// ==UserScript== // @name FarmVille Wall Manager // @namespace http://userscripts.org/users/23652 // @description Manages farmville wall posts; accepts bonuses, grabs bouquets, adopts animals, hatches eggs, and more // @include http://*.facebook.com/* // @include https://*.facebook.com/* // @exclude http://*.facebook.com/messages* // @exclude http://*.facebook.com/groups* // @exclude http://*.facebook.com/events* // @exclude http://*.facebook.com/*sk=media* // @exclude http://*.facebook.com/*sk=ru* // @exclude http://*.facebook.com/album* // @exclude http://*.facebook.com/photo* // @copyright JoeSimmons // @version 1.2.231 // @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ // @require http://sizzlemctwizzle.com/updater.php?id=96235&days=1 // @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/29910.user.js // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (function() { // use an anonymous function wrapper var version = "1.2.231"; // cant use cdata+regexp to grab version dynamically because of webkit // list of new options so they can be // highlighted for easy discovery on update var newOptions = new Array( "hauntedbrick", "goo", "knockers", "creepycandle", "materialscastleduckula", "banquetinvitation", "scarydecoration", "blindfold", "favors", "bighalloween", "bighalloweencookie", "calfmilky", "foalglowskeleton", "foalfrenchunicorn", "foalblackdartmoor", "foalhackneypalominopony", "foalwhiteminiunicorn", "foaldapplegray", "foalspottedappaloosa", "foalfairyunicorn", "foalminipegasus", "foalpurpleminiunicorn", "foalminibluemanegypsy", "foalblackminiunicorn", "tickets", "foalwingedunicorn", "halloweenmask", "lollipop" ); /* Updates to the script are posted in this thread http://userscripts.org/topics/52474 */ try { var unsafeWindow = unsafeWindow || window.wrappedJSObject || window; if(unsafeWindow.frameElement != null) return; } catch(e) {} var imgs = { logo : "http://i55.tinypic.com/1g2czr.png", icon : "http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v43/144/102452128776/app_2_102452128776_416.gif" }; // boolean to tell if the browser is running Greasemonkey or not var isGM = (typeof GM_getValue != 'undefined' && typeof GM_getValue('a', 'b') != 'undefined'); // Get ID function $(ID,root) {return (root||document).getElementById(ID);} Array.prototype.inArray = function(value) { for(var i=this.length-1; i>=0; i--) {if(this[i]==value) {return true;}} return false; }; Array.prototype.inArrayWhere = function(value) { for(var i=0,l=this.length; i<l; i++) {if(this[i]==value) {return i;}} return false; }; String.prototype.find = function(s) { return (this.indexOf(s) != -1); }; String.prototype.startsWith = function(s) { return (this.substring(0, s.length) == s); }; String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); }; // prepareRegex by JoeSimmons // Used to take a string and ready it for use in new RegExp() String.prototype.prepareRegex = function() { return this.replace(/([\[\]\*\^\&\$\.\(\)\?\/\\\+\{\}\|])/g, "\\$1"); }; // Define GM_addStyle if it's not Firefox var GM_addStyle = function(css) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], style = document.createElement('style'); if(head) { style.type = 'text/css'; try {style.innerHTML = css} catch(x) {style.innerText = css} head.appendChild(style); } }; // alignCenter by JoeSimmons // Instructions: Supply an id string or node element as a first argument function alignCenter(e) { var node = (typeof e=='string') ? document.getElementById(e) : ((typeof e=='object') ? e : false); if(!window || !node || !node.style) {return;} var style = node.style, beforeDisplay = style.display, beforeOpacity = style.opacity; if(style.display=='none') style.opacity='0'; if(style.display!='') style.display = ''; style.top = Math.floor((window.innerHeight/2)-(node.offsetHeight/2)) + 'px'; style.left = Math.floor((window.innerWidth/2)-(node.offsetWidth/2)) + 'px'; style.display = beforeDisplay; style.opacity = beforeOpacity; } // Fade by JoeSimmons. Fade in/out by id and choose speed: slow, medium, or fast // Syntax: fade('idhere', 'out', 'medium'); function fade(e, dir, s) { if(!e || !dir || typeof dir!='string' || (dir!='out'&&dir!='in')) {return;} // Quit if node/direction is omitted, direction isn't in/out, or if direction isn't a string dir=dir.toLowerCase(); s=s.toLowerCase(); // Fix case sensitive bug var node = (typeof e=='string') ? $(e) : e, // Define node to be faded speed = {slow : 400, medium : 200, fast : 50}; if(!s) var s='medium'; // Make speed medium if not specified if(s!='slow' && s!='medium' && s!='fast') s='medium'; // Set speed to medium if specified speed not supported if(dir=='in') node.style.opacity = '0'; else if(dir=='out') node.style.opacity = '1'; node.style.display=''; var intv = setInterval(function(){ if(dir=='out') { if(parseFloat(node.style.opacity)>0) node.style.opacity = (parseFloat(node.style.opacity)-.1).toString(); else { clearInterval(intv); node.style.display='none'; } } else if(dir=='in') { if(parseFloat(node.style.opacity)<1) node.style.opacity = (parseFloat(node.style.opacity)+.1).toString(); else { clearInterval(intv); } } }, speed[s]); } // $g by JoeSimmons. Supports ID, Class, and XPath (full with types) in one query // Supports multiple id/class grabs in one query (split by spaces), and the ability to remove all nodes regardless of type // See script page for syntax examples: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/51532 function $g(que, O) { if(!que||typeof(que)!='string'||que==''||!(que=que.replace(/^\s+/,''))) return false; var obj=O||({del:false,type:6,node:document}), r, t, idclass_re=/^[#\.](?!\/)[^\/]/, xp_re=/^\.?(\/{1,2}|count|id)/; if(idclass_re.test(que)) { var s=que.split(' '), r=new Array(), c; for(var n=0; n<s.length; n++) { switch(s[n].substring(0,1)) { case '#': r.push(document.getElementById(s[n].substring(1))); break; case '.': c=document.getElementsByClassName(s[n].substring(1)); if(c.length>0) for(var i=0; i<c.length; i++) r.push(c[i]); break; } } if(r.length==1) r=r[0]; } else if(xp_re.test(que)) { r = (obj['doc']||document).evaluate(que,(obj['node']||document),null,((t=obj['type'])||6),null); if(typeof t=="number" && /[12389]/.test(t)) r=r[(t==1?"number":(t==2?"string":(t==3?"boolean":"singleNode")))+"Value"]; } if(r && obj['del']===true) { if(r.nodeType==1) r.parentNode.removeChild(r); else if(r.snapshotItem) for(var i=r.snapshotLength-1; (item=r.snapshotItem(i)); i--) item.parentNode.removeChild(item); else if(!r.snapshotItem) for(var i=r.length-1; i>=0; i--) if(r[i]) r[i].parentNode.removeChild(r[i]); } return r; } // GM_config by JoeSimmons/sizzlemctwizzle/izzysoft var GM_config = { storage: 'GM_config', // This needs to be changed to something unique for localStorage init: function() { // loop through GM_config.init() arguements for(var i=0,l=arguments.length,arg; i<l; ++i) { arg=arguments[i]; switch(typeof arg) { case 'object': for(var j in arg) { // could be a callback functions or settings object switch(j) { case "open": GM_config.onOpen=arg[j]; delete arg[j]; break; // called when frame is gone case "close": GM_config.onClose=arg[j]; delete arg[j]; break; // called when settings have been saved case "save": GM_config.onSave=arg[j]; delete arg[j]; break; // store the settings objects default: var settings = arg; } } break; case 'function': GM_config.onOpen = arg; break; // passing a bare function is set to open // could be custom CSS or the title string case 'string': if(arg.indexOf('{')!=-1&&arg.indexOf('}')!=-1) var css = arg; else GM_config.title = arg; break; } } if(!GM_config.title) GM_config.title = 'Settings - Anonymous Script'; // if title wasn't passed through init() var stored = GM_config.read(); // read the stored settings GM_config.passed_values = {}; for (var i in settings) { GM_config.doSettingValue(settings, stored, i, null, false); if(settings[i].kids) for(var kid in settings[i].kids) GM_config.doSettingValue(settings, stored, kid, i, true); } GM_config.values = GM_config.passed_values; GM_config.settings = settings; if (css) GM_config.css.stylish = css; }, open: function() { if(document.evaluate("//iframe[@id='GM_config']",document,null,9,null).singleNodeValue) return; // Create frame document.body.appendChild((GM_config.frame=GM_config.create('iframe',{id:'GM_config', style:'position:fixed; top:0; left:0; opacity:0; display:none; z-index:999; width:75%; height:75%; max-height:95%; max-width:95%; border:1px solid #000000; overflow:auto;'}))); GM_config.frame.src = 'about:blank'; // In WebKit src cant be set until it is added to the page GM_config.frame.addEventListener('load', function(){ var obj = GM_config, frameBody = this.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], create=obj.create, settings=obj.settings; obj.frame.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(create('style',{type:'text/css',textContent:obj.css.basic+obj.css.stylish})); // Add header and title frameBody.appendChild(create('div', {id:'header',className:'config_header block center', innerHTML:obj.title})); // Append elements var anch = frameBody, secNo = 0; // anchor to append elements for (var i in settings) { var type, field = settings[i], value = obj.values[i]; if (field.section) { anch = frameBody.appendChild(create('div', {className:'section_header_holder', id:'section_'+secNo, kids:new Array( create('a', {className:'section_header center', href:"javascript:void(0);", id:'c_section_kids_'+secNo, textContent:field.section[0], onclick:function(){GM_config.toggle(this.id.substring(2));}}), create('div', {id:'section_kids_'+secNo, className:'section_kids', style:obj.getValue('section_kids_'+secNo, "none")=="none"?"display: none;":""}) )})); if(field.section[1]) anch.appendChild(create('p', {className:'section_desc center',innerHTML:field.section[1]})); secNo++; } anch.childNodes[1].appendChild(GM_config.addToFrame(field, i, false)); } // Add save and close buttons frameBody.appendChild(obj.create('div', {id:'buttons_holder', kids:new Array( obj.create('button',{id:'saveBtn',textContent:'Save',title:'Save options and close window',className:'saveclose_buttons',onclick:function(){GM_config.close(true)}}), obj.create('button',{id:'cancelBtn', textContent:'Cancel',title:'Close window',className:'saveclose_buttons',onclick:function(){GM_config.close(false)}}), obj.create('div', {className:'reset_holder block', kids:new Array( obj.create('a',{id:'resetLink',textContent:'Restore to default',href:'#',title:'Restore settings to default configuration',className:'reset',onclick:obj.reset}) )}))})); obj.center(); // Show and center it window.addEventListener('resize', obj.center, false); // Center it on resize if (obj.onOpen) obj.onOpen(); // Call the open() callback function // Close frame on window close window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function(){GM_config.remove(this);}, false); }, false); }, close: function(save) { if(save) { var type, fields = GM_config.settings, typewhite=/radio|text|hidden|checkbox/; for(f in fields) { var field = GM_config.frame.contentDocument.getElementById('field_'+f), kids=fields[f].kids; if(!field.className.find("separator")) { if(typewhite.test(field.type)) type=field.type; else type=field.tagName.toLowerCase(); GM_config.doSave(f, field, type); if(kids) for(var kid in kids) { var field = GM_config.frame.contentDocument.getElementById('field_'+kid); if(typewhite.test(field.type)) type=field.type; else type=field.tagName.toLowerCase(); GM_config.doSave(kid, field, type, f); } } } if(GM_config.onSave) GM_config.onSave(); // Call the save() callback function GM_config.save(); } if(GM_config.frame) GM_config.remove(GM_config.frame); delete GM_config.frame; if(GM_config.onClose) GM_config.onClose(); // Call the close() callback function }, set: function(name,val) { GM_config.values[name] = val; }, get: function(name) { return GM_config.values[name]; }, isGM: typeof GM_getValue != 'undefined' && typeof GM_getValue('a', 'b') != 'undefined', log: (this.isGM) ? GM_log : ((window.opera) ? opera.postError : console.log), getValue : function(name, def) { return (this.isGM?GM_getValue:(function(name,def){return localStorage.getItem(name)||def}))(name, def||""); }, setValue : function(name, value) { return (this.isGM?GM_setValue:(function(name,value){return localStorage.setItem(name,value)}))(name, value||""); }, save: function(store, obj) { try { var val = JSON.stringify(obj||GM_config.values); GM_config.setValue((store||GM_config.storage),val); } catch(e) { GM_config.log("GM_config failed to save settings!"); } }, read: function(store) { try { var val = GM_config.getValue((store||GM_config.storage), '{}'), rval = JSON.parse(val); } catch(e) { GM_config.log("GM_config failed to read saved settings!"); rval = {}; } return rval; }, reset: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var type, obj = GM_config, fields = obj.settings; for(f in fields) { var field = obj.frame.contentDocument.getElementById('field_'+f), kids=fields[f].kids; if(field.type=='radio'||field.type=='text'||field.type=='checkbox') type=field.type; else type=field.tagName.toLowerCase(); GM_config.doReset(field, type, null, f, null, false); if(kids) for(var kid in kids) { var field = GM_config.frame.contentDocument.getElementById('field_'+kid); if(field.type=='radio'||field.type=='text'||field.type=='checkbox') type=field.type; else type=field.tagName.toLowerCase(); GM_config.doReset(field, type, f, kid, true); } } }, addToFrame : function(field, i, k) { var elem, obj = GM_config, anch = GM_config.frame, value = obj.values[i], Options = field.options, label = field.label, create=GM_config.create, isKid = k!=null && k===true; switch(field.type) { case 'separator': elem = create("span", {textContent:label, id:'field_'+i, className:'field_label separator'}); break; case 'textarea': elem = create(isKid ? "span" : "div", {title:field.title||'', kids:new Array( create('span', {textContent:label, className:'field_label'}), create('textarea', {id:'field_'+i,innerHTML:value, cols:(field.cols?field.cols:20), rows:(field.rows?field.rows:2)}) ), className: 'config_var'}); break; case 'radio': var boxes = new Array(); for (var j = 0,len = Options.length; j<len; j++) { boxes.push(create('span', {textContent:Options[j]})); boxes.push(create('input', {value:Options[j], type:'radio', name:i, checked:Options[j]==value?true:false})); } elem = create(isKid ? "span" : "div", {title:field.title||'', kids:new Array( create('span', {textContent:label, className:'field_label'}), create('span', {id:'field_'+i, kids:boxes}) ), className: 'config_var'}); break; case 'select': var options = new Array(); if(!Options.inArray) for(var j in Options) options.push(create('option',{textContent:Options[j],value:j,selected:(j==value)})); else options.push(create("option", {textContent:"Error - options needs to be an object type, not an array.",value:"error",selected:"selected"})); elem = create(isKid ? "span" : "div", {title:field.title||'', kids:new Array( create('span', {textContent:label, className:'field_label'}), create('select',{id:'field_'+i, kids:options}) ), className: 'config_var'}); break; case 'checkbox': elem = create(isKid ? "span" : "div", {title:field.title||'', kids:new Array( create('label', {textContent:label, className:'field_label', "for":'field_'+i}), create('input', {id:'field_'+i, type:'checkbox', value:value, checked:value}) ), className: 'config_var'}); break; case 'button': var tmp; elem = create(isKid ? "span" : "div", {kids:new Array( (tmp=create('input', {id:'field_'+i, type:'button', value:label, size:(field.size?field.size:25), title:field.title||''})) ), className: 'config_var'}); if(field.script) obj.addEvent(tmp, 'click', field.script); break; case 'hidden': elem = create(isKid ? "span" : "div", {title:field.title||'', kids:new Array( create('input', {id:'field_'+i, type:'hidden', value:value}) ), className: 'config_var'}); break; default: elem = create(isKid ? "span" : "div", {title:field.title||'', kids:new Array( create('span', {textContent:label, className:'field_label'}), create('input', {id:'field_'+i, type:'text', value:value, size:(field.size?field.size:25)}) ), className: 'config_var'}); } if(field.kids) { var kids=field.kids; for(var kid in kids) elem.appendChild(GM_config.addToFrame(kids[kid], kid, true)); } return elem; }, doSave : function(f, field, type, oldf) { var isNum=/^[\d\.]