// ==UserScript== // @name Userscripts.org 风险脚本过滤器 // @description 过滤掉 Userscripts.org 上可能危险的脚本 // @homepageURL http://jixun.org/ // @include h*://userscripts.org/* // @version 5.104-c41 // @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js // @run-at document-start // @updateURL https://userscripts.org/scripts/source/164600.meta.js // @downloadURL https://userscripts.org/scripts/source/164600.user.js // ==/UserScript== // 火狐兼容修正 if (typeof (GM_info) != 'object') GM_info = { script: {version: GM_getMetadata("version").join('')} }; var arrSettings = [{ stri: '每天检查脚本更新', save: 'dailyUpdate', defu: true },{ stri: '开启火狐兼容 [流量可能变大]', save: 'firefoxMode', defu: /firefox\/\d+\.\d+$/i.test(navigator.userAgent) },{ stri: '自动下一页 [流量可能变大]', save: 'autoNextPage', defu: false },{ stri: '扫描脚本源码', save: 'enableScriptCheck', defu: true },{ stri: '启用白名单', save: 'enableWhitelist', defu: true },{ stri: '自动订阅', save: 'autoSubscribe', defu: true },{ stri: '自动 Follow', save: 'autoFollow', defu: true },{ stri: '脸谱自动赞好', save: 'autoLike', defu: true },{ stri: '添加好友字串', save: 'autoAddFriend', defu: true },{ stri: '读取 token', save: 'readToken', defu: true },{ stri: '调用已知的恶意脚本', save: 'knownScamScript', defu: true },{ stri: 'Ask.fm 欺诈', save: 'askfmScam', defu: true },{ stri: 'Ultoo.com 欺诈', save: 'ultooScam', defu: true },{ stri: '访问用户密码', save: 'readPwd', defu: true },{ stri: '自动跳广告链接扫描', save: 'autoJumpAd', defu: true },{ stri: '返利代码 (测试中, 缺少样本)', save: 'moneyBack', defu: true },{ stri: '隐藏页面插入', save: 'hiddenPage', defu: false },{ stri: '脚本经过混淆或可能存在注入点', save: 'evalFunc', defu: false // 误杀太大,默认不开启 },{ stri: '远程脚本插入', save: 'remoteScript', defu: false },{ stri: '访问远程服务器', save: 'accessInternet', defu: false }]; $(document).ready(function(){ var sSettingPrifix = 'uso_sf_setting_', sScriptUsoId = '164600', bUserLoggedIn = $('.login_status a[href="/home"]').length, bDebugScript = false, bDebugUpdate = true; function $Get ( sItem, retIfNull ) { return localStorage.getItem ( sItem ) || $Set(sItem, retIfNull) } function $Set ( sItem, sVar ) { localStorage.setItem ( sItem, sVar ) return sVar } // 左下角读取页面提示 var $s_lblnp = $('<div>').css ({ 'position': ' fixed', 'bottom': ' -20px', 'height': ' 40px', 'width': ' 100px', 'border-top-right-radius': ' 20px', 'background-color': ' darkcyan', 'text-align': ' right', 'padding': ' 3px', 'color': ' white', 'padding-right': ' 10px' }).hide().appendTo ($('body')) .text ('正在读取下一页…'); var $s_cpn = parseInt ($('.current:first').text()), $s_fr = !$s_cpn, $s_npp = ($('a.next_page').attr('href')||'').replace('=' + ($s_cpn + 1), '=|PAGE|'); $(document).on('scroll', ($s_fr ? function () {}: function (e) { // 已经在读取下一页,不执行。 if($s_fr || !$$.autoNextPage) return; if ($(document).height() - unsafeWindow.innerHeight - unsafeWindow.pageYOffset < 0x66) { // 检测到页面尾端,开始读取下一页… $s_fr = true; $s_cpn ++; $s_lblnp.show ( 200 ); var targetUrl = $s_npp.replace(/\|PAGE\|/,$s_cpn); // console.log (targetUrl, $s_npp); $.ajax({ url: targetUrl, dataType: 'html', success: function (r) { $d = $(r).find('tr[id^="scripts-"]'); $d.appendTo ($('table.wide.forums tbody')); checkPage($d); $s_fr = false; $s_lblnp.hide ( 200 ); }, error: function (a) { $s_lblnp.hide ( 200 ); if (a.status != 404) return $s_fr = false; console.log ('已经是页面尾端!'); } }); } })); // 右下角设定按钮 $('<div>').css ({ 'position': 'fixed', 'border': '1px black solid', 'bottom': '10px', 'height': '100px', 'right': '-80px', 'width': '100px', 'border-radius': '20px', 'background': '#FF8800', 