// ==UserScript== // @name Tweak Google Menu // @version 0.53 // @author Tomas Luis Alemany // @namespace // @description Allows you to tweak the new Google menu // @include https://*.google.com* // @include http://*.google.com* // @include http://mail.google.com* // @include https://mail.google.com* // ==/UserScript== // //========================================================================================== // Change Log: // 2011-12-08: 0.53 // - Simple GUI to update configuration keys. // 2011-12-07: 0.52 // - Fix first run key definition. // 2011-12-07: 0.51 // - Fix compatibility with Chrome. // 2011-12-06: 0.52 // - Initial release. //========================================================================================== // LocalStorage API - Compatibility for Chrome if (!this.GM_getValue || (this.GM_getValue.toString && this.GM_getValue.toString().indexOf("not supported")>-1)) { this.GM_getValue=function (key,def) {return localStorage[key] || def;}; this.GM_setValue=function (key,value) {return localStorage[key]=value;}; this.GM_deleteValue=function (key) {return delete localStorage[key];};} //GM_deleteValue("firstrun");GM_deleteValue("gmlist");GM_deleteValue("mmlist");GM_deleteValue("smlist");//#debug# } if (!GM_getValue("firstrun")) {GM_deleteValue("gmlist");GM_deleteValue("mmlist");GM_deleteValue("smlist");GM_setValue("firstrun","0");}//#debug# } // Details of all the buttons of the menu // To add a new button use the following syntaxis: // var code = {label: 'Default Label', url: 'URL to open', imgurl: 'URL of the image', imgpos: 'Image position'} var sweb = {label: 'Search Web', url: 'https://www.google.com', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-266px -124px'}; var gplus = {label: 'Google+', url: 'https://plus.google.com', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-111px 0px'}; var greader = {label: 'Reader', url: 'https://www.google.com/reader', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-143px -74px'}; var gmail = {label: 'Gmail', url: 'https://mail.google.com', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-185px -37px'}; var gcalendar = {label: 'Calendar', url: 'https://www.google.com/calendar', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-148px -37px'}; var gdocs = {label: 'Documents', url: 'https://www.google.com/docs', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-192px 0px'}; var gmusic = {label: 'Music', url: 'https://music.google.com', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '0px -244px'}; var picasa_alt = {label: 'Picasa', url: 'https://picasaweb.google.com', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-111px -267px'}; var picasa = {label: 'Picasa', url: 'https://picasaweb.google.com', imgurl: 'lh5.googleusercontent.com/s/v/83.07/img/logo/pwa-es.gif', imgpos: '4px 4px'}; var youtube = {label: 'YouTube', url: 'http://www.youtube.com/?tab=w1', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-185px -267px'}; var simages = {label: 'Search Images', url: 'https://www.google.com/images', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-37px -207px'}; var gmaps = {label: 'Maps', url: 'https://www.google.com/maps', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-148px -267px'}; var gnews = {label: 'News', url: 'https://www.google.com/news', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-111px -37px'}; var svideos = {label: 'Search Videos', url: 'https://video.google.com', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-67px -37px'}; var gbooks = {label: 'Books', url: 'https://books.google.com/bkshp?hl=en&tab=wp', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-259px -267px'}; var goffers = {label: 'Offers', url: 'https://www.google.com/offers', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-222px -267px'}; var market = {label: 'Market', url: 'https://market.android.com/?hl=en', imgurl: 'market.android.com/static/client/images/logo.png', imgpos: '0px 0px'}; var gfinance = {label: 'Finance', url: 'https://www.google.com/finance?tab=we', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-74px -207px'}; var gtranslate = {label: 'Translate', url: 'https://translate.google.com/?hl=en&tab=wT', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-37px 0px'}; var gphotos = {label: 'Photos', url: 'https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos?tab=wq', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-111px -267px'}; var gwallet = {label: 'Wallet', url: 'https://wallet.google.com/manage/', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-30px -37px'}; var shopping = {label: 'Shopping', url: 'https://www.google.com/prdhp?hl=en&tab=wf', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '-229px -124px'}; var blogger = {label: 'Blogger', url: 'https://www.blogger.com/?tab=wj', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '0px -207px'}; var gmobile = {label: 'Mobile', url: 'https://www.google.com/mobile/', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '0px 0px'}; var bset = {label: 'Settings', url: '', imgurl: 'www.google.com/reader/ui/345992534-settings.png', imgpos: '20px 10px'}; var bem = {label: 'Even More', url: 'http://www.google.com/intl/en/options/', imgurl: 'ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/j_40368b96.png', imgpos: '10px -272px'}; var updateSettings = function (list) { switch(list) { case 'global': GM_setValue("gmlist", "greader,gmail,gcalendar,gdocs,gmusic,market,sweb,picasa,gphotos,simages,youtube,gmaps,gnews,svideos,gbooks,goffers,gfinance,gtranslate,shopping,blogger,gmobile,gwallet"); break; case 'main': GM_setValue("mmlist", "sweb,simages,gmaps,youtube,gnews,gmail,gdocs"); break; case 