minHeight = '320px'; return div; } function getPageCount(){ // koc needs for 'back' return t.numPages; } function getCurrentPage(){ // koc needs for 'back' return t.curPage; } function setPageCount(c){ t.numPages = c; document.getElementById('ptPagerNumPages').innerHTML = c; var mml = document.getElementById('modal_msg_list'); if (mml != null){ if (document.getElementById('modal_msg_tabs_report').className.indexOf('selected') >= 0) mml.style.minHeight = '460px'; else mml.style.minHeight = '320px'; } } function gotoPage(p){ t.curPage = parseIntZero(p); document.getElementById('ptPagerPageNum').value = t.curPage; } function e_but (p){ if (p=='F' && t.curPage!=1) loadPage(1); else if (p=='-' && t.curPage>1) loadPage(t.curPage-1); else if (p=='+' && t.curPage<t.numPages) loadPage(t.curPage+1); else if (p=='L' && t.curPage!=t.numPages) loadPage(t.numPages); function loadPage (p){ if (t.oldStyle) t.gotoPage(p); t.onClick (p); } } function e_inp (p){ var pageNum = parseIntZero(document.getElementById('ptPagerPageNum').value); t.onClick(pageNum); } }, } // TODO: Handle multiple instances altering same function!! **************************** var CalterUwFunc = function (funcName, findReplace) { var t = this; this.isEnabled = false; this.isAvailable = isAvailable; this.setEnable = setEnable; this.funcOld = null; this.funcNew = null; try { var x = funcName.split('.'); var f = unsafeWindow; for (var i=0; i<x.length; i++) f = f[x[i]]; this.funcOld = f; var rt = f.toString().replace ('function '+ funcName, 'function'); for (var i=0; i<findReplace.length; i++){ x = rt.replace(findReplace[i][0], findReplace[i][1]); if (x == rt) // if not found return; rt = x; } this.funcNew = rt; } catch (err) { } function setEnable (tf){ if (t.funcNew == null) return; if (t.isEnabled != tf){ if (tf){ var scr = document.createElement('script'); // <== need to remove on disable!!! scr.innerHTML = funcName +' = '+ t.funcNew; document.body.appendChild(scr); setTimeout ( function (){document.body.removeChild(scr);}, 0); t.isEnabled = true; } else { var x = funcName.split('.'); var f = unsafeWindow; for (var i=0; i<x.length-1; i++) f = f[x[i]]; f[x[x.length-1]] = this.funcOld; t.isEnabled = false; } } } function isAvailable (){ if (t.funcNew == null) return false; return true; } }; var MessageCounts = { messagesNotifyFunc : null, init : function (){ var t = MessageCounts; t.messagesNotifyFunc = new CalterUwFunc ('messages_notify_bug', [ ['$("chrome_messages_notify").innerHTML = a;', 'msgCount_hook(a);'], ['$("chrome_messages_notify").show();', ''], ['$("chrome_messages_notify").hide();', '$("chrome_messages_notify").hide(); $("chrome_messages_notifyL").hide();'] ]); if (t.messagesNotifyFunc.isAvailable()){ unsafeWindow.msgCount_hook = t.msgCount_hook; e = document.getElementById('chrome_messages_notify'); span = document.createElement('span'); span.className='notify'; span.style.display='none'; span.id = 'chrome_messages_notifyL'; span.style.left = '6px'; e.parentNode.insertBefore (span, e); if (Options.fixMsgCount) t.enable (true); } }, msgCount_hook : function (a){ var l = document.getElementById('chrome_messages_notifyL'); var r = document.getElementById('chrome_messages_notify'); if (parseInt(Seed.newMailCount) > 0) { l.innerHTML = parseInt(Seed.newMailCount); l.style.display = 'block'; } else { l.style.display = 'none'; } var reports = parseInt(Seed.newTradeReports) + parseInt(Seed.newReportCount); if (reports < 1) r.style.display = 'none'; else { r.innerHTML = reports; r.style.display = 'block'; } }, enable : function (tf){ var t = MessageCounts; t.messagesNotifyFunc.setEnable (tf); if (!tf) document.getElementById('chrome_messages_notifyL').style.display = 'none'; setTimeout (unsafeWindow.messages_notify_bug, 0); }, isAvailable : function (){ var t = MessageCounts; return t.messagesNotifyFunc.isAvailable(); }, } var WarnZeroAttack = { modalAttackFunc : null, init : function (){ var t = WarnZeroAttack; t.modalAttackFunc = new CalterUwFunc ('modal_attack', [['modal_attack_check()', 'modalAttack_hook()']]); unsafeWindow.modalAttack_hook = t.hook; t.modalAttackFunc.setEnable(true); }, enable : function (tf){ var t = WarnZeroAttack; t.modalAttackFunc.setEnable (tf); }, isAvailable : function (){ var t = WarnZeroAttack; return t.modalAttackFunc.isAvailable(); }, hook : function (){ var t = WarnZeroAttack; if (parseIntZero(document.getElementById('modal_attack_target_coords_x').value) == 0 && parseIntZero(document.getElementById('modal_attack_target_coords_y').value) == 0){ new CdialogCancelContinue ('<SPAN class=boldRed>You are about to march to location 0,0!</span>', null, unsafeWindow.modal_attack_check, document.getElementById('modalInner1')); } else { unsafeWindow.modal_attack_check(); } }, } var MapDistanceFix = { popSlotsFunc : null, init : function (){ var t = MapDistanceFix; t.popSlotsFunc = new CalterUwFunc ('MapObject.prototype.populateSlots', [['this.distance', 'fixMapDistance_hook']]); if (t.popSlotsFunc.isAvailable()){ unsafeWindow.fixMapDistance_hook = t.fixMapDistance_hook; if (Options.fixMapDistance) t.enable (true); } }, fixMapDistance_hook : function (cityX, cityY, tileX, tileY){ var city = Cities.byID[unsafeWindow.currentcityid]; return distance (city.x, city.y, tileX, tileY); }, enable : function (tf){ var t = MapDistanceFix; t.popSlotsFunc.setEnable (tf); }, isAvailable : function (){ var t = MapDistanceFix; return t.popSlotsFunc.isAvailable(); }, } var tabManager = { tabList : {}, // {name, obj, div} currentTab : null, init : function (mainDiv){ var t = tabManager; var sorter = []; for (k in Tabs){ if (!Tabs[k].tabDisabled){ t.tabList[k] = {}; t.tabList[k].name = k; t.tabList[k].obj = Tabs[k]; if (Tabs[k].tabLabel != null) t.tabList[k].label = Tabs[k].tabLabel; else t.tabList[k].label = k; if (Tabs[k].tabOrder != null) sorter.push([Tabs[k].tabOrder, t.tabList[k]]); else sorter.push([1000, t.tabList[k]]); t.tabList[k].div = document.createElement('div'); } } sorter.sort (function (a,b){return a[0]-b[0]}); var m = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 class=ptMainTab><TR>'; for (var i=0; i<sorter.length; i++) m += '<TD class=spacer></td><TD class=notSel id=pttc'+ sorter[i][1].name +' ><A><SPAN>'+ sorter[i][1].label +'</span></a></td>'; m += '<TD class=spacer width=90% align=right>'+ Version +' </td></tr></table>'; mainPop.getTopDiv().innerHTML = m; for (k in t.tabList) { document.getElementById('pttc'+ k).addEventListener('click', this.e_clickedTab, false); var div = t.tabList[k].div; div.style.display = 'none'; div.style.height = '100%'; mainDiv.appendChild(div); try { t.tabList[k].obj.init(div); } catch (e){ div.innerHTML = "INIT ERROR: "+ e; } } t.currentTab = sorter[0][1]; t.setTabStyle (document.getElementById ('pttc'+ t.currentTab.name), true); t.currentTab.div.style.display = 'block'; }, hideTab : function (){ var t = tabManager; t.currentTab.obj.hide(); }, showTab : function (){ var t = tabManager; t.currentTab.obj.show(); }, setTabStyle : function (e, selected){ if (selected){ e.className = 'sel'; } else { e.className = 'notSel'; } }, e_clickedTab : function (e){ var t = tabManager; newTab = t.tabList[e.target.parentNode.parentNode.id.substring(4)]; if (t.currentTab.name != newTab.name){ t.setTabStyle (document.getElementById ('pttc'+ t.currentTab.name), false); t.setTabStyle (document.getElementById ('pttc'+ newTab.name), true); t.currentTab.obj.hide (); t.currentTab.div.style.display = 'none'; t.currentTab = newTab; newTab.div.style.display = 'block'; } newTab.obj.show(); }, } function setTabStyle (e, selected){ if (selected){ e.className = 'matTabSel'; } else { e.className = 'matTabNotSel'; } } function clickedTab (e){ who = e.target.id.substring(2); newObj = my[who]; currentObj = my[currentName]; if (currentName != who){ setTabStyle (document.getElementById ('aa'+currentName), false); setTabStyle (document.getElementById ('aa'+who), true); if (currentObj){ currentObj.hide (); currentObj.getContent().style.display = 'none'; } currentName = who; cont = newObj.getContent(); newObj.getContent().style.display = 'block'; } newObj.show(); } function mouseMainTab (me){ if (me.button == 2){ var c = getClientCoords (document.getElementById('main_engagement_tabs')); mainPop.setLocation ({x: c.x+4, y: c.y+c.height}); } } function eventHideShow (){ if (mainPop.toggleHide(mainPop)){ tabManager.showTab(); Options.ptWinIsOpen = true; } else { tabManager.hideTab(); Options.ptWinIsOpen = false; } saveOptions(); } function hideMe (){ if (!Options.ptWinIsOpen) return; mainPop.show (false); tabManager.showTab(); Options.ptWinIsOpen = false; saveOptions(); } function showMe (){ mainPop.show (true); tabManager.showTab(); Options.ptWinIsOpen = true; saveOptions(); } function addMyFunction (func){ // add function to run in our own scope unsafeWindow[func.name] = func; } function addUwFunction (func){ // add function to run in unsafeWindow's scope scr = document.createElement('script'); scr.innerHTML = func.toString(); document.body.appendChild(scr); } function alterUwFunction (funcName, frArray){ try { funcText = unsafeWindow[funcName].toString(); rt = funcText.replace ('function '+funcName, 'function'); for (i=0; i<frArray.length; i++){ x = rt.replace(frArray[i][0], frArray[i][1]); if (x == rt) return false; rt = x; } js = funcName +' = '+ rt; var scr=document.createElement('script'); scr.innerHTML=js; document.body.appendChild(scr); return true; } catch (err) { return false; } } function setCities(){ Cities.numCities = Seed.cities.length; Cities.cities = []; Cities.byID = {}; for (i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++){ city = {}; city.idx = i; city.id = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][0]); city.name = Seed.cities[i][1]; city.x = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][2]); city.y = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][3]); city.tileId = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][5]); Cities.cities[i] = city; Cities.byID[Seed.cities[i][0]] = city; } } function officerId2String (oid){ if (oid==null) return ''; else if (oid==3) return 'Officer'; else if (oid==2) return 'Vice Chance'; else if (oid==1) return 'Chancellor'; return ''; } // onClick (city{name, id, x, y}, x, y) city may be null! function CdispCityPicker (id, span, dispName, notify, selbut){ function CcityButHandler (t){ var that = t; this.clickedCityBut = clickedCityBut; function clickedCityBut (e){ if (that.selected != null) that.selected.className = "castleBut castleButNon"; that.city = Cities.cities[e.target.id.substr(that.prefixLen)]; if (that.dispName) document.getElementById(that.id+'cname').innerHTML = that.city.name; e.target.className = "castleBut castleButSel"; that.selected = e.target; if (that.coordBoxX){ that.coordBoxX.value = that.city.x; that.coordBoxY.value = that.city.y; that.coordBoxX.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; that.coordBoxY.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; } if (that.notify != null) that.notify(that.city, that.city.x, that.city.y); } } function selectBut (idx){ document.getElementById(this.id+'_'+idx).click(); } function bindToXYboxes (eX, eY){ function CboxHandler (t){ var that = t; this.eventChange = eventChange; if (that.city){ eX.value = that.city.x; eY.value = that.city.y; } function eventChange (){ var x = parseInt(that.coordBoxX.value, 10); var y = parseInt(that.coordBoxY.value, 10); if (isNaN(x) || x<0 || x>750){ that.coordBoxX.style.backgroundColor = '#ff8888'; return; } if (isNaN(y) || y<0 || y>750){ that.coordBoxY.style.backgroundColor = '#ff8888'; return; } that.coordBoxX.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; that.coordBoxY.