// ==UserScript== // @name Tumblr Life // @description Extends Tumblr Dashboard // @namespace http://codefairy.org/ns/userscripts // @include http://www.tumblr.com/* // @version 1.0 Pre 10 // @license MIT License // @work Greasemonkey // @work Google Chrome // @work Opera // ==/UserScript== (function(w, content_window, d) { 'use strict'; var GM_addStyle = w.GM_addStyle || function(css) { var style = d.createElement('style'); style.textContent = css; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style); }; GM_addStyle([ // 基本ブログメニューの吹き出しと同じ。影を 2/3 程度にしてちょっと控えめに '.tumblrlife-menu { display:inline; position:relative; padding-bottom:10px; }', // '.tumblrlife-menu > a { margin-left:0 !important; }', '.tumblrlife-menu:hover:after { display:block; position:absolute; bottom:0; left:27px; width:0; height:0; margin-left:-8px; border-width:8px; border-top-width:0; border-color:#dbe5ee transparent; border-style:solid; content:""; }', '.tumblrlife-menu > div { display:none; position:absolute; z-index:100; top:26px; left:15px; margin:0 0 0 -10px !important; font-size:12px; color:#334556; border-radius:3px; box-shadow: 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); }', '.tumblrlife-menu:hover > div { display: block; }', 'li.post.tumblrlife-reblogging .reblog_button { text-align:center; background-image:none !important; }', 'li.post.tumblrlife-reblogging .tumblrlife-menu:hover:after, li.post.tumblrlife-reblogged .tumblrlife-menu:hover:after { display:none; }', 'li.post.tumblrlife-reblogging .tumblrlife-menu > div, li.post.tumblrlife-reblogged .tumblrlife-menu > div { display:none; }', 'li.post.tumblrlife-reblogging .tumblrlife-menu a { cursor:text; }', 'li.post.tumblrlife-reblogging .tumblrlife-menu a:hover { color:#a8b1ba !important; }', '.tumblrlife-menu ul { margin:0 !important; padding:0; }', '.tumblrlife-menu li { background-color:#dbe5ee; }', '.tumblrlife-menu li:first-child { border-radius:3px 3px 0 0; }', '.tumblrlife-menu li, .tumblrlife-menu li a { color:#334556 !important; opacity:1 !important; }', '.tumblrlife-menu li:hover { background-color:#d3dee8; }', '.tumblrlife-menu li a:hover { opacity:1 !important; }', '.tumblrlife-menu li { display:block; padding:10px; line-height:1; text-shadow:0 1px 0 #fff; border-bottom:1px solid #becbd8; }', '.tumblrlife-menu li + li { box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.75); }', '.tumblrlife-menu li + li:hover { box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5); }', '.tumblrlife-menu li.tumblrlife-reblog-manually { padding:0; }', '.tumblrlife-menu li.tumblrlife-reblog-manually a { display:block; margin:0 !important; padding:10px; }', '.tumblrlife-menu ul > li:hover { color:#7b8994; cursor:pointer; }', // '.tumblrlife-menu ul ul { margin:0 !important; padding:0; }', '.tumblrlife-menu div div { padding:4px 10px 5px; background:#fff url(/images/dashboard_controls/recessed_item_gradient.png) repeat-x; border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; }', // 120px: 右カラムのアイコンが半分見えるように // 17px : 右カラムのリストとアクションの比率に近いように // 色は投稿ページのタグに合わせる '.tumblrlife-menu div div input { width:120px; height:17px; padding:0; font-size:11px; color:#444; border:none; }', '.tumblrlife-menu input::-webkit-input-placeholder { color:#a6a6a6 !important; }', // セレクターを列挙すると効かないので分ける '.tumblrlife-menu input:-moz-placeholder { color:#a6a6a6 !important; }', '.tumblrlife-fail { color:#c00; }', '#header .tab .tab_notice { z-index:2; }', '#tumblrlife-filter { display:none; position:absolute; z-index:1; top:0; margin:0 -10px; padding:4px 0; line-height:28px; text-align:left; background:rgba(0,0,0,.33); border:1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .09); border-radius:6px; box-shadow:inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.09)}', '#default_tabs > li:hover #tumblrlife-filter { display:block; }', '#tumblrlife-filter li { list-style:none; font-size:16px; text-align:left; font-weight:bold; }', '#tumblrlife-filter li a { display:block; padding:0 9px; color:#fff; text-decoration:none; text-transform:capitalize !important; }', // フランス語などで頭文字が小文字のことがあるので表記を揃える '#tumblrlife-filter li a:first-child { text-transform:none !important; }', '#tumblrlife-filter li a.current, #tumblrlife-filter li a:hover { color:rgba(255,255,255,.75); }', '#tumblrlife-shortcut-key-help { margin-top:15px; padding-left:0 !important; background-position:top !important; }', '#tumblrlife-shortcut-key-help kbd { margin-right:7px; padding:0 3px; font-family:Courier,monospace; background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.1); border-radius:2px; }', '#tumblrlife-shortcut-key-help .dashboard_subpages { margin-top:4px !important; }', '.tumblrlife-shortcut-key-help-default kbd { background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1) !important; }' ].join('')); var tumblrLife = { position : 0, data : null, postContainer : null, posts : null, currentPost : null, dashboard : false, paginate : false, setup : setup, handleEvent : handleEvent, getId : getId, eachPost : eachPost, prevPosition : prevPosition, nextPosition : nextPosition, findPosition : findPosition, updatePosition : updatePosition, reblog : reblog, like : like, reblogAddToQueue: reblogAddToQueue, reblogPrivate : reblogPrivate, reblogManually : reblogManually, fixPosition : fixPosition, showShortcutHelp: showShortcutHelp, addPaginateHook: function() { if (!this.paginate) return; execute(function() { var __process_auto_paginator_response = window._process_auto_paginator_response; window._process_auto_paginator_response = function(transport) { window.history.replaceState && window.history.replaceState('auto_paginator_response', '', window.next_page); __process_auto_paginator_response(transport); }; }); } }; var post_id = /post_(\d+)/, post_selector = 'li.post[id]:not(#new_post)', next_selector = '#pagination a:last-child', post_margin_top = 7; function setup() { var post_container = this.postContainer = d.getElementById('posts'); this.dashboard = !!post_container; tumblrLife.appendFilter(); if (this.dashboard) { this.posts = Array.prototype.slice.call(post_container.querySelectorAll(post_selector)); this.paginate = d.body.className.indexOf('with_auto_paginate') !== -1; this.eachPost(function(post) { tumblrLife.Menu.start(post); }); d.addEventListener('keydown', this, false); this.showShortcutHelp(); post_container.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', this, false); if (this.paginate) { this.addPaginateHook(); } else { this.fixPosition(); w.addEventListener('resize', this, false); } tumblrLife.filter.setup(); } } var shortcuts = { /* K */ 75: 'prevPosition', /* J */ 74: 'nextPosition', /* R */ 82: 'reblog', // /* A */ 65: 'like', /* Q */ 81: 'reblogAddToQueue', /* W */ 87: 'reblogPrivate', /* E */ 69: 'reblogManually' }; function handleEvent(e) { var target = e.target; switch (e.type) { case 'resize': this.fixPosition(); break; case 'keydown': var node_name = target.nodeName, command = shortcuts[e.which]; if ( command && node_name != 'INPUT' && node_name != 'TEXTAREA' && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey ) { switch (command) { case 'nextPosition': case 'prevPosition': case 'like': this[command](e); break; default: // var target = this.currentPost.querySelector('div.post_controls > a[href*="/reblog/"]'); // tumblrLife.entry.reblog(target, target.className.slice(18)); if (this.currentPost.className.indexOf('tumblrlife-reblog') == -1) { this[command](e); // this.updatePosition(this.position + 1, true); } } } break; case 'DOMNodeInserted': tumblrLife.Menu.start(target); target.nodeName == 'LI' && target.className.indexOf('post') != -1 && this.posts.push(target); break; } } function _deletePost(target) { console.log(target, target.nodeName, target.innerHTML); if (target.nodeName == 'A' && target.innerHTML == 'delete') { var container = target.parentNode.parentNode, id, options, queries; if (container && (id = getId(container)) && container.onsubmit()) { options = d.getElementById('delete_post_' + id).getElementsByTagName('input'); for (i = 0; o = options[i]; ++i) { queries[o.name] = o.value; } post(container.action, param(queries), function(data) { console.log(data); }); } } } function eachPost(callback) { var posts = this.posts; for (var i = 0, post; post = posts[i]; ++i) { if (callback(post, i) === false) { break; } } } function getId(container) { return (post_id.exec(container.id) || [])[1]; } function prevPosition() { var prev = this.position - 1, posts = this.posts, a, y, post; if (prev >= 0) { y = w.scrollY + post_margin_top; post = posts[prev]; if (post && post.offsetTop == y) { this.updatePosition(prev); } else { this.findPosition(prev, y); } } } function nextPosition() { var next = this.position + 1, posts = this.posts, a, y, post; if (!this.paginate && next >= posts.length) { a = d.getElementById('next_page_link'); a && (location.href = a.href); } else { y = w.scrollY + post_margin_top; post = posts[next]; if (post && post.offsetTop == y) { this.updatePosition(next); } else { this.findPosition(next, y); } } } function findPosition(skip_position, y) { var self = this; y = y || w.scrollY + post_margin_top; this.eachPost(function(post, i) { if (i != skip_position && post.offsetTop == y) { self.updatePosition(i); return false; } }); } function updatePosition(i, scroll) { if (i === null) { this.position = null; this.currentPost = null; } else { var post = this.posts[i]; if (post) { this.position = i; this.currentPost = post; if (scroll) { w.scrollTo(w.pageXOffset, post.offsetTop - post_margin_top); } } } } function showShortcutHelp() { var container = d.getElementById('right_column'); if (container) { var div = d.createElement('div'); div.id = 'tumblrlife-shortcut-key-help'; div.className = 'dashboard_nav_item'; var li = [ '<li class="tumblrlife-shortcut-key-help-default tumblrlife-shortcut-key-help-next"><kbd>J</kbd>next</li>', '<li class="tumblrlife-shortcut-key-help-default tumblrlife-shortcut-key-help-prev"><kbd>K</kbd>previous</li>', '<li class="tumblrlife-shortcut-key-help-default tumblrlife-shortcut-key-help-like"><kbd>L</kbd>like, unlike</li>', '<li><kbd>R</kbd>reblog</li>', '<li><kbd>Q</kbd>add to queue</li>', '<li><kbd>W</kbd>private</li>', '<li><kbd>E</kbd>reblog manually</li>' ]; div.innerHTML = [ '<div class="dashboard_nav_title">Shortcut Keys</div>', '<ul class="dashboard_subpages">', li.join(''), '</ul>' ].join(''); container.appendChild(div); } } function reblog() { click(this.currentPost.querySelector('a.tumblrlife-reblog')); } function like() { click(this.currentPost.querySelector('a.like_button')); } function reblogAddToQueue() { click(this.currentPost.querySelector('li.tumblrlife-reblog-add-to-queue')); } function reblogPrivate() { click(this.currentPost.querySelector('li.tumblrlife-reblog-private')); } function reblogManually() { w.open(this.currentPost.querySelector('li.tumblrlife-reblog-manually a')); } // ブラウザの高さに対してエントリーの高さが短い場合、最後に近い要素で J/K ショートカットでコンテキストを移すことが出来なくなる問題を修正する function fixPosition() { var post = this.posts[this.posts.length - 1], body = d.body, height = body.offsetHeight - w.innerHeight - post.offsetTop + post_margin_top; if (height < 0) { body.style.marginBottom = height * -1 + 'px'; } } // tumblrLife.preference = { // data : { // trimReblogInfo : false, // reblogThenNext : false, // keyboardShortcut: true // }, // setup : preferenceSetup, // get : preferenceGet, // save : preferenceSave, // restore: preferenceRestore // }; // // var preference_template = [ // // ].join(''); // // function preferenceSetup(name) { // this.restore(); // // if (prefPage) { // template(preference_template, { // checked: data.aaaa // }); // appendChild(); // } // } // // function preferenceGet(name) { // return this.data ? this.data[name] : undefined; // } // // function preferenceSave(data) { // content_window.localStorage.tumblrLife = JSON.strigify(extend(this.data, data)); // } // // function preferenceRestore() { // return this.data = JSON.parse(content_window.localStorage.tumblrLife); // } tumblrLife.filter = { filterPage: null, setup: function() { var page = /(?:\/blog\/[-\w]+)?\/show\/\w+/.exec(location.pathname); if (!page) return; this.filterPage = page; this.fixPagination(); }, // show ページのページャーのバグを修正するパッチ // // - /show/text|photos|quotes|links|chats|audio|videos // - /blog/foo/show/text|photos|quotes|links|chats|audio|videos // // 2ページ目以降の URL には必ずページ番号が必要.。