'secondary': GM_setValue("smlist", "gcalendar,gtranslate,gmobile,gbooks,gmusic,goffers,gwallet,shopping,blogger,greader,gfinance,gphotos,svideos,market,picasa"); break; default: GM_setValue("mmlist", "sweb,simages,gmaps,youtube,gnews,gmail,gdocs"); GM_setValue("smlist", "gcalendar,gtranslate,gmobile,gbooks,gmusic,goffers,gwallet,shopping,blogger,greader,gfinance,gphotos,svideos,market,picasa");}}; // Init keys if no exist if (!GM_getValue("gmlist")) {updateSettings('global');} if (!GM_getValue("mmlist")) {updateSettings('main');} if (!GM_getValue("smlist")) {updateSettings('secondary');} var ggmenu = GM_getValue("gmlist").split(","); // Full menu options var mgmenu = GM_getValue("mmlist").split(","); // Main menu options var sgmenu = GM_getValue("smlist").split(","); // Secn menu options var openWindowSettings = function () { if (confirm ("Customize the menu options?")) { if (confirm ("Do you want to see the full list of options available?")) {alert(GM_getValue("gmlist"));} var mmset = prompt ("Menu1(black)",GM_getValue("mmlist")); if (mmset != '' && mmset != null) { var aset = mmset.split(","); var mmset = ""; for (x in aset) {if (ggmenu.indexOf(aset[x]) >= 0) {mmset += aset[x] + ",";} else {alert('Error: ' + aset[x] + ' is not a valid option. Removed from the list.');}} if (mmset != '') {GM_setValue("mmlist", mmset.slice(0,mmset.length-1));} else {alert('Error');} } var smset = prompt ("Menu2(white)",GM_getValue("smlist")); if (smset != '' && smset != null) { var aset = smset.split(","); var smset = ""; for (x in aset) {if (ggmenu.indexOf(aset[x]) >= 0) {smset += aset[x] + ",";} else {alert('Error: ' + aset[x] + ' is not a valid option. Removed from the list.');}} if (smset != '') {GM_setValue("smlist", smset.slice(0,smset.length-1));} else {alert('Error');} } } else {if (confirm ("Reset to default?")){updateSettings();}}}; var addMenuButton = function (bclass,gmbuttonid) { if (gmbuttonid){ var blabel = eval (gmbuttonid + ".label"); var burl = eval (gmbuttonid + ".url"); var bimg = eval (gmbuttonid + ".imgurl"); var bimgpos = eval (gmbuttonid + ".imgpos");} switch(bclass) { case 'gbzt': var buttonhtml = '<li class="gbt"><a class="gbzt" id="gb_999" href="' + burl + '" target="_blank"><span style="background-image: url(//' + bimg + '); '; buttonhtml += 'background-position: '+ bimgpos +'; background-repeat:no-repeat;" class="gbtb2"></span><span class="gbts">' + blabel + '</span></a></li>'; break; case 'gbmt': var buttonhtml = '<span class="gbmtc"><a class="gbmt" id="gb_999" href="' + burl + '" target="_blank"><span style="background-image: url(//' + bimg + '); '; buttonhtml += 'background-position: '+ bimgpos +'; background-repeat:no-repeat;" class="gbtb2"></span><span class="gbts">' + blabel + '</span></a></span>'; break; case 'evenmore': var buttonhtml = '<span class="gbmtc" id="emb"></span>'; break; case 'smenustr': var buttonhtml = '<li id="gbtm" class="gbt"><a id="gbztm" class="gbgt" aria-owns="gbd" aria-haspopup="true" href="http://www.google.com/intl/en/options/">'; buttonhtml += '<span class="gbts gbtsa" id="gbztms">More</span></span></a>'; buttonhtml += '<div id="gbd" class="gbm" aria-owner="gbztm" style="height: auto; width: auto; visibility: hidden;">'; buttonhtml += '<div id="gbdi" class="gbmc"><div class="gbmasc" id="gbm1">'; break; case 'smenuend': var buttonhtml = '</div></div></div></li>'; break; default: var buttonhtml = '';} return buttonhtml;}; var addSettingsButton = function () { var sb = document.createElement('div'); sb.setAttribute("id", "gbtem"); sb.setAttribute("class", "gbmtc"); var sbp = document.getElementById('gbdi'); sbp.appendChild(sb); var sba = document.createElement('a'); sba.setAttribute("class", "gbmt"); sba.href = ""; sba.addEventListener('click', function() {openWindowSettings();}, false); var sbahtml = '<span class="gbts" style="background-image: url(//' + bset.imgurl + '); background-position: ' + bset.imgpos + '; '; sbahtml += 'background-size: 24px 24px; background-repeat:no-repeat; opacity: .55;">Settings</span>'; sba.innerHTML = sbahtml; var sbap = document.getElementById('gbtem'); sbap.appendChild(sba);}; var addEvenMoreButton = function () { var emb = document.createElement('a'); emb.setAttribute("id", "emba"); emb.setAttribute("class", "gbmt"); emb.setAttribute("href", bem.url); var embhtml = '<span class="gbtb2" style="background-image: url(//' + bem.imgurl + '); background-position: ' + bem.imgpos + '; background-repeat: no-repeat; opacity: .55;"></span>'; embhtml += '<span class="gbts">' + bem.label + '</span>'; emb.innerHTML = embhtml; var embp = document.getElementById('emb'); embp.appendChild(emb);}; var regExp = /<\/?[^>]+>/gi; var replaceTags = function (xStr){xStr = xStr.replace(regExp,"");return xStr;}; // Get Google Plus username var i = document.getElementById('gb_119'); gplus.label = replaceTags(i.innerHTML); // Remove Google Menu var x = document.getElementById('gbzc'); x.parentNode.removeChild(x); // Compose and show the customized Google Menu var u = document.createElement("ol"); u.setAttribute("id", "gbzc"); u.setAttribute("class", "gbtc"); var uHTML = ''; uHTML = addMenuButton('gbzt','gplus'); for (y in mgmenu) {uHTML += addMenuButton('gbzt',mgmenu[y]);} uHTML += addMenuButton('smenustr'); for (z in sgmenu) {uHTML += addMenuButton('gbmt',sgmenu[z]);} uHTML += addMenuButton('evenmore'); uHTML += addMenuButton('smenuend'); u.innerHTML = uHTML; var y = document.getElementById('gbz'); y.appendChild(u); addEvenMoreButton(); addSettingsButton();

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tweak Google Menu (beta)
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