Friday, May 10, 2013 Scam Filter

// ==UserScript==
// @name Scam Filter
// @description Filters out scam scripts at
// @namespace
// @icon
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @homepageURL
// @require
// @include     http*://
// @include     http*://*
// @include     http*://*
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_listValues
// @version     5.104
// ==/UserScript==


// Load jQuery cookie functions and viewport visibility selectors

/* The following 5 arrays comprise the blacklist. They are divided by type for possible future auto-review features.
Note that clear scammers are placed in the Scammers array, even if they might fit one of the other categories. */

// IDs of known scam/spam authors
var scammers = [

/* IDs of useless authors. These include authors who only post unexplained copies of existing scripts and   
scripts that primarily do nothing. */
var useless = [

/* IDs of accounts that haven't posted scripts (yet) but are clearly operated by scam authors 
(ie. they post dummy reviews for scams, etc) */
var scamHelpers = [

/* IDs of authors who post Packer and other obfuscated (hidden) code, and privately-hosted remote code, 
that can not be easily verified. */
var obfuscated = [

/* Misc. suspicious: IDs of authors of suspicious scripts that are not confirmed scams but exhibit highly 
suspicious behavior. This is currently populated primarily by script authors. */
var suspicious = [

/* IDs below belong to scripts rather than authors. Used to block scripts that the author doesn't intend as malicious, but nevertheless are -- 
such as scripts advertised as "pranks". Though authors who ONLY post pranks (and similar) will probably be added to the scammer list. */
var pranks = [124287,165241,142050,165892,165889];

// Ignore the following script authors. This is to prevent known false-positive detections
var whitelist = [

// Settings *************************************************

// If our settings cookies don't exist yet, create them
if (GM_getValue('cont',-5) == -5) GM_setValue('cont','0');
if (GM_getValue('update',-5) == -5) GM_setValue('update','1');

// Append Settings checkboxes and set their tooltip text
var updateTip = 'Checks for Scam Filter updates a maximum of 3 times per day.';
var contTip = 'Automatically displays more results when you scroll to the end of a list.';

var checkboxParams = 'type="checkbox" style="font-weight:bold;color:white;vertical-align:middle;"';
var labelParams = 'style="font-weight:bold;color:white;;vertical-align:middle;"';

$('div#top div.container').prepend('<div style="vertical-align:middle;font-size:11px;color:white;float:left;padding-top:4px;">' + 
'<label class="filterSettingsToggle" style="cursor:pointer;color:white;font-weight:bold;">Scam Filter Settings</label>' + 
'<div class="filterSettings" hidden="" style="padding-bottom:3px;font-weight:bold;">' + ': ' +
'<input title="' + contTip + '" class="setCont" '+ checkboxParams +' />' + 
'<label title="' + contTip + '" class="setCont" '+ labelParams +'>Continuous Scroll</label> &nbsp;' + 
'<input title="' + updateTip + '" class="setUpdate" '+ checkboxParams +' />' + 
'<label title="' + updateTip + '" class="setUpdate" '+ labelParams +'>Update Check</label> &nbsp;' + 
//'<label ' + labelParams + '>• &nbsp;v' + GM_info.script.version + ' &nbsp;• &nbsp;<span class="tally"></span> Authors Blocked</label>' +
'<label ' + labelParams + '>• <span class="tally"></span> Authors Blocked</label>' +
'</div>' +

// Set initial state of checkboxes
if (GM_getValue('cont') == '1') $('input.setCont').prop('checked', true);
if (GM_getValue('update') == '1') $('input.setUpdate').prop('checked', true);

// Save settings
var setCont;
var setUpdate;
$('input.setCont').change(function(){setCont = $(this).prop('checked') ? '1' : '0';GM_setValue('cont',setCont);location.reload(); });
$('input.setUpdate').change(function(){setUpdate = $(this).prop('checked') ? '1' : '0';GM_setValue('update',setUpdate);location.reload(); });

