// ######################### A Greasemonkey script that restores // # Google Cleanup Script # Google's "classic" user interface to // ######################### its former glory. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright © 2011 Alexander Rosenberg. All Rights Reserved // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This is a Greasemonkey user script. To install this script, you // need Greasemonkey version 0.3 or later. To get Greasemonkey, or // for more information go to http://greasemonkey.mozdev.org/ // Greasemonkey is a Mozilla Firefox add-on that allows users to // make on-the-fly changes to HTML web page content through the use // of JavaScript. Greasemonkey scripts can add new functions to web // pages, fix rendering bugs, combine data from multiple webpages, // or perform numerous other functions. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ## Greasemonkey Metadata ########################################### // ==UserScript== // @name Google Cleanup Script // @namespace http://myjumbledweb.com/ // @description Restore Google's "classic" user interface. // @include http*://google.*/* // @include http*://*.google.*/* // @exclude // @version 1.7g // @history 1.7g Critical Bugfix: fixed footer code that caused entire script to fail // @history 1.7g Minor Revision: corrected color of "cached" and "similar" links // @history 1.7f Addition: put back the "cached" and "similar" links // @history 1.7e Bugfix/Revision: fixed layout issues in Google Images // @history 1.7e Revision: extended Google service detection // @history 1.7d Bugfix/Revision: updated detection of the homepage logo // @history 1.7c Bugfix/Revision: corrected result page layout issues // @history 1.7b Minor Bugfix: fixed the search results page google logo // @history 1.7 Revision: script now restores the icons to the sidebar // @history 1.7 Bugfix: removed empty space below search box on search results page // @history 1.7 Revision: extended/broadened site compatibility with Google services // @history 1.7 Revision: added multilingual support for Google service detection // @history 1.7 Bugfix/Revision: Instant hp layout now used on local Google sites // @history 1.7 Revision: for some results, URLs would remain above excerpt text // @history 1.6i Minor Bugfix: corrected the appearance of the blue search button // @history 1.6h Bugfix: corrected error from revision 1.6g with homepage layout // @history 1.6g Bugfix/Revision: use standard hp layout for special Google logos // @history 1.6f Minor Revision: fixed spacing below search form on results page // @history 1.6e Bugfix/Revision: fixed compatibility with www.google.com.au // @history 1.6d Minor Bugfix: fixed Advanced Search link on search results page // @history 1.6c Revision: search results page no longer has centered layout // @history 1.6c Bugfix: search suggestions were sometimes offset downward // @history 1.6c Minor Bugfix: corrected positioning of Advanced Search link // @history 1.6c Minor Bugfix: hp search buttons would loose border on hover // @history 1.6b Bugfix: result URLs no longer switch back and forth // @history 1.6a Minor Revisions: Pre-release code-cleanup // @history 1.6 Major Revisions: code substancially rewritten // @history 1.6 Major Bufixes: fixed numerous bugs & errors // @history 1.6 Major Bufix: introduced workaround for bug #1320 // @history 1.5e Minor Revision: adjusted homepage layout spacing // @history 1.5d Bugfix: corrected an error with the homepage layout code // @history 1.5c Bugfix/Revision: fixed homepage layout with special logos // @history 1.5b Bugfix: script failed with different Google logo // @history 1.5a Pre-release code-cleanup, corrections, and bugfixes // @history 1.5 Bugfix/Revision: XMLHttpRequest readystate detection // @history 1.5 Minor Addition: adjust spacing of search results // @history 1.5 Bugfix: script failed on some pages with thumbnails // @history 1.5 Minor Addition: adjust search result page logo // @history 1.5 Minor Addition: correct navbar menu's list-item spacing // @history 1.5 Minor Addition: correct spacing of sidbar search options // @history 1.4d Minor Bugfixes: fixed footer + corrected hp logo spacing // @history 1.4c Bugfix: Google UK homepage now displays properly // @history 1.4b Minor Addition: restore the search-box border-colors // @history 1.4a Pre-release code-cleanup, minor corrections, and bugfixes // @history 1.4 Major Bugfix: script now works properly with Google Instant // @history 1.3b Bugfix: script failed on some pages with advertisements // @history 1.3 Revision: partially fixed compatability with Google Instant // @history 1.2c Bugfix: script failed on some pages with thumbnails // @history 1.2b Minor Revision: adjusted border color // @history 1.2 New Feature: restore colorful sidebar icons // @history 1.1 Integrated navbar restoration script. // @history 1.00 Initial release // ==/UserScript== // #################################################################### if (typeof(GM_log) == "function") {GM_log('Google Cleanup GreaseMonkey Script Loaded');} /* Uncomment the following line to make this script work in GreaseKit for Safari */ // if (typeof(unsafeWindow)!