// ==UserScript== // @name Google Hit Hider by Domain // @namespace JeffersonScher // @version 1.4.4 // @copyright © 2011 Jefferson Scher // @license CC BY http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ // @description Block unwanted sites from your Google search results. For Firefox with Greasemonkey. v1.4.4 2011-10-02 // @include http://www.google.tld/* // @include http://news.google.tld/* // @include http://images.google.tld/* // @include http://video.google.tld/* // @include https://encrypted.google.tld/* // @exclude http://www.google.tld/recaptcha* // @exclude http://www.google.tld/support/* // @require http://www.jeffersonscher.com/gm/AnotherAutoUpdater.php?id=95205&days=1&var=GHHbD&show&v144 // DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk. Functionality and harmlessness cannot be guaranteed. // ==/UserScript== // == == == To override the style of the script's buttons and panes, edit the hiderStyles string in about:config == == == GM_addStyle("div.ghhider{color:#888;} div.ghhider:hover{background-color:#eee;} " + "button.ghhider{color:#555;background-color:#fcfcfc;font-size:0.85em;margin:auto 2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:4px;padding:2px 3px;} " + "button.ghhider:hover{color:#000;background:#ff8;} .ghh1time{background:#eee;} .inlinediv{display:inline;} " + ".ghhbtn{color:#555;background-color:#f0f0f0;margin:auto 2px;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:4px;padding:2px 3px;} " + ".ghhbtn:hover{color:#000;background:#ff8;} " + ".ghhpane{position:absolute;color:#333;background-color:#fcfcfc;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:4px;padding:0.25em 1.5em;font-size:13px;display:none} " + "#ghhsitelist, #ghhpbanlist{background:#fff;list-style-type:none;padding:0;margin:0;} " + "#ghhsitelist li,#ghhpbanlist li{width:100%;line-height:1.5em;padding:0;position:relative} " + ".ghhhost{display:block;padding:0 0.25em;cursor:pointer;} #ghhutil{text-align:center;margin:0.5em 0 1em 0;border:1px solid #ccc;-moz-border-radius:4px;padding:3px 0;} " + ".ghhinfo{font-size:12px;line-height:9px;position:absolute;top:0;right:0;z-index:1001;border:4px solid transparent;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:8px;-moz-border-radius-topleft:8px;margin-top:1px;padding-left:1px} " + ".ghhdel{text-decoration:line-through;color:#333;} .ghhpb{text-decoration:none;color:#f00;} " + ".ghhblk{text-decoration:none;color:#333;} .ghhd{position:relative;line-height:1.2em;cursor:pointer;} " + ".ghhindent{position:absolute;left:350px;top:-3px;} #btnedit p{margin:2px 4px 4px 4px;} #ghhblockform input[type='radio'], #ghhmngform input[type='radio']{vertical-align:bottom;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:1px} " + ".ghhtbl{border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse} .ghhtbl td, .ghhtbl th{border:1px solid black;padding:2px 4px;} " + "#ghhtsdiv{margin:0 -1.5em;padding:0 3px 0 8px;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;} #ghhtstrip{padding-bottom:0;} " + "#ghhtstrip button{color:#555;background-color:#f5f5f5;margin:0 2px 0 0;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:1px 2px;height:22px;-moz-border-radius:2px;} " + "#ghhtstrip .ghhCurTab{background-color:#fcfcfc;border-bottom-color:#fcfcfc;} .ghhtab {margin-top:1em;height:17em;overflow-y:scroll;border:1px solid #333;} " + "#mflists>div>p{margin:1em 0;} #ghhmngform{position:fixed;top:70px;right:0;z-index:101;}"); GM_addStyle("@media print {button.ghhider{display:none;}}"); // Style override example (use about:config): .ghhd{font-size:0.8em;text-decoration:line-through;} var custSty = GM_getValue("hiderStyles"); if (!custSty || custSty.length == 0){ GM_setValue("hiderStyles",""); } else { GM_addStyle(custSty); } var currentG, fxver; currentG = location.host.substr(location.host.indexOf("google.")); fxver = navigator.userAgent.substr(navigator.userAgent.lastIndexOf("Firefox/")+8).split(/\s/)[0]; // == == == Globals for preferences == == == var blist, defaultTxts, txtsPref, txts, defaultPrefs, ghhPrefs, ghhPrefO, showYN, mpopen, mbstyle, addAt, listchgs, bLUopen, bAggress, bAJAX, pref1click, betatest; blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts"); if (!blist || blist.length == 0){ blist = "|bigresource.com:t|"; GM_setValue("hideyhosts",blist); } else { if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist; if (blist.indexOf(":") < 0) convertFormat(); } defaultTxts = { "block":["block","Button next to the result title to call up the block dialog"], "unblock":["Unblock","Green button in results to remove a site from the block list"], "onetime":["Show Hit","Yellow button in results to show a result temporarily"], "pban":["Perma-ban","Red button to move a site to the perma-ban list"], "shownotc":["Show Notices","Button to set the preference for notices to show them"], "hidenotc":["Hide Notices","Button to set the preference for notices to hide them"], "okbtn":["Block Site","Button in the block dialog to block the selected domain"], "cancelbtn":["Cancel","Button in the block dialog to cancel out with making changes"], "savebtn":["Save Lists","Button in the management pane to update the block and perma-ban lists"], "closebtn":["Close","Button in the management pane to close the pane"], "okPbtn":["Perma-ban","Button in the block dialog to perma-ban the selected domain"], "cancelMbtn":["Manage Hiding","Button in the block dialog to open the management pane"], "mngbtn":["Manage Hiding","Button on the right side to open the management pane"], "eximbtn":["Export","Button in the management pane to export the block list"], "utilbtn":["List Util","Button in the management pane to open the utility panel"], "sortbtn":["Sort","Button in the management pane to sort the block list"], "unwwwbtn":["Un-www","Button in the management pane to strip www from blocked domains"], "dedupbtn":["De-Dup","Button in the management pane to de-duplicate the block list"], "impobtn":["Import","Button in the management pane to import domains into the block list"], "sharebtn":["Share","Button in the management pane to post block list to the web"] }; txtsPref = GM_getValue("textstrings"); if (!txtsPref || txtsPref.length == 0){ txts = defaultTxts; GM_setValue("textstrings",JSON.stringify(txts)); // requires Fx 3.5+ } else { if (txtsPref.indexOf(":[") == -1 || txtsPref.indexOf("mngbtn") == -1 || txtsPref.indexOf("eximbtn") == -1 || txtsPref.indexOf("utilbtn") == -1 || txtsPref.indexOf("impobtn") == -1){ convertTxts(txtsPref); } else { txts = JSON.parse(txtsPref); // requires Fx 3.5+ } } defaultPrefs = { "shownotc":["Y","Show hit notices(Y|N)"], "mngpaneopen":["Y-N","Persistence enabled(Y|N),Pane was open(Y|N),Last tab number(1-4)"], "mngbtnstyle":["both-ifrN-R","Display Manage Hiding button and Block buttons(mng|blk|both),In iframes(ifrN|ifrY),Position(R,T,B)"], "addtolistpos":["end","Where to add new hits to block lists(end|top|sort)"], "aggressiveblock":["none","Which domains to default to shorter form(none|all|www)"], "usemutation":["on","Listen for mutation events(on|off)"], "oneclick":["N-N","One-click blocking(Y|N),Goes to Perma-ban(Y|N)"], "runbeta":["N","Enable incompletely tested features (Y|N)"], "reserved2":["X","Y"] }; ghhPrefs = GM_getValue("ghhprefs"); if (!ghhPrefs || ghhPrefs.length == 0){ convertPrefs(defaultPrefs, "true"); } else { if (ghhPrefs.indexOf("reserved1")>-1){ convertPrefs(defaultPrefs, "false"); } else { ghhPrefO = JSON.parse(ghhPrefs); // requires Fx 3.5+ } } showYN = ghhPrefO.shownotc[0]; mpopen = ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0]; mbstyle = ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0]; if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("H"); if (mbstyle.split("-").length < 3){ GM_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:fixed;top:200px;right:-2.8em;-moz-transform:rotate(-90deg);"+ "border-bottom:0;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:0;-moz-border-radius-bottomright:0;padding:6px 0 6px 0;}"); } else { switch (mbstyle.split("-")[2]){ case "B": GM_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:fixed;bottom:0;right:2px;"+ "border-bottom:0;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:0;-moz-border-radius-bottomright:0;padding:6px 0 6px 0;}"); break; case "T": if (document.querySelector("#gbx3")){ if (document.querySelector("#gbx3").offsetHeight > 30){ GM_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:absolute;top:"+document.querySelector("#gbx3").offsetHeight+"px;right:0;"+ "border-top:0;-moz-border-radius-topleft:0;-moz-border-radius-topright:0;margin:0;padding:4px 6px;z-index:199;}"); } else { GM_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:absolute;top:30px;right:0;"+ "border-top:0;-moz-border-radius-topleft:0;-moz-border-radius-topright:0;margin:0;padding:4px 6px;z-index:199;}"); } } else { GM_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:absolute;top:32px;right:0;margin:0;padding:4px 6px;z-index:199;}"); } break; default: GM_addStyle("#ghhMngBtn {position:fixed;top:200px;right:-2.8em;-moz-transform:rotate(-90deg);"+ "border-bottom:0;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft:0;-moz-border-radius-bottomright:0;padding:6px 0 6px 0;}"); } } addAt = ghhPrefO.addtolistpos[0]; listchgs = 0; bLUopen = "N"; bAggress = ghhPrefO.aggressiveblock[0]; bAJAX = ghhPrefO.usemutation[0]; pref1click = ghhPrefO.oneclick[0]; betatest = ghhPrefO.runbeta[0]; if (document.body){ // Add buttons, hide unwanted domains hidehits(null,false); // Special results layout if (betatest == "Y"){ var itbl = document.querySelector("#res .images_table"); if (itbl) hidebasic(itbl); } // Create skeleton of manage form if (!document.getElementById("ghhmngform")) addManageForm(); // Add manage button if (!document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn") && mbstyle.split("-")[0] != "blk" && document.getElementById("res")) addMngBtn(); // Show pane if last open if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y") showManageForm("mngform"); // Add menu item GM_registerMenuCommand("Manage Hiding", showManageForm); // Create block form if (!document.getElementById("ghhblockform")) addBlockForm(); // Watch for changes that could be new instant or AJAX search results if (bAJAX == "on") document.body.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false); } // == == == Main Event Loops == == == var ignoreNodeNames = "|BODY|#text|#comment|INPUT|BUTTON|SCRIPT|LI|A|FORM|"; var ignoreIds = "|leftnav|leftnavc|foot|ghhtemp|ghhblockform|ghhmanageform|ghhsitelist|ghhpbanlist|rhs|rhscol|"; var ignoreClass = "|ghhider|inlinediv|ghh1time|"; var t_ap; function checkOlist(e){ // Check for new results // AutoPager extension if (e.target.id){if (e.target.id == "navcnt"){if (e.target.getElementsByClassName("ghhider").length>0){ if (t_ap) window.clearTimeout(t_ap); t_ap = window.setTimeout(refreshListeners, 500); return; }}} // Ignore events on some elements if (ignoreNodeNames.indexOf("|"+e.target.nodeName+"|") > -1) return; if (e.target.hasAttribute("id")){if (ignoreIds.indexOf("|"+e.target.id+"|") > -1) return;} if (e.target.hasAttribute("class")){ if (ignoreClass.indexOf("|"+e.target.className+"|") > -1) return; if (e.target.className.indexOf("goog-date") > -1) return; } // Standard results layout var liels = e.target.getElementsByTagName("li"); if (!liels) return; if (liels.length == 0) return; // Hide hits if list is visible now var rslt = document.querySelectorAll("#res"); if (rslt){ if (window.getComputedStyle(rslt[rslt.length-1],null).getPropertyValue("visibility") == "visible" && window.getComputedStyle(rslt[rslt.length-1],null).getPropertyValue("display") != "none"){ //GM_log("Calling hidehits; event target nodeName="+e.target.nodeName+"; id="+e.target.id+"; className="+e.target.className); var nlist = rslt[rslt.length-1].getElementsByTagName("li"); hidehits(nlist,false); } } } function hidehits(liels,ovrd){ if (!liels){ liels = document.querySelectorAll("#res li"); if (!liels) return; } var hosts, hiders, nhider, i, j, k, hid, ael, dom, dompart, btn, apar, dgone; hosts = blist; for (i=0; i<liels.length; i++){ if ((liels[i].parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "ol" || liels[i].parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "td") && liels[i].className.indexOf("mitem")<0) { hiders = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhider"); nhider = hiders.length; if (nhider == 0 || ovrd == true){ // skip if a button is there hid = false; ael = liels[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; // first link only (not useful for video or book blocks) if (liels[i].className.indexOf("videobox")>-1) ael = liels[i].querySelectorAll("td")[1].querySelector("a"); //video page if (ael){if(ael.hasAttribute("href")){if (ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("http")==0){ dom = ael.getAttribute("href").split("/")[2]; if (dom.indexOf(":")> -1) dom = dom.substr(0,dom.indexOf(":")); // Strip port number dompart = dom; while (dompart.indexOf(".")> -1) { if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":")>-1) { // These domains suck if (nhider > 0){ // Remove old buttons, notices, etc. for (k=hiders.length-1; k>=0; k--){ hiders[k].parentNode.removeChild(hiders[k]); nhider = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhider").length; } } if (liels[i].className.indexOf("ghh1time")<0){ if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":p")<0) { // No notices for perma-bans if (showYN=="Y") replaceHit(dompart,ael,liels[i],""); else replaceHit(dompart,ael,liels[i],"none"); } for (j=0; j<liels[i].children.length; j++){ // Hide Google result if (liels[i].children[j].className.indexOf("ghhider")<0){ if (liels[i].children[j].style.display=="none") liels[i].children[j].setAttribute("wasdisplaynone","wasdisplaynone"); else liels[i].children[j].style.display="none"; } } } hid = true; break; } else { dompart = dompart.slice(dompart.indexOf(".")+1); } } if (hid == false && nhider > 1) { // Remove previous block & reset nhider liels[i].removeChild(liels[i].children[0]); for (j=0; j<liels[i].children.length; j++){ if (liels[i].children[j].style.display=="none"){ if (!liels[i].children[j].hasAttribute("wasdisplaynone")) liels[i].children[j].style.display=""; } } // Clean up unblocked one-times if (liels[i].className.indexOf("ghh1time")>-1){ liels[i].className = liels[i].className.replace("ghh1time",""); dgone = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhd")[0]; if (dgone) dgone.parentNode.removeChild(dgone); dgone = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("inlinediv")[0]; if (dgone) dgone.parentNode.removeChild(dgone); } nhider = liels[i].getElementsByClassName("ghhider").length; } if (hid == false && nhider == 0) { // Not blocked, insert block button apar = ael; if (!apar.nextElementSibling){ if (apar.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "li" && apar.