// ==UserScript== // @author DemianGod - demiangod@gmail.com // @name Google Reader New Style Minimalistic by DemianGod v4.3 // @namespace http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/30242 // @description Removes all the junk from New Google+ Reader and just gives you the search and collapsable subscriptions + favicons. // @include http*://*.google.com*/reader/* // ==/UserScript== // Google Reader New Style Minimalistic By DemianGod v4.3 // DemianGod http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/30242 const EXPORT_URL = '/reader/subscriptions/export'; const ICON_XPATH = "/html/body/div[6]/div/div[2]/div/div[5]/div[4]//div[starts-with(@class,'icon sub-icon')]"; const ICON_XPATH_PREFIX = '/opml/body//outline[@text="'; const ICON_OPML_XPATH_PREFIX = '/opml/body//outline'; const YQL_BASE_URL = 'http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q='; const YQL_GET_HTML = 'select%20*%20from%20html%20where'; // URI-encoded const YQL_HTML_QUERY = YQL_BASE_URL+YQL_GET_HTML; const FAVICON_XPATH = "/html/head/link[@rel='icon'] | /html/head/link[@rel='ICON'] | /html/head/link[@rel='shortcut icon'] | /html/head/link[@rel='SHORTCUT ICON']"; const URL_PATTERN = "^http://"; // "http://" at the start of the string const CHANGE_MSG_XPATH = "/html/body/div[2]/div/div[@id='message-area']"; const NAV_BAR_XPATH = "/html/body/div[6]/div"; const FEED_ADD_MSG_XPATH = "//div[@id='quick-add-success']"; // The OPML file is the file you get when you try to export your Google Reader subscriptions. // It contains (amongst other things) the mapping between each site's URL and feed URL. function fetchOPML(url, callback) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('get', url); xhr.onload = function(){callback(xhr.responseXML)}; xhr.send(null); } function drawFavicon(iconNode, imgNode) { var parent = iconNode.parentNode; parent.replaceChild(imgNode, iconNode); } function replaceAllFeedIcons(opml) { function replaceIcons(iconNodes) { for (var i=0; i<iconNodes.snapshotLength; i++) { /* I need to match the icon node with its XML element in the OPML file. * I'm going to match based on the title. */ var currIcon = iconNodes.snapshotItem(i); var feedTitle = currIcon.nextSibling.firstChild.textContent; var srcURLNode, srcURL; if (feedTitle.indexOf("\"") == -1) // common case - title doesn't contain double quotes { srcURLNode = opml.evaluate(ICON_XPATH_PREFIX+feedTitle+'"]/@htmlUrl', opml, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; if (srcURLNode == null) // shouldn't ever (or at least rarely) happen { GM_log("Unable to get the srcURLNode for feed "+feedTitle); continue; } srcURL = srcURLNode.textContent; } else // going to be expensive { var iconOPMLNodes = opml.evaluate(ICON_OPML_XPATH_PREFIX, opml, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); /* Unfortunately, XPath 1.0 doesn't allow for escaping single quotes (') and double quotes ("). * Therefore, I'm treating the "text" attribute as a string, and doing the comparison this way. * XPath 2.0, whenever that gets widely supported, should render this method obsolete. */ for (var j=0; j<iconOPMLNodes.snapshotLength; j++) { currNode = iconOPMLNodes.snapshotItem(j); if (currNode.getAttribute("text") == feedTitle) { srcURL = currNode.getAttribute("htmlUrl"); break; } } if (j == iconOPMLNodes.snapshotLength) { GM_log("Unable to get the srcURLNode for feed "+feedTitle); continue; } } srcURL = "http://"+srcURL.split("/", 3)[2]; // get the root URL /* create the img node used to display our icon */ var imgNode = document.createElement("img"); imgNode.style.borderWidth = "0px"; imgNode.style.height = "16px"; imgNode.style.width = "16px"; imgNode.style.opacity = "1.0"; imgNode.style.marginTop = "2px"; /* By setting the class attribute to be the same, we can ensure that the same CSS styles get applied. * You can remove the line to see what it looks like without those styles */ imgNode.className = currIcon.className; // remove the default feed icon imgNode.style.backgroundImage = "none"; imgNode.style.visibility = "hidden"; imgNode.setAttribute("alreadysearchedpage", "false"); var defaultFaviconURL; // contains our first guess at the correct URL var faviconURL = GM_getValue(srcURL); if (faviconURL == undefined || faviconURL == "") // no user-specified value defaultFaviconURL = srcURL + "/favicon.ico"; else defaultFaviconURL = faviconURL; imgNode.src = defaultFaviconURL; // if the image loads correctly, then the favicon is in the default location imgNode.addEventListener("load", (function(srcURL, defaultFaviconURL) { return function() { this.style.visibility = "visible"; GM_setValue(srcURL, defaultFaviconURL); }; })(srcURL, defaultFaviconURL), true); // otherwise, its in a non-default location and we have to hunt for it imgNode.addEventListener("error", (function(imgNode, srcURL, currIcon) { return function() { if (this.getAttribute("alreadysearchedpage") == "true") return; /* make use of the YQL service from Yahoo! which will: * 1) convert HTML into well-formed XML * 2) lets us retrieve selective parts of a webpage, based on an XPath query - * the benefit is that we have to do less client-side processing * * Here we are only requesting the part of the webpage which specifies the favicon location */ var queryURL = YQL_HTML_QUERY+encodeURIComponent(' url="'+srcURL+'"'+' and xpath="'+FAVICON_XPATH+'"'); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: queryURL, onload: function(response) { if (response.status == '200') // response is OK { // remove XML opening declaration before passing to constructor (apparently required) var urlResultDoc = new XML(response.responseText.replace(/^<\?xml [^>]*>\s*/,'')); var urlResult = urlResultDoc.results; var url, faviconURL; if (urlResult.link.length() == 0) // no favicons :( { /* therefore, go back to using the generic icon provided by Google Reader, * so that the icon isn't just blank/broken */ drawFavicon(imgNode, currIcon); /* create the entry, so the user can manually fill it in (if desired) via about:config * (e.g., with the URL of some other site's favicon) */ GM_setValue(srcURL, ""); return; } else if (urlResult.link.length() == 1) url = urlResult.link.@href; else if (urlResult.link.length() == 2) /* this should rarely happen, but some websites will specify 2 link tags: * one with rel="shortcut icon" and one with rel="icon". I've arbitrarily * chosen to select the former. */ url = urlResult.link.(@rel.toLowerCase() == "shortcut icon").@href; if (url.search(new RegExp(URL_PATTERN)) != -1) // absolute path faviconURL = url; else // relative path { /* originally I thought the following was sufficient to distinguish between relative and * absolute, but then at sites like www.hdnumerique.com, I saw they specified their * favicon url as "imgs/favicon.ico" :) */ if (url.charAt(0) == '/') faviconURL = srcURL+url; else faviconURL = srcURL+'/'+url; } imgNode.setAttribute("alreadysearchedpage", "true"); imgNode.src = faviconURL; drawFavicon(currIcon, imgNode); imgNode.style.visibility = "visible"; GM_setValue(srcURL, faviconURL.toString()); } else GM_log("YQL query for "+srcURL+" returned with error " + response.status); } }); } })(imgNode, srcURL, currIcon), true); drawFavicon(currIcon, imgNode); } } var regIconNodes = document.evaluate(ICON_XPATH, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); replaceIcons(regIconNodes); } // here we draw the favicons when our script first loads fetchOPML(EXPORT_URL, replaceAllFeedIcons); /* But there are 3 times when we will have to redraw the favicons: * * 1) When the user edits feeds (e.g., re-order, rename) * 2) When the user navigates to the Settings and back * 3) When the user adds a feed using the "Add a subscription" button * * This is because these operations don't reload the page (I think Google is using AJAX for them). * Detection of these events is fairly crude, but Google doesn't provide notifications for them. */ // Editing ends when the "Saved changes to [feed-name]" message appears var changeMsg = document.evaluate(CHANGE_MSG_XPATH, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; changeMsg.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function (event) { if (this.textContent.search("Saved changes") == 0 || this.textContent.search("You have") == 0) /* * I don't actually need to fetch the opml file here, but the replaceAllFeedIcons() function * makes calls to GM_getValue()/GM_setValue(), which cannot be made in the context of the * webpage (a security error occurs when this happens). Thus, I have to call the function * in the context of a GreaseMonkey XmlHttpRequest. */ fetchOPML(EXPORT_URL, replaceAllFeedIcons); }, true); // The user navigated back from the Settings page when the class attribute of the // left-hand side navigation bar is modified in a certain way var navBar = document.evaluate(NAV_BAR_XPATH, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; var unhide = false; navBar.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", function(event) { // if (event.attrName == "class") // console.log("attrName = "+event.attrName+"\nprevValue = "+event.prevValue+"\nnewValue = "+event.newValue); // we're coming back from the Settings page if (event.attrName == "class" && event.prevValue == "hidden" && event.newValue == "") unhide = true; // console.log("unhide = "+unhide+" attrName = "+event.attrName + " newValue = "+event.newValue); /* I only re-draw the first time the class attribute is changed after coming back from the * Settings page. I used the flag because this type of change to the class * attribute occurs often. For example, it occurs every time you click on a feed/subscription * in the left panel. */ if (unhide && event.attrName == "class" && event.newValue == "link tree-link-selected") { fetchOPML(EXPORT_URL, replaceAllFeedIcons); unhide = false; } }, true); // A new feed is added using the "Add a subscription" button when the class attribute // of the "success" message becomes visible var feedAddMsg = document.evaluate(FEED_ADD_MSG_XPATH, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; feedAddMsg.