{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww25160\viewh15040\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural \f0\fs26 \cf0 // ==UserScript==\ // @name Neopets : Avatars Flash Games\ // @namespace http://gm.wesley.eti.br/neopets\ // @description Displays Avatars Flash Games and lets us to send score automatically\ // @author w35l3y\ // @email w35l3y@brasnet.org\ // @copyright 2011+, w35l3y (http://gm.wesley.eti.br)\ // @license GNU GPL\ // @homepage http://gm.wesley.eti.br\ // @version\ // @language en\ // @include http://www.neopets.com/games/play.phtml?game_id=*\ // @resource meta http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/66139.meta.js\ // @resource i18n http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=ULrVTsSg\ // @require http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=BjjHSA30\ // @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/85450.user.js\ // @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/56489.user.js\ // @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/54389.user.js\ // @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/54987.user.js\ // @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/69584.user.js\ // @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/85618.user.js\ // @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/87940.user.js\ // @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/63808.user.js\ // @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/66138.user.js\ // @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/87942.user.js\ // @require http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=56rbREE3\ // @history Updated @require#66138,#87940\ // @history Updated @require#66138\ // @history Updated @require#66138\ // @history Updated required files\ // @history Updated @require#66138\ // @history Updated @require#66138\ // @history Changed some ratio_time and removed random_time\ // @history Fx 4 bug fixes\ // @history Added an example of non-avatar game (id=970)\ // @history Fixed bug in @require#69584\ // @history Sorted list of games by id\ // ==/UserScript==\ \ /**************************************************************************\ \ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\ (at your option) any later version.\ \ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\ GNU General Public License for more details.\ \ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\ \ **************************************************************************/\ \ //GM_setValue("cached_includes", 0); // 0,1,2\ //GM_setValue("call_url", false);\ \ (function () \{ // script scope\ var games = \{\ // "id" : [min_score, rnd_score, mod_score, ratio_time, avatar_gif, avatar_name],\ // + non-avatar games\ "970" : [345, 860, 1, 164],\ "1204" : [10000, 32800, 1, 164],\ "1095" : [2432, 2458, 1, 164],\ "987" : [1440, 1580, 1, 164],\ "941" : [7497, 7507, 1, 164],\ "734" : [5180, 5180, 1, 164],\ "1173" : [1000, 1000, 1, 164],\ "1149" : [2551, 1964, 1, 164],\ "895" : [600, 600, 1, 164],\ "82" : [220, 240, 1, 164],\ "356" : [1784, 1794, 1, 164],\ "1126" : [640, 650, 1, 164],\ "962" : [5000, 5000, 1, 164],\ "489" : [1520, 1520, 1, 164],\ "586" : [2870, 2983, 1, 164],\ "330" : [1400, 1580, 1, 164],\ "1229" : [10368, 10379, 1, 164],\ "713" : [1353, 1362, 1, 164],\ "1064" : [1534, 1534, 1, 164],\ "519" : [1060, 1160, 1, 164],\ "973" : [6443, 6499, 1, 164],\ "587" : [3125, 3995, 1, 164],\ "633" : [880, 995, 1, 164],\ "1000" : [270, 300, 1, 164],\ "874" : [300, 300, 1, 164],\ "909" : [4200, 4200, 1, 164], \ // + avatar games\ "149" : [250, 33, 1, 2322, "kacheek06.gif", "Kacheek - Herder"],\ "159" : [1000, 875, 1, 589, "gadsgadsgame.gif", "Gadgadsgame"],\ "197" : [1220, 260, 1, 483, "efmcdraik.gif", "Draik - Escape from Meridell Castle"],\ "198" : [2250, 746, 1, 159, "donna_wasm.gif", "Revenge is Sweet"],\ "204" : [700, 89, 1, 347, "acezafara.gif", "Ace Zafara"],\ "212" : [1100, 7, 10, 556, "gtu.gif", "Grand Theft Ummagine"],\ "226" : [200, 19, 1, 1469, "extremepotato.gif", "Extreme Potato Counter"],\ "228" : [250, 12, 10, 1673, "petpetrescue.gif", "Petpet Rescue"],\ "230" : [1200, 451, 1, 492, "evileliv.gif", "Evil Eliv Thade"],\ "248" : [800, 358, 1, 721, "maraquanraider.gif", "Raider Of Maraqua"],\ "306" : [2000, 1215, 1, 226, "sutekstomb.gif", "Suteks Tomb"],\ "307" : [300, 224, 1, 1543, "techobuzz.gif", "Techo - The Buzzer Game"],\ "315" : [800, 12, 10, 1743, "myncispike.gif", "Spike It!"],\ "358" : [2000, 265, 1, 301, "faeriebubbles.gif", "Faerie Bubbles"],\ "379" : [3500, 215, 1, 239, "ahhhhmeepit.gif", "A Meepit! Run!"],\ "381" : [850, 149, 1, 37, "whackedkass.gif", "Whack-a-Kass"],\ "390" : [1250, 586, 1, 707, "ff_yoinked.gif", "Freaky Factory - Yoinked"],\ "412" : [5000, 1245, 1, 101, "snowmuncher.gif", "Snowmuncher"],\ "428" : [2500, 265, 5, 364, "petpetsitter.gif", "Petpetsitter"],\ "500" : [1250, 451, 1, 691, "meercachase.gif", "Meerca Chase"],\ "507" : [14500, 121, 5, 83, "icecreammachine.gif", "Ice Cream Machine"],\ "538" : [1000, 194, 1, 758, "jellyprocessing.gif", "Skeith - Jelly Processing Plant"],\ "539" : [1300, 141, 1, 404, "chiabomber.gif", "Chia Bomber"],\ "540" : [3000, 241, 1, 326, "meepvsfeep.gif", "Meepit Vs Feepit"],\ "544" : [10000, 881, 1, 102, "grundo_snowthrow.gif", "Grundo - Snowthrow!"],\ "574" : [3600, 123, 1, 149, "typingterror.gif", "Typing Terror"],\ "645" : [250, 14, 1, 2734, "florg.gif", "Chia - Florg"],\ "761" : [1500, 21, 1, 359, "volcanorun.gif", "Volcano Run"],\ "763" : [3500, 454, 1, 241, "magax.gif", "Magax: Destroyer"],\ "772" : [2500, 111, 5, 234, "smuggleddubloon.gif", "Smuggler's Dubloon"],\ "801" : [9050, 34, 10, 133, "freakedkorbat.gif", "Freaked Korbat"],\ "852" : [1200, 358, 1, 491, "deckswabber.gif", "Deckswabber"],\ "885" : [7530, 16, 10, 109, "mathsbabaa.gif", "Babaa - Maths Nightmare"],\ "902" : [725, 103, 1, 467, "carnival_terror.gif", "Carnival of Terror"],\ "903" : [100, 30, 1, 2415, "bullseye.gif", "Turtum"],\ "999" : [2500, 230, 1, 237, "destructomatch2.gif", "Destruct-O-Match II"],\ "1042": [2250, 19, 10, 398, "mutantgravedoom.gif", "Mutant Graveyard of Doom II"],\ "1048": [4000, 24, 10, 301, "nimmospond.gif", "Nimmos Pond"]\ \},\ id = location.search.match(/\\bgame_id=(\\d+)/)[1],\ cat = xpath("id('cat_images_container')/div[position()=last()]")[0];\ \ if (id in games && cat) \{\ var ava = document.createElement("div"),\ span = [document.createElement("span"), document.createElement("span")];\ ava.setAttribute("class", "cat_image");\ if (games[id][4] === null)\ games[id][4] = "http://images.neopets.com/games/clicktoplay/tm_"+id+".gif";\ else if (!games[id][4])\ games[id][4] = "default.gif";\ if (!