'transform': 'rotate(-90deg)', '-o-transform': 'rotate(-90deg)', '-ms-transform': 'rotate(-90deg)', '-moz-transform': 'rotate(-90deg)', '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(-90deg)', 'text-align': 'center', 'padding': '3px', 'cursor': 'pointer' }).appendTo ($('body')).click(function () { $('body').css ('overflow', 'hidden'); $uiSetting.show().animate({ 'opacity': '1' }); $uiOverlay.show().animate ({ 'opacity': '.75' }); }).text ('脚本扫描器设定').hover(function () { $(this).css ('color', 'white'); }, function () { $(this).css ('color', ''); }); var $uiSetting = $('<div>').css ({ 'margin': '10px auto', 'border': 'black 1px solid', 'position': 'fixed', 'top': '20%', 'width': '80%', 'left': '10%', 'right': '10%', 'height': '60%', 'background': 'rgb(176, 196, 222)', 'z-index': '99999', 'padding': '10px', 'overflow-y': 'auto', 'opacity': '0' }).appendTo ($('body')).hide(); var $uiOverlay = $('<div>').css ({ 'opacity': '.75', 'position': 'fixed', 'z-index': '99998', 'background': 'gray', 'top': '0', 'left': '0', 'width': '100%', 'height': '100%', 'opacity': '0' }).click (function () { $('body').css ('overflow', 'auto'); $uiSetting.animate({ 'opacity': '0' }, function () { $(this).hide(); }); $uiOverlay.animate ({ 'opacity': '0' }, function () { $(this).hide(); }); }).appendTo ($('body')).hide(); $('<div>').css ({ 'float': 'right', 'width': '15%', 'height': '100px', 'border': '2px white dashed', 'cursor': 'pointer', 'text-align': 'center' }).append($('<p>').css({ 'margin-top': '30px' }).html('如果您喜欢该脚本,<br />还请打个 5 分,谢谢~')) .hover(function () { $(this).css ('background', 'skyblue'); }, function () { $(this).css ('background', 'inherit'); }).click (function () { unsafeWindow.open ('//userscripts.org/reviews/new?script_id=' + sScriptUsoId); }).appendTo( $uiSetting ); var $$ = {}; function createSettingPanel ( sSettingPrifix, arrSettings ) { arrSettings.forEach ( function (e) { var varSet = $Get(sSettingPrifix + e.save, e.defu); varSet = ((varSet == 'true') || (varSet == '1') || (varSet == 1)) $$[e.save] = varSet; if (bDebugScript) console.log (varSet, typeof(varSet)); $('<input type="checkbox">') .appendTo($uiSetting).prop ( 'checked', varSet ).attr ('id', sSettingPrifix + e.save).prop ('checked'); $('<label>').text (e.stri) .appendTo($uiSetting).append('<br />') .attr ('for', sSettingPrifix + e.save); }); $('<input type="button">').css ({ 'padding': '2px 10px', 'margin-top': '20px', 'margin-left': '5px' }).attr('value', '保存').click(function () { // Hide dialog $uiOverlay.click(); // Save settings $uiSetting.find('input[type="checkbox"][id^="' + sSettingPrifix + '"]') .each (function () { localStorage.setItem ( this.id, this.checked ); }); $uiSetting.find('input, label').remove(); createSettingPanel (sSettingPrifix, arrSettings); }).appendTo($uiSetting); $('<input type="button">').css ({ 'padding': '2px 10px', 'margin-left': '5px' }).attr('value', '恢复默认').click(function () { // Hide dialog $uiOverlay.click(); arrSettings.forEach ( function (e) { $Set( sSettingPrifix + e.save, e.defu ) }); $uiSetting.find('input, label').remove(); createSettingPanel (sSettingPrifix, arrSettings); }).appendTo($uiSetting); } $('<h1>').appendTo ($uiSetting).text('USO 危险脚本识别器 —— 脚本选项'); $('<span>').appendTo ($uiSetting).css({ 'display': 'block', 'font-size': 'small', 'margin-left': '20px', 'margin-bottom': '20px' }).html('基于 <a href="/users/501553" target="_blank">equazcion</a> 的作品\ 《<a href="/scripts/show/163038" target="_blank">Userscripts.org Scam Filter</a>》进行汉化、增强,\ 在此表示感谢。