// ==UserScript== // @name AutoPagerize // @namespace http://swdyh.yu.to/ // @description loading next page and inserting into current page. // @include http://* // @include https://* // @exclude https://mail.google.com/* // @exclude http://b.hatena.ne.jp/* // @exclude http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php* // @exclude http://api.tweetmeme.com/button.js* // ==/UserScript== // // auther: swdyh http://d.hatena.ne.jp/swdyh/ // version: 0.0.60 2011-10-02T17:40:35+09:00 // // this script based on // GoogleAutoPager(http://la.ma.la/blog/diary_200506231749.htm) and // estseek autopager(http://la.ma.la/blog/diary_200601100209.htm). // thanks to ma.la. // // Released under the GPL license // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html // if (isGreasemonkey()) { var ep = getPref('exclude_patterns') if (ep && isExclude(ep)) { // FIXME // return } } else { gmCompatible() } var URL = 'http://autopagerize.net/' var VERSION = '0.0.60' var DEBUG = false var AUTO_START = true var CACHE_EXPIRE = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 var BASE_REMAIN_HEIGHT = 400 var FORCE_TARGET_WINDOW = getPref('force_target_window', true) var XHR_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000 var SITEINFO_IMPORT_URLS = [ 'http://wedata.net/databases/AutoPagerize/items.json', ] var COLOR = { on: '#0f0', off: '#ccc', loading: '#0ff', terminated: '#00f', error: '#f0f' } var SITEINFO = [ /* sample { url: 'http://(.*).google.+/(search).+', nextLink: 'id("navbar")//td[last()]/a', pageElement: '//div[@id="res"]/div', exampleUrl: 'http://www.google.com/search?q=nsIObserver', }, */ /* template { url: '', nextLink: '', pageElement: '', exampleUrl: '', }, */ ] var MICROFORMAT = { url: '.*', nextLink: '//a[@rel="next"] | //link[@rel="next"]', insertBefore: '//*[contains(@class, "autopagerize_insert_before")]', pageElement: '//*[contains(@class, "autopagerize_page_element")]', } var AutoPager = function(info) { this.pageNum = 1 this.info = info this.state = AUTO_START ? 'enable' : 'disable' var self = this var url = this.getNextURL(info.nextLink, document, location.href) if ( !url ) { debug("getNextURL returns null.", info.nextLink) return } if (info.insertBefore) { this.insertPoint = getFirstElementByXPath(info.insertBefore) } if (!this.insertPoint) { var lastPageElement = getElementsByXPath(info.pageElement).pop() if (lastPageElement) { this.insertPoint = lastPageElement.nextSibling || lastPageElement.parentNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')) } } if (!this.insertPoint) { debug("insertPoint not found.", lastPageElement, info.pageElement) return } this.requestURL = url this.loadedURLs = {} this.loadedURLs[location.href] = true var toggle = function() {self.stateToggle()} this.toggle = toggle GM_registerMenuCommand('AutoPagerize - on/off', toggle) this.scroll= function() { self.onScroll() } window.addEventListener("scroll", this.scroll, false) if (isFirefoxExtension()) { var div = document.createElement("div") div.setAttribute('id', 'autopagerize_icon') div.style.display = 'none' document.body.appendChild(div) this.icon = div } else if (isChromeExtension() || isSafariExtension() || isJetpack()) { var frame = document.createElement('iframe') frame.style.display = 'none' frame.style.position = 'fixed' frame.style.bottom = '0px' frame.style.left = '0px' frame.style.height = '25px' frame.style.border = '0px' frame.style.opacity = '0.8' frame.style.zIndex = '1000' frame.width = '100%' frame.scrolling = 'no' this.messageFrame = frame var u = settings['extension_path'] ? settings['extension_path'] + 'loading.html' : 'http://autopagerize.net/files/loading.html' this.messageFrame.src = u document.body.appendChild(frame) if (isSafariExtension()) { safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('launched', {url: location.href }) } else if (isChromeExtension()) { chrome.extension.connect({name: "launched"}).postMessage() } if (isJetpack()) { postMessage({name: 'launched', data: location.href }) } } else { this.initIcon() this.initHelp() GM_addStyle('@media print{#autopagerize_icon, #autopagerize_help {display: none !important;}}') this.icon.addEventListener("mouseover", function() { self.viewHelp() }, true) } var scrollHeight = getScrollHeight() var bottom = getElementPosition(this.insertPoint).top || this.getPageElementsBottom() || (Math.round(scrollHeight * 0.8)) this.remainHeight = scrollHeight - bottom + BASE_REMAIN_HEIGHT this.onScroll() var that = this document.addEventListener('AutoPagerizeToggleRequest', function() { that.toggle() }, false) document.addEventListener('AutoPagerizeUpdateIconRequest', function() { that.updateIcon() }, false) that.updateIcon() } AutoPager.prototype.getPageElementsBottom = function() { try { var elem = getElementsByXPath(this.info.pageElement).pop() return getElementBottom(elem) } catch(e) {} } AutoPager.prototype.initHelp = function() { var helpDiv = document.createElement('div') helpDiv.setAttribute('id', 'autopagerize_help') helpDiv.setAttribute('style', 'padding:5px;position:fixed;' + 'top:-200px;right:3px;font-size:10px;' + 'background:#fff;color:#000;border:1px solid #ccc;' + 'z-index:256;text-align:left;font-weight:normal;' + 'line-height:120%;font-family:verdana;') var toggleDiv = document.createElement('div') toggleDiv.setAttribute('style', 'margin:0 0 0 50px;') var a = document.createElement('a') a.setAttribute('class', 'autopagerize_link') a.innerHTML = 'on/off' a.href = 'javascript:void(0)' var self = this var toggle = function() { self.stateToggle() helpDiv.style.top = '-200px' } a.addEventListener('click', toggle, false) toggleDiv.appendChild(a) var s = '<div style="width:100px; float:left;">' for (var i in COLOR) { s += '<div style="float:left;width:1em;height:1em;' + 'margin:0 3px;background-color:' + COLOR[i] + ';' + '"></div><div style="margin:0 3px">' + i + '</div>' } s += '</div>' var colorDiv = document.createElement('div') colorDiv.innerHTML = s helpDiv.appendChild(colorDiv) helpDiv.appendChild(toggleDiv) var versionDiv = document.createElement('div') versionDiv.setAttribute('style', 'clear:both;') versionDiv.innerHTML = '<a href="' + URL + '">AutoPagerize</a> ver ' + VERSION helpDiv.appendChild(versionDiv) document.body.appendChild(helpDiv) var proc = function(e) { var c_style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(helpDiv, '') var s = ['top', 'left', 'height', 'width'].map(function(i) { return parseInt(c_style.getPropertyValue(i)) }) if (e.clientX < s[1] || e.clientX > (s[1] + s[3] + 11) || e.clientY < s[0] || e.clientY > (s[0] + s[2] + 11)) { helpDiv.style.top = '-200px' } } helpDiv.addEventListener('mouseout', proc, false) this.helpLayer = helpDiv GM_addStyle('#autopagerize_help a { color: #0f0; text-decoration: underline;}') } AutoPager.prototype.viewHelp = function() { this.helpLayer.style.top = '3px' } AutoPager.prototype.onScroll = function() { var scrollHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.body.scrollHeight) var remain = scrollHeight - window.innerHeight - window.scrollY if (this.state == 'enable' && remain < this.remainHeight) { this.request() } } AutoPager.prototype.stateToggle = function() { if (this.state == 'enable') { this.disable() } else { this.enable() } } AutoPager.prototype.enable = function() { this.state = 'enable' this.updateIcon() } AutoPager.prototype.disable = function() { this.state = 'disable' this.updateIcon() } AutoPager.prototype.updateIcon = function(state) { var st = state || this.state var rename = {'enable': 'on', 'disable': 'off' } if (rename[st]) { st = rename[st] } var color = COLOR[st] if (color) { if (isFirefoxExtension()) { chlorine.pageAction.update(color, location.href) } else if (isChromeExtension()) { chrome.extension.connect({name: "pageActionChannel"}).postMessage(color) } else if (isSafariExtension() || isJetpack()) { } else { this.icon.style.background = color } } } AutoPager.prototype.request = function() { if (!this.requestURL || this.lastRequestURL == this.requestURL) { return } this.lastRequestURL = this.requestURL var self = this var mime = 'text/html; charset=' + document.characterSet var headers = {} if (isSameDomain(this.requestURL)) { headers.Cookie = document.cookie } else { this.error() return } var opt = { method: 'get', url: this.requestURL, headers: headers, overrideMimeType: mime, onerror: function(res) { self.error() }, onload: function(res) { if (res.finalUrl && location.host == res.finalUrl.split('/')[2]) { self.requestLoad.apply(self, [res]) } else { self.error() } } } AutoPager.requestFilters.forEach(function(i) { i(opt) }, this) if (opt.stop) { this.requestURL = opt.url } else { this.showLoading(true) GM_xmlhttpRequest(opt) } } AutoPager.prototype.showLoading = function(sw) { if (sw) { this.updateIcon('loading') if (this.messageFrame && settings['display_message_bar']) { this.messageFrame.style.display = 'block' } } else { this.updateIcon('enable') if (this.messageFrame) { this.messageFrame.style.display = 'none' } } } AutoPager.prototype.requestLoad = function(res) { AutoPager.responseFilters.forEach(function(i) { i(res, this.requestURL) }, this) var htmlDoc = createHTMLDocumentByString(res.responseText) AutoPager.documentFilters.forEach(function(i) { i(htmlDoc, this.requestURL, this.info) }, this) try { var page = getElementsByXPath(this.info.pageElement, htmlDoc) var url = this.getNextURL(this.info.nextLink, htmlDoc, this.requestURL) } catch(e){ log(e) this.error() return } if (!page || page.length < 1 ) { debug('pageElement not found.' , this.info.pageElement) this.terminate() return } if (this.loadedURLs[this.requestURL]) { debug('page is already loaded.', this.requestURL, this.info.nextLink) this.terminate() return } this.loadedURLs[this.requestURL] = true page = this.addPage(htmlDoc, page) AutoPager.filters.forEach(function(i) { i(page) }) this.requestURL = url this.showLoading(false) this.onScroll() if (!url) { debug('nextLink not found.', this.info.nextLink, htmlDoc) this.terminate() } var ev = document.createEvent('Event') ev.initEvent('GM_AutoPagerizeNextPageLoaded', true, false) document.dispatchEvent(ev) } AutoPager.prototype.addPage = function(htmlDoc, page) { var HTML_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' var hr = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, 'hr') var p = document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, 'p') hr.setAttribute('class', 'autopagerize_page_separator') p.setAttribute('class', 'autopagerize_page_info') var self = this if (page[0] && page[0].tagName == 'TR') { var insertParent = this.insertPoint.parentNode var colNodes = getElementsByXPath('child::tr[1]/child::*[self::td or self::th]', insertParent) var colums = 0 for (var i = 0, l = colNodes.length; i < l; i++) { var col = colNodes[i].getAttribute('colspan') colums += parseInt(col, 10) || 1 } var td = document.createElement('td') // td.appendChild(hr) td.appendChild(p) var tr = document.createElement('tr') td.setAttribute('colspan', colums) tr.appendChild(td) insertParent.insertBefore(tr, this.insertPoint) } else { this.insertPoint.parentNode.insertBefore(hr, this.insertPoint) this.insertPoint.parentNode.insertBefore(p, this.insertPoint) } p.innerHTML = 'page: <a class="autopagerize_link" href="' + this.requestURL.replace(/&/g, '&') + '">' + (++this.pageNum) + '</a>' return page.map(function(i) { var pe = document.importNode(i, true) self.insertPoint.parentNode.insertBefore(pe, self.insertPoint) var ev = document.createEvent('MutationEvent') ev.initMutationEvent('AutoPagerize_DOMNodeInserted', true, false, self.insertPoint.parentNode, null, self.requestURL, null, null) pe.dispatchEvent(ev) return pe }) } AutoPager.prototype.initIcon = function() { var div = document.createElement("div") div.setAttribute('id', 'autopagerize_icon') with (div.style) { fontSize = '12px' position = 'fixed' top = '3px' right = '3px' background = COLOR['on'] color = '#fff' width = '10px' height = '10px' zIndex = '255' if (this.state != 'enable') { background = COLOR['off'] } } document.body.appendChild(div) this.icon = div } AutoPager.prototype.getNextURL = function(xpath, doc, url) { var nextLink = getFirstElementByXPath(xpath, doc) if (nextLink) { var nextValue = nextLink.getAttribute('href') || nextLink.getAttribute('action') || nextLink.value if (nextValue.match(/^http(s)?:/)) { return nextValue } else { var base = getFirstElementByXPath('//base[@href]', doc) return resolvePath(nextValue, (base ? base.href : url)) } } } AutoPager.prototype.terminate = function() { window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.scroll, false) this.updateIcon('terminated') var self = this setTimeout(function() { if (self.icon) { self.icon.parentNode.removeChild(self.icon) } if (isSafariExtension()) { var mf = self.messageFrame mf.parentNode.removeChild(mf) } }, 1500) } AutoPager.prototype.error = function() { this.updateIcon('error') window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.scroll, false) if (isSafariExtension() || isChromeExtension() || isJetpack()) { var mf = this.messageFrame var u = settings['extension_path'] ? settings['extension_path'] + 'error.html' : 'http://autopagerize.net/files/error.html' mf.src = u mf.style.display = 'block' setTimeout(function() { mf.parentNode.removeChild(mf) }, 3000) } } AutoPager.documentFilters = [] AutoPager.requestFilters = [] AutoPager.responseFilters = [] AutoPager.filters = [] var parseInfo = function(str) { var lines = str.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/) var re = /(^[^:]*?):(.*)$/ var strip = function(str) { return str.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, '') } var info = {} for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i].match(re)) { info[RegExp.$1] = strip(RegExp.$2) } } var isValid = function(info) { var infoProp = ['url', 'nextLink', 'pageElement'] for (var i = 0; i < infoProp.length; i++) { if (!info[infoProp[i]]) { return false } } return true } return isValid(info) ? info : null } var launchAutoPager = function(list) { if (list.length == 0) { return } for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { try { if (ap) { return } else if (!location.href.match(list[i].url)) { } else if (!getFirstElementByXPath(list[i].nextLink)) { // FIXME microformats case detection. // limiting greater than 12 to filter microformats like SITEINFOs. if (list[i].url.length > 12 ) { debug("nextLink not found.", list[i].nextLink) } } else if (!getFirstElementByXPath(list[i].pageElement)) { if (list[i].url.length > 12 ) { debug("pageElement not found.", list[i].pageElement) } } else { ap = new AutoPager(list[i]) return } } catch(e) { log(e) continue } } } var clearCache = function() { GM_setValue('cacheInfo', '') } var getCache = function() { try { return JSON.parse(GM_getValue('cacheInfo')) || {} } catch(e) { return {} } } var getCacheCallback = function(res, url) { if (res.status != 200) { return getCacheErrorCallback(url) } var info try { info = JSON.parse(res.responseText).map(function(i) { return i.data }) } catch(e) { info = [] } if (info.length > 0) { info = info.filter(function(i) { return ('url' in i) }) info.sort(function(a, b) { return (b.url.length - a.url.length) }) var r_keys = ['url', 'nextLink', 'insertBefore', 'pageElement'] info = info.map(function(i) { var item = {} r_keys.forEach(function(key) { if (i[key]) { item[key] = i[key] } }) return item }) cacheInfo[url] = { url: url, expire: new Date(new Date().getTime() + CACHE_EXPIRE), info: info } GM_setValue('cacheInfo', JSON.stringify(cacheInfo)) launchAutoPager(info) } else { getCacheErrorCallback(url) } } var getCacheErrorCallback = function(url) { var expire = new Date(new Date().getTime() + CACHE_EXPIRE) if (cacheInfo[url]) { cacheInfo[url].expire = expire launchAutoPager(cacheInfo[url].info) } else { cacheInfo[url] = { url: url, expire: expire, info: [] } } GM_setValue('cacheInfo', cacheInfo.toSource()) } var linkFilter = function(doc, url) { var base = getFirstElementByXPath('//base[@href]', doc) var baseUrl = base ? base.href : url var isSameBase = isSameBaseUrl(location.href, baseUrl) if (!FORCE_TARGET_WINDOW && isSameBase) { return } var anchors = getElementsByXPath('descendant-or-self::a[@href]', doc) anchors.forEach(function(i) { var attrHref = i.getAttribute('href') if (FORCE_TARGET_WINDOW && !attrHref.match(/^#|^javascript:/) && i.className.indexOf('autopagerize_link') < 0) { i.target = '_blank' } if (!isSameBase && !attrHref.match(/^#|^\w+:/)) { i.href = resolvePath(i.getAttribute('href'), baseUrl) } }) if (!isSameBase) { var images = getElementsByXPath('descendant-or-self::img', doc) images.forEach(function(i) { i.src = resolvePath(i.getAttribute('src'), baseUrl) }) } } AutoPager.documentFilters.push(linkFilter) fixResolvePath() if (typeof(window.AutoPagerize) == 'undefined') { window.AutoPagerize = {} window.AutoPagerize.addFilter = function(f) { AutoPager.filters.push(f) } window.AutoPagerize.addDocumentFilter = function(f) { AutoPager.documentFilters.push(f) } window.AutoPagerize.addResponseFilter = function(f) { AutoPager.responseFilters.push(f) } window.AutoPagerize.addRequestFilter = function(f) { AutoPager.requestFilters.push(f) } window.AutoPagerize.launchAutoPager = launchAutoPager var ev = document.createEvent('Event') ev.initEvent('GM_AutoPagerizeLoaded', true, false) document.dispatchEvent(ev) } var settings = {} var ap = null if (isChromeExtension()) { var port = chrome.extension.connect({name: "settingsChannel"}) port.postMessage() port.onMessage.addListener(function(res) { settings = res if (res['exclude_patterns'] && isExclude(res['exclude_patterns'])) { return } launchAutoPager(SITEINFO) var port_ = chrome.extension.connect({name: "siteinfoChannel"}) port_.postMessage({ url: location.href }) port_.onMessage.addListener(function(res) { launchAutoPager(res) chrome.extension.onConnect.addListener(function(port) { if (port.name == "toggleRequestChannel") { port.onMessage.addListener(function(msg) { if (ap) { ap.toggle() } }) } }) }) }) } else if (isSafariExtension()) { var re_exclude = /^(about:|safari-extension:)/ if (!location.href.match(re_exclude)) { safari.self.addEventListener('message', function(event) { if (event.name === 'settings') { settings = event.message safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('siteinfoChannel', {url: location.href }) } else if (event.name === 'siteinfoChannel') { if (!settings['exclude_patterns'] || !isExclude(settings['exclude_patterns'])) { launchAutoPager(SITEINFO) launchAutoPager([MICROFORMAT]) launchAutoPager(event.message) } } else if (event.name === 'toggleRequestChannel') { if (ap) { ap.toggle() } } else if (event.name === 'updateSettings') { settings = event.message } }, false) safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('settings') } } else if (isJetpack()) { postMessage({ name: 'settings' }) onMessage = function(message) { if (message.name == 'siteinfo') { // launchAutoPager(SITEINFO) launchAutoPager(message.data) } else if (message.name == 'settings') { settings = message.data if (settings['exclude_patterns'] && isExclude(settings['exclude_patterns'])) { // return } else { postMessage({ name: 'siteinfo', url: location.href }) launchAutoPager([MICROFORMAT]) } } } } else { launchAutoPager(SITEINFO) GM_registerMenuCommand('AutoPagerize - clear cache', clearCache) var cacheInfo = getCache() var xhrStates = {} SITEINFO_IMPORT_URLS.forEach(function(i) { if (!cacheInfo[i] || new Date(cacheInfo[i].expire) < new Date()) { var opt = { method: 'get', url: i, onload: function(res) { xhrStates[i] = 'loaded' getCacheCallback(res, i) }, onerror: function(res){ xhrStates[i] = 'error' getCacheErrorCallback(i) }, } xhrStates[i] = 'start' GM_xmlhttpRequest(opt) setTimeout(function() { if (xhrStates[i] == 'start') { getCacheErrorCallback(i) } }, XHR_TIMEOUT) } else { launchAutoPager(cacheInfo[i].info) } }) launchAutoPager([MICROFORMAT]) } // new google search sucks! if (location.href.match('^http://[^.]+\.google\.(?:[^.]{2,3}\.)?[^./]{2,3}/.