+$/, set = oldf ? GM_config.settings[oldf]["kids"] : GM_config.settings; switch(type) { case 'text': GM_config.values[f] = ((set[f].type=='text') ? field.value : ((isNum.test(field.value) && ",int,float".indexOf(","+set[f].type)!=-1) ? parseFloat(field.value) : false)); if(set[f]===false) { alert('Invalid type for field: '+f+'\nPlease use type: '+set[f].type); return; } break; case 'hidden': GM_config.values[f] = field.value.toString(); break; case 'textarea': GM_config.values[f] = field.value; break; case 'checkbox': GM_config.values[f] = field.checked; break; case 'select': try { GM_config.values[f] = field.options[field.selectedIndex].value; } catch(e) {} break; case 'span': var radios = field.getElementsByTagName('input'); if(radios.length>0) for(var i=radios.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if(radios[i].checked) GM_config.values[f] = radios[i].value; } break; } }, doSettingValue : function(settings, stored, i, oldi, k) { var set = k!=null && k==true && oldi!=null ? settings[oldi]["kids"][i] : settings[i]; if(",save,open,close".indexOf(","+i) == -1) { // The code below translates to: // if a setting was passed to init but wasn't stored then // if a default value wasn't passed through init() then use null // else use the default value passed through init() // else use the stored value try { var value = (stored[i]==null || typeof stored[i]=="undefined") ? ((set["default"]==null || typeof set["default"]=="undefined") ? null : (set["default"])) : stored[i]; } catch(e) { var value = stored[i]=="undefined" ? (set["default"]=="undefined" ? null : set["default"]) : stored[i]; } // If the value isn't stored and no default was passed through init() // try to predict a default value based on the type if (value === null) { switch(set["type"]) { case 'radio': case 'select': value = set.options[0]; break; case 'checkbox': value = false; break; case 'int': case 'float': value = 0; break; default: value = (typeof stored[i]=="function") ? stored[i] : ""; } } } GM_config.passed_values[i] = value; }, doReset : function(field, type, oldf, f, k) { var isKid = k!=null && k==true, obj=GM_config, set = isKid ? obj.settings[oldf]["kids"][f] : obj.settings[f]; switch(type) { case 'text': field.value = set['default'] || ''; break; case 'hidden': field.value = set['default'] || ''; break; case 'textarea': field.value = set['default'] || ''; break; case 'checkbox': field.checked = set['default'] || false; break; case 'select': if(set['default']) { for(var i=field.options.length-1; i>=0; i--) if(field.options[i].value==set['default']) field.selectedIndex=i; } else field.selectedIndex=0; break; case 'span': var radios = field.getElementsByTagName('input'); if(radios.length>0) for(var i=radios.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if(radios[i].value==set['default']) radios[i].checked=true; } break; } }, values: {}, settings: {}, css: { basic: 'body {background:#FFFFFF;}\n' + '.indent40 {margin-left:40%;}\n' + '* {font-family: arial, tahoma, sans-serif, myriad pro;}\n' + '.field_label {font-weight:none; font-size:12px; margin-right:6px;}\n' + '.block {display:block;}\n' + '.saveclose_buttons {\n' + 'margin:16px 10px 10px 10px;\n' + 'padding:2px 12px 2px 12px;\n' + '}\n' + '.reset, #buttons_holder, .reset a {text-align:right; color:#000000;}\n' + '.config_header {font-size:20pt; margin:0;}\n' + '.config_desc, .section_desc, .reset {font-size:9pt;}\n' + '.center {text-align:center;}\n' + '.section_header_holder {margin-top:8px;}\n' + '.config_var {margin:0 0 4px 0; display:block;}\n' + '.section_header {font-size:13pt; background:#414141; color:#FFFFFF; border:1px solid #000000; margin:0;}\n' + '.section_desc {font-size:9pt; background:#EFEFEF; color:#575757; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; margin:0 0 6px 0;}\n' + 'input[type="radio"] {margin-right:8px;}', stylish: ''}, create: function(a,b) { var ret=window.document.createElement(a); if(b) for(var prop in b) { if(prop.indexOf('on')==0) ret.addEventListener(prop.substring(2),b[prop],false); else if(prop=="kids" && (prop=b[prop])) for(var i=0; i<prop.length; i++) ret.appendChild(prop[i]); else if(",style,accesskey,id,name,src,href,for".indexOf(","+prop.toLowerCase())!=-1) ret.setAttribute(prop, b[prop]); else ret[prop]=b[prop]; } return ret; }, center: function() { var node = GM_config.frame, style = node.style, beforeOpacity = style.opacity; if(style.display=='none') style.opacity='0'; style.display = ''; style.top = Math.floor((window.innerHeight/2)-(node.offsetHeight/2)) + 'px'; style.left = Math.floor((window.innerWidth/2)-(node.offsetWidth/2)) + 'px'; style.opacity = '1'; }, run: function() { var script=GM_config.getAttribute('script'); if(script && typeof script=='string' && script!='') { func = new Function(script); window.setTimeout(func, 0); } }, addEvent: function(el,ev,scr) { el.addEventListener(ev, function() { typeof scr == 'function' ? window.setTimeout(scr, 0) : eval(scr) }, false); }, remove: function(el) { if(el && el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); }, toggle : function(e) { var node=GM_config.frame.contentDocument.getElementById(e); node.style.display=(node.style.display!='none')?'none':''; GM_config.setValue(e, node.style.display); }, }; // end gm config var main = { // random assortment of vars pendingRefresh : false, delay : false, configOpenWait : false, paused : false, pauseClick : false, boxFull : false, pauseCount : 0, openCount : 0, reqTO : 30000, profile : "", acceptedText : "Got this!", failText : "Already taken or expired!", // Changeable vars for adaptation to other games (ease of use) streamID : "contentArea", //stream : ($("home_stream") || $("pagelet_intentional_stream") || $("contentArea")), get stream() { return ($("home_stream") || $("pagelet_intentional_stream") || $(main.streamID)); }, get realStream() { return ($("home_stream") || $("pagelet_intentional_stream") || $(main.streamID)); }, navID : "navItem", navIDnf : "navItem_nf", gameID : "102452128776", // game id gameURLpart : "onthefarm", // game url folder for apps.facebook.com/HERE/ (only some games have this) gameName : "FarmVille", gameAcronym : "FVWM", scriptHomeURL : "http://chargraph.com/josh/fvwm/", gameKeyUrlKeyword : "key=", // used in the regex and xpath to look for "key=" or "sk=" or whatever it may be xpQueryTextExcludes : ["Visit", "Fertilize their", "Lend a Hand", "Send Materials", "Send materials", "is looking for something", "wants to send a big", "wants to share", "found some", "has found a", "found a", "found some fuel", "is trying to", "could really use some help", "new FarmVille puppy is hungry", "wants YOU to help", "just completed level", "was working in the stables", "finished growing", "has completed a", "finished a job", "is hosting a barn raising", "is working hard on", "on up to", "Send puppy kibble", "Join their Co-op", "Play FarmVille Now", "Play FarmVille now", "Play FarmVille", "Feed their chickens", "Send Ingredients", "Send Shovels", "Accept", "Download from iTunes", "Send Supplies", "Send Vehicle Parts", "Send Watering Cans", "Send Building Parts", "Get a makeover too", "Help them out", "Send doggie treats", "Check Out Present", "Send Parts", "Visit Model Farm now", "Send Love", "Send Gold", "Join them now", "Visit GagaVille", "Visit Trading Post", "Start Trading"], // empty options object for later modification opts : {}, // all regexps are stored here whichRegex : /(lollipop|halloween mask|tickets|creepy candle|goo(d)?|haunted brick|knockers|scary decoration|banquet invitation|blindfold|favors|tasty fish|popcorn machine|blue ribbon|apple(?! wood basket)( basket| barrel)?|pinto|(red |gray )?horse|send horse (saddle|tiara|comb|shoe)|carrot on a stick|sugar cubes?|saddle|bridle|white llama|milking shorthorn|goat|brass cow bell|cow( collar| treat| tether)?|salt lick|milk bucket|boots|overalls|livestock tags|hay( bundle)?|wire|oat sack|tree fertilizer|(hobby )?horse(head)? rake|log|stone|bird (seed bunch|nest|whistle)|monkey mask|zoo tickets|zookeeper hat|donate|black tabby|pet bed|chew toy|catnip|pacifier|painted wood|water pump|squirrel feeder|raccoon|(fence|scratch) post|shrub|grazing grass|scritchy brush|eau du skunk|animated butterflies|small pond|rainbow mystery|fairy wand|fruit crate|green gazing ball|fuchsia greenery|storybook|toadstool|buck|raffle (poster|ticket|drum)|fuzzy dice|wrench|clamp|pipe|white (goose|mustang)|turtle|racing stripe|picnic set|burlap sack|milk jug|manure bag|wool (blanket|bundle)|((poplar|apple) wood|cherry|orange|lemon|walnut|maple syrup) basket|hinges?|sow|rope|axle|gear|flower bed|airship patch|grape juice|glitter|join team|(place )?order|magnet|flowerbed|piggy toy|vip ticket|hammer|concrete|twine|elbow grease|aster flower fence|pot of english rose|xp|praise|lemon( tree)?|boar|flowers|old books|electric torch|cheese culture|tractor|(goldeneye|warder) duck|night[ie]ngale|animated butterfly|pint glass|mouse trap|postcard|love potion|coins|calf|farmhands|sheep( shampoo)?|tree?( house)?|send (luck|sprinker|grow light)|cat|(chef |leprechaun )?gnome|irish cottage|rabbit|fertilize all|lucky|english hat|pink pig|love balloon|(send|get) one|duckling|chocolate|rsvp|firework|retaliate|revenge|magic hat|pile of snow|snowman (scarf|button)|baby (bonnets|calf|animal)|chicken|special delivery|ice sculpture|wrapping paper|boost|reindeer|holiday (lights?|treats?|gifts?)|difference|send a (bushel|turkey)|give item( to)?|animal|(send |animal )?feed|play|fruit cake|watering cans?|mystery (seedling|gift)|truffle|(wrapped )?candy( corn)?|(vehicle )?parts?|sample|seeds|bushel|catch a|reward|(?!hatch )an egg|eggs|decoration|bonus|hatch|adopt|bouquet|perfect bunch|present|fuel|help|collectible|flag|get materials|valentines?|claim|some|gold|bamboo|reed thatch|(send )?(baby )?bottle(s)?|(picnic )?blanket|smoker|beeswax|brick|nail|wooden board|horseshoe|harness|sawhorse|floral bracket|(steel|green) beam|glass sheet|white (willow|trellis)|irrigation pipe|honeybee|queen bee)/i, claimRegex : /(apple|goo|haunted brick|creepy candle|knockers|bridle|saddle|hay bundle|wire|log|stone|steel beam|painted wood|water pump|fence post|shrub|grazing grass|wrench|clamp|pipe|hinge|tin sheet|screwdriver|spade|pail|crab|beach ball|pair of sunglasses|rope|axle|gear|hammer|concrete|twine|animal feed|lucky penny|special delivery|shovel|duck|horse|dutch rabbit|snowflake pole|holiday(?! gift)|firework|chicken|elf gnome|(mystery|holiday) gift|reindeer|stuffing|leaf candle|spiced cider|fruit cake|casserole|watering can|vehicle part|brick|nail|wooden board|truffle|good|seeds|bottle|blanket|harness|horseshoe|beeswax|smoker|kibble|dog treat|honeybee|date|banana|ginkgo|olive|yellow|red|mango|jackfruit|cashew|walnut)( tree)?/i, ampRegex : /&/g, spaceRegex : /\s+/g, spaceCharsRegex : /[\s\n ]+/g, threeDotRegex : /\.{3}/g, colorRegex : /(winged unicorn|(mini )?donkey|black dartmoor|dapplegray|thoroughbred|apple|(glow )?skeleton|batwing|tennessee|brumby|(mini )?pegasus|black (belgian|arabian)|peruvian|trotter|trakehner|draft|fall|quarter|new england|zebra unicorn|standardbred|friesian|arabian|black n white|fairy( mini| pink |unicorn)?|maremmano|flowered|comtois|vineyard( mini)?|camarillo|french( mini)?|rainbow( mini| pony)?|(?!white )(bay )?andalusian|charro|american|galiceno|azteca|golden (mini|stallion|pony)|hanoverian|swiss warmblood|clown|(mini )?party|chrome|bedazzled|zesty|welsh|hackney|royal( steed)?|king|cleveland bay|suffolk|(black |white )?shire|(small )?irish( hunter| cob)?|english|carnival|polka dots|clover|persian|dexter|falabella|knight|mongolian|yellow|valentine|icelandic|asian wild|fjord|disco|new year|holiday|paint|(black |blue mane |brown |pink )?gypsy( stallion)?|harvest( pony)?|nightmare( pony)?|poncho|rhode island red|(mini )?candy (corn|cane)( pony)?|autumn|forest|western longhorn|saddle|ossabaw|strawberry|spotted|potbelly|buckskin( mini)?|palouse|camargue|(black |pink |purple |snow )?stallion( mini)?|(black )?mini(?! appaloosa)(ature)?( candycane)?|(?!new england )(red )?pinto( mini)?( pony)?|white(-tailed)?|morgan( stallion)?|red brown|simmental|breton|party|belted|haflinger|cream (draft|mini)|groovy|holstein|mouflon|(white )?mustang|tuscan|longhorn|(mini )?appaloosa|neapolitan|boer|chocolate|clydesdale|(black )?percheron|silver|(black|blue|connemara|dales|dartmoor|eriskay|exmoor|fairy|golden|merens|new forest|pottok|pink|purple|shamrock|shetland|silver|walking|yakut) pony(tail)?|(green|pink) patch|kelly green|red|purple( mini)?|(reit)?pony(?!tail)|green|pink|brown( pinto)?|black|blue|baby|white|gr[ae]y)(?=.+)/i, animalRegex : /((?!mini )appaloosa(?! foal)|(?!zebra )unicorn|(?!buckskin )(?!black )(?!cream )(?!fairy )(?!french )(?!golden )(?!pinto )(?!purple )(?!rainbow )(?!stallion )(?!valentine )(?!vineyard )min(?!i)(?!ature)(?! party)(?! appaloosa)(?! candycane)(?! foal)|pinto(?! mini)(?! pony)(?! foal)|an egg|andalusian(?! foal)|a baby|mystery baby|quarter(?! foal)|percheron(?! foal?)|bedazzled(?! foal)|moiled|boar|piglet|lamb|thoroughbred(?! foal)|elephant|reindeer|chic|stallion(?! mini)(?! foal?)|buck(?!skin)|pig|llama|goat|cow|turtle|turkey|sheep|kitten|kitty|duck(ling)?|rabbit|bull|penguin|horse|calf?|foal?|pony(?!tail)(?! foal?))/i, calfRegex : /(?:found a|found an|found an adorable|grew into a) (american|ayrshire|autumn|baby|belted|black angus|(black |milking )?shorthorn|blue( ox)?|b0v1n3-11|brown( swiss)?|bull|canadienne|candy cane|charolais|chocolate|chrome|devon|dexter|disco|english|fairy|fall|fan|flower|frankenstein bride|galician blond|gelbvieh|gray jersey|green( patch)?|grey oxen|groovy|guernsey|hereford|highland|holiday|holstein( bull)?|irish kerry|irish moiled( bull)?|jersey|kelly green|milky|mohawk|neapolitan|new year|nightmare|norwegian red|panda|pineywoods|pink( patch)?( bull)?|purple( valentine)?|rainbow|randall( bull)?|red( brown| heart)?|robot|sailor|simmental|skeleton|tuscan|valentine|vineyard|welsh black|(western )?longhorn|yellow patch|(yellow )?referee) calf/i, foalRegex : /(?:found an adorable) (american( quarter)?|(spotted )?appaloosa( mini)?|apple|asian wild|autumn|azteca|batwing|(bay |white )?andalusian|bedazzled|black( mini)?( unicorn)?( arabian| belgian| cherry| dartmoor| gypsy|n white mini| percheron| shire| stallion)?|(mini )?blue mane gypsy|breton|brown( gypsy)?|(brown |red |new england )?pinto( mini)?|brumby|buckskin( mini)?|camargue|camarillo|candy cane|candy corn( pegasus| stallion| unicorn)?|carnival|charro|chrome( pegasus)?|cleveland bay|clown|clydesdale( stallion)?|comtois|cream (draft|mini)|dapplegray|disco|(mini )?donkey|draft|fairy( mini| pink| unicorn)?|falabella|fjord|flowered|forest|french (mini|percheron|unicorn)|galiceno|golden (mini|stallion)|green|grey|gypsy( stallion)?|hackney|haflinger|hanoverian|harvest( pony)?|high kick|icelandic|irish (cob|hunter)|lavender pegasus|king|knight|maremmano|mini candycane|mini candy corn|(mini )?party|mini zebra pegasus|miniature|mongolian|morgan( stallion)?|mule baby|mustang|new year|nightmare( pony| unicorn)?|paint|palouse|(mini )?pegasus|percheron|peruvian|pink( gypsy| saddled| stallion| unicorn)?|pseudocorn|purple( bedazzled| stallion)?( mini)?( unicorn)?|quarter|rainbow( pony| mini| stallion)?|red|reitpony|royal( steed)?|saddle|silver|(glow )?skeleton( unicorn)?|small irish cob|spectator|stallion mini|standardbred|suffolk|swiss warmblood|tennessee|trakehner|valentine( mini)?|vineyard( mini)?