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "td") apar = apar.parentNode; } if (apar != undefined) { if (dom.indexOf(currentG)<0) { btn = document.createElement("button"); btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txts.block[0])); btn.className="ghhider ghhb"; btn.setAttribute("meta",dom); if (pref1click == "Y-Y"){ //BUG: for 1-click with aggressive (subdomain) settings, dom will be incorrect btn.setAttribute("title","Add "+dom+" to the Perma-ban list"); } else { btn.setAttribute("title","Add "+dom+" to the block list"); } btn.addEventListener("click",showbfd,true); if (apar.nextSibling) apar.parentNode.insertBefore(btn,apar.nextSibling); else apar.parentNode.appendChild(btn); }} // Recover from Perma-ban for (j=0; j<liels[i].children.length; j++){ if(liels[i].children[j].style.display=="none") liels[i].children[j].style.display=""; } } }}} } } else { // BETA - STANDARD image results - doesn't yet support BASIC image results if (liels[i].parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "ul" && betatest == "Y"){ if (!liels[i].hasAttribute("block")){ // skip if previously processed liels[i].setAttribute("block","normal"); ael = liels[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; if (ael){if(ael.hasAttribute("href")){if (ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("imgrefurl")>-1){ dom = ael.href.match(/imgrefurl=([^&]+)/)[1].split("/")[2]; if (dom.indexOf(":")> -1) dom = dom.substr(0,dom.indexOf(":")); // Strip port number dompart = dom; while (dompart.indexOf(".")> -1) { if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":")>-1) { // These domains suck liels[i].setAttribute("block","hidden"); liels[i].style.display = "none"; break; } else { dompart = dompart.slice(dompart.indexOf(".")+1); } } }}} } } } } if (!document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn") && mbstyle.split("-")[0] != "blk") addMngBtn(); if (document.getElementsByClassName("unbtn").length > 1) undupMngBtn(); } function replaceHit(sdomain,oa,oli,ddis){ var fc, dnew, dset, btn; fc = oli.firstChild; if (fc.nodeName.toLowerCase()=="div" && fc.className.indexOf("ghhider")>-1) return; dnew = document.createElement("div"); dnew.appendChild(document.createTextNode(oa.textContent+" on "+sdomain)); dnew.className="ghhider ghhd"; dnew.setAttribute("title","Click to view, unblock or Perma-ban"); dnew.style.display = ddis; dnew.addEventListener("click",reshow,true); oli.insertBefore(dnew,oli.firstChild); dset = document.createElement("div"); dset.className = "ghhider ghhindent"; dset.setAttribute("dom",sdomain); dset.style.display = "none"; btn = document.createElement("button"); btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txts.unblock[0])); btn.className="ghhider"; btn.setAttribute("title","Unblock this site"); btn.style.backgroundColor="#9f6"; btn.addEventListener("click",unblock,true); dset.appendChild(btn); btn = document.createElement("button"); btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txts.pban[0])); btn.className="ghhider"; btn.setAttribute("title","Permanently hide this site"); btn.style.backgroundColor="#f66"; btn.addEventListener("click",permban,true); dset.appendChild(btn); btn = document.createElement("button"); btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode("close")); btn.className="ghhider"; btn.setAttribute("title","Re-hide this hit"); btn.style.backgroundColor="#eee"; btn.addEventListener("click",rehide,true); dset.appendChild(btn); dnew.appendChild(dset); } function hidebasic(tbl){ // BASIC IMAGE RESULTS, BETA ONLY, NON-AJAX var hosts, tds, i, j, k, hid, ael, dom, dompart, btn, apar, dgone; hosts = blist; tds = tbl.querySelectorAll("td"); for (i=0; i<tds.length; i++){ ael = tds[i].querySelector("a"); if (ael){if(ael.hasAttribute("href")){if (ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("imgrefurl=")>-1){ dom = ael.getAttribute("href").substr(ael.getAttribute("href").indexOf("imgrefurl=")+7).split("/")[2]; if (dom.indexOf(":")> -1) dom = dom.substr(0,dom.indexOf(":")); // Strip port number dompart = dom; while (dompart.indexOf(".")> -1) { if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":")>-1) { // These domains suck; mark the cell for now if (hosts.indexOf("|"+dompart+":p")>-1 || showYN=="N") tds[i].setAttribute("ghhaction","delete"); else tds[i].setAttribute("ghhaction","notice"); break; } else { dompart = dompart.slice(dompart.indexOf(".")+1); } } }}} } for (i=0; i<tds.length; i++){ switch (tds[i].getAttribute("ghhaction")){ case "delete": // TODO implement deletion tds[i].innerHTML = "delete cell"; break; case "notice": // TODO implement clickable notices tds[i].style.textDecoration = "line-through"; tds[i].style.opacity = "0.3"; break; default: // TODO add block button } } } // == == == Other Functions == == == function reshow(e){ // Show hit without unblocking var liel, ael, dabs, k; liel = e.target.parentNode; while (liel.nodeName.toLowerCase()!= "li"){ liel=liel.parentNode; if (liel.nodeName.toLowerCase()=="body") return; } liel.className += " ghh1time"; // Hide notice, move action buttons, then show hit e.target.style.display="none"; ael = liel.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; if (liel.className.indexOf("videobox")>-1) ael = liel.querySelectorAll("td")[1].querySelector("a"); //video page dabs = e.target.firstElementChild; if (ael.parentNode.nextSibling) ael.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(dabs,ael.parentNode.nextSibling); else ael.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(dabs); dabs.className = "inlinediv"; dabs.removeAttribute("style"); if (dabs.nextElementSibling.className.indexOf("ghhider") == 0 || dabs.nextElementSibling.innerHTML == "block") dabs.parentNode.removeChild(dabs.nextElementSibling); for (k=1; k<liel.children.length; k++) liel.children[k].style.display=""; } // Hide or Show hit notices function updtpref(e){ var btns, j, hds, s; if (showYN == "Y"){ if (confirm("No longer show titles or buttons for suppressed results?")){ ghhPrefO.shownotc[0] = "N"; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); showYN = ghhPrefO.shownotc[0]; togHiderDivs("no"); } } else { hds = document.getElementsByClassName("ghhd"); if (hds.length > 0) s = (hds.length == 1) ? "is 1 blocked hit" : "are "+hds.length+" blocked hits"; else s = "are no blocked hits"; if (confirm("Show titles and buttons for suppressed results? (There "+s+" on this page.)")){ ghhPrefO.shownotc[0] = "Y"; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); showYN = ghhPrefO.shownotc[0]; togHiderDivs("yes"); } } fixShowHideBtn(); e.target.blur(); } function fixShowHideBtn(){ var chk = document.getElementById("chkshownotc"); if (showYN == "Y"){ chk.setAttribute("checked","checked"); chk.checked = true; } else { chk.removeAttribute("checked"); chk.checked = false; } } function togHiderDivs(sShow){ var dh, i; dh = document.getElementsByClassName("ghhider"); for(i=0;i<dh.length;i++) { if (dh[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "div" && dh[i].className.indexOf("ghhindent")<0) { if (sShow == "yes") dh[i].style.display = ""; else dh[i].style.display = "none"; } } } // Remove domain from the block list function unblock(e){ var elPar, sdom, slist, liel, tgt; elPar = e.target.parentNode; sdom = elPar.getAttribute("dom"); if (!sdom || sdom.length<4){ alert("Problem with domain to unblock"); return; } e.stopPropagation(); slist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts"); if (slist.substr(0,1) != "|") slist = "|" + slist; slist = slist.replace("|"+sdom+":t",""); GM_setValue("hideyhosts",slist); blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts"); liel = elPar.parentNode; while (liel.nodeName != "LI"){ liel=liel.parentNode; if (liel.nodeName == "BODY") break; } if (liel.nodeName =="LI" && liel.className.indexOf("ghh1time")>-1){ liel.className = liel.className.replace("ghh1time",""); liel.removeChild(liel.getElementsByClassName("ghhd")[0]); elPar.parentNode.removeChild(elPar); } hidehits(null,true); if (document.getElementById("ghhmngform")){ if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList(); } } // Add domain to the Perma-ban list function permban(e){ if (!confirm("Never see hits for this domain again?")) return; var dpar, sdom, slist, liel; dpar = e.target.parentNode; sdom = dpar.getAttribute("dom"); slist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts"); if (slist.substr(0,1) != "|") slist = "|" + slist; slist = slist.replace("|"+sdom+":t","|"+sdom+":p"); GM_setValue("hideyhosts",slist); blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts"); liel = dpar.parentNode.parentNode; while (liel.nodeName.toLowerCase()!