// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube Center Aligned // @namespace http://userscripts.org/users/332207 // @description Center aligns the Youtube page // @include *.youtube.com/* // @grant none // @run-at document-start // @version 2.3.3 // ==/UserScript== var YC = new Object(); // Delay between player width checks. Higher value = checks less frequently. Increase if you have a slow computer. YC.monitordelay = 20; // Watch page center style {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} YC.watchstyle = 1; // Centering style for large video player {1, 2} YC.largestyle = 1; // Player width used for monitoring player size changes YC.playerwidth = 0; // Parameters for monitoring content width change after page load for flex-width pages // Checks once every YC.monitordelay, YC.cmonitor_max times. Unlimited if YC.cmonitor_max < 0. YC.cmonitor_max = -1; YC.cmonitor_count = 0; // Initialize YC.init = function() { // Make sure we're not embedded if (window.top !== window.self) { return false; } // Determine page type if (window.location.pathname == '/watch') { this.pagetype = 'video'; } else if (document.getElementsByClassName('branded-page-v2-container').length) { this.pagetype = 'page-v2'; } else if (document.body.className.indexOf('flex-width-enabled') > -1) { this.pagetype = 'flex-width'; } else if (window.location.pathname == '/results') { this.pagetype = 'search'; } else { this.pagetype = 'default'; } return true; } // Center the page YC.centerPage = function() { // Center body document.body.classList.remove('site-left-aligned'); document.body.classList.add('site-center-aligned'); // Page type specific elements switch (this.pagetype) { case 'video': // Masthead fix document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.width = '1123px'; document.getElementById('yt-masthead-content').style.maxWidth = '750px'; // Position top search bar and page content based on watchstyle if (this.watchstyle == 1) { document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.position = 'relative'; document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.left = '-60px'; } else if (this.watchstyle == 2) { document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.position = 'relative'; document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.left = '-20px'; document.getElementById('page').style.left = '40px'; document.getElementById('page-container').style.overflow = 'hidden'; } else if (this.watchstyle == 3) { document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.position = 'relative'; document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.left = '20px'; document.getElementById('page').style.left = '80px'; document.getElementById('page-container').style.overflow = 'hidden'; } else if (this.watchstyle == 4) { document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.position = 'relative'; document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.left = '60px'; document.getElementById('page').style.left = '120px'; document.getElementById('page-container').style.overflow = 'hidden'; } else if (this.watchstyle == 5) { // Do nothing } // Navigation bar when viewing your own videos if (document.getElementById('masthead-subnav')) { document.getElementById('masthead-subnav').setAttribute('style', 'margin:0 auto !important;position:relative;left:30px;'); document.getElementById('guide-container') ? document.getElementById('guide-container').style.top = '40px' : ''; } // New watch page if (document.getElementById('watch7-main')) { // watch7-video is deprecated in the latest Youtube code, so width hardcoded to 955px here var watch7_main_width = 955; document.getElementById('watch7-main').style.width = watch7_main_width + 'px'; // Newer watch page if (document.getElementById('player')) { document.getElementById('player').style.width = watch7_main_width + 'px'; document.getElementById('player').style.position = 'relative'; document.getElementById('player').style.left = '30px'; document.getElementById('player').style.marginLeft = 'auto'; document.getElementById('player').style.marginRight = 'auto'; } // Fix for watch-7-main-container as of 2013.04.17 (replaces watch7-main fixes above?) if (document.getElementById('watch7-main-container')) { document.getElementById('watch7-main-container').style.width = watch7_main_width + 'px'; document.getElementById('watch7-main-container').style.position = 'relative'; document.getElementById('watch7-main-container').style.left = '30px'; document.getElementById('watch7-main-container').style.marginLeft = 'auto'; document.getElementById('watch7-main-container').style.marginRight = 'auto'; } // Playlist fix if (document.getElementById('watch7-playlist-data')) { document.getElementById('watch7-playlist-data').style.marginLeft = 