<br />如果您发现流氓作者、恶意脚本但是不能被正确识别的话,还请发布在讨论区,谢谢。'); createSettingPanel (sSettingPrifix, arrSettings); $$.scanScript = ($$.autoSubscribe || $$.autoFollow || $$.evalFunc || $$.autoLike || $$.autoAddFriend || $$.readToken || $$.hiddenPage|| $$.remoteScript || $$.accessInternet || $$.readPwd || $$.moneyBack || $$.autoJumpAd || $$.askfmScam || $$.ultooScam) && ($$.enableScriptCheck); // [[ 返利、暗藏广告监测正则声明 ]] 开始 var siteListA = 'lumi258|nala|etam|nop|lovo|efeihu|tinies|99read|tnice|sasa|chictalk|gouxie|' + 'm18|yintai|all3c|9dadao|cosme-de|xiu|hi-tec|do93|hanshanggou|xifuquan|513523|vsnoon|mfpla' + 'za|uiyi|xzuan|skomart|learbetty|yesfashion|felissimo|mmuses|ihush|redmall|autosup|amssy|b' + 'uding|echuyi|lefeng|ukool|gitanamagic|yidianda|officedepot|justonline|buyjk|shopin|cendil' + 'e|e-lining|outlets001|mamimai|vingz|aizhigu|x(\\\\|)\\.com(\\\\|)\\.cn|naruko|dahuozhan|e' + 'rq|360buy|dangdang123'; var siteListB = 'masamaso|vcotton|lamiu|purcotton|sportica|naguu|aimer|quwan|pufung|vipstore' + '|doodays|idshe|jsstyle|idaphne|vosovo|banggo|misslele|hmeili|easy361|yyosso|w1|fs-mall|ju' + 'stbb|xiaozhuren|uipmall|immyhome|fclub|shaobag|cheeee|jiuq|happigo|no5|olomo|258sd|lehome' + '|jiuxian|taohv|99buy|lyceem'; var siteListC = '51buy|china-pub|xiu|meituan|suning|coo8|dhc|mbaobao|letao|wl|bookuu|taoxie|' + 'justonline|mangocity|flowercn|9588|linktech|ocj'; var moneybackPattenA = new RegExp ('(' + siteListA + ')(\\\\|)\\.(.+?)(\\/|\\?|&)(product_id|product|unionId)','i'); var moneybackPattenB = new RegExp ('(' + siteListB + ')(\\\\|)\\.(.+?)(\\/|\\?|&)goods','i'); var moneybackPattenC = new RegExp ('(' + siteListC + ')(\\\\|)\\.(.+?)(\\/|\\?|&)\\d\+','i'); // [[ 返利、暗藏广告监测正则声明 ]] 结束 // [[ 已知远端恶意脚本地址 ]] 开始 var knowSacmTarget = 'dropbox(.+?)56439548|linkut\\.eu'; var knownScamPatten = new RegExp ('(' + knowSacmTarget + ')','i'); // [[ 已知远端恶意脚本地址 ]] 结束 var scriptId = parseInt((location.href.match (/\/(\d+)/i)||[,0])[1]); $('<style>').html('tr.scam { opacity: .3; } tr.scamHide { display: none; }').appendTo($('body')); // *** Set update info *** var lP = location.protocol; // Tell auto-updater this script's description page URL, for the update notification link var thisScriptURL = lP + '//userscripts.org/scripts/show/' + sScriptUsoId; // Tell auto-updater this script's meta data URL, for checking the script's latest version number var thisScriptMetaURL = lP + '//userscripts.org/scripts/source/' + sScriptUsoId + '.meta.js'; // *** End update info *** // 数据库开始 // 已知的乱七八糟的脚本作者… 官方改了排列方式我还在想怎么突然少了那么多黑名单 var scammers = [ 100713, 10072, 126265, 130901, 139742, 151070, 169798, 179136, 196818, 199618, 201391, 208735, 234423, 238348, 250955, 256842, 271918, 283470, 286875, 288247, 289792, 289964, 290748, 291772, 292807, 301639, 308463, 314407, 319859, 320677, 322218, 327303, 329565, 331170, 342061, 342242, 353460, 360083, 365484, 369106, 378054, 392894, 395734, 398936, 401264, 403145, 409280, 412918, 413570, 414793, 416110, 417384, 418280, 420148, 420155, 422222, 422223, 422224, 422226, 422227, 423469, 426106, 426361, 426481, 426758, 427026, 427958, 428623, 428693, 428875, 431803, 432055, 433063, 433419, 434378, 434587, 434590, 434917, 435713, 436783, 437023, 437719, 439139, 439208, 439396, 439843, 440592, 440592, 440600, 440800, 440810, 441085, 441113, 441298, 442036, 442192, 442199, 442265, 442420, 442786, 445056, 445145, 445861, 464299, 467890, 468969, 469018, 469610, 469618, 469741, 469778, 469780, 469784, 469787, 469791, 