*(&fp=)')) { var to = location.href.replace(/&fp=.*/, '') // console.log([location.href, to]) location.href = to } // utility functions. function createHTMLDocumentByString(str) { if (document.documentElement.nodeName != 'HTML') { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, 'application/xhtml+xml') } var html = strip_html_tag(str) var htmlDoc try { // We have to handle exceptions since Opera 9.6 throws // a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR exception for |document.cloneNode(false)| // against the DOM 3 Core spec. htmlDoc = document.cloneNode(false) htmlDoc.appendChild(htmlDoc.importNode(document.documentElement, false)) } catch(e) { htmlDoc = document.implementation.createDocument(null, 'html', null) } var fragment = createDocumentFragmentByString(html) try { fragment = htmlDoc.adoptNode(fragment) } catch(e) { fragment = htmlDoc.importNode(fragment, true) } htmlDoc.documentElement.appendChild(fragment) return htmlDoc } function getElementsByXPath(xpath, node) { var nodesSnapshot = getXPathResult(xpath, node, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE) var data = [] for (var i = 0; i < nodesSnapshot.snapshotLength; i++) { data.push(nodesSnapshot.snapshotItem(i)) } return data } function getFirstElementByXPath(xpath, node) { var result = getXPathResult(xpath, node, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE) return result.singleNodeValue } function getXPathResult(xpath, node, resultType) { var node = node || document var doc = node.ownerDocument || node var resolver = doc.createNSResolver(node.documentElement || node) // Use |node.lookupNamespaceURI('')| for Opera 9.5 var defaultNS = node.lookupNamespaceURI(null) if (defaultNS) { const defaultPrefix = '__default__' xpath = addDefaultPrefix(xpath, defaultPrefix) var defaultResolver = resolver resolver = function (prefix) { return (prefix == defaultPrefix) ? defaultNS : defaultResolver.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) } } return doc.evaluate(xpath, node, resolver, resultType, null) } function addDefaultPrefix(xpath, prefix) { const tokenPattern = /([A-Za-z_\u00c0-\ufffd][\w\-.\u00b7-\ufffd]*|\*)\s*(::?|\()?|(".*?"|'.*?'|\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.(?:\.|\d+)?|[\)\]])|(\/\/?|!=|[<>]=?|[\(\[|,=+-])|([@$])/g const TERM = 1, OPERATOR = 2, MODIFIER = 3 var tokenType = OPERATOR prefix += ':' function replacer(token, identifier, suffix, term, operator, modifier) { if (suffix) { tokenType = (suffix == ':' || (suffix == '::' && (identifier == 'attribute' || identifier == 'namespace'))) ? MODIFIER : OPERATOR } else if (identifier) { if (tokenType == OPERATOR && identifier != '*') { token = prefix + token } tokenType = (tokenType == TERM) ? OPERATOR : TERM } else { tokenType = term ? TERM : operator ? OPERATOR : MODIFIER } return token } return xpath.replace(tokenPattern, replacer) } function createDocumentFragmentByString(str) { var range = document.createRange() range.setStartAfter(document.body) return range.createContextualFragment(str) } function log(message) { if (typeof console == 'object') { console.log(message) } else { GM_log(message) } } function debug() { if ( typeof DEBUG != 'undefined' && DEBUG ) { console.log.apply(console, arguments) } } function getElementPosition(elem) { var offsetTrail = elem var offsetLeft = 0 var offsetTop = 0 while (offsetTrail) { offsetLeft += offsetTrail.offsetLeft offsetTop += offsetTrail.offsetTop offsetTrail = offsetTrail.offsetParent } offsetTop = offsetTop || null offsetLeft = offsetLeft || null return {left: offsetLeft, top: offsetTop} } function getElementBottom(elem) { var c_style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, '') var height = 0 var prop = ['height', 'borderTopWidth', 'borderBottomWidth', 'paddingTop', 'paddingBottom', 'marginTop', 'marginBottom'] prop.forEach(function(i) { var h = parseInt(c_style[i]) if (typeof h == 'number') { height += h } }) var top = getElementPosition(elem).top return top ? (top + height) : null } function getScrollHeight() { return Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.body.scrollHeight) } function isSameDomain(url) { if (url.match(/^\w+:/)) { var url_s = url.split(/[\/\?]