// ==UserScript== // @name Yays! (Yet Another Youtube Script) // @description Control autoplaying and playback quality on YouTube. // @version 1.5.4 // @author eugenox_gmail_com // @license (CC) BY-SA-3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ // @namespace youtube // @include http*://*.youtube.com/* // @include http*://youtube.com/* // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== function YAYS(unsafeWindow) { /* * Meta data. */ var Meta = { title: 'Yays! (Yet Another Youtube Script)', version: '1.5.4', releasedate: 'Feb 12, 2012', site: 'http://eugenox.appspot.com/script/yays', ns: 'yays' }; /* * Script context. */ unsafeWindow[Meta.ns] = {}; /* * Utility functions. */ function each(callback, iterable, scope) { if (iterable.length) { for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) callback.call(scope, i, iterable[i]); } else { for (var key in iterable) if (iterable.hasOwnProperty(key)) callback.call(scope, key, iterable[key]); } } function map() { var args = Array.prototype.constructor.apply([], arguments), callback = args.shift() || bind(Array.prototype.constructor, []), buffer = []; if (args.length > 1) { var i = 0, len = Math.max.apply(Math, map(function(arg) { return arg.length; }, args)); function getter(arg) { return arg[i]; } for (; i < len; i++) buffer.push(callback.apply(null, map(getter, args))); } else { for (var i = 0, arg = args[0], len = arg.length; i < len; i++) buffer.push(callback(arg[i])); } return buffer; } function combine(keys, values) { var object = {}; map(function(key, value) { object[key] = value; }, keys, values); return object; } function bind(func, scope) { return function() { return func.apply(scope, arguments); }; } function copy(src, target) { for (var key in src) target[key] = src[key]; return target; } function extendFn(func, extension) { if (! func) return extension; return function() { try { func.apply(this, arguments); } catch (ex) {} extension.apply(this, arguments); }; } function emptyFn() { return; }; function buildURL(path, parameters) { var query = []; each(function(key, value) { query.push(key.concat('=', encodeURIComponent(value))); }, parameters); return path.concat('?', query.join('&')); } function parseJSON(data) { if (typeof JSON != 'undefined') return JSON.parse(data); return eval('('.concat(data, ')')); } function debug() { unsafeWindow.console.debug.apply(unsafeWindow.console, arguments); } /* * i18n */ var _ = (function() { var vocabulary = [ 'Auto play', 'ON', 'OFF', 'AUTO \u03B2', 'Toggle video autoplay', 'Quality', 'AUTO', 'LOW', 'MEDIUM', 'HIGH', 'HIGHEST', 'Set default video quality', 'Size', 'WIDE', 'FIT', 'Set default player size', 'Settings', 'Player settings', 'Help' ], dictionary = combine(vocabulary, (function() { switch ((document.documentElement.lang || 'en').substr(0, 2)) { // hungarian - magyar case 'hu': return [ 'Automatikus lej\xE1tsz\xE1s', 'BE', 'KI', 'AUTO \u03B2', 'Automatikus lej\xE1tsz\xE1s ki-, bekapcsol\xE1sa', 'Min\u0151s\xE9g', 'AUTO', 'ALACSONY', 'K\xD6ZEPES', 'MAGAS', 'LEGMAGASABB', 'Vide\xF3k alap\xE9rtelmezett felbont\xE1sa', 'M\xE9ret', 'SZ\xC9LES', 'ILLESZTETT', 'Lej\xE1tsz\xF3 alap\xE9rtelmezett m\xE9rete', 'Be\xE1ll\xEDt\xE1sok', 'Lej\xE1tsz\xF3 be\xE1ll\xEDt\xE1sai', 'S\xFAg\xF3' ]; // dutch - nederlands (Mike-RaWare @userscripts.org) case 'nl': return [ 'Auto spelen', 'AAN', 'UIT', 'AUTOMATISCH \u03B2', 'Stel automatisch afspelen in', 'Kwaliteit', 'AUTOMATISCH', 'LAAG', 'GEMIDDELD', 'HOOG', undefined, 'Stel standaard videokwaliteit in', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined ]; // spanish - español (yonane @userscripts.org) case 'es': return [ 'Reproducci\xF3n Autom\xE1tica', undefined, undefined, 'AUTO \u03B2', 'Modificar Reproducci\xF3n Autom\xE1tica', 'Calidad', 'AUTO', 'BAJA', 'MEDIA', 'ALTA', undefined, 'Usar calidad por defecto', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined ]; // german - deutsch (xemino @userscripts.org) case 'de': return [ 'Automatische Wiedergabe', 'AN', 'AUS', 'AUTO \u03B2', 'Automatische Wiedergabe umschalten', 'Qualit\xE4t', 'AUTO', 'NIEDRIG', 'MITTEL', 'HOCH', undefined, 'Standard Video Qualit\xE4t setzen', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined ]; // brazilian portuguese - português brasileiro (Pitukinha @userscripts.org) case 'pt': return [ 'Reprodu\xE7\xE3o Autom\xE1tica', 'LIGADO', 'DESLIGADO', 'AUTOM\xC1TICO \u03B2', 'Modificar Reprodu\xE7\xE3o Autom\xE1tica', 'Qualidade', 'AUTOM\xC1TICO', 'BAIXA', 'M\xC9DIO', 'BOA', undefined, 'Defini\xE7\xE3o padr\xE3o de v\xEDdeo', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 'Configura\xE7\xF5es', 'Configura\xE7\xE3o do usu\xE1rio', undefined ]; // greek - Έλληνες (TastyTeo @userscripts.org) case 'el': return [ '\u0391\u03C5\u03C4\u03CC\u03BC\u03B1\u03C4\u03B7 \u03B1\u03BD\u03B1\u03C0\u03B1\u03C1\u03B1\u03B3\u03C9\u03B3\u03AE', '\u0395\u039D\u0395\u03A1\u0393\u039F', '\u0391\u039D\u0395\u039D\u0395\u03A1\u0393\u039F', '\u0391\u03A5\u03A4\u039F\u039C\u0391\u03A4\u0397 \u03B2', '\u0395\u03BD\u03B1\u03BB\u03BB\u03B1\u03B3\u03AE \u03B1\u03C5\u03C4\u03CC\u03BC\u03B1\u03C4\u03B7\u03C2 \u03B1\u03BD\u03B1\u03C0\u03B1\u03C1\u03B1\u03B3\u03C9\u03B3\u03AE\u03C2', '\u03A0\u03BF\u03B9\u03CC\u03C4\u03B7\u03C4\u03B1', '\u0391\u03A5\u03A4\u039F\u039C\u0391\u03A4\u0397', '\u03A7\u0391\u039C\u0397\u039B\u0397', '\u039A\u0391\u039D\u039F\u039D\u0399\u039A\u0397', '\u03A5\u03A8\u0397\u039B\u0397', '\u03A0\u039F\u039B\u03A5 \u03A5\u03A8\u0397\u039B\u0397', '\u039F\u03C1\u03B9\u03C3\u03BC\u03CC\u03C2 \u03C0\u03C1\u03BF\u03B5\u03C0\u03B9\u03BB\u03B5\u03B3\u03BC\u03AD\u03BD\u03B7\u03C2 \u03C0\u03BF\u03B9\u03CC\u03C4\u03B7\u03C4\u03B1\u03C2 \u03B2\u03AF\u03BD\u03C4\u03B5\u03BF', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, '\u0395\u03C0\u03B9\u03BB\u03BF\u03B3\u03AD\u03C2', '\u0395\u03C0\u03B9\u03BB\u03BF\u03B3\u03AD\u03C2 Player', undefined ]; // french - français (eXa @userscripts.org) case 'fr': return [ 'Lecture Auto', undefined, undefined, undefined, 'Lecture auto ON/OFF', 'Qualit\xE9', undefined, 'BASSE', 'MOYENNE', 'HAUTE', 'LA PLUS HAUTE', 'Qualit\xE9 par d\xE9faut', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 'Options', 'Option du lecteur', undefined ]; // slovenian - slovenščina (Paranoia.Com @userscripts.org) case 'sl': return [ 'Samodejno predvajanje', 'Vklju\u010Di', 'Izklju\u010Di', 'Samodejno', 'Vklop/izklop samodejnega predvajanja', 'Kakovost', 'Samodejno', 'Nizka', 'Srednja', 'Visoka', 'Najvi\u0161ja', 'Nastavi privzeto kakovost videa', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 'Nastavitve', 'Nastavitve predvajalnika', 'Pomo\u010D' ]; } return []; })()); return function(text) { return dictionary[text] || text; }; })(); /* * DOM Helper singleton. */ var DH = { build: function(def) { switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(def)) { case '[object Object]': def = copy(def, {tag: 'div', style: null, attributes: null, listeners: null, children: null}); var node = this.element(def.tag); if (def.style !== null) this.style(node, def.style); if (def.attributes !== null) this.attributes(node, def.attributes); if (def.listeners !== null) this.listeners(node, def.listeners); if (def.children !