="object") {var unsafeWindow = window;} function log(msg,level) { if (typeof(GM_log) == "function") { GM_msg = '[Google Cleanup]: '+msg; if (level == 'info') { GM_log(GM_msg,0); } else if (level == 'warn') { GM_log(GM_msg,1); } else if (level == 'error' | level == 'exception') { GM_log(GM_msg,2); } else if (typeof(level) == "string") { GM_log(level+' '+GM_msg); } else {GM_log(GM_msg);} } else if (typeof(console) == "object") { if (level == 'debug') { console.debug(msg); } else if (level == 'info') { console.info(msg); } else if (level == 'warn') { console.warn(msg); } else if (level == 'error') { console.error(msg); } else if (level == 'exception') { console.exception(msg); } else if (typeof(level) == "string") { console.log(level+': '+msg); } else {console.log(msg);} } } function getElementsByClassName(classname,node) { if (node == null) {node = document;} // use native implementation if available if (node.getElementsByClassName) {return node.getElementsByClassName(classname);} else { return ( // Dustin Diaz method function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node) { var classElements = [], // same as: new Array() els = node.getElementsByTagName("*"), pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)"); for (i=0, j=0; i<els.length; i++) { if (pattern.test(els[i].className)) {classElements[j] = els[i]; j++;} } return classElements; } )(classname,node); } } function hasHash() { // (added in 1.7) return (document.location.hash != ""); } function parseGetVars(qString) { var getVars = new Array(); var pairs = qString.split(/\&/); for (var i in pairs) { var nameVal = pairs[i].split(/\=/); getVars[nameVal[0].toLowerCase()] = nameVal[1]; } return getVars; } function addStyle(newStyle) { if (typeof(GM_addStyle) == "function") { GM_addStyle(newStyle); return; } var styleElement = document.getElementById('style_js'); if (!styleElement) { styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.type = 'text/css'; styleElement.id = 'style_js'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(styleElement); } styleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(newStyle)); } function nextElem(node) { return (node.nextSibling) ? ( (node.nextSibling.nodeType != 1) ? nextElem(node.nextSibling) : node.nextSibling ) : null; } function prevElem(node) { return (node.previousSibling) ? ( (node.previousSibling.nodeType != 1) ? prevElem(node.previousSibling) : node.previousSibling ) : null; } function firstSubElem(node) { return (node.firstChild) ? ( (node.firstChild.nodeType != 1) ? nextElem(node.firstChild) : node.firstChild ) : null; } function hasClassName(className,node) { return node.className.split(/\s/).indexOf(className) >= 0; } function isSet(expr) {return (typeof(expr)!="undefined" && expr!=null);} /*** Restore the Navbar (http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/105768) ***/ addStyle( '#gbi5 {' + ' background: url("//ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/b_8d5afc09.png") repeat scroll -6px -22px transparent;' + ' height: 17px;' + ' width: 16px;' + '}' + '.gbz0l .gbtb2 {' + ' border-top-color: #1A54E1 !important;' + '}' + '#gbz .gbzt, #gbz .gbgt, #gbg .gbgt {' + ' color: #3366CC !important;' + '}' + '.gbz0l .gbts {' + ' color: #363636;' + '}' + '.gbzt-hvr, .gbzt:focus, .gbgt-hvr, .gbgt:focus {' + ' background-color: transparent;' + ' background-image: url("//ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/b_8d5afc09.png");' + ' background-position: 0 -102px;' + ' background-repeat: repeat-x;' + '}' + '#gbx3, #gbx4 {' + ' background-color: #FFFFFF;' + ' background-image: url("//ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/b_8d5afc09.png");' + ' background-position: 0 -138px;' + ' background-repeat: repeat-x;' + ' border-bottom: 1px solid #EDEDED;' + '}' + '#mngb #gbx4 {' + ' border-bottom: 1px solid #EDEDED;' + '}' + '.gbtb .gbts {' + ' background: url("//ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/b_8d5afc09.png") repeat scroll 0 -22px transparent;' + ' padding: 29px 0 0;' + ' width: 1px;' + '}' ); /*** Restore Search Box Border Colors ***/ addStyle( '#lst-ib:hover, #lst-ib.lst-d-f, #lst-ib.lst-d-f:hover, .lst-d-f .lst-tbb,' + '.lst-d-f.lst-tbb, #sftab:hover .lst-tbb, #sftab.lst-d-f:hover .lst-tbb {' + ' border-color: #C0C0C0 #D9D9D9 #D9D9D9 #D9D9D9 !important;' + '}' ); // Correct Navbar Menu's List-Item Spacing addStyle( '.gbmt {' + ' padding: 0px 12px 0px 8px;' + '}' + '.gbmc {' + ' padding: 3px 0px;' + '}' + '.gbmh {' + ' margin: 3px 0px;' + '}' ); // Restore Link Styles addStyle( '.a, cite, cite a:link, cite a:visited, .cite, .cite:link, #mbEnd cite b, #tads cite b, #tadsto cite b, #ans > i, .bc a:link {' + ' color: #0E774A;' // Restore Cite Color + ' font-style: normal;' + '}' + '#gsr a:active, #srp a:active, a.fl:active, .fl a:active, .gl a:active {' + ' color: #CC1111;' // Restore Active Link Color + '}' + 'a.fl:link, .fl a, .flt, a.flt, .gl a:link, a.mblink, .mblink b, .f span.vshid a {' + ' color: #1122CC;' + '}' + '.osl a, .gl a, #tsf a, a.mblink, a.gl, a.fl, .slk a, .bc a, .flt, a.flt u,' + '.oslk a, #tads .ac a, #rhs .ac a, .blg a, #appbar a, span.vshid a {' + ' text-decoration: none;' + '}' ); // Restore the "cached" and "similar" links addStyle( 'ol#rso span.vshid {' + ' display: inline;' + '}' + 'ol#rso span.vshid:before {' + ' content: "\\00A0-\\00A0";' + '}' ); // Change hover color of Google Search Suggestions addStyle( '#gac_scont .gac_b, #gac_scont .gac_b td.gac_c, #gac_scont .gac_b td.gac_d, tr.gssb_i {' + ' background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #EFF3FB;' + '}' ); // hide