/) return url_s[0] == location.protocol && location.host == url_s[2] } else { return true } } function isSameBaseUrl(urlA, urlB) { return (urlA.replace(/[^/]+$/, '') == urlB.replace(/[^/]+$/, '')) } function resolvePath(path, base) { if (path.match(/^https?:\/\//)) { return path } if (path.match(/^\?/)) { return base.replace(/\?.+$/, '') + path; } if (path.match(/^[^\/]/)) { return base.replace(/[^/]+$/, '') + path } else { return base.replace(/([^/]+:\/\/[^/]+)\/.*/, '\$1') + path } } function fixResolvePath() { if (resolvePath('', 'http://resolve.test/') == 'http://resolve.test/') { return } // A workaround for WebKit and Mozilla 1.9.2a1pre, // which don't support XML Base in HTML. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17423 // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=505783 var XML_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' var baseElement = document.createElementNS(null, 'base') var pathElement = document.createElementNS(null, 'path') baseElement.appendChild(pathElement) resolvePath = function resolvePath_workaround(path, base) { baseElement.setAttributeNS(XML_NS, 'xml:base', base) pathElement.setAttributeNS(XML_NS, 'xml:base', path) return pathElement.baseURI } } function strip_html_tag(str) { var chunks = str.split(/(<html(?:[ \t\r\n][^>]*)?>)/) if (chunks.length >= 3) { chunks.splice(0, 2) } str = chunks.join('') chunks = str.split(/(<\/html[ \t\r\n]*>)/) if (chunks.length >= 3) { chunks.splice(chunks.length - 2) } return chunks.join('') } function getPref(key, defaultValue) { var value = GM_getValue(key) return (typeof value == 'undefined') ? defaultValue : value } function wildcard2regep(str) { return '^' + str.replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?.$\^|,:#<!\\])/g, '\\$1').replace(/\x08/g, '\\x08').replace(/\*/g, '.*') } function isExclude(patterns) { var rr = /^\/(.+)\/$/ var eps = (patterns || '').split(/[\r\n ]+/) for (var i = 0; i < eps.length; i++) { var reg = null if (rr.test(eps[i])) { reg = eps[i].match(rr)[1] } else { reg = wildcard2regep(eps[i]) } if (location.href.match(reg)) { return true } } return false } // obsolete function isFirefoxExtension() { return (typeof chlorine == 'object') } function isChromeExtension() { return (typeof chrome == 'object') && (typeof chrome.extension == 'object') } function isSafariExtension() { return (typeof safari == 'object') && (typeof safari.extension == 'object') } function isGreasemonkey() { return (typeof GM_log == 'function') } function isJetpack() { // isFirefoxExtension is obsolete return (!isGreasemonkey() && !isSafariExtension() && !isChromeExtension() && !isFirefoxExtension()) } function gmCompatible() { GM_registerMenuCommand = function() {} GM_setValue = function() {} GM_getValue = function() {} GM_addStyle = function() {} uneval = function() {} fixResolvePath = function() {} resolvePath = function (path, base) { return path } if (isChromeExtension() || isSafariExtension()) { createHTMLDocumentByString = function(str) { if (document.documentElement.nodeName != 'HTML') { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, 'application/xhtml+xml') } // FIXME var html = str.replace(/<script(?:[ \t\r\n][^>]*)?>[\S\s]*?<\/script[ \t\r\n]*>|<\/?(?:i?frame|html|script|object)(?:[ \t\r\n][^<>]*)?>/gi, ' ') var htmlDoc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument ? document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('apfc') : document.implementation.createDocument(null, 'html', null) var range = document.createRange() range.selectNodeContents(document.documentElement) htmlDoc.documentElement.appendChild(range.createContextualFragment(html)) return htmlDoc } } return true }

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Sunday, October 2, 2011
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