// ==UserScript== // @name ViewTube // @version 2012.03.03 // @namespace sebaro // @description Watch videos from video sharing websites without Flash Player. // @include http://youtube.com* // @include http://www.youtube.com* // @include https://youtube.com* // @include https://www.youtube.com* // @include http://dailymotion.com* // @include http://www.dailymotion.com* // @include https://dailymotion.com* // @include https://www.dailymotion.com* // @include http://metacafe.com* // @include http://www.metacafe.com* // @include https://metacafe.com* // @include https://www.metacafe.com* // @include http://vimeo.com* // @include http://www.vimeo.com* // @include https://vimeo.com* // @include https://www.vimeo.com* // @include http://break.com* // @include http://www.break.com* // @include https://break.com* // @include https://www.break.com* // @include http://funnyordie.com* // @include http://www.funnyordie.com* // @include https://funnyordie.com* // @include https://www.funnyordie.com* // @include http://blip.tv* // @include http://www.blip.tv* // @include https://blip.tv* // @include https://www.blip.tv* // @include http://veoh.com* // @include http://www.veoh.com* // @include https://veoh.com* // @include https://www.veoh.com* // @include http://5min.com* // @include http://www.5min.com* // @include https://5min.com* // @include https://www.5min.com* // @include http://videojug.com* // @include http://www.videojug.com* // @include https://videojug.com* // @include https://www.videojug.com* // @include http://facebook.com* // @include http://www.facebook.com* // @include https://facebook.com* // @include https://www.facebook.com* // @include http://imdb.com* // @include http://www.imdb.com* // @include https://imdb.com* // @include https://www.imdb.com* // @include http://dsc.discovery.com* // @include https://dsc.discovery.com* // @include http://video.nationalgeographic.com* // @include https://video.nationalgeographic.com* // ==/UserScript== /* Copyright (C) 2010 - 2012 Sebastian Luncan This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Site: http://isebaro.com/viewtube Contact: http://isebaro.com/contact */ (function() { // ==========Variables========== // // User options var autoplay = false; var download = true; var html5 = false; var mimetype = 'mp4'; var definition = 'HD'; var container = 'MP4'; // My Data var player = {}; var feature = {'definition': true, 'container': false, 'fullsize': true}; var page = { win: window, doc: document, body: document.body, url: window.location.href, os: (navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') != -1) ? 'Windows' : 'Unix' } var contact = 'http://isebaro.com/contact/?ln=en&sb=viewtube'; // ==========Fixes========== // // Don't run on frames or iframes if (window.top != window.self) return; // ==========Functions========== // function createMyElement (type, content, event, action, target) { var obj = page.doc.createElement(type); if (content) { if (type == 'div' || type == 'option') obj.innerHTML = content; else if (type == 'img') obj.src = content; else if (type == 'video') { obj.src = content; obj.innerHTML = '<br><br>The video should be loading. If it doesn\'t load, make sure your browser supports HTML5\'s Video and this video codec. If you think it\'s a script issue, please report it <a href="' + contact + '">here</a>.'; } else if (type == 'object') { obj.width = player['contentWidth']; obj.height = player['contentHeight']; obj.data = content; obj.innerHTML = '<br><br>The video should be loading. If it doesn\'t load, make sure a video plugin is installed. If you think it\'s a script issue, please report it <a href="' + contact + '">here</a>.<param name="scale" value="tofit"><param name="scale" value="exactfit"><param name="stretchtofit" value="true"><param name="autostart" value="true"><param name="autoplay" value="true">'; } } if (type == 'video' || type == 'object') { if (html5 || mimetype == 'all') { if (player['videoPlay'].match(/FLV/) != null) obj.type = 'video/flv'; else if (player['videoPlay'].match(/MP4/) != null) obj.type = 'video/mp4'; else if (player['videoPlay'].match(/WebM/) != null) obj.type = 'video/webm'; else if (player['videoPlay'].match(/MOV/) != null) obj.type = 'video/mov'; else if (player['videoPlay'].match(/M4V/) != null) obj.type = 'video/m4v'; } else { if (page.os == 'Windows') obj.type = 'application/x-ms-wmp'; else obj.type = 'video/' + mimetype; } } if (type == 'video') { obj.controls = 'controls'; obj.autoplay = 'autoplay'; } if (event == 'change') { obj.addEventListener ('change', function () { player['videoPlay'] = this.value; playMyVideo(autoplay); }, false); } else if (event == 'click') { obj.addEventListener ('click', function () { if (action == 'close') { removeMyElement(page.body, target); } else if (action == 'play') { playMyVideo(true); } else if (action == 'get') { getMyVideo(); } else if (action == 'html5') { html5 = (html5) ? false : true; if (html5) styleMyElement (player['buttonHTML5'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '', '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#008080', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); else styleMyElement (player['buttonHTML5'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '', '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#CCCCCC', '10px', '', '0px 0px 0px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); rwMyCookies ('write'); if (player['playerStatus'] == 'play') playMyVideo(true); } else if (action == 'autoplay') { autoplay = (autoplay) ? false : true; if (autoplay) { styleMyElement (player['buttonPlay'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '', '0px 5px', 'none', '', '#37B704', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); styleMyElement (player['buttonAutoplay'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '0px 0px 0px 20px', '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#008080', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); if (player['playerStatus'] == 'thumbnail') playMyVideo(true); } else { styleMyElement (player['buttonPlay'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '', '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#37B704', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); styleMyElement (player['buttonAutoplay'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '0px 0px 0px 20px', '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#CCCCCC', '10px', '', '0px 0px 0px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); playMyVideo(false); } rwMyCookies ('write'); } else if (action == 'definition') { if (definition == 'LD') definition = 'SD'; else if (definition == 'SD') definition = 'HD'; else if (definition == 'HD') definition = 'LD'; modifyMyElement (player['buttonDefinition'], 'div', definition, false); rwMyCookies ('write'); selectMyVideo (); if (player['playerStatus'] == 'play') playMyVideo(true); } else if (action == 'container') { if (container == 'MP4') container = 'WebM'; else if (container == 'WebM') container = 'Any'; else if (container == 'Any') container = 'MP4'; modifyMyElement (player['buttonContainer'], 'div', container, false); rwMyCookies ('write'); selectMyVideo (); if (player['playerStatus'] == 