google appbar addStyle( 'div#subform_ctrl {' + ' display: none;' + '}' + 'div#appbar {' + ' font-size: 11px;' + ' max-width: 695px;' + ' min-height: 26px;' + ' height: auto;' + ' border-bottom: none;' + ' margin-left: 176px;' + ' margin-right: 272px;' + ' padding-top: 3px;' + '}' + 'div#appbar div#ab_name {' + ' display: none;' + '}' + 'div#appbar div#sbfrm_l {' + '' + '}' + 'div#appbar div div#resultStats {' + ' color: #000000;' + ' font-size: 11px;' + ' margin-left: 0px;' + ' overflow: hidden;' + ' position: static;' + ' top: auto;' + ' white-space: nowrap;' + '}' + 'div#appbar ol#ab_ctls {' + ' display: none;' + '}' + 'div#appbar_b {' + ' display: none;' + '}' ); var url = window.location.href; var getVars = parseGetVars(unescape(url).substring(unescape(url).indexOf('?')+1)); // query string var hashVars = parseGetVars(unescape(url).substring(unescape(url).indexOf('#')+1)); // fragment identifier var host = window.location.hostname; var subdomain = host.substring(0,host.lastIndexOf('.',host.lastIndexOf('.')-1)); /* determine the current mode */ var gb = document.getElementById('gb'); // Google Navbar var gbz0l = (isSet(gb))?getElementsByClassName('gbz0l',gb)[0]:null; var m = (isSet(gbz0l))?nextElem(firstSubElem(gbz0l)).innerHTML.toLowerCase():null; var mode; /* Check the Subdomain */ if ((mode = (subdomain=='') ? null : ((subdomain=='www') ? null : ((subdomain=='images') ? 'images' : ((subdomain=='video') ? 'videos' : ((subdomain=='news') ? 'news' : ((subdomain=='maps') ? 'maps' : ((subdomain=='mail') ? 'gmail' : ((subdomain=='books') ? ((/\/ebooks/).test(url) ? 'ebookstore' : 'books') : ((subdomain=='patents') ? 'patents' : ((subdomain=='checkout') ? 'checkout' : ((subdomain=='scholar') ? 'scholar' : ((subdomain=='blogsearch') ? 'blogs' : ((subdomain=='sites') ? 'sites' : ((subdomain=='groups') ? 'groups' : ((subdomain=='earth') ? 'earth' : ((subdomain=='voice') ? 'voice' : ((subdomain=='talk') ? 'talk' : ((subdomain=='accounts') ? 'accounts' : ((subdomain=='sketchup') ? 'sketchup' : ((subdomain=='picasaweb') ? 'picasa' : ((subdomain=='knol') ? 'knol' : ((subdomain=='support') ? 'enterprise support' : ((subdomain=='code') ? 'code' : ((subdomain=='labs') ? 'labs' : null))))))))))))))))))))))) ) && isSet(mode)) {log('location detected from subdomain','debug');} else if ( /* Check the URL */ (mode = (/\/webhp/).test(url) ? 'web' : ((/\/imghp/).test(url) ? 'images' : ((/\/nwshp/).test(url) ? 'news' : ((/\/maps/).test(url) ? 'maps' : ((/\/prdhp/).test(url) ? 'shopping' : // Product Search ((/\/mail\//).test(url) ? 'gmail' : ((/\/bkshp/).test(url) ? 'books' : ((/\/finance/).test(url) ? 'finance' : ((/\/schhp/).test(url) ? 'scholar' : ((/\/blogsearch/).test(url) ? 'blogs' : ((/\/sites\//).test(url) ? 'sites' : ((/\/alerts/).test(url) ? 'alerts' : ((/\/grphp/).test(url) ? 'groups' : ((/\/checkout\//).test(url) ? 'checkout' : ((/\/earth\//).test(url) ? 'earth' : ((/\/latitude\//).test(url) ? 'latitude' : ((/\/fusiontables\//).test(url) ? 'fusion tables' : ((/\/trends/).test(url) ? 'trends' : ((/\/voice\//).test(url) ? 'voice' : ((/\/talk\//).test(url) ? 'talk' : ((/\/language_tools/).test(url) ? 'language tools' : ((/\/cse/).test(url) ? 'custom search' : ((/\/sitesearch\//).test(url) ? 'site search' : ((/\/commercesearch\//).test(url) ? 'commerce search' : ((/\/accounts\//).test(url) ? ((/\/ServiceLogin/).test(url) ? 'service sign-in' : 'accounts') : ((/\/support\//).test(url) ? 'help center' : ((/\/webmasters\//).test(url) ? 'webmaster tools' : ((/\/mapmaker/).test(url) ? 'mapmaker' : ((/\/adsense\//).test(url) ? 'adsense' : ((/\/apis\//).test(url) ? 'code' : null))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ) && isSet(mode)) {log('location detected from url');} else if (((tbm = hashVars['tbm']) || (tbm = getVars['tbm'])) && isSet(tbm) && ( /* Tab Mode */ mode = (tbm=='isch' ) ? 'images' : ((tbm=='vid' ) ? 'videos' : ((tbm=='nws' ) ? 'news' : ((tbm=='shop' ) ? 'shopping' : ((tbm=='bks' ) ? 'blogs' : ((tbm=='blg' ) ? 'blogs' : ((tbm=='rcp' ) ? 'recipes' : ((tbm=='pts' ) ? 'patents' : null))))))) ) && isSet(mode)) {log('location detected from tbm parameter');} else if (isSet(m) && ( /* check selected tab in Google Bar (minified to conserve space) */ mode = (m=='web'||m=='la web'||m=='nettet'||m=='ウェブ')?'web':((m=='images'||m=='imágenes'||m=='immagini'||m=='bilder'||m=='billeder'|| m=='obrázky'||m=='画像')?'images':((m=='videos'||m=='video'||m=='vídeos'||m=='vidéos'||m=='videa'||m=='動画')?'videos':((m=='maps'|| m=='mapy'||m=='kort'||m=='地図')?'maps':((m=='news'||m=='noticias'||m=='actualités'||m=='zprávy'||m=='ニュース')?'news':((m=='shopping' ||m=='ショッピング')?'shopping':((m=='translate'||m=='traductor'||m=='traduttore'||m=='traduction'||m=='oversæt'||m=='übersetzer'|| m=='překladač'||m=='翻訳')?'translate':((m=='books'||m=='libros'||m=='livres'||m=='libri'||m=='bücher'||m=='knihy'||m=='書籍')?'books' :((m=='gmail'||m=='google mail')?'gmail':((m=='scholar'||m=='google scholar'||m=='académico')?'scholar':m))))))))) ) && isSet(mode)) {log('location detected from selected tab in navbar');} else if (((tab = hashVars['tab']) || (tab = getVars['tab'])) && isSet(tab) && tab.length==2) { /* Check the Query String "Tab" Parameter * the tab parameter consists of two letters: * first: indicates previous location; referring google service * second: indicates the current location/service */ var tab_mode = tab.charAt(1).toLowerCase(); mode = (tab_mode == 'w') ? 