= "li"){ liel=liel.parentNode; if (liel.nodeName.toLowerCase()=="body") break; } if (liel.nodeName.toLowerCase()=="li" && liel.className.indexOf("ghh1time")>-1){ liel.className = liel.className.replace(" ghh1time",""); } if(dpar.className.indexOf("ghhindent")>-1) dpar = dpar.parentNode; dpar.parentNode.removeChild(dpar); hidehits(null,true); if (document.getElementById("ghhmngform")){ if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList(); } } // Close this bad result and rehide (to allow indendent open/close, do not run through hidehits) function rehide(e){ var dpar, liel, dompart, ael, j; dpar = e.target.parentNode; liel = dpar.parentNode.parentNode; while (liel.nodeName.toLowerCase()!= "li"){ liel=liel.parentNode; if (liel.nodeName.toLowerCase()=="body") break; } dompart = dpar.getAttribute("dom"); dpar.parentNode.removeChild(dpar); ael = liel.querySelector("a"); liel.className = liel.className.replace(" ghh1time",""); liel.removeChild(liel.querySelector("div.ghhd")); replaceHit(dompart,ael,liel,""); for (j=0; j<liel.children.length; j++){ // Hide Google result if (liel.children[j].className.indexOf("ghhider")<0){ if (liel.children[j].style.display=="none") liel.children[j].setAttribute("wasdisplaynone","wasdisplaynone"); else liel.children[j].style.display="none"; } } } // Functions relating to the Block form function addBlockForm(){ var bfd = document.createElement("div"); bfd.id = "ghhblockform"; bfd.className = "ghhpane"; bfd.setAttribute("style","z-index:105;") bfd.innerHTML = "<form onsubmit=\"return false;\"><p><strong>Add to blocklist:</strong></p><p><label " + "style=\"white-space:pre\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"ghhdom\" value=\"f\"> <span id=\"ghhfulldom\"></span></label><br>" + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"ghhdom\" value=\"p\"> <span id=\"ghhpartdom\"></span></label></p>" + "<p style=\"text-align:center;white-space:pre;line-height:2em\"><button id=\"ghhbf1\" bt=\"t\"> " + txts.okbtn[0] + " </button> <button id=\"ghhbf3\" bt=\"p\"> " + txts.okPbtn[0] + " </button><br>" + "<button id=\"ghhbf2\" mng=\"N\"> " + txts.cancelbtn[0] + " </button> " + "<button id=\"ghhbf4\" mng=\"Y\">" + txts.cancelMbtn[0] + "</button></p></form>"; document.body.appendChild(bfd); document.getElementById("ghhbf1").addEventListener("click",addblock,true); document.getElementById("ghhbf2").addEventListener("click",ghhcloseform,true); document.getElementById("ghhbf3").addEventListener("click",addblock,true); document.getElementById("ghhbf4").addEventListener("click",ghhcloseform,true); document.getElementById("ghhblockform").addEventListener("click",ghhkillevent,true); } function showbfd(e) { var bbtn, bfdiv, fdom, pdom, fspan, pspan, tdiv, lt; bbtn = e.target; fdom = bbtn.getAttribute("meta"); if (!document.getElementById("ghhblockform")) addBlockForm(); fspan = document.getElementById("ghhfulldom"); fspan.textContent = fdom; fspan.previousElementSibling.checked = true; pdom = fdom.substr(fdom.indexOf(".")+1); pspan = document.getElementById("ghhpartdom"); if (pdom.indexOf(".") > -1) { pspan.textContent = pdom; pspan.parentNode.style.display = ""; switch (bAggress){ case "all": pspan.previousElementSibling.checked = true; case "www": if (fdom.substr(0,3) == "www") pspan.previousElementSibling.checked = true; default: // default to full domain } } else { pspan.parentNode.style.display = "none"; } bfdiv = document.getElementById("ghhblockform"); tdiv = document.getElementById("ghhtemp"); if (!tdiv){ tdiv = document.createElement("div"); tdiv.id = "ghhtemp"; } lt = bbtn.offsetLeft + bbtn.offsetWidth + 12; //if (bbtn.parentNode.offsetLeft > 0 && parseInt(fxver)<7) lt = lt - bbtn.parentNode.offsetLeft; tdiv.setAttribute("style", "position:relative;left:" + lt + "px;top:-5em;z-index:100;width:250px;"); if (bbtn.nextElementSibling){ if (bbtn.nextElementSibling.nodeName == "DIV") bbtn.parentNode.insertBefore(tdiv,bbtn.nextElementSibling); else bbtn.parentNode.appendChild(tdiv); } else bbtn.parentNode.appendChild(tdiv); tdiv.appendChild(bfdiv); if (pref1click.substr(0,1) == "Y" && e.shiftKey != true){ // 1-click; hold Shift to override if (pref1click.substr(2,1) == "N"){ document.getElementById("ghhbf1").click(); } else { document.getElementById("ghhbf3").click(); } } else { // regular bfdiv.style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("ghhbf1").focus(); } } function addblock(e){ var btype, els, i, sdom, tgt; tgt = e.target; btype = tgt.getAttribute("bt"); els = tgt.form.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (i=0; i<els.length; i++){ if(els[i].checked == true){ sdom = els[i].nextElementSibling.textContent; break; } } ghhcloseform(e); if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist; if (!btype) btype == "t"; if (addAt == "end") blist += sdom + ":" + btype + "|"; else blist = "|" + sdom + ":" + btype + blist; GM_setValue("hideyhosts",blist); hidehits(null,true); if (addAt == "sort") sortlist(null); if (document.getElementById("ghhmngform")){ if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList(); } } function ghhcloseform(e){ if (!e) return; if (typeof(e) == "object" && e.target){ if(e.target.id.indexOf("ghhbf") == 0){ var mng = e.target.getAttribute("mng"); var bfdiv = document.getElementById("ghhblockform"); var tdiv = document.getElementById("ghhtemp"); bfdiv.style.display = "none"; document.body.appendChild(bfdiv); tdiv.parentNode.removeChild(tdiv); if (mng == "Y") showManageForm("mngform"); } if(e.target.id.indexOf("ghhmf") == 0){ if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("H"); document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display = "none"; if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y"){ mpopen = "Y-N"; ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); } } } else { if(e == "mngform"){ if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("H"); document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display = "none"; if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y"){ mpopen = "Y-N"; ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); } } } } // Functions relating to the Manage Hiding button function addMngBtn(){ if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "blk") return; if (window.self != window.top) if (mbstyle.split("-")[1] == "ifN") return; var mbtn; mbtn = document.createElement("button"); mbtn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txts.mngbtn[0])); mbtn.className="ghhider unbtn"; mbtn.setAttribute("title","Manage Google Hit Hider Settings"); mbtn.id = "ghhMngBtn"; mbtn.addEventListener("click",showManageForm,true); document.body.appendChild(mbtn); } function undupMngBtn(){ var unbtns = document.getElementsByClassName("unbtn"); while (unbtns.length > 1){ unbtns[unbtns.length - 1].parentNode.removeChild(unbtns[unbtns.length - 1]); } } function showManageForm(e){ if (window.self != window.top) return; var mfd; if (!document.getElementById("ghhmngform")) addManageForm(); mfd = document.getElementById("ghhmngform"); if (mfd.style.display != "none" && e != "mngform"){ // Toggle to hidden if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("H"); if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y"){ mpopen = "Y-N"; ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); } mfd.style.display = "none"; } else { refreshSiteList(); mfd.style.display = "block"; if (mpopen.substr(0,3) == "Y-Y" && mpopen.length == 5){ // Restore last displayed tab var tabnum = mpopen.substr(4,1); if (document.getElementById("ghhmt"+tabnum).style.display == "none"){ var synth = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); synth.