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; if (that.notify != null) that.notify (null, x, y); } } this.coordBoxX = eX; this.coordBoxY = eY; var bh = new CboxHandler(this); eX.size=2; eX.maxLength=3; eY.size=2; eY.maxLength=3; eX.addEventListener('change', bh.eventChange, false); eY.addEventListener('change', bh.eventChange, false); } this.selectBut = selectBut; this.bindToXYboxes = bindToXYboxes; this.coordBoxX = null; this.coordBoxY = null; this.id = id; this.dispName = dispName; this.prefixLen = id.length+1; this.notify = notify; this.selected = null; this.city = null; var m = ''; for (var i=0; i<Cities.cities.length; i++) m += '<INPUT class="castleBut castleButNon" id="'+ id +'_'+ i +'" value="'+ (i+1) +'" type=submit \>'; if (dispName) m += ' <SPAN style="display:inline-block; width:85px; font-weight:bold;" id='+ id +'cname' +'></span>'; span.innerHTML = m; var handler = new CcityButHandler(this); for (var i=0; i<Cities.cities.length; i++) document.getElementById (id+'_'+i).addEventListener('click', handler.clickedCityBut, false); if (selbut != null) this.selectBut(selbut); }; function CdialogCancelContinue (msg, canNotify, contNotify, centerElement){ var pop = new CPopup ('ptcancont', 0, 0, 400,200, true, canNotify); if (centerElement) pop.centerMe(centerElement); else pop.centerMe(document.body); pop.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<CENTER>KOC Power Bot</center>'; pop.getMainDiv().innerHTML = '<TABLE class=ptTab align=center style="height: 100%"><TR align=center height=90%><TD>'+ msg +'</td></tr>\ <TR align=center><TD><INPUT id=ptcccancel type=submit value="CANCEL" \> <INPUT id=ptcccontin type=submit value="CONTINUE" \></td></tr></table>'; document.getElementById('ptcccancel').addEventListener ('click', function (){pop.show(false); if (canNotify) canNotify();}, false); document.getElementById('ptcccontin').addEventListener ('click', function (){pop.show(false); if (contNotify) contNotify();}, false); pop.show(true); } // TODO: make class (multiple instances needed) function dialogRetry (errMsg, seconds, onRetry, onCancel){ seconds = parseInt(seconds); var pop = new CPopup ('ptretry', 0, 0, 400,200, true); pop.centerMe(mainPop.getMainDiv()); pop.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<CENTER>KOC Power Bot</center>'; pop.getMainDiv().innerHTML = '<CENTER><BR><FONT COLOR=#550000><B>An error has ocurred:</b></font><BR><BR><DIV id=paretryErrMsg></div>\ <BR><BR><B>Automatically retrying in <SPAN id=paretrySeconds></b></span> seconds ...<BR><BR><INPUT id=paretryCancel type=submit value="CANCEL Retry" \>'; document.getElementById('paretryCancel').addEventListener ('click', doCancel, false); pop.show(true); document.getElementById('paretryErrMsg').innerHTML = errMsg; document.getElementById('paretrySeconds').innerHTML = seconds; var rTimer = setTimeout (doRetry, seconds*1000); countdown (); function countdown (){ document.getElementById('paretrySeconds').innerHTML = seconds--; if (seconds > 0) cdTimer = setTimeout (countdown, 1000); } function doCancel(){ clearTimeout (rTimer); clearTimeout (cdTimer); pop.destroy(); onCancel (); } function doRetry (){ clearTimeout (rTimer); clearTimeout (cdTimer); pop.show(false); onRetry(); } } function implodeUrlArgs (obj){ var a = []; for (var k in obj) a.push (k +'='+ encodeURI(obj[k]) ); return a.join ('&'); } // NOTE: args can be either a string which will be appended as is to url or an object of name->values function addUrlArgs (url, args){ if (!args) return url; if (url.indexOf('?') < 0) url += '?'; else if (url.substr(url.length-1) != '&') url += '&'; if (matTypeof(args == 'object')) return url + implodeUrlArgs (args); return url + args; } // emulate protoype's Ajax.Request ... function AjaxRequest (url, opts){ var headers = { 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'X-Prototype-Version': '1.6.1', 'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*' }; var ajax = null; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) ajax=new XMLHttpRequest(); else ajax=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); if (opts.method==null || opts.method=='') method = 'GET'; else method = opts.method.toUpperCase(); if (method == 'POST'){ headers['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'; } else if (method == 'GET'){ addUrlArgs (url, opts.parameters); } ajax.onreadystatechange = function(){ // ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete']; states 0-4 if (ajax.readyState==4) { if (ajax.status >= 200 && ajax.status < 305) if (opts.onSuccess) opts.onSuccess(ajax); else if (opts.onFailure) opts.onFailure(ajax); } else { if (opts.onChange) opts.onChange (ajax); } } ajax.open(method, url, true); // always async! for (var k in headers) ajax.setRequestHeader (k, headers[k]); if (matTypeof(opts.requestHeaders)=='object') for (var k in opts.requestHeaders) ajax.setRequestHeader (k, opts.requestHeaders[k]); if (method == 'POST'){ var a = []; for (k in opts.parameters) a.push (k +'='+ opts.parameters[k] ); ajax.send (a.join ('&')); } else { ajax.send(); } } function MyAjaxRequest (url, o, noRetry){ if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 0 myAjaxRequest: "+ url +"\n" + inspect (o, 2, 1)); var opts = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(o); var wasSuccess = o.onSuccess; var wasFailure = o.onFailure; var retry = 0; var delay = 5; var noRetry = noRetry===true?true:false; opts.onSuccess = mySuccess; opts.onFailure = myFailure; if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 1a myAjaxRequest: "+ url +"\n" + inspect (o, 2, 1)); new AjaxRequest(url, opts); return; function myRetry(){ ++retry; new AjaxRequest(url, opts); delay = delay * 1.25; } function myFailure(){ var o = {}; if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit ("myAjaxRequest.myFailure(): "+ inspect(rslt, 1, 1)); o.ok = false; o.errorMsg = "AJAX Communication Failure"; wasFailure (o); } function mySuccess (msg){ var rslt = eval("(" + msg.responseText + ")"); var x; if (rslt.ok){ if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 1b myAjaxRequest.mySuccess(): "+ inspect(rslt, 1, 1)); rslt.errorMsg = null; ///// !!!!!!!!!!!!! ************ if (rslt.updateSeed) unsafeWindow.update_seed(rslt.updateSeed); wasSuccess (rslt); return; } if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 1b myAjaxRequest.mySuccess() !ok : "+ inspect(rslt, 3, 1)); rslt.errorMsg = unsafeWindow.printLocalError((rslt.error_code || null), (rslt.msg || null), (rslt.feedback || null)); if ( (x = rslt.errorMsg.indexOf ('<br><br>')) > 0) rslt.errorMsg = rslt.errorMsg.substr (0, x-1); if (!noRetry && (rslt.error_code==0 ||rslt.error_code==8 || rslt.error_code==1 || rslt.error_code==3)){ dialogRetry (rslt.errorMsg, delay, function(){myRetry()}, function(){wasSuccess (rslt)}); } else { wasSuccess (rslt); } } } // returns: 'neutral', 'friendly', or 'hostile' function getDiplomacy (aid) { if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies == null) return 'neutral'; if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendly && Seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendly['a'+aid] != null) return 'friendly'; if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies.hostile && Seed.allianceDiplomacies.hostile['a'+aid] != null) return 'hostile'; return 'neutral'; }; function getMyAlliance (){ if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies==null || Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceName==null) return [0, 'None']; else return [Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceId, Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceName]; } // TODO: Check times for expired marches !?!?! // note: unselected city has outdated info function getMarchInfo (){ var ret = {}; ret.marchUnits = []; ret.returnUnits = []; ret.resources = []; for (i=0; i<13; i++){ ret.marchUnits[i] = 0; ret.returnUnits[i] = 0; } for (i=0; i<5; i++){ ret.resources[i] = 0; } var now = unixTime(); for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) { // each city cityID = 'city'+ Cities.cities[i].id; for (k in Seed.queue_atkp[cityID]){ // each march march = Seed.queue_atkp[cityID][k]; if (typeof (march) == 'object'){ for (ii=0; ii<13; ii++){ ret.marchUnits[ii] += parseInt (march['unit'+ ii +'Count']); ret.returnUnits[ii] += parseInt (march['unit'+ ii +'Return']); } for (ii=1; ii<5; ii++){ ret.resources[ii] += parseInt (march['resource'+ ii]); } ret.resources[0] += parseInt (march['gold']); } // TODO: fixup completed marches // TODO: Assume transport is complete ? } } return ret; } var fortNamesShort = { 53: "Crossbows", 55: "Trebuchet", 60: "Trap", 61: "Caltrops", 62: "Spiked Barrier", } // returns {count, maxlevel} function getCityBuilding (cityId, buildingId){ var b = Seed.buildings['city'+cityId]; var ret = {count:0, maxLevel:0}; for (var i=1; i<33; i++){ if (b['pos'+i] && b['pos'+i][0] == buildingId){ ++ret.count; if (parseInt(b['pos'+i][1]) > ret.maxLevel) ret.maxLevel = parseInt(b['pos'+i][1]); } } return ret; } // example: http://www150.kingdomsofcamelot.com function GetServerId() { var m=/^[a-zA-Z]+([0-9]+)\./.exec(document.location.hostname); if(m) return m[1]; return ''; } function logit (msg){ var serverID = GetServerId(); var now = new Date(); GM_log (serverID +' @ '+ now.toTimeString().substring (0,8) +'.' + now.getMilliseconds() +': '+ msg); } /************ DEBUG WIN *************/ var debugWin = { popDebug : null, dbDefaultNot : 'tech,tutorial,items,quests,wilderness,wildDef,buildings,knights,allianceDiplomacies,appFriends,players', dbSelect : {}, doit : function (){ var t = debugWin; function syncBoxes (){ var div = document.getElementById('dbpoplist'); for (var i=0; i<div.childNodes.length; i++){ if (div.childNodes[i].type && div.childNodes[i].type=='checkbox'){ var name=div.childNodes[i].name.substr(6); div.childNodes[i].checked = t.dbSelect[name]; } } } function clickedAll (){ for (var k in t.dbSelect) t.dbSelect[k] = true; syncBoxes(); } function clickedNone (){ for (var k in t.dbSelect) t.dbSelect[k] = false; syncBoxes(); } function clickedDefaults (){ for (k in t.dbSelect) t.dbSelect[k] = true; var not = t.dbDefaultNot.split(','); for (var i=0; i<not.length; i++) t.dbSelect[not[i]] = false; syncBoxes(); } function clickedShow (){ var now = new Date(); var myseed = unsafeWindow.Object.clone (Seed); var div = document.getElementById('dbpoplist'); for (var i=0; i<div.childNodes.length; i++){ if (div.childNodes[i].type && div.childNodes[i].type=='checkbox'){ var name=div.childNodes[i].name.substr(6); if (!div.childNodes[i].checked) delete myseed[name]; } } WinLog.write ("seed @ "+ unixTime() +" ("+ now +")\n\n"+ inspect (myseed, 8, 1)); myseed=null; } if (t.popDebug == null){ t.popDebug = new CPopup ('db', 0, 0, 350,500, true); t.popDebug.getTopDiv().innerHTML = 'DEBUG'; t.popDebug.getMainDiv().innerHTML = '<DIV><INPUT type=submit id=dbsuball value=ALL> <INPUT type=submit id=dbsubnone value=NONE> \ <INPUT type=submit id=dbdefaults value=DEFAULTS> <INPUT type=submit id=dbsubdo value=SHOW></div>\ <DIV id=dbpoplist style="max-height:400px; height:400px; overflow-y:auto"></div>'; var div = document.getElementById('dbpoplist'); for (var k in Seed) t.dbSelect[k] = true; var not = t.dbDefaultNot.split(','); for (var i=0; i<not.length; i++) t.dbSelect[not[i]] = false; var m = []; for (k in t.dbSelect){ m.push ('<INPUT type=checkbox '); m.push ('name="dbpop_'); m.push (k); m.push ('"> '); m.push (k); m.push ('<BR>'); } div.innerHTML = m.join (''); document.getElementById('dbsuball').addEventListener('click', clickedAll, false); document.getElementById('dbsubnone').addEventListener('click', clickedNone, false); document.getElementById('dbdefaults').addEventListener('click', clickedDefaults, false); document.getElementById('dbsubdo').addEventListener('click', clickedShow, false); syncBoxes(); } t.popDebug.show (true); }, } function saveOptions (){ var serverID = GetServerId(); GM_setValue ('Options_'+serverID, JSON2.stringify(Options)); } function readOptions (){ var serverID = GetServerId(); s = GM_getValue ('Options_'+serverID); if (s != null){ opts = JSON2.parse (s); for (k in