// ==UserScript== // @name C&C Tiberium Alliances Combat Simulator // @description Allows you to simulate combat before actually attacking. // @namespace http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/145717 // @include https://prodgame*.alliances.commandandconquer.com/*/index.aspx* // @version 2.0 // @author Quor | WildKatana | Updated by CodeEcho, PythEch, Matthias Fuchs, Enceladus, KRS_L, TheLuminary, Panavia2, Da Xue // @require http://sizzlemctwizzle.com/updater.php?id=145717 // ==/UserScript== webfrontend = unsafeWindow["webfrontend"]; qx = unsafeWindow["qx"]; ClientLib = unsafeWindow["ClientLib"]; var buttons = { attack: { layout: { save: null, // buttonLayoutSave load: null, // buttonLayoutLoad deletef: null, // buttonLayoutDelete }, simulate: null, // buttonSimulateCombat unlock: null, // buttonUnlockAttack unlockReset: null, // buttonUnlockReset tools: null, // buttonTools }, simulate: { back: null // buttonReturnSetup } } var stats = { spoils: { tiberium: null, // tiberiumSpoils crystal: null, // crystalSpoils credit: null, // creditSpoils research: null // researchSpoils }, health: { infantry: null, // lastInfantryPercentage vehicle: null, // lastVehiclePercentage aircraft: null, // lastAirPercentage overall: null, // lastPercentage }, repair: { infantry: null, // lastInfantryRepairTime vehicle: null, // lastVehicleRepairTime aircraft: null, // lastAircraftRepairTime overall: null // lastRepairTime }, damage: { units: { overall: null // lastEnemyUnitsPercentage }, structures: { construction: null, // lastCYPercentage defense: null, // lastDFPercentage command: null, // lastCCPercentage overall: null // lastEnemyBuildingsPercentage }, overall: null // lastEnemyPercentage }, time: null, supportlvl: null } var labels = { health: { infantry: null, // infantryTroopStrengthLabel vehicle: null, // vehicleTroopStrengthLabel aircraft: null, // airTroopStrengthLabel overall: null // simTroopDamageLabel }, damage: { units: { infantry: null, // infantryTroopStrengthLabel vehicle: null, // vehicleTroopStrengthLabel structure: null, // structureTroopStrengthLabel overall: null // enemyUnitsStrengthLabel }, structures: { construction: null, // CYTroopStrengthLabel defense: null, // DFTroopStrengthLabel command: null, // CCTroopStrengthLabel support: null, // enemySupportStrengthLabel overall: null // enemyBuildingsStrengthLabel }, overall: null, // enemyTroopStrengthLabel outcome: null // simVictoryLabel }, repair: { overall: null // simRepairTimeLabel }, time: null, // simTimeLabel supportlvl: null // enemySupportLevelLabel } // Using EA's API (Limited Support) function CreateTweak() { var TASuite = {}; qx.Class.define("TASuite.main", { type: "singleton", extend: qx.core.Object, members: { buttons: { attack: { layout: { save: null, // buttonLayoutSave load: null, // buttonLayoutLoad }, simulate: null, // buttonSimulateCombat unlock: null, // buttonUnlockAttack unlockReset: null, // buttonUnlockReset tools: null, // buttonTools }, simulate: { back: null // buttonReturnSetup } }, stats: { spoils: { tiberium: null, // tiberiumSpoils crystal: null, // crystalSpoils credit: null, // creditSpoils research: null // researchSpoils }, health: { infantry: null, // lastInfantryPercentage vehicle: null, // lastVehiclePercentage aircraft: null, // lastAirPercentage overall: null, // lastPercentage }, repair: { infantry: null, // lastInfantryRepairTime vehicle: null, // lastVehicleRepairTime aircraft: null, // lastAircraftRepairTime overall: null // lastRepairTime }, damage: { units: { overall: null // lastEnemyUnitsPercentage }, structures: { construction: null, // lastCYPercentage defense: null, // lastDFPercentage command: null, // lastCCPercentage overall: null // lastEnemyBuildingsPercentage }, overall: null // lastEnemyPercentage } }, labels: { health: { infantry: null, // infantryTroopStrengthLabel vehicle: null, // vehicleTroopStrengthLabel aircraft: null, // airTroopStrengthLabel overall: null // simTroopDamageLabel }, damage: { units: { overall: null // enemyUnitsStrengthLabel }, structures: { construction: null, // CYTroopStrengthLabel defense: null, // DFTroopStrengthLabel command: null, // CCTroopStrengthLabel support: null, // enemySupportStrengthLabel overall: null // enemyBuildingsStrengthLabel }, overall: null, // enemyTroopStrengthLabel outcome: null // simVictoryLabel }, repair: { overall: null // simRepairTimeLabel }, time: null, // simTimeLabel supportlevel: null // enemySupportLevelLabel }, add_ViewModeChange: null, add_ArmyChanged: null, attacker_modules: null, defender_modules: null, units: null, units_list: null, saved_units: null, layoutsList: null, layoutsLabelText: null, battleResultsBox: null, statsPage: null, totalSeconds: null, isPlayerCity: null, initializeStats: function (tabView) { // ////////////////Stats //////////////////// this.statsPage = new qx.ui.tabview.Page("Stats"); this.statsPage.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5)); this.statsPage.setPadding(1); tabView.add(this.statsPage); // The Enemy Vertical Box var eVBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); eVBox.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5)); eVBox.setThemedFont("bold"); eVBox.setThemedPadding(2); eVBox.setThemedBackgroundColor("#eef"); this.statsPage.add(eVBox); // The Enemy Troop Strength Label var eHBox1 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); eHBox1.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); eHBox1.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Enemy Base: ")); this.labels.damage.overall = new qx.ui.basic.Label("100"); eHBox1.add(this.labels.damage.overall); this.labels.damage.overall.setTextColor("red"); eVBox.add(eHBox1); // Units var eHBox4 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); eHBox4.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); eHBox4.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Defences: ")); this.labels.damage.units.overall = new qx.ui.basic.Label("100"); eHBox4.add(this.labels.damage.units.overall); this.labels.damage.units.overall.setTextColor("green"); eVBox.add(eHBox4); // Buildings var eHBox5 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); eHBox5.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); eHBox5.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Buildings: ")); this.labels.damage.structures.overall = new qx.ui.basic.Label("100"); eHBox5.add(this.labels.damage.structures.overall); this.labels.damage.structures.overall.setTextColor("green"); eVBox.add(eHBox5); // Command Center var eHBox2 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); eHBox2.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); eHBox2.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Construction Yard: ")); this.labels.damage.structures.construction = new qx.ui.basic.Label("100"); eHBox2.add(this.labels.damage.structures.construction); this.labels.damage.structures.construction.setTextColor("red"); eVBox.add(eHBox2); // Defense Facility var eHBox3 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); eHBox3.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); eHBox3.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Defense Facility: ")); this.labels.damage.structures.defense = new qx.ui.basic.Label("100"); eHBox3.add(this.labels.damage.structures.defense); this.labels.damage.structures.defense.setTextColor("red"); eVBox.add(eHBox3); // Command Center var eHBox6 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); eHBox6.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); eHBox6.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Command Center: ")); this.labels.damage.structures.command = new qx.ui.basic.Label("100"), eHBox6.add(this.labels.damage.structures.command); this.labels.damage.structures.command.setTextColor("red"); eVBox.add(eHBox6); // The Support Horizontal Box var hboxSupportContainer = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); hboxSupportContainer.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); this.labels.supportlevel = new qx.ui.basic.Label("Suport lvl "); hboxSupportContainer.add(this.labels.supportlevel); this.labels.damage.structures.support = new qx.ui.basic.Label("--: 100"); hboxSupportContainer.add(this.labels.damage.structures.support); this.labels.damage.structures.support.setTextColor("red"); eVBox.add(hboxSupportContainer); // The Troops Vertical Box var tVBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); tVBox.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5)); tVBox.setThemedFont("bold"); tVBox.setThemedPadding(2); tVBox.setThemedBackgroundColor("#eef"); this.statsPage.add(tVBox); // The Repair Time Label var tHBox1 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); tHBox1.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); tHBox1.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Repair Time: ")); this.labels.repair.overall = new qx.ui.basic.Label("0:00:00"); tHBox1.add(this.labels.repair.overall); this.labels.repair.overall.setTextColor("blue"); tVBox.add(tHBox1); // The Troop Strength Label var tHBox5 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); tHBox5.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); tHBox5.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Overall: ")); this.labels.health.overall = new qx.ui.basic.Label("100"); tHBox5.add(this.labels.health.overall); this.labels.health.overall.setTextColor("blue"); tVBox.add(tHBox5); // The Infantry Troop Strength Label var tHBox2 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); tHBox2.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); tHBox2.