|welsh|white( mustang| pegasus)?( mini)?( unicorn)?|(white )?shire|(white )?thoroughbred|zesty|(black|blue|connemara|dales|dartmoor|eriskay|exmoor|fairy|golden|hackney palomino|merens|new forest|pottok|pink|pinto|purple|shamrock|shetland|silver|walking|yakut) pony(tail)?|(arabian|chestnut mini|cream|friesian|snow|trotter) stallion|(candycane|clover|lady gaga|mexican|winged|yellow|zebra) unicorn) foal/i, yakRegex : /(?:found an adorable) ((gray |black )?baby) yak/i, eggRegex : /(?:premium |uncommon |rare |treasured )?(apple|candycorn|buttercup|araucana|marans|faverolles|party|english|candycane|rainbow|rhode island red|scots grey|cornish|white|brown|black|golden)( mystery)?( eggs?)/i, treeRegex : /(?:grew up to become a )?((big |giant )?(halloween( cookie| candy)?|(shinko|bradford) pear|european (aspen|beech|pear)|umbrella bamboo|lombardy poplar|melaleuca|candelabra|african tulip|chicle|mossy|spider|(halloween|jack o) lantern|(fire|elberta) peach|candy corn|fairy|coin|magic (orange|peach)|fleur de lis|july (confetti|ice cream)|father|ice cream|snowcone|cupcake|jewel|(red |pink )?gem( fruit)?|ribbon flower|wedding|spring egg|lucky cookie|chocolate heart|(dark|candy|golden|rainbow|sour|crab|granny smith|caramel) apple|mardi gras|mac&cheese|rainbow|(bell|star) flower|cocoa( truffle)?|french bread|monterey cypress|(july )?balloon|vera wood|mimosa silk|black locust|boom|ash|purple (hanging flower|magnolia)|royal crystal|midland hawthorn|(cork |pin )?oak|crack willow|(weeping|downy) birch|wych elm|pink dogwood|chinese (lantern|strawberry|tamarisk)|(mint|heart) candy|(red|speckled) alder|hazelnut|disco ball|holiday|mistletoe|ornament( tree ii)?|(red |umbrella |white )?pine|(purple )?bubble ?gum|tamarind|gulmohar|peach palm|cuban banana|mountain ebony|amherstia|(bird|black|chrome|rainier|rainbow) cherry|bahri date|autumn ginkgo|ponderosa lemon|key lime|manila mango|(picholine|mission) olive|blood orange|angel red pomegranate|(japanese|silver) maple|star ruby grapefruit|golden (apple|apricot|malayan coconut|plum|starfruit)|hass avocado|(ruby|sartre) guava|longan|breadnut|(bay|indian) laurel|alma fig|white (cedar|plumeria|walnut)|chanee durian|yellow passion fruit|singapore jackfruit|wild (cashew|service)|dwarf almond))( tree)?/i, materialRegex : /(castle duckula|count duckula's castle|horse paddock|cow pasture|cove|aviary|zoo|pet run|wildlife habitat|crafting silo|water wheel|craftshop|(botanical|spring) garden|(livestock|pig|sheep) pen|pigpen|(bedazzled|leprechaun's) cottage|greenhouse|duck pond|cupid's castle|party barn|snowman|winter workshop|(gingerbread|fun|haunted) house|turkey roost|orchard|garage|maison|japanese barn|beehive|nursery|stable)/i, teamRegex : /(?:just started the|just finished the|just mastered a level of)?(farmhand|yellow racer tractor|stone (wall|archway)|fertilize all|(dainty|iron|pine) fence i(i)?|shovel|(fuel|watering) can|arborist|lamp post|animal feed|vehicle part|swiss cabin|milking stool|scythe|horse sculpture|beach ball|brick|wooden board|nail|lucky penny|bottle|love potion|england postcard|modern table|puppy kibble|dog treat|moat( corner)?( i(i|ii|v)?)?|castle bridge)( recipe)?/i, itemAllowedRegex : /(^collectible|^bushel|truffle|raising|fuel|giveitemto|sendabushel|sendfeed|sendaturkey|lovepotion)/, keyRegex : null, // will be changed after main is defined - bug frHostRegex : /frHost=([^&%]+)/, nRegex : /\n+/g, textRegex : /\w+ \w+.*/, phpRegex : /#\/.*\.php/, numberRegex : /\d+/, timeRegex : /(\d+|about an?|a few) (seconds?|minutes?|hours?|days?) ago/, profileRegex : /facebook\.com\/([^?]+)/i, postStatusRegex : / ?item(done|neutral|processing|failed|error)/, accTextRegex : /(congrat(ulation)?s|snowball thrown|hooray|play farmville|they want you to have this|you just agreed|lucky you|thanks for helping|just gave you|would you like|you've (been awarded|taken in|already (accepted|helped|collected|received|claimed))|yee-haw|your gift box|(wants |do )?you (already (have|hatched)|have already|collected a|just unlocked|helped|can only (claim|help)|to have this|want to|can find it in your)|it will be in your gift box)/i, failTextRegex : /(sorry(?!, you have already received)|exceeded your limit|expired|(whoa|woah)(?! there! you can only (claim|help)| there farmer! you're already)|hold on|come back later|(had enough|received plenty of|thanks for trying to) help|someone already|only available for|try again|no room|proceed to send|slow down)/i, accURLRegex : /(give_home|not_owned)/, boxFullRegex : /(claimed all the rewards you can|leaving the bits in the dust|you have exceeded your limit|gift box is full|exceeded)/i, emptyRegex : /\s*/g, gameUrlPHPPage : /index\.php/, whichBerriesRegex : /(fruit bar|sorbet|preserves|dried berries|berry basket)/, whichCitrusRegex : /(bubble gum|juicer|sherbet|fruit wedges|citrus peel)/, whichCowsRegex : /(cow bell|milking (bucket|stool)|milk bottle|more cowbell)/, whichFlowersRegex : /(corsage|hummingbird|dried petals|butterfly|pollen)/, whichGrainsRegex : /(grindstone|scythe|bran|chaff|flour)/, whichSquashRegex : /(pumpkin seeds|stuffed pasta|decorative gourds|yerba mate|sitar)/, bushelRegex : /(?:snatched up|is giving away free|is sharing|share some|some choice|one of the) (jack o lantern|poplar wood|clam|seafood|lobster|tarragon|lady slipper|hay|dill|darrow blackberry|butter & sugar corn|cauliflower|daylily|(red|purple) toadstool|chardonnay|zinfandel|snow cone|star flower|acorn squash|aloe vera|amaranth|artichoke|(purple )?asparagus|bamboo|barley|basil|(fire|bell) peppers?|birthday cake|black (berry|tea)|bluebells|(chandler )?blueberry|broccoli|cabbage|carnival squash|carrot|chickpea|chrome daisies|orange daisy|(red )?clover|coffee|columbine|crystal|(cupid )?corn(flower)?|cotton|(cove )?cranberry|cucumber|daffodil|double grain|eggplant|elderberry|electric (roses|lilies)|english (peas|roses)|field beans|forget me not|foxglove|ghost chili|ginger|gladiolus|grape|green (tea|roses)|heirloom carrot|(royal )?hops|iris|jalapenos|lavender|lemon balm|lilac( daffy)?|leeks|lily|morning glory|oat|(long )?onion|pattypan|peanut|peas|pepper(mint)?|pineapple|pink (carnation|asters|rose)|posole corn|(kennebec |cara )?potato(es)?|pumpkin|purple pod pea|(golden|purple|sun) (poppy|poppies)|radish|raspberry|red (currant|tulip)|red wheat|rhubarb|rice|rye|saffron|(red )?spinach|soybean|spring squill|square melon|squash|squmpkin|straspberry|strawberry|sugar cane|sunflower|(purple )?tomato(es)?|turnips|wheat|whisky peat|watermelon|white (grape|rose|pumpkin)|yellow melon|zucchini)( bushels?)?( baskets?)?/i, seedRegex : /(?:successfully crossbred|special pollinated) (acorn squash|aloe vera|amaranth|artichokes|(purple )?asparagus|bamboo|basil|bell peppers|black (berries|rose)|blueberries|broccoli|cabbage|carnival squash|carrots|chickpea|clover|coffee|columbine|corn|cotton|cranberries|cucumber|daffodils|double grain|eggplant|elderberries|fire pepper|forget me not|ghost chili|ginger|gladiolus|goji berry|grapes|green tea|heirloom carrot|iris|jalapenos|lavender|lemon balm|lilac( daffy)?|leeks|(electric )?lilies|morning glory|oats|(long )?onion|orange daisies|peanuts|peas|peppers|peppermint|pineapples|pink roses|posole corn|potatoes|pumpkins|purple pod peas|(golden|sun) poppy|purple poppies|raspberries|red tulips|red wheat|rhubarb|rice|rye|saffron|(red )?spinach|soybeans|square melon|(pattypan )?squash|squmpkin|straspberry|strawberries|sugar cane|sunflowers|(purple )?tomato(es)?|wheat|whisky peat|watermelon|white (grapes|poinsettia|pumpkin|roses)|yellow melon|zucchini)( seeds?)/i, // all texts for accepted items accText : { bonus : "Got this bonus!", xp : "Got this free XP!", gnome : "Got this gnome!", raising : "Helped this neighbor!", hatch : "Hatched this egg!", adopt : "Adopted this animal!", bouquet : "Got this bouquet!", perfectbunch : "Got this perfect bunch!", box : "Got this mystery present!", fuel : "Got this fuel!", getmaterials : "Got these materials!", bottle : "Got this bottle!", blanket : "Got this blanket!", smoker : "Got this smoker!", beeswax : "Got this beeswax!", bamboo : "Got this bamboo!", reedthatch : "Got this reed thatch!", vehiclepart : "Got this vehicle part!", brick : "Got this brick!", woodenboard : "Got this wooden board!", nail : "Got this nail!", horseshoe : "Got this horseshoe!", harness : "Got this harness!", greenbeam : "Got this green beam!", glasssheet : "Got this glass sheet!", floralbracket : "Got this floral bracket!", whitetrellis : "Got this white trellis!", irrigationpipe : "Got this irrigation pipe!", shovel : "Got this shovel!", hammer : "Got this hammer!", concrete : "Got this concrete!", twine : "Got this twine!", rope : "Got this rope!", axle : "Got this axle!", gear : "Got this gear!", stallion : "Helped this wandering stallion!", farmhands : "Got this farmhand!", arborists : "Got this arborist!", collectibleberries : "this berries collectible!", collectiblefruitbar : "this fruit bar!", collectiblesorbet : "this sorbet!", collectiblepreserves : "these preserves!", collectibledriedberries : "these dried berries!", collectibleberrybasket : "this berry basket!", collectiblecitrus : "this citrus collectible!", collectiblebubblegum : "this bubble gum!", collectiblejuicer : "this juicer!", collectiblesherbet : "this sherbet!", collectiblefruitwedges : "these fruit wedges!", collectiblecitruspeel : "this citrus peel!", collectiblecountrykitsch : "this cows collectible!", collectiblecowbell : "this cow bell!", collectiblemilkingbucket : "this milking bucket!", collectiblemilkingstool : "this milking stool!", collectiblemilkbottle: "this milk bottle!", collectiblemorecowbell : "this more cowbell!", collectibleflowers : "this flowers collectible!", collectiblecorsage : "this corsage!", collectiblehummingbird : "this hummingbird!", collectibledriedpetals : "these dried petals!", collectiblebutterfly : "this butterfly!", collectiblepollen : "this pollen!", collectiblegrains : "this grains collectible!", collectiblegrindstone : "this grindstone!", collectiblescythe : "this scythe!", collectiblebran : "this bran!", collectiblechaff : "this chaff!", collectibleflour : "this flour!", collectiblesquash : "this squash collectible!", collectiblepumpkinseeds : "these pumpkin seeds!", collectiblestuffedpasta : "this stuffed pasta!", collectibledecorativegourds : "these decorative gourds!", collectibleyerbamate : "this yerba mate!", collectiblesitar : "this sitar!", genericcollectible : "this collectible!", bushel: "Got these bushels!", flowers : "Got these flowers!", eggs : "Got these eggs!", valentines : "Got these valentines!", gold : "Got this gold!", schoolsupplies : "Got these school supplies!", favor : "Got this favor!", favorgoatmilk : "Got this goat milk!", favoreggs : "Got these eggs!", favorolives : "Got these olives!", honeybee : "Got this honeybee!", queenbee : "Got this queen bee!", candy : "Got this candy!", thanksgivingfeast : "Got this thanksgiving dish!", giveitemto : "Gave this item to this person!", sendabushel : "Sent this person a bushel!", sendaturkey : "Sent this person a turkey!", sendcraftingmaterials : "Sent crafting materials!", seed : "Got these seeds!", sample : "Got this sample!", good : "Got these goods!", animalfeed : "Got this animal feed!", truffle : "Got this truffle!", wateringcan : "Got this watering can!", mysteryseedling : "Got this mystery seedling!", holidaygifts : "Got this holiday gift!", kibble : "Got this kibble!", dogtreat : "Got this dog treat!", sendfeed : "Sent this animal feed!", sendbabybottles : "Sent this baby bottle!", dynamicgrabbing : "Dynamically Grabbed This!", walltowall : "Got this wall-to-wall item!", chocolate : "Got this chocolate!", tree : "Got this tree!", jointeam : "Joined this team!", none : "Got this unknown item!" }, collstatusText : { Accepted : "Accepted ", Refused : "Refused ", Got : "Got " }, // get what type of item it is which : function(e) { var w=e.textContent.toLowerCase().match(main.whichRegex), text=$g(".//ancestor::*[starts-with(@id, 'stream_story_') or starts-with(@id, 'div_story_')]", {node:e, type:9}).textContent.replace(main.nRegex, "").replace(main.threeDotRegex, ""), lText = e.textContent.toLowerCase(), w2w = $g(".//ancestor::*[contains(@id, 'stream_story_')]//a[contains(@href, 'wall_to_wall') or contains(@href, 'walltowall')]", {node:e, type:9}) && $g(".//ancestor::*[contains(@id, 'stream_story_')]//span[@class='actorName']/a[2]", {node:e, type:9}) && !$g(".//ancestor::*[contains(@id, 'stream_story_')]//span[@class='actorName']/a[contains(@href, '"+main.profile+"')]", {node:e, type:9}), dynamicgrabbinglist = GM_config.get("dynamicgrabbinglist").prepareRegex().trim().replace(main.nRegex, "|"), dynlist = new RegExp("(" + dynamicgrabbinglist + ")", "i"); w = (w!=null) ? w[1].replace(main.spaceRegex,"") : "none"; switch(w) { case "tree": if(text.find("Bobbing for Apples")) w="whitewalnut"; else w="tree"; break; case "bushel": if(text.find("Butter & Sugar Corn")) w="bushelbuttersugarcorn"; else w="bushel"; break; case "donate": w="lunchbox"; break; case "feed": if(lText.find("get")) w="animalfeed"; else if(lText.find("send")) w="sendfeed"; break; case "animal": if(text.find("finished building their Wildlife Habitat")) w="porcupine"; else if(text.find("finished building their Pet Run")) w="kittyhimalayan"; else if(text.find("finished building their Zoo")) w="elephantbaby"; else if(text.find("finished building their Aviary")) w="goosefarm"; else if(text.find("finished building their Livestock Pen")) w="goatred"; else if(text.find("finished building their Cow Pasture")) w="moiledirish"; else if(text.find("finished building their Horse Paddock")) w="horsecreamdraft"; else if(lText.find("feed")) w="animalfeed"; else w="unknown"; break; case "applewoodbasket": case "walnutbasket": case "milkjug": case "woolbundle": case "manurebag": case "maplesyrupbasket": case "lemonbasket": case "cherrybasket": case "orangebasket": if(lText.find("send")) w="sendcraftingmaterials"; else w="get"+w; break; case "getmaterials": if(text.find("finished constructing")) w="vehiclepart"; else w="getmaterials"; break; case "babybottles": if(lText.find("send")) w="sendbabybottles"; else if(lText.find("get")) w="bottle"; break; case "rainbowmystery": w="hatchrainbow"; break; case "tre": w="tree"; break; case "coins": w="bonus"; break; case "lucky": w="luckypenny"; break; case "seeds": if(text.find("Forget-Me-Not")) w="seedforgetmenot"; else if(text.find("crossbred")) { if(text.find("Straspberry")) w="straspberry"; else if(text.find("Long Onion")) w="longonion"; else if(text.find("Squmpkin")) w="squmpkin"; else if(text.find("Red Spinach")) w="redspinach"; else if(text.find("Lilac Daffy")) w="lilacdaffy"; else if(text.find("Fire Pepper")) w="firepepper"; else if(text.find("Double Grain")) w="doublegrain"; else if(text.find("Purple Tomato")) w="purpletomato"; else if(text.find("Sun Poppy")) w="sunpoppy"; else if(text.find("Whisky Peat")) w="whiskypeat"; } else w="seed"; break; case "goldeneyeduck": case "horse": case "pinto": case "whitellama": case "milkingshorthorn": case "goat": case "blacktabby": case "buck": case "sow": case "boar": case "calf": case "sheep": case "rabbit": case "cow": case "cat": case "chicken": case "babycalf": case "catcha": case "reindeer": case "duckling": case "pinkpig": w="adopt"; break; case "holidaygift": case "valentine": w += "s"; break; case "anegg": if(!lText.find("adopt")) w="eggs"; case "sendone": if(text.find("Romantic Centerpieces")) w="romanticcenterpiece"; break; case "getone": if(text.find("Apple Barrel")) w="apple"; else if(text.find("Sand Castle") || text.find("Beach Toys")) w="beachtoys"; else if(text.find("Valentines")) w="valentines"; else if(text.find("Flowers")) w="flowers"; break; case "boost": w="fertilizeall"; break; case "difference": if(text.find("Save the Children's Japan Earthquake Emergency Fund")) w="flagjapan"; else 