469809, 469852, 469860, 469886, 469976, 470172, 470374, 470394, 470697, 470746, 471187, 471736, 471739, 471746, 471931, 472464, 473044, 473740, 473813, 473973, 474262, 474473, 474749, 475448, 475548, 475874, 476102, 476758, 477018, 477783, 477939, 479194, 479455, 480097, 480448, 481002, 482213, 482708, 483252, 484441, 484490, 484532, 484943, 485411, 486100, 486160, 487207, 487511, 488376, 489669, 489768, 489916, 490174, 490444, 490808, 492379, 492463, 492564, 492799, 493299, 493603, 495883, 495995, 496061, 496647, 497119, 497163, 497384, 497739, 497795, 497933, 498115, 498417, 498726, 498788, 498865, 498950, 499040, 499556, 499802, 500010, 500038, 500078, 500190, 500250, 500300, 500403, 500430, 500630, 500637, 500679, 500825, 500843, 501009, 501053, 501137, 501345, 501361, 501444, 501446, 501668, 501687, 501773, 501839, 502003, 502190, 502217, 502220, 502362, 502367, 502394, 502509, 502511, 502618, 503054, 503108, 503206, 503298, 503334, 503485, 503498, 503586, 503590, 503614, 503630, 503709, 503775, 503800, 503837, 503846, 503861, 503959, 504005, 504188, 504327, 504342, 504380, 504474, 504495, 504611, 504693, 504831, 504907, 504955, 504962, 504988, 504993, 505035, 505047, 505078, 505107, 505130, 505168, 505247, 505250, 505267, 505300, 505314, 505326, 505329, 505330, 505352, 505401, 505429, 505434, 505444, 505511, 505519, 505607, 505617, 505635, 505689, 505764, 505765, 505770, 505775, 505778, 505782, 505791, 505792, 505802, 505802, 505802, 505845, 505864, 505912, 505926, 505945, 505950, 506068, 506107, 506119, 506181, 506195, 506223, 506307, 506308, 506312, 506323, 506324, 506372, 506401, 506430, 506512, 506542, 506547, 506579, 506607, 506668, 506680, 506689, 506697, 506729, 506729, 506731, 506735, 506741, 506748, 506824, 506866, 506898, 506908, 506958, 506973, 506995, 506998, 507014, 507032, 507041, 507082, 507089, 507093, 507094, 507118, 507142, 507166, 507183, 507199, 507208, 507215, 507232, 507241, 507241, 507260, 507267, 507280, 507340, 507365, 507395, 507466, 507471, 507472, 507485, 507486, 507498, 507510, 507524, 507554, 507588, 507596, 507604, 507614, 507645, 507649, 507651, 507659, 507700, 507726, 507729, 507732, 507751, 507753, 507756, 507765, 507767, 507776, 507832, 507854, 507861, 507861, 507870, 507870, 507876, 507881, 507901, 507909, 507927, 507934, 507958, 508036, 508057, 508083, 508087, 508103, 508121, 508147, 508149, 508224, 508228, 508237, 508299, 508301, 508322, 508327, 508333, 508339, 508401, 508422, 508437, 508452, 508594, 508665, 508667, 508673, 508693, 508725, 508770, 508774, 508789, 508794, 508814, 508826, 508839, 508849, 508882, 508885, 508929, 508952, 509003, 509046, 509083, 509102, 509157, 509241, 509275, 509293, 509298, 509312, 509360, 509376, 509378, 509401, 509405, 509425, 509455, 509477, 509541, 509598, 509657, 509690, 509694, 509709, 509729, 509760, 509798, 509806, 509806, 509950, 509965, 510077, 510116, 510181, 510183, 510191, 510309, 510350, 510382, 510389, 510422, 510487, 510527, 510565, 510582, 510588, 510605, 510609, 510611, 510630, 510636, 510672, 510691, 510729, 510750, 510766, 510780, 510785, 510788, 510790, 510847, 510850, 510881, 510918, 510946, 510972, 510975, 511000, 511004, 511015, 511060, 511070, 511090, 511093, 511096, 511118, 511127, 511129, 511138, 511160, 511170, 511188, 511244, 511319, 511328, 511333, 511367, 511386, 511401, 511415, 511439, 511475, 511543, 511558, 511598, 511604, 511640, 511674, 511676, 511758, 511795, 511801, 511847, 511852, 511856, 511861, 511888, 511959, 511984, 