// Toggle checkboxes when their labels are clicked

// Toggle settings display when label is clicked
 if ($('div.filterSettings').attr('hidden')){
 } else {

function toggleCheck(className){
 if ($('input.'+className).prop('checked')){
  $('input.'+className).prop('checked', false);
  if (className == 'setCont') GM_setValue('cont','0');
  if (className == 'setUpdate') GM_setValue('update','0');
 } else {
  $('input.'+className).prop('checked', true);
  if (className == 'setCont') GM_setValue('cont','1');
  if (className == 'setUpdate') GM_setValue('update','1');

// Read settings
var cCont = (GM_getValue('cont') == '1') ? true : false;
var cUpdate = (GM_getValue('update') == '1') ? true : false;

// *** Set update info ***

// Tell auto-updater this script's description page URL, for the update notification link
var thisScriptURL = location.protocol + '//'; 

// Tell auto-updater this script's meta data URL, for checking the script's latest version number
var thisScriptMetaURL = location.protocol + '//'; 

// *** End update info ***

// ********************* Continuous scroll **********************
if ((cCont) && ($('span.loading.done').length < 1) && ('/show') < 0) && ('/review') < 0) && ('/fans') < 0) && ('/issues') < 0) && ('/discuss') < 0) && (location.pathname != '/') && ('/review') < 0) && ('/versions') < 0) && ('/diff') < 0) && ('/upload') < 0) && ('/admin') < 0) && ('/edit') < 0) && ('/images') < 0)){

 // Remove the page links to avoid confusion in continuous mode 
 var pageOffset = 0;
 // Get the current page number
 if ('page=') > -1){
  // If the URL contains page=, read page number from there
  var page = parseInt(location.href.substr('page=') + 5,4));
 } else {
  // Otherwise assume we're on page 1
  var page = 1;

 // Clone the table header for use in our "floater" fixed info bar
 var info = $('table.wide.forums').clone();
 // Create a div and table to contain the cloned table header 
 var floater = '<div style="width:950px;position:fixed;left: 50%;margin-left:-475px;z-index:50;"  hidden="" class="floater"><table class="wide forums"></div>';
 // Insert the floater div into the page...
 // ...and insert the cloned table header into that div
 $('.floater table').prepend(info);
 // Hide or show the floater based on whether or not the original table header is in view (:in-viewport selector from a plugin)
 if (($('table.wide.forums').length < 1) && ($('.floater[hidden]').length > 0)) {
 } else if (($('table.wide.forums').length > 0) && ($('.floater[hidden]').length < 1)) {

 // Scrolling should trigger a check to see if the floater needs to be shown, and whether we need to fetch more content

function scroll(){
 // Again, hide or show the floater as appropriate
 if (($('table.wide.forums').length < 1) && ($('.floater[hidden]').length > 0)) {
 } else if (($('table.wide.forums').length > 0) && ($('.floater[hidden]').length < 1)) {
 // If the page footer is in view, we've hit the bottom of the page, so fetch more content...
 if ($('div#root_footer:in-viewport').length > 0){
  // ...But don't fetch more content if a fetch is already in progress
  if (!($('table.wide.forums').length > 0)){
   // Tell upcoming scroll triggers that a fetch is in progress
   $('table.wide.forums tbody').addClass('active');
   // Keep track of which results page we're up to
   var nextPage = page + pageOffset;
   // Start constructing the URL to fetch. Strip out any anchor data from the current URL
   var urlFixed = location.href.replace(/\#.*/i,'');
   // Set the URL to fetch the next page. Must be done in different ways depending on the current URL's tokens
   if (\=/i) > -1) {
    var nextUrl = urlFixed.replace(/page\=\d+/i,'page=' + nextPage); 
   } else if (\?/) > -1) {
    var nextUrl = urlFixed + '&page=' + nextPage; 
   } else {
    var nextUrl = urlFixed + '?page=' + nextPage; 
   // Display "Fetching" message
   $('span.loading').text(' [Fetching More Results...]').css('color','lightblue');
   // Retrieve the next page
    url: nextUrl,
    dataType: 'html',
    //async: false,
    success: addContent

function addContent(data){
 if ('No results. Sorry!') > -1){
  $('span.loading').addClass('done').text(' No more results!');
 } else{
  // From the retrieved page, strip out everything above and below the rows of the results table
  var newData = data.replace(/\!DOCTYPE[\s\S]*?\<tr id\='scripts\-/i,'tr id=\'scripts-')
   .replace(/\<\/table\>[\s\S]*\<div class\="pagination[\s\S]*\<\/html\>/i,'');
  // Debug new table row extraction
  // Append the new table rows to our current table
  $('table.wide.forums tbody').append(newData);
  // Tell upcoming scroll triggers that a fetch is no longer in progress
  $('table.wide.forums tbody').removeClass('active');
  // Clear "Fetching" text
  // Run the filter again to check for scams in the new content
// ************************* End Continuous **********************