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Infantry: ")); this.labels.health.infantry = new qx.ui.basic.Label("100"); tHBox2.add(this.labels.health.infantry); this.labels.health.infantry.setTextColor("green"); tVBox.add(tHBox2); // The Vehicle Troop Strength Label var tHBox3 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); tHBox3.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); tHBox3.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Vehicle: ")); this.labels.health.vehicle = new qx.ui.basic.Label("100"); tHBox3.add(this.labels.health.vehicle); this.labels.health.vehicle.setTextColor("green"); tVBox.add(tHBox3); // The Air Troop Strength Label var tHBox4 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); tHBox4.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); tHBox4.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Aircraft: ")); this.labels.health.aircraft = new qx.ui.basic.Label("100"); tHBox4.add(this.labels.health.aircraft); this.labels.health.aircraft.setTextColor("green"); tVBox.add(tHBox4); // The inner Vertical Box var vBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); vBox.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5)); vBox.setThemedFont("bold"); vBox.setThemedPadding(2); vBox.setThemedBackgroundColor("#eef"); // The Victory Label var hBox2 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); hBox2.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); hBox2.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Outcome: ")); this.labels.damage.outcome = new qx.ui.basic.Label("Unknown"); hBox2.add(this.labels.damage.outcome); this.labels.damage.outcome.setTextColor("green"); vBox.add(hBox2); // The Battle Time Label var hBox1 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); hBox1.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); hBox1.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Battle Time: ")); this.labels.time = new qx.ui.basic.Label("120"); hBox1.add(this.labels.time); this.labels.time.setTextColor("black"); vBox.add(hBox1); this.statsPage.add(vBox); }, initializeLayout: function (tabView) { // ////////////////Layouts //////////////////// var layoutPage = new qx.ui.tabview.Page("Layouts"); layoutPage.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox()); tabView.add(layoutPage); this.layoutsList = new qx.ui.form.List(); this.layoutsList.set({ height: 200, width: 180, selectionMode: "one" }); layoutPage.add(this.layoutsList); // Add the two buttons for save and load var layHBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); layHBox.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); // Load button this.buttons.attack.layout.load = new qx.ui.form.Button("Load"); this.buttons.attack.layout.load.set({ width: 80, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Load this saved layout." }); this.buttons.attack.layout.load.addListener("click", this.loadCityLayout, this); layHBox.add(this.buttons.attack.layout.load); // Delete button this.buttonLayoutDelete = new qx.ui.form.Button("Delete"); this.buttonLayoutDelete.set({ width: 80, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Delete this saved layout." }); this.buttonLayoutDelete.addListener("click", this.deleteCityLayout, this); layHBox.add(this.buttonLayoutDelete); layoutPage.add(layHBox); var layVBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); layVBox.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5)); layVBox.setThemedFont("bold"); layVBox.setThemedPadding(2); layVBox.setThemedBackgroundColor("#eef"); // The Label Textbox var layHBox2 = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); layHBox2.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(5)); layHBox2.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Name: ")); this.layoutsLabelText = new qx.ui.form.TextField(); layHBox2.add(this.layoutsLabelText); layVBox.add(layHBox2); this.buttons.attack.layout.save = new qx.ui.form.Button("Save"); this.buttons.attack.layout.save.set({ width: 80, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Save this layout." }); this.buttons.attack.layout.save.addListener("click", this.saveCityLayout, this); layVBox.add(this.buttons.attack.layout.save); layoutPage.add(layVBox); }, initializeInfo: function (tabView) { // //////////////// Info //////////////////// var infoPage = new qx.ui.tabview.Page("Info"); infoPage.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5)); tabView.add(infoPage); // The Help Vertical Box var pVBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); pVBox.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5)); pVBox.setThemedFont("bold"); pVBox.setThemedPadding(2); pVBox.setThemedBackgroundColor("#eef"); infoPage.add(pVBox); var proHelpBar = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({ value: "<a target='_blank' href='http://userscripts.org/scripts/discuss/130344'>Forums</a>", rich: true }); pVBox.add(proHelpBar); // The Spoils var psVBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); psVBox.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5)); psVBox.setThemedFont("bold"); psVBox.setThemedPadding(2); psVBox.setThemedBackgroundColor("#eef"); infoPage.add(psVBox); psVBox.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Spoils")); // Tiberium this.stats.spoils.tiberium = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("0", "webfrontend/ui/common/icn_res_tiberium.png"); psVBox.add(this.stats.spoils.tiberium); // Crystal this.stats.spoils.crystal = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("0", "webfrontend/ui/common/icn_res_chrystal.png"); psVBox.add(this.stats.spoils.crystal); // Credits this.stats.spoils.credit = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("0", "webfrontend/ui/common/icn_res_dollar.png"); psVBox.add(this.stats.spoils.credit); // Research this.stats.spoils.research = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("0", "webfrontend/ui/common/icn_res_research_mission.png"); psVBox.add(this.stats.spoils.research); this.battleResultsBox.add(tabView); }, initialize: function () { this.add_ViewModeChange = (new ClientLib.Vis.ViewModeChange).LEUXCZ(this, this.onViewChange); // this.add_ArmyChanged = (new $I.QUXOEF).LEUXCZ(this, this.onUnitMoved); // this.buttons.attack.simulate = new qx.ui.form.Button("Simulate"); this.buttons.attack.simulate.set({ width: 58, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Start Combat Simulation" }); this.buttons.attack.simulate.addListener("click", this.startSimulation, this); this.buttons.simulate.back = new qx.ui.form.Button("Setup"); this.buttons.simulate.back.set({ width: 80, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Return to Combat Setup" }); this.buttons.simulate.back.addListener("click", this.returnSetup, this); var replayBar = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getReportReplayOverlay(); replayBar.add(this.buttons.simulate.back, { top: 10, left: 0 }); var armyBar = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getUIItem(ClientLib.Data.Missions.PATH.BAR_ATTACKSETUP); this.buttons.attack.unlock = new qx.ui.form.Button("Unlock"); this.buttons.attack.unlock.set({ width: 55, height: 46, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Unlock Attack Button" }); this.buttons.attack.unlock.addListener("click", this.unlockAttacks, this); this.buttons.attack.unlock.setOpacity(0.5); armyBar.add(this.buttons.attack.unlock, { top: 102, right: 4 }); this.buttons.attack.unlockReset = new qx.ui.form.Button("Unlock"); this.buttons.attack.unlockReset.set({ width: 55, height: 42, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Unlock Reset Button" }); this.buttons.attack.unlockReset.addListener("click", this.unlockResets, this); this.buttons.attack.unlockReset.setOpacity(0.5); armyBar.add(this.buttons.attack.unlockReset, { top: 59, right: 4 }); this.buttons.attack.tools = new qx.ui.form.Button("Tools"); this.buttons.attack.tools.set({ width: 58, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Open Simulator Tools" }); this.buttons.attack.tools.addListener("click", this.toggleTools, this); var battleUnitData = $I.PJNPPV.prototype; if (!battleUnitData.set_Enabled_Original) { battleUnitData.set_Enabled_Original = battleUnitData.set_Enabled; } battleUnitData.set_Enabled = function (a) { this.set_Enabled_Original(a); var ta = window.TASuite.main.getInstance(); ta.onUnitMoved(); }; _this = this; setTimeout( function () { try { // Get the active modules // Doing this the hard and unreliable way for now, until // we figure out a better way _this.attacker_modules = {}; _this.attacker_modules.l = []; var g = ClientLib.Res.ResMain.GetInstance(); // Get the player faction // var gdi_unit_ids = g.GetFactionUnitIds(1); // var nod_unit_ids = g.GetFactionUnitIds(2); // var forgotten_unit_ids = g.GetFactionUnitIds(3); var player_research = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Player().get_PlayerResearch(); for (var i in g.EUIRZQ.units) { // var ug = g.GetUnit_Obj(i); var research = player_research.GetResearchItemFomMdbId(ug.tl); var modules = ug.m; for (var j in modules) { var module = modules[j]; if (research && module.r.length > 0) { try { // This is an upgradeable ability var required_level = module.r[0].l; var current_level = research.get_CurrentLevel(); if (current_level >= required_level) { _this.attacker_modules.l.push(module.i); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } else { _this.attacker_modules.l.push(module.i); } } } // Get the defender modules _this.defender_modules = _this.attacker_modules; ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance().add_ViewModeChange( _this.add_ViewModeChange); armyBar.add(_this.buttons.attack.tools, { top: 74, right: 62 }); armyBar.add(_this.buttons.attack.simulate, { top: 112, right: 62 }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, 10000); // The Battle Simulator box this.battleResultsBox = new qx.ui.window.Window("Battle Simulator"); this.battleResultsBox.setPadding(1); this.battleResultsBox.