'web' : // web, patents ((tab_mode == 'i') ? 'images' : ((tab_mode == 'v') ? 'videos' : ((tab_mode == 'l') ? 'maps' : ((tab_mode == 'n') ? 'news' : ((tab_mode == 'f') ? 'shopping' : // frogle ((tab_mode == 't') ? 'translate' : ((tab_mode == 'p') ? 'books' : ((tab_mode == 'e') ? 'finance' : ((tab_mode == 's') ? 'scholar' : ((tab_mode == 'b') ? 'blogs' : ((tab_mode == '1') ? 'youtube' : ((tab_mode == 'c') ? 'calendar' : ((tab_mode == 'q') ? 'photos' : ((tab_mode == 'o') ? 'documents' : ((tab_mode == 'y') ? 'reader' : ((tab_mode == '3') ? 'sites' : ((tab_mode == 'g') ? 'groups' : ((tab_mode == 'x') ? '+you' : null)))))))))))))))))); log('location detected via tab parameter'); } if (!isSet(mode)) {log('Unknown Google Service','error');} else {log('Location is Google '+((mode=='web') ? 'Web Search' : mode),'info');} var hplogo = document.getElementById('hplogo'); log(hplogo ? 'hplogo was detected' : 'hplogo was not found','info'); var lga = document.getElementById('lga'); var searchform = document.getElementById('searchform'); var tsf = document.getElementById('tsf'); var instant = ((isSet(lga) && (lga.nextSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'div' || (isSet(nextElem(lga)) && nextElem(lga).tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form' && nextElem(lga).name.toLowerCase() == 'f'))) || (isSet(searchform) && prevElem(searchform).innerHTML.indexOf('turn off Google Instant') != -1) || (isSet(tsf) && tsf.name == 'f')); log(instant ? 'Google instant is enabled' : 'Google instant is disabled','info'); var jhp = getElementsByClassName('jhp')[0]; var lst_ib = document.getElementById('lst-ib'); var hp_instant_layout = (isSet(lst_ib) && (lst_ib.parentNode.className!='ds') && (hasClassName('gsfi',lst_ib) || (hasClassName('gsib_a',lst_ib.parentNode.parentNode) || lst_ib.getAttribute('title')=='Search' && lst_ib.size=='41') || (lst_ib.style.borderStyle=="none") || (isSet(jhp) && (jhp.id=='searchform' || jhp.tagName=='div')))); log((hp_instant_layout) ? 'detected the hp instant layout' : 'did not detect the hp instant layout','info'); if (hplogo) // If the homepage is loaded (main logo is present) { /* Customize Homepage */ // Correct Logo and Search Box Spacing lga.removeAttribute('style'); if (firstSubElem(lga).tagName.toLowerCase() == 'div') {firstSubElem(lga).style.padding = '0px';} if (hplogo) { hplogo.style.padding = '28px 0pt 14px 0pt'; hplogo.style.backgroundPosition = '0% 28px'; } if (!instant) { // Correct the Search-Box's Padding addStyle('.lst {padding: 1px 7px !important;}'); } else { /* Correct the hompage layout */ var logocont = document.getElementById('logocont'); var tsf_p = getElementsByClassName('tsf-p')[0]; if (isSet(tsf_p)) {tsf_p.style.padding = '0px';} // Use standard page layout when Google uses a different logo var hplogo_bg = hplogo.style.backgroundImage; if ( !((hplogo.width=='275' && hplogo.height=='95') || (hplogo.style.width=='275' && hplogo.style.height=='95')) && !( (/\/images\/srpr\/logo\dw\.(png|gif)/).test(hplogo.src) || (/\/images\/srpr\/logo\dw\.(png|gif)/).test(hplogo_bg) || (/\/logos\/201\d\/logo-hp\.(png|gif)/).test(hplogo.src) || (/\/logos\/201\d\/logo-hp\.(png|gif)/).test(hplogo_bg) )) { if (!(/as_qdr=all/).test(document.location.href)) { if ((/\?(.*)=(.*)/).test(document.location.href)) { window.location.replace(window.location+"&as_qdr=all"); } else {window.location.replace(window.location+"?as_qdr=all");} } } // Position the tsf (Top Search Form) else if (isSet(tsf) && tsf.name == 'f') { addStyle( '#als, #prm br {display: none;}' + 'div#searchform.jhp form#tsf {' + ' height: 0px; overflow: visible;' + '}' ); tsf.style.width = 'auto'; tsf.style.minWidth = '817px'; tsf.style.maxWidth = '1181px'; tsf.style.position = 'relative'; tsf.style.top = '-92px'; tsf.style.padding = '0px'; } } // Remove the "Advanced Search" and "Translation Tools" entries from the pull-down menu var adv_srch = nextElem(nextElem(firstSubElem(firstSubElem(firstSubElem(document.getElementById('gbd5')))))); var trans_tool = nextElem(adv_srch); adv_srch.parentNode.removeChild(adv_srch); trans_tool.parentNode.removeChild(trans_tool); // Restore the "Advanced Search" and "Translation Tools" links to the right of the search box if (hp_instant_layout) { var sb_table = firstSubElem(nextElem(logocont)); var sb_table_firstElem = firstSubElem(sb_table); } var ctr_td = (!hp_instant_layout) ? document.getElementsByName('source')[0].parentNode : ( (sb_table_firstElem.tagName == 'tbody') ? firstSubElem(firstSubElem(firstSubElem(sb_table_firstElem))) : firstSubElem(firstSubElem(sb_table_firstElem)) ); var ltd = document.createElement('td'); var rtd = document.createElement('td'); if (hp_instant_layout) {ctr_td.removeAttribute('width');} ltd.id = 'ltd'; ltd.setAttribute('width','25%'); ltd.innerHTML = ' '; rtd.id = 'rtd'; rtd.className = 'fl sblc'; rtd.width ='25%'; rtd.align = 'left'; rtd.setAttribute('nowrap','') rtd.innerHTML = '<a href="/advanced_search?hl=en">Advanced search</a><a href="/language_tools?hl=en">Language tools</a>'; ctr_td.parentNode.insertBefore(ltd,ctr_td); ctr_td.parentNode.appendChild(rtd); addStyle('.ctr-p {margin: 0 auto; min-width: 817px;}'); // Style the search buttons addStyle( 'span.lsbb input.lsb {' + ' border: medium none;' + ' margin: 0px;' + '}' + 