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if(text.find("Fence Post")) w="fencepost"; else if(text.find("Stone")) w="stone"; else if(text.find("Log")) w="log"; else if(text.find("Tin Sheet")) w="tinsheet"; else if(text.find("Hay Bundle")) w="haybundle"; else if(text.find("Saddle")) w="saddle"; else if(text.find("Bridle")) w="bridle"; else w="vehiclepart"; break; case "help": if(lText.find("and get one")) { // Farmville Second Birthday if(text.find("Doghouse")) w="doghouse"; else if(text.find("Cowprint Balloon Arch")) w="cowprintballoonarch"; else if(text.find("Lamppost")) w="lamppost"; else if(text.find("Blue Bird")) w="bluebird"; else if(text.find("Orange Duck")) w="orangeduck"; else if(text.find("Bird Bath Fountain")) w="birdbathfountain"; else if(text.find("Garden Shelter")) w="gardenshelter"; else if(text.find("Bicycle Planter")) w="bicycleplanter"; else if(text.find("Flower Bed")) w="flowerbed2"; else if(text.find("Ivy Archway")) w="ivyarchway"; else if(text.find("Bench Planter")) w="benchplanter"; else if(text.find("FV Haybale")) w="fvhaybale"; // Winter Countdown else if(text.find("White Soldier")) w="whitesoldier"; else if(text.find("Icy Snowflake")) w="icysnowflake"; else if(text.find("Frosty Snowflake")) w="frostysnowflake"; else if(text.find("Blue Soldier")) w="bluesoldier"; else if(text.find("Silver Ornament")) w="silverornament"; else if(text.find("Gold Ornament")) w="goldornament"; else if(text.find("Gold Soldier")) w="goldsoldier"; else if(text.find("Cocoa Bear")) w="cocoabear"; else if(text.find("Snow Drift")) w="snowdrift"; else if(text.find("Snow Pile")) w="snowpile"; else if(text.find("Gold Nutcracker")) w="goldnutcracker"; else if(text.find("Cream Bear")) w="creambear"; // Valentines Day Countdown else if(text.find("I Love You Stand")) w="iloveyoustand"; else if(text.find("I Love You Sign")) w="iloveyousign"; else if(text.find("XOXO")) w="xoxosign"; else if(text.find("Purple Hay Bale")) w="purplehaybale"; else if(text.find("Heart Teddy")) w="heartbear"; else if(text.find("Caramel Bear")) w="caramelbear"; else if(text.find("Fuchsia Greenery")) w="fuchsiagreenery"; else if(text.find("Pink Greenery")) w="pinkgreenery"; else if(text.find("Provencal Pot")) w="provencalpot"; else if(text.find("Fancy Topiary")) w="fancytopiary"; else if(text.find("Flax Plant")) w="flaxplant"; else if(text.find("Dogwood Tree")) w="dogwoodtree"; // Spring Countdown else if(text.find("Pastel Hay Bale")) w="pastelhaybale"; else if(text.find("Flower Bucket")) w="flowerbucket"; else if(text.find("Little Wagon")) w="littlewagon"; else if(text.find("Spring Flowers")) w="springflowers"; else if(text.find("Milk Crate")) w="milkcrate"; else if(text.find("Azalea")) w="azalea"; else if(text.find("Stone Archway")) w="stonearchway"; else if(text.find("Spring Balloon Arch")) w="springballoonarch"; else if(text.find("Weather Vane")) w="weathervane"; else if(text.find("Fruit Crate")) w="fruitcrate"; else if(text.find("Bouncing Horse")) w="bouncinghorse"; else if(text.find("Green Patch Cow")) w="cowgreenpatch"; } else if(text.find("Wandering Stallion")) w="stallion"; else if(text.find("XP")) w="xp"; else if(text.find("raising")) w="raising"; else if(text.find("Arborist")) w="arborists"; else if(text.find("Farmhand")) w="farmhands"; else if(!lText.find("job")) w="bonus"; break; case "claim": if(lText.find("collectible")) w="collectible"; else if(text.find("Craftshop")) w="jointeam"; else if(lText.find("love potion")) w="lovepotion"; else if(lText.find("special prize")) { if(text.find("Disco")) w="cowdisco"; else if(text.find("Purple Valentine")) w="cowpurplevalentine"; else if(text.find("Instagrow")) w="instagrow"; } else if(text.find("lamb")) w="lambbrown"; else if((text.find("has a few extra of these") || text.find("found a") || text.find("has one to share")) && main.claimRegex.test(lText)) { if(text.find("Pair of Sunglasses") || text.find("Pail") || text.find("Beach Ball") || text.find("Spade") || text.find("Crab")) w="beachtoys"; else w = lText.match(main.claimRegex)[1].replace(main.spaceRegex, ""); } else if(text.find("Fuel Refills") || lText.find("fuel refill") || lText.find("large can of fu")) w="fuel"; else if(lText.find("truffle")) w="truffle"; else if(text.find("Free Coins")) w="bonus"; else if(lText.find("candy")) w="candy"; else if(lText.find("school supplies")) w="schoolsupplies"; else if(lText.find("fertilize all")) w="fertilizeall"; else if(lText.find("item")) { if(text.find("Black Pig")) w="pigblack"; else if(text.find("White Pig")) w="pigwhite"; else if(text.find("Ossabaw Pig")) w="pigossabaw"; else if(text.find("Strawberry Pig")) w="pigstrawberry"; else if(text.find("Pink Pot Belly")) w="pigpinkpotbelly"; } else if(text.find("Beach Toys")) { if(text.find("Beach Umbrella")) w="claimbeachumbrella"; else if(text.find("Beach Chair")) w="claimbeachchair"; else if(text.find("Beach Hut")) w="claimbeachhut"; else if(text.find("Poolside Pig")) w="claimpoolsidepig"; else if(text.find("Scuba Sheep")) w="claimscubasheep"; else if(text.find("Lifeguard Tower")) w="claimlifeguardtower"; } else if(text.find("just redeemed")) { if(text.find("Fall Flowerbed")) w="claimfallflowerbed"; else if(text.find("Autumn Fireplace")) w="claimautumnfireplace"; else if(text.find("Harvest Gnome")) w="claimharvestgnome"; else if(text.find("Ghost Pig")) w="pigghost"; else if(text.find("Candy Corn Horse")) w="horsecandycorn"; } else if(text.find("Valentines")) { if(text.find("Red Heart Hay")) w="claimredhearthay"; else if(text.find("Yellow Rose Stand")) w="claimyellowrosestand"; else if(text.find("Fancy Carriage")) w="claimfancycarriage"; else if(text.find("Luv Ewe")) w="claimluvewe"; else if(text.find("Giant Teddy")) w="claimgiantteddy"; else if(text.find("Valentine Ram")) w="claimvalentineram"; else if(text.find("Pecking Ducks")) w="claimpeckingducks"; else if(text.find("Pigs in Love")) w="claimpigsinlove"; else if(text.find("3 Hearts Fountain")) w="claim3heartsfountain"; else if(text.find("Pink Patch Cow")) w="cowpinkpatch"; else if(text.find("Chocolate Fountain")) w="claimchocolatefountain"; else if(text.find("Eiffel Tower")) w="claimeiffeltower"; else if(text.find("Pink Swan")) w="claimpinkswan"; } else if(text.find("Harvest Surprise")) w="claimharvestsurprise"; else if(text.find("Thank Ewe")) w="claimthankewe"; else if(text.find("Pilgrim Gnome")) w="claimpilgrimgnome"; else if(text.find("Harvest Fountain")) w="claimharvestfountain"; else if(text.find("Baby Bourbon")) w="claimbabybourbon"; else if(text.find("Mayflower")) w="claimmayflower"; else if(text.find("Turkey Costume")) w="adopt"; else if(text.find("Halloween Candy")) { if(text.find("Pumpkin Topiary")) w="claimpumpkintopiary"; else if(text.find("Scared Ewe")) w="claimscaredewe"; else if(text.find("Candied Gnome")) w="claimcandiedgnome"; else if(text.find("Skele-scarecrow")) w="claimskelescarecrow"; else if(text.find("Bat Tree")) w="claimbattree"; else if(text.find("Pumpkin House")) w="claimpumpkinhouse"; } else if(text.find("School Supplies")) { if(text.find("Haiti Flag")) w="claimhaitiflag"; else if(text.find("Schooled Ewe")) w="claimschooledewe"; else if(text.find("Student Gnome")) w="claimstudentgnome"; else if(text.find("Tap Tap Bus")) w="claimtaptapbus"; else if(text.find("School Seesaw")) w="claimschoolseesaw"; else if(text.find("School House")) w="claimschoolhouse"; } else if(text.find("Favor")) { if(text.find("Wedding Cake")) w="claimweddingcake"; else if(text.find("Spaghetti Sheep")) w="claimspaghettisheep"; else if(text.find("Pig High Art")) w="claimpighighart"; else if(text.find("Apollo Butterfly")) w="claimapollobutterfly"; else if(text.find("Bella Fountain")) w="claimbellafountain"; else if(text.find("Leaning Tower")) w="claimleaningtower"; } else if(text.find("Shovels")) { if(text.find("Mole")) w="claimmole"; else if(text.find("Crystal Rock")) w="claimcrystalrock"; else if(text.find("Miner Sheep")) w="claimminersheep"; else if(text.find("Cave Gnome")) w="claimcavegnome"; else if(text.find("Antique Tractor")) w="claimantiquetractor"; } else if(text.find("Gold")) { // new St. Patrick's Day items if(text.find("Kelly Green Hay")) w="claimkellygreenhaybale"; else if(text.find("Clover Gnome")) w="claimclovergnome"; else if(text.find("Clover Sheep")) w="claimcloversheep"; else if(text.find("Clover Chicken")) w="claimcloverchicken"; else if(text.find("Lucky Fountain")) w="claimluckyfountain"; else if(text.find("Green Lighthouse")) w="claimgreenlighthouse"; // old St. Patrick's Day items else if(text.find("Shamrock Sheep")) w="claimshamrocksheep"; else if(text.find("Spring Flower Cart")) w="claimspringflowercart"; else if(text.find("Leprechaun Gnome")) w="leprechaungnome"; else if(text.find("Spring Pond")) w="claimspringpond"; else if(text.find("Shamrock Castle")) w="claimshamrockcastle"; } else if(text.find("Flowers")) { if(text.find("Spring Arch")) w="claimspringarch"; else if(text.find("Flower Fountain")) w="claimflowerfountain"; else if(text.find("Flower Tower")) w="claimflowertower"; else if(text.find("Yellow Duck")) w="duckyellow"; else if(text.find("Yellow Patch Cow")) w="cowyellowpatch"; else if(text.find("Flower Sheep")) w="sheepflower"; } else if(text.find("Spring Eggs")) { if(text.find("Mystery Egg")) w="claimmysteryegg"; else if(text.find("Sunny Ewe")) w="claimsunnyewe"; else if(text.find("Bunny Gnome")) w="claimbunnygnome"; else if(text.find("Gilded Egg")) w="claimgildedegg"; else if(text.find("Flower Fountain")) w="claimflowerfountain"; else if(text.find("Dutch Windmill")) w="claimdutchwindmill"; } // } if(w != "collectible") break; else w="none"; break; case "collectible": w += ( text.find("Fruit Bar") ? "fruitbar": text.find("Sorbet") ? "sorbet": text.find("Preserves") ? "preserves": text.find("Dried Berries") ? "driedberries": text.find("Berry Basket") ? "berrybasket": text.find("Berries Collection") ? "berries": text.find("Bubble Gum") ? "bubblegum": text.find("Juicer") ? "juicer": text.find("Sherbet") ? "sherbet": text.find("Fruit Wedges") ? "fruitwedges": text.find("Citrus Peel") ? "citruspeel": text.find("Citrus Collection") ? "citrus": text.find("Cow Bell") ? "cowbell": text.find("Milking Bucket") ? "milkingbucket": text.find("Milking Stool") ? "milkingstool": text.find("Milk Bottle") ? "milkbottle": text.find("More Cowbell") ? "morecowbell": text.find("Cows Collection") ? "cows": text.find("Corsage") ? "corsage": text.find("Hummingbird") ? "hummingbird": text.find("Dried Petals") ? "driedpetals": text.find("Butterfly") ? "butterfly": text.find("Pollen") ? "pollen": text.find("Flowers Collection") ? "flowers": text.find("Grindstone") ? "grindstone": text.find("Scythe") ? "scythe": text.find("Bran") ? "bran": text.find("Chaff") ? "chaff": text.find("Flour") ? "flour": text.find("Grains Collection") ? "grains": text.find("Pumpkin Seeds") ? "pumpkinseeds": text.find("Stuffed Pasta") ? "stuffedpasta": text.find("Decorative Gourds") ? "decorativegourds": text.find("Yerba Mate") ? "yerbamate": text.find("Sitar") ? "sitar": text.find("Squash Collection") ? "squash": ""); break; case "some": if(text.find("seeds")) { if(text.find("Straspberry")) w="straspberry"; else if(text.find("Long Onion")) w="longonion"; else if(text.find("Squmpkin")) w="squmpkin"; else if(text.find("Red Spinach")) w="redspinach"; else if(text.find("Lilac Daffy")) w="lilacdaffy"; else if(text.find("Fire Pepper")) w="firepepper"; else if(text.find("Double Grain")) w="doublegrain"; else if(text.find("Purple Tomato")) w="purpletomato"; else if(text.find("Sun Poppy")) w="sunpoppy"; else if(text.find("Whisky Peat")) w="whiskypeat"; } else if(text.find("Tin Sheet")) w="tinsheet"; else if(text.find("Hinge")) w="hinge"; else if(text.find("Screwdriver")) w="screwdriver"; else if(text.find("Thanksgiving")) w="thanksgivingfeast"; else if(text.find("candy") || text.find("Halloween")) w="candy"; else if(text.find("School Supplies")) w="schoolsupplies"; else if(text.find("Shovels")) w="shovel"; else if((text.find("Favor")) || (text.find("Tuscan Wedding") && text.find("extras"))) w="favor"; else if(text.find("Tuscan Wedding") && text.find("found some")) { if(text.find("Truffles")) w="truffle"; else if(text.find("Eggs")) w="favoreggs"; else if(text.find("Olives")) w="favorolives"; else if(text.find("Goat Milk")) w="favorgoatmilk"; } else if(lText.find("eggs")) w="eggs"; else if(lText.find("gold")) w="gold"; else if(text.find("fuel")) w="fuel"; break; case "bonus": if(text.find("Beach Toys")) w="beachtoys"; else if(text.find("Greenhouse")) w="specialdelivery"; else if(text.find("Holiday Gifts")) w="holidaygifts"; else if(text.find("Pine Tree")) w="pine"; else if(text.find("Silver Nutcracker")) w="nutcracker"; else if(text.find("Holly Arch")) w="hollyarch"; else if(text.find("Shovels")) w="shovel"; else if(text.find("School Supplies")) w="schoolsupplies"; else if(text.find("Valentines")) w="valentine"; else if(text.find("Gold pieces")) w="gold"; else if(text.find("Spring Eggs")) w="eggs"; else if(text.find("special Ram")) w="ram"; else if(text.find("special Red Sheep")) w="sheepred"; else if(text.find("special bonus Lamb")) w="pinklamb"; break; case "decoration": if(text.find("Botanical Garden")) w="decorationgarden"; else if(text.find("Japanese Barn")) w="decorationjapanesebarn"; else w="decoration"; break; } // Adoption posts not labeled as "Adopt" if(text.find("found a surprise visitor eating their animal feed. They've adopted it")) w="adopt"; // Tree posts if(text.find("get this new tree")) w="tree"; // Dynamic Item Grabbing if(dynamicgrabbinglist != "" && GM_config.get("dynamicgrabbing") === true && (dynlist.test(text) || dynlist.test(lText))) w="dynamicgrabbing"; // Wall-to-Wall Item Grabbing // if it's a wall-to-wall post and it's not for you, it is ignored // otherwise, it's counted as a normal item if(w2w) w="disabled"; return w; }, // get which animal it is whichAnimal : function(e) { var lText=e.textContent.toLowerCase(), w=e.textContent.toLowerCase().match(main.animalRegex), color=main.whichColor(e), text=$g(".//ancestor::*[contains(@id, 'stream_story_') or contains(@id, 'div_story_')]", {node:e, type:9}).textContent.replace(main.nRegex, "").replace(main.threeDotRegex, "").toLowerCase(); w = (w!=null) ? w[1].replace(main.spaceRegex,"") : "unknown"; switch(w) { case "chic": w="chicken"; break; case "foa": w="foal"; break; case "cal": w="calf"; break; case "appaloosa": case "stallion": case "unicorn": case "quarter": case "gyps": case "palomino": case "mini": case "pinto": case "bedazzled": case "andalusian": case "thoroughbred": w="foalwhitethoroughbred"; w="foal"; break; case "kitten": if(text.find("black kitten")) w="kittyblack"; break; case "duckling": if(text.find("yellow")) w="ducklingyellow"; else if(text.find("brown")) w="ducklingbrown"; else if(text.find("ugly")) w="duckugly"; else if(text.find("red")) w="ducklingred"; else if(text.find("blue")) w="ducklingblue"; else w="duckling"; break; case "mysterybaby": if(text.find("wildlife habitat")) { if(text.find("rare")) w="wildlifebabyrare"; else w="wildlifebabycommon"; } else if(text.find("pet run")) { if(text.find("rare")) w="mysterybabyrare"; else w="mysterybabycommon"; } else if(text.find("zoo")) { if(text.find("rare")) w="zoobabyrare"; else w="zoobabycommon"; } else if(text.find("livestock pen")) { if(text.find("rare")) w="livestockrare"; else w="livestockcommon"; } else w="unknown"; break; case "anegg": if(text.find("rare")) w="eggrare"; else w="eggcommon"; break; case "ababy": if(text.find("foal")) w="foal"; else if(text.find("calf")) w="calf"; else if(text.find("yak")) w="yak"; else w="unknown"; break; } // add color to animal if the animal is a known one if(w != "unknown" && w != "kittyblack") w += color; if(text.find("turkey costume")) w="turkey"; if(lText.find("pink pot belly")) w="pigpinkpotbelly"; if(lText.find("pink pig")) w="pighotpink"; if(text.find("himalayan kitty")) w="kittyhimalayan"; if(lText.find("dexter cow")) w="cowdexter"; if(text.find("fan cow")) w="cowfan"; if(text.find("persian cat")) w="catpersian"; if(text.find("dorking")) w="chickendorking"; if(text.find("special rabbits")) w="rabbitenglishspot"; if(lText.find("yellow sow")) w="sowyellow"; if(lText.find("black rabbit")) w="rabbitblack"; if(lText.find("black tabby")) w="catblacktabby"; if(text.find("red toggenburg goat")) w="goatredtoggenburg"; if(text.find("milking shorthorn")) w="cowmilkingshorthorn"; if(text.find("white llama")) w="llamawhite"; if(text.find("red patch pinto")) w="horseredpinto"; if(text.find("gray horse")) w="horsegrey"; if(text.find("red horse")) w="horsered"; if(text.find("goldeneye duck")) w="duckgoldeneye"; if(text.find("b0v1n3-11")) w="calfbovine11"; if(text.find("giving away a free calf")) w="calfbaby"; if(text.find("adorable calf")) w="calfbaby"; if(text.find("mistletoe donkey")) w="foalmistletoedonkey"; if(text.find("baby ox")) w="calfbabyox"; if(text.find("baby mule")) w="foalmule"; return w; }, // get which color an animal is whichColor : function(e) { var lText=e.textContent.toLowerCase(), w=lText.match(main.colorRegex), text=$g(".