// ==UserScript== // @name Miniblog Img Pop // @namespace http://userscripts.org/users/83994 // @description 鼠标移过小图弹出浮动大图的脚本 // @version 2.0 // @include http://*qing.weibo.com/* // @include http://*weibo.com/* // @include http://*t.163.com/* // @include http://*t.sohu.com/* // @include http://*t.qq.com/* // @include http://*t.ifeng.com/* // @include http://*t.titan24.com/* // @include http://*t.people.com.cn/* // @include http://*my.tianya.cn/* // @include http://*diandian.com/* // @include http://*.digu.com/* // @include http://*qzone.qq.com/* // // ==/UserScript== // @author afc163 // @weibo http://weibo.com/afc163 // @blog http://www.ilovespringna.com // @date 2010.8.12 // @modified 2010.9.14 // @modified 2010.9.17 修改代码使其只多增加一个img标签,无论计算大图大小和显示大图都使用同一个img标签 // @modified 2010.9.20 imgHeight等于10px,表示图片层的上下边框大小之和,其图片尚未载入 // @modified 2010.10.14 1.扩展此功能至新浪微博,腾讯微博,搜狐微博,网易微博,人民微博,体坛微博,百度说吧等微博网站,并改名为miniblogImgPop; // 2.改进代码使之适应ajax载入新微博时的情况,在网速过慢(10秒内未能载入新微博)的情况下会失效; // 3.修改动画参数和代码结构以进一步优化代码性能; // 4.不处理iframe中的微博页面以避免某些性能问题; // 5.独立出miniblogsConfig,方便对大部分微博网站进行扩展。config格式如下: // {'微博域名':{ // className:'feed_img', //需要注册弹出事件的标签className // otherSrc:'dynamic-src', //延迟载入时用于保存图片地址的额外标签,有的网站不需要此项 // sFrag:'thumbnail', //小图的图片地址中的特征段,用于替换 // bFrag:'bmiddle', //大图的图片地址中的特征段,用于替换 // newFeedBtns:['feed_msg_new'] //导致ajax载入新微博的按钮id列表 // }}. // @modified 2010.10.15 增加cache存储上次的图片数据,用于提高效率和修复chrome下t.sohu.com的bug,但未能完全修复。。。 // @modified 2010.11.17 修改top!=this为top!=window,使之和spidemonkey兼容 // @modified 2010.11.17 增加对天涯微博的支持 // @modified 2010.12.06 1.增加对凤凰微博的支持 // 2.修改一个低网速下出现的图片载入错位的bug // @modified 2010.12.16 1.根据增加了一个z键固定图片功能,按住z键后所有图片浮出和消失功能会失效, // 改进后看大图片时,只需要按住z键便可以上下滚动页面 // @modified 2011.1.6 修改了在腾讯微博和搜狐微博下,新feed载入时的init方式,改为每2.5秒绑定一次 // @modified 2011.5.16 修复了网易微博下的一个bug // @modified 2011.6.22 1.增加了对新版新浪微群的支持 // 2.将图片宽度固定为450px // @modified 2011.8.18 1.改进了轮询新feed的机制 // @modified 2011.9.9 1.新增了对新版新浪微博的支持,同时支持新旧双版 /// 2.移除了对百度说吧的支持 // @modified 2011.9.30 大量重构和改动,效率更高,支持更多网站 // 1.增加对QQ空间、嘀咕网、点点网、新浪轻博的支持! // 2.使用事件委托方法重构图片绑定事件,去除低效的轮询方法,根除不时丢失绑定的bug // 3.缓存机制提高效率 // 4.去除对t.house.sina.com.cn和t.sina.com.cn的支持 // 5.修正因部分微博网站改动而无法正确运行的bug // (function(){ //dont handle iframe situation if(top != window) return; var imgPop = (function(){ //var date = null; //用于计算运行时间,调试使用 var that = this, cache = {}; cache.timer = null, cache.timerHeight = null, cache.siteName = '', cache.loc = window.location.href, cache.imgInfo = {}, cache.zPressing = false; var miniblogsConfig = { 'qing.weibo.com':{ feedArea :'#theLatestFeed', feedSelector:'.imgZoomIn', sFrag :'', bFrag :'' }, 'q.weibo.com':{ feedArea :'.feed_lists', feedSelector:'.bigcursor', sFrag :'thumbnail', bFrag :'large' }, 'weibo.com':{ feedArea :'.feed_lists,#feed_list', feedSelector:'.feed_img,.bigcursor', sFrag :'thumbnail', bFrag :'bmiddle' }, 't.sohu.com':{ feedArea :'#twitter_container', feedSelector:'.pic', sFrag :['/f_','_1.jpg'], bFrag :['/m_','_0.jpg'] }, 't.163.com':{ feedArea :'#homeTimelineList', feedSelector:'.status-sPhoto', sFrag :'120&h=120', bFrag :'460' }, 't.qq.com':{ feedArea :'#talkList', feedSelector:'.pic img', sFrag :'/160', bFrag :'/460' }, 't.titan24.com':{ feedArea :'.feedBoxct', feedSelector:'.imgBig', sFrag :'_thumbnail', bFrag :'_middle' }, 't.people.com.cn':{ feedArea :'.marquee', feedSelector:'.miniImg', sFrag:'/s_', bFrag:'/b_' }, 't.ifeng.com':{ feedArea :'#twitte_list', feedSelector:'.zoom_in_image img', sFrag :'/128x160_', bFrag :'/520x0_' }, 'my.tianya.cn':{ feedArea :'#tt-feed-box-ul', feedSelector:'.pic-zoomin', bigSrc :'_middlepic', sFrag :'small', bFrag :'middle' }, 'diandian.com':{ feedArea :'#feed-list', feedSelector:'.feed-img', bigSrc :'imgsrc' }, 'digu.com':{ feedArea :'#JS_Timeline', feedSelector:'.picture', sFrag :'_100x75', bFrag :'_640x480' }, 'qzone.qq.com':{ feedArea :'#_oldFeeds', feedSelector:'.img_box a', sFrag :'/160', bFrag :'/460' } }; var $ = function(id){ return document.getElementById(id); }; var $C = function(tag){ return document.createElement(tag); }; var $CN = function(className){ return document.getElementsByClassName(className); }; var $Q = function(selector, node){ var nodes = []; selector = selector.split(','); for(var i=0; i<selector.length; i++) { nodes = nodes.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call((node || document).querySelectorAll(selector))); } return nodes; }; var getPos = function(source){ var pt = {x:0,y:0,width:source.offsetWidth,height:source.offsetHeight}; do{ pt.x += source.offsetLeft; pt.y += source.offsetTop; source = source.offsetParent; }while(source); return pt; }; var getImgSize = function(imgsrc){ var cInfo = cache.imgInfo; //console.info(imgsrc + ' [' + cInfo.src + '] ' + cInfo.height); if(cInfo[imgsrc] && cInfo[imgsrc].height){ //console.info(imgsrc+' : cache aimed 1'); return function(){ //console.info('cache aimed 2'); return { width: cInfo[imgsrc].width, height: cInfo[imgsrc].height }; }; } else{ var img = $('imgPop'), size, w, h; if(img){ img.src = ''; img.removeAttribute('src'); } else{ img = createImgPop(imgsrc); }; img.src = imgsrc; return function(){ w = parseInt(img.offsetWidth); h = parseInt(img.offsetHeight); if(w === cInfo.width && h === cInfo.height){ return {width:0, height:0}; } else{ return {width:w, height:h}; } }; } }; var saveImgInfo = function(o){ //保存上一次图片的信息,用以缓存 if(!cache.imgInfo[o.src] && parseInt(o.offsetHeight) !== 10 && parseInt(o.offsetHeight) !== 30){ cache.imgInfo[o.src] = {width:parseInt(o.offsetWidth), height:parseInt(o.offsetHeight)}; //console.info(o.src+' : cache added.'); } }; var getSiteName = function(){ if(cache.siteName) return cache.siteName; var i, each; for(each in miniblogsConfig){ if(cache.loc.indexOf(each) != -1){ cache.siteName = each; return each; } } return ''; }; var getBigImgsrc = function(obj){ var tempimgs, tempimg, imgsrc, i, l, sname = getSiteName(), config = (sname && miniblogsConfig[sname]); if(obj.tagName === 'IMG' || obj.tagName === 'img'){ tempimg = obj; } else{ tempimgs = obj.getElementsByTagName('IMG'); if(tempimgs == null || tempimgs.length == 0){ throw 