'span.lsbb input.lsb, div.jsb center input[type="submit"],' + '.jhp input[type="submit"], .gssb_c input, .gac_bt input {' + ' background: url("/images/srpr/nav_logo73.png") repeat scroll center bottom transparent;' + ' color: #000000;' + ' cursor: pointer;' + ' font: 15px arial,sans-serif;' + ' height: 30px;' + ' outline: 0px none;' + ' vertical-align: top;' + '}' + 'input[type="submit"].lsb:hover {' + ' border: 0px none;' + '}' + 'div.jsb center input[type="submit"],' + '.jhp input[type="submit"], .gssb_c input, .gac_bt input {' + ' border-color: #CCCCCC #999999 #999999 #CCCCCC;' + ' border-style: solid;' + ' border-width: 1px;' + ' height: 30px;' + ' margin: 7px 5px;' + '}' + 'form {' + ' margin: 0px;' + '}' + 'form[name="f"] {' + ' margin-bottom: 20px;' + ' margin-top: 18px;' + '}' ); /*** Correct Footer ***/ var footer = document.getElementById('footer'); var footer_contents = footer.innerHTML; footer.innerHTML = ""; var fctr = document.createElement('center'); fctr.setAttribute('id','fctr'); fctr.innerHTML = footer_contents; footer.appendChild(fctr); if (firstSubElem(fctr).tagName.toLowerCase() != 'div') { nextElem(firstSubElem(fctr)).style.cssText = 'font-size: 10pt;'; } else { firstSubElem(fctr).style.cssText = 'font-size: 10pt;'; } var fll = document.getElementById('fll'); fll.parentNode.style.width = '100%'; if (fll.nextSibling.className!='ftl') {fll.parentNode.removeChild(fll.nextSibling);} var privacy = fll.nextSibling; privacy.removeAttribute('class'); var ftr_p = document.createElement('p'); ftr_p.appendChild(document.createTextNode('© 2011 - ')); ftr_p.appendChild(privacy); ftr_p.style.cssText = 'margin-top: 0px; color: rgb(118, 118, 118); font-size: 8pt;'; fctr.appendChild(ftr_p); addStyle( '#footer a {' + ' color: #2200C1;' + ' margin: 0px;' + '}' + '.ftl, #fll a {' + ' display: inline-block;' + ' margin: 0px 12px;' + '}' + '#fll {' + ' display: block;' + '}' + '#ftby a#cp-sol {' + ' overflow-y: visible;' + ' height: 0px;' ); } var reposition_tsf = function (e,r,u,d) { if (u) { var key = (e.which) ? e.which : e.keyCode; if (!(key==8 || key==13 || key==32 || key==46 || (key>=48 && key<=57) || key==59 || (key>=65 && key<=90) || (key>=96 && key<=111) || (key>=186 && key<=192) || (key>=219 && key<=223) || key==226)) {if((!r && key!=27) || r) {return false;}} } if (r) { try { var ltd = document.getElementById('ltd'); var rtd = document.getElementById('rtd'); if(isSet(ltd)) ltd.parentNode.removeChild(ltd); if(isSet(rtd)) rtd.parentNode.removeChild(rtd); // Position the tsf (Top Search Form) var tsf = document.getElementById('tsf'); var searchform = (document.getElementById('searchform')) ? document.getElementById('searchform') : document.getElementById('sfcnt'); var subform_ctrl = document.getElementById('subform_ctrl'); // contains result-stats var sfbg = getElementsByClassName('sfbg nojsv')[0]; // search-form gray bg var logocont = document.getElementById('logocont'); var srch_bx_cnt = nextElem(logocont); var srch_bx = firstSubElem(srch_bx_cnt); var sftab = document.getElementById('sftab'); var main = document.getElementById('main'); main.style.maxWidth = '1219px'; searchform.style.margin = '17px 0px 0px 0px'; searchform.style.maxWidth = '1219px'; searchform.style.minWidth = '780px'; searchform.style.position = 'static'; if (isSet(sfbg)) {sfbg.parentNode.removeChild(sfbg);} // remove the search form's gray background logocont.style.float = 'left'; logocont.style.margin = '-7px 0px 0px 0px'; logocont.style.padding = '0px 18px 0px 12px'; srch_bx_cnt.id = 'qbc'; // query box container srch_bx_cnt.style.padding = '0px 0px 2px 0px'; srch_bx_cnt.style.margin = '0px 272px 2px 168px'; srch_bx_cnt.style.maxWidth = '711px'; srch_bx.style.padding = '8px 0px 0px 0px'; tsf.style.width = 'auto'; tsf.position = 'static'; tsf.style.top = 'auto'; tsf.style.maxWidth = '1144px'; tsf.style.minWidth = '910px'; if (mode!='images') { tsf.style.margin = '0px auto'; } sftab.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.borderBottom = '0px none'; getElementsByClassName('tsf-p')[0].style.padding = '0px'; document.getElementById('sblsbb').style.margin = '0px'; if (isSet(subform_ctrl) && isSet(subform_ctrl.firstChild.nextSibling)) { subform_ctrl.style.display = 'block'; if (mode=='images') { subform_ctrl.style.marginRight = '269px'; subform_ctrl.style.minWidth = '469px'; subform_ctrl.style.minHeight = '0px'; subform_ctrl.style.height = '0px'; subform_ctrl.style.overflow = 'visible'; } } window.scrollTo(0,0); } catch(e) {log(e,'warn'); log('endGroup'); return false;} } if (typeof(d)=="number" && d>0) { // delay window.setTimeout(hide_sform,200); window.setTimeout(adjust_sidebar,d); window.setTimeout(relocate_url,d); } else { hide_sform(); adjust_sidebar(); relocate_url(); } return true; }; if (mode=='images') { addStyle( + '.sfbgg {' + ' background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;' + ' border-bottom: 0px none;' + ' height: 71px;' + '}' ); if (getVars['sout']=='1') { addStyle( 'html body {' + ' max-width: 1219px;' + '}' + 'table#mn {' + ' margin: 0px auto;' + ' max-width: 1144px;' + ' min-width: 780px;' + ' width: auto;' + ' table-layout: auto;' + '}' + 'table#mn > tbody > tr > td, table#mn > tr > td {' + ' width: auto;' + '}' + 'form#tsf, div#subform_ctrl {' + ' max-width: 711px;' + '}' + 'table#mn div#subform_ctrl {' + ' display:block;' + '}' + 'table#mn #leftnav {' + ' margin-left: 0px;' + ' width: 151px !important;' + ' padding-left: 4px;' + ' padding-top: 3px;' + '}' + '.mitem {' + ' width: 143px;' + '}' + 'a.fl, .flc a {' + ' white-space: nowrap;' + '}' ); } } if (instant && (mode == 'web' || mode=='images' || mode == 'videos' || mode == 'news' || mode=='recipes' || mode=='shopping')) { var XMLHttpRequest = (isSet(unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest.prototype)) ? unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest /* else if (!isSet(unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest.prototype)) */ : unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest.wrappedJSObject; // track Google's XMLHttpRequests to determine when results have loaded (function(open) { XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(method, url, async, user, pass) { this.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { log('this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 => true','success'); window.setTimeout(hide_sform,200); window.setTimeout(relocate_url,500); window.setTimeout(adjust_sidebar,100); } }, false); if (async == undefined) {async = true;} open.call(this, method, url, async, user, pass); }; })(XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open); if (mode != 'shopping') { var lst_ib = document.getElementById('lst-ib'); // Input-Bar if (!lst_ib) {log('lst-ib was not found','error');} if (typeof(lst_ib.addEventListener) == "function") { if (!hp_instant_layout && instant) { lst_ib.addEventListener('keydown',function (e) { var key = (e.which) ? e.which : e.keyCode; if (key==13) { window.setTimeout(function(){reposition_tsf(0,1,0,500)},500); lst_ib.addEventListener('keydown',function (e) { var key = (e.which) ? e.which : e.keyCode; if (key==13) {reposition_tsf(0,0,0,200);} },false); this.removeEventListener('keydown',arguments.callee,false); } },false); } else { lst_ib.addEventListener('keydown',function (e) { if (reposition_tsf(e,1,1,500)) { lst_ib.addEventListener('keydown',function (e) { var key = (e.which) ? e.which : e.keyCode; if (key==13) {reposition_tsf(0,0,0,200);} },false); this.removeEventListener('keydown',arguments.callee,false); } },false); } } else {log('event listener could not be attached','error');} } var count = 0; window.setTimeout(function tsf_fix() { if (!isSet(document.getElementById('hplogo'))) {count = undefined; reposition_tsf(0,1,0);} else if (!(count>3)) {count++; window.setTimeout(tsf_fix,450);} },150); } else if (isSet(tsf) && mode=='images' && !(getVars['sout']=='1' && mode=='images')) { var XMLHttpRequest = (isSet(unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest.prototype)) ? unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest /* else if (!isSet(unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest.prototype)) */ : unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest.wrappedJSObject; // track Google's XMLHttpRequests to determine when results have loaded (function(open) { XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(method, url, async, user, pass) { if ((/\/search\?/).test(url)) { log('(/\/search\?/).test(url) => true; attaching \'readystatechange\' event listener to XMLHttpRequest call','debug'); this.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { log('this.readyState==4 && this.status==200 => true','success'); reposition_tsf(0,1,0); gsr_logo_fix(); } }, false); } if (async == undefined) {async = true;} open.call(this, method, url, async, user, pass); }; })(XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open); } if ((!hplogo || instant) && !(getVars['sout']=='1' && mode=='images')) { // Remove the search form's grey background var sfbg = getElementsByClassName('sfbg nojsv')[0]; if (sfbg) {sfbg.parentNode.removeChild(sfbg);} addStyle('#logo img {background: none transparent;} #logo {font-size: 0; color: transparent;}'); if (mode=='web' || mode=='images' || mode=='videos' || mode=='news' || mode=='shopping' || mode=='recipes' || mode=='patents') { var sform = document.getElementById('sform'); // remaining legacy search-form element if (isSet(sform) && !isSet(sform.firstChild.nextSibling)) { addStyle('#sform {display: none;}'); } function hide_sform() { var sform = document.getElementById('sform'); // remaining legacy search-form element return (isSet(sform) && !isSet(sform.firstChild.nextSibling) && (sform.style.display='none')=='none'); } // Fix the pages's layout spacing addStyle( '#arcntc {' + ' margin-bottom: 0px;' + '}' + '.ksfcccl {' + ' min-height: 0.01%;' + ' min-width: 910px;' + ' width: auto;' + '}' + '.ksfccl {' + ' margin-right: 265px;' + ' z-index: 200;' + '}' + 'div.sfcc {' + ' width: auto;' + ' max-width: none;' + '}' + '#subform_ctrl {' + ' font-size: 11px;' + ' margin-left: 176px;' + ' margin-right: 269px;' + ' max-width: 703px;' + ' min-height: 26px;' + ' padding-top: 1px;' + '}' + '#leftnav {' + ' margin-left: 0px;' + ' width: 151px !important;' + ' padding-left: 4px;' + ' padding-top: 3px;' + ' position: absolute !important;' + ' top: 0px !important;' + '}' + '#center_col {' + ' border-left: 1px solid #D3E1F9;' + ' clear: both;' + '}' + '#center_col, #foot {' + ' margin-left: 159px;' + ' padding: 0 8px;' + '}' + '#main #cnt, #cnt {' + ' margin: 0 auto;' + ' max-width: 1144px;' + ' min-width: 780px;' + ' padding-top: 0px;' + '}' ); if (mode=='images' && getVars['sout']!