//ancestor::*[contains(@id, 'stream_story_') or contains(@id, 'div_story_')]", {node:e, type:9}).textContent.replace(main.nRegex, "").replace(main.threeDotRegex, "").toLowerCase(); w = (w!=null) ? w[1].replace(main.spaceRegex,"") : ""; switch(w) { case "white-tailed": w="whitetailed"; break; // case "mini": w=lText.find("miniature") ? "miniature" : "mini"; break; } if(lText.find("a baby") && main.foalRegex.test(text)) w = text.match(main.foalRegex)[1].replace(main.spaceRegex,""); if(lText.find("a baby") && main.yakRegex.test(text)) w = text.match(main.yakRegex)[1].replace(main.spaceRegex,""); if((lText.find("calf") || lText.find("a baby")) && main.calfRegex.test(text)) w = text.match(main.calfRegex)[1].replace(main.spaceRegex,""); if(w.find("yellowcattle")) w = w.replace("yellowcattle", "gelbvieh"); // if(w.find("gray")) w = w.replace("gray", "grey"); // changing names due to horse paddock / foalRegex if(lText.find("arabian stallion")) w="arabianstallion"; if(lText.find("clydesdale stal")) w="clydesdalestallion"; if(lText.find("friesian stallion")) w="friesianstallion"; if(lText.find("rainbow stallion")) w="rainbowstallion"; if(lText.find("candy corn stallion")) w="candycornstallion"; if(lText.find("trotter stallion")) w="trotterstallion"; if(lText.find("nightmare unicorn")) w="nightmareunicorn"; if(lText.find("candy corn unicorn")) w="candycornunicorn"; if(lText.find("skeleton unicorn")) w="skeletonunicorn"; if(lText.find("purple mini unicorn")) w="purpleminiunicorn"; if(lText.find("white mini unicorn")) w="whiteminiunicorn"; if(lText.find("black mini unicorn")) w="blackminiunicorn"; if(lText.find("american quarter")) w="americanquarter"; if(lText.find("mini blue mane")) w="minibluemanegypsy"; if(lText.find("hackney palomino")) w="hackneypalominopony"; if(lText.find("french percheron")) w="frenchpercheron"; if(lText.find("brown pinto mini")) w="brownpintomini"; if(lText.find("new england pinto")) w="newenglandpinto"; if(lText.find("purple bedazzled")) w="purplebedazzled"; if(lText.find("white andalusian")) w="whiteandalusian"; if(lText.find("white thoroughbred")) w="whitethoroughbred"; if(lText.find("spotted appaloosa")) w="spottedappaloosa"; return w; }, // get which color egg it is whichEgg : function(e) { var w=e.replace(main.nRegex,"").toLowerCase().replace(main.threeDotRegex, "").match(main.eggRegex); w = (w!=null) ? w[1].replace(main.spaceRegex,"") : "none"; switch(w) { case "golden": w="gold"; break; } switch(w=="none") {case false: w="hatch"+w; break;} return w; }, // get which tree it is whichTree : function(e) { var w=e.replace(main.nRegex,"").toLowerCase().replace(main.threeDotRegex, "").match(main.treeRegex); w = (w!=null) ? w[1].replace(main.spaceRegex,"") : "none"; switch(w) { case "giantmac&cheese": w="giantmacandcheese"; break; case "rainbowcherry": w="rainbowapple"; break; } return w; }, // get which team to join whichTeam : function(e) { var w=e.replace(main.nRegex,"").toLowerCase().replace(main.threeDotRegex, "").match(main.teamRegex); w = (w!=null) ? w[1].replace(main.spaceRegex,"") : "none"; switch(w=="none") {case false: w="team"+w; break;} return w; }, // get which materials it is whichMaterial : function(e) { var w=e.replace(main.nRegex,"").toLowerCase().replace(main.threeDotRegex, "").match(main.materialRegex); w = (w!=null) ? w[1].replace(main.spaceRegex,"") : "none"; switch(w) { case "leprechaun'scottage": w="leprechauncottage"; break; case "cupid'scastle": w="cupidscastle"; break; case "countduckula'scastle": w="castleduckula"; break; } switch(w=="none") {case false: w="materials"+w; break;} return w; }, // get which seed it is whichSeed : function(e) { var w=e.replace(main.nRegex,"").toLowerCase().replace(main.threeDotRegex, "").match(main.seedRegex); w = (w!=null) ? w[1].replace(main.spaceRegex,"") : "none"; return w; }, checkCollectible : function(d, t, rx) { var collmatch = t.toLowerCase().match(rx); return ((collmatch != "null" && collmatch != null) ? "collectible" + collmatch[1].replace(main.spaceRegex,"") : "") }, // Created by avg, modified by JoeSimmons. shortcut to create an element create : function(a,b,c) { if(a=="text") {return document.createTextNode(b);} var ret=document.createElement(a.toLowerCase()); if(b) for(var prop in b) if(prop.indexOf("on")==0) ret.addEventListener(prop.substring(2),b[prop],false); else if(",style,accesskey,id,name,src,href,which,rel,action,method,value".indexOf(","+prop.toLowerCase())!=-1) ret.setAttribute(prop.toLowerCase(), b[prop]); else ret[prop]=b[prop]; if(c) c.forEach(function(e) { ret.appendChild(e); }); return ret; }, // cross-browser log function log: ((isGM) ? GM_log : ((window.opera) ? opera.postError : console.log)), // click something click : function(e, type) { if(!e && typeof e=='string') e=document.getElementById(e); if(!e) return; var evObj = e.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents'); evObj.initMouseEvent("click",true,true,e.ownerDocument.defaultView,0,0,0,0,0,false,false,false,false,0,null); e.dispatchEvent(evObj); }, // remove something from the page remove : function(e) { var node = (typeof e=='string') ? $(e) : e; if(node) node.parentNode.removeChild(node); }, keyDownFunc : function(e) { if(",9,18,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,116".find(","+e.keyCode) || (main.paused && main.pauseClick)) return; main.paused=true; main.pauseClick=false; main.pauseCount = main.opts["inputtimeout"] || 15; main.status(); }, failedItem : function(t) { return main.failTextRegex.test(t); }, gotItem : function(d, t) { return (main.accTextRegex.test(t) || main.accURLRegex.test(d.URL.toLowerCase())); }, // function to debug stuff. displays in a big white textarea box debug : function(s) { var d=$("debugT"); if(!d) document.body.insertBefore(d=main.create("textarea", {id:"debugT",style:"position:fixed; top:20px; left:20px; width:95%; height:80%; color:#000000; background:#ffffff; border:3px ridge #000000; z-index:99999;",ondblclick:function(e){e.target.style.display="none";}}, new Array(main.create("text",s))), document.body.firstChild); else d.innerHTML+="\n\n\n\n"+s; if(d.style.display=="none") d.style.display=""; }, clearDebug : function() { var d=$("debugT"); if(d) d.innerHTML = ""; }, // get the key for the url getKey : function(b) { return (b.match(main.keyRegex) || "")[1]; }, storeTypes : /^(true|false|\d+)$/, getValue : (isGM ? GM_getValue : (function(name, def) { var s=localStorage.getItem(name), val = ((s=="undefined" || s=="null") ? def : s); if(typeof val == "string" && main.storeTypes.test(val)) val = ((new Function("return "+val+";"))()); return val; })), setValue : (isGM ? GM_setValue : (function(name, value) {localStorage.removeItem(name); return localStorage.setItem(name, value);})), deleteValue : (isGM ? GM_deleteValue : (function(name) {return localStorage.removeItem(name);})), // get the accepted items' times they were accepted getAcceptedTime : function() { return (new Function("return "+(main.getValue(main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_accepted_time_"+main.profile, "({})"))+";"))(); }, // save the accepted items' times they were accepted setAcceptedTime : function(e) { var val = JSON.stringify(e), store=main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_accepted_time_"+main.profile; main.setValue(store, val); }, // get the accepted items' times they were accepted getFailedTime : function() { return (new Function("return "+(main.getValue(main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_failed_time_"+main.profile, "({})"))+";"))(); }, // save the accepted items' times they were accepted setFailedTime : function(e) { var val = JSON.stringify(e), store=main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_failed_time_"+main.profile; main.setValue(store,val); }, // get the accepted items getAccepted : function() { return (new Function("return "+(main.getValue(main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_accepted_"+main.profile, "([])"))+";"))(); }, // save the accepted items setAccepted : function(e) { var val = JSON.stringify(e), store=main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_accepted_"+main.profile; main.setValue(store,val); }, // get the accepted items getFailed : function() { return (new Function("return "+main.getValue(main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_failed_"+main.profile, "([])")+";"))(); }, // save the accepted items setFailed : function(e) { var val = JSON.stringify(e), store=main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_failed_"+main.profile; main.setValue(store,val); }, // get the detail collectible getDetlColl : function() { return (new Function("return "+(main.getValue(main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_DetlColl_"+main.profile, "({})"))+";"))(); }, // save the detail collectible setDetlColl : function(e) { var val = JSON.stringify(e), store=main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_DetlColl_"+main.profile; main.setValue(store,val); }, // reset the accepted items resetAccepted : function() { if(confirm("Really reset accepted items?")) window.setTimeout(function() { var reset=main.deleteValue; reset(main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_accepted_"+main.profile, "([])"); reset(main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_accepted_time_"+main.profile, "({})"); reset(main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_failed_"+main.profile, "([])"); reset(main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_failed_time_"+main.profile, "({})"); reset(main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_DetlColl_"+main.profile, "({})"); }, 0); }, // get number of current requests get currReqs() { return $g("count(.//iframe)",{node:$("silent_req_holder"),type:1}); }, itemAllowed : function(w) { return main.itemAllowedRegex.test(w); }, // refresh whatever page they are on toHomepage : function() { window.location.replace(main.realURL); }, // go to the filter page toFilterpage : function() { var url = window.location.href; if(url.find("filter=app_")) window.location.replace(window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host+"/home.php?filter=app_"+main.gameID+"&show_hidden=true"+(main.realURL.find("&ignore_self=true")?"&ignore_self=true":"")+"&sk=lf"); else if(url.find("sk=cg")) window.location.replace(window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host+"/?sk=cg"); else if(url.find("sk=app_102452128776")) window.location.replace(window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.host+"/?sk=app_102452128776"); else window.location.replace(main.realURL); }, // function for color coding the posts colorCode : function(item, type) { switch(main.opts["colorcode"]) { case true: var div = $g(".//ancestor::*[starts-with(@id,'stream_story_') and not(contains(@id,'_collapsed')) and not(contains(@class,'itemfailed')) and not(contains(@class,'itemdone')) and not(contains(@class,'itemerror'))]", {type:9, node:item}); if(div != null && (div.className.find("itemprocessing") ? type != "neutral" : true)) div.setAttribute("class", div.getAttribute("class").replace(main.postStatusRegex, "") + " item"+(type || "neutral")); else if(div != null && div.className.find("itemprocessing") && type == "neutral") div.setAttribute("class", div.getAttribute("class").replace(main.postStatusRegex, "") + " itemerror"); break; } }, // generate a refresh time get refTime() { var t=2; switch(main.opts["arinterval"]) { case "tenth": t= 0.1; break; // 6 seconds case "sixth": t = 0.1666667; break; // 10 seconds case "quarter": t = 0.25; break; // 15 seconds case "third": t = 0.3333333; break; // 20 seconds case "half": t = 0.5; break; // 30 seconds case "one": t = 1; break; // 1 minute case "two": t = 2; break; // 2 minutes case "three": t = 3; break; // 3 minutes case "four": t = 4; break; // 4 minutes case "five": t = 5; break; // 5 minutes case "ten": t = 10; break; // 10 minutes case "10s30s": t = (Math.random() * 0.3333333) + 0.1666667; break; // random between 10s and 30s case "30s2m": t = (Math.random() * 1.5) + 0.5; break; // random between 30s and 2m case "2m5m": t = (Math.random() * 3) + 2; break; // random between 2m and 5m case "5m10m": t = (Math.random() * 5) + 5; break; // random between 5m and 10m } return Math.round((t*60000)+(Math.random()*(t*250))); }, // get the real url of the page get realURL() { var u=window.location.href, host=window.location.host, protocol=window.location.protocol+"//", hash=window.location.hash; if(hash!="" && main.phpRegex.test(hash)) u=protocol+host+hash.split("#")[1]; else if(hash!="" && hash.find("#")) u=u.split("#")[0]; return u; }, // show config screen config : function() { GM_config.open(); // open the options menu }, removeDone : function() { var done = $g(".//a[(contains(@href,'album.php?aid=') and contains(.,'FarmVille Photos')) or (contains(@href,'"+main.gameURLpart+"') and (starts-with(@id,'item_done_') or starts-with(@id,'item_failed_') or starts-with(@id,'item_skip_') or contains(.,'"+main.xpQueryTextExcludes.join("') or contains(.,'")+"'))) or (contains(@href,'zyn.ga/')) or (.='FarmVille' and contains(@href, 'FarmVille')) or (contains(@href, 'zynga') and .='Download from iTunes')]/ancestor::*[starts-with(@id,'stream_story_') and not(contains(@id, '_collapsed'))]", {node:main.stream}); for(var i=0,len=done.snapshotLength; i<len; i++) if(!$g(".//span[starts-with(@class,'UIActionLinks')]//a[starts-with(@id,'item_processing_')] | .//*[starts-with(@id,'stream_story_') and contains(@id,'_collapsed')]", {type:9, node:done.snapshotItem(i)})) main.remove(done.snapshotItem(i).id); }, // auto click "like" buttons if enabled like : function(id) { var like=$g("//a[contains(@id,'_"+id+"')]/ancestor::span/button[@name='like' and @type='submit']", {type:9}); if(like) like.click(); }, olderPosts : function() { var more=$g(".//a[contains(@class, 'uiMorePagerPrimary') and not(contains(@class,'async_saving')) and @href and @onclick]", {node:$("pagelet_stream_pager"), type:9}); if(more) main.click(more); }, expand : function() { var posts=$g("count(.//*[starts-with(@id,'stream_story_') and contains(@class,'"+main.gameID+"')])", {node:main.stream, type:1}), min = main.opts["minposts"]; switch(min != "off") { case true: if(posts < parseInt(min)) main.olderPosts(); else main.opts["minposts"] = "off"; break; } }, hoursBack : function() { var lastPosts = $g(".//li[starts-with(@id,'stream_story_') and contains(@class,'"+main.gameID+"')]", {node:main.realStream, type:7}), oldestTime = $g(".