// Combine all author blacklist arrays into one
var blacklist = scammers.concat(useless).concat(suspicious).concat(obfuscated).concat(scamHelpers);

// Display blacklist total in settings

// *************************** For individual script pages *****************************
// If we're on a particular script page, any tab, check it and display a warning if it's suspect
if (('/show') > -1) || ('/review') > -1) || ('/fans') > -1) || ('/issues') > -1) || ('/discuss') > -1)){

 // Set the warning to use on individual scam script pages
 var pageWarning = '<div class="aboutWarning" style="width:80%; border:2px red solid; line-height:20px; color:darkred; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;' +
  'padding:3px; margin:5px 5px -3px 5px; text-align:center;">' +
  'This script is a suspected scam. Use caution before installing it.' +

 // Extract author ID from author link
 var author = parseInt($('a[user_id]').attr('user_id'));
 // Extract script ID from the URL
 var urlSplit = location.pathname.split('/');
 var id = urlSplit[(urlSplit.length-1)];
 // Check the author ID against our whitelist and scammer list
 if (whitelist.indexOf(author) > -1){
  return false;
 } else if (blacklist.indexOf(author) > -1){
 } else if (pranks.indexOf(parseInt(id)) > -1){
 // If the author wasn't found in any list, retrieve the script code for scanning
 } else {
   url: location.protocol + '//' + id + '.user.js', 
   dataType: 'text', 
   cache: false,
   success: function(data){
}// ************************************** End individual script pages *****************************************

// Declare some variables as global
var cScamHide;
var suspects = [];

/* Check for an existing session cookie: Ajax Range header for bandwidth reduction measure doesn't work without a session cookie.
If one is not found, retrieve the login page once (without logging in), which creates the session cookie for us */

if (!$.cookie('_uso_session')) {
  url: location.protocol + '//', 
  dataType: 'text', 
  async: false

// If toggle cookie doesn't exist yet, create it, so our toggle state can be saved
if (GM_getValue('hide',-5) == -5) GM_setValue('hide','1');

// Create a function to read toggle cookie
function readCookie(){cScamHide = (GM_getValue('hide') == 1) ? true : false;}

// Set the text to use when tagging suspected scam scripts
var tag = '<span style="color:darkred;font-weight:bold;line-height:50%;">' +
 '</span>&nbsp; ';

// Set the expanded warning to be placed in the descriptions of suspected scam scripts
var caution = '<span style="line-height:100%;color:darkred;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:-10px;display:block;">' + 
 'Warning: This script is a suspected scam. Use caution before installing it. <span class="authorWarn"></span>' + 
 '<br /><span class="reason" style="color:red;font-weight:bold;font-family:verdana;font-size:90%;line-height:150%;" hidden=""></span></span><br />' +
 '<span style="font-style:italic;line-height:110%;">Author\'s description:</span> ';
// Set update notice
var notify = ' <a style="font-size:80%" class="notify" target="_blank" href="' + thisScriptURL + '">' +
 'Filter Update Available!</a>';
// Insert our toggle link, along with fields to show # of detected scams and the auto-update notice
var toggleLink = "Toggle Scam Filter";
if (location.pathname == '/') toggleLink = "Scam Toggle"; 
 .append('&nbsp; ' +
 '<a href="#a" class="autoToggle">'+ toggleLink +'</a>&nbsp;(' + 
 '<span class="working" style="color:orange;text-shadow:0px 0px 5px #yellow;">[Working]</span>' + ': ' +
 '<span class="total">0</span> ' + 
 '<span class="tog"></span>' + ')' +
 '<span class="loading"></span>' +
 '<span class="upd"></span>');
// Set toggle link hover effect