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); document.getElementById("ghhts"+tabnum).dispatchEvent(synth); if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("S"); if (typeof e == "object") e.target.blur(); return } } if (document.getElementById("ghhmt1").style.display != "none" || document.getElementById("ghhmt4").style.display != "none"){ document.getElementById("ghhmf1").setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); document.getElementById("ghhutil").style.display == "none"; } else { if (document.getElementById("ghhmf1").hasAttribute("disabled")) document.getElementById("ghhmf1").removeAttribute("disabled"); if (bLUopen != "N") document.getElementById("ghhutil").style.display = "block"; } setCurrentTab(); if (mbstyle.split("-")[0] == "mng") toggleBlockHiders("S"); } if (typeof e == "object") e.target.blur(); } function setCurrentTab(){ var k, tabnum; var tabset = document.querySelectorAll("#mflists>div"); for (k=0; k<tabset.length; k++){ tabnum = tabset[k].getAttribute("id"); tabnum = tabnum.substr(tabnum.length-1); if (tabset[k].style.display != "none"){ document.getElementById("ghhts"+tabnum).className = "ghhCurTab"; if (mpopen.substr(0,1) == "Y"){ mpopen = "Y-Y-"+tabnum; ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); } } else document.getElementById("ghhts"+tabnum).className = ""; } } // Functions relating to the Manage GHH form function addManageForm(){ var mfd = document.createElement("div"); mfd.id = "ghhmngform"; mfd.className = "ghhpane"; mfd.setAttribute("style","display:none;"); mfd.innerHTML = "<form onsubmit=\"return false;\"><div id=\"ghhtsdiv\">" + "<p style=\"margin:6px 0 -1px 0\" id=\"ghhtstrip\">" + "<button id=\"ghhts1\" title=\"General Use and Notices\">Home</button>" + "<button id=\"ghhts2\" title=\"Regular Block List\">Block</button>" + "<button id=\"ghhts3\" title=\"Perma-ban List\">Perma-ban</button>" + "<button id=\"ghhts4\" title=\"Manage Script Options\">Options</button></p></div>" + "<div id=\"mflists\" style=\"width:230px\">" + "<div id=\"ghhmt1\"><p>Welcome to Google Hit Hider!</p>" + "<div class=\"ghhtab\">" + "<p style=\"padding:0.25em;margin:0.25em\">Click the block button ( <button class=\"ghhider\" onclick=\"return false;\">" + txts.block[0] + "</button> ) " + "next to a hit title to block results from that site. A <b>regular</b> blocked hit becomes a one-line notation, " + "while a <b>Perma-ban</b> disappears completely.</p>" + "<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #000; padding:0.25em;margin:0.25em\"><label title=\"Switch between showing and hiding result titles " + "for regular blocked hits\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkshownotc\" id=\"chkshownotc\"> Show hidden hit notices</label><br>" + "<label title=\"Switch between block dialog and one-click blocking\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chk1click\" " + "id=\"chk1click\"> Enable 1-click blocking</label><br>" + "<label title=\"Try out features that haven't been completely tested\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkbeta\" " + "id=\"chkbeta\"> Enable beta features</label></p>" + "<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #000; padding:0.25em;margin:0.25em\">v1.4.2 © 2011 Jefferson Scher. Learn more on " + "<a href=\"http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/95205\">this script's page on userscripts.org</a>.</p></div></div>" + "<div id=\"ghhmt2\" style=\"display:none\"><p>Click to remove from regular block list:</p>" + "<div class=\"ghhtab\"><ul id=\"ghhsitelist\"></ul></div></div>\n" + "<div id=\"ghhmt3\" style=\"display:none\"><p>Click to remove from Perma-ban list:</p>" + "<div class=\"ghhtab\"><ul id=\"ghhpbanlist\"></ul></div></div>" + "<div id=\"ghhmt4\" style=\"display:none\"><p>Manage script options:</p>" + "<div class=\"ghhtab\" id=\"btnedit\">" + "<p id=\"addradios\">Add newly blocked domains:<br>" + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"addpos\" value=\"end\"> at the end of the list</label><br>" + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"addpos\" value=\"top\"> at the top of the list</label><br>" + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"addpos\" value=\"sort\"> in alphabetical order</label></p>" + "<p id=\"aggressrads\" style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">Block form defaults to:<br>" + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"agglevel\" value=\"none\"> always the full domain</label><br>" + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"agglevel\" value=\"all\"> always the partial domain</label><br>" + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"agglevel\" value=\"www\"> partial domain for www only</label></p>" + "<p id=\"btnradios\" style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">User interface style:<br>" + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"uistyle\" value=\"both\"> Show Manage Hiding & " + txts.block[0] + "</label><br>" + "<label> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"mbiframe\" id=\"mbiframe\"> Manage Hiding in iframes</label><br>" + "<label title=\"You can click a " + txts.block[0] + " button to open this dialog\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"uistyle\" value=\"blk\"> Hide Manage Hiding button</label><br>" + "<label title=\"" + txts.block[0] + " buttons will appear only when this dialog is displayed\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"uistyle\" value=\"mng\"> Hide " + txts.block[0] + " buttons</label><br>" + "Manage Hiding button position:<br>" + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"mngbtnpos\" value=\"R\"> Side</label> " + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"mngbtnpos\" value=\"T\"> Top</label> " + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"mngbtnpos\" value=\"B\"> Bottom</label></p>" + "<p id=\"miscpref\" style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">Misc Preferences:<br>" + "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkajax\" id=\"chkajax\"> Instant/AJAX/Autopager</label><br>" + "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chkmpopen\" id=\"chkmpopen\"> Re-open Management Pane</label><br>" + "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"chk1pban\" id=\"chk1pban\"> 1-click to Perma-ban list</label></p>" + "<p style=\"border-top:1px solid #000;padding-top:0.25em;margin-bottom:8px\">Edit captions:</p>" + "<p><button class=\"ghhider\" id=\"ghhedit1\" key=\"block\">" + txts.block[0] + "</button> " + "<button class=\"ghhider\" id=\"ghhedit3\" key=\"unblock\" style=\"background:#9f6\">" + txts.unblock[0] + "</button> " + "<button class=\"ghhider\" id=\"ghhedit2\" key=\"pban\" style=\"background:#f66\">" + txts.pban[0] + "</button></p>" + "<p><i>Reload to complete changes</i></p><p><button id=\"ghhmfr\">Restore default captions</button></p></div></div>" + "</div><p style=\"text-align:center;white-space:pre\">" + "<button id=\"ghhmf1\">" + txts.savebtn[0] + "<span id=\"numchgs\"></span></button> " + "<button id=\"ghhmf3\" title=\"Display