//span[@class='uiStreamSource']//abbr[contains(@class,'timestamp') and @data-date]", {node:lastPosts.snapshotItem(lastPosts.snapshotLength-1), type:9}); if(!oldestTime) return; var post_date = new Date(oldestTime.getAttribute("data-date")), now_date = new Date(); // Manipulate the date object to be the time we want from the options now_date.setHours(now_date.getHours() - parseInt(main.opts["hoursback"])); // If the oldest post isn't as old as what the user wants, click "Older Posts" if(post_date > now_date) main.olderPosts(); else { main.opts["hoursback"] = "off"; GM_config.set("hoursback", "off"); } }, similarPosts : function() { // Auto click "show x similar posts" links var sp = $g(".//a[@rel='async' and contains(@ajaxify,'oldest=') and contains(@ajaxify,'newest=') and not(starts-with(@id, 'similar_post_'))] | .//a[@rel='async' and contains(.,'SHOW') and contains(.,'SIMILAR POSTS') and not(starts-with(@id, 'similar_post_'))]", {node:main.stream, type:9}), posts = $g("count(.//*[starts-with(@id,'stream_story_') and contains(@class,'"+main.gameID+"') and not(contains(@id,'_collapsed'))])", {node:main.stream, type:1}), max = main.opts["maxposts"], maxC = parseInt(max) || 9999; if(sp && (max == "off" || (max != "off" && posts < maxC))) { if(max=="off" || ((parseInt(sp.textContent.match(main.numberRegex)[0]) + posts) < maxC)) { sp.setAttribute("id", "similar_post_"+sp.getAttribute("ajaxify").split("stream_story_")[1].split("&")[0]); main.click(sp); return; } else return; } }, // refresh function. be sure to only do it if the config isn't up, it isn't paused, and requests are finished refresh : function(override) { main.pendingRefresh = true; if(main.currReqs==0 && !$("GM_config") && (main.paused === false && !override) && main.delay === false) { var i=0, refint=window.setInterval(function() { $("status").style.background = "#D5AEFF"; if(i >= 12 && main.currReqs==0) { window.clearInterval(runint); window.clearInterval(refint); switch(main.opts["filteronly"]) { case true: main.toFilterpage(); break; // if filter only option is enabled default: main.toHomepage(); // if filter only option is disabled or un-defined } } else if(i < 12 && main.currReqs==0) i++; else i=0; }, 250); } else window.setTimeout(main.refresh, (main.currReqs == 0 ? 1 : main.currReqs)*1000); }, dropItem : function(key) { main.remove(key); var item = $g(".//a[starts-with(@id, 'item_') and contains(@id,'"+key+"')]", {type:9, node:main.stream}); if(item != null) { item.setAttribute("id", "item_skip_"+key); main.colorCode(item, "neutral"); } }, // update debug status box status : function() { switch(main.pauseCount) {case 0: if(!main.pauseClick) main.paused=false; break;} var hideF = opts["removedone"] === true, shortStatusText = "["+main.gameAcronym+"] "+main.currReqs+" requests currently ("+main.openCount+" done)", statusText = "["+main.gameAcronym+"] "+main.currReqs+" requests currently ("+main.openCount+" done)" + (hideF === false ? "<br>["+main.gameAcronym+"] "+$g("count(.//*[starts-with(@id,'stream_story_')]//a[starts-with(@id, 'item_done_')])", {node:main.stream, type:1})+" requests successful" + "<br>["+main.gameAcronym+"] "+$g("count(.//*[starts-with(@id,'stream_story_')]//a[starts-with(@id, 'item_failed_')])", {node:main.stream, type:1})+" requests failed" : "") + (main.paused === true ? ("<br>" + (main.pauseClick === false ? ("["+main.pauseCount+"]") : "") + "[PAUSED] Click this box to unpause") : "") + (main.boxFull === true ? "<br>[STOPPED] Gift limit was hit" : ""); switch(document.title != shortStatusText) {case true: document.title=shortStatusText; break;} switch($("status").innerHTML != statusText) {case true: $("status").innerHTML = statusText; break;} if(!main.pauseClick && main.paused && main.pauseCount>0) main.pauseCount--; }, // display a message in the middle of the screen message : function(t) { if(GM_config.get("newuserhints") === false) return; var box = $(main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_msgbox"); if(box=="null" || box==null || box.nodeType !== 1) $("contentArea").insertBefore(box=main.create("div", {id:main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_msgbox",style:"background:#CAEEFF; border:2px solid #4AC5FF; z-index:998; padding:20px; -moz-border-radius:6px; -moz-appearance:none; display:none;"}, new Array( main.create("div", {style:"width:100%; text-align:right;"}, new Array( main.create("a", {textContent:"Close", style:"font-size:9pt; font-family:myriad pro,tahoma,arial,verdana; color:#000000;", href:"javascript:void(0);", onclick:function(e){ e.target.parentNode.parentNode.style.display = "none"; }}) )), main.create("br"), main.create("span", {innerHTML:t, style:"color:#002537; font-size:16pt; font-family:myriad pro,tahoma,arial,verdana;"}) )), $("contentArea").firstChild); else box.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML = t; if(box.style.display=="none") fade(box.id, "in", "fast"); }, handleDelay : function() { // wait random 1-3 seconds before grabbing the next item main.delay = true; // set it so fvwm can't grab another yet window.setTimeout(function(main) { main.delay = false; }, Math.round(((Math.random() * 2) + 1) * 1000), main); }, goGiveItemAccepted : function(w, item, key) { var accTime=main.getAcceptedTime(), acc=main.getAccepted(); item.textContent = main.accText[w] || main.acceptedText; item.setAttribute("id", "item_done_"+key); main.colorCode(item, "done"); accTime[key] = new Date().getTime(); main.setAcceptedTime(accTime); acc.push(key); main.setAccepted(acc); main.openCount++; main.handleDelay(); }, onGiveItemLoad : function(e, w, item) { main.goGiveItemAccepted(w, item, e.target.getAttribute("id")); main.remove(e.target.getAttribute("id")); }, onGiveItemFrameLoad : function(e) { var doc=e.target.contentDocument, w=e.target.getAttribute("which"), key=e.target.getAttribute("id"), acc=main.getAccepted(), accTime=main.getAcceptedTime(), failed=main.getFailed(), failedTime=main.getFailedTime(), item = $g("//a[contains(@id,'"+key+"')]", {type:9}), sendButton = $g(".//div[@class='gift_box_holder']/div[@class='recipient']//form[starts-with(@id, 'req_form_')]//input[@name='send'] | .//form[starts-with(@id, 'req_form_')]//input[@name='send'] | .//div[@class='submitdiv']//input[@type='button' and @name='send'] | .//input[@type='button' and @name='sendit' and @value='Send']", {doc:doc, node:doc, type:9}), shareAnimalFeedButton = $g(".//div[@class='submitdiv']//input[@type='button' and @name='shareExtraButton']", {doc:doc, node:doc, type:9}), returnToFarmButton = $g(".//div[@class='submitdiv']//input[@type='submit' and @value='Return To Farm' and @class='inputsubmit']", {doc:doc, node:doc, type:9}), publishButton = $g(".//input[@type='button' and @name='publish' and @value='Publish']", {doc:doc, node:doc, type:9}), okButton = $g(".//input[@type='submit' and @value='OK' and @class='inputsubmit']", {doc:doc, node:doc, type:9}), throwSnowball = $g(".//input[@type='submit' and @value='Throw Snowball']", {doc:doc, node:doc, type:9}), text=$("app_content_"+main.gameID, doc); // get bare text section if(text) text=$g(".//div[@class='giftLimit' or @class='landingText']", {node:text,doc:doc,type:9}) || $g(".//div[@class='main_giftConfirm_cont']", {node:text,doc:doc,type:9}) || text || doc.body; text = $g("./h3", {node:text,doc:doc,type:9}) || text; try { text = text.textContent; } catch(e) {} // false "try" case, just to suppress errors var failedItem = main.failedItem(text) || !main.textRegex.test(text); if(failedItem === true) { item.textContent = main.failText; item.setAttribute("id", "item_failed_"+key); main.colorCode(item, "failed"); failedTime[key] = new Date().getTime(); main.setFailedTime(failedTime); failed.push(key); main.setFailed(failed); main.openCount++; main.remove(key); main.handleDelay(); return; } // auto click "like" if enabled if(main.opts["autolike"] === true) main.like(key); $(key).removeEventListener("load", main.onGiveItemFrameLoad, false); $(key).addEventListener("load", function(e) { main.onGiveItemLoad(e,w,item); }, false); if(sendButton || shareAnimalFeedButton || returnToFarmButton || okButton || throwSnowball || publishButton) { try { main.click(sendButton); main.click(shareAnimalFeedButton); main.click(returnToFarmButton); main.click(okButton); main.click(throwSnowball); main.click(publishButton); } catch(e) {} var intv = window.setInterval(function(e) { var send = $g(".//div[@id='pop_content']//input[@type='button' and (@name='sendit' or @name='publish' or @name='error_ok')]", {doc:doc, node:doc, type:9}), skip = $g(".//input[@name='skip_ci_btn']", {doc:doc, node:doc, type:9}); if(skip) { // skip button main.click(skip); window.clearInterval(intv); } else if($g(".//div[@id='pop_content']//h2[contains(., 'Cannot post to user')]", {type:9, node:doc, doc:doc})) { item.textContent = main.failText; item.setAttribute("id", "item_failed_"+key); main.colorCode(item, "failed"); failedTime[key] = new Date().getTime(); main.setFailedTime(failedTime); failed.push(key); main.setFailed(failed); main.openCount++; main.remove(key); } else if(send) { // send button, brings up the skip button main.click(send); } }, 500); } else main.onGiveItemLoad(e, w, item); }, goAccepted : function(e, w, item, SpecificCollectible, key) { var accTime=main.getAcceptedTime(), acc=main.getAccepted(), DetlColl=main.getDetlColl(), DetlCollectible = ""; if(w.startsWith("collectible")) DetlCollectible = (SpecificCollectible != "") ? SpecificCollectible : "Got;" + w; item.setAttribute("id", "item_done_"+key); main.colorCode(item, "done"); item.textContent = (DetlCollectible == "") ? (main.accText[w] || main.acceptedText) : (main.collstatusText[DetlCollectible.split(";")[0]] || main.collstatusText["Got"]) + (main.accText[DetlCollectible.split(";")[1]] || main.accText[w] || main.accText["GenericCollectible"]); main.openCount++; accTime[key] = new Date().getTime(); main.setAcceptedTime(accTime); if(SpecificCollectible != "") { DetlColl[w][key] = SpecificCollectible; main.setDetlColl(DetlColl); } acc.push(key); main.setAccepted(acc); main.remove(key); main.handleDelay(); }, onYesLoad : function(e, w, item, SpecificCollectible) { main.goAccepted(e, w, item, SpecificCollectible, e.target.getAttribute("id")); main.remove(e.target.getAttribute("id")); }, onFrameLoad : function(e) { var doc=e.target.contentDocument, w=e.target.getAttribute("which"), key=e.target.getAttribute("id"), acc=main.getAccepted(), accTime=main.getAcceptedTime(), failed=main.getFailed(), failedTime=main.getFailedTime(), DetlColl=main.getDetlColl(), item=$g("//a[contains(@id,'"+key+"')]", {type:9}), text=$("app_content_"+main.gameID, doc); // get bare text section if(text) text=$g(".//div[@class='giftLimit' or @class='landingText']", {node:text,doc:doc,type:9}) || $g(".//div[@class='main_giftConfirm_cont']", {node:text,doc:doc,type:9}) || text || doc.body; text = $g(".//h3", {node:text,doc:doc,type:9}) || text; try { text = text.textContent; } catch(e) {} // false "try" case, just to suppress errors var full = main.boxFullRegex.test(text); if(!doc || !item || text.find("bits got lost on the way to your computer") || $("errorPageContainer", doc)) { main.dropItem(key); if(item) main.colorCode(item, "error"); main.handleDelay(); return; } var loadgame = doc.URL.toLowerCase().find("index.php"); var failedItem = main.failedItem(text) || !main.textRegex.test(text), gotItem = main.gotItem(doc, text); var yes = $g(".//input[@name='acceptReward' and not(contains(@value, 'Yes and')) and @type='submit']", {doc:doc, node:doc, type:9}), yestruffle = $g(".//input[@name='acceptReward' and @value='Yes and share Truffle back' and @type='submit']", {doc:doc, node:doc, type:9}), nothanks = $g(".//div[@class='submitdiv']//a[@class='skip' and contains(@href, 'skip')]", {doc:doc, node:doc, type:9}), no = doc.getElementsByName("refuseReward").item(0), DetlCollectible = "", SpecificCollectible = "", trytoget = false; if(gotItem==true && failedItem==false && ((yes || yestruffle || nothanks || no) || w.find("collectible"))) { trytoget = true; textL = text.toLowerCase(); var whichCollectibleOffered = ""; switch(w) { case "collectibleberries": whichCollectibleOffered = main.checkCollectible(doc, textL, main.whichBerriesRegex); break; case "collectiblecitrus": whichCollectibleOffered = main.checkCollectible(doc, textL, main.whichCitrusRegex); break; case "collectiblecows": whichCollectibleOffered = main.checkCollectible(doc, textL, main.whichCowsRegex); break; case "collectibleflowers": whichCollectibleOffered = main.checkCollectible(doc, textL, main.whichFlowersRegex); break; case "collectiblegrains": whichCollectibleOffered = main.checkCollectible(doc, textL, main.whichGrainsRegex); break; case "collectiblesquash": whichCollectibleOffered = main.checkCollectible(doc, textL, main.whichSquashRegex); break; } $(key).removeEventListener("load", main.onFrameLoad, false); if(whichCollectibleOffered == "" || (whichCollectibleOffered != "" && main.opts[whichCollectibleOffered]===true)) { if(whichCollectibleOffered != "") SpecificCollectible = "Accepted;" + whichCollectibleOffered; $(key).addEventListener("load", function(e) { main.onYesLoad(e, w, item, SpecificCollectible, key); }, false); if(yestruffle) yestruffle.click(); else if(nothanks) e.target.src = nothanks.href; else if(yes) yes.click(); else main.onYesLoad(e, w, item, SpecificCollectible, key); } else if(whichCollectibleOffered != "") { SpecificCollectible = "Refused;" + whichCollectibleOffered; $(key).addEventListener("load", function(e) { main.onYesLoad(e, w, item, SpecificCollectible, key); }, false); if(no) no.click(); else { item.setAttribute("id", "item_failed_"+key); main.colorCode(item, "failed"); item.textContent = main.failText; main.openCount++; failedTime[key] = new Date().getTime(); main.setFailedTime(failedTime); failed.push(key); main.setFailed(failed); main.handleDelay(); } } } // auto click "like" if enabled if(main.opts["autolike"]===true && (loadgame===true || gotItem===true || (gotItem==false && failedItem==false))) main.like(key); if(trytoget === false) { // switch(loadgame===true || gotItem===true || doc.URL.find("gifts.php?giftRecipient=")) { switch(loadgame===true || gotItem===true) { case true: main.goAccepted(e, w, item, SpecificCollectible, key); main.colorCode(item, "done"); break; case false: item.setAttribute("id", "item_failed_"+key); main.colorCode(item, "failed"); item.textContent = main.failText; main.openCount++; failedTime[key] = new Date().getTime(); main.setFailedTime(failedTime); failed.push(key); main.setFailed(failed); main.handleDelay(); break; } } // remove the iframe switch(loadgame===true || failedItem===true || (failedItem===false && gotItem===false && loadgame===false)) { case true: main.remove(key); break; } if(full === true) { // auto-pause when signal received of a limit hit main.boxFull = true; main.pauseClick = true; main.paused = true; $("status").style.backgroundColor = "#FF6F6F"; $g("//div[@id='silent_req_holder']/iframe", {del:true}); // refresh after 20-30 minutes to check again window.setTimeout(function() { main.refresh(true); }, (1200000 + ((Math.random() * 10) * 1000))); } }, // load an item url open : function(url, key, w) { if(main.delay === true || (main.paused===true && !main.itemAllowed(w)) || main.currReqs >= main.opts["maxrequests"]) return; var item = $g(".//a[starts-with(@id, 'item_') and contains(@id,'"+key+"')]", {type:9, node:main.stream}); item.setAttribute("id", "item_processing_"+key); // set id for post link main.colorCode(item, "processing"); // change post color to yellow $("status").style.background = "#FFFFAA"; // change status bar color to yellow if(",giveitemto,sendabushel,sendfeed,sendbabybottles,sendaturkey,sendluck,sendcraftingmaterials".find(","+w)) $("silent_req_holder").appendChild(main.create("iframe", {src:url, which:w, id:key, style:"height:100%; width:100%; z-index:9995; border:0;", onload:main.onGiveItemFrameLoad})); else $("silent_req_holder").appendChild(main.create("iframe", {src:url, which:w, id:key, style:"height:100%; width:100%; z-index:9995; border:0;", onload:main.onFrameLoad})); // update debug frame status which text $("debugwhichtype").innerHTML = "Type: " + w + "\n<br>\nKey: "+key; window.setTimeout(main.dropItem, main.reqTO, key); }, // core function. this loops through posts and loads them run : function() { if(main.delay === true || $("GM_config") || (main.opts["removedone"] === false && main.currReqs >= main.opts["maxrequests"])) return; var wallposts=$g(".