// Read our cookie to determine toggle state

// Set toggle text based on cookie
if (cScamHide){
} else {

// Determine login status, which effects the location of elements on the page
var loggedIn = ($('a.mail').length > 0) ? true : false; 

// Loop through each list row
function filter(){

// Working
$('span.working').text('[Working]').css('color','orange').css('text-shadow','0px 0px 5px #yellow');
var loopsLength = $('tr[id^="scripts-"]:not(.checked)').length;



 // Extract script ID from row ID
 id = $(this).attr('id').replace('scripts-','');
 suspects[i] = id;

 // Get title length so we can determine where author code will be on the retrieved page 
 var offset = $('tr[id="scripts-' + id + '"] a.title').attr('title').length;
 // Author code is further down for logged-in users, so add to the offset if we're logged in
 offset = (loggedIn) ? (offset + 100) : offset; 
 offset = offset + 100;
 // Retrieve that section of the script's "fans" page
  url: location.protocol + '//' + suspects[i], 
  dataType: 'text', 
  headers: {Range: "bytes=" + (offset + 1600) + "-" + (offset + 2300)},
  cache: false,
  success: handOff1
 function handOff1(data){
  // Hand off the retrieved description page to the checkScriptAuthor function
  checkScriptAuthor(data, suspects[i]);
  // Debug author offset:
  // If this was the last loop iteration, change "Working" text to "Done" and hide/show scams based on toggle
  if (i == loopsLength-1) $('span.working').text('Done').css('color','white').css('text-shadow','');

// Run the filter initially

function checkScriptAuthor(data, id){
 var uid = id;
 // Get script author's ID from the retrieved script description page
 var auth = data.match(/;s=80&amp;default=identicon" rel="nofollow" user_id="(\d*)"\>(.*)\<\/a\>/i);
 var authorID = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
 var authorText = RegExp.$2;
 // Debug author offset:
 //$('p.subtitle').append('<br />' + auth + ' ' + authorID + ' ' + authorText);

 // Check if the script is in the pranks list, tag and move on if it is
 if (pranks.indexOf(parseInt(uid)) > -1){
  tagScam('prank', id, authorText, authorID);
 // If the script's author is in our whitelist, move on
 } else if (whitelist.indexOf(authorID) > -1){
  return false;
 // If the script's author matches one of our known scammers, tag the script as a suspected scam
 } else if (blacklist.indexOf(authorID) > -1){
 // Otherwise, retrieve the script code for scanning
 } else {
  // Retrieve script meta data, which contains's unique version stamp
   // Extract the version stamp
   var usoVersion = parseInt(data.substr( + 17, 6) );
   // Get our cached data for this script, if it exists
   var cache = GM_getValue(id,0);
   // If there is cache data for the script, extract the cached version stamp and cached scan result
   if (cache != 0){
    var cacheVersion = cache.split(',')[0];
    var reason = cache.split(',')[1];
   // If there is no cache data for this script, or if the cached version stamp doesn't match's 
   // stamp, retrieve the script code for scanning.
   if ((cacheVersion != usoVersion) || (cache == 0)){

     url: location.protocol + '//' + id + '.user.js', 
     dataType: 'text', 
     cache: false,
     success: function(data){
      handOff2(data, uid, authorText, authorID);
    function handOff2(data, id, authorText, authorID){
     // Hand off the retrieved script code to the checkScript function
     checkScript(data, true, id, usoVersion, authorText, authorID);
   /* Otherwise, we have cache data that is current (the cached version stamp matches the retrieved version 
   stamp), AND the script was determined to be a scam (a 'reason' value of '1' means NO scam, all others 
   indicate scams). Tag the scam using the cached reason. */
   } else if (reason != 1){
    tagScam(reason, uid, authorText, authorID);

function getMeta(id){
 // Start meta.js retrieval, return a "promise", because JS is too retarded to handle asynchronous returns right now
 return $.ajax({
  url: location.protocol + '//' + id + '.meta.js', 
  dataType: 'text', 
  cache: false