='1') { addStyle('#rcnt {margin-top: 35px;}'); } else { addStyle('#rcnt {margin-top: 0px;}'); } } function gsr_logo_fix() { // Adjust the search-results-page logo var logo = document.getElementById('logo'); if (logo != null) { var logo_img = firstSubElem(logo); if (logo_img != null && logo_img.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'img' && logo_img.src.search(/nav_logo\d\d.png/i) != -1) { logo_img.src = 'http://www.google.com/images/srpr/nav_logo73.png'; logo_img.width = '167'; logo_img.height = '288'; logo_img.style.position = 'absolute'; logo_img.style.left = '0px'; logo_img.style.top = '-41px'; logo.style.height = '49px'; logo.style.width = '137px'; addStyle('#logo {margin: 9px 0px 0px 0px;}'); } } } gsr_logo_fix(); // Restore the sidebar's colorful icons addStyle( '.tbos, .tbots, .tbotu {' + ' color: #000000;' + '}' + '.msel {' // Selected Mode + ' color: #FFFFFF;' + ' font-weight: bold;' + ' background-color: #3366fe;' + '}' + '.mitem {' // Mode Items + ' margin-bottom: 2px;' + '}' + '.mitem, #showmodes {' + ' font-size: 15px;' + ' line-height: 25px;' + '}' + '.mitem.msel:hover {' + ' background-color: #1A54E1;' + '}' + '.mitem:hover, #showmodes:hover, #showmodes:hover {' + ' background-color: #EFF3FB;' + '}' + '#leftnav h2 {' + ' color: #000000;' + ' font-weight: bold;' + '}' + '.mitem > .kl, #ms > .kl {' + ' color: #2200C1;' + '}' + '.mitem > .kl, #ms > .kl, .msel {' + ' font-size: 15px;' + '}' + '#lc a, .tbou > a.q, #tbpi, #tbtro,' + '#swr a, #set_location_section a,' + '#prc_opt, .tbtctlabel, .tbt label {' + ' color: #2200C1;' + '}' + '.micon {' // Mode Icons + ' background-image: url("http://www.google.com/images/srpr/nav_logo73.png");' + ' float: left;' + ' height: 19px;' + ' margin-right: 6px;' + ' margin-top: 2px;' + ' outline: none;' + ' width: 19px;' + '}' + '#showmodes .micon {' // Show More Modes Icon + ' background-position: -150px -114px;' + '}' + '.open #showmodes .micon {' + ' background-position: -131px -114px;' + '}' ); /*** Correct the left margin of the sidbar's modes and search options ***/ addStyle( 'div.lhshdr {' + ' left: auto !important;' + '}' + '.mitem, #showmodes {' // Mode Items, Show More Modes Link + ' padding-left: 8px !important;' + '}' + '#showmodes .micon {' // Show More Modes Icon + ' height: 17px;' + ' margin-left: 1px;' + ' margin-right: 7px;' + ' width: 17px;' + '}' + '.lnsep {' // Line Seperator + ' margin: 14px 4px 14px 0px;' + ' border-bottom: 1px solid #C9D7F1;' + '}' + '#lc {' // Location Container + ' margin-left: 0px !important;' + '}' + '.tbt {' + ' margin-left: 0px;' + '}' + '#tbpi {' + ' margin-left: 8px !important;' + '}' ); addStyle( '#showmodes span#showmodes_icon {' + ' display: block;' + ' background-position: -150px -114px;' + ' background-image: url("http://www.google.com/images/srpr/nav_logo73.png");' + '}' + '.open #showmodes span#showmodes_icon {' + ' background-position: -131px -114px;' + '}' + '#showmodes .micon {' + ' display: none;' + '}' ); function adjust_sidebar() { var lc = document.getElementById('lc'); // "Location" Section var swr = document.getElementById('swr'); // "Something Different" Section var tbpi = document.getElementById('tbpi'); var tbt = getElementsByClassName('tbt',document.getElementById('tbd')); // Toolbelt Sections if (lc) {lc.style.marginLeft = '25px';} if (tbpi) {tbpi.style.marginLeft = '33px';} if (swr) { prevElem(swr).style.color = '#000000'; prevElem(swr).style.marginLeft = '0px'; swr.style.marginLeft = '8px'; } // Restore the sidebar's icons log('now restoring the sidebar icons','info'); var mitems = getElementsByClassName('mitem',document.getElementById('ms')); // mode items var showmodes = document.getElementById('showmodes'); if (isSet(showmodes) && !isSet(document.getElementById('showmodes_icon'))) { var micon = document.createElement('span'); micon.id = 'showmodes_icon'; micon.className = 'micon'; showmodes.insertBefore(micon,firstSubElem(showmodes)); } var maps_icon = ""; var flights_icon = ""; for (m=0; m<mitems.length; m++) { if (hasClassName('msel',mitems[m])) { var mitem_text = mitems[m].innerHTML; // mode link text var icon = // mode icon ((mitem_text == 'Everything' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -20px -132px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'Images' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -60px -132px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'Maps' ) ? '<span style="background-image:url(\''+maps_icon+'\'); background-position: 0px 0px" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'Videos' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -100px -132px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'News' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -140px -132px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'Shopping' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -140px -152px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'Books' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -60px -152px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'Places' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -100px -152px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'Blogs' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -20px -152px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'Realtime' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -60px -172px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'Discussions' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -20px -172px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'Flights' ) ? '<span style="background-image:url(\''+flights_icon+'\'); background-position: 0px 0px" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'Recipes' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -140px -172px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((mitem_text == 'Patents' ) ? '<span style="background:url(\'http://www.google.com/images/srpr/icons/patents.png\') -20px 0px;" class="micon"></span>' : '')))))))))))))); if (mitem_text=='') {log('mode link text did not match','warn');} mitems[m].innerHTML = icon + mitem_text; // Place the icon in the mode item } else { var childElem = firstSubElem(mitems[m]); if (isSet(childElem) && childElem.tagName.toLowerCase()=='a' && childElem.className.toLowerCase()=='kl') { var kl_text = childElem.innerHTML; // mode link text var icon = // mode icon ((kl_text == 'Everything' ) ? '<span style="background-position: 0px -132px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'Images' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -40px -132px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'Maps' ) ? '<span style="background-image:url(\''+maps_icon+'\'); background-position: 0px 0px" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'Videos' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -80px -132px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'News' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -120px -132px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'Shopping' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -120px -152px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'Books' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -40px -152px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'Places' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -80px -152px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'Blogs' ) ? '<span style="background-position: 0px -152px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'Realtime' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -40px -172px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'Discussions' ) ? '<span style="background-position: 0px -172px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'Flights' ) ? '<span style="background-image:url(\''+flights_icon+'\'); background-position: 0px 0px" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'Recipes' ) ? '<span style="background-position: -120px -172px;" class="micon"></span>' : ((kl_text == 'Patents' ) ? '<span style="background:url(\'http://www.google.com/images/srpr/icons/patents.png\') 0px 0px;" class="micon"></span>' : '')))))))))))))); if (kl_text=='') {log('mode link text did not match','warn');} childElem.innerHTML = icon + kl_text; // Place the icon in the mode item } else {log('mitem child element did not match','warn')}; } } // Change the color of the Toolbelt Option Section's Header-text for (s=0; s<tbt.length; s++) { for (i=0; i<tbt[s].childNodes.length; i++) { child = tbt[s].childNodes.item(i); if (child.nodeType == 1 && child.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'li') { if ( child.style.color.toLowerCase() == 'rgb(209, 72, 54)' || child.style.color.toUpperCase() == '#D14836' ) { child.style.color = '#000000'; } break; } } } } // adjust spacing of search results var center_col = document.getElementById('center_col'); var g = getElementsByClassName('g',center_col); for (c=0; c<g.length; c++) { if (g[c].style.marginBottom != '') {g[c].style.marginBottom = '10px';} } addStyle( 'li.g {' + ' margin-bottom: 18px;' + '}' + '.mbl {' + ' margin-top: 5px;' + '}' ); function relocate_url() { try { // Place the url below the search text var center_col = document.getElementById('center_col'); var res_ts_tbl = getElementsByClassName('ts',center_col); // table with class "ts" var res_st_spn = getElementsByClassName('st',center_col); // span with class "st" (snippet text) var res_text = res_ts_tbl; var myPrevElem; for (l=0; l<2; l++) { for (i=0; i<res_text.length; i++) { myPrevElem = prevElem(res_text[i]); while (isSet(myPrevElem) && !(hasClassName('kv',myPrevElem) || hasClassName('kvm',myPrevElem))) {myPrevElem = prevElem(myPrevElem);} if (isSet(myPrevElem) && (hasClassName('kv',myPrevElem) || hasClassName('kvm',myPrevElem))) {res_text[i].parentNode.insertBefore(res_text[i],myPrevElem);} } if (l==0) {res_text = res_st_spn;} } } catch(e) {log(e,'warn');} } if (!instant && (mode=='web' || mode=='images' || mode=='videos' || mode=='news' || mode=='recipes' || mode=='patents')) { reposition_tsf(0,1,0); } else if (mode=='maps') { // Hide the loading message addStyle('div.messagehtml#loadmessagehtml {display:none;}'); // Remove Gray Background addStyle( 'div#search div.skunk-head {' + ' padding-top: 1px;' + '}' + 'div#search div.skunk-head, div#search div.cntrl {' + ' background-color: #FFFFFF;' + ' border-top: 0px none;' + '}' + 'div#search div.cntrl {' + ' padding: 15px 0px 15px 0px;' + '}' + 'div#search div.q_d_container {' + ' -moz-box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1) inset;' + '}' ); } }

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Friday, September 30, 2011
Google Cleanup Script
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