/^\\w+:\\//.test(games[id][4]))\ games[id][4] = "http://images.neopets.com/neoboards/avatars/" + games[id][4];\ if (games[id][5] === null)\ games[id][5] = xpath("string(id('gamesRoomContentWrap')//div[@class='rcModuleHeaderContent']/div[last()])");\ ava.innerHTML = "<a class='info' href='javascript:void(0);'><img width='50' border='0' height='50' src='" + games[id][4] + "' />" + (games[id][5] ? "<span class='cat_tooltip'>" + games[id][5] + "</span>" : "") + "</a>";\ cat.parentNode.insertBefore(ava, cat.nextSibling);\ ava.parentNode.insertBefore(span[1], ava.nextSibling); // time\ ava.parentNode.insertBefore(span[0], span[1]); // score\ \ xpath(".//a/img", ava)[0].addEventListener("error", function(e) \{\ e.target.src = "http://images.neopets.com/neoboards/avatars/default.gif";\ \}, false);\ xpath(".//a", ava)[0].addEventListener("click", function(e) \{\ var t,\ game = games[id],\ s = game[0] + Math.floor(game[1] * game[2] * Math.random()),\ s = parseInt(prompt(I18n.get("npafg.score.prompt") + " " + game[0] + "+)", s - s % game[2]), 10)||0;\ s -= s % game[2]; // mod\ \ if (s > 0 && (t = parseInt(prompt(I18n.get("npafg.time.prompt"), Math.floor(s * game[3] * (1 + 0.2 * Math.random()))), 10)||0) > 0)\ FlashGame.execute(\{\ "params" : \{\ "span" : span\ \},\ "id" : id,\ "score" : [s, 0, 1],\ "time" : [t, 0],\ "session" : true,\ "autosend" : false,\ "continue" : function(p) \{\ p.params.span[0].innerHTML = p.s + "<br />";\ p.params.span[1].textContent = "";\ \ (function (span, timer, p) \{\ var i = timer.current(true);\ if (!span.textContent.length || span.textContent.indexOf(":") > -1)\ if (i < 1000) \{\ span.textContent = I18n.get("npafg.wait.label");\ p.next(p);\ \} else \{\ span.textContent = timer.toString();\ \ if (/^(?:20|10|3|2|1)$/.test(Math.floor(i/1000)) && p.beep.play) \{\ p.beep.play();\ \}\ \ setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000, span, timer, p);\ \}\ \})(p.params.span[1], new Timer(new Date().valueOf() + p.t), p);\ \ document.body.setAttribute("onbeforeunload", "return '" + I18n.get("npafg.running.bkgd") + "'");\ \},\ "onsuccess" : function(p) \{\ var msgs = [\ I18n.get("npafg.msg.success", [p.list.plays]),\ "Unknown success",\ "Unknown bonus",\ I18n.get("npafg.msg.reached_max"),\ "Zero score",\ "Unknown",\ "Invalid",\ "Timeout",\ "No login",\ "Challenge",\ "Cookie",\ I18n.get("npafg.msg.reached_max"),\ "Challenge slow",\ "DC COMP",\ "DC TIME",\ I18n.get("npafg.msg.reviewed"),\ "Quick session",\ I18n.get("npafg.msg.missing_hash"),\ "Too slow",\ "DD SUCCESS",\ "DD NO SUCCESS",\ "IDS_SM_DD_MAX",\ "IDS_SM_DD_BEAT_AAA",\ "IDS_SM_DD_BEAT_ABIGAIL",\ "IDS_SM_DD_BEAT_DOUBLE",\ "IDS_SM_DD_BEAT_LULU",\ I18n.get("npafg.msg.success", [p.list.plays])\ ];\ \ if (p.list.errcode in msgs) \{\ p.params.span[1].textContent = msgs[p.list.errcode];\ \} else \{\ p.params.span[1].textContent = I18n.get("npafg.error.unknown") + " " + p.list.errcode;\ \}\ \ var o = [];\ for (var k in p.list) \{\ o.push([k, p.list[k]].join("\\t"));\ \}\ GM_log(o.join("\\n"));\ \ document.body.setAttribute("onbeforeunload", "");\ document.body.removeAttribute("onbeforeunload");\ \}\ \});\ \}, false);\ \ FlashGame.menu("cached_includes", "[Neopets : Avatars Flash Games] " + I18n.get("inpfg.cache_encrypt.label"));\ \}\ \})();}

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Monday, December 5, 2011
Neopets : Avatars Flash Games\
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