511989, 511998, 512061, 512085, 512089, 512124, 512154, 512178, 512179, 512195, 512212, 512226, 512259, 512362, 512387, 512412, 512442, 512514, 512519, 512525, 512529, 512570, 512570, 512571, 512606, 512668, 512669, 512674, 512685, 512693, 512725, 512743, 512750, 512752, 512759, 512776, 512779, 512836, 512842, 512915, 512972, 513002, 513028, 513030, 513106, 513188, 513216, 513236, 513246, 513264, 513355, 513357, 513360, 513360, 513364, 513390, 513409, 513429, 513430, 513448, 513487, 513490, 513541, 513557, 513638, 513678, 513804, 513812, 513836, 513843, 513968, 513981, 513984, 514045, 514114, 514143, 514231, 514231, 514276, 514332, 514361, 514396, 514399, 514408, 514409, 514412, 514445, 514448, 514493, 514517, 514637, 514658, 514718, 514725, 514728, 514768, 514863, 514873, 514894, 514911, 514953, 515026, 515078, 515107, 515176, 515223, 515268, 515272, 515299, 515313, 515321, 515440, 515446, 515465, 515489, 515540, 515577, 515832, 515836, 515862, 515898, 516034, 516035, 516079, 516107, 516124, 516152, 516201, 516225, 516272, 516309, 516334, 516431, 516460, 516468, 516474, 516502, 516540, 516568, 516582, 516589, 516650, 76302, 85357, 9657 ]; var copyCat = [ 513573,484405,513621,422292,478814,513746,494425,508578,498070,500894,514046,514258,512116,466803,506234, 182070,154802,210716,326372,142623,479344,412017,195004,209847,483188,515140,506391,502722,497223,516057, 498655 ]; // Ignore the following script authors. This is to prevent known false-positive detections var whitelistUser = [ 501553, /* equazcion */ 474953, /* jixun67 */ 494707, /* yulei */ 202260, /* NLF */ /* ↓官方名单 */ 19916,297645,86416,103626 ]; // 一般是那些能消广告的被误报… 这个没办法… var whitelistScript = [ 89761, // The Pir*te Bay Ad Remover 89322, // AdsFight! 87011, // ViewTube 130917, // SaveTube 114002, // YouTube Center 126619, // iZhihu 我爱知乎 161883, // search_engineJump 修改版 165091, // CSDN 免积分下载 9310, // GoogleMonkeyR 114087 // 眼不见心不烦(新浪微博) ]; var scamScript = [ 162484, /* ↓官方名单 */ 124287, 165241, 142050, 165892, 165889 ]; // 数据库结束 console.log ('成功加载脚本 [ Userscripts.Org 风险脚本过滤器 ] 版本 ', GM_info.script.version, '。\n当前数据库共包含 无良作者 [', scammers.length, '] 个, 白名单作者 [', whitelistUser.length, '] 个, 黑名单脚本 [', scamScript.length, '] 个, 白名单脚本 [', whitelistScript.length, '] 个, 山寨脚本作者 [', copyCat.length, '] 个.'); // Set global variables var cScam, suspects = [], arrStates = []; /* Check for an existing session cookie: Ajax Range header for bandwidth limiting measure doesn't work without a session cookie. If one is not found, retrieve the login page once (without logging in), which creates the session cookie for us */ // Jixun: Don't see the point doing that. // If our toggle cookie doesn't exist yet, create it, so our toggle state can be saved $Get('ScamHide', true); // Set the expanded warning to be placed in the descriptions of suspected scam scripts var caution = '<span style="line-height:100%;color:darkred;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:-10px;display:block;">' + '该脚本可能为恶意脚本,' + '使用时请小心。<br />' + '<span class="reason" style="color:red;font-weight:bold;font-family:verdana;font-size:90%;line-height:150%;"></span></span><br />' + '<span style="font-weigth:bold;line-height:110%;">作者描述:</span> '; // Set update notice var notify = '<a style="font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none !important; border-bottom: 1px orange dotted;' + 'margin-left: 15px;" class="notify" target="_blank" href="' + thisScriptURL + '">' + '发现新版本, 建议更新!