function checkScript(data,isList,id,usoVersion,authorText,authorID){
 //Skip scripts that don't contain at least one instance of the word "facebook", "ultoo", or ""
 if ( ( > -1) || ( > -1) || (\.fm/i))){
  // Check the script code for known scam patterns
  if (\=subscribe/i) > -1){
   if (isList){var reason='&action=subscribe';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else if (\/ajax\/friends\/lists\/subscribe/i) > -1){
   if (isList){var reason='/ajax/friends/lists/subscribe';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else if (\/ajax\/follow\/follow_profile\.php/i) > -1){
   if (isList){var reason='/ajax/follow/follow_profile.php';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else if ((,a,c,k,e,(d|r)/i) > -1) && ( > -1)){
   if (isList){var reason='packer';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else if (\/plugins\/(like|follow)\.php?href\=/i) > -1){
   if (isList){var reason='';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else if (|\?)action\=add_friend/i) > -1) {
   if (isList){var reason='paramsAdd';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else if ( (\.getElementById\('MobileNos_'\)/i) > -1) && ( > -1) ){
   if (isList){var reason='ultooNumber';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else if ( (\.getElementsByName\('PollUserName'\)\[0\]/i) > -1) && ( > -1) ){
   if (isList){var reason='ultooName';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else if (\/ajax\/groups\/members\/add_post.php/i) > -1) {
   if (isList){var reason='facebook post';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else if (*facebook\.com/i) > -1){
   if (isList){var reason='facebook iframe';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else if (\.fm\/likes.*\/add/i) > -1){ 
   if (isList){var reason=' /add';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else if (|twitter)\.com.*target\=/i) > -1){
   if (isList){var reason=' spam';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else if (\.fm.*(ask|preguntame|pergunt(e|a)s?))|(href\='Skype)/i) > -1){
   if (isList){var reason=' spam';tagScam(reason, id, authorText, authorID)} else{tagScamPage()}
  } else {
   var reason = 1;
 } else {
  var reason = 1;
 // Store cache data: current version stamp and our scan results. A reason of '1' indicates NO scam.
 GM_setValue(id,usoVersion + ',' + reason);

// Display warning on individual scam suspect pages
function tagScamPage(){

function tagScam(reason,id,authorText,authorID){
 var reasonPre = reason;
 // Set row selector
 var row = 'tr[id="scripts-' + id + '"] ';
 // Tag the suspected scam's HTML code
 // Show reason only on hover
 $(row + 'td.script-meat').css('padding-bottom','0').hover(
   $('span.reason', this).removeAttr('hidden');
   $('span.reason', this).attr('hidden','');
 // Hide the suspected scam if the cookie tells us the toggle is set to hide
 if (cScamHide) $(row).attr('hidden',''); 
 // Tag the suspected scam visually using our preset messages
 $(row + 'a.title')
 // Set reason text
 if (reason == '&action=subscribe'){
  var reason = 'Contains url subscribe token [&action=subscribe].';
 } else if (reason == '/ajax/friends/lists/subscribe'){
  var reason = 'Contains Facebook ajax subscribe code [/ajax/friends/lists/subscribe].';
 } else if (reason == 'packer'){
  var reason = 'Contains "Packer" hidden eval code [eval(p,a,c,k...)].';
 } else if (reason == '/ajax/follow/follow_profile.php'){
  var reason = 'Contains Facebook ajax profile follow code [/ajax/follow/follow_profile.php]';
 } else if (reason == 'scammer'){
  var reason = 'This script was published by known scam or spam author ' + authorText;
 } else if (reason == ''){
  var reason = 'Contains Facebook "like" reference to specific pages [like *or* follow.php?href=].';
 } else if (reason == 'paramsAdd'){
  var reason = 'Contains Facebook friend add token for a specific user [&action=add_friend].'; 
 } else if (reason == 'ultooNumber'){
  var reason = 'Contains code that may procure points for one particular mobile number.';
 } else if (reason == 'ultooName'){
  var reason = 'Contains code that may procure points for one particular user name.';
 } else if (reason == 'facebook post'){
  var reason = 'Contains ajax post code that may post to a specific Facebook page.';
 } else if (reason == 'facebook iframe'){
  var reason = 'May contain spam/misleading Facebook iFrames or "Like" buttons.';
 } else if (reason == 'prank'){
  var reason = 'This script is advertised as a prank or similar. It is considered malicious even if its author does not intend harm to users.';
 } else if (reason == ' /add'){ 
  var reason = 'Contains code that may automatically add or follow specific pages.';
 } else if (reason == ' spam'){ 
  var reason = 'Contains code that is likely duplicated from another script to contain a new author\'s spam links.';
 // Append reason text
 if (reasonPre != 'scammer') $(row + 'span.reason').text(' Reason: ' + reason);
 // Append author name/ID
 var designation = (reasonPre == 'scammer') ? 'Known Scammer' : 'Author Name';
 $(row + 'span.authorWarn').html('<br /><span style="line-height:20px;font-weight:bold;color:darkred;"> ' + designation + ' • ' + 
  '<span style="color:darkblue">"<a style="color:darkblue;text-decoration:none;" href="' + location.protocol + '//' + authorID + '">' + authorText + 
  '</a>"</span> • ID: <a style="color:darkred;text-decoration:none;" href="' + location.protocol + '//' + authorID + '">' + authorID + '</a></span>');
 // Increment the running count of detected scams
 $('').text(parseInt($('').text()) + 1);
 // If all results were hidden, proceed to following page of results
 if ((!cCont) && ($('tr[id^="scripts-"]').not('[hidden]').length == 0))
  return window.location.href = location.protocol + '//' + $('a.next_page').attr('href');
 // In continuous mode, if filter resulted in too few results, fetch more even without a new scroll trigger
 //if ((cCont) && ($('tr[id^="scripts-"]').not('[hidden]').length < 10)) scroll();
 if ((cCont) && ($('div#root_footer:in-viewport').length > 0)) scroll();