'play') playMyVideo(true); } else if (action == 'detach') { detachMyPlayer(); } }, false); } return obj; } function getMyElement (obj, type, from, value, child, content) { var getObj, chObj, coObj; var pObj = (!obj) ? page.doc : obj; if (type == 'body') getObj = pObj.body; else { if (from == 'id') getObj = pObj.getElementById(value); else if (from == 'class') getObj = pObj.getElementsByClassName(value); else if (from == 'tag') getObj = pObj.getElementsByTagName(type); else if (from == 'ns') getObj = pObj.getElementsByTagNameNS(value, type); } chObj = (child >= 0) ? getObj[child] : getObj; if (content) { if (type == 'body' || type == 'div' || type == 'option') coObj = chObj.innerHTML; else if (type == 'object') coObj = chObj.data; else if (type == 'img' || type == 'video') coObj = chObj.src; else coObj = chObj.textContent; return coObj; } else { return chObj; } } function modifyMyElement (obj, type, content, clear) { if (content) { if (type == 'div' || type == 'option') obj.innerHTML = content; else if (type == 'object') obj.data = content; else if (type == 'img' || type == 'video') obj.src = content; } if (clear) { if (obj.hasChildNodes()) { while (obj.childNodes.length >= 1) { obj.removeChild(obj.firstChild); } } } } function styleMyElement (obj, pos, top, left, width, height, border, brRadius, margin, padding, display, bgColor, txtColor, txtSize, txtAlign, txtSh, cursor, zIndex) { if (pos) obj.style.position = pos; if (top) obj.style.top = top; if (left) obj.style.left = left; if (width) obj.style.width = width; if (height) obj.style.height = height; if (border) obj.style.border = border; if (brRadius) obj.style.borderRadius = brRadius; if (margin) obj.style.margin = margin; if (padding) obj.style.padding = padding; if (display) obj.style.display = display; if (bgColor) obj.style.backgroundColor = bgColor; if (txtColor) obj.style.color = txtColor; if (txtSize) obj.style.fontSize = txtSize; if (txtAlign) obj.style.textAlign = txtAlign; if (txtSh) obj.style.textShadow = txtSh; if (cursor) obj.style.cursor = cursor; if (zIndex) obj.style.zIndex = zIndex; } function appendMyElement (parent, child) { parent.appendChild(child); } function removeMyElement (parent, child) { parent.removeChild(child); } function replaceMyElement (parent, orphan, child) { parent.replaceChild(orphan, child); } function createMyPlayer () { /* Read My Cookies */ rwMyCookies ('read'); /* Add To Player */ player['panelHeight'] = 20; player['panelPadding'] = 2; player['playerSize'] = 'normal'; /* The Panel */ var panelWidth = player['playerWidth'] - player['panelPadding'] * 2; panelWidth = panelWidth + 'px'; var panelHeight = player['panelHeight']; panelHeight = panelHeight + 'px'; panelPadding = player['panelPadding'] + 'px'; player['playerPanel'] = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (player['playerPanel'], '', '', '', panelWidth, panelHeight, '', '', '', panelPadding, '', '#F4F4F4', '#666666', '10px', 'center', '', '', ''); appendMyElement (player['playerWindow'], player['playerPanel']); /* Panel Logo */ player['panelLogo'] = createMyElement ('div', 'ViewTube:', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (player['panelLogo'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #F4F4F4', '3px', '', '0px', 'inline', '#F4F4F4', '#336699', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', '', ''); appendMyElement (player['playerPanel'], player['panelLogo']); /* Panel Video Menu */ player['videoMenu'] = createMyElement ('select', '', 'change', '', ''); styleMyElement (player['videoMenu'], '', '', '', '200px', '', '1px solid #F4F4F4', '3px', '', '0px', 'inline', '#F4F4F4', '#336699', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); appendMyElement (player['playerPanel'], player['videoMenu'] ); for (var videoCode in player['videoList']) { player['videoItem'] = createMyElement ('option', videoCode, '', '', ''); styleMyElement (player['videoItem'], '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0px', 'block', '#F4F4F4', '#336699', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); appendMyElement (player['videoMenu'], player['videoItem']); } /* Panel Play Button */ player['buttonPlay'] = createMyElement ('div', 'Play »', 'click', 'play', ''); if (autoplay) styleMyElement (player['buttonPlay'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '', '0px 5px', 'none', '', '#37B704', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); else styleMyElement (player['buttonPlay'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '', '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#37B704', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); appendMyElement (player['playerPanel'], player['buttonPlay']); /* Panel Get Button */ if (download) { player['buttonGet'] = createMyElement ('div', 'Get «', 'click', 'get', ''); styleMyElement (player['buttonGet'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '', '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#C000C0', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); appendMyElement (player['playerPanel'], player['buttonGet']); } /* Panel Autoplay Button */ var bMargin; var bMarginLeft = 0; if (player['playerWidth'] > 600) bMarginLeft = 20; else if (player['playerWidth'] > 700) bMarginLeft = 50; bMargin = '0px 0px 0px ' + bMarginLeft + 'px'; player['buttonAutoplay'] = createMyElement ('div', 'Autoplay', 'click', 'autoplay', ''); if (autoplay) styleMyElement (player['buttonAutoplay'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', bMargin, '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#008080', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); else styleMyElement (player['buttonAutoplay'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', bMargin, '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#CCCCCC', '10px', '', '', 'pointer', ''); appendMyElement (player['playerPanel'], player['buttonAutoplay']); /* Panel HTML5 Button */ player['buttonHTML5'] = createMyElement ('div', 'HTML5', 'click', 'html5', ''); if (html5) styleMyElement (player['buttonHTML5'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '', '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#008080', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); else styleMyElement (player['buttonHTML5'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '', '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#CCCCCC', '10px', '', '', 'pointer', ''); appendMyElement (player['playerPanel'], player['buttonHTML5']); /* Panel Definition Button */ if (feature['definition']) { player['buttonDefinition'] = createMyElement ('div', definition, 'click', 'definition', ''); styleMyElement (player['buttonDefinition'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '', '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#008000', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); appendMyElement (player['playerPanel'], player['buttonDefinition']); } /* Panel Container Button */ if (feature['container']) { player['buttonContainer'] = createMyElement ('div', container, 'click', 'container', ''); styleMyElement (player['buttonContainer'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '', '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#008000', '10px', '', '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); appendMyElement (player['playerPanel'], player['buttonContainer']); } /* Panel Detach Button */ if (feature['fullsize']) { player['buttonDetach'] = createMyElement ('div', '+', 'click', 'detach', ''); styleMyElement (player['buttonDetach'], '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #CCCCCC', '3px', '', '0px 5px', 'inline', '', '#C05800', '10px', '', '1px 1px 2px #CCCCCC', 'pointer', ''); appendMyElement (player['playerPanel'], player['buttonDetach']); } /* The Content */ player['contentWidth'] = player['playerWidth']; player['contentHeight'] = player['playerHeight'] - player['panelHeight']; var contentWidth = player['contentWidth'] + 'px'; var contentHeight = player['contentHeight'] + 'px'; player['playerContent'] = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (player['playerContent'], '', '', '', contentWidth, contentHeight, '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '#AD0000', '14px', 'center', '', '', ''); appendMyElement (player['playerWindow'], player['playerContent']); /* The Video Thumbnail */ if (player['videoThumb']) { player['contentImage'] = createMyElement ('img', player['videoThumb'], '', '', ''); styleMyElement (player['contentImage'], '', '', '', contentWidth, contentHeight, '0px', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); } /* Select & Play The Video */ if (feature['definition'] || feature['container']) selectMyVideo (); playMyVideo (autoplay); } function selectMyVideo () { if (feature['container'] && container != 'Any') { var vdoCont = [container]; } else { var vdoCont = ['MP4', 'WebM', 'FLV', 'MOV', 'M4V']; } var vdoDef = ['Full High Definition', 'High Definition', 'Standard Definition', 'Low Definition', 'Very Low Definition']; var vdoList = {}; for (var vC = 0; vC <= vdoCont.length; vC++) { for (var vD = 0; vD <= vdoDef.length; vD++) { var format = vdoDef[vD] + ' ' + vdoCont[vC]; if (!vdoList[vdoDef[vD]]) { for (var vL in player['videoList']) { if (vL.match(format)) { vdoList[vdoDef[vD]] = vL; break; } } } } } if (definition == 'HD') { if (vdoList['Full High Definition']) player['videoPlay'] = vdoList['Full High Definition']; else if (vdoList['High Definition']) player['videoPlay'] = vdoList['High Definition']; else if (vdoList['Standard Definition']) player['videoPlay'] = vdoList['Standard Definition']; else if (vdoList['Low Definition']) player['videoPlay'] = vdoList['Low Definition']; } else if (definition == 'SD') { if (vdoList['Standard Definition']) player['videoPlay'] = vdoList['Standard Definition']; else if (vdoList['Low Definition']) player['videoPlay'] = vdoList['Low Definition']; } else if (definition == 'LD') { if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) player['videoPlay'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition']; else if (vdoList['Low Definition']) player['videoPlay'] = vdoList['Low Definition']; else if (vdoList['Standard Definition']) player['videoPlay'] = vdoList['Standard Definition']; } player['videoMenu'].value = player['videoPlay']; } function playMyVideo (play) { if (download && player['playerStatus'] == 'download') modifyMyElement(player['buttonGet'], 'div', 'Get «', false); if (play) { modifyMyElement (player['playerContent'], 'div', '', true); if (player['playerStatus'] != 'play') { player['playerStatus'] = 'play'; modifyMyElement (player['buttonPlay'], 'div', 'Playing', false); } if (html5) player['contentVideo'] = createMyElement ('video', player['videoList'][player['videoPlay']], '', '', ''); else player['contentVideo'] = createMyElement ('object', player['videoList'][player['videoPlay']], '', '', ''); var contentWidth = player['contentWidth'] + 'px'; var contentHeight = player['contentHeight'] + 'px'; styleMyElement (player['contentVideo'], '', '', '', contentWidth, contentHeight, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); appendMyElement (player['playerContent'], player['contentVideo']); } else { if (!autoplay && player['playerStatus'] == 'play') modifyMyElement (player['buttonPlay'], 'div', 'Play »', false); if (player['playerStatus'] != 'thumbnail') { player['playerStatus'] = 'thumbnail'; modifyMyElement (player['playerContent'], 'div', '', true); if (player['contentImage']) appendMyElement (player['playerContent'], player['contentImage']); else showMyMessage ('!thumb'); } } } function getMyVideo () { if (!autoplay && player['playerStatus'] == 'play') modifyMyElement (player['buttonPlay'], 'div', 'Play »', false); var vdoURL = player['videoList'][player['videoPlay']]; var vdoD = ' (' + player['videoPlay'] + ')'; vdoD = vdoD.replace(/High Definition/, 'HD'); vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Standard Definition/, 'SD'); vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Low Definition/, 'LD'); vdoD = vdoD.replace(/\sFLV|\sMP4|\sWebM/g, ''); if (player['videoTitle']) vdoURL = vdoURL + '&title=' + player['videoTitle'] + vdoD; var myVideoLink = '<br><br>To download <a href="' + vdoURL + '">right click here</a> and choose Save Target/Link As... <br><br>WARNING: In some countries is illegal to download from video sharing web sites.'; modifyMyElement (player['buttonGet'], 'div', 'Getting', false); modifyMyElement (player['playerContent'], 'div', myVideoLink, false); player['playerStatus'] = 'download'; } function detachMyPlayer () { if (player['playerSize'] == 'normal') { modifyMyElement (player['buttonDetach'], 'div', '-', false); removeMyElement (player['playerSocket'], player['playerWindow']); appendMyElement (page.body, player['playerWindow']); player['playerSize'] = 'large'; var playerWidth = page.win.innerWidth; var playerHeight = page.win.innerHeight; var playerPosition = 'fixed'; } else { modifyMyElement (player['buttonDetach'], 'div', '+', false); removeMyElement (page.body, player['playerWindow']); appendMyElement (player['playerSocket'], player['playerWindow']); player['playerSize'] = 'normal'; var playerWidth = player['playerWidth']; var playerHeight = player['playerHeight']; var playerPosition = 'relative'; } var panelWidth = playerWidth - player['panelPadding'] * 2; var panelHeight = player['panelHeight']; player['contentWidth'] = playerWidth; player['contentHeight'] = playerHeight - player['panelHeight']; /* Resize The Player */ playerWidth = playerWidth + 'px'; playerHeight = playerHeight + 'px'; styleMyElement (player['playerWindow'], playerPosition, '0px', '0px', playerWidth, playerHeight, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); /* Resize The Panel */ panelWidth = panelWidth + 'px'; panelHeight = panelHeight + 'px'; panelPadding = player['panelPadding'] + 'px'; styleMyElement (player['playerPanel'], '', '', '', panelWidth, panelHeight, '', '', '', panelPadding, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); /* Resize The Content */ var contentWidth = player['contentWidth'] + 'px'; var contentHeight = player['contentHeight'] + 'px'; styleMyElement (player['playerContent'], '', '', '', contentWidth, contentHeight, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); if (player['contentImage']) styleMyElement (player['contentImage'], '', '', '', contentWidth, contentHeight, '0px', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); if (player['playerStatus'] == 'play') playMyVideo(true); } function cleanMyContent (content, unesc) { var myNewContent = content; if (unesc) myNewContent = unescape (myNewContent); myNewContent = myNewContent.replace (/\\u0025/g,'%'); myNewContent = myNewContent.replace (/\\u0026/g,'&'); myNewContent = myNewContent.replace (/\\/g,''); myNewContent = myNewContent.replace (/\n/g,''); return myNewContent; } function getMyContent (url, pattern, clean) { var myPageContent, myVideosParse, myVideosContent; var retry = false; if (url == page.url) { myPageContent = getMyElement ('', 'body', '', '', -1, true); if (clean) myPageContent = cleanMyContent (myPageContent, true); myVideosParse = myPageContent.match (pattern); myVideosContent = (myVideosParse != null) ? myVideosParse[1] : null; if (myVideosContent != null) return myVideosContent; else retry = true; } if (url != page.url || retry) { var xmlHTTP = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHTTP.open('GET', url, false); xmlHTTP.send(); if (pattern == '_XML') { myVideosContent = xmlHTTP.responseXML; } else if (pattern == '_TEXT') { myVideosContent = xmlHTTP.responseText; } else { myPageContent = xmlHTTP.responseText; if (clean) myPageContent = cleanMyContent (myPageContent, true); myVideosParse = myPageContent.match (pattern); myVideosContent = (myVideosParse != null) ? myVideosParse[1] : null; } return myVideosContent; } } function rwMyCookies (readorwrite) { if (readorwrite == 'read') { var vtHTML5 = 'viewtube_html5='; var vtAutoplay = 'viewtube_autoplay='; var vtDefinition = 'viewtube_definition='; var vtContainer = 'viewtube_container='; var cookies = page.doc.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = cookies[i]; while (cookie.charAt(0) == ' ') cookie = cookie.substring(1, cookie.length); if (cookie.indexOf(vtHTML5) == 0) { html5 = cookie.substring(vtHTML5.length, cookie.length); html5 = (html5 == 'true') ? true : false; } if (cookie.indexOf(vtAutoplay) == 0) { autoplay = cookie.substring(vtAutoplay.length, cookie.length); autoplay = (autoplay == 'true') ? true : false; } if (cookie.indexOf(vtDefinition) == 0) { definition = cookie.substring(vtDefinition.length, cookie.length); } if (cookie.indexOf(vtContainer) == 0) { container = cookie.substring(vtContainer.length, cookie.length); } } } else if (readorwrite == 'write') { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (356*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = '; expires=' + date.toGMTString(); page.doc.cookie = 'viewtube_html5=' + html5 + expires + '; path=/'; page.doc.cookie = 'viewtube_autoplay=' + autoplay + expires + '; path=/'; page.doc.cookie = 'viewtube_definition=' + definition + expires + '; path=/'; page.doc.cookie = 'viewtube_container=' + container + expires + '; path=/'; } } function showMyMessage (mess) { var myScriptName = 'ViewTube'; var myScriptLogo = createMyElement ('div', myScriptName, '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myScriptLogo, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0px auto', '10px', '', '', '#666666', '24px', 'center', '#FFFFFF -1px -1px 2px', '', ''); var myScriptMess = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myScriptMess, '', '', '', '', '', '1px solid #F4F4F4', '', '5px auto 5px auto', '10px', '', '#FFFFFF', '#AD0000', '', 'center', '', '', ''); if (mess == '!player' || mess == '!type') { var myScriptAlert = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myScriptAlert, 'absolute', '30%', '35%', '', '', '1px solid #F4F4F4', '3px', '', '10px', '', '#F8F8F8', '', '14px', 'center', '', '', 99999); appendMyElement (myScriptAlert, myScriptLogo); if (mess == '!player') { var myNoPlayerMess = 'Couldn\'t get the player element. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '">here</a>.'; modifyMyElement (myScriptMess, 'div', myNoPlayerMess, false); } else if (mess == '!type') { var myNoTypeMess = 'Couldn\'t get the player type. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '">here</a>.'; modifyMyElement (myScriptMess, 'div', myNoTypeMess, false); } appendMyElement (myScriptAlert, myScriptMess); var myScriptAlertButton = createMyElement ('div', 'OK', 'click', 'close', myScriptAlert); styleMyElement (myScriptAlertButton, '', '', '', '100px', '', '3px solid #EEEEEE', '5px', '0px auto', '', '', '#EEEEEE', '#666666', '18px', '', '#FFFFFF -1px -1px 2px', 'pointer', ''); appendMyElement (myScriptAlert, myScriptAlertButton); appendMyElement (page.body, myScriptAlert); } else if (mess == '!content' || mess == '!videos') { var myNoContentMess = 'Couldn\'t get the videos content. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '">here</a>.'; var myNoVideosMess = 'Couldn\'t get any video. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '">here</a>.'; appendMyElement (myPlayerWindow, myScriptLogo); if (mess == '!content') modifyMyElement (myScriptMess, 'div', myNoContentMess, false); else if (mess == '!videos') modifyMyElement (myScriptMess, 'div', myNoVideosMess, false); appendMyElement (myPlayerWindow, myScriptMess); } else if (mess == '!thumb') { var myNoThumbMess = '<br><br>Couldn\'t get the thumbnail for this video. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '">here</a>.'; modifyMyElement (myPlayerContent, 'div', myNoThumbMess, false); } } // ==========Websites========== // // =====YouTube===== // if (page.url.indexOf('youtube.com/watch') != -1) { /* Insert My Player */ function ytwindow () { /* Hide Flash Messages */ var ytFlashMess = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'flash10-promo-div', -1, false); if (ytFlashMess != null) { styleMyElement (ytFlashMess, '', '', '', '0px', '0px', '0px', '', '', '0px', '', '#FFFFFF', '', '', '', '', '', ''); } /* Get Player Window */ var ytPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'watch-video', -1, false); if (ytPlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* My Player Window */ myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '640px', '390px', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); modifyMyElement (ytPlayerWindow, 'div', '', true); appendMyElement (ytPlayerWindow, myPlayerWindow); /* Get Video Thumbnail */ var ytVideoThumb = getMyContent (page.url, 'meta.*?property="og:image".*?content="(.*?)"', false); if (!ytVideoThumb) ytVideoThumb = getMyContent (page.url, 'link.*?itemprop="thumbnailUrl".*?href="(.*?)"', false); /* Get Video Title */ var ytVideoTitle = getMyContent (page.url, 'meta.*?property="og:title".*?content="(.*?)"', false); if (ytVideoTitle) { ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/"/g, '\'').replace(/"/g, '\'').replace(/"/g, '\''); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/'/g, '\'').replace(/'/g, '\''); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/&/g, 'and').replace(/&/g, 'and'); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/\?/g, '').replace(/[#:\*]/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '-'); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '').replace(/\.+$/g, ''); } /* Get Videos Content */ var ytVideosContent = getMyContent (page.url, '"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map": "(.