'cant found the img node.'; } else{ tempimg = tempimgs[0]; } } //针对使用额外属性保存大图地址的网站 if(config['bigSrc']) { return tempimg.getAttribute(config['bigSrc']); } //一般处理 imgsrc = tempimg.getAttribute('src'); //console.info(imgsrc); imgsrc = decodeURIComponent(imgsrc); if(typeof config['sFrag'] === 'object'){ for(i=0, l=config['sFrag'].length; i<l; i++){ imgsrc = imgsrc.replace(config['sFrag'][i],config['bFrag'][i]); } } else{ imgsrc = imgsrc.replace(config['sFrag'],config['bFrag']); } return imgsrc; }; var _fade = function(spec,callback){ var obj = spec.obj, fromOpacity, toOpacity; spec.from = spec.from || obj.style.opacity * 100; fromOpacity = spec.from/100; toOpacity = spec.to/100; //渐变 cache.timer && clearInterval(cache.timer); cache.timer = setInterval(function(){ //console.info(obj.style.opacity + ' ' + toOpacity); if(obj.style.opacity < toOpacity){ obj.style.opacity = parseFloat(obj.style.opacity) + 0.2; } else if(obj.style.opacity > toOpacity){ //修复一个chrome下图片不消失的bug var temp = parseFloat(obj.style.opacity) - 0.2; temp = (temp <= 0.01) ? 0 : temp; obj.style.opacity = temp; } else if(obj.style.opacity == toOpacity){ callback && callback.call(this); clearInterval(cache.timer); } else throw 'fadeTo函数异常'; },25); }; var createImgPop = function(imgsrc, ifShow){ ifShow = ifShow || false; $('imgPop') && document.body.removeChild($('imgPop')); var temp = $C('img'), scrollTop; temp.id = 'imgPop'; temp.src = imgsrc; temp.style.maxWidth = '450px'; temp.style.position = 'absolute'; temp.style.visibility = 'hidden'; temp.style.border = '5px solid #fff'; if(ifShow){ //for firefox & chrome 's diff scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; temp.style.top = scrollTop+(window.innerHeight-imgHeight)/2 + 'px'; temp.style.left = pos.x+pos.width+80+'px'; temp.style.zIndex = '500'; temp.style.opacity = 0; temp.style.cssText += 'box-shadow:4px 4px 15px #333;'; temp.style.visibility = ''; } document.body.appendChild(temp); return temp; }; var appendPod = function(imgsrc,pos,imgSizeFunc){ //防止图片未载入时获取图片大小为0的情况 //alert(imgSizeFunc().height); var imgHeight = imgSizeFunc().height, that, imgPop, scrollTop; //console.info(imgHeight); //imgHeight小于30px,很主观地判断其图片尚未载入 if(!imgHeight || imgHeight <= 30){ that = this; cache.timerHeight = setTimeout(function(){ appendPod.call(that,imgsrc,pos,imgSizeFunc); }, 40); return; } imgPop = $('imgPop'); if(!imgPop){ createImgPop(imgsrc,true); } else{ //for firefox & chrome 's diff scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; imgPop.style.top = scrollTop+(window.innerHeight-imgHeight)/2 + 'px'; imgPop.style.left = pos.x+pos.width+80+'px'; imgPop.style.border = '5px solid #fff'; imgPop.style.zIndex = '500'; imgPop.style.opacity = 0; imgPop.style.cssText += '-moz-box-shadow:4px 4px 15px #000;'; imgPop.style.cssText += '-webkit-box-shadow:4px 4px 15px #000;'; imgPop.style.visibility = ''; imgPop.src = imgsrc; } _fade({obj:imgPop,to:100}); div_bigImg = null; bigImg = null; //保存上一次图片的信息,用以缓存 saveImgInfo(imgPop); }; var removePop = function(){ return function(e){ if(cache.zPressing === false){ e.stopPropagation(); cache.timer && clearInterval(cache.timer); var theObj = $('imgPop'); //保存上一次图片的信息,用以缓存 //saveImgInfo(theObj); if(theObj){ _fade({obj:theObj,to:0},function(){ theObj.src = ''; theObj.removeAttribute('src'); }); } } }; }; var imgHover = function(img){ var imgsrc = getBigImgsrc(img), getSize; return function(e){ if(!