'auto'; document.getElementById('watch7-playlist-data').style.marginRight = 'auto'; } } break; case 'page-v2': // Get current element widths // New classes: branded-page-v2-container, branded-page-v2-flex-width var content_page = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementsByClassName('branded-page-v2-container')[0]).getPropertyValue('width')); var content_guide = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('guide')).getPropertyValue('width')); var masthead_logo = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('logo-container')).getPropertyValue('width')); var masthead_user = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('yt-masthead-user')).getPropertyValue('width')); // Masthead fix document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.width = (content_page + content_guide) + 'px'; document.getElementById('yt-masthead-content').style.maxWidth = (content_page + content_guide - masthead_logo - masthead_user) + 'px'; // Content fix document.getElementById('page').style.width = (content_page + content_guide) + 'px'; break; case 'flex-width': // Get element widths var content_width = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('content')).getPropertyValue('width')); var masthead_logo = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('logo-container')).getPropertyValue('width')); var masthead_user = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('yt-masthead-user')).getPropertyValue('width')); // Masthead fix document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.width = content_width + 'px'; document.getElementById('yt-masthead-content').style.maxWidth = (content_width - masthead_logo - masthead_user) + 'px'; // Content fix document.getElementById('page').style.width = content_width + 'px'; break; case 'search': // Masthead fix document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.width = '1003px'; document.getElementById('yt-masthead-content').style.maxWidth = '640px'; // Content fix document.getElementById('page') ? document.getElementById('page').style.width = '1003px' : ''; break; case 'default': // Masthead fix var masthead_width = document.getElementById('page') ? Math.min(parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('page')).getPropertyValue('width')), 1003) : 1003; var masthead_content_width = masthead_width - 360; document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.width = masthead_width + 'px'; document.getElementById('yt-masthead-content').style.maxWidth = masthead_content_width + 'px'; break; } } // Prevent the guide slideout from breaking the page alignment YC.fixSlideout = function() { // Initial check document.body.className.indexOf('sidebar-collapsed') >= 0 ? document.body.classList.remove('sidebar-collapsed') : ''; document.body.className.indexOf('sidebar-expanded') == -1 ? document.body.classList.add('sidebar-expanded') : ''; // Onclick event if (document.getElementById('guide-container')) { document.getElementById('guide-container').onclick = function() { // Delay the onclick action because Youtube adds the sidebar-collapsed class via onclick as well setTimeout(function() { document.body.className.indexOf('sidebar-collapsed') >= 0 ? document.body.classList.remove('sidebar-collapsed') : ''; document.body.className.indexOf('sidebar-expanded') == -1 ? document.body.classList.add('sidebar-expanded') : ''; }, 0); }; } } // Make the dislike bar red like it used to be YC.showDislikes = function() { var els = document.getElementsByClassName('video-extras-sparkbar-dislikes'); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { els[i].style.backgroundColor = '#bc281c'; } } // Monitor player to detect changes in size to allow proper centering YC.monitorPlayer = function() { // Keep guide-container aligned with video player when resizing window document.getElementById('guide-container') ? document.getElementById('guide-container').style.left = document.getElementById('yt-masthead').offsetLeft + 'px' : ''; // Get current player width if (document.getElementById('movie_player')) { var currentwidth = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('movie_player')).getPropertyValue('width')); } else if (document.getElementById('player-api')) { var currentwidth = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('player-api')).getPropertyValue('width')); } else { // Exit gracefully return false; } // Check if player width has changed if (currentwidth != this.playerwidth) { // Set margin based on new width if (this.largestyle == 1) { if (currentwidth <= 640) { //var player_left = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('watch7-main')).getPropertyValue('left')); var player_left = 30; // New player element "player" document.getElementById('player') ? document.getElementById('player').style.left = player_left + 