</a>'; // Insert our toggle link, along with fields to show # of detected scams and the auto-update notice var $table = $('table.forums .la:contains("Name"):first') .append(' ' + '<a href="#" class="autoToggle">过滤?</a> (' + '<span class="working" style="color:orange;text-shadow:0px 0px 5px #yellow;">扫描中…</span>' + ': ' + '<span class="total">0</span><span class="tog"></span>)' + '<span class="upd" style="display: block;"></span>'); var bTableMode = !$table.length; // Set toggle link hover effect $('a.autoToggle').hover( function(){ $(this).css('color','#FFDD11'); }, function(){ $(this).css('color','white'); } ); // Determine login status, which effects the location of elements on the page var loggedIn = (bUserLoggedIn); function checkIfAllDone () { if (bDebugScript) console.log (arrStates.join(), suspects); if (arrStates.join().indexOf('0') > -1) return; $('span.working').text('完毕').css('color','white').css('text-shadow',''); } checkPage($('tr[id^="scripts-"]')); function checkPage ($arg1) { $arg1.each(function(i,val){ // Extract script ID from row ID var self = this; id = $(self).attr('id').replace('scripts-',''); console.log ('Scanning:', id); suspects[i] = id; arrStates.push (0); if (!$$.firefoxMode) { // Get title length so we can determine where author code will be on the retrieved page var offset = $(this).find('a.title').attr('title').length; // Author code is further down for logged-in users, so add to the offset if we're logged in if (bUserLoggedIn) offset += 100; // Retrieve that section of the script's "fans" page var myHeader = {Range: "bytes=" + (offset + 1600) + "-" + (offset + 2300)}; } else { var myHeader = {}; } $.ajax({ url: location.protocol + '//userscripts.org/scripts/fans/' + suspects[i], dataType: 'text', headers: myHeader, cache: true, success: handOff1, fail: function () { setTimeout (function () { checkPage ($(self)); }, 500); } }); function handOff1(data){ // Hand off the retrieved description page to the checkScriptAuthor function checkScriptAuthor (data, suspects[i], i); } }); } function checkScriptAuthor(data ,id, index){ if (bDebugScript) console.log ('checkScriptAuthor', arguments); var uid = parseInt(id); // Get script author's ID from the retrieved script description page if (bTableMode) var author = parseInt (data); else var author = parseInt ((data.match(/user_id="(\d+?)"/i)||[,0])[1]); // Debug author offset console.log ('Id ::', id, 'by', author); // If the script's author is in our whitelist, move on if ($$.enableWhitelist && whitelistUser.indexOf(author) > -1){ tagGood ('认证作者', id, index); // If the script's author matches one of our known scammers, tag the script as a suspected scam } else if (scammers.indexOf(author) > -1){ tagScam ('已知的流氓脚本作者', id, '流氓作者', index); // Otherwise, retrieve the script code for scanning } else if (copyCat.indexOf(author) > -1) { console.log (author); tagScam ('这家伙不知道从哪里山寨过来的脚本', id, '山寨作者', index); } else if ($$.scanScript) { $.ajax({ url: location.protocol + '//userscripts.org/scripts/source/' + id + '.user.js', dataType: 'text', cache: true, success: function (data){ checkScript(data, uid, index); }}); // Jixun: Short the code. return; } else { checkScript('', uid, index); } } function htmlTagCheck (tagName) { return (new RegExp ('(\'|"|\<|\\/)([a-zA-Z\\s]+?