== null) this.append(node, def.children); return node; case '[object String]': return this.textNode(def); default: return def; } }, id: bind(unsafeWindow.document.getElementById, unsafeWindow.document), element: bind(unsafeWindow.document.createElement, unsafeWindow.document), textNode: bind(unsafeWindow.document.createTextNode, unsafeWindow.document), style: function(node, style) { copy(style, node.style); }, append: function(node, children) { each(function(i, child) { node.appendChild(this.build(child)); }, [].concat(children), this); node.normalize(); }, insertAfter: function(node, children) { var parent = node.parentNode, sibling = node.nextSibling; if (sibling) { each(function(i, child) { parent.insertBefore(this.build(child), sibling); }, [].concat(children), this); parent.normalize(); } else { this.append(parent, children); } }, prepend: function(node, children) { if (node.hasChildNodes()) { var firstChild = node.firstChild; each(function(i, child) { node.insertBefore(this.build(child), firstChild); }, [].concat(children), this); } else { this.append(node, children); } }, content: function(node, children) { if (node.hasChildNodes()) { var child; while (child = node.firstChild) node.removeChild(child); } this.append(node, children); }, attributes: function(node, attributes) { each(node.setAttribute, attributes, node); }, hasClass: function(node, clss) { return node.hasAttribute('class') && node.getAttribute('class').indexOf(clss) != -1; }, addClass: function(node, clss) { if (! this.hasClass(node, clss)) { node.setAttribute('class', (node.getAttribute('class') || '').concat(' ', clss)); } }, delClass: function(node, clss) { if (this.hasClass(node, clss)) { node.setAttribute('class', node.getAttribute('class').replace(new RegExp('\\s*'.concat(clss, '\\s*'), 'g'), ' ')); } }, listeners: function(node, listeners) { each(function(type, listener) { this.on(node, type, listener); }, listeners, this); }, on: function(node, type, listener) { node.addEventListener(type, listener, false); }, un: function(node, type, listener) { node.removeEventListener(type, listener, false); } }; /* * Configuration handler singleton. */ var Config = (function(namespace) { // Greasemonkey compatible if (typeof GM_listValues == 'function') { // Accessing GM_getValue from unsafeWindow is not allowed. var GM_values = combine(GM_listValues(), map(GM_getValue, GM_listValues())); return { get: function(key) { return GM_values[key] || null; }, set: function(key, value) { GM_setValue(key, value); GM_values[key] = value; }, del: function(key) { GM_deleteValue(key); delete GM_values[key]; } }; } var prefix = namespace + '.'; // HTML5 if (typeof unsafeWindow.localStorage != 'undefined') { return { get: function(key) { return unsafeWindow.localStorage.getItem(prefix + key); }, set: function(key, value) { unsafeWindow.localStorage.setItem(prefix + key, value); }, del: function(key) { unsafeWindow.localStorage.removeItem(prefix + key); } }; } // Cookie return { get: function(key) { return (document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(?:^|; *)'.concat(prefix, key, '=(\\w+)(?:$|;)'))) || [, null])[1]; }, set: function(key, value) { document.cookie = prefix.concat(key, '=', value, '; path=/; expires=', new Date(new Date().valueOf() + 365 * 24 * 36e5).toUTCString()); }, del: function(key) { document.cookie = prefix.concat(key, '=deleted; path=/; max-age=0'); } }; })(Meta.ns); /* * Create XHR or JSONP requests. */ var JSONRequest = (function(namespace) { var Request; // Greasemonkey XHR if (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest == 'function') { Request = function(url, parameters, callback) { this._callback = callback; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: buildURL(url, parameters), onload: bind(this._onLoad, this) }); }; Request.prototype = { _onLoad: function(response) { this._callback(parseJSON(response.responseText)); } }; } // Script tag else { Request = (function() { var requests = [], requestsNs = 'jsonp'; function Request(url, parameters, callback) { this._callback = callback; this._id = requests.push(bind(this._onLoad, this)) - 1; parameters.callback = namespace.concat('.', requestsNs, '[', this._id, ']'); this._scriptNode = document.body.appendChild(DH.build({ tag: 'script', attributes: { type: 'text/javascript', src: buildURL(url, parameters) } })); } Request.prototype = { _callback: null, _id: null, _scriptNode: null, _onLoad: function(response) { this._callback(response); document.body.removeChild(this._scriptNode); delete requests[this._id]; } }; unsafeWindow[namespace][requestsNs] = requests; return Request; })(); } return Request; })(Meta.ns); /* * Check for update. */ (function() { if (new Date().valueOf() - Number(Config.get('update_checked_at')) < 24 * 36e5) return; var popup = null; new JSONRequest(Meta.site + '/changelog', {version: Meta.version}, function(changelog) { Config.set('update_checked_at', new Date().valueOf().toFixed()); if (changelog && changelog.length) popup = renderPopup(changelog); }); function renderPopup(changelog) { return document.body.appendChild(DH.build({ style: { position: 'fixed', top: '15px', right: '15px', zIndex: 1000, padding: '10px 15px 5px', backgroundColor: '#ffffff', border: '1px solid #cccccc', color: '#333333', fontSize: '11px', fontFamily: 'Arial,sans-serif', lineHeight: '12px', boxShadow: '0 1px 2px #cccccc' }, children: [{ style: {textAlign: 'center', fontWeight: 'bold'}, children: Meta.title }, { style: {color: '#a0a0a0', marginBottom: '5px', textAlign: 'center'}, children: 'UserScript update notification.' }, { style: {marginBottom: '5px'}, children: ['You are using version ', {tag: 'strong', children: Meta.version}, ', released on ', {tag: 'em', children: Meta.releasedate}, '.', {tag: 'br'}, 'Please update to the newest version.'] }, { children: map(function(entry) { return { style: {marginBottom: '5px'}, children: [ {tag: 'strong', style: {fontSize: '11px'}, children: entry.version}, {tag: 'em', style: {marginLeft: '5px'}, children: entry.date}, {style: {padding: '0 0 2px 10px', whiteSpace: 'pre'}, children: [].concat(entry.note).join('\n')} ] }; }, [].concat(changelog)) }, { style: {textAlign: 'center', padding: '10px 0'}, children: map(function(text, handler) { return DH.build({ tag: 'span', attributes: {'class': 'yt-uix-button'}, style: {margin: '0 5px', padding: '5px 10px'}, children: text, listeners: {click: handler} }); }, ['Update', 'Dismiss'], [openDownloadSite, removePopup]) }] })); } function removePopup() { document.body.removeChild(popup); } function openDownloadSite() { removePopup(); unsafeWindow.open(buildURL(Meta.site + '/download', {version: Meta.version})); } })(); /* * Button class. */ var Button = (function() { var def = { node: { tag: 'button', style: {margin: '0 0 0 5px'}, attributes: {type: 'button', 'class': 'yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-default yt-uix-tooltip'} }, label: { tag: 'span', attributes: {'class': 'yt-uix-button-content'} }, indicator: { tag: 'span', style: {fontSize: '14px', marginLeft: '5px'}, attributes: {'class': 'yt-uix-button-content'}, children: '-' } }; function Button(labelText, tooltipText, callbacks) { var node = DH.build(def.node), label = DH.build(def.label), indicator = DH.build(def.indicator); DH.attributes(node, {title: tooltipText}); DH.append(label, labelText); DH.append(node, [label, indicator]); DH.on(node, 