例: // // - /show/photos/2?offset=1234567890 // // 使われるのは offset のみなのでページ番号は何でもいい fixPagination: function() { if (!this.filterPage) return; var post = tumblrLife.posts[tumblrLife.posts.length - 1], a = d.querySelector(next_selector); a.href = this.filterPage[0] + '/2?offset=' + tumblrLife.getId(post); if (!tumblrLife.paginate) return; execute(function() { if (!window.next_page) return; var next = document.querySelector('#pagination a:last-child'); next && (window.next_page = next.href); var __process_auto_paginator_response = window._process_auto_paginator_response; window._process_auto_paginator_response = function(transport) { __process_auto_paginator_response(transport); var post = document.querySelector('li.post[id]:not(#new_post):last-child'); if (post) { var path = /(?:\/blog\/[-\w]+)?\/show\/\w+/.exec(location.href), id = /post_(\d+)/.exec(post.id)[1]; window.next_page = transport.responseText.match('id="next_page_link" href="') ? path[0] + '/2?offset=' + id : false; } }; }); } }; tumblrLife.appendFilter = appendFilter; var append_filter_filters = ['dashboard', 'text', 'photos', 'quotes', 'links', 'chats', 'audio', 'videos'], append_filter_current_filter = (/^\/show\/([^\/]+)/.exec(location.pathname) || [])[1] || append_filter_filters[0]; function appendFilter() { var container = d.querySelector('#default_tabs li'); if (!container) return; var a = container.querySelector('a'), // div = d.createElement('div'), ul = d.createElement('ul'), li = [], i = 0, filter, href, klass, title; for (; filter = append_filter_filters[i]; ++i) { href = (filter == 'dashboard' ? '' : 'show/') + filter; klass = filter == append_filter_current_filter ? ' class="current"' : ''; title = filter == 'dashboard' ? a.querySelector('span').innerHTML : filter; li[i] = '<li><a href="/' + href + '"' + klass + '>' + title + '</a></li>'; } // div.className = a.className; // div.innerHTML = a.innerHTML; ul.id = 'tumblrlife-filter'; ul.className = 'nav_item active'; ul.innerHTML = li.join(''); d.querySelector('#default_tabs li').appendChild(ul); // a.addEventListener('mouseover', function() { // ul.style.display = 'block'; // a.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // }, false); // ul.addEventListener('mouseout', function(e) { // ul.style.display = 'none'; // a.style.visibility = 'visible'; // }, true); // container.replaceChild(div, a); } // function appendFilter() { // var container = d.querySelector('#default_tabs li'); // if (!container) return; // // var a = container.querySelector('a'), // div = d.createElement('div'), // ul = d.createElement('ul'), // li = [], // i = 0, filter, title; // for (; filter = append_filter_filters[i]; ++i) { // href = (filter == 'dashboard' ? '' : 'show/') + filter; // klass = filter == append_filter_current_filter ? ' class="current"' : ''; // title = filter == 'dashboard' ? a.querySelector('span').innerHTML : filter; // li[i] = '<li><a href="/' + href + '"' + klass + '>' + title + '</a></li>'; // } // // div.className = a.className; // div.innerHTML = a.innerHTML; // ul.id = 'tumblrlife-filter'; // ul.className = 'nav_item active'; // ul.innerHTML = li.join(''); // div.appendChild(ul); // container.replaceChild(div, a); // } // 作りかけ // tumblrLife.entry = { // container : null, // setup : entrySetup, // handleEvent: entryHandleEvent, // reblog : entryReblog // // like : // }; // function entrySetup() { // this.container = d.getElementById('posts'); // // this.container.addEventListener('click', this, false); // this.container.addEventListener('mouseover', this, false); // } // // function entryHandleEvent(e) { // var target = e.target; // // switch (e.type) { // case 'click': // switch (_entryElement(target)) { // case 'reblog': // this.reblog(target); // break; // // case 'delete': // // // break; // // case 'menu': // this.reblog(target, target.className.slice(18)); // break; // } // // // if (_entryReblogElement(target)) { // this.reblog(target); // } // else if (_entryMenuElement(target)) { // this.reblog(target.parentNode, target.className.slice(18)); // } // break; // // case 'mouseover': // switch (_entryElement(target)) { // case 'reblog': // this.showMenu(target); // break; // // case 'delete': // delete target.onclick; // break; // } // // // if (_entryReblogElement(target) && target.href.indexOf('/reblog/') != -1) { // this.showMenu(target); // } // // break; // } // // // // } // // // function _entryElement(target) { // // return _entryPostControl(target) && ( // // target.href.indexOf('/reblog/') != -1 && 'reblog' || // // target. // // ) || target.className.indexOf('tumblrlife-menu-') == 0 && 'menu' || null; // // } // // function _entryReblogElement(target) { // return _entryPostControl(target) && target.href.indexOf('/reblog/') != -1; // } // // function _entryPostControl(target) { // return target.parentNode.className == 'post_controls'; // } tumblrLife.Menu = menuInitialize; tumblrLife.Menu.start = menuStart; tumblrLife.Menu.prototype = { container : null, reblogContainer: null, menuContainer : null, id : null, postURL : null, reblogging : false, handleEvent : menuHandleEvent, append : menuAppend, reblog : menuReblog, reblogFail : menuReblogFail, query : menuQuery }; function menuInitialize(container) { this.container = container; this.id = tumblrLife.getId(container); this.append(); } function menuStart(target) { var a; if (target.nodeName === 'LI') { if (target.className.indexOf('is_mine') === -1) { new tumblrLife.Menu(target); } else if ((a = target.querySelector('form a'))) { console.log('delete!'); delete a.onclick; } } } function menuHandleEvent(e) { if (e.target.nodeName === 'INPUT') { return; } switch (e.type) { case 'click': if (this.reblogging) { e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.target.className) { var action = (/^tumblrlife-reblog-(.+)$/.exec(e.target.className) || [])[1]; e.preventDefault(); this.reblog(action); } break; } } var menu_template_menu = [ '<ul>', '<li class="tumblrlife-reblog-add-to-queue">add to queue</li>', '<li class="tumblrlife-reblog-private">private</li>', '<li class="tumblrlife-reblog-manually"><a href="${href}" target="_blank">reblog manually</a></li>', '</ul>', '<div>', '<input type="text" value="" placeholder="tags (optional)" class="tumblrlife-tags" onkeydown="event.stopPropagation()"/>', '</div>' ].join(''); function menuAppend() { var original = this.reblogContainer = this.container.querySelector('.reblog_button'), container, div; if (original == null) return; this.postURL = original.href; container = this.menuContainer = d.createElement('div'); container.className = 'tumblrlife-menu'; container.addEventListener('click', this, false); div = d.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = template(menu_template_menu, { href: this.postURL }); container.appendChild(div); original.parentNode.insertBefore(container, original); container.insertBefore(original, div); original.className += ' tumblrlife-reblog'; // 開いた時に実行しないとダメ // setTimeout(function() { // console.log(div.querySelector('input')); // div.querySelector('input').focus(); // }, 0); } function menuReblog(state) { var self = this, container = this.container, menu_container = this.menuContainer, fail = function() { return self.reblogFail(); }; if (this.reblogging) { return; } this.reblogging = true; container.className += ' tumblrlife-reblogging'; this.reblogContainer.innerHTML = '...'; get(this.postURL, function() { post(self.postURL, self.query(this.responseText, state), function(data) { var id = self.id; self.reblogging = false; container.className = container.className.replace('tumblrlife-reblogging', 'tumblrlife-reblogged'); menu_container.removeEventListener('click', self, false); menu_container.innerHTML = '<span>reblogged' + (state ? { 'add-to-queue': ' (queue)', 'private' : ' (private)' }[state] : '') + '</span>'; execute('window.increment_note_count(' + id + ')'); if (!state) { get('/dashboard', function() { var container = createDocumentFromString(this.responseText) .querySelector('div.post_info > a[href*="/post/' + id + '"]') .parentNode.parentNode; menu_container.innerHTML = '<a href="' + container.querySelector('a.permalink').href + '" target="_blank">reblogged</a>'; }); } }, fail ); }, fail ); } function menuReblogFail() { this.reblogging = false; this.container.className = this.container.className.replace(' tumblrlife-reblogging', ''); this.reblogContainer.innerHTML = '<span class="tumblrlife-fail">reblog</span>'; if (w.confirm('Reblog failed. Open the reblog page?')) { w.open(this.postURL); } } function menuQuery(html, state) { var options, queries = {}, i, o; options = createDocumentFromString(html).querySelectorAll('#edit_post input, #edit_post textarea, #edit_post select'); for (i = 0; o = options[i]; ++i) { if (o.type) { switch (o.type.toLowerCase()) { case 'checkbox': case 'radio': o.checked && (queries[o.name] = o.value); break; default: queries[o.name] = o.value; } } } queries['post[state]'] = { 'add-to-queue': '2', 'private' : 'private' }[state] || '0'; queries['post[tags]'] = this.menuContainer.querySelector('input.tumblrlife-tags').value; delete queries['preview_post']; trimReblogInfo(queries); return queries; } // https://github.com/to/tombloo/blob/master/xpi/chrome/content/library/20_Tumblr.js function trimReblogInfo(queries) { function trimQuote(entry) { entry = entry.replace(/<p><\/p>/g, '').replace(/<p><a[^<]+<\/a>:<\/p>/g, ''); entry = (function loop(_, contents) { return contents.replace(/<blockquote>(([\n\r]|.)+)<\/blockquote>/gm, loop); })(null, entry); return entry.trim(); } switch (queries['post[type]']) { case 'link': queries['post[three]'] = trimQuote(queries['post[three]']); break; case 'regular': case 'photo': case 'video': queries['post[two]'] = trimQuote(queries['post[two]']); break; case 'quote': queries['post[two]'] = queries['post[two]'].replace(/ \(via <a.*?<\/a>\)/g, '').trim(); break; } } var template_variable = /\$\{([^\}]+)\}/g; function template(str, data) { return str.replace(template_variable, function(_, v) { return data[v] ? data[v] : ''; }); } function param(data) { var ret = [], k, v; for (k in data) { v = data[k]; v && ret.push(encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(v)); } return ret.join('&'); } function get(url, onload, onerror) { ajax('GET', url, null, onload, onerror); } function post(url, data, onload, onerror) { ajax('POST', url, data, onload, onerror); } function ajax(method, url, data, onload, onerror) { data = data ? param(data) : data; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; xhr.open(method, url, true); xhr.onload = onload; xhr.onerror = onerror; if (method === 'POST') { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'); } xhr.send(data); } // ページのコンテキストで実行する // code にはクロージャでキャシュした変数などを含められないので注意 function execute(code) { typeof code === 'function' && (code = '(' + code.toString() + ')()'); location.href = 'javascript:void(' + code + ')'; } function click(target) { if (target) { var e = d.createEvent('MouseEvent'); e.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, w, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); target.dispatchEvent(e); } } // http://gist.github.com/198443 function createDocumentFromString(source){ var doc; if (d.implementation.createHTMLDocument) { doc = d.implementation.createHTMLDocument('title'); } else { doc = d.cloneNode(false); if (doc) { doc.appendChild(doc.importNode(d.documentElement, false)); } else { doc = d.implementation.createDocument(null, 'html', null); } } var range = d.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(d.documentElement); var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(source); var headChildNames = {title: true, meta: true, link: true, script: true, style: true, /*object: true,*/ base: true/*, isindex: true,*/}; var child, head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || doc.createElement('head'), body = doc.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] || doc.createElement('body'); while ((child = fragment.firstChild)) { if ( (child.nodeType === doc.ELEMENT_NODE && !(child.nodeName.toLowerCase() in headChildNames)) || (child.nodeType === doc.TEXT_NODE && (/\S/.test(child.nodeValue))) ) break; head.appendChild(child); } body.appendChild(fragment); doc.documentElement.appendChild(head); doc.documentElement.appendChild(body); return doc; } tumblrLife.setup(); })(this, this.unsafeWindow || this, document);

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Friday, March 9, 2012
Tumblr Life
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