opts) Options[k] = opts[k]; } } function createButton (label){ var a=document.createElement('a'); a.className='button20'; a.innerHTML='<span style="color: #ff6">'+ label +'</span>'; return a; } function AddMainTabLink(text, eventListener, mouseListener) { var a = createButton (text); a.className='tab'; a.id = 'ptOfficial'; var tabs=document.getElementById('main_engagement_tabs'); if(!tabs) { tabs=document.getElementById('topnav_msg'); if (tabs) tabs=tabs.parentNode; } // TODO: Fit 'POW' button in main div if there's room (make room by shortening 'Invite Friends' to 'Invite' ?) if(tabs) { var eNew = document.getElementById('gmTabs'); if (eNew == null){ eNew = document.createElement('div'); eNew.className='tabs_engagement'; eNew.style.background='#ca5'; tabs.parentNode.insertBefore (eNew, tabs); eNew.id = 'gmTabs'; eNew.style.whiteSpace='nowrap'; eNew.style.width='735px'; } if (eNew.firstChild) eNew.insertBefore (a, eNew.firstChild); else eNew.appendChild(a); a.addEventListener('click',eventListener, false); if (mouseListener != null) a.addEventListener('mousedown',mouseListener, true); return a; } return null; } function coordLink (x, y){ var m = []; m.push ('(<a onclick="ptGotoMapHide ('); m.push (x); m.push (','); m.push (y); m.push ('); return false">'); m.push (x); m.push (','); m.push (y); m.push ('</a>)'); return m.join(''); } unsafeWindow.ptGotoMapHide = function (x, y){ try { unsafeWindow.Modal.hideModal(); } catch (e){ } try { Modal.hideModal(); } catch (e){ } unsafeWindow.ptGotoMap (x, y); } unsafeWindow.ptGotoMap = function (x, y){ hideMe (); setTimeout (function (){ document.getElementById('mapXCoor').value = x; document.getElementById('mapYCoor').value = y; unsafeWindow.reCenterMapWithCoor(); var a = document.getElementById("mod_views").getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { a[b].className = "" } document.getElementById('mod_views_map').className = "sel"; document.getElementById("maparea_city").style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById("maparea_fields").style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById("maparea_map").style.display = 'block'; unsafeWindow.tutorialClear() }, 0); }; /**********************************************************************************/ function makeButton20 (label){ var a = document.createElement('a'); a.className = "button20 ptButton20"; var s = document.createElement('span'); s.innerHTML = label; a.appendChild (s); return a; } function strButton20 (label, tags){ if (tags == null) tags = ''; return ('<TABLE class=ptNoPad><TR><TD><A class="button20 ptButton20" '+ tags +'><SPAN>'+ label +'</span></a></td></tr></table>' ); } function strButton14 (label, tags){ if (tags == null) tags = ''; return ('<A class="button14 ptButton20" '+ tags +'><SPAN>'+ label +'</span></a>' ); } function cityStatusString (cs){ if (cs==4) return 'Vacation'; if (cs==3) return 'Truce'; if (cs==2) return 'Beg Protection'; return 'Normal'; } // Simple method, as if it were typed in thru DOM function sendChat (msg){ document.getElementById ("mod_comm_input").value = msg; unsafeWindow.Chat.sendChat (); } // works well, but message is not echoed back to local client Chat = { params : null, sendWhisper : function (msg, who, notify){ this.params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); this.params.ctype = 3; this.params.name = who; this._sendit (msg, notify); }, sendGlobal : function (msg, notify){ this.params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); this.params.ctype = 1; this._sendit (msg, notify); }, sendAlliance : function (msg, notify){ this.params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); this.params.ctype = 2; this._sendit (msg, notify); }, _sendit : function (msg, notify){ function strip(s) { return s.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); } this.params.comment = strip (msg); new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/sendChat.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: this.params, onSuccess: function(transport) { if (notify) notify (); }, onFailure: function(transport) { if (notify) notify (); } }); }, } function doDefTrain (cityId, unitId, num, notify){ var time = unsafeWindow.modal_walls_traintime(unitId, num); var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.cid = cityId; params.type = unitId; params.quant = num; params.items = 0; new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/fortify.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function (rslt) { if (rslt.ok) { unsafeWindow.seed.queue_fort["city" + cityId].push([unitId, num, rslt.initTS, parseInt(rslt.initTS) + time, 0, time, rslt.fortifyId]); if (notify != null) setTimeout (function (){notify(null);}, 500); } else { if (notify != null) setTimeout (function (){notify(rslt.errorMsg);}, 500); } }, onFailure: function () { if (notify != null) notify(rslt.errorMsg); }, }); } function doTrain (cityId, unitId, num, notify){ var time = unsafeWindow.modal_barracks_traintime(unitId, num); var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams); params.cid = cityId; params.type = unitId; params.quant = num; params.items = 0; new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/train.