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(1)); this.battleResultsBox.setShowMaximize(false); this.battleResultsBox.setShowMinimize(false); this.battleResultsBox.moveTo(125, 125); this.battleResultsBox.setHeight(300); this.battleResultsBox.setWidth(200); var tabView = new qx.ui.tabview.TabView(); tabView.setPadding(5); this.battleResultsBox.add(tabView); this.initializeStats(tabView); this.initializeLayout(tabView); this.initializeInfo(tabView); }, closeToolsBox: function () { try { var units = this.getCityPreArmyUnits(); if (units) { units.remove_ArmyChanged(this.add_ArmyChanged); } this.battleResultsBox.close(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, toggleTools: function () { var units = this.getCityPreArmyUnits(); this.units = units.get_ArmyUnits().l; var cityFaction = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentCity().get_CityFaction(); this.isPlayerCity = false; if ((cityFaction === ClientLib.Base.EFactionType.GDIFaction) || (cityFaction === ClientLib.Base.EFactionType.NODFaction)) this.isPlayerCity = true; if (this.battleResultsBox.isVisible()) { this.closeToolsBox(); } else { // Add the event listener for armybar try { units.remove_ArmyChanged(this.add_ArmyChanged); units.add_ArmyChanged(this.add_ArmyChanged); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } this.updateLayoutsList(); this.calculateLoot(); this.calculateSimResults(); this.updateStatsWindow(); this.battleResultsBox.open(); } }, getCityPreArmyUnits: function () { var armyBar = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getUIItem( ClientLib.Data.Missions.PATH.BAR_ATTACKSETUP); var units = null; for (var key in armyBar) { try { if (armyBar[key] instanceof ClientLib.Data.CityPreArmyUnits) { // ClientLib.Data.CityPreArmyUnits renamed to $I.UIG = $I.NSVPME *CHECKED* units = armyBar[key]; break; } } catch (e) {} } return units; }, calculateLoot: function () { // Adapted from the CNC Loot script: // http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/135953 var city = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentCity(); var num = 0; var spoils = { 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0 }; if (city.get_CityBuildingsData().HWFIJH !== null) { // every building num = city.get_CityBuildingsData().HWFIJH.l.length; for (var j = num; --j >= 0;) { var building = city.get_CityBuildingsData().HWFIJH.l[j]; // TODO: check for destroyed building var mod = building.get_HitpointsPercent(); for (var i = building.MNNADO.rer.length; --i >= 0;) { spoils[building.MNNADO.rer[i].t] += mod * building.MNNADO.rer[i].c; } } } // every unit if (city.get_CityUnitsData().TXDWUM !== null) { num = city.get_CityUnitsData().TXDWUM.l.length; for (j = num; --j >= 0;) { var unit = city.get_CityUnitsData().TXDWUM.l[j]; mod = unit.get_HitpointsPercent(); for (i = unit.MNNADO.rer.length; --i >= 0;) { spoils[unit.MNNADO.rer[i].t] += mod * unit.MNNADO.rer[i].c; } } } this.stats.spoils.tiberium.setLabel(this.formatNumberWithCommas(spoils[1])); this.stats.spoils.crystal.setLabel(this.formatNumberWithCommas(spoils[2])); this.stats.spoils.credit.setLabel(this.formatNumberWithCommas(spoils[3])); this.stats.spoils.research.setLabel(this.formatNumberWithCommas(spoils[6])); }, calculateSimResults: function () { var battleground = this.setupBattleground(this.getCityPreArmyUnits()); // Run the simulation until it's done while (battleground.DHSWQJ.OAEJMD(false)) {} // DoStep$0 was renamed to OAEJMD, m_Simulation was renamed to DHSWQJ this.calculateTroopStrengths(battleground); }, onUnitMoved: function (sender, e) { if (this.battleResultsBox.isVisible()) { var ta = window.TASuite.main.getInstance(); //ta.calculateSimResults(); //ta.updateStatsWindow(); } }, calculateTroopStrengths: function (battleground) { var battleground = ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance().get_Battleground(); var total_hp = 0; var end_hp = 0; var e_total_hp = 0; var e_end_hp = 0; var eb_total_hp = 0; var eb_end_hp = 0; var eu_total_hp = 0; var eu_end_hp = 0; var i_end_hp = 0; var v_end_hp = 0; var a_end_hp = 0; var v_total_hp = 0; var a_total_hp = 0; var i_total_hp = 0; this.stats.damage.structures.defense = 0; this.stats.damage.structures.construction = 0; this.stats.damage.structures.command = 0; this.SupportLevel = 0; this.lastSupportPercentage = 0; this.stats.repair.infantry = 0; this.stats.repair.vehicle = 0; this.stats.repair.aircraft = 0; var own_city = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentOwnCity(); var crd = own_city.get_CityRepairData(); var cud = own_city.get_CityUnitsData(); var repair_times = own_city.get_CityUnitsData().EDTHDX.d; // m_FullRawRepairTimeForUnitGroupTypes renamed to EDTHDX var r_types = ClientLib.Base.EResourceType; var entities = battleground.NNXRBC.d; // m_Entities has been renamed to NNXRBC for (var i in entities) { var entity = entities[i]; var i_entity = entity.QXYJOG; // get_Entity$0() has been removed. Propery is $I.TQL - QXYJOG var a_entity = entity.GUXBBT; // ??? has been renamed to GUXBBT var current_hp = i_entity.HOTKDN; // m_iHitpointsCurrent has been renamed to HOTKDN var max_hp = i_entity.EUJPNP; // m_iHitpoints has been renamed to EUJPNP if (a_entity.XPEHRJ === 2) { // ??? has been renamed to XPEHRJ, Attacker is 2 // This is one of the good guys end_hp += current_hp; total_hp += max_hp; switch (a_entity.TRKXAB) { // movement type has been renamed toTRKXAB case ClientLib.Base.EUnitMovementType.Air: case ClientLib.Base.EUnitMovementType.Air2: a_end_hp += current_hp; a_total_hp += max_hp; break; case ClientLib.Base.EUnitMovementType.Feet: i_end_hp += current_hp; i_total_hp += max_hp; break; case ClientLib.Base.EUnitMovementType.Track: case ClientLib.Base.EUnitMovementType.Wheel: v_end_hp += current_hp; v_total_hp += max_hp; break; case ClientLib.Base.EUnitMovementType.Structure: break; } } else { // Enemy Overall e_total_hp += max_hp; e_end_hp += current_hp; if (i_entity.XZXAQZ >= 200 && i_entity.XZXAQZ <= 205) { this.SupportLevel = parseInt(i_entity.BGYEIQ); // m_iLevel has been renamed to BGYEIQ this.lastSupportPercentage = (current_hp / max_hp) * 100; } else { switch (i_entity.XZXAQZ) { // m_MDCTypeId has been renamed to XZXAQZ case 112: // GDI YARD case 151: // NOD CY case 177: // FOR CY this.stats.damage.structures.construction = (current_hp / max_hp) * 100; break; case 158: // NOD DF case 131: // GDI DF case 195: // FOR DF this.stats.damage.structures.defense = (current_hp / max_hp) * 100; break; case 111: // GDI CC case 159: // NOD CC this.stats.damage.structures.command = (current_hp / max_hp) * 100; break; } } switch (a_entity.TRKXAB) { case ClientLib.Base.EUnitMovementType.Structure: // Enemy Building eb_total_hp += max_hp; eb_end_hp += current_hp; break; default: // Enemy Defence eu_total_hp += max_hp; eu_end_hp += current_hp; break; } } } // Get MaxHealth for UnitTypes var totalInfantryHealth = 0; var totalVehicleHealth = 0; var totalAirHealth = 0; for (var i in this.units) { switch (this.units[i].get_UnitGameData_Obj().at) { case ClientLib.Data.EUnitGroup.Infantry: totalInfantryHealth += (this.units[i].get_MaxHealth() * 16); break; case ClientLib.Data.EUnitGroup.Vehicle: totalVehicleHealth += (this.units[i].get_MaxHealth() * 16); break; case ClientLib.Data.EUnitGroup.Aircraft: totalAirHealth += (this.units[i].get_MaxHealth() * 16); break; default: alert("CombatSim: Unknown UnitType found!"); break; } } // Calculate Percentages this.stats.health.infantry = i_total_hp ? (i_end_hp / i_total_hp) * 100 : 100; this.stats.health.vehicle = v_total_hp ? (v_end_hp / v_total_hp) * 100 : 100; this.stats.health.aircraft = a_total_hp ? (a_end_hp / a_total_hp) * 100 : 100; this.totalSeconds = (battleground.DHSWQJ.NHMXEO * battleground.get_TimePerStep()) / 1000; this.stats.damage.units.overall = (eu_end_hp / eu_total_hp) * 100; this.stats.damage.structures.overall = (eb_end_hp / eb_total_hp) * 100; this.stats.damage.overall = (e_end_hp / e_total_hp) * 100; this.stats.health.overall = end_hp ? (end_hp / total_hp) * 100 : 0; // Calculate the repair time crd.ConvertRepairCost = crd.JBTHHM; // ConvertRepairCost has been renamed to JBTHHM this.stats.repair.infantry = crd.ConvertRepairCost( r_types.RepairChargeInf, repair_times[ClientLib.Data.EUnitGroup.Infantry], (1 - (i_end_hp + totalInfantryHealth - i_total_hp) / (totalInfantryHealth ? totalInfantryHealth : 1))); this.stats.repair.aircraft = crd.ConvertRepairCost( r_types.RepairChargeAir, repair_times[ClientLib.Data.EUnitGroup.Aircraft], (1 - (a_end_hp + totalAirHealth - a_total_hp) / (totalAirHealth ? totalAirHealth : 1))); this.stats.repair.vehicle = crd.ConvertRepairCost( r_types.RepairChargeVeh, repair_times[ClientLib.Data.EUnitGroup.Vehicle], (1 - (v_end_hp + totalVehicleHealth - v_total_hp) / (totalVehicleHealth ? totalVehicleHealth : 1))); this.stats.repair.overall = Math.max(this.stats.repair.vehicle, this.stats.repair.aircraft, this.stats.repair.infantry); }, setLabelColor: function (obj, val, dir) { var colors = ['black', 'blue', 'green', 'red']; var color = colors[0]; var v = val; if (dir >= 0) v = 100.0 - v; if (v > 99.99) color = colors[3]; else if (v > 50) color = colors[2]; else if (v > 0) color = colors[1]; obj.setTextColor(color); }, updateLabel100: function (obj, val, dir) { this.setLabelColor(obj, val, dir); obj.setValue(val.toFixed(2).toString()); }, updateLabel100time: function (obj, val, dir, time) { var s = val.toFixed(2).toString() + " @ "; s += this.formatSecondsAsTime(time, "h:mm:ss"); this.setLabelColor(obj, val, dir); obj.setValue(s); }, updateStatsWindow: function () { var colors = ['black', 'blue', 'green', 'red']; var s = ""; var n = 0; if (this.stats.damage.structures.construction === 0) { s = "Total Victory"; n = 0; } else if (this.stats.damage.structures.overall < 100) { s = "Victory"; n = 1; } else { s = "Total Defeat"; n = 3; } this.labels.damage.outcome.setValue(s); this.labels.damage.outcome.setTextColor(colors[n]); this.updateLabel100(this.labels.damage.overall, this.stats.damage.overall, - 1); this.updateLabel100(this.labels.damage.units.overall, this.stats.damage.units.overall, - 1); this.updateLabel100(this.labels.damage.structures.overall, this.stats.damage.structures.overall, - 1); this.updateLabel100(this.labels.damage.structures.construction, this.stats.damage.structures.construction, - 1); this.updateLabel100(this.labels.damage.structures.defense, this.stats.damage.structures.defense, - 1); // Command Center if (this.isPlayerCity) this.updateLabel100(this.labels.damage.structures.command, this.stats.damage.structures.command, - 1); else { this.labels.damage.structures.command.setValue("--"); this.labels.damage.structures.command.setTextColor("green"); } // SUPPORT var SLabel = (this.SupportLevel > 0) ? this.SupportLevel.toString() : '--'; this.labels.supportlevel.setValue('Suport lvl ' + SLabel + ': '); this.updateLabel100(this.labels.damage.structures.support, this.lastSupportPercentage, - 1); // ATTACKER this.setLabelColor(this.labels.repair.overall, this.stats.repair.overall / 14400.0, - 1); // max is 4h this.labels.repair.overall.setValue(this.formatSecondsAsTime(this.stats.repair.overall, "h:mm:ss")); // OVERALL this.updateLabel100(this.labels.health.overall, this.stats.health.overall, 1); // INF this.updateLabel100time(this.labels.health.infantry, this.stats.health.infantry, 1, this.stats.repair.infantry); // VEH this.updateLabel100time(this.labels.health.vehicle, this.stats.health.vehicle, 1, this.stats.repair.vehicle); // AIR this.updateLabel100time(this.labels.health.aircraft, this.stats.health.aircraft, 1, this.stats.repair.aircraft); // BATTLE TIME this.setLabelColor(this.labels.time, this.totalSeconds / 120.0, - 1); // max is 120s this.labels.time.setValue(this.totalSeconds.toFixed(2).toString()); }, formatNumberWithCommas: function (x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }, formatSecondsAsTime: function (secs, format) { var hr = Math.floor(secs / 3600); var min = Math.floor((secs - (hr * 3600)) / 60); var sec = Math.floor(secs - (hr * 3600) - (min * 60)); if (hr < 10) hr = "0" + hr; if (min < 10) min = "0" + min; if (sec < 10) sec = "0" + sec; if (format !== null) { var formatted_time = format.replace('hh', hr); formatted_time = formatted_time.replace('h', hr * 1 + ""); formatted_time = formatted_time.replace('mm', min); formatted_time = formatted_time.replace('m', min * 1 + ""); formatted_time = formatted_time.replace('ss', sec); formatted_time = formatted_time.replace('s', sec * 1 + ""); return formatted_time; } else { return hr + ':' + min + ':' + sec; } }, unlockAttacks: function () { var armyBar = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getUIItem(ClientLib.Data.Missions.PATH.BAR_ATTACKSETUP); armyBar.remove(this.buttons.attack.unlock); var _this = this; setTimeout(function () { armyBar.add(_this.buttons.attack.unlock); }, 2000); }, unlockResets: function () { var armyBar = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getUIItem( ClientLib.Data.Missions.PATH.BAR_ATTACKSETUP); armyBar.remove(this.buttons.attack.unlockReset); var _this = this; setTimeout(function () { armyBar.add(_this.buttons.attack.unlockReset); }, 2000); }, onViewChange: function (oldMode, newMode) { try { if (oldMode !== webfrontend.gui.PlayArea.PlayArea.modes.EMode_CombatSetupDefense || newMode !== webfrontend.gui.PlayArea.PlayArea.modes.EMode_PlayerOffense) { // Close the stats box this.closeToolsBox(); this.battleResultsBox.close(); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, returnSetup: function () { // Set the scene again, just in case it didn't work the first time var app = qx.core.Init.getApplication(); var player_cities = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities(); var current_city = player_cities.get_CurrentCity(); try { app.getPlayArea().setView(webfrontend.gui.PlayArea.PlayArea.modes.EMode_CombatSetupDefense, localStorage.ta_sim_last_city, 0, 0); } catch (e) { app.getPlayArea().setView(webfrontend.gui.PlayArea.modes.EMode_CombatSetupDefense, localStorage.ta_sim_last_city, 0, 0); } }, setupBattleground: function (offense_units) { try { var mainData = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance(); var player_cities = mainData.get_Cities(); var current_city = player_cities.get_CurrentCity(); var own_city = player_cities.get_CurrentOwnCity(); // Bust the cache // own_city.get_CityArmyFormationsManager().ZJG.d[own_city.get_CityArmyFormationsManager().XJG].UpdateFormation(); localStorage.ta_sim_last_city = current_city.get_Id(); var alliance = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Alliance(); var combatData = (new ClientLib.Data.Combat).$ctor(); // var combatData = (new $I.CM).QB(); combatData.MCXRNN = 1; // Version is MCXRNN var unitData = own_city.get_CityUnitsData().YDBIOO().l; // Attacker Units renamed to YDBIOO if (offense_units) { offense_units = offense_units.SXMOWS.l; } else { offense_units = own_city.get_CityArmyFormationsManager().GetFormationByTargetBaseId(current_city.get_Id()).get_ArmyUnits().l; } var data = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < unitData.length; i++) { if (offense_units[i].get_Enabled()) { var info = new Object(); info.h = unitData[i].get_Health(); info.i = unitData[i].get_MdbUnitId(); info.l = unitData[i].get_CurrentLevel(); info.x = offense_units[i].get_CoordX(); info.y = offense_units[i].get_CoordY(); data.push(info); } } combatData.UJWJOI = data; // Attackers renamed to UJWJOI data = new Array(); if (current_city.get_CityUnitsData().TXDWUM !== null) { // empty defender army unitData = current_city.get_CityUnitsData().TXDWUM.l; // defender units for (i = 0; i < unitData.length; i++) { info = new Object(); info.h = unitData[i].get_Health(); info.i = unitData[i].get_MdbUnitId(); info.l = unitData[i].get_CurrentLevel(); info.x = unitData[i].get_CoordX(); info.y = unitData[i].get_CoordY(); data.push(info); } } combatData.PMEAOH = data; // Defenders renamed to PMEAOH data = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++) { var terrainType = current_city.GetResourceType(i, (j + 8)); var unitType = -1; switch (terrainType) { case ClientLib.Data.ECityTerrainType.FOREST: unitType = ClientLib.Base.EUnit.Forest; break; case ClientLib.Data.ECityTerrainType.BRIAR: unitType = ClientLib.Base.EUnit.Scrub; break; case ClientLib.Data.ECityTerrainType.SWAMP: unitType = ClientLib.Base.EUnit.Swamp; break; case ClientLib.Data.ECityTerrainType.WATER: unitType = ClientLib.Base.EUnit.Water; break; } if (unitType !== -1) { info = new Object(); info.h = 100; info.i = unitType; info.l = 1; info.x = i; info.y = j; data.push(info); } } } combatData.YDPGXU = data; // Terrain renamed to YDPGXU unitData = current_city.get_CityBuildingsData().HWFIJH.l; // City buildings renamed to HWFIJH data = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < unitData.length; i++) { info = new Object(); info.h = unitData[i].get_Health(); info.i = unitData[i].get_MdbUnitId(); info.l = unitData[i].get_CurrentLevel(); info.x = unitData[i].get_CoordX(); info.y = unitData[i].get_CoordY(); data.push(info); } combatData.YBXPKT = data; // Buildings renamed to YBXPKT combatData.XDMLON = null; // Support Structures renamed to XDMLON combatData.MALBMJ = 8696244; // Start Step - this is just a random number - renamed to MALBMJ combatData.m_CombatSteps = 1; combatData.m_BoostInfantry = alliance.get_POIInfantryBonus(); combatData.m_BoostVehicle = alliance.get_POIVehicleBonus(); combatData.m_BoostAir = alliance.get_POIAirBonus(); combatData.m_BoostDefense = current_city.get_AllianceDefenseBonus(); combatData.m_AttackerBaseId = own_city.get_Id(); combatData.m_AttackerBaseName = own_city.get_Name(); combatData.m_AttackerPlayerId = own_city.get_PlayerId(); combatData.m_AttackerPlayerName = own_city.get_PlayerName(); combatData.m_AttackerAllianceId = own_city.get_AllianceId(); combatData.m_AttackerAllianceName = own_city.get_AllianceName(); combatData.m_DefenderBaseId = current_city.get_Id(); combatData.m_DefenderBaseName = current_city.get_Name(); combatData.m_DefenderPlayerId = current_city.get_PlayerId(); combatData.m_DefenderPlayerName = current_city.get_OwnerName(); combatData.m_DefenderAllianceId = current_city.get_AllianceId(); combatData.m_DefenderAllianceName = current_city.get_OwnerAllianceName(); combatData.m_DefenderBlockStep = 0; combatData.m_AttackTimeStamp = new Date().getTime(); var resourceLayout = new Object(); resourceLayout.l = new Array(); combatData.m_ResourceLayout = resourceLayout; combatData.m_DefenderFaction = current_city.get_CityFaction(); combatData.m_AttackerModules = this.attacker_modules; combatData.m_DefenderModules = this.defender_modules; if (((combatData.m_DefenderFaction === ClientLib.Base.EFactionType.FORFaction) || (combatData.m_DefenderFaction === ClientLib.Base.EFactionType.NPCBase)) || (combatData.m_DefenderFaction === ClientLib.Base.EFactionType.NPCCamp)) { combatData.FGCUFQ(); // This