// ==UserScript== // @name Media Mogul Erepublik Project /CQ // @description Media Mogul for Erepublik /CQ // @homepage http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/116790 // @include http://www.erepublik.com/* // @copyright 2011, CQ (work@x2u.pl) // @version 1.12 // ==/UserScript== var c_ver = '1.11'; var c_htmlinsert = '<div id="cqmm_mainbox" class="box" style="width:333px;"><div class="title" style="border:none;margin-bottom:0px;"><h1>Media Mogul Project</h1></div><div id="cqmm_box" style="background-image: url(\'/images/modules/sidebar/background.png\');background-repeat: repeat;border: 2px solid #EBEBEB;border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;float: left;margin-right: 18px;padding: 11px 11px 8px;width: 308px;margin-top:15px;color:#8D8D8D;">Active Members: <b><span id="cqmm_am">?</span></b><br />Balance: <b><span id="cqmm_balance">?</span></b><br />Queue: <b><span id="cqmm_queue">?</span></b><br /><br /> Version 1.11 (auto update every 60 minutes) by cq</div></div>'; var c_errV = new Array('', '', 'Firstly, please create a newspaper.', 'Thank You for taking part in this project. Project is <b>over</b> as eRepublik Team putted captcha to subscribe module, and I don\'t have time to fight with them :).<br /><br />Regards, CQ', 'Are you trying to cheat me?', 'We don\'t supprot multi accounts.', 'Succesfully updated, please refresh the page.'); var c_reg1 = /profile\/(\d*)">/; var c_reg2 = /\/newspaper\/(.*)-(\d*)\/1" title="/; var c_reg3 = /"bg-btn-profilemenu">(\d*)<\/span><img/; var c_reg4 = /goright" href="#">Subscribe<\/a>/; var c_reg5 = /display:none" href="#">Unsubscribe<\/a>/; var c_reg6 = /id="_token" value="(.*)" \/>/; var c_reg7 = /href="\/en\/newspaper\/(.*)-(\d*)\/1">/; var c_reg8 = /http:\/\/www.erepublik.com\/\D{2}(.*)/; var v_speed = 500; var v_usrid, v_paperid, v_acsubs, v_progress, v_countM, v_countS, v_subArray, v_errCount, time, v_box, v_sleep=0; function CQmain() { $j.cookie('cqmm_time', null); $j.cookie('cqmm_time2', null); $j.cookie('cqmm_memory', null); $j.cookie('cqmm_progress', null); $j.cookie('cqmm_data', null); if(BoxCheck() && v_sleep==0){$j(c_htmlinsert).insertAfter('#news')}; $j("div.user_info").html().match(c_reg1); v_usrid = RegExp.$1; var currentTime = new Date(); time = currentTime.getTime(); CacheSet('cqmm_time2', time); v_progress = CacheGet('cqmm_progress'); if (v_progress == undefined) {v_progress=0;} if (CacheGet('cqmm_progress') == undefined || CacheGet('cqmm_memory') == undefined || CacheGet('cqmm_time') == undefined) {CacheSet('cqmm_time', 0);} if(((time-CacheGet('cqmm_time'))/1000)>360000){ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/"+v_usrid, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Referer": "http://www.erepublik.com/en/index" }, onload: function(response) { response.responseText.match(c_reg2); v_paperid = RegExp.$2; if (v_paperid != undefined){ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/"+v_paperid+"/1", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Referer": "http://www.erepublik.com/en/index" }, onload: function(response) { response.responseText.match(c_reg3); v_acsubs = RegExp.$1; window.setTimeout(GetData, 1); }}); }else{ CacheSet('cqmm_data', (v_paperid+';')); ThrowError(2); } }}); CacheSet('cqmm_time', time); }else{ var CookieData = CacheGet('cqmm_data').split(";"); v_paperid = CookieData[0]; if(CookieData[4]!=c_ver){ CacheSet('cqmm_time', 0); ThrowError(6); } if (v_paperid != 'undefined'){ if(ThrowError(CookieData[3])){ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/"+v_paperid+"/1", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Referer": "http://www.erepublik.com/en/index" }, onload: function(response) { response.responseText.match(c_reg3); v_acsubs = RegExp.$1; if(BoxCheck()){$j("#cqmm_am").html(CookieData[2]);} BalanceSet(CookieData[1], v_acsubs); v_subArray = CacheGet('cqmm_memory').split(";"); window.setTimeout(StartSubscribe, 1); }}); } }else{ ThrowError(2); } } } function GetData() { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: "http://dev.x2u.pl/mmerep/main.php", data: "eid="+v_usrid+"&pid="+v_paperid+"&sub="+v_acsubs+"&ver="+c_ver+"&progress="+v_progress, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, onload: function(response) { var Resp = response.responseText.split("|"); var Resp1 = Resp[0].split(";"); CacheSet('cqmm_data', (v_paperid+';'+Resp1[1]+';'+Resp1[2]+';'+Resp1[0]+';'+c_ver)); CacheSet('cqmm_progress', (Resp1[3])); v_progress = Resp1[3]; if(BoxCheck()){$j("#cqmm_am").html(Resp1[2]);} BalanceSet(Resp1[1], v_acsubs); if(ThrowError(Resp1[0])){ CacheSet('cqmm_memory', (Resp[1])); v_subArray = Resp[1].split(";"); window.setTimeout(StartSubscribe, 1); } } }); } function ThrowError(a) { if(a > 1){ if(BoxCheck()){$j("#cqmm_box").html('<b>'+c_errV[a]+'</b>');} return false; }else{ return true; } } function BalanceSet(a, b) { var res = b-a; if(res >0){ res='+'+res; } if(BoxCheck()){$j("#cqmm_balance").html(res);} } function SubscribeMain() { if (CacheGet('cqmm_time2') == time){ if (v_countS<v_countM){ var da = v_subArray[v_countS].split(","); da[0]=da[0]*1; if (da[0]>v_progress){ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/"+da[1]+"/1", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Referer": "http://www.erepublik.com/en/index" }, onload: function(response) { response.responseText.match(c_reg6); var token = RegExp.