|)' + tagName + '(\'|"|\<|\\/|\\s)', 'i')); } function batchTest ( data, arrRegExp ) { if (bDebugScript) console.log (arguments); arrRegExp.forEach ( function ( cRegExp ) { if (cRegExp.test (data)) return true; }); return false; } function checkScript(rawData, id, index){ if ($$.enableWhitelist && whitelistScript.indexOf(id) > -1){ tagGood ('认证脚本', id, index); return ; } else if (scamScript.indexOf(id) > -1){ tagScam ('已知的流氓脚本', id, '流氓脚本', index); return ; } if (rawData == '') { arrStates [index] = 1; checkIfAllDone (); return; } // Simple unpack of the code var data = unescape (rawData.replace(/\\u/gi, '%u')); if (bDebugScript) console.log ('checkScript', arguments); console.log ('Checking script :: ', id/*, '\n', data*/); // Skip scripts that don't contain at least one instance of the word "facebook" or "ultoo" // Jixun: But you'll never know if it sends data to another server or not. var arrReasons = []; // Check the script code for known scam patterns if ($$.autoSubscribe && /(action=|\/)subscribe/g.test(data)) arrReasons.push ('自动订阅'); if ($$.autoFollow && /follow(_|\/)/i.test(data)) arrReasons.push ('自动 Follow'); if ($$.evalFunc && (/p,a,c,k,e,(d|r)/.test(data.replace(/\s/g, '')) || /(;|=|\n|^)(\s+|)eval(\s+|)\(/.test(data)) ) arrReasons.push('脚本经过混淆或存在隐藏的注入危险'); if ($$.autoLike && /like\.php?href\=/i.test(data)) arrReasons.push('脸谱自动赞好'); if ($$.autoAddFriend && /(&|\?)action=add_friend/i.test(data)) arrReasons.push ('自动添加好友参数'); if ($$.readToken && /(&|\?)token[_=]/i.test(data)) arrReasons.push ('token 获取'); if ($$.hiddenPage && htmlTagCheck('frame').test(data)) arrReasons.push ('插入隐藏页面'); if ($$.remoteScript && htmlTagCheck('script').test(data)) arrReasons.push ('插入远程脚本'); if ($$.accessInternet && /xmlhttp/i.test(data)) arrReasons.push ('访问远程服务器'); // /([^a-z]pass(word|wd|)[^a-z]|pwd)/i if ($$.readPwd && /([^a-z]passw(ord|d|)[^a-z])/i.test (data)) // 密码窃取 arrReasons.push ('读取密码'); if ($$.autoJumpAd && /\.(\s+|)href(\s+|)=(\s+|)('|")([a-z0-9:\/\\]+)adf\.ly/i.test(data)) arrReasons.push ('跳到广告页'); if ($$.askfmScam && /((ask\.fm(.+?|)(like|ask|p(re|er)gunt))|(href\='Skype))/i.test(data)) arrReasons.push ('Ask.fm 欺诈'); if ($$.ultooScam && /('|")([a-z0-9\s]+|)PollUserName([a-z0-9\s]+|)('|")/i.test(data)) arrReasons.push ('Ultoo 欺诈'); if ($$.knownScamScript) if (knownScamPatten.test(data)) arrReasons.push ('调用已知恶意脚本'); if ($$.moneyBack) { // 防止資源浪費 if (batchTest (data, [ /\?pid=mm_/i, /amazon(\\|)\.(.+?)(\/|\?|&)(tag|prodid|asin|detailApp)=/i, /linktech(\\|)\.c/i, /sdo(.+?)(\/|\?|&)pid=/i, /(vancl|beifabook|xinhuabookstore)(\\|)\.com/i, moneybackPattenA, moneybackPattenB, moneybackPattenC ])) { arrReasons.push ('包含返利代码'); } } if (arrReasons.length >0) tagScam (arrReasons.join(', '), id, '风险脚本', index); else tagGood ('安全', id, index); } function tagScript (sReason, id, htmlColour, className, bHide, bCount, sCaution, tag, index){ if (bDebugScript) console.log (bTableMode); if (bTableMode) { $('#details h2.title:first') .prepend ('[' + tag + '] ').css({ 'color': htmlColour, 'font-size': '18px' }).after ($('<span>').css({ 'color': htmlColour }).text(sReason || '')); return; } if (bDebugScript) console.log ('tagScript', arguments); arrStates [index] = 1; checkIfAllDone (); toggleScams(false); // Set row selector var row = 'tr[id="scripts-' + id + '"] '; // Tag the suspected scam's HTML code // Show reason only on hover $(row).addClass(className).find('td.script-meat') .css('padding-bottom','0').hover(function(){ $('span.reason', this).show(); }, function(){ $('span.reason', this).hide(); }); // Hide the suspected scam if the cookie tells us the toggle is set to hide if (bHide) $(row).attr('hidden',''); // Tag the suspected scam visually using