//span[starts-with(@class,'UIActionLinks')]/a[contains(@href,'"+main.gameURLpart+"') and not(starts-with(@id,'item_done_')) and not(starts-with(@id,'item_failed_')) and not(starts-with(@id,'item_processing_')) and not(starts-with(@id,'item_skip_')) and not(contains(.,'"+main.xpQueryTextExcludes.join("')) and not(contains(.,'")+"'))]", {type:7, node:main.stream}); var opts=main.opts, open=main.open, accText=main.accText, getKey=main.getKey, which=main.which, whichAnimal=main.whichAnimal, whichEgg=main.whichEgg, whichTree=main.whichTree, whichMaterial=main.whichMaterial, whichTeam=main.whichTeam, DetlColl=main.getDetlColl(), collstatusText=main.collstatusText, acc=main.getAccepted(), accTime=main.getAcceptedTime(), failed=main.getFailed(), failedTime=main.getFailedTime(); // loop through and grab stuff var ssi=wallposts.snapshotItem, i=0, len=wallposts.snapshotLength; if(len > 0) { do { var item=wallposts.snapshotItem(i), key = getKey(item.href) || "", w = which(item), wA = (w == "adopt" ? whichAnimal(item) : ""), coll=w.startsWith("collectible"), text = $g(".//ancestor::*[contains(@id, 'stream_story_') or contains(@id, 'div_story_')]", {node:item, type:9}).textContent.replace(main.nRegex, "").replace(main.threeDotRegex, ""); // Special handling for non "key=" posts switch(item.href.find("key=") === false && item.href.find("frHost") === true) { case true: key = item.href.match(main.frHostRegex)[1]; break; } switch(w) { case "play": if(text.find("Bull")) w="adopt"; wA="bull"; break; case "horse": w="adopt"; wA="horsegray"; break; case "babyanimal": w="adopt"; wA="foalgrey"; break; // case "cow": w="adopt"; wA="cowfan"; break; } // Error catching method for option saving try { if(!accTime[w]) { accTime[w] = {}; main.setAcceptedTime(accTime); } if(!failedTime[w]) { failedTime[w] = {}; main.setFailedTime(failedTime); } if(!DetlColl[w]) { DetlColl[w] = {}; main.setDetlColl(DetlColl); } } catch(e) { if(accTime[w] == "undefined") { accTime[w] = {}; main.setAcceptedTime(accTime); } if(failedTime[w] == "undefined") { failedTime[w] = {}; main.setFailedTime(failedTime); } if(DetlColl[w] == "undefined") { DetlColl[w] = {}; main.setDetlColl(DetlColl); } } // Give acceptance link an ID item.setAttribute("id", "item_"+key); // Make the title of the link the original text item.setAttribute("title", item.textContent); // Find your own name on the post var own = $g(".//ancestor::*[starts-with(@id,'stream_story_') and not(contains(@id,'_collapsed'))]//a[@class='actorName' and @href] | .//ancestor::*[starts-with(@id,'stream_story_') and not(contains(@id,'_collapsed'))]//*[contains(@class, 'actorName')]//a[@href]", {type:9, node:item}); if(own != null ? ((own.href.find("id=") ? own.href.split("id=")[1].split("&")[0] : unescape(own.href).match(main.profileRegex)[1]) != main.profile) : null) { switch(acc.inArray(key)) { case false: if(failed.inArray(key)) { item.setAttribute("id", "item_failed_"+key); main.colorCode(item, "failed"); item.textContent = main.failText; } else if($(key) == null) { switch(w) { case "jointeam": if(opts["jointeam"] === true && opts[whichTeam(text)] === true) open(item.href, key, w); else item.setAttribute("id", "item_skip_"+key); break; case "getmaterials": if(opts[whichMaterial(text)] == true) open(item.href, key, w); else item.setAttribute("id", "item_skip_"+key); break; case "tree": if(opts["tree"] === true && opts[whichTree(text)] === true) open(item.href, key, w); else item.setAttribute("id", "item_skip_"+key); break; case "adopt": if(opts["adopt"] === true && (opts[wA] === true || (opts["unknown"] === true && typeof opts[wA]!="boolean"))) open(item.href, key, w); else item.setAttribute("id", "item_skip_"+key); break; case "hatch": if(opts[whichEgg(text)] === true) open(item.href, key, w); else item.setAttribute("id", "item_skip_"+key); break; case "seed": if(opts["seedmain"] === true && opts[w + (text.match(main.seedRegex) || ["",""])[1].toLowerCase().replace(main.spaceRegex,"")] === true) open(item.href, key, w); else item.setAttribute("id", "item_skip_"+key); break; case "purpletomato": case "straspberry": case "longonion": case "redspinach": case "sunpoppy": case "doublegrain": case "whiskypeat": case "firepepper": case "squmpkin": case "lilacdaffy": if(opts["seedmain"] === true && opts[w] === true) open(item.href, key, w); else item.setAttribute("id", "item_skip_"+key); break; case "bushel": if(opts["bushelmain"] === true && opts[w + (text.match(main.bushelRegex) || ["",""])[1].toLowerCase().replace(main.spaceRegex,"")] === true) open(item.href, key, w); else item.setAttribute("id", "item_skip_"+key); break; default: switch(opts[w] === true) { case true: if(coll===false || (coll===true && opts["collectible"] === true)) open(item.href, key, w); else item.setAttribute("id", "item_skip_"+key); break; case false: item.setAttribute("id", "item_skip_"+key); break; } } } break; case true: main.colorCode(item, "done"); var DetlCollectible = (coll==true) ? (DetlColl[w][key] || "Got;" + w) : ""; item.textContent = (DetlCollectible == "") ? (accText[w] || main.acceptedText) : ((collstatusText[DetlCollectible.split(";")[0]] || collstatusText["Got"]) + (accText[DetlCollectible.split(";")[1]] || accText[w] || accText["GenericCollectible"])); // change text item.setAttribute("id", "item_done_"+key); // add id so it can be styled if wanted break; } // switch(acc.inArray) } else item.setAttribute("id", "item_skip_"+key); // own profile } while (++i < len); } // if(len > 0) switch(main.opts["removedone"] === true) {case true: main.removeDone(); break;} // change color of status bar if all requests on page are finished if(main.currReqs == 0) window.setTimeout(function(main) { if(main.currReqs == 0 && main.pendingRefresh === false && main.boxFull === false) $("status").style.background = "#A6EEA2"; }, 1000, main); } }; main.keyRegex = new RegExp("[&?](?:amp;)?"+main.gameKeyUrlKeyword+"([0-9a-zA-Z]+)", "i"); if($(main.navIDnf) || $("pagelet_navigation")) { // run script if on homepage // new option highlighter var newOptionsCSS = ""; for(var i=0; i<newOptions.length; i++) newOptionsCSS += "label[for=\"field_"+ newOptions[i] +"\"], #field_" + newOptions[i] + " " + (i < newOptions.length-1 ? ", " : ""); newOptionsCSS = newOptionsCSS.replace(/\n$/, "") + " {background: #027B09;}"; // pre-load the config GM_config.init("<img src='"+imgs.logo+"'> v"+version, { assortedseparator : { section : [ "Manager Options" ], label : "Assorted", type : "separator" }, bonus : { label : "Bonuses (Coins)", type : "checkbox", "default" : true, kids : { bouquet : { label : "Bouquets", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, perfectbunch : { label : "Perfect Bunches", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, mysterygift : { label : "Mystery Gifts", type: "checkbox", "default" : false }, specialdelivery : { label : "Special Delivery", type : "checkbox", "default" : false } } }, none : { label : "Get NEW or Unrecognized Items", type : "checkbox", title : "Use this feature to grab newly added items that aren't in the script yet.", "default" : false }, animalfeedseparator : { label : "Animal Feed", type : "separator" }, animalfeed : { label : "Animal Feed", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, kids : { truffle : { label : "Truffles", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, kibble : { label : "Puppy Kibble", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, dogtreat : { label : "Dog Treat", type : "checkbox", "default" : false } } }, consumableseparator : { label : "Consumables", type : "separator" }, farmhands : { label : "Farmhands", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, kids : { arborists : { label : "Arborists", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, xp : { label : "XP", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, fuel : { label : "Fuel", type: "checkbox", "default" : false }, fertilizeall : { label : "Fertilize All", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, instagrow : { label : "Instagrow", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, }, lovepotion : { label : "Love Potion", type : "checkbox", "default" : false } } }, craftingseparator : { label : "Crafting", type : "separator" }, sample : { label : "Samples", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, kids : { good : { label : "Goods", type : "checkbox", "default" : false } } }, hatchseparator : { label : "Mystery Eggs", type : "separator" }, hatchwhite : { label : "White", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, kids : { hatchbrown : { label : "Brown", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchblack : { label : "Black", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchgold : { label : "Gold", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchcornish : { label : "Cornish", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchscotsgrey : { label : "Scots Grey", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchrhodeislandred : { label : "Rhode Island Red", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchrainbow : { label : "Rainbow", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchcandycane : { label : "Candy Cane", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchenglish : { label : "English", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchparty : { label : "Party", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchfaverolles : { label : "Faverolles", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchmarans : { label : "Marans", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatcharaucana : { label : "Araucana", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchbuttercup : { label : "Buttercup", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchcandycorn : { label : "Candycorn", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, hatchapple : { label : "Apple", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, } }, tasksseparator : { label : "Tasks", type : "separator" }, raising : { label : "Participate In Barn Raisings", type : "checkbox", "default" : true, kids : { stallion : { label : "Help Wandering Stallions", type : "checkbox", "default" : false } } }, giveitemto : { label : "Send gifts on \"give item to\" links", type : "checkbox", "default" : true, kids : { sendabushel : { label : "Send Bushels", type : "checkbox", "default" : true }, sendcraftingmaterials : { label : "Send Crafting Baskets", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, sendfeed : { label : "Send Feed", type : 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"Dynamic Grabbing List, Separate By Lines", type : "textarea", cols : 50, rows : 10, "default" : "item 1\nitem 2\nitem 3\netc..." }, singlematerialsseparator : { section : [ "Materials" ], label : "Single Materials", type : "separator" }, brick : { label : "Bricks", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, kids : { nail : { label : "Nails", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, woodenboard : { label : "Wooden Boards", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, horseshoe : { label : "Horseshoes", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, harness : { label : "Harnesses", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, bottle : { label : "Bottles", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, blanket : { label : "Blankets", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, glasssheet : { label : "Glass Sheets", type: "checkbox", "default" : false }, greenbeam : { label : "Green Beams", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, floralbracket : { label : "Floral Brackets", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, 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}, materialspetrun : { label : "Pet Run", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, title : "randomly collect painted wood, water pumps, and fence posts." }, materialszoo : { label : "Zoo", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, title : "randomly collect wrenches, shrubs, and pipes." }, materialsaviary : { label : "Aviary", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, title : "randomly collect clamps, hingles, and screwdrivers." }, materialscove : { label : "Cove", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, materialslivestockpen : { label : "Livestock Pen", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, title : "randomly collect water pumps, wire, and steel beams." }, materialscowpasture : { label : "Cow Pasture", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, title : "randomly collect hay bundles, stones, and tin sheets." }, materialshorsepaddock : { label : "Horse Paddock", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, title : "randomly collect logs, saddles, and bridles." }, materialscastleduckula : { label : "Castle 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bushelwhitepumpkin : { label : "White Pumpkin", type : "checkbox", "default" : false } } }, bushel : { label : "Get unknown bushels", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, checkallbushel : { label : "Check All", type : "button", script : function() { var boxes = $g(".//input[@type='checkbox' and not(contains(@id, 'main'))]", {type:6, node:$("section_kids_8", $("GM_config").contentDocument), doc:$("GM_config").contentDocument}); for(var i=0,box; (box=boxes.snapshotItem(i)); i++) box.checked = true; }, kids : { uncheckallbushel : { label : "Uncheck All", type : "button", script : function() { var boxes = $g(".