might not be needed } combatData.m_MaxDuration = 120; combatData.m_Complete = false; combatData.SXOUOX = null; // Debug renamed to SXOUOX var battleground = ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance().get_Battleground(); battleground.Reset(); battleground.QPRVSK = combatData; // m_currentreplay battleground.InitBattle(); battleground.MYAZHR(combatData); // Set combat data battleground.StartBattle(); return battleground; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, startSimulation: function () { try { var app = qx.core.Init.getApplication(); var player_cities = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities(); var current_city = player_cities.get_CurrentCity(); try { app.getPlayArea().setView(webfrontend.gui.PlayArea.PlayArea.modes.EMode_CombatReplay, current_city.get_Id(), 0, 0); } catch (e) { app.getPlayArea().setView(webfrontend.gui.PlayArea.modes.EMode_CombatReplay, current_city.get_Id(), 0, 0); } //var battleground = this.setupBattleground(); // Set the scene again, just in case it didn't work the first time try { app.getPlayArea().setView(webfrontend.gui.PlayArea.PlayArea.modes.EMode_CombatReplay, current_city.get_Id(), 0, 0); } catch (e) { app.getPlayArea().setView(webfrontend.gui.PlayArea.modes.EMode_CombatReplay, current_city.get_Id(), 0, 0); } this.battleResultsBox.close(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, updateLayoutsList: function () { this.layoutsList.removeAll(); // Load the saved layouts for this city var city_layouts = this.loadCityLayouts(); if (city_layouts) { for (var i in city_layouts) { var layout = city_layouts[i]; var item = new qx.ui.form.ListItem(layout.label, null, layout.id); this.layoutsList.add(item); }; } }, deleteCityLayout: function () { try { var layouts = this.loadLayouts(); var current_city = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentCity().get_Id(); var own_city = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentOwnCity().get_Id(); var lid = this.layoutsList.getSelection()[0].getModel(); if (layouts && typeof layouts[current_city] !== 'undefined' && typeof layouts[current_city][own_city] !== 'undefined' && typeof layouts[current_city][own_city][lid] !== 'undefined') { delete layouts[current_city][own_city][lid]; this.saveLayouts(layouts); this.updateLayoutsList(); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, loadCityLayout: function () { try { this.toggleTools(); var city_layouts = this.loadCityLayouts(); var lid = this.layoutsList.getSelection()[0].getModel(); if (city_layouts && typeof city_layouts[lid] !== 'undefined') { // Load the selected city layout var saved_units = city_layouts[lid].layout; this.restoreFormation(saved_units); } this.toggleTools(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, saveCityLayout: function () { try { // Save the current layout for this city var current_city = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentCity().get_Id(); var own_city = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentOwnCity().get_Id(); var layouts = this.loadLayouts(); this.saveFormation(); var lid = new Date().getTime().toString(); var title = this.layoutsLabelText.getValue(); if (!title) return; title += " (TS: " + this.stats.health.overall.toFixed(2).toString() + ")"; var city_layouts = this.loadCityLayouts(); if (!layouts.hasOwnProperty(current_city)) { layouts[current_city] = {}; } if (!layouts[current_city].hasOwnProperty(own_city)) { layouts[current_city][own_city] = city_layouts; } layouts[current_city][own_city][lid] = { id: lid, label: title, layout: this.saved_units, }; this.saveLayouts(layouts); this.updateLayoutsList(); this.layoutsLabelText.setValue(""); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, loadLayouts: function () { var temp = localStorage.tasim_layouts; if (temp) return JSON.parse(temp); return {}; }, loadCityLayouts: function () { var temp = localStorage.tasim_layouts; if (temp) { var layouts = JSON.parse(temp); var current_city = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentCity().get_Id(); var own_city = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentOwnCity().get_Id(); if (layouts.hasOwnProperty(current_city) && layouts[current_city].hasOwnProperty(own_city)) { return layouts[current_city][own_city]; } } return {}; }, saveLayouts: function (layouts) { // TODO - Remove cities that are no longer existing localStorage.tasim_layouts = JSON.stringify(layouts); }, restoreFormation: function (saved_units) { var sUnits = saved_units || this.saved_units; var units = this.getCityPreArmyUnits(); var units_list = units.get_ArmyUnits().l; for (var idx = 0; idx < sUnits.length; idx++) { var saved_unit = sUnits[idx]; var uid = saved_unit.id; for (var i = 0; (i < units_list.length); i++) { if (units_list[i].get_Id() === uid) { units_list[i].MoveBattleUnit(saved_unit.x, saved_unit.y); if (saved_unit.enabled === undefined) units_list[i].set_Enabled(true); else units_list[i].set_Enabled(saved_unit.enabled); } } } units.CLEZCG(); // UpdateArmyLayout$0() has been renamed to CLEZCG() units.WRKUTR(); // RefreshData() has been renamed to WRKUTR() }, saveFormation: function () { this.saved_units = []; for (var i = 0; (i < this.units.length); i++) { var unit = this.units[i]; var armyUnit = {}; armyUnit.x = unit.get_CoordX(); armyUnit.y = unit.get_CoordY(); armyUnit.id = unit.get_Id(); armyUnit.enabled = unit.get_Enabled(); this.saved_units.push(armyUnit); } }, } }); } //////////////// //Tools window// var toolsbtn; var battleResultsBox; function initializeTools() { // The Battle Simulator box qx = unsafeWindow["qx"]; var armyBar = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getUIItem(ClientLib.Data.Missions.PATH.BAR_ATTACKSETUP); ///////// //Tools// toolsbtn = new qx.ui.form.Button("Stats"); toolsbtn.set({ width: 64, height: 26, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Update Battle Simulation Statistics" }); toolsbtn.addListener("click", function (){toolclick();}); armyBar.add(toolsbtn, { left: 12, top: 89 }); battleResultsBox = (new qx.ui.window.Window("Battle Simulator", "FactionUI/icons/icon_loading_logo.gif")).set({ contentPaddingTop: 0, contentPaddingBottom: 2, contentPaddingRight: 2, contentPaddingLeft: 6, showMaximize: false, showMinimize: false }); battleResultsBox.getChildControl("icon").set({ scale: true, width: 25, height: 25 }) battleResultsBox.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.HBox); battleResultsBox.moveTo(125, 125); var tabView = (new qx.ui.tabview.TabView).set({ contentPaddingTop: 3, contentPaddingBottom: 6, contentPaddingRight: 7, contentPaddingLeft: 3 }); battleResultsBox.add(tabView); var statsPage = new qx.ui.tabview.Page("Stats"); statsPage.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(1)), tabView.add(statsPage); var t = new qx.ui.container.Composite,n = new qx.ui.layout.Grid; n.setColumnAlign(1, "right", "middle"), n.setColumnFlex(0, 1), t.setLayout(n), t.setThemedFont("bold"), t.setThemedBackgroundColor("#eef"); statsPage.add(t); // The Enemy Troop Strength Label t.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Enemy Base:"), { row: 0, column: 0 }), labels.damage.overall = new qx.ui.basic.Label(" - "), t.add(labels.damage.overall, { row: 0, column: 1 }), t.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Defences:"), { row: 1, column: 0 }), labels.damage.units.overall = new qx.ui.basic.Label(" - "), t.add(labels.damage.units.overall, { row: 1, column: 1 }), labels.supportlvl = new qx.ui.basic.Label(""), t.add(labels.supportlvl, { row: 4, column: 0 }), labels.damage.structures.support = new qx.ui.basic.Label(""), t.add(labels.damage.structures.support, { row: 4, column: 1 }), t.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Buildings:"), { row: 3, column: 0 }), labels.damage.structures.overall = new qx.ui.basic.Label(" - "), t.add(labels.damage.structures.overall, { row: 3, column: 1 }), t.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label(""), { row: 5, column: 0 }), labels.damage.structures.command = new qx.ui.basic.Label(""), t.add(labels.damage.structures.command, { row: 5, column: 1 }), t.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Defense Facility:"), { row: 6, column: 0 }), labels.damage.structures.defense = new qx.ui.basic.Label(" - "), t.add(labels.damage.structures.defense, { row: 6, column: 1 }), t.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Construction Yard:"), { row: 7, column: 0, width: 120 }), labels.damage.structures.construction = new qx.ui.basic.Label(" - "), t.add(labels.damage.structures.construction, { row: 7, column: 1, width: 40 }), t = new qx.ui.container.Composite; n = new qx.ui.layout.Grid, n.setColumnAlign(1, "right", "middle"), n.setColumnFlex(0, 1), t.setLayout(n), t.setThemedFont("bold"), t.setThemedBackgroundColor("#eef"), statsPage.add(t); t.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Overall:"), { row: 0, column: 0 }), labels.health.overall = new qx.ui.basic.Label(" - "), t.add(labels.health.overall, { row: 0, column: 1 }), t.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Infantry:"), { row: 1, column: 0 }), labels.health.infantry = new qx.ui.basic.Label(" - "), t.add(labels.health.infantry, { row: 1, column: 1 }), t.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Vehicle:"), { row: 2, column: 0 }), labels.health.vehicle = new qx.ui.basic.Label(" - "), t.add(labels.health.vehicle, { row: 2, column: 1 }), t.