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, { method: "post", parameters: params, onSuccess: function(rslt) { if (rslt.ok) { for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) { unsafeWindow.seed.resources["city" + cityId]["rec" + i][0] = parseInt(unsafeWindow.seed.resources["city" + cityId]["rec" + i][0]) - parseInt(unsafeWindow.unitcost["unt" + unitId][i]) * 3600 * parseInt(num) } unsafeWindow.seed.citystats["city" + cityId].gold[0] = parseInt(unsafeWindow.seed.citystats["city" + cityId].gold[0]) - parseInt(unsafeWindow.unitcost["unt" + unitId][5]) * parseInt(num); unsafeWindow.seed.citystats["city" + cityId].pop[0] = parseInt(unsafeWindow.seed.citystats["city" + cityId].pop[0]) - parseInt(unsafeWindow.unitcost["unt" + unitId][6]) * parseInt(num); unsafeWindow.seed.queue_unt["city" + cityId].push([unitId, num, rslt.initTS, parseInt(rslt.initTS) + time, 0, time, null]); if (notify != null) setTimeout (function (){notify(null);}, 500); } else { if (notify != null){ setTimeout (function (){notify(rslt.errorMsg);}, 500); } } }, onFailure: function(o) { if (notify != null) notify(rslt.errorMsg); } }); } /************ LIB classes/functions .... **************/ function getAbsoluteOffsets (e){ ret = {left:0, top:0}; while (e.offsetParent){ if (e.style.position == 'absolute') break; ret.left += e.offsetLeft; ret.top += e.offsetTop; e = e.offsetParent; } return ret; } DebugTimer = { startTime : 0, start : function (){ now = new Date(); DebugTimer.startTime = now.getTime(); }, display : function (label, noReset){ now = new Date(); elapsed = now.getTime() - DebugTimer.startTime; logit (label +": "+ elapsed/1000); if (noReset===null || !noReset) DebugTimer.startTime = now.getTime(); }, }; function debugPos (e){ return 'client - offset: '+ e.clientLeft +','+ e.clientTop +','+ e.clientWidth +','+ e.clientHeight +' - '+ e.offsetLeft +','+ e.offsetTop +','+ e.offsetWidth +','+ e.offsetHeight +' '+ e +' --OP--> '+ e.offsetParent; } function debugElement (e){ var x = unsafeWindow.Object.clone (e.wrappedJSObject); x.innerHTML = ''; x.innerText = ''; x.textContent = ''; return inspect (x, 1, 1); } function getClientCoords(e){ if (e==null) return {x:null, y:null, width:null, height:null}; var x=0, y=0; ret = {x:0, y:0, width:e.clientWidth, height:e.clientHeight}; while (e.offsetParent != null){ ret.x += e.offsetLeft; ret.y += e.offsetTop; e = e.offsetParent; } return ret; } function htmlTitleLine (msg){ return '<TABLE width=100% cellspacing=0><TR><TD style="padding:0px" width=50%><HR></td><TD style="padding:0px">[ '+ msg +' ]</td><TD style="padding:0px" width=50%><HR></td></tr></table>'; } var WinManager = { wins : {}, // prefix : CPopup obj get : function (prefix){ var t = WinManager; return t.wins[prefix]; }, add : function (prefix, pop){ var t = WinManager; t.wins[prefix] = pop; if (unsafeWindow.cpopupWins == null) unsafeWindow.cpopupWins = {}; unsafeWindow.cpopupWins[prefix] = pop; }, delete : function (prefix){ var t = WinManager; delete t.wins[prefix]; delete unsafeWindow.cpopupWins[prefix]; } } // creates a 'popup' div // prefix must be a unique (short) name for the popup window function CPopup (prefix, x, y, width, height, enableDrag, onClose) { var pop = WinManager.get(prefix); if (pop){ pop.show (false); return pop; } this.BASE_ZINDEX = 111111; // protos ... this.show = show; this.toggleHide = toggleHide; this.getTopDiv = getTopDiv; this.getMainDiv = getMainDiv; this.getLayer = getLayer; this.setLayer = setLayer; this.setEnableDrag = setEnableDrag; this.getLocation = getLocation; this.setLocation = setLocation; this.focusMe = focusMe; this.unfocusMe = unfocusMe; this.centerMe = centerMe; this.destroy = destroy; // object vars ... this.div = document.createElement('div'); this.prefix = prefix; this.onClose = onClose; var t = this; this.div.className = 'CPopup '+ prefix +'_CPopup'; this.div.id = prefix +'_outer'; this.div.style.background = "#fff"; this.div.style.zIndex = this.BASE_ZINDEX // KOC modal is 100210 ? this.div.style.display = 'none'; this.div.style.width = width + 'px'; this.div.style.height = height + 'px'; this.div.style.position = "absolute"; this.div.style.top = y +'px'; this.div.style.left = x + 'px'; if (CPopUpTopClass==null) topClass = 'CPopupTop '+ prefix +'_CPopupTop'; else topClass = CPopUpTopClass +' '+ prefix +'_'+ CPopUpTopClass; var m = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 width=100% height=100%><TR id="'+ prefix +'_bar" class="'+ topClass +'"><TD width=99% valign=bottom><SPAN id="'+ prefix +'_top"></span></td>\ <TD id='+ prefix +'_X align=right valign=middle onmouseover="this.style.cursor=\'pointer\'" style="color:#fff; background:#333; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; padding:0px 5px">X</td></tr>\ <TR><TD height=100% valign=top class="CPopMain '+ prefix +'_CPopMain" colspan=2 id="'+ prefix +'_main"></td></tr></table>'; document.body.appendChild(this.div); this.div.innerHTML = m; document.getElementById(prefix+'_X').addEventListener ('click', e_XClose, false); this.dragger = new CWinDrag (document.getElementById(prefix+'_bar'), this.div, enableDrag); this.div.addEventListener ('mousedown', e_divClicked, false); WinManager.add(prefix, this); function e_divClicked (){ t.focusMe(); } function e_XClose (){ t.show(false); if (t.onClose != null) t.onClose(); } function focusMe (){ t.setLayer(5); for (k in unsafeWindow.cpopupWins){ if (k != t.prefix) unsafeWindow.cpopupWins[k].unfocusMe(); } } function unfocusMe (){ t.setLayer(-5); } function getLocation (){ return {x: parseInt(this.div.style.left), y: parseInt(this.div.style.top)}; } function setLocation (loc){ t.div.style.left = loc.x +'px'; t.div.style.top = loc.y +'px'; } function destroy (){ document.body.removeChild(t.div); WinManager.delete (t.prefix); } function centerMe (parent){ if (parent == null){ var coords = getClientCoords(document.body); } else var coords = getClientCoords(parent); var x = ((coords.width - parseInt(t.div.style.width)) / 2) + coords.x; var y = ((coords.height - parseInt(t.div.style.height)) / 2) + coords.y; t.div.style.left = x +'px'; t.div.style.top = y +'px'; } function setEnableDrag (tf){ t.dragger.setEnable(tf); } function setLayer(zi){ t.div.style.zIndex = ''+ (this.BASE_ZINDEX + zi); } function getLayer(){ return parseInt(t.div.style.zIndex) - this.BASE_ZINDEX; } function getTopDiv(){ return document.getElementById(this.prefix+'_top'); } function getMainDiv(){ return document.getElementById(this.prefix+'_main'); } function show(tf){ if (tf){ t.div.style.display = 'block'; t.focusMe (); } else { t.div.style.display = 'none'; } return tf; } function toggleHide(t){ if (t.div.style.display == 'block') { return t.show (false); } else { return t.show (true); } } } function CWinDrag (clickableElement, movingDiv, enabled) { var t=this; this.setEnable = setEnable; this.setBoundRect = setBoundRect; this.debug = debug; this.dispEvent = dispEvent; this.lastX = null; this.lastY = null; this.enabled = true; this.moving = false; this.theDiv = movingDiv; this.body = document.body; this.ce = clickableElement; this.moveHandler = new CeventMove(this).handler; this.outHandler = new CeventOut(this).handler; this.upHandler = new CeventUp(this).handler; this.downHandler = new CeventDown(this).handler; this.clickableRect = null; this.boundRect = null; this.bounds = null; this.enabled = false; if (enabled == null) enabled = true; this.setEnable (enabled); function setBoundRect (b){ // this rect (client coords) will not go outside of current body this.boundRect = boundRect; this.bounds = null; } function setEnable (enable){ if (enable == t.enabled) return; if (enable){ clickableElement.addEventListener('mousedown', t.downHandler, false); t.body.addEventListener('mouseup', t.upHandler, false); } else { clickableElement.removeEventListener('mousedown', t.downHandler, false); t.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', t.upHandler, false); } t.enabled = enable; } function CeventDown (that){ this.handler = handler; var t = that; function handler (me){ if (DEBUG_TRACE_DRAG) t.dispEvent ('eventDOWN', me); if (t.bounds == null){ t.clickableRect = getClientCoords(clickableElement); t.bodyRect = getClientCoords(document.body); if (t.boundRect == null) t.boundRect = t.clickableRect; if (DEBUG_TRACE_DRAG) logit ('Clickable rect: '+ inspect (t.clickableRect, 3, 1)); if (DEBUG_TRACE_DRAG) logit ('Body rect: '+ inspect (t.bodyRect, 3, 1)); if (DEBUG_TRACE_DRAG) logit ('Bound rect: '+ inspect (t.boundRect, 3, 1)); t.bounds = {top:10-t.clickableRect.height, bot:t.bodyRect.height-25, left:40-t.clickableRect.width, right:t.bodyRect.width-25}; if (DEBUG_TRACE_DRAG) logit ("BOUNDS: "+ inspect (t.bounds, 8, 10)); } if (me.button==0 && t.enabled){ t.body.addEventListener('mousemove', t.moveHandler, true); t.body.addEventListener('mouseout', t.outHandler, true); t.lastX = me.clientX; t.lastY = me.clientY; t.moving = true; } } } function CeventUp (that){ this.handler = handler; var t = that; function handler (me){ if (DEBUG_TRACE_DRAG) t.dispEvent ('eventUP', me); if (me.button==0 && t.moving) _doneMoving(t); } } function _doneMoving (t){ if (DEBUG_TRACE_DRAG) logit ('doneMoving'); t.body.removeEventListener('mousemove', t.moveHandler, true); t.body.removeEventListener('mouseout', t.outHandler, true); t.moving = false; } function CeventOut (that){ this.handler = handler; var t = that; function handler (me){ //t.dispEvent ('eventOUT', me); if (me.button==0){ t.moveHandler (me); } } } function CeventMove (that){ this.handler = handler; var t = that; function handler (me){ if (t.enabled && !t.wentOut){ //t.dispEvent ('eventMOVE', me); var newTop = parseInt(t.theDiv.style.top) + me.clientY - t.lastY; var newLeft = parseInt(t.theDiv.style.left) + me.clientX - t.lastX; if (newTop < t.bounds.top){ // if out-of-bounds... newTop = t.bounds.top; _doneMoving(t); } else if (newLeft < t.bounds.left){ newLeft = t.bounds.left; _doneMoving(t); } else if (newLeft > t.bounds.right){ newLeft = t.bounds.right; _doneMoving(t); } else if (newTop > t.bounds.bot){ newTop = t.bounds.bot; _doneMoving(t); } t.theDiv.style.top = newTop + 'px'; t.theDiv.style.left = newLeft + 'px'; t.lastX = me.clientX; t.lastY = me.clientY; } } } function debug (msg, e){ logit ("*************** "+ msg +" ****************"); logit ('clientWidth, Height: '+ e.clientWidth +','+ e.clientHeight); logit ('offsetLeft, Top, Width, Height (parent): '+ e.offsetLeft +','+ e.offsetTop +','+ e.offsetWidth +','+ e.offsetHeight +' ('+ e.offsetParent +')'); logit ('scrollLeft, Top, Width, Height: '+ e.scrollLeft +','+ e.scrollTop +','+ e.scrollWidth +','+ e.scrollHeight); } function dispEvent (msg, me){ logit (msg + ' Button:'+ me.button +' Screen:'+ me.screenX +','+ me.screenY +' client:'+ me.clientX +','+ me.clientY +' rTarget: '+ me.relatedTarget); } } function inspect(obj, maxLevels, level, doFunctions){ var str = '', type, msg; if(level == null) level = 0; if(maxLevels == null) maxLevels = 1; if(maxLevels < 1) return 'Inspect Error: Levels number must be > 0'; if(obj == null) return 'ERROR: Object is NULL\n'; var indent = ''; for (var i=0; i<level; i++) indent += ' '; for(property in obj) { try { type = matTypeof(obj[property]); if (doFunctions==true && (type == 'function')){ str += indent + '(' + type + ') ' + property + "[FUNCTION]\n"; } else if (type != 'function') { str += indent + '(' + type + ') ' + property + ( (obj[property]==null)?(': null'):('')) +' = '+ obj[property] +"\n"; } if((type=='object' || type=='array') && (obj[property] != null) && (level+1 < maxLevels)) str += inspect(obj[property], maxLevels, level+1, doFunctions); // recurse } catch(err) { // Is there some properties in obj we can't access? Print it red. if(typeof(err) == 'string') msg = err; else if(err.message) msg = err.message; else if(err.description) msg = err.description; else msg = 'Unknown'; str += '(Error) ' + property + ': ' + msg +"\n"; } } str += "\n"; return str; } Array.prototype.compare = function(testArr) { if (this.length != testArr.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < testArr.length; i++) { if (this[i].compare) { if (!this[i].compare(testArr[i])) return false; } if (this[i] !== testArr[i]) return false; } return true; } String.prototype.stripTags = function(){ return this.replace(/<\w+(\s+("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>])+)?>|<\/\w+>/gi, ''); } String.prototype.capitalize = function(){ return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.substring(1).toLowerCase(); } function objectName (o){ var s = o.toString(); return s.substr(7,s.length-8); } function matTypeof (v){ if (typeof (v) == 'object'){ if (!v) return 'null'; // else if (unsafeWindow.Object.prototype.toString.apply(v) === '[object Array]') else if (v.