$1; if(token.length > 1){ if(c_reg4.test(response.responseText) == true && c_reg5.test(response.responseText) == true){ response.responseText.match(c_reg7); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: "http://www.erepublik.com/subscribe", data: "_token="+token+"&n="+da[1]+"&type=subscribe", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Referer": "http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/"+RegExp.$1+"-"+RegExp.$2+"/1" }, onload: function(response) { if(/\d/.test(response.responseText) == true){ SubscribeContinue(da[0]); }else{ v_errCount++; if(v_errCount >2){ SubscribeContinue(da[0]); }else{ window.setTimeout(SubscribeMain, v_speed); } } } }); }else{ SubscribeContinue(da[0]); } }else{ v_errCount++; if(v_errCount >4){ SubscribeContinue(da[0]); }else{ window.setTimeout(SubscribeMain, v_speed); } } }}); }else{ if(BoxCheck()){$j("#cqmm_queue").html(v_countM-v_countS-1);} v_countS++; window.setTimeout(SubscribeMain, 1); if (v_countS>=(v_countM-1) && v_countM>5){ CacheSet('cqmm_time', undefined); CacheSet('cqmm_memory', undefined); v_sleep=1; CQmain(); } } } }else{ window.setTimeout(SleepScript, 15000); } } function StartSubscribe() { v_countM = v_subArray.length; v_countS = 0; v_errCount = 0; window.setTimeout(SubscribeMain, 1); } function SubscribeContinue(a) { v_progress = a; CacheSet('cqmm_progress', (a)); if(BoxCheck()){$j("#cqmm_queue").html(v_countM-v_countS-1);} v_countS++; v_errCount = 0; if (v_countS>=(v_countM-1) && v_countM>5){ CacheSet('cqmm_time', undefined); CacheSet('cqmm_memory', undefined); v_sleep=1; CQmain(); } window.setTimeout(SubscribeMain, v_speed); } function SleepScript(){ if(v_sleep == CacheGet('cqmm_progress')){ CQmain(); }else{ v_sleep = CacheGet('cqmm_progress'); window.setTimeout(SleepScript, 10000); } } function BoxCheck() { if(v_box==1){ return true; }else{ return false; } } function GM_wait() { if (typeof unsafeWindow.jQuery == 'undefined') { window.setTimeout(GM_wait, 100); } else { $j = unsafeWindow.jQuery; letsJQuery(); } } GM_wait(); function letsJQuery() { if (typeof unsafeWindow == 'undefined') { unsafeWindow = window; } var title = $j(".user_avatar").attr("title"); if (title != undefined){ $j(location).attr('href').match(c_reg8); if(RegExp.$1.length == 0){ v_box = 1; CQmain(); } } } function CacheSet(name, value){ value = typeof(value) != 'undefined' ? value : 'undefined'; if(value == 'undefined'){ GM_setValue(name, value); return 1; } if(typeof value == "boolean") value = value ? "{b}1" : "{b}0"; else if(typeof value == "string") value = "{s}" + value; else if(typeof value == "number") value = "{n}" + value; else value = "{o}" + value.toSource(); GM_setValue(name, value); } function CacheGet(name){ var value=GM_getValue(name); value = typeof(value) != 'undefined' ? value : 'undefined'; if(value == 'undefined'){ return undefined; } if(!value.indexOf) return value; if(value.indexOf("{o}")==0){ try{ return eval("("+value.substr(3)+")"); }catch(e){ GM_log("Error while calling variable "+name+" while translating into an object: \n\n"+e+"\n\ncode:\n"+value.substr(3)) return false; } } if(value.indexOf("{b}")==0) return !!parseInt(value.substr(3)); if(value.indexOf("{n}")==0) return parseFloat(value.substr(3)); if(value.indexOf("{s}")==0) return value.substr(3); return value; } jQuery.cookie = function(name, value, options) { //author Klaus Hartl/klaus.hartl@stilbuero.de if (typeof value != 'undefined') { options = options || {}; if (value === null) { value = ''; options.expires = -1; } var expires = ''; if (options.expires && (typeof options.expires == 'number' || options.expires.toUTCString)) { var date; if (typeof options.expires == 'number') { date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (options.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); } else { date = options.expires; } expires = '; expires=' + date.toUTCString(); } var path = options.path ? '; path=' + (options.path) : ''; var domain = options.domain ? '; domain=' + (options.domain) : ''; var secure = options.secure ? '; secure' : ''; document.cookie = [name, '=', encodeURIComponent(value), expires, path, domain, secure].join(''); } else { var cookieValue = null; if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') { var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]); if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) { cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1)); break; } } } return cookieValue; } };
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Thursday, November 3, 2011
Media Mogul Erepublik Project /CQ
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