additional buttons for list management\">List Util" + "</button> <button id=\"ghhmf2\">" + txts.closebtn[0] + "</button></p><p id=\"ghhutil\" style=\"display:none\">" + "<button id=\"ghhmf4\" title=\"Display block list for copying to backup or share\">" + txts.eximbtn[0] + "</button> <button id=\"ghhmf7\" title=\"Import domains to the block list\">" + txts.impobtn[0] + "</button> <button id=\"ghhmf8\" title=\"Post block list to the web\" disabled=\"disabled\">" + txts.sharebtn[0] + "</button><br /><button id=\"ghhmf5\" title=\"Sort list in alphabetical order\">" + txts.sortbtn[0] + "</button> <button id=\"ghhmf6\" title=\"De-duplicate block list by removing unnecessary domains\">" + txts.dedupbtn[0] + "</button> <button id=\"ghhmf9\" title=\"Remove www from blocked domains\">" + txts.unwwwbtn[0] + "</button></p></form>"; document.body.appendChild(mfd); fixShowHideBtn(); fixuistyle(); fixaddpos(); fixaggblock(); fixajaxstyle(); fixpanepersist(); fix1clickstyle(); fixBeta(); document.getElementById("ghhts1").addEventListener("click",togglelist,true); // tabs document.getElementById("ghhts2").addEventListener("click",togglelist,true); document.getElementById("ghhts3").addEventListener("click",togglelist,true); document.getElementById("ghhts4").addEventListener("click",togglelist,true); document.getElementById("chkshownotc").addEventListener("change",updtpref,true); // home document.getElementById("chk1click").addEventListener("change",updt1click,true); document.getElementById("chkbeta").addEventListener("change",updtBeta,true); document.getElementById("ghhsitelist").addEventListener("click",togglesite,true); // block document.getElementById("ghhpbanlist").addEventListener("click",togglesite,true); // pban document.getElementById("addradios").addEventListener("change",updtaddpos,true); // options document.getElementById("aggressrads").addEventListener("change",updtaggress,true); document.getElementById("chkajax").addEventListener("change",updtAJAX,true); document.getElementById("chkmpopen").addEventListener("change",updtpersist,true); document.getElementById("chk1pban").addEventListener("change",updt1click,true); document.getElementById("btnradios").addEventListener("change",updtuistyle,true); document.getElementById("ghhedit1").addEventListener("click",chgcaption,true); document.getElementById("ghhedit2").addEventListener("click",chgcaption,true); document.getElementById("ghhedit3").addEventListener("click",chgcaption,true); document.getElementById("ghhmfr").addEventListener("click",resetTextStrings,true); document.getElementById("ghhmf1").addEventListener("click",saveedits,true); // buttons document.getElementById("ghhmf2").addEventListener("click",ghhcloseform,true); document.getElementById("ghhmf3").addEventListener("click",toggleListUtil,true); document.getElementById("ghhmf4").addEventListener("click",exportlist,true); document.getElementById("ghhmf5").addEventListener("click",sortlist,true); document.getElementById("ghhmf6").addEventListener("click",dedup,true); document.getElementById("ghhmf7").addEventListener("click",importlist,true); document.getElementById("ghhmf9").addEventListener("click",unwww,true); } function togglelist(e){ // Change tabs e.target.blur(); if (e.target.className == "ghhCurTab") return; var tabbtns = document.querySelectorAll("#ghhtstrip>button"); var k, tabnum; for (k=0; k<tabbtns.length; k++){ tabnum = tabbtns[k].id; tabnum = tabnum.substr(tabnum.length-1); if (e.target.id == tabbtns[k].id){ document.getElementById("ghhmt"+tabnum).style.display = ""; } else { document.getElementById("ghhmt"+tabnum).style.display = "none"; } } if (document.getElementById("ghhmt1").style.display != "none" || document.getElementById("ghhmt4").style.display != "none"){ document.getElementById("ghhmf1").setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); document.getElementById("ghhutil").style.display = "none"; } else { if (document.getElementById("ghhmf1").hasAttribute("disabled")) document.getElementById("ghhmf1").removeAttribute("disabled"); if (bLUopen != "N") document.getElementById("ghhutil").style.display = "block"; } setCurrentTab(); } function toggleListUtil(e){ // Display/close extra set of buttons e.target.blur(); var p = document.getElementById("ghhutil"); if (!p) return; // If not displaying a list now, move to a list if (document.getElementById("ghhmt1").style.display != "none" || document.getElementById("ghhmt4").style.display != "none"){ var synth = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); synth.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); document.getElementById("ghhts2").dispatchEvent(synth); p.style.display = "block"; // Always open button pane bLUopen = "Y"; } else { if (p.style.display != "block"){ // Toggle when list already was displayed p.style.display = "block"; bLUopen = "Y"; } else { p.style.display = "none"; bLUopen = "N"; } } } function togglesite(e){ // Designate list items for unblock, pban or block var t, l, s, pid; t = e.target; if (t.className == "ghhinfo") t = t.nextElementSibling; l = t.parentNode; pid = l.parentNode.id; switch (t.className){ case "ghhhost ghhpb": t.className = "ghhhost ghhblk"; // toggle to block if (l.nodeName == "LI"){ if (pid == "ghhsitelist"){ l.children[0].style.display = "none"; listchgs = listchgs - 1; } else { l.children[0].style.display = "inline"; l.children[0].textContent = "to " + txts.block[0]; l.children[0].style.backgroundColor = "#ccc"; listchgs = listchgs + 1; } } break; case "ghhhost ghhdel": t.className = "ghhhost ghhpb"; // toggle to perma-ban if (l.nodeName == "LI"){ if (pid == "ghhpbanlist"){ l.children[0].style.display = "none"; listchgs = listchgs - 1; } else { l.children[0].style.display = "inline"; l.children[0].textContent = "to " + txts.pban[0]; l.children[0].style.backgroundColor = "#f66"; } } break; default: t.className = "ghhhost ghhdel"; // toggle to unblock if (l.nodeName == "LI"){ l.children[0].style.display = "inline"; l.children[0].textContent = "to " + txts.unblock[0]; l.children[0].style.backgroundColor = "#9f6"; if (pid == "ghhsitelist"){ listchgs = listchgs + 1; } } } } function saveedits(e){ // Save changes made on tabs 2 and 3 if (e){ if (listchgs == 0){ if (!confirm("No changes detected. Save anyway?")){ e.target.blur(); return; } } else { if (!confirm("Save changes to block list?")){ e.target.blur(); return; } } } var slist, i, sp, ttemp, ptemp; slist = document.getElementById("ghhsitelist"); ttemp = ""; ptemp = ""; for (i=0;i<slist.children.length;i++){ if (slist.children[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "li") { sp = slist.children[i].children[1]; switch (sp.className){ case "ghhhost ghhblk": ttemp += sp.textContent + ":t|"; break; case "ghhhost ghhpb": ptemp += sp.textContent + ":p|"; break; default: // to be unblocked } } } slist = document.getElementById("ghhpbanlist"); for (i=0;i<slist.children.length;i++){ if (slist.children[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "li") { sp = slist.children[i].children[1]; switch (sp.className){ case "ghhhost ghhblk": ttemp += sp.textContent + ":t|"; break; case "ghhhost ghhpb": ptemp += sp.textContent + ":p|"; break; default: // to be unblocked } } } GM_setValue("hideyhosts", "|" + ttemp + ptemp); blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts"); hidehits(null,true); refreshSiteList(); listchgs = 0; if (e) e.target.blur(); } function refreshSiteList(){ // Rebuild lists for tabs 2 and 3 var sarray, slist, pblist, i, j, k, litem; if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist; sarray = blist.substr(1).split("|"); slist = document.getElementById("ghhsitelist"); slist.innerHTML = ""; pblist = document.getElementById("ghhpbanlist"); pblist.innerHTML = ""; j = 0; k = 0; for (i=0; i<sarray.length-1; i++){ if (sarray[i].indexOf(":p")<0) { litem = document.createElement("li"); if(sarray[i].indexOf(":")>0){ litem.innerHTML = "<span class=\"ghhinfo\"></span><span class=\"ghhhost ghhblk\">" + sarray[i].substr(0, sarray[i].indexOf(":")) + "</span>"; } else{ litem.innerHTML = "<span class=\"ghhinfo\"></span><span class=\"ghhhost ghhblk\">" + sarray[i] + "</span>"; } if (j % 2 == 0) litem.style.background = "#fcfcaa"; slist.appendChild(litem); j += 1; } else { litem = document.createElement("li"); litem.innerHTML = "<span class=\"ghhinfo\"></span><span class=\"ghhhost ghhpb\">" + sarray[i].substr(0, sarray[i].indexOf(":")) + "</span>"; if (k % 2 == 0) litem.style.background = "#fcfcaa"; pblist.appendChild(litem); k += 1; } } } function updtaddpos(e){ // Implement change for radio buttons re where to add to list var rads = e.target.