/http.*/.test(imgsrc)){ imgsrc = getBigImgsrc(img); } //console.info('shift pressing : ' + cache.shiftPressing); if(cache.zPressing === false){ //console.time('test2'); e.stopPropagation(); cache.timerHeight && clearInterval(cache.timerHeight); cache.timer && clearInterval(cache.timer); getSize = getImgSize(imgsrc); appendPod(imgsrc,getPos(img),getSize); //console.timeEnd('test2'); } }; }; var imgOut = function(){ return removePop(); }; var delegate = function(el, eventType, handler, selector) { el = el || document; el.addEventListener(eventType, function(e){ var node = getHandlerNode(e, selector, el); node && handler.call(el, e, node); }, false); }; var getHandlerNode = function(e, selector, el) { //返回我们handler需要的参数 var nodes; el = el || document; if (e && e.target && selector) { var temp = null; if(cache.height) { temp = cache.height - document.documentElement.scrollHeight; } if(cache.nodes && cache.height && temp > -50 && temp < 50) { //console.log('cache aimed!'); nodes = cache.nodes; } else { nodes = cache.nodes = $Q(selector, el); cache.height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; } //console.log(nodes.length); for(i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) { if(e.target == nodes[i] || isInDomChain(e.target, nodes[i], el)) { return nodes[i]; } } return false; } }; var isInDomChain = function(target, parent, ancestor, maxDepth){ var ancestor = ancestor || null, maxDepth = maxDepth || 100; if (target == ancestor) { return false; } if (target == parent) { return true; } var i = 0;//防止过多嵌套 while (target != ancestor && target != null && (i++ < maxDepth)) { target = target.parentNode; if (target == parent) { return true; } } return false; }; return { prepare : function(){ this.sitename = getSiteName(); this.config = (this.sitename && miniblogsConfig[this.sitename]); }, addImgsEventListener : function(){ delegate($Q(this.config['feedArea'])[0], 'mouseover', function(e, node){ imgHover(node).call(null, e); }, this.config['feedSelector']); delegate($Q(this.config['feedArea'])[0], 'mouseout', imgOut(), this.config['feedSelector']); }, addShiftListener : function(){ window.addEventListener('keydown',function(e){ if(e.keyCode === 90){ cache.zPressing = true; } },false); window.addEventListener('keyup',function(e){ if(e.keyCode === 90){ cache.zPressing = false; removePop()(e); } },false); }, init: function(){ //准备必要的数据 this.prepare(); //绑定imgs hover事件 this.addImgsEventListener(); //绑定按键z事件,使图片不会消失,方便看大图 this.addShiftListener(); } }; })(); imgPop.init(); })();

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Friday, September 30, 2011
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