// Set the toggle link's click function

// Make sure the toggle setting is in effect in case a toggle click occurred during the loop

function toggleScams(click){
 // Read our cookie to determine the current toggle setting
 /* If toggleScams is running as a result of a toggle link click, toggle hide/show setting and hide or show the scams. 
 If it's running initially (not the result of a click), simply hide/show scams based on the current setting. */
 if (cScamHide){
  if (click) {showScams(click)} else {hideScams(click)}
 } else {
  if (click) {hideScams(click)} else {showScams(click)}

function hideScams(click){
 if ((cCont) && ($('div#root_footer:in-viewport').length > 0)) scroll();
 // If toggleScams is running as a result of a toggle link click, toggle the cookie appropriately
 if (click) GM_setValue('hide','1');

function showScams(click){
 // If toggleScams is running as a result of a toggle link click, toggle the cookie appropriately
 if (click) GM_setValue('hide','0');

/* Auto-updater: Daily check. 
If an update is found, update notice displays on the current and next two subsequent page loads, 
then stops displaying again until following day. */

// If the auto-update cookie doesn't exist, create it.

if (cUpdate){
 if ($.cookie('ScamFilterUpdate') == null) $.cookie('ScamFilterUpdate', '1', { expires: 1, path: '/' });

 // Convert the cookie's data into a number
 var cUpdater = parseInt($.cookie('ScamFilterUpdate'));

 // If the cookie showed a number less than 4, retrieve Scam Hider's remote meta data, which includes its version number
 if (cUpdater < 4){
  // Retrieve the piece
   url: thisScriptMetaURL, 
   dataType: 'text', 
   cache: false,
   headers: {Range: 'bytes=-330'},
   success: checkUpdates

function checkUpdates(data){
 // Extract Scam Hider's current version number from the retrieved data...
 var currentVersion = parseFloat(data.substr( + 13, 5));
 // Debug offset:
 //alert('Installed version: ' + GM_info.script.version + ' Latest version: ' + currentVersion + ' (' + data + ')');
 // and compare it to the installed version number.
 if (currentVersion > GM_info.script.version){