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", function(event) { if (event.attrName == "class" && event.prevValue == "hidden" && event.newValue == "") { /* * I don't actually need to fetch the opml file here, but the replaceAllFeedIcons() function * makes calls to GM_getValue()/GM_setValue(), which cannot be made in the context of the * webpage (a security error occurs when this happens). Thus, I have to call the function * in the context of a GreaseMonkey XmlHttpRequest. */ fetchOPML(EXPORT_URL, replaceAllFeedIcons); } }, true); //--------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var ids = ["logo-container","gbg","gbx3","gbx4","gbzc","gbz","gbu","gbq1","gbzw","gbbw","logo-section","sections-header","reading-list-selector","lhn-recommendations","sub-tree-header","lhn-add-subscription-section","lhn-selectors","home-section","viewer-refresh","viewer-view-options","mark-all-as-read-split-button","stream-prefs-menu","chrome-view-links","settings-button-container"]; function toggle_gr () { var length = ids.length; var is_visible = document.getElementById(ids[0]).style.display != "none"; for (var i=0; i<length; i++){ if(document.getElementById(ids[i]) != null) document.getElementById(ids[i]).style.display = is_visible?"none":"block"; } GM_addStyle(".gbh { display:none !important; }"); //Hide dividing line if(is_visible){ document.getElementById('main').style.fontSize = '8pt'; document.getElementById('sub-tree').style.fontSize = '8pt'; var overrideCSS = " \ #search { padding:2px !important ; position:fixed; z-index:2 !important; } \ #gbq2 { left:-50px !important; top:11px !important; width:0px !important; position:fixed; z-index:3 !important; } \ #gbqfbw { left:500px !important; display:block !important; } \ #gbqff { width:500px !important; } \ #settings-button { top:-3px !important; } \ #viewer-header-container { height:35px !important; } \ #viewer-top-controls-container { top:15px !important; } \ #sections-header { height:35px !important; } \ #overview-section-header { width:0px !important; height:0px !important; position:fixed; } \ #gb { height:0px !important; } \ #gbx1 { display:none !important; } \ #gbq { height:0px !important; } \ #gbqf { left:100px !important; top:-30px !important; } \ #lhn-subscriptions-minimize { left:0px !important; top:0px !important; } \ #sub-tree-container { top:10px !important; } \ #entries { padding:0ex !important; } \ #entries.list .collapsed { height: 4.0ex !important; } \ #entries.list .collapsed .entry-source-title, #entries.list .collapsed .entry-title, #entries.list .collapsed .entry-date { line-height: 4.0ex !important;} \ #entries.list .entry .entry-secondary .snippet { color: #333 } \ #entries.list .entry.read .entry-secondary .snippet { color: inherit } \ #entries.list .entry .entry-main .entry-source-title \ {color:#333 !important} \ #entries.list .entry.read .entry-main .entry-source-title \ {color: #666 !important} \ #title-and-status-holder { padding:0 0 0 0.5em !important; } \ #sub-tree-header \ { padding-left: 15px !important; } \ .folder .folder .folder-toggle { margin-left:13px !important } \ .folder .sub-icon, .folder .folder>a>.icon { margin-left:27px !important } \ .folder .folder>ul .icon { margin-left:34px !important } \ .folder .folder .name-text { max-width:160px; !important } \ #recommendations-tree .sub-icon {background-position: -65px 0 !important;} \ .scroll-tree .icon, .scroll-tree .favicon {height: 15px !important; width: 15px !important;} \ .scroll-tree .folder-icon {background-position: -48px 0 !important;} \ .scroll-tree li a .name {color: #000000 !important;} \ .scroll-tree .tag-icon {background-position: -33px -32px !important;} \ "; GM_addStyle(overrideCSS); } else { //--- } } function GRT_key(event) { element = event.target; elementName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (elementName == "input") { typing = (element.type == "text" || element.type == "password"); } else { typing = (elementName == "textarea"); } if (typing) return true; if (String.fromCharCode(event.which)=="W" && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) { toggle_gr(); try { event.preventDefault(); } catch (e) { } return false; } return true; } document.addEventListener("keydown", GRT_key, false); toggle_gr(); try { var accountname = document.getElementById('gbmpn'); document.title = document.title + " | " + accountname.innerHTML + " |"; } catch(err) { } })();

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Friday, March 2, 2012
Google Reader New Style Minimalistic by DemianGod v4.3
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