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Aircraft:"), { row: 3, column: 0 }), labels.health.aircraft = new qx.ui.basic.Label(" - "), t.add(labels.health.aircraft, { row: 3, column: 1 }), t = new qx.ui.container.Composite, n = new qx.ui.layout.Grid, n.setColumnAlign(1, "right", "middle"), n.setColumnFlex(0, 1), t.setLayout(n), t.setThemedFont("bold"), t.setThemedBackgroundColor("#eef"), statsPage.add(t); t.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Outcome:"), { row: 0, column: 0 }), labels.damage.outcome = new qx.ui.basic.Label("Unknown"), t.add(labels.damage.outcome, { row: 0, column: 1 }), t.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Battle Time:"), { row: 1, column: 0 }), labels.time = new qx.ui.basic.Label(" - "), t.add(labels.time, { row: 1, column: 1 }); ////////////////// Info //////////////////// var infoPage = new qx.ui.tabview.Page("Loot"); infoPage.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5)); tabView.add(infoPage); // The Help Vertical Box var pVBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); pVBox.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5)); pVBox.setThemedFont("bold"); pVBox.setThemedPadding(2); pVBox.setThemedBackgroundColor("#eef"); infoPage.add(pVBox); var proHelpBar = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({ value: "<a target='_blank' href='http://userscripts.org/scripts/discuss/145717'>Forums</a>", rich: true }); pVBox.add(proHelpBar); // The Spoils var psVBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(); psVBox.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.VBox(5)); psVBox.setThemedFont("bold"); psVBox.setThemedPadding(2); psVBox.setThemedBackgroundColor("#eef"); infoPage.add(psVBox); psVBox.add(new qx.ui.basic.Label("Spoils")); // Tiberium stats.spoils.tiberium = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("0", "webfrontend/ui/common/icn_res_tiberium.png"); psVBox.add(stats.spoils.tiberium); // Crystal stats.spoils.crystal = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("0", "webfrontend/ui/common/icn_res_chrystal.png"); psVBox.add(stats.spoils.crystal); // Credits stats.spoils.credit = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("0", "webfrontend/ui/common/icn_res_dollar.png"); psVBox.add(stats.spoils.credit); // Research stats.spoils.research = new qx.ui.basic.Atom("0", "webfrontend/ui/common/icn_res_research_mission.png"); psVBox.add(stats.spoils.research); battleResultsBox.add(tabView); } var wrapperinjected = false; var timer; function toolclick() { CCTAWrapper_IsInstalled = unsafeWindow["CCTAWrapper_IsInstalled"]; if (!wrapperinjected || typeof CCTAWrapper_IsInstalled == "undefined" || !CCTAWrapper_IsInstalled) { injectwrapper(); wrapperinjected = true; setTimeout(toolclick,1000); return; } wrapperinjected = true; if (battleResultsBox.isVisible()) { //battleResultsBox.close(); } else { battleResultsBox.open(); } if (loadBase()) { var city = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentCity(); var ownCity = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentOwnCity(); ownCity.get_CityArmyFormationsManager().set_CurrentTargetBaseId(city.get_Id()); var unitqq = ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance().get_Battleground(); unitqq.SimulateBattle(); toolsbtn.set({enabled: false}); timer=10100; tooltimer(); setTimeout(function() { while (unitqq.get_Simulation().DoStep(false)) {} calcTroops(unitqq); }, 1000); calcResources(); } } function tooltimer() { if(timer>1000) { toolsbtn.setLabel(Math.floor(timer/1000)); timer-=1000; setTimeout(function () { tooltimer(); }, 1000) } else { setTimeout(function () { toolsbtn.set({enabled: true}); toolsbtn.setLabel("Update"); }, timer) } } //////// //Data// var Data = null; function getData(city) { var b = Data.Bypass; if(typeof(b.rdy) == 'undefined') { b = getBypass(city, b);//b must be obj to pass via reference } l = {}; try { var o; l.Buildings = []; l.Defences = []; l.Offences = []; if(b.keys.Buildings!==undefined) { o = city.get_CityBuildingsData()[b.keys.Buildings]; if(o!==null) l.Buildings = o.l; } if(b.keys.Defences!==undefined) { o = city.get_CityUnitsData()[b.keys.Defences]; if(o!==null) l.Defences = o.l; } if(b.keys.Offences!==undefined) { o = city.get_CityUnitsData()[b.keys.Offences]; if(o!==null) l.Offences = o.l; } l.rdy = true; } catch (e) { console.warn('getData: ', e); } return l; } function getBypass(city, b) { if(b.rdy === undefined) { // get keys b.keys = {}; //b.dnucKeys = {}; try { b = getKeys(city.get_CityUnitsData(), b); b = getKeys(city.get_CityBuildingsData(), b); var o; o = city.get_CityBuildingsData()[b.keys.Buildings].l; b.keys.Hitpoints = getKeyHitpoints(o);//Buildings b.rdy = true; } catch (e) { console.warn('getBypass: ', e); } } console.dir(b.keys); return b; } function getKeys(list, b) { for (var k in list) { var o = list[k]; if (o === null) continue; if (typeof(o.l) == 'undefined') continue; if (o.l.length === 0) continue; var m = getKey(o.l[0],'mt');//dnuc & mt=MoveType if(typeof(m) == 'undefined') continue; if(typeof(b.keys.Type) == 'undefined') { b.keys.Type = m;//MoveType & dnucKeys aviable in this branch //alert(m); } if(typeof(o.l[0].GetUnitGroupType) == 'undefined') { if(typeof(b.keys.Resources) == 'undefined') { b.keys.Resources = getResKey(o.l[0],'Count');//Resouces } // buildings b.keys.Buildings = k; } else { // units if(o.l[0].GetUnitGroupType()) { //1-attack b.keys.Offences = k; } else { //0-defend b.keys.Defences = k; } } } return b; } function getKey(list, find) { for (var k in list) { var o = list[k]; if (o === null) continue; if (o[find] === undefined) continue; if (find != 'l') { //console.info('getKey',k); return k; } if (o.l.length === 0) continue; //console.info('getKey',k); return k; } return undefined; } function getResKey(list,find) { for (var k in list) { var o = list[k]; if (o === null) continue; if (!Array.isArray(o)) continue; if (o.length===0) continue; if (typeof(o[0][find]) == 'undefined') continue; return k; } } function getKeyHitpoints(l) { var unit = l[0]; s = unit.get_IsAlive.toString();//get_HitpointsPercent var sa = 'this.'; var sb = '()'; var a = s.indexOf(sa) + sa.length; var t = s.substr(a); var b = t.indexOf(sb); var k = t.substr(0, b); //console.info('a',a,'b',b,'k',k); return k; } //////// //Info// function loadBase() { try { if (Data === null) Data = {lastSelectedBaseId: -1, Bypass: {}}; var r = Data; r.selectedBaseId = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentCityId(); r.selectedOwnBaseId = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentOwnCityId(); if (r.lastSelectedBaseId !== r.selectedBaseId) r.loaded = false; r.lastSelectedBaseId = r.selectedBaseId; r.IsOwnBase = r.selectedBaseId === r.selectedOwnBaseId; r.cc = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities(); r.ec = r.cc.GetCity(r.selectedBaseId);// it is very nice function if(r.ec === null) return false; if(r.ec.get_CityBuildingsData() === null) return false; r.oc = r.cc.get_CurrentOwnCity(); if(r.oc === null) return false; if(r.oc.get_CityBuildingsData() === null) return false; r.ol = getData(r.oc); r.el = getData(r.ec);// Buildings Defence Offence if(typeof(r.ol)=='undefined') return false; if(typeof(r.el)=='undefined') return false; if(typeof(Data.Bypass.rdy)=='undefined') return false; if(r.el.Buildings.length === 0) return false; // for testing //MHTools(); r.loaded = true; //flagBaseLoaded = true; return true; } catch (e) { console.warn("loadBase: ", e); console.dir("Data:",Data); return false; } } function calcResources() { try { if (!Data.loaded) return; var el = Data.el; var loots = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; // enemy buildings for (var j in el.Buildings) { var building = el.Buildings[j]; var mod = building.get_HitpointsPercent(); // 0-1 , 1 means 100% var resourcesList = building[Data.Bypass.keys.Resources]; for (var i in resourcesList) { loots[resourcesList[i].Type] += mod * resourcesList[i].Count;// resourcesList[i].Type resourcesList[i].Count } } // enemy defences for (var j in el.Defences) { var unit = el.Defences[j]; var mod = unit.get_HitpointsPercent(); // 0-1 , 1 means 100% var resourcesList = unit[Data.Bypass.keys.Resources]; for (var i in resourcesList) { loots[resourcesList[i].Type] += mod * resourcesList[i].Count; } } stats.spoils.tiberium.setLabel(formatNumberWithCommas(loots[1])); stats.spoils.crystal.setLabel(formatNumberWithCommas(loots[2])); stats.spoils.credit.setLabel(formatNumberWithCommas(loots[3])); stats.spoils.research.setLabel(formatNumberWithCommas(loots[6])); } catch (e) { console.warn("calcResources: ", e); console.dir("Bypass:",MHLoot.Data.Bypass); } } function calcTroops(battleground) { try { //console.log(battleground); var b,w,E,S,x,T,N=0,C=0,k=0,t=0,n=0,r=0,i=0,s=0,o=0,u=0,a=0,f=0,l=0,c=0,h=0,p=0,d=0;var g=ClientLib.Res.ResMain.GetInstance().GetGamedata().units;var entities=battleground.get_Entities().d;var m=ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentOwnCity().get_CityRepairData();for(var i in entities){w=entities[i].get_Entity();E=g[w.get_MDCTypeId()];if(E.r.length<=1){continue}S=w.get_iHitpointsCurrent(),x=w.get_iHitpoints(),T=ClientLib.Base.Util.GetUnitLevelData(w.get_iLevel(),E);console.log(E);if(w.get_eAlignment()==1){n+=S,t+=x;switch(E.at){case ClientLib.Base.EUnitType.Air:c+=S,p+=x,k+=calculateRepairCost(T,ClientLib.Base.EResourceType.RepairChargeAir,S/x,m);break;case ClientLib.Base.EUnitType.Infantry:f+=S,d+=x,N+=calculateRepairCost(T,ClientLib.Base.EResourceType.RepairChargeInf,S/x,m);break;case ClientLib.Base.EUnitType.Tank:l+=S,h+=x,C+=calculateRepairCost(T,ClientLib.Base.EResourceType.RepairChargeVeh,S/x,m);break;default:}}else{r+=x,i+=S;if(w.get_MDCTypeId()>=200&&w.get_MDCTypeId()<=205){stats.supportlvl=w.get_iLevel(),stats.damage.structures.support=S/x*100}else{switch(w.get_MDCTypeId()){case 