'px' : ''; document.getElementById('guide-container') ? document.getElementById('guide-container').style.marginLeft = '' : ''; } else if (currentwidth <= 945) { //var player_left = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('watch7-main')).getPropertyValue('left')); var player_left = 30; // New player element "player" document.getElementById('player') ? document.getElementById('player').style.left = player_left + 'px' : ''; document.getElementById('guide-container') ? document.getElementById('guide-container').style.marginLeft = '' : ''; } else { var margin = Math.round((945 - currentwidth) / 2); //var player_left = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('watch7-main')).getPropertyValue('left')); var player_left = 30; // New player element "player" document.getElementById('player') ? document.getElementById('player').style.left = (margin + player_left) + 'px' : ''; document.getElementById('guide-container') ? document.getElementById('guide-container').style.marginLeft = (margin) + 'px' : ''; } } else if (this.largestyle == 2) { if (currentwidth <= 640) { document.getElementById('page').style.left = 0; } else { var margin = Math.round((945 - currentwidth) / 2); margin > 0 ? document.getElementById('page').style.left = 0 : document.getElementById('page').style.left = margin + 'px'; } } // Update playerwidth this.playerwidth = currentwidth; } // Certain actions (i.e. add to playlist, maybe more?) cause the guide to slideout and break the video alignment YC.monitorSidebarClass(); setTimeout(function() { YC.monitorPlayer(); }, YC.monitordelay); } // Prevent guide slideout from breaking video alignment YC.monitorSidebarClass = function() { document.body.className.indexOf('sidebar-collapsed') >= 0 ? document.body.classList.remove('sidebar-collapsed') : ''; document.body.className.indexOf('sidebar-expanded') == -1 ? document.body.classList.add('sidebar-expanded') : ''; } // Monitor content width for flex-width pages YC.monitorContentWidth = function() { // Check if we need to continue monitoring if ( (YC.cmonitor_max >= 0) && (YC.cmonitor_count++ > YC.cmonitor_max) ) { return; } // Get element widths var content_width = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('content')).getPropertyValue('width')); var masthead_logo = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('logo-container')).getPropertyValue('width')); var masthead_user = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('yt-masthead-user')).getPropertyValue('width')); // Just in case #content does not exist content_width = Math.max(content_width, 940); // Masthead fix document.getElementById('yt-masthead').style.width = content_width + 'px'; document.getElementById('yt-masthead-content').style.maxWidth = (content_width - masthead_logo - masthead_user) + 'px'; // Content fix document.getElementById('page').style.width = content_width + 'px'; setTimeout(function() { YC.monitorContentWidth(); }, YC.monitordelay); } // Main function main() { if (YC.init()) { YC.centerPage(); YC.fixSlideout(); if (YC.pagetype == 'video') { YC.monitorPlayer(); YC.showDislikes(); } if (YC.pagetype == 'flex-width') { YC.monitorContentWidth(); } } } /** * Opera reads user.js files as greasemonkey notation with the following results: * - "Not permitted to use window.opera.addEventListener." Alternate addEvenetListener supported, but with wonky syntax * - DOES NOT WORK: addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main, false) * - WORKS: addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main(), false) * - Always runs after creating the DOM for the page; does not support // @run-at document-start * Opera reads .js files (NOT ending in user.js) as default with the following results: * - Allows use of window.opera.addEventListener * - WORKS: addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main, false) * - DOES NOT WORK: addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main(), false) * - "It is usually run before the DOM for the page has been completed," so // @run-at document-start is redundant * - Need to attach main() to an event listener, because DOM may not be ready when script is loaded. * More info: * - http://www.opera.com/docs/userjs/using/ (Adding User JavaScripts) * - http://www.opera.com/docs/userjs/examples/ (Greasemonkey scripts) */ if (window.opera) { // Opera's greasemonkey version of addEventListener() breaks try-catch on error, so it must be called first. try { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main(), false) } catch(err) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main, false) } } else { // FF, Chrome document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main, false); }

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Friday, May 10, 2013
Youtube Center Aligned
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