*?)"', false); /* Get Videos */ if (ytVideosContent != null) { ytVideosContent = cleanMyContent (ytVideosContent, false); var ytVideoFormats = {'5': 'Very Low Definition FLV', '18': 'Low Definition MP4', '22': 'High Definition MP4', '34': 'Low Definition FLV', '35': 'Standard Definition FLV', '37': 'Full High Definition MP4', '43': 'Low Definition WebM', '44': 'Standard Definition WebM', '45': 'High Definition WebM', '46': 'Full High Definition WebM', '82': 'Low Definition 3D MP4', '83': 'Standard Definition 3D MP4', '84': 'High Definition 3D MP4', '85': 'Full High Definition 3D MP4', '100': 'Low Definition 3D WebM', '101': 'Standard Definition 3D WebM', '102': 'High Definition 3D WebM'}; var ytVideoList = {}; var ytVideoFound = false; var ytVideos = ytVideosContent.split(','); var ytVideoParse, ytVideoCodeParse, ytVideoCode, myVideoCode, ytVideo; for (var i = 0; i < ytVideos.length; i++) { if (ytVideos[i].match(/^itag/)) { ytVideoParse = ytVideos[i].match(/(^itag=.*)&(url=.*$)/); if (ytVideoParse) ytVideos[i] = ytVideoParse[2] + '&' + ytVideoParse[1]; } ytVideoCodeParse = ytVideos[i].match (/itag=(.*?)$/); ytVideoCode = (ytVideoCodeParse != null) ? ytVideoCodeParse[1] : null; if (ytVideoCode != null) { myVideoCode = ytVideoFormats[ytVideoCode]; if (myVideoCode != null) { ytVideo = ytVideos[i].replace (/url=/, ''); ytVideo = ytVideo.replace (/&quality.*$/, '').replace(/&type.*$/, ''); ytVideo = cleanMyContent (ytVideo, true); if (ytVideo) { if (!ytVideoFound) ytVideoFound = true; ytVideoList[myVideoCode] = ytVideo; } } } } if (ytVideoFound) { /* Create Player */ var ytDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4'; player = {'playerSocket': ytPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': ytVideoList, 'videoPlay': ytDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': ytVideoThumb, 'videoTitle': ytVideoTitle, 'playerWidth': 640, 'playerHeight': 390}; feature['container'] = true; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } else { showMyMessage ('!content'); } } } /* Wait For & Remove HTML5 Videos */ function rmH5Videos () { if (isH5 == 'true') ytH5Video = getMyElement ('', 'video', 'tag', '', 0, false); else ytH5Video = getMyElement ('', 'object', 'tag', '', 0, false); if (ytH5Video) { if (isH5 == 'true') modifyMyElement (ytH5Video, 'video', 'novideoplease', true); else removeMyElement (ytH5Video.parentNode, ytH5Video); ytwindow(); } else { if (ytTimeout > 0) { ytTimeout = ytTimeout - 1; setTimeout (rmH5Videos, 500); } else { ytwindow(); } } } /* Check Player Type */ var isH5 = getMyContent (page.url, '"html5":\\s(.*?)\}', false); if (isH5 != null) { /* Remove HTML5 Videos */ var ytH5Video; var ytTimeout = (isH5 == 'true') ? 4 : 2; rmH5Videos(); } else { showMyMessage ('!type'); } } // =====DailyMotion===== // else if (page.url.indexOf('dailymotion.com/video') != -1) { /* Get Player Window */ var dmPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'dmpi_video_playerv4 span-8', 0, false); if (dmPlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* My Player Window */ modifyMyElement (dmPlayerWindow, 'div', '', true); myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '100%', '100%', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); appendMyElement (dmPlayerWindow, myPlayerWindow); /* Get Video Thumbnail */ var dmVideoThumb = getMyContent (page.url, 'meta.*?property="og:image".*?content="(.*?)"', false); /* Get Videos Content */ var dmVideosContent = getMyContent (page.url, '"VideoFrame","param":\{(.*?)\}', true); /* Get Videos */ if (dmVideosContent != null) { var dmVideoFormats = {'hd1080URL': 'Full High Definition MP4', 'hd720URL': 'High Definition MP4', 'hqURL': 'Standard Definition MP4', 'sdURL': 'Low Definition MP4'}; var dmVideoList = {}; var dmVideoFound = false; var dmVideoParser, dmVideoParse, myVideoCode, dmVideo; for (var dmVideoCode in dmVideoFormats) { dmVideoParser = '"' + dmVideoCode + '":"(.*?)"'; dmVideoParse = dmVideosContent.match (dmVideoParser); dmVideo = (dmVideoParse != null) ? dmVideoParse[1] : null; if (dmVideo) { if (!dmVideoFound) dmVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = dmVideoFormats[dmVideoCode]; dmVideoList[myVideoCode] = dmVideo; } } if (dmVideoFound) { /* Create Player */ var dmDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4'; player = {'playerSocket': dmPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': dmVideoList, 'videoPlay': dmDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': dmVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 620, 'playerHeight': 350}; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } else { showMyMessage ('!content'); } } } // =====MetaCafe===== // else if (page.url.indexOf('metacafe.com/watch') != -1) { /* Get Player Window */ var mcPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'adaptvDiv', -1, false); if (mcPlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* My Player Window */ modifyMyElement (mcPlayerWindow, 'div', '', true); myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '100%', '100%', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); appendMyElement (mcPlayerWindow, myPlayerWindow); /* Get Video Thumbnail */ var mcVideoThumb = getMyContent (page.url, 'meta.*?property="og:image".*?content="(.*?)"', false); /* Get Videos Content */ var mcVideosContent = getMyContent (page.url, '"mediaData":"\{(.*?)\}"', true); /* Get Videos */ if (mcVideosContent != null) { var mcVideoFormats = {'highDefinitionMP4': 'High Definition MP4', 'MP4': 'Low Definition MP4'}; var mcVideoList = {}; var mcVideoFound = false; var mcVideoParser, mcVideoParse, myVideoCode, mcVideoPath, mcVideoKey, mcVideo; for (var mcVideoCode in mcVideoFormats) { mcVideoParser = '"' + mcVideoCode + '":.*?"mediaURL":"(.*?)","key":"(.*?)"'; mcVideoParse = mcVideosContent.match (mcVideoParser); mcVideoPath = (mcVideoParse != null) ? mcVideoParse[1] : null; mcVideoKey = (mcVideoParse != null) ? mcVideoParse[2] : null; if (mcVideoPath && mcVideoKey) { if (!mcVideoFound) mcVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = mcVideoFormats[mcVideoCode]; mcVideo = mcVideoPath + '?__gda__=' + mcVideoKey; mcVideoList[myVideoCode] = mcVideo; } } if (mcVideoFound) { /* Create Player */ var mcDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4'; player = {'playerSocket': mcPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': mcVideoList, 'videoPlay': mcDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': mcVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 615, 'playerHeight': 380}; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } else { showMyMessage ('!content'); } } } // =====Vimeo===== // else if (page.url.match(/vimeo.com($|\/$|\/\d{1,8})/) != null) { /* Get Player Window */ var viPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'vimeo_holder', 0, false) || null; if (viPlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* My Player Window */ modifyMyElement (viPlayerWindow, 'div', '', true); myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '100%', '100%', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); appendMyElement (viPlayerWindow, myPlayerWindow); /* Get Video Thumbnail */ var viVideoThumb = getMyContent (page.url, 'data-thumb="(.