//input[@type='checkbox' and not(contains(@id, 'main'))]", {type:6, node:$("section_kids_8", $("GM_config").contentDocument), doc:$("GM_config").contentDocument}); for(var i=0,box; (box=boxes.snapshotItem(i)); i++) box.checked = false; } } } }, arinterval : { section : [ "Basic Options" ], label : "Auto Refresh", type : "select", options : { off : "Off", tenth : "6 seconds", sixth : "10 seconds", quarter : "15 seconds", third : "20 seconds", half : "30 seconds", one : "1 minute", two : "2 minutes", three : "3 minutes", four : "4 minutes", five : "5 minutes", ten : "10 minutes", "10s30s" : "10sec-30sec random", "30s2m" : "30sec-2min random", "2m5m" : "2min-5min random", "5m10m" : "5min-10min random" }, "default" : "30s2m" }, newuserhints : { label : "Enable pop-up hints (for new users)", type : "checkbox", "default" : true }, filteronly : { label : "Run only on "+main.gameName+" filter page or games page", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, colorcode : { label : "Color code item posts", type : "checkbox", "default" : true }, autolike : { label : "Auto \"like\" clicked posts", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, similarposts : { label : "Autoclick \"Show Similar Posts\" links", type : "checkbox", "default" : true }, status : { label : "Show debug status bar", type : "checkbox", "default" : true }, olderpostsbottom : { label : "Force older posts bar to bottom", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, mostrecent : { label : "Stay on the \"Most Recent\" feed", type : "checkbox", "default" : true }, blockads : { label : "Block Ads", type : "checkbox", "default" : false }, inputtimeoutenable : { label : "Enable Typing Auto-pause", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, kids : { inputtimeout : { label : "Timeout (length of pause)", type : "float", "default" : 30 } } }, minposts : { label : "Minimum number of posts to show:", type : "select", options : { off : "Off", 5 : "5", 10 : "10", 20 : "20", 30 : "30", 40 : "40", 50 : "50", 100 : "100", 150 : "150" }, "default" : "off" }, maxposts : { label : "Maximum number of posts to process:", type : "select", options : { off : "Unlimited", 5 : "5", 10 : "10", 20 : "20", 30 : "30", 40 : "40", 50 : "50", 100 : "100" }, "default" : "off" }, hoursback : { label : "Backtrack posts this far in time:", type : "select", options : { off : "Off", 1 : "1 hour", 2 : "2 hours", 4 : "4 hours", 6 : "6 hours", 8 : "8 hours", 10 : "10 hours", 12 : "12 hours", 16 : "16 hours", 20 : "20 hours", 24 : "24 hours" }, "default" : "off", title : "Pick a time amount to backtrack in older posts." }, removedone : { label : "Hide finished items from feed", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, title : "Helps keep browser memory low, but keeps the minimum posts feature OFF." }, maxrequests : { section : [ "Advanced Options" ], label : "Max simultaneous requests", type : "select", options : { "1" : "1", "2" : "2", "3" : "3" }, "default" : "1", title : "How many requests processed at the same time. Default: 1" }, reqtimeout : { label : "Item Acceptance Page Timeout (seconds)", type : "float", "default" : 30 }, itemage : { label : "How long to keep attempted items in memory (days)", type : "float", "default" : 1 }, debug : { label : "Turn on debug developer mode", type : "checkbox", "default" : false, title : "This will show the requests frame and other dev features." }, reset : { label : "Reset Accepted Items", type : "button", script : main.resetAccepted }, disabled : { label : "This is for disabled items, do not change.", type : "checkbox", "default" : false } }, // Custom styling for the options interface "#field_disabled, label[for=\"field_disabled\"] {display: none !important;}\n"+ "body {color: #EEEEEE !important; margin:0 !important; background:#000000 !important;}\n"+ ".section_header {background:#333333 !important; display:block; font-size: 11pt !important;}\n"+ ".section_header_holder {padding:0 6px 0 6px !important; margin-top:6px !important;}\n"+ "#header {font-size:18px !important;}\n"+ "div.config_var span.config_var {display:inline-block !important; margin-left:10px !important;}\n"+ "div.config_var {border-top: 1px solid #1D6092; margin:0 !important; padding: 2px 0 2px 0 !important;}"+ ".field_label {font-size:11px !important;}\n"+ "span.separator {font-size: 11px !important; font-color:#AED3EE !important; margin:0 !important; padding:1px 0 1px 2px !important; display:block !important; background:#1D6092 !important;}"+ "span.field_label:not([class*=\"separator\"]) {margin-right:8px !important;} label.field_label {margin:0 !important;}"+ "span > label.field_label {margin-right:0 !important;}\n"+ "#resetLink {color: #EEEEEE !important; margin-right:6px !important;}"+ "#saveBtn, #cancelBtn {position:fixed; background-color: #000000 !important; -moz-border-radius: 4px !important; border: 1px solid #4E483D !important;}\n"+ "#saveBtn {color: #5B9337 !important; bottom:4px; right:80px;}\n"+ "#cancelBtn {color: #BB0000 !important; bottom:4px; right:6px;}\n"+ "input[type=\"text\"] {text-align: center !important;width: 34px !important; color: #CCCCCC !important; background-color: #000000 !important; -moz-border-radius: 4px !important; border: 1px solid #4E483D !important;}"+ newOptionsCSS ); if(main.realURL.find("filter=app_"+main.gameID)) GM_addStyle("#contentArea *[id*=\"_story_\"]:not([class*=\"aid_"+main.gameID+"\"]):not([id*=\"_collapsed\"]) {display:none !important;}"); // add options shortcut to user script commands try {GM_registerMenuCommand(main.gameName+" Wall Manager "+version+" Options", main.config);}catch(e){} // add div that holds the iframes for requests if(!$("silent_req_holder")) document.body.appendChild(main.create("div", {id:"silent_req_holder", style:"position:fixed; top:0; left:0; z-index:9998; overflow: hidden;"+((GM_config.get("debug") === false || typeof GM_config.get("debug") != "boolean") ? " height:1px; width:1px; border:0; background:transparent;" : "height:80%; width:95%; border:5px ridge #00FF00; background:#000000; filter:alpha(opacity=85); opacity:.85;"), ondblclick:function(e){$("silent_req_holder").style.display="none";}}, new Array( main.create("span", {textContent : "Double-click HERE to hide this debug frame.", style : "display: block; filter:alpha(opacity=100); opacity:1; color: #FFFFFF;"}), main.create("span", {id : "debugwhichtype", innerHTML : "Type: \n<br>\nKey: ", style : "display: block; color: #FFFFFF;"}) ))); // Method to work on multiple accounts var prof = $("navAccountName") || $g(".//a[@class='headerTinymanName']", {type:9, node:($("pageNav") || document.body)}); main.profile = (prof != null ? (prof.href.find("id=") ? prof.href.split("id=")[1].split("&")[0] : prof.href.match(main.profileRegex)[1]) : ""); // if on the homepage with the home feed showing if($("pagelet_navigation") && (GM_config.get("filteronly") ? (main.realURL.find("sk=cg") || main.realURL.find("filter=app_"+main.gameID) || main.realURL.find("sk=app_102452128776")) : true)) { // If enabled, stay on the Most Recent feed var url = main.realURL; if(GM_config.get("mostrecent") === true) { if(url.find("sk=") && url.find("/games")) window.location.replace(url.replace(/[&?]sk=\w+/, "")); else if(url.find("sk=h") && !url.find("/games")) window.location.replace(url.replace(/([&?])sk=h/, "$1sk=lf")); else if(!url.find("sk=") && !url.find("/games") && !url.find("sk=lf")) window.location.replace(url + (/\?\w+=[^&]*/.test(url) ? "&" : "?")+"sk=lf"); } // add stylesheets GM_addStyle(""+ "#"+main.streamID+" a[id^=\"item_done_\"] {font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; color: #008800;}\n"+ "#"+main.streamID+" a[id^=\"item_\"]:not([id^=\"item_done_\"]):not([id^=\"item_failed_\"]):not([id^=\"item_processing_\"]) {font-weight: normal; font-size: 11px; color: #6E6E6E;}\n"+ "#"+main.streamID+" a[id^=\"item_processing_\"] {color: #DFDF00 !important;}\n"+ "#"+main.streamID+" a[id^=\"item_failed_\"] {font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; color: #D70000;}"+ (GM_config.get("colorcode")===true ? "\n\n"+ "*[id^=\"stream_story_\"], .itemneutral , .itemneutral div[id$=\"_collapsed\"] {background-color: #E8E8E8;}"+ ".itemdone, .itemdone div[id$=\"_collapsed\"] {background-color: #91FF91 !important;}\n"+ ".itemprocessing, .itemprocessing div[id$=\"_collapsed\"] {background-color: #FFFF7D !important;}\n"+ ".itemfailed, .itemfailed div[id$=\"_collapsed\"] {background-color: #FF7171 !important;}"+ ".itemerror, .itemerror div[id$=\"_collapsed\"] {background-color: #95C4DF !important;}"+ "#"+main.streamID+" a[id^=\"item_\"] {color: #000000 !important;}" : "") ); // new option highlighter var newOptionsCSS = ""; for(var i=0; i<newOptions.length; i++) newOptionsCSS += "#GM_config label[for=\"field_"+ newOptions[i] +"\"]" + (i < newOptions.length-1 ? ", " : ""); GM_addStyle(newOptionsCSS.replace(/\n$/, "") + " {background: #549102;}"); // Safety feature for new speed improvement in 087 try { main.getAccepted().inArray(); main.getFailed().inArray(); } catch(e) { main.setValue("fvwm_accepted_"+main.profile, "[]"); main.setValue("fvwm_failed_"+main.profile, "[]"); } // method to speed up script considerably var tempopts={}, settings=GM_config.settings; for(var thing in settings) { // go through the options making cached options copy var g=GM_config.get(thing), kids=settings[thing].kids; switch(typeof g) { case "boolean": tempopts[thing] = g; break; case "number": tempopts[thing] = g || 0; break; case "text": tempopts[thing] = g || ""; break; default: tempopts[thing] = g; } if(kids && typeof kids=="object") for(var kid in kids) { // go through the extended settings also var k=GM_config.get(kid); switch(typeof k) { case "boolean": tempopts[kid] = k; break; case "number": tempopts[kid] = k || 0; break; case "text": tempopts[kid] = k || ""; break; default: tempopts[kid] = k; } } } main.opts = tempopts; tempopts=null; k=null; g=null; settings=null; // another method to speed up - keep about:config clean var acc=main.getAccepted(), accTime=main.getAcceptedTime(), DetlColl=main.getDetlColl(), timeNow=new Date().getTime(), ageHours=parseInt(main.opts["itemage"]) * 24; for(var w in accTime) { for(var k in accTime) { // loop through the accepted items' times if(((timeNow-accTime[k])/3600000) > ageHours && acc.inArray(k)) { acc.splice(acc.inArrayWhere(k), 1); // remove from accepted items array delete accTime[k]; // remove from time object try{ delete DetlColl[k]; }catch(e){} // this collection was failed and isn't in the detailed collectibles object } } } var failed=main.getFailed(), failedTime=main.getFailedTime(); for(var w in failedTime) { for(var k in failedTime) { // loop through the failed items' times if(((timeNow - failedTime[k])/3600000) > ageHours && failed.inArray(k)) { failed.splice(failed.inArrayWhere(k), 1); // remove from failed items array delete failedTime[k]; // remove from time object } } } main.setAccepted(acc); main.setAcceptedTime(accTime); main.setFailed(failed); main.setFailedTime(failedTime); main.setDetlColl(DetlColl); acc=null; accTime=null; DetlColl=null; timeNow=null; ageHours=null; failed=null; failedTime=null; // add debug status bar to page document.body.appendChild(main.create("div", {id:"status",style:"position: fixed; bottom: 24px; left: 4px; padding:6px 0 6px 6px; background: #FFFFAA; color: #000000; border: 1px solid #4F4F4F; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 1em; z-index: 99998; width: 198px; text-align: left;",innerHTML:"["+main.gameAcronym+"] 0 requests currently (0 done).<br>["+main.gameAcronym+"] 0 requests successful.<br>["+main.gameAcronym+"] 0 requests failed.", onclick:function(e){ if(main.boxFull) return; main.paused = !main.paused; main.pauseClick = true; main.pauseCount = main.opts["inputtimeout"] || 15; main.status(); }})); // listen for key presses to autopause, if enabled if(GM_config.get("inputtimeoutenable")) window.addEventListener("keydown", main.keyDownFunc, false); // prevent users from picking options that don't go together var opts = main.opts; if(opts["removedone"] == true && (opts["minposts"] != "off" || opts["hoursback"] != "off")) { // 'min posts' and 'hide finished items' are on GM_config.set("removedone", "off"); main.opts["removedone"] = "off"; GM_config.save(); alert("Error:\n\nThe 'minimum posts' and/or 'backtrack' options cannot be on while the 'hide finished items' option is on because it will cause an infinite loop of clicking the 'Older Posts' link.\n\nThe 'hide finished items' option has been disabled."); } if(opts["minposts"] != "off" && opts["maxposts"] != "off" && parseInt(opts["minposts"])>parseInt(opts["maxposts"])) { // 'min posts' is higher than 'max posts' GM_config.set("minposts", "off"); main.opts["minposts"] = "off"; GM_config.set("maxposts", "off"); main.opts["maxposts"] = "off"; GM_config.save(); alert("Error:\n\nThe 'minimum posts' option is higher than the 'maximum posts' option.\n\nBoth the 'minimum posts' and 'maximum posts' options have been turned off."); } if(opts["hoursback"] != "off") { main.opts["arinterval"] = "off"; GM_config.set("hoursback", "off"); } if(opts["minposts"] != "off" || opts["maxposts"] != "off" || opts["hoursback"] != "off") { main.opts["maxrequests"] = "1"; } if(opts["debug"] === true) { opts["maxrequests"] = 1; opts["reqtimeout"] = 9999; opts["arinterval"] = "off"; opts["removedone"] = false; opts["minposts"] = false; opts["maxposts"] = false; } if(parseInt(opts["maxrequests"]) > 3) { GM_config.set("maxrequests", 3); opts["maxrequests"] = 3; } // Set the time out length on a request main.reqTO = Math.round(main.opts["reqtimeout"]*1000); // make script run every second, update debug bar, and click similar posts links var runint = window.setInterval(function(e) { window.setTimeout(function(){main.run();},0); switch(main.opts["status"] == true) {case true: main.status(); break;} switch(main.opts["similarposts"] == true) {case true: main.similarPosts(); break;} switch(main.opts["minposts"] != "off") {case true: main.expand(); break;} switch(main.opts["hoursback"] != "off") {case true: main.hoursBack(); break;} }, 1000); // add autorefresh if enabled if(main.opts["arinterval"] != "off") window.setTimeout(main.refresh, main.refTime); } else if(document.title=="Problem loading page") main.refresh(); // add another shortcut to the config, this time as a link on the page var iOp=0, opInt = window.setInterval(function() { var na = $("navAccount"), f = $g(".//div[@id='pinnedNav' and contains(@class,'homeSideNav')]//ul", {type:9}), a = (na != null ? na.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0] : null), link1 = main.create("li", {id:main.navID+"_"+main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_1", className:"sideNavItem"}, new Array( main.create("a", {className:"item", href:"javascript:void(0);", onclick:main.config}, new Array( main.create("span", {className:"imgWrap"}, new Array(main.create("img", {src:imgs.icon}))), main.create("span", {textContent:main.gameAcronym+" "+version+" Options"}) )))), link2 = main.create("li", {id:main.navID+"_"+main.gameAcronym.toLowerCase()+"_2"}, new Array( main.create("a", {className:"item", href:"javascript:void(0);", onclick:main.config}, new Array( main.create("span", {className:"imgWrap"}, new Array(main.create("img", {src:imgs.icon}))), main.create("span", {textContent:main.gameAcronym+" "+version+" Options"}))) )); if(f && !$("navItem_fvwm_1")) f.appendChild(link1); if(a && !$("navItem_fvwm_2")) a.appendChild(link2); if((f && a) || iOp>=10) window.clearInterval(opInt); iOp++; }, 500); // pre-load images for(var img in imgs) new Image().src = imgs[img]; } // section for reclaiming memory and stopping memory leaks window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function(e) { window.removeEventListener("keydown", main.keyDownFunc, false); main=null; GM_config=null; iOp=null; opInt=null; runInt=null; prof=null; GM_addStyle=null; $=null; imgs=null; unsafeWindow=null; version=null; isGM=null; $g=null; debugFrameShow=null; }, false); // new user recognition var newuser = main.getValue(main.gameAcronym+"_newuser", true); if(newuser != false) { main.message("Welcome to "+main.gameName+".<br><br>"+ "<a href=\""+main.scriptHomeURL+"\" target=\"_blank\">Click here</a> to learn proper use of this script.<br><br>"+ "Thank you for choosing "+main.gameAcronym+".<br><br>"+ "The config screen will popup in 30 seconds..."); window.setTimeout(main.config, 30000); main.setValue(main.gameAcronym+"_newuser", false); } // If enabled, add the code to block ads if(GM_config.get("blockads") === true) GM_addStyle("#pymk_hp_box, div[id*=\"_no_ad_ctr\"], .UIStandardFrame_SidebarAds, #sidebar_ads, iframe:not([src*=\"/facebook\"]):not([src*=\"slashkey\"]):not([src*=\"facebook.com\"]):not([src*=\"zynga.com\"]):not([src*=\"myofferpal.com\"]):not([id=\"GM_config\"]):not([src*=\"farmville.com\"]):not([src*=\"yoville.com\"]):not([id=\"upload_iframe\"]), #home_sponsor_nile, div[class*=\"ad_capsule\"], div[class*=\"social_ad\"], div[class*=\"sponsor\"], div[id*=\"sponsor\"], .welcome_banner, #FFN_imBox_Container {display:none !important;}"); // If enabled, add the code to force the older posts bar to the bottom if(GM_config.get("olderpostsbottom") === true) GM_addStyle("#contentArea div.uiMorePagerAnchor, #contentArea div.uiMorePager {-moz-border-radius: 4px !important; position: fixed !important; bottom: 2px !important; left: 22% !important; width: 25% !important;z-index: 9999 !important;}"); // Make grab links in posts line up on the right hand side of the post GM_addStyle(".UIActionLinks > a[href*=\"onthefarm\"] { float: right !important;}"); })(); // anonymous function wrapper end

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Saturday, October 15, 2011
FarmVille Wall Manager (beta)
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