  // If the current version number retrieved is greater than the installed version number, show our update notice.
  // Set the notification link's tooltip to show installed + latest versions
  $('a.notify').attr('title','Installed version: ' + GM_info.script.version + ' Latest version: ' + currentVersion);
  /* If the user doesn't update and loads another script listing page, increment the cookie's number.
  This lets the user see the update notice for 3 page loads total, then doesn't bother them again for another day
  (the cookie is set to expire in 24 hours). */
  $.cookie('ScamFilterUpdate', cUpdater + 1, { expires: 1, path: '/' });

function loadJQViewport(){
 /* Viewport - jQuery selectors for finding elements in viewport Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Mika Tuupola
  Licensed under the MIT license:
  * Project home: 
  $(":in-viewport") $(":below-the-fold") $(":above-the-top") $(":left-of-screen") $(":right-of-screen") */
 (function($) {
  $.belowthefold = function(element, settings) {
   var fold = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop();
   return fold <= $(element).offset().top - settings.threshold;
  $.abovethetop = function(element, settings) {
   var top = $(window).scrollTop();
   return top >= $(element).offset().top + $(element).height() - settings.threshold;
  $.rightofscreen = function(element, settings) {
   var fold = $(window).width() + $(window).scrollLeft();
   return fold <= $(element).offset().left - settings.threshold;
  $.leftofscreen = function(element, settings) {
   var left = $(window).scrollLeft();
   return left >= $(element).offset().left + $(element).width() - settings.threshold;
  $.inviewport = function(element, settings) {
   return !$.rightofscreen(element, settings) && !$.leftofscreen(element, settings) && !$.belowthefold(element, settings) && !$.abovethetop(element, settings);
  $.extend($.expr[':'], {
   "below-the-fold": function(a, i, m) {
    return $.belowthefold(a, {threshold : 0});
   "above-the-top": function(a, i, m) {
    return $.abovethetop(a, {threshold : 0});
   "left-of-screen": function(a, i, m) {
    return $.leftofscreen(a, {threshold : 0});
   "right-of-screen": function(a, i, m) {
    return $.rightofscreen(a, {threshold : 0});
   "in-viewport": function(a, i, m) {
    return $.inviewport(a, {threshold : 0});

// Add jQuery cookie functions: Makes the cookie functions above work. 
// This must load above function use for Chrome/Tampermonkey support, so it's wrapped in a function called in the beginning.
/* jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.3.1
 * Copyright 2013 Klaus Hartl. Released under the MIT license */ 
function loadJQcookies(){
 (function (factory) {
 if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
 // AMD. Register as anonymous module.
 define(['jquery'], factory);
 } else {
 // Browser globals.
 }(function ($) {
 var pluses = /\+/g;
 function raw(s) {
 return s;}
 function decoded(s) {
 return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pluses, ' '));}
 function converted(s) {
 if (s.indexOf('"') === 0) {
 // This is a quoted cookie as according to RFC2068, unescape
 s = s.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\');}
 try {
 return config.json ? JSON.parse(s) : s;
 } catch(er) {}}
 var config = $.cookie = function (key, value, options) {
 // write
 if (value !== undefined) {
 options = $.extend({}, config.defaults, options);
 if (typeof options.expires === 'number') {
 var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date();
 t.setDate(t.getDate() + days);}
 value = config.json ? JSON.stringify(value) : String(value);
 return (document.cookie = [
 config.raw ? key : encodeURIComponent(key), '=',
 config.raw ? value : encodeURIComponent(value),
 options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE
 options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '',
 options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '', ? '; secure' : ''
 // read
 var decode = config.raw ? raw : decoded;
 var cookies = document.cookie.split('; ');
 var result = key ? undefined : {};
 for (var i = 0, l = cookies.length; i < l; i++) {
 var parts = cookies[i].split('=');
 var name = decode(parts.shift());
 var cookie = decode(parts.join('='));
 if (key && key === name) {
 result = converted(cookie);
 break;} if (!key) {
 result[name] = converted(cookie);}}
 return result;};
 config.defaults = {};
 $.removeCookie = function (key, options) {
 if ($.cookie(key) !== undefined) {
 // Must not alter options, thus extending a fresh object...
 $.cookie(key, '', $.extend({}, options, { expires: -1 }));
 return true;}
 return false;};}));
// End jQuery Cookie Plugin *************************************************



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