'click', bind(this._onClick, this)); this._node = node; this._indicator = indicator.firstChild; copy(callbacks, this); } Button.prototype = { _indicator: null, _node: null, _refresh: function() { this._indicator.data = this.refresh(); }, _onClick: function(event) { this.handler(); this._refresh(); }, render: function() { this._refresh(); return this._node; }, handler: emptyFn, refresh: emptyFn }; return Button; })(); /* * PlayerOption class. */ var PlayerOption = (function() { var instances = []; function PlayerOption(configKey, overrides) { copy(overrides, this); this._configKey = configKey; instances.push(this); } PlayerOption.init = function(player) { this.prototype._player = player; each(function(i, instance) { instance.init(); }, instances); }; PlayerOption.prototype = { _player: null, get: function() { return Number(Config.get(this._configKey)); }, set: function(value) { Config.set(this._configKey, Number(value)); }, init: emptyFn, apply: emptyFn }; return PlayerOption; })(); /* * Prevent autoplaying. */ var AutoPlay = new PlayerOption('auto_play', { _applied: false, _focused: false, _timer: null, _states: ['ON', 'OFF', 'AUTO \u03B2'], _step: function() { this.set((this.get() + 1) % 3); }, _indicator: function() { return _(this._states[this.get()]); }, _onFocus: function() { if (this._applied && ! this._focused) { this._timer = setTimeout(bind(function() { this._player.playVideo(); this._focused = true; this._timer = null; }, this), 500); } }, _onBlur: function() { if (this._timer !== null) { clearTimeout(this._timer); this._timer = null; } }, init: function() { switch (this.get()) { case 0: // ON this._applied = true; break; case 1: // OFF this._applied = false; break; case 2: // AUTO // Video opened in the same window. if (this._focused || unsafeWindow.history.length > 1) { this._applied = true; } // Video opened in a new window/tab. else { DH.on(unsafeWindow, 'focus', bind(this._onFocus, this)); DH.on(unsafeWindow, 'blur', bind(this._onBlur, this)); this._applied = false; } break; } }, apply: function() { if (! this._applied && this._player.getPlayerState() == 1) { this._player.pauseVideo(); try { this._player.seekTo(0, false); } catch (ex) {} this._applied = true; } }, createButton: function() { return new Button(_('Auto play'), _('Toggle video autoplay'), { handler: bind(this._step, this), refresh: bind(this._indicator, this) }); } }); /* * Set video quality. */ var VideoQuality = new PlayerOption('video_quality', { _applied: false, _states: ['AUTO', 'LOW', 'MEDIUM', 'HIGH', 'HIGHEST'], _qualities: {highres: 5, hd1080: 4, hd720: 3, large: 2, medium: 1, small: 0}, _step: function() { this.set((this.get() + 1) % 5); }, _indicator: function() { return _(this._states[this.get()]); }, init: function() { this._applied = ! this.get(); }, apply: function() { if (! this._applied && this._player.getPlayerState() == 2) { var qualities = this._player.getAvailableQualityLevels(), quality = null; this._applied = true; switch (this.get()) { case 1: // LOW quality = qualities.pop(); break; case 2: // MEDIUM while (this._qualities[quality = qualities.shift()] > this._qualities.large); break; case 3: // HIGH while (this._qualities[quality = qualities.shift()] > this._qualities.hd720); break; case 4: // HIGHEST quality = qualities.shift(); break; default: return; } this._player.setPlaybackQuality(quality); } }, createButton: function() { return new Button(_('Quality'), _('Set default video quality'), { handler: bind(this._step, this), refresh: bind(this._indicator, this) }); } }); /* * Set player size. */ var PlayerSize = new PlayerOption('player_size', { _states: ['AUTO', 'WIDE', 'FIT'], _step: function() { this.set((this.get() + 1) % 3); }, _indicator: function() { return _(this._states[this.get()]); }, apply: function() { switch (this.get()) { case 2: // FIT DH.append(document.body, { tag: 'style', attributes: {type: 'text/css'}, children: [ '#watch-video.medium #watch-player,', '#watch-video.large #watch-player {', 'width: 970px !important;', 'height: 575px !important;', '}' ] }); // no break; case 1: // WIDE DH.addClass(DH.id('watch-video'), 'medium'); DH.addClass(DH.id('page'), 'watch-wide'); break; default: return; } }, createButton: function() { return new Button(_('Size'), _('Set default player size'), { handler: bind(this._step, this), refresh: bind(this._indicator, this) }); } }); /* * Player state change callback. */ unsafeWindow[Meta.ns].onPlayerStateChange = function() { VideoQuality.apply(); AutoPlay.apply(); }; /* * Player ready callback. */ var onPlayerReady = (function() { var player = null; return function() { var element = DH.id('movie_player') || DH.id('movie_player-flash') || DH.id('movie_player-html5'); if (player !== element) { player = element; // Unwrap the player object if (typeof XPCNativeWrapper != 'undefined' && typeof XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap == 'function') { player = XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap(player); } var initInterval = setInterval(function() { if (typeof player.getPlayerState == 'function') { PlayerOption.init(player); VideoQuality.apply(); AutoPlay.apply(); player.addEventListener('onStateChange', Meta.ns + '.onPlayerStateChange'); clearInterval(initInterval); } }, 10); } }; })(); unsafeWindow.onYouTubePlayerReady = extendFn(unsafeWindow.onYouTubePlayerReady, onPlayerReady); unsafeWindow.onChannelPlayerReady = extendFn(unsafeWindow.onChannelPlayerReady, onPlayerReady); onPlayerReady(); /* * Per-site * * Watch page. */ if (DH.id('watch-actions') !== null) { DH.insertAfter(DH.id('watch-flag'), { tag: 'button', style: {marginLeft: '3px', padding: '0 4px'}, attributes: {id: 'yays_settings-button', type: 'button', 'class': 'yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-default yt-uix-tooltip yt-uix-tooltip-reverse', title: _('Player settings')}, children: { tag: 'img', attributes: {src: 'data:image/png;base64,\ iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAASRJREFUOMul\ kj1KBEEQhb+ZHVlQEw8gxp0IpqbqBTrZIwjqipHIXkANZAMH0SNs8kIjLyCCoknDGq65iauw4k9S\ OwzNjDj6oqp+r191VVdCDbz368CBpUeSrqp0GfW4BGYsXgVmfzTw3veBPeBV0hzwXjL4Ms3YjE4l\ 7QIkRmwC5zRDV1KeWtKiOdLiYgjhxjn3Bmz88nJP0glA4r2/BxaBhUh0B3QsHgArEf8CjDJguaZK\ R9KjzagDDCN+HnAp/0QGPNS0MLDK0xZijIGnpLQH+8BxgyEeFr/gvd8C+g1evuacew4hXE9n8PGH\ 9j+LZZB0AeRGTCQlwKQkjs/OJOWFgZl0gVRSu2I7W6Zpm2abqhUOIRSxc+4WWAJGwE4IYRhrAL4B\ csFg0+JttI0AAAAASUVORK5CYII='} }, listeners: { click: function() { var container = DH.id('watch-actions-area-container'), panel = DH.id('yays_settings-panel'); function isHidden(node) { return node.nodeType != 1 || DH.hasClass(node, 'hid'); } if (isHidden(panel) || isHidden(container)) { DH.delClass(container, 'hid'); container.style.display = 'block'; each(function(i, node) { ! isHidden(node) && DH.hasClass(node, 'watch-actions-panel') && DH.addClass(node, 'hid'); }, DH.id('watch-actions-area').childNodes); DH.delClass(panel, 'hid'); panel.style.display = 'block'; } else { DH.addClass(container, 'hid'); container.style.display = 'none'; DH.addClass(panel, 'hid'); panel.style.display = 'none'; } } } }); DH.prepend(DH.id('watch-actions-area'), [{ attributes: {id: 'yays_settings-panel', 'class': 'watch-actions-panel'}, style: {position: 'relative'}, children: [{ tag: 'img', style: {position: 'absolute', top: '0', right: '10px', marginTop: '-3px', cursor: 'pointer'}, attributes: {title: _('Help'), src: 'data:image/png;base64,\ iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAcAAAAJCAYAAAD+WDajAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAHVJREFUGNN9\ zT0OQVEUBODvPmIPotOq1OpTqEWlkYgN6MQCWITaCqjOoiQqKpr34lZvmpnMT6Zk5ggnbDDBE3cc\ hzjj4I8x9pg2mOOFJWZVaVE6lZkDXLFtrVtTNS9V8MCuDlctf7COiLc+1J/fTkdEgaZv+QMwqxX9\ qVmH8wAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=='}, listeners: {click: function() { unsafeWindow.open(Meta.site); }} }, { style: {textAlign: 'center'}, children: [ VideoQuality.createButton().render(), PlayerSize.createButton().render(), AutoPlay.createButton().render() ] }] }]); PlayerSize.apply(); } /* * Legacy channel page. */ else if (DH.id('playnav-video-details') !== null) { // Create and append tab DH.append(DH.id('playnav-bottom-links-clip').getElementsByTagName('tr')[0], { tag: 'td', attributes: {id: 'playnav-panel-tab-yays_settings'}, children: { tag: 'table', attributes: {'class': 'panel-tabs'}, children: [{ tag: 'tr', children: { tag: 'td', attributes: {'class': 'panel-tab-title-cell'}, children: [{ attributes: {'class': 'playnav-panel-tab-icon'}, style: {marginTop: '2px', height: '10px', backgroundImage: 'url(data:image/png;base64,\ iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAoAAAAKAQMAAAC3/F3+AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAAZQTFRFAAAA\ zMzMyE/AMgAAAAF0Uk5TAEDm2GYAAAAgSURBVAjXY+BhYMhtYKhvYLBnYPh8AISADCAXKMjDAAB1\ 9AfV9jsohwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=='} }, { attributes: {'class': 'playnav-bottom-link'}, children: { tag: 'a', attributes: {href: 'javascript:;', title: _('Player settings')}, children: _('Settings'), listeners: { mousedown: function() { each(function(i, node) { var panelName = (new RegExp('^playnav-panel-tab-(\\w+)').exec(node.getAttribute('id') || '') || [, null])[1]; if (panelName) { DH.delClass(node, 'panel-tab-selected'); DH.id('playnav-panel-' + panelName).style.display = 'none'; } }, DH.id('playnav-bottom-links-clip').getElementsByTagName('td')); DH.addClass(DH.id('playnav-panel-tab-yays_settings'), 'panel-tab-selected'); DH.id('playnav-panel-yays_settings').style.display = 'block'; } } } }, { attributes: {'class': 'spacer'} }] } }, { tag: 'tr', children: { tag: 'td', attributes: {'class': 'panel-tab-indicator-cell inner-box-opacity'}, children: { attributes: {'class': 'panel-tab-indicator-arrow'} } } }] } }); // Hide when other tab clicked. unsafeWindow.playnav.selectPanel = extendFn(unsafeWindow.playnav.selectPanel, function() { DH.id('playnav-panel-tab-yays_settings').setAttribute('class', ''); DH.id('playnav-panel-yays_settings').style.display = 'none'; }); // Create and append panel. DH.append(DH.id('playnav-video-panel-inner'), { attributes: {id: 'playnav-panel-yays_settings', 'class': 'hid'}, children: { children: [{ tag: 'strong', children: _('Player settings') }, { style: {textAlign: 'center', marginTop: '5px'}, children: [ VideoQuality.createButton().render(), AutoPlay.createButton().render() ] }] } }); } } // YAYS // Firefox if (new RegExp('Firefox/\\d', 'i').test(navigator.userAgent)) { YAYS(unsafeWindow); } // Chrome, Opera, Safari else { var node = document.createElement('script'); node.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); node.text = '('.concat(YAYS.toString(), ')(window);'); document.body.appendChild(node); document.body.removeChild(node); }

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Sunday, February 12, 2012
Yays! (Yet Another Youtube Script)
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