*?)"', false); /* Get Video ID */ var viVideoID = getMyContent (page.url, 'player_(.*?)_', false); /* Index Page Or Video Page */ var viIndex = (page.url.indexOf(viVideoID) == -1) ? true : false; /* Get Videos Content */ var viVideosContent = getMyContent ('http://vimeo.com/moogaloop/load/clip:' + viVideoID, '_XML', false); /* Get Videos */ if (viVideosContent != null) { var viVideoFormats = {'sd': 'Standard Definition MP4', 'hd': 'High Definition MP4'}; var viVideoList = {}; var viVideoFound = false; var viVideoisHD = getMyElement (viVideosContent, 'isHD', 'tag', '', 0, true); var viVideoQ = (viVideoisHD == 1) ? "hd" : "sd"; var viReqSign = getMyElement (viVideosContent, 'request_signature', 'tag', '', 0, true); var viReqSignExp = getMyElement (viVideosContent, 'request_signature_expires', 'tag', '', 0, true); if (viVideoID && viReqSign && viReqSignExp && viVideoQ) { if (!viVideoFound) viVideoFound = true; var viVideoPath = 'http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop/play/clip:' + viVideoID + '/' + viReqSign + '/' + viReqSignExp + '/?q=' + viVideoQ; viVideoList[viVideoFormats[viVideoQ]] = viVideoPath; } if (viVideoFound) { /* Create Player */ viDefaultVideo = (viVideoisHD == 1) ? 'High Definition MP4' : 'Standard Definition MP4'; if (viIndex) player = {'playerSocket': viPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': viVideoList, 'videoPlay': viDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': viVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 560, 'playerHeight': 312}; else { if (viVideoisHD == 1) player = {'playerSocket': viPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': viVideoList, 'videoPlay': viDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': viVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 640, 'playerHeight': 360}; else player = {'playerSocket': viPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': viVideoList, 'videoPlay': viDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': viVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 640, 'playerHeight': 427}; } feature['definition'] = false; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } else { showMyMessage ('!content'); } } } // =====Break===== // else if (page.url.indexOf('break.com') != -1 && page.doc.title.match(/Video$/) != null) { /* Get Player Window */ var brPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'playerwrap', -1, false); if (brPlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* My Player Window */ modifyMyElement (brPlayerWindow, 'div', '', true); myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '100%', '100%', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); appendMyElement (brPlayerWindow, myPlayerWindow); /* Get Video Thumbnail */ var brVideoThumb = getMyContent (page.url, 'meta.*?property="og:image".*?content="(.*?)"', false); /* Get Videos Content */ var brVideosContent = getMyContent (page.url, '(sGlobalFileName=.*?sGlobalToken=\'.*?\')', false); /* Get Videos */ if (brVideosContent != null) { var brVideoFormats = {'sGlobalFileNameHDD': 'High Definition MP4', 'sGlobalFileNameHD': 'Standard Definition MP4', 'sGlobalFileName': 'Low Definition MP4'}; var brVideoList = {}; var brVideoFound = false; var brVideoParser, brVideoParse, myVideoCode, brVideo, brVideoPath, brVideoGlue; var brTokenParse = brVideosContent.match (/sGlobalToken='(.*?)'/); var brToken = (brTokenParse != null) ? brTokenParse[1] : null; for (var brVideoCode in brVideoFormats) { brVideoParser = brVideoCode + '=\'(.*?)\''; brVideoParse = brVideosContent.match (brVideoParser); brVideo = (brVideoParse != null) ? brVideoParse[1] : null; if (brVideo && brToken) { if (!brVideoFound) brVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = brVideoFormats[brVideoCode]; brVideoGlue = (myVideoCode == 'Low Definition MP4') ? '.mp4?' : '?'; brVideoPath = brVideo + brVideoGlue + brToken; brVideoList[myVideoCode] = brVideoPath; } } if (brVideoFound) { /* Create Player */ var brDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4'; player = {'playerSocket': brPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': brVideoList, 'videoPlay': brDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': brVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 608, 'playerHeight': 460}; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } else { showMyMessage ('!content'); } } } // =====FunnyOrDie===== // else if (page.url.indexOf('funnyordie.com/videos') != -1) { /* Get Player Window */ var fodPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'video_player', -1, false); if (fodPlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* My Player Window */ modifyMyElement (fodPlayerWindow, 'div', '', true); myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '100%', '100%', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); appendMyElement (fodPlayerWindow, myPlayerWindow); /* Get Video Thumbnail */ var fodVideoThumb = getMyContent (page.url, 'meta.*?property="og:image".*?content="(.*?)"', false); if (fodVideoThumb != null) fodVideoThumb = fodVideoThumb.replace (/large/, 'fullsize'); /* Get Videos Content */ var fodVideosContent = getMyContent (page.url, '(video_tag =.*mp4)', true); /* Get Videos */ if (fodVideosContent != null) { var fodVideoFormats = {'ipad': 'High Definition MP4', 'iphone_wifi': 'Low Definition MP4'}; var fodVideoList = {}; var fodVideoFound = false; var fodVideoParser, myVideoCode, fodVideoParse, fodVideo; var fodVideos = fodVideosContent.match (/http.*?(\s|$)/g); for (var fodVideoCode in fodVideoFormats) { for (var i = 0; i < fodVideos.length; i++) { fodVideoParser = 'http.*?' + fodVideoCode + '.mp4'; fodVideo = fodVideos[i].match (fodVideoParser); if (fodVideo) { if (!fodVideoFound) fodVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = fodVideoFormats[fodVideoCode]; fodVideoList[myVideoCode] = fodVideo; break; } } } if (fodVideoFound) { /* Create Player */ fodDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4'; player = {'playerSocket': fodPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': fodVideoList, 'videoPlay': fodDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': fodVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 640, 'playerHeight': 460}; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } else { showMyMessage ('!content'); } } } // =====Blip.TV===== // else if (page.url.indexOf('blip.tv') != -1 && page.doc.title.match(/on Blip$/) != null) { /* Get Player Window */ var blipPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'PlayerEmbed', -1, false); if (blipPlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* My Player Window */ modifyMyElement (blipPlayerWindow, 'div', '', true); myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '100%', '100%', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); appendMyElement (blipPlayerWindow, myPlayerWindow); /* Get Video Thumbnail */ var blipVideoThumb = getMyContent (page.url, 'meta.*?property="og:image".*?content="(.