112:case 151:case 177:stats.damage.structures.construction=S/x*100;break;case 158:case 131:case 195:stats.damage.structures.defense=S/x*100;break;case 111:case 159:stats.damage.structures.command=S/x*100;break;default:}}switch(E.pt){case ClientLib.Base.EPlacementType.Structure:s+=x,o+=S;break;default:u+=x,a+=S}}} stats.health.overall = n ? n / t * 100 : 0; stats.health.infantry = d ? f / d * 100 : 100; stats.health.vehicle = h ? l / h * 100 : 100; stats.health.aircraft = p ? c / p * 100 : 100; stats.damage.units.overall = a / u * 100; stats.damage.structures.overall = o / s * 100; stats.damage.overall = i / r * 100; stats.repair.overall = Math.max(N,k,C); stats.repair.infantry = N; stats.repair.aircraft = k; stats.repair.vehicle = C; stats.time=(battleground.get_BattleDuration()/1000); updateStatsWindow(); } catch (e) { console.warn("calcTroops: ", e); //console.dir("Bypass:",MHLoot.Data.Bypass); } } function calculateRepairCost(e, t, n, r) { if (n >= 1) { return 0; } var ii = e.length,s; while (ii--) { s = e[ii]; if (s.Type == t) { return r.ConvertRepairCost(s.Type, s.Count, 1 - n); } } return 0; } function setLabelColor(e, t, n) { var r = ["green", "blue", "black", "red"], i = r[0], s = t; n >= 0 && (s = 100 - s), s > 99.99 ? (i = r[3]) : s > 50 ? (i = r[2]) : s > 0 && (i = r[1]), e.setTextColor(i); } function updateLabel100(e, t, n) { setLabelColor(e, t, n), e.setValue(t.toFixed(2).toString()); } function updateLabel100time(e, t, n, r) { var i = t.toFixed(2).toString() + " @ "; i += formatSecondsAsTime(r), setLabelColor(e, t, n), e.setValue(i); } function updateStatsWindow() { var e = ["black", "blue", "green", "red"], t = "", n = 0; stats.damage.structures.construction === 0 ? (t = "Total Victory", n = 0) : stats.damage.structures.overall < 100 ? (t = "Victory", n = 1) : (t = "Total Defeat", n = 3); labels.damage.outcome.setValue(t), labels.damage.outcome.setTextColor(e[n]); updateLabel100(labels.damage.overall, stats.damage.overall, - 1); updateLabel100(labels.damage.units.overall, stats.damage.units.overall, - 1); updateLabel100(labels.damage.structures.overall, stats.damage.structures.overall, - 1); updateLabel100(labels.damage.structures.construction, stats.damage.structures.construction, - 1); updateLabel100(labels.damage.structures.defense, stats.damage.structures.defense, - 1); //mnm.nnnmm ? updateLabel100(labels.damage.structures.command, stats.damage.structures.command, - 1) : (labels.damage.structures.command.setValue("--"),labels.damage.structures.command.setTextColor("green")); //var r = stats.supportlvl > 0 ? stats.supportlvl.toString() : "--"; //labels.supportlvl.setValue("Suport lvl " + r + ": "); //updateLabel100(labels.damage.structures.support,stats.damage.structures.support, - 1); updateLabel100time(labels.health.overall, stats.health.overall, 1, stats.repair.overall); updateLabel100time(labels.health.infantry, stats.health.infantry, 1, stats.repair.infantry); updateLabel100time(labels.health.vehicle, stats.health.vehicle, 1, stats.repair.vehicle); updateLabel100time(labels.health.aircraft, stats.health.aircraft, 1, stats.repair.aircraft); setLabelColor(labels.time, stats.time / 120, - 1); labels.time.setValue(stats.time.toFixed(2).toString()); } function formatNumberWithCommas(e) { return Math.floor(e).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); } function formatSecondsAsTime(e, t) { var n = Math.floor(e / 3600), r = Math.floor((e - n * 3600) / 60), i = Math.floor(e - n * 3600 - r * 60); r < 10 && (r = "0" + r), i < 10 && (i = "0" + i); return n + ":" + r + ":" + i; } ////////////// //Formations// function getCityPreArmyUnits() { ClientLib = unsafeWindow["ClientLib"]; var ownCity = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentOwnCity(); var formationManager = ownCity.get_CityArmyFormationsManager(); return formationManager.GetFormationByTargetBaseId(formationManager.get_CurrentTargetBaseId()); } function restoreFormation(saved_units) { var sUnits = saved_units; var units = getCityPreArmyUnits(); var units_list = units.get_ArmyUnits().l; for (var idx = 0; idx < sUnits.length; idx++) { var saved_unit = sUnits[idx]; var uid = saved_unit.id; for (var i = 0; (i < units_list.length); i++) { if (units_list[i].get_Id() === uid) { units_list[i].MoveBattleUnit(saved_unit.x, saved_unit.y); if (saved_unit.enabled === undefined) units_list[i].set_Enabled(true); else units_list[i].set_Enabled(saved_unit.enabled); } } } units.UpdateFormation(true); //this works and USES the API so works for both servers } function shiftFormation(direction) { //left right up down if (!direction) var direction = window.prompt("indicate a direction to shift units: up(u), down(d), left(l) or right(r)"); if (direction == "up" || direction == "u") var v_shift = -1; if (direction == "down" || direction == "d") var v_shift = 1; if (direction == "left" || direction == "l") var h_shift = -1; if (direction == "right" || direction == "r") var h_shift = 1; if (!v_shift) var v_shift = 0; if (!h_shift) var h_shift = 0; units = getCityPreArmyUnits().get_ArmyUnits().l; var Army = []; //read army, consider use saveFormation(?) for (var i = 0; (i < this.units.length); i++) { var unit = this.units[i]; var armyUnit = {}; var x = unit.get_CoordX() + h_shift; switch (x) { case 9: x = 0; break; case -1: x = 8; break; } var y = unit.get_CoordY() + v_shift; switch (y) { case 4: y = 0; break; case -1: y = 3; break; } armyUnit.x = x; armyUnit.y = y; armyUnit.id = unit.get_Id(); armyUnit.enabled = unit.get_Enabled(); Army.push(armyUnit); } restoreFormation(Army); } //Basic simulate functions var lock = false; function initSimulateBattle() { qx = unsafeWindow["qx"]; ClientLib = unsafeWindow["ClientLib"]; var armyBar = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getUIItem(ClientLib.Data.Missions.PATH.BAR_ATTACKSETUP); //////////// //Simulate// var simulatebtn = new qx.ui.form.Button("Simulate"); simulatebtn.set({ width: 64, height: 26, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Start Combat Simulation" }); simulatebtn.addListener("click", function () { qx = unsafeWindow["qx"]; ClientLib = unsafeWindow["ClientLib"]; webfrontend = unsafeWindow["webfrontend"]; if (lock) return; qx = unsafeWindow["qx"]; var city = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentCity(); var ownCity = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentOwnCity(); var app = qx.core.Init.getApplication(); if (city.get_OwnerAllianceId() != 0) { alert("Not allowed for PvP!"); return; } var mainData = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance(); var player_cities = mainData.get_Cities(); var current_city = player_cities.get_CurrentCity(); localStorage.ta_sim_last_city = current_city.get_Id(); ownCity.get_CityArmyFormationsManager().set_CurrentTargetBaseId(city.get_Id()); ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance().get_Battleground().SimulateBattle(); app.getPlayArea().setView(webfrontend.gui.PlayArea.PlayArea.modes.EMode_CombatReplay, city.get_Id(), 0, 0); lock = true; simulatebtn.setOpacity(0.2); setTimeout(function () { simulatebtn.setOpacity(1.0); lock = false; }, 10100) }, this) armyBar.add(simulatebtn, { left: 12, top: 126 }); ////////// //Unlock// var unlockbtn = new qx.ui.form.Button("Unlock"); unlockbtn.set({ width: 55, height: 46, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Unlock Attack Button" }); unlockbtn.setOpacity(0.5); unlockbtn.addListener("click", function () { qx = unsafeWindow["qx"]; var armyBar = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getUIItem(ClientLib.Data.Missions.PATH.BAR_ATTACKSETUP); armyBar.remove(unlockbtn); setTimeout(function () { armyBar.add(unlockbtn, { top: 107, right: 4 }); }, 2000); }, this); armyBar.add(unlockbtn, { top: 107, right: 4 }); //////// //Back// var backbtn = new qx.ui.form.Button("Setup"); backbtn.set({ width: 50, height: 24, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Return to Combat Setup" }); backbtn.addListener("click", function () { qx = unsafeWindow["qx"]; var app = qx.core.Init.getApplication(); var player_cities = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities(); var current_city = player_cities.get_CurrentCity(); try { app.getPlayArea().setView(webfrontend.gui.PlayArea.PlayArea.modes.EMode_CombatSetupDefense, localStorage.ta_sim_last_city, 0, 0); } catch (e) { app.getPlayArea().setView(webfrontend.gui.PlayArea.modes.EMode_CombatSetupDefense, localStorage.ta_sim_last_city, 0, 0); } }, this); var replayBar = qx.core.Init.getApplication().getReportReplayOverlay(); replayBar.add(backbtn, { top: 37, left: 255 }); ///////// //Shift// var arrows = {}; arrows.ShiftFormationLeft = new qx.ui.form.Button("←"); arrows.ShiftFormationLeft.set( { width: 30, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Shift units Left" }); arrows.ShiftFormationLeft.addListener("click", function(){shiftFormation('l');}, this); arrows.ShiftFormationRight = new qx.ui.form.Button("→"); arrows.ShiftFormationRight.set( { width: 30, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Shift units RIGHT" }); arrows.ShiftFormationRight.addListener("click", function(){shiftFormation('r');}, this); arrows.ShiftFormationUp = new qx.ui.form.Button("↑"); arrows.ShiftFormationUp.set( { width: 30, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Shift units UP" }); arrows.ShiftFormationUp.addListener("click", function(){shiftFormation('u');}, this); arrows.ShiftFormationDown = new qx.ui.form.Button("↓"); arrows.ShiftFormationDown.set( { width: 30, appearance: "button-text-small", toolTipText: "Shift units