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array")>=0 && typeof(v.splice)=='function') return 'array'; else return 'object'; } return typeof (v); } function addCommasInt(n){ nStr = parseInt(n) + ''; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(nStr)) { nStr = nStr.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); } return nStr; } function addCommas(nStr){ nStr += ''; x = nStr.split('.'); x1 = x[0]; x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : ''; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); } return x1 + x2; } function htmlSelector (valNameArray, curVal, tags){ m = []; m.push ('<SELECT'); if (tags){ m.push (' '); m.push (tags); } for (k in valNameArray){ m.push ('><OPTION '); if (k == curVal) m.push ('SELECTED '); m.push ('value="'); m.push (k); m.push ('">'); m.push (valNameArray[k]); m.push ('</option>'); } m.push ('</select>'); return m.join (''); } function unixTime (){ return parseInt (new Date().getTime() / 1000) + unsafeWindow.g_timeoff; } function htmlOptions (a, curVal){ m = ''; for (k in a) m += '<OPTION value="'+ k +'"'+ (k==curVal?' SELECTED':'') +'>'+ a[k] +'</option>'; return m; } function getFunctionName (func){ var name=/\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\(/.exec(func); if (!name) return ''; return name[1]; } function findAllBetween (txt, find1, find2){ var m = []; var last = 0; while ( (i1=txt.indexOf(find1, last))>=0 && (i2=txt.indexOf (find2, i1))>=0 ) { m.push (txt.substring(i1+find1.length, i2)); last = i2 + find2.length; } return m; } function strUpTo (s, find){ var i = s.indexOf(find); if (i > 0) return s.substr(0, i); return s; } /******** Xd Xh Xh Xm Xm Xs Xs ********/ function timestrShort(time) { time = parseInt (time); if (time > 86400){ var m = []; time /= 3600; m.push (parseInt(time/24)); m.push ('d '); m.push (parseInt(time%24)); m.push ('h '); return m.join (''); } else return timestr (time); } /********************** part full Xd Xh Xm Xd Xh Xm Xs Xh Xm Xh Xm Xs Xm Xs Xm Xs Xs Xs **********************/ function timestr(time, full) { time = parseInt (time); var m = []; var t = time; if (t < 61) return t + 's'; if (t > 86400){ m.push (parseInt(t/86400)); m.push ('d '); t %= 86400; } if (t>3600 || time>3600){ m.push (parseInt(t/3600)); m.push ('h '); t %= 3600; } m.push (parseInt(t/60)); m.push ('m'); if (full || time<=3600 ){ m.push (' '); m.push (t%60); m.push ('s'); } return m.join (''); } /************ LIB singletons .... **************/ // TODO: fix REopening window var WINLOG_MAX_ENTRIES = 1000; // TODO var WinLog = { state : null, win: null, eOut : null, lastE : null, enabled : true, reverse : true, busy : false, isOpening : false, open : function (){ var t = WinLog; function eventButClear(){ var t = WinLog; t.lastE = null; t.eOut.innerHTML =''; } function eventButReverse(){ var t = WinLog; if (t.busy) return; t.busy = true; if (t.reverse){ t.win.document.getElementById('wlRev').value= 'Top'; t.reverse = false; } else{ t.win.document.getElementById('wlRev').value= 'Bottom'; t.reverse = true; } var n = t.eOut.childNodes.length; if (n < 2) return; for (i=n-2; i>=0; i--){ t.eOut.appendChild (t.eOut.childNodes[i]); } t.busy = false; } if (!t.win || t.win.closed){ t.isOpening = true; // Firefox bug??? It appears as if a new thread is started on open, withOUT reusing same window t.win = window.open('', 'uwtrace', 'top=30,left=0,width=900,height=700,scrollbars=no,location=no,menubar=no,directories=no,status=no'); t.isOpening = false; t.state = null; } if (t.state == null){ t.win.document.body.innerHTML = '<STYLE>pre{margin:0px} hr{margin:3px; height:1px; border:0px; color:#cee; background-color:#cee}</style>\ <BODY style="margin:0px; padding:0px; border:none">\ <DIV id=winlogtop style="background-color:#d0d0d0; margin:0px; padding:0px; border:1px solid">\ <INPUT id=wlClear type=submit value="Clear"> <INPUT id=wlRev type=submit value="Bottom"></div>\ <DIV id=wlOut style="overflow-y:auto; height:100%; max-height:100%"></div></body>'; t.win.document.getElementById('wlClear').addEventListener('click', eventButClear, false); t.win.document.getElementById('wlRev').addEventListener('click', eventButReverse, false); t.eOut = t.win.document.getElementById('wlOut'); t.lastE = null; t.state = 1; } }, write : function (msg){ var t = WinLog; if (!t.enabled || t.isOpening) return; t.open(); var te = document.createElement('pre'); var now = new Date(); var m = []; var millis = now.getMilliseconds(); m.push (now.toTimeString().substring (0,8)); m.push ('.'); if (millis<100) m.push('0'); if (millis<10) m.push('0'); m.push(millis); m.push (': '); m.push (msg); te.innerHTML = m.join(''); if (t.reverse){ if (t.lastE == null){ t.eOut.appendChild(te); t.lastE = te; } else { t.eOut.insertBefore(te, t.lastE); } var hr = document.createElement('hr'); t.eOut.insertBefore(hr, te); t.lastE = hr; } else { t.eOut.appendChild(te); t.eOut.appendChild(document.createElement('hr')); } }, }; /**** (object) m11615406 = [object Object] (object) knt = [object Object] (string) cbt = 55 (string) kLv = 1 (string) fromCityId = 54412 (string) fromXCoord = 651 (string) fromYCoord = 591 (object) unts = [object Object] (string) u2 = 5 (string) cnt = a few (string) pid = 4939878 (number) departureTime = 1292303256 (number) arrivalTime = 1292305060 (string) marchType = 4 (string) toCityId = 15721 (string) toTileId = 315988 (string) score = 9 (number) mid = 11615406 (object) players = [object Object] (object) u4939878 = [object Object] (string) n = Enable (string) t = 60 (number) m = 2238109 (string) s = M (string) w = 1 (string) a = 0 (string) i = 8 MISSING M!!!!! {"11615406":{"added":1292303344,"arrival":"1292305058"}} ****/

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Saturday, January 29, 2011
Utilities and bug fixes for Kingdoms of Camelot on Facebook
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