*?)"', false); /* Get Video ID */ var blipVideoID = page.url.match (/(\d{7})$/)[1]; /* Get Videos Content */ var blipVideosContent = getMyContent ('http://blip.tv/rss/flash/' + blipVideoID, '_XML', false); if (blipVideosContent != null) { /* Get Videos */ var blipVideos = getMyElement (blipVideosContent, 'content', 'ns', 'http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/', -1, false); /* Get Videos */ if (blipVideos.length > 0) { var blipVideoList = {}; var blipVideoFound = false; var blipMimeTypes = {'video/x-m4v': 'M4V', 'video/mp4': 'MP4', 'video/quicktime': 'MOV', 'video/x-flv': 'FLV'}; var blipVideo, blipVideoHight, blipVideoDef, blipVideoType, blipDefault, blipVideoCont, blipVideoCode, blipDefaultVideo; for (var i = 0; i < blipVideos.length; i++) { blipVideo = blipVideos[i].getAttribute('url'); blipVideoHeight = blipVideos[i].getAttribute('height'); blipVideoDef = 'Unknown Definition'; if (blipVideoHeight >= 200 && blipVideoHeight < 400) blipVideoDef = 'Low Definition'; else if (blipVideoHeight >= 400 && blipVideoHeight < 700) blipVideoDef = 'Standard Definition'; else if (blipVideoHeight >= 700) blipVideoDef = 'High Definition'; blipVideoType = blipVideos[i].getAttribute('type'); blipDefault = blipVideos[i].getAttribute('isDefault'); blipVideoCont = blipMimeTypes[blipVideoType]; if (blipVideo && blipVideoType && blipVideoCont) { if (!blipVideoFound) blipVideoFound = true; blipVideoCode = blipVideoDef + ' ' + blipVideoCont; if (blipDefault == 'true') blipDefaultVideo = blipVideoCode; blipVideoList[blipVideoCode] = blipVideo; } } if (blipVideoFound) { /* Create Player */ player = {'playerSocket': blipPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': blipVideoList, 'videoPlay': blipDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': blipVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 800, 'playerHeight': 450}; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } } else { showMyMessage ('!content'); } } } // =====Veoh===== // if (page.url.indexOf('veoh.com/watch') != -1) { /* Get Player Window */ var vePlayerWindowContainer = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'videoContainer', -1, false); var vePlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'videoPlayerContainer', -1, false); if (vePlayerWindowContainer == null || vePlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* My Player Window */ myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '640px', '400px', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); replaceMyElement (vePlayerWindowContainer, myPlayerWindow, vePlayerWindow); /* Get Videos Content */ var veVideosContent = getMyContent (page.url, '__watch.videoDetailsJSON = \'\{(.*?)\}', false); veVideosContent = cleanMyContent (veVideosContent, true); /* Get Video Thumbnail */ var veVideoThumbGet = veVideosContent.match (/"highResImage":"(.*?)"/); var veVideoThumb = (veVideoThumbGet != null) ? veVideoThumbGet[1] : null; /* Get Videos */ if (veVideosContent != null) { var veVideoFormats = {'previewUrl': 'Low Definition FLV', 'ipodUrl': 'Low Definition MP4'}; var veVideoList = {}; var veVideoFound = false; var veVideoParser, veVideoParse, veVideo, myVideoCode; for (var veVideoCode in veVideoFormats) { veVideoParser = veVideoCode + '":"(.*?)"'; veVideoParse = veVideosContent.match (veVideoParser); veVideo = (veVideoParse != null) ? veVideoParse[1] : null; if (veVideo) { if (!veVideoFound) veVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = veVideoFormats[veVideoCode]; veVideoList[myVideoCode] = veVideo; } } if (veVideoFound) { /* Create Player */ var veDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition FLV'; player = {'playerSocket': vePlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': veVideoList, 'videoPlay': veDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': veVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 640, 'playerHeight': 400}; feature['fullsize'] = false; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } else { showMyMessage ('!content'); } } } // =====5min===== // if (page.url.indexOf('5min.com/Video') != -1) { /* Get Player Window */ var fmPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'player', 0, false); if (fmPlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* Get Videos Content */ var fmPlayerObject = getMyElement ('', 'object', 'id', 'fiveMinPlayer', -1, false); var fmVideosContent = fmPlayerObject.data; fmVideosContent = cleanMyContent (fmVideosContent, true); /* My Player Window */ modifyMyElement (fmPlayerWindow, 'div', '', true); myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '655px', '398px', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); appendMyElement (fmPlayerWindow, myPlayerWindow); /* Get Videos */ if (fmVideosContent != null) { var fmGetVideo = fmVideosContent.match(/videoUrl=(.*?)\&/); var fmVideo = (fmGetVideo) ? fmGetVideo[1] : null; var fmGetThumb = fmVideosContent.match(/previewPic=(.*?)\&/); var fmVideoThumb = (fmGetThumb) ? fmGetThumb[1] : null; var fmVideoList = {}; var fmDefaultVideo; if (fmVideo.match(/mp4$/)) { fmVideo = fmVideo.replace(/.mp4/, '_2.mp4'); fmDefaultVideo = 'Standard Definition MP4'; } else if (fmVideo.match(/flv$/)) { fmDefaultVideo = 'Standard Definition FLV'; } if (fmVideo) { /* Create Player */ fmVideoList[fmDefaultVideo] = fmVideo; player = {'playerSocket': fmPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': fmVideoList, 'videoPlay': fmDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': fmVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 655, 'playerHeight': 398}; feature['definition'] = false; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } else { showMyMessage ('!content'); } } } // =====Videojug===== // if (page.url.indexOf('videojug.com/film') != -1) { /* Get Player Window */ var vjPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'player', -1, false); if (vjPlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* My Player Window */ modifyMyElement (vjPlayerWindow, 'div', '', true); myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '640px', '380px', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); appendMyElement (vjPlayerWindow, myPlayerWindow); /* Get Videos Content */ var vjVideosContent = getMyContent (page.url, 'new.*?Player\\((.*?)\\)', true); 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var fbVideoFound = false; var fbVideoHQ = (fbVideosContent.indexOf ('highqual_src') != -1) ? true : false; if (fbVideoHQ) { var fbVideoHDGet = fbVideosContent.match (/"video_has_high_def",.*?"(.*?)"/); var fbVideoHD = (fbVideoHDGet != null) ? fbVideoHDGet[1] : false; if (fbVideoHD) fbVideoFormats = {'highqual_src': 'High Definition MP4', 'lowqual_src': 'Low Definition MP4'}; else fbVideoFormats = {'highqual_src': 'Standard Definition MP4', 'lowqual_src': 'Low Definition MP4'}; } else { fbVideoFormats = {'video_src': 'Low Definition FLV'}; } var fbVideoParser, fbVideoParse, myVideoCode, fbVideo; fbVideosContent = cleanMyContent (fbVideosContent, true); for (var fbVideoCode in fbVideoFormats) { fbVideoParser = fbVideoCode + '",.*?"(.*?)"'; fbVideoParse = fbVideosContent.match (fbVideoParser); fbVideo = (fbVideoParse != null) ? fbVideoParse[1] : null; if (fbVideo) { if (!fbVideoFound) fbVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = fbVideoFormats[fbVideoCode]; fbVideoList[myVideoCode] = fbVideo; } } if (fbVideoFound) { /* Create Player */ var fbDefaultVideo = (fbVideoHD || fbVideoHQ) ? 