our preset messages $(sCaution).insertBefore($(row).find('a.title').css('color', htmlColour) .parent().find('p.desc')); // Set the text to use when tagging suspected scam scripts $(row).find('a.title').before($('<span>').css({ 'color': htmlColour }).text('[' + tag + '] ')); // Append reason text if (sReason) $(row + 'span.reason').text(sReason).append('<br />').hide(); // Increment the running count of detected scams if (bCount) $('span.total').text(parseInt($('span.total').text()) + 1); } function tagScam (reason, id, tag, index){ if (bDebugScript) console.log ('tagScam', arguments); tagScript ('原因: ' + reason, id, 'darkred', 'scam', ('true' == $Get('ScamHide')), true, caution, tag, index); } function tagGood (reason, id, index){ if (bDebugScript) console.log ('tagGood', arguments); tagScript (false, id, 'green', 'safe', false, false, '<span class="reason" style="color: green"></span>', reason, index); } function getToday () { // No round up. return parseInt(+new Date()/86400000); } $('#content h1,.container h2').first() .after('<span style="color: green; display: block;">即使脚本报告为安全,也应该多留个心眼。</span>'); // Check for single script. if (bTableMode) { checkScriptAuthor ($('span.author a[user_id]').attr('user_id'), scriptId, 0, true); } // Set the toggle link's click function $('a.autoToggle').click(function(){ toggleScams(true); }); // Make sure the toggle setting is in effect in case a toggle click occurred during the loop // toggleScams(false); function toggleScams(click){ if (bDebugScript) console.log ('toggleScams'); var cScamHide = ($Get('ScamHide') == 'true'); if (click) { cScamHide = !cScamHide; $Set('ScamHide', cScamHide); } if (cScamHide) hideScams(); else showScams(); } function hideScams(click){ $('tr.scam').addClass ('scamHide'); $('span.tog').text('个已隐藏'); } function showScams(click){ $('tr.scam').removeClass ('scamHide'); $('span.tog').text('个风险脚本'); } /* Auto-updater: Daily check. If an update is found, update notice displays on the current and next two subsequent page loads, then stops displaying again until following day. */ // Jixun: using time stamp. var cUpdater = parseInt($Get('ScamFilterUpdate', getToday() - 1)); if (bDebugUpdate) console.log ('cUpdater ::', cUpdater, thisScriptMetaURL); // If it's older than today then check. // Or the user don't want it update :( if ($$.dailyUpdate && cUpdater < getToday()){ // Retrieve the piece $.ajax({ url: thisScriptMetaURL, dataType: 'text', cache: false, success: checkUpdates }); } function checkUpdates(data){ if (bDebugUpdate) console.log ('Func :: checkUpdates ::', arguments); // Extract Scam Hider's current version number from the retrieved data... var currentVersion = (GM_info.script.version), latestVersion = ((data.match(/@version(\s+)(.+)/i)||[,,0])[2]); // Debug offset: console.log ('Installed version: ', currentVersion, 'Latest version: ', latestVersion ); // and compare it to the installed version number. if (currentVersion != latestVersion){ // If the current version number retrieved is greater than the installed version number, show our update notice. $('span.upd').html(notify); // Set the notification link's tooltip to show installed + latest versions $('a.notify').attr('title','当前版本: ' + currentVersion + '\n最新版本: ' + latestVersion); } else { // Script updated $Set ('ScamFilterUpdate', getToday()); } } });

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Friday, May 10, 2013
Userscripts.org 风险脚本过滤器
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