DOWN" }); arrows.ShiftFormationDown.addListener("click", function(){shiftFormation('d');}, this); armyBar.add(arrows.ShiftFormationUp, { top: 17, left: 29 }); armyBar.add(arrows.ShiftFormationLeft, { top: 34, left: 12 }); armyBar.add(arrows.ShiftFormationRight, { top: 34, left: 46 }); armyBar.add(arrows.ShiftFormationDown, { top: 51, left: 29 }); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //infernal wrapper by infernal me //149068 //Version: 0.372798 ////////////////////////////////////////////////// function injectwrapper() { var CCTAWrapper_main = function () { try { gni = function(o, idx){ var i = 0; for (k in o){ if (i == idx){ return k; } i++; } return ''; } gbi = function(n, o, idx){_log(n);_logp(o);var i=0;for(k in o){i++;if(i==idx) return o[k];}} sbi = function(n, o, idx, v){_log(n);_logp(o);var i=0;for(k in o){i++;if(i==idx) o[k]=v;}} _log = function(){ if(typeof console != 'undefined') console.log(arguments); else if(window.opera) opera.postError(arguments); else GM_log(arguments); } hmm = [] CCTAWrapper = [] _show = function(o){var ks=[];var i=0; for (k in o)ks[i++]=k;return ks;} _logp = function(o){_log(_show(o));} //_log('have fun :)') wrapper = { _val_or_def: function(val, def) { if(typeof val != 'undefined') return val; return def; }, _prop_name: function(prop_map) {return prop_map[this.versions[this.version]];}, _prop_index: function(prop_map) {return prop_map[this.versions[this.version]+1];}, versions: {'368132': 0, '372393': 2, '372567': 4, '372798': 6}, version: null,//'368132', init_wrap: function(wrap) { try { var fn = wrap[0] var to_name = wrap[1] var tp_name = wrap[2] var sp_map = wrap[3] if(wrap.length == 5) var opt_so_name = wrap[4]; var so_name = this._val_or_def(opt_so_name, to_name) var sp_index = sp_map[this._index] //_log('testing '+to_name+'.'+tp_name+'='+sp_name+':'+sp_index+':'+sp_map[this._name]) switch (fn){ case 0: var sp_name = gni(eval(so_name), sp_index) var eval_str = to_name+"."+tp_name+" = "+so_name+"."+sp_name; break; case 1: var sp_name = gni(eval(so_name+'.prototype'), sp_index) var eval_str = to_name+".prototype."+tp_name+" = "+so_name+".prototype."+sp_name; break; case 2: var sp_name = gni(eval("(new "+so_name+")"), sp_index) var eval_str = to_name+".prototype."+tp_name+" = function(){return this."+sp_name+";}" break; case 3: var sp_name = gni(eval("(new "+so_name+")"), sp_index) var eval_str = to_name+".prototype."+tp_name+" = function(value){this."+sp_name+"=value;}" break; } //hmm.push([sp_map[this._name], sp_name]) CCTAWrapper.push(eval_str); //console.log(eval_str); eval(eval_str); } catch(e) { _log(e) } }, wraps: [ [0, 'System', 'EventHandler', ['UXDRTN', 515, 'NGTHZJ', 529, 'JCSGJY', 529, 'KFYAAI', 529]], [1, 'System.EventHandler', '$ctor', ['NKAYQG', 1, 'MIARKA', 1, 'EWWHOL', 1, 'ZAXRBM', 1]], [1, 'ClientLib.Vis.ViewModeChange', '$ctor', ['NKAYQG', 1, 'MIARKA', 1, 'EWWHOL', 1, 'ZAXRBM', 1]], [0, 'SharedLib', 'Combat', ['ABMZCA', 479, 'IDXMKY', 489, 'ADKXKR', 489, 'HXFPLA', 489]], [0, 'SharedLib.Combat', 'CbtSetup', ['PIZEIS', 511, 'NRUUGI', 523, 'WHLOUM', 523, 'KLFTJR', 523], 'SharedLib'], [0, 'SharedLib.Combat', 'CbtSimulation', ['MTNICQ', 514, 'DZXTYL', 526, 'ACBTHR', 526, 'HVADQY', 526], 'SharedLib'], [2, 'ClientLib.Vis.Battleground.Battleground', 'get_Entities', ['VMKWMN', 47, 'XSWELH', 32, 'KMBRZW', 32, 'SUEDOE', 32]], [1, 'SharedLib.Combat.CbtSimulation', 'DoStep', ['RVQKEM', 24, 'OWGEVP', 26, 'UZQRCL', 26, 'DCQBPW', 26]], [2, 'SharedLib.Combat.CbtSimulation', 'get_iCombatStep', ['XPJFXB', 12, 'VMUZIL', 13, 'DRBCLE', 13, 'LNMEAH', 13]], [0, 'SharedLib.Combat', 'CbtEntity', ['RMODUK', 517, 'JTEOOI', 531, 'JCGAHG', 531, 'ECRBKG', 531], 'SharedLib'], [2, 'SharedLib.Combat.CbtEntity', 'get_eAlignment', ['VTZLJN', 12, 'DGCHHX', 16, 'FNFYRU', 16, 'OZMCXW', 16]], [2, 'SharedLib.Combat.CbtEntity', 'get_iHitpoints', ['FOYNHE', 20, 'WVNYBU', 24, 'KZYUFV', 24, 'YSIGTS', 24]], [2, 'SharedLib.Combat.CbtEntity', 'get_iHitpointsCurrent', ['BVCBXJ', 21, 'JRPGGY', 25, 'TQGPMJ', 25, 'FKIJLL', 25]], [2, 'SharedLib.Combat.CbtEntity', 'get_MDCTypeId', ['ADPYGJ', 9, 'LWEMLL', 13, 'DOHVCH', 13, 'NYWTBP', 13]], [2, 'SharedLib.Combat.CbtEntity', 'get_iLevel', ['XAWKEE', 33, 'BBOCMN', 40, 'VLRZBZ', 40, 'BVTEXJ', 40]], [0, 'ClientLib.Base.Util', 'GetUnitLevelData', ['MYJUVV', 35, 'NSRLEW', 36, 'LBVSBJ', 36, 'UAETGG', 36]], [0, 'ClientLib.Data', 'World', ['DHZVSV', 225, 'FBIHPA', 222, 'ZNNOJA', 222, 'RXBFAJ', 222], 'SharedLib'], [2, 'ClientLib.Data.World', 'getSectors', ['EBJZUK', 2, 'USDXCN', 8, 'XKDXDO', 8, 'DXWDMU', 8]], [2, 'ClientLib.Data.CityUnits', 'get_FullRawRepairTimeForUnitGroupTypes', ['IKDTVE', 6, 'OTDSKU', 6, 'KJXNLV', 6, 'EGPVJG', 6]], [1, 'ClientLib.Data.CityUnits', 'get_OffenseUnits', ['VPNCHY', 68, 'YFPFEA', 68, 'VQTZWZ', 68, 'LFLRDX', 68]], [1, 'ClientLib.Data.CityUnits', 'get_DefenseUnits', ['BFENHD', 69, 'BVLEOM', 69, 'KSNJIL', 69, 'OZUZHB', 69]], [0, 'ClientLib.Data', 'CityRepair', ['KBVZQX', 295, 'XSCVQY', 302, 'EMJXEK', 302, 'OGYYVR', 302], 'SharedLib'], [1, 'ClientLib.Data.CityRepair', 'CanRepair', ['JPPHSL', 51, 'KPJOGJ', 51, 'CJNJHS', 51, 'ELLALQ', 51]], [1, 'ClientLib.Data.CityRepair', 'UpdateCachedFullRepairAllCost', ['IMVKOC', 63, 'FPXIRL', 63, 'USKKAR', 63, 'EUNASQ', 63]], [1, 'ClientLib.Data.CityRepair', 'ConvertRepairCost', ['SPZDZS', 54, 'KTBNUH', 54, 'SZMDMZ', 54, 'AEQAYN', 54]], [1, 'ClientLib.Data.CityPreArmyUnits', 'RefreshData', ['UPLGQX', 20, 'AYSULX', 20, 'GGASDX', 20, 'WWOZKG', 20]], [2, 'ClientLib.Data.City', 'getResourceLayout', ['TTZXUV', 50, 'VEVRWH', 51, 'LTUGHT', 51, 'DIKBFF', 51]], [2, 'ClientLib.Data.CityBuildings', 'get_Buildings', ['QQXUFW', 2, 'KXNWER', 2, 'MJZVZV', 2, 'YJFUGH', 2]], [2, 'ClientLib.Data.CityEntity', 'get_UnitLevelRequirements', ['JSPNOJ', 2, 'ELBALP', 2, 'GPJTIV', 2, 'MYYNWB', 2]], [1, 'ClientLib.Data.CityEntity', 'get_UnitLevelRepairCost', ['get_UnitLevelRequirements', 67, 'get_UnitLevelRequirements', 69, 'get_UnitLevelRequirements', 69, 'get_UnitLevelRequirements', 69]], [3, 'ClientLib.Data.Combat', 'set_Version', ['QVVMKN', 2, 'JVAKKQ', 1, 'SWINUM', 1, 'IIEPGR', 1]], [3, 'ClientLib.Data.Combat', 'set_StartStep', ['ILFZUG', 3, 'FIGZGC', 3, 'XNBJZC', 3, 'TNMYVN', 3]], [3, 'ClientLib.Data.Combat', 'set_Attacker', ['OYABQD', 4, 'TRRERK', 4, 'PYFENC', 4, 'YORRBM', 4]], [3, 'ClientLib.Data.Combat', 'set_Defender', ['UQJQSW', 5, 'ZSTKUP', 5, 'MSSCZL', 5, 'DWOQYP', 5]], [3, 'ClientLib.Data.Combat', 'set_Blocker', ['ZBVZOD', 6, 'KFQWVW', 6, 'IQSLLP', 6, 'KHZCWR', 6]], [3, 'ClientLib.Data.Combat', 'set_Buildings', ['DFGGIB', 7, 'FSVKTA', 7, 'OPLYEK', 7, 'CZWYBW', 7]], [3, 'ClientLib.Data.Combat', 'set_Supports', ['DZOZGI', 8, 'PTSGBE', 8, 'PIHBNH', 8, 'ZHUQEN', 8]], [3, 'ClientLib.Data.Combat', 'set_Debug', ['GNSESK', 36, 'LEEPKR', 38, 'JNJGAB', 38, 'UQGSLK', 38]], [1, 'ClientLib.Data.Combat', 'setNPCNames', ['DUVWXR', 44, 'GOAFQJ', 46, 'ZUQXYT', 46, 'ZYQOUF', 46]], [0, 'ClientLib.Vis.Battleground', 'BattlegroundEntity', ['BLEBFL', 516, 'QGVOPO', 530, 'KOBQGP', 530, 'ZMJNME', 530], 'System'], [2, 'ClientLib.Vis.Battleground.BattlegroundEntity', 'get_Entity', ['ILLYJL', 25, 'RVVLCA', 25, 'KZYXTD', 25, 'UIKENY', 25]], [2, 'ClientLib.Vis.Battleground.BattlegroundEntity', 'get_UnitType', ['KPWXBD', 1, 'IQTKIG', 1, 'CIZUDY', 1, 'ODLTMA', 1]], [2, 'ClientLib.Vis.Battleground.Battleground', 'get_Simulation', ['YPYRGP', 44, 'QRDUJM', 29, 'WQOTHV', 29, 'WVQJYL', 29]], [3, 'ClientLib.Vis.Battleground.Battleground', 'set_CurrentReplay', ['YMADLI', 79, 'OMDYHD', 54, 'FMVUZS', 54, 'YNIYUR', 54]], [1, 'ClientLib.Vis.Battleground.Battleground', 'setCombatData', ['ZMQRGW', 182, 'ADMYQP', 159, 'GREBVM', 159, 'JEQDDM', 159]], [2, 'ClientLib.Res.ResMain', 'get_Gamedata', ['YMIGZX', 1, 'BQKOXH', 1, 'FEPVKS', 1, 'BMONHF', 1]] //[2, 'SharedLib.Combat.CbtSetup', 'get_Entities', ['VMKWMN', 48, 'XSWELH', 0]],//?? //[1, 'ClientLib.Data.CityPreArmyUnits', 'UpdateArmyLayout', ['CIVNTG', 0, 'JKGIUG', 0]],// Should not be needed ], init: function() { try{ this._name = this.versions[this.version] this._index = this._name + 1 System = $I SharedLib = $I for (var i in this.wraps) this.init_wrap(this.wraps[i]); }catch(e){ _log(e) } } } function createCCTAWrapper() { console.log('CCTAWrapper loaded'); console.log('Wrapper loading '+PerforceChangelist); wrapper.version = '' + PerforceChangelist wrapper.init() console.log('Wrapper loaded') //console.log(hmm) //console.log(CCTAWrapper) } } catch (e) { console.log("createCCTAWrapper: ", e); } function CCTAWrapper_checkIfLoaded() { try { if (typeof qx !== 'undefined') { createCCTAWrapper(); } else { window.setTimeout(CCTAWrapper_checkIfLoaded, 1000); } } catch (e) { CCTAWrapper_IsInstalled = false; console.log("CCTAWrapper_checkIfLoaded: ", e); } } if (/commandandconquer\.com/i.test(document.domain)) { window.setTimeout(CCTAWrapper_checkIfLoaded, 1000); } } try { var CCTAWrapper = document.createElement("script"); CCTAWrapper.innerHTML = "var CCTAWrapper_IsInstalled = true; (" + CCTAWrapper_main.toString() + ")();"; CCTAWrapper.type = "text/javascript"; if (/commandandconquer\.com/i.test(document.domain)) { document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(CCTAWrapper); } } catch (e) { console.log("CCTAWrapper: init error: ", e); } } function waitForClientLib() { ClientLib = unsafeWindow["ClientLib"]; qx = unsafeWindow["qx"]; if ((typeof ClientLib == 'undefined') || (typeof qx == 'undefined') || (qx.core.Init.getApplication().initDone == false)) { setTimeout(waitForClientLib, 1000); return; } initSimulateBattle(); initializeTools(); }; function startup() { setTimeout(waitForClientLib, 1000); }; startup();
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