'Low Definition MP4' : 'Low Definition FLV'; player = {'playerSocket': fbPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': fbVideoList, 'videoPlay': fbDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': fbVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 716, 'playerHeight': (fbVideoHD || fbVideoHQ) ? 450 : 485}; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } else { showMyMessage ('!content'); } } } // =====IMDB===== // else if (page.url.indexOf('imdb.com/video/') != -1) { /* Get Player Window */ var imdbPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'player-article', -1, false); if (imdbPlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* My Player Window */ modifyMyElement (imdbPlayerWindow, 'div', '', true); styleMyElement (imdbPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '640px', '480px', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', ''); myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '100%', '100%', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); appendMyElement (imdbPlayerWindow, myPlayerWindow); /* Get Videos Content */ var imdbVideoList = {}; var imdbVideoFormats = {'1': 'Low Definition MP4', '2': 'Standard Definition MP4', '3': 'High Definition MP4'}; var imdbVideoThumb, imdbDefaultVideo, imdbURL, imdbVideo, myVideoCode; var imdbVideoFound = false; for (var imdbVideoCode in imdbVideoFormats) { imdbURL = page.url + 'player?uff=' + imdbVideoCode; imdbVideo = getMyContent (imdbURL, 'so.addVariable\\("file", "(.*?)"\\);', true); if (imdbVideoThumb == null) { imdbVideoThumb = getMyContent (imdbURL, 'so.addVariable\\("image", "(.*?)"\\);', true); } if (imdbVideo && imdbVideo.match (/rtmp/) == null) { if (!imdbVideoFound) imdbVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = imdbVideoFormats[imdbVideoCode]; imdbVideoList[myVideoCode] = imdbVideo; if (!imdbDefaultVideo) imdbDefaultVideo = myVideoCode; } } if (imdbVideoFound) { /* Create Player */ player = {'playerSocket': imdbPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': imdbVideoList, 'videoPlay': imdbDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': imdbVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 640, 'playerHeight': 480}; //feature['fullsize'] = false; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } } // =====Discovery===== // else if (page.url.indexOf('discovery.com/videos/') != -1) { /* Get Player Window */ var dscPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'video-player-container', -1, false); if (dscPlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* My Player Window */ modifyMyElement (dscPlayerWindow, 'div', '', true); if (page.url.indexOf('.html') != -1) var dscPlayerWidth = 662; else dscPlayerWidth = 620; var dscPlayerWidthPx = dscPlayerWidth + 'px'; styleMyElement (dscPlayerWindow, '', '', '', dscPlayerWidthPx, '390px', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', ''); myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '100%', '100%', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); appendMyElement (dscPlayerWindow, myPlayerWindow); /* Get Videos Content */ var dscVideosContent = getMyContent (page.url, 'clipJSON = \{(.*?)}', false); /* Get Videos */ if (dscVideosContent) { var dscVideoList = {}; var dscVideoFound = false; var dscVideoFormats = {'1500k': 'Standard Definition FLV', '800k': 'Low Definition FLV', '200k': 'Very Low Definition FLV'}; var dscVideoBase = dscVideosContent.match(/"m3u8":"(.*?),.*?"/); dscVideoBase = (dscVideoBase) ? dscVideoBase[1] : null; dscVideoBase = dscVideoBase.replace(/\/i\//, '/'); var dscVideoThumb = dscVideosContent.match(/"thumbnailURL":"(.*?)"/); dscVideoThumb = (dscVideoThumb) ? dscVideoThumb[1] : null; var dscVideo, myVideoCode, dscDefaultVideo; for (var dscVideoCode in dscVideoFormats) { if (dscVideoBase) { if (!dscVideoFound) dscVideoFound = true; dscVideo = dscVideoBase + dscVideoCode + '.mp4'; myVideoCode = dscVideoFormats[dscVideoCode]; dscVideoList[myVideoCode] = dscVideo; if (!dscDefaultVideo) dscDefaultVideo = myVideoCode; } } if (dscVideoFound) { /* Create Player */ player = {'playerSocket': dscPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': dscVideoList, 'videoPlay': dscDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': dscVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': dscPlayerWidth, 'playerHeight': 390}; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } else { showMyMessage ('!content'); } } } // =====NationalGeographic===== // else if (page.url.indexOf('nationalgeographic.com/video/') != -1) { /* Remove Top Ad */ var ngAdsBoard = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'headerboard', -1, false); if (ngAdsBoard) removeMyElement(ngAdsBoard.parentNode, ngAdsBoard); /* Get Player Window */ var ngPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'natgeov-vid-outer', -1, false); if (ngPlayerWindow == null) { showMyMessage ('!player'); } else { /* My Player Window */ modifyMyElement (ngPlayerWindow, 'div', '', true); styleMyElement (ngPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '610px', '375px', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', ''); myPlayerWindow = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myPlayerWindow, '', '', '', '100%', '100%', '', '', '', '', '', '#F4F4F4', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'); appendMyElement (ngPlayerWindow, myPlayerWindow); /* Get Video Name */ var ngVideoLink = getMyContent (page.url, 'meta.*?property="og:video".*?content="(.*?)"', false); var ngVideoParts = ngVideoLink.split('/'); var ngVideoName = ngVideoParts[ngVideoParts.length-2]; /* Get Videos Content */ var ngVideosContent; if (ngVideoName) ngVideosContent = getMyContent ('http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/player/data/xml/' + ngVideoName + '.smil', '_TEXT', false); /* Get Video Thumb */ var ngVideoThumb = getMyContent (page.url, 'meta.*?property="og:image".*?content="(.*?)"', false); if (ngVideoThumb) { if (ngVideoThumb.indexOf('130/73') != -1) ngVideoThumb = ngVideoThumb.replace(/130\/73/, '610/375'); else if (ngVideoThumb.indexOf('130x73') != -1) ngVideoThumb = ngVideoThumb.replace(/130x73/, '610x375'); } /* Get Videos */ if (ngVideosContent) { var ngVideoList = {}; var ngVideoFound = false; var ngDefaultVideo; var ngVideoBase = ngVideosContent.match (/meta.*?name="httpBase".*?content="(.*?)"/); ngVideoBase = (ngVideoBase) ? ngVideoBase[1] : null; var ngVideoSrc = ngVideosContent.match (/video.*?src="(.*?)"/); ngVideoSrc = (ngVideoSrc) ? ngVideoSrc[1] : null; if (ngVideoBase && ngVideoSrc) { ngVideoList['Low Definition FLV'] = ngVideoBase + ngVideoSrc; ngVideoFound = true; ngDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition FLV'; } if (ngVideoFound) { /* Create Player */ player = {'playerSocket': ngPlayerWindow, 'playerWindow': myPlayerWindow, 'videoList': ngVideoList, 'videoPlay': ngDefaultVideo, 'videoThumb': ngVideoThumb, 'playerWidth': 610, 'playerHeight': 375}; feature['definition'] = false; createMyPlayer (); } else { showMyMessage ('!videos'); } } else { showMyMessage ('!content'); } } } })();

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Saturday, March 3, 2012
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