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']"); for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){ if (rads[i].checked){ if (rads[i].value == "sort"){ if(confirm("Sort lists now? Sorting is irreversible.")){ if (listchgs > 0) { if (confirm("You have unsaved changes to your lists. Save changes and sort, or cancel sorting?")){ saveedits(null); } else { fixaddpos(); return; } } sortlist(null); } else { fixaddpos(); return; } } addAt = rads[i].value; ghhPrefO.addtolistpos[0] = addAt; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); break; } } fixaddpos(); } function fixaddpos(){ // Check appropriate radio button re where to add to list var rads = document.getElementById("addradios").querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']"); for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){ if (rads[i].value == addAt){ rads[i].setAttribute("checked","checked"); rads[i].checked = true; } else{ if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){ rads[i].removeAttribute("checked"); rads[i].checked = false; } } } } function updtaggress(e){ // Implement change for radio buttons re default domain to block var rads = e.target.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']"); for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){ if (rads[i].checked){ bAggress = rads[i].value; ghhPrefO.aggressiveblock[0] = bAggress; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); break; } } fixaggblock(); } function fixaggblock(){ // Check appropriate radio button re default domain to block var rads = document.getElementById("aggressrads").querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']"); for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){ if (rads[i].value == bAggress){ rads[i].setAttribute("checked","checked"); rads[i].checked = true; } else{ if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){ rads[i].removeAttribute("checked"); rads[i].checked = false; } } } } function updtuistyle(e){ // Store settings for buttons to display var mbparts = mbstyle.split("-"); if (mbparts.length == 1) mbparts.push("ifrN"); if (mbparts.length == 2) mbparts.push("R"); if (e.target.id == "mbiframe") { // Handle iframe checkbox var chk = e.target; if (chk.checked){ mbparts[1] = "ifrY"; } else { mbparts[1] = "ifrN"; } mbstyle = mbparts.join("-"); ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); } else { // Handle radio buttons if (e.target.getAttribute("name") == "uistyle"){ var rads = e.target.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input[name='uistyle']"); for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){ if (rads[i].checked){ switch (rads[i].value){ case "blk": mbparts[0] = rads[i].value; document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn").parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn")); alert("After you close the management pane, click any block button to open it again."); break; case "mng": if(confirm("Display block buttons only when this dialog is open?")) mbparts[0] = "mng"; else e.target.checked = false; break; default: mbparts[0] = "both"; if (!document.getElementById("ghhMngBtn")) addMngBtn(); } mbstyle = mbparts.join("-"); ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); break; } } } else { var rads = e.target.parentNode.querySelectorAll("input[name='mngbtnpos']"); for (var i=0; i<rads.length; i++){ if (rads[i].checked){ mbparts[2] = rads[i].value; mbstyle = mbparts.join("-"); ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = mbstyle; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); break; } } } } fixuistyle(); } function fixuistyle(){ // Check appropriate radio button re buttons to display if (mbstyle.split("-").length == 1) mbstyle = mbstyle + "-ifrN-R"; if (mbstyle.split("-").length == 2) mbstyle = mbstyle + "-R"; var rads = document.getElementById("btnradios").querySelectorAll("input[name^='uistyle']"); for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){ if (rads[i].value == mbstyle.split("-")[0]){ rads[i].setAttribute("checked","checked"); rads[i].checked = true; } else{ if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){ rads[i].removeAttribute("checked"); rads[i].checked = false; } } } var chk = document.getElementById("mbiframe"); if (mbstyle.split("-")[1] == "ifrY"){ chk.setAttribute("checked","checked"); chk.checked = true; } else { chk.removeAttribute("checked"); chk.checked = false; } var rads = document.getElementById("btnradios").querySelectorAll("input[name^='mngbtnpos']"); for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){ if (rads[i].value == mbstyle.split("-")[2]){ rads[i].setAttribute("checked","checked"); rads[i].checked = true; } else{ if (rads[i].hasAttribute("checked")){ rads[i].removeAttribute("checked"); rads[i].checked = false; } } } } function updtAJAX(e){ // Store setting for AJAX preference var chk = e.target; if (chk.checked){ bAJAX = "on"; document.body.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false); document.body.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false); } else { bAJAX = "off"; document.body.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", checkOlist, false); } ghhPrefO.usemutation[0] = bAJAX; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); fixajaxstyle(); } function fixajaxstyle(){ // Check box for AJAX preference var chk = document.getElementById("chkajax"); if (bAJAX == "on"){ chk.setAttribute("checked","checked"); chk.checked = true; } else { chk.removeAttribute("checked"); chk.checked = false; } } function updtpersist(e){ // Store setting for persistence preference var chk = e.target; if (chk.checked){ mpopen = "Y" + mpopen.substr(1); } else { mpopen = "N" + mpopen.substr(1); } ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = mpopen; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); fixpanepersist(); } function fixpanepersist(){ // Check box for persistence preference var chk = document.getElementById("chkmpopen"); if (mpopen.substr(0,1) == "Y"){ chk.setAttribute("checked","checked"); chk.checked = true; } else { chk.removeAttribute("checked"); chk.checked = false; } } function updt1click(e){ // Store setting for 1-click preferences var chk = e.target; if (chk.id == "chk1click"){ if (chk.checked){ pref1click = "Y" + pref1click.substr(1,2); } else { pref1click = "N" + pref1click.substr(1,2); } } else { if (chk.checked){ pref1click = pref1click.substr(0,2) + "Y"; } else { pref1click = pref1click.substr(0,2) + "N"; } } ghhPrefO.oneclick[0] = pref1click; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); fix1clickstyle(); } function fix1clickstyle(){ // Check boxes for one-click preferences var chk = document.getElementById("chk1click"); if (pref1click.substr(0,1) == "Y"){ chk.setAttribute("checked","checked"); chk.checked = true; } else { chk.removeAttribute("checked"); chk.checked = false; } chk = document.getElementById("chk1pban"); if (pref1click.substr(2,1) == "Y"){ chk.setAttribute("checked","checked"); chk.checked = true; } else { chk.removeAttribute("checked"); chk.checked = false; } } function updtBeta(e){ // Store setting for runbeta preference var chk = e.target; if (chk.checked){ betatest = "Y"; } else { betatest = "N"; } ghhPrefO.runbeta[0] = betatest; GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); fixBeta(); } function fixBeta(){ // Check box for runbeta preference var chk = document.getElementById("chkbeta"); if (betatest == "Y"){ chk.setAttribute("checked","checked"); chk.checked = true; } else { chk.removeAttribute("checked"); chk.checked = false; } } function chgcaption(e){ // Store button caption changes (but do not immediately refresh) var btn, key, input; btn = e.target; key = e.target.getAttribute("key"); e.target.blur(); input = prompt(txts[key][1], txts[key][0]); if (!input) return; if (input.length > 0 && input != txts[key][0]){ txts[key][0] = input.replace(/\"/g,"''"); btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txts[key][0])); btn.removeChild(btn.firstChild); GM_setValue("textstrings",JSON.stringify(txts)); } } function resetTextStrings(e){ // Reset buttons captions to defaults if (confirm("Restore default button captions?")){ txts = defaultTxts; GM_setValue("textstrings",JSON.stringify(txts)); // requires Fx 3.5+ alert("Please reload to see the changes."); e.target.blur(); } } function exportlist(e){ // Display and populate export form, clean up from any prior use if (!document.getElementById("ghhexport")) insertExportForm(); var expDiv = document.getElementById("ghhexport"); document.getElementById("ghheximhead").innerHTML = "Export Block List"; document.getElementById("ghheximinfo1").innerHTML = "These boxes display your current block list. <br /><br />" + "On the left, you have the list in its native format. By saving this format, you can preserve your regular/Perma-ban " + "block decisions. <br /><br />On the right, you have a simple list of domains. " + "This would be a good format for sharing your list with others."; document.getElementById("ghhtaleft").value = GM_getValue("hideyhosts"); var domList = GM_getValue("hideyhosts").substr(1).replace(/:[tp]\|/g, "\n"); document.getElementById("ghhtaright").value = domList.replace(/\n*$/, ""); document.getElementById("ghhleftcontrols").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").style.display = "none"; if (document.getElementById("ghhtaright").style.display == "none") document.getElementById("ghhtaright").style.display = ""; expDiv.style.display = "block"; e.target.blur(); } function insertExportForm(){ var dNew, btn, par, ta; dNew = document.createElement("div"); dNew.id = "ghhexport"; dNew.className = "ghhpane"; dNew.setAttribute("style","position:fixed;top:10%;left:5%;width:90%;z-index:1001;background:#ddd;padding:1em;font-size:1.25em;display:none"); dNew.innerHTML = "<button onclick=\"this.parentNode.style.display='none'\" style=\"float: right; margin: 0 0 4px 4px;\" class=\"ghhider\">Close</button>" + "<p style=\"margin-top:0; font-weight: bold;\" id=\"ghheximhead\"></p>" + "<p id=\"ghheximinfo1\"></p>" + "<div id=\"ghhleft\" style=\"width:49%;float:left\"><textarea id=\"ghhtaleft\" " + "spellcheck=\"false\" style=\"width:100%;height:300px;overflow-y:scroll\"></textarea>" + "<div id=\"ghhleftcontrols\" style=\"clear:left;display:none\"><p><button id=\"ghhexp1\">Parse List for Import</button></p></div></div>" + "<div id=\"ghhright\" style=\"width:49%;float:right\"><textarea id=\"ghhtaright\" " + "spellcheck=\"false\" style=\"width:100%;height:300px;overflow-y:scroll\"></textarea>" + "<div id=\"ghhtbldiv\" style=\"height:298px;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:scroll;background:#fff;padding:4px 0 0 4px;border:1px solid #aac;margin-top:1px;display:none\"></div> " + "<div id=\"ghhrightcontrols\" style=\"clear:right;display:none\"><p id=\"impradios\">Please review the above list for accuracy. If correct, add domains to: <br>" + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"impbtype\" value=\"asis\"> the list specified under Block Type</label> <br />" + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"impbtype\" value=\"t\"> the regular block list</label> <br />" + "<label><input type=\"radio\" name=\"impbtype\" value=\"p\"> the Perma-ban list</label> " + "<button id=\"ghhexp2\">Import</button></p></div></div>"; document.body.appendChild(dNew); } function importlist(e){ // Display import form, clean up from any prior use if (!document.getElementById("ghhexport")) insertExportForm(); var expDiv = document.getElementById("ghhexport"); document.getElementById("ghheximhead").innerHTML = "Import Block List"; document.getElementById("ghheximinfo1").innerHTML = "<strong>As a precaution in case something goes wrong, please use the Export feature to copy " + "and save your current list as a backup.</strong> <br /><br />" + "To begin, paste your list into the left box below. Then click the Parse List for Import button. This script can import a list in its own native format, or a plain list of domains with a separate domain on each line, or " + "separated by spaces. (It also converts the Noise Reduction for Google and Google Domain Blocker formats.)"; document.getElementById("ghhtaleft").value = ""; document.getElementById("ghhleftcontrols").style.display = ""; document.getElementById("ghhexp1").addEventListener("click",parseList,true); document.getElementById("ghhtaright").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").style.display = "none"; expDiv.style.display = "block"; e.target.blur(); } function parseList(e){ // Parse putative domain list and redisplay cleaned up var txt, sites = [], bHasTypes = 0, i, tbod, thd, rasis, lbpos, rbpos; txt = document.getElementById("ghhtaleft").value; if (txt.length < 4){ alert("Block list too short!"); return; } document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").innerHTML = ""; // clean up/convert domain list to pipe-delimited txt = txt.replace(/(http|https):/g, ""); txt = txt.replace(/(,|\/|;)/g, "|"); txt = txt.replace(/\s+/g, "|"); txt = txt.replace(/\|+/g, "|"); txt = txt.replace(/[\<\>"'=#\!\u2018\u2019\(\)\{\}]/g, ""); // strip regex txt = txt.replace(/(\+|\*|\$|\\)/g, ""); while (txt.indexOf("[") > -1 && txt.indexOf("]") > -1){ lbpos = txt.indexOf("["); rbpos = txt.indexOf("]") if (lbpos > 0 && rbpos + 1 < txt.length) txt = txt.substring(0,lbpos) + txt.substring(rbpos+1); else { if (lbpos == 0 && rbpos + 1 < txt.length) txt = txt.substring(rbpos+1); else break; // for some reason, entire list is bracketed?? } } if (txt.indexOf(":") > -1) bHasTypes = 1; sites = txt.split("|"); for (i=0; i<sites.length; i++){ if (sites[i].length > 1){ if (sites[i].indexOf(".") == 0) sites[i] = sites[i].substr(1); if (sites[i].indexOf("?") > -1) sites[i] = sites[i].substr(0,sites[i].indexOf("?")); if (bHasTypes == 1){ if (sites[i].indexOf(":t") == sites[i].length - 2 || sites[i].indexOf(":p") == sites[i].length - 2){ sites[i] = "<tr><td>" + sites[i].replace(":t","</td><td>regular").replace(":p","</td><td>Perma-ban") + "</td></tr>"; } else { if (sites[i].indexOf(":") > -1) sites[i] = sites[i].substr(0, sites[i].indexOf(":")); sites[i] = "<tr><td>" + sites[i] + "</td><td>(unspecified)</td></tr>"; } } else { // Plain list sites[i] = "<tr><td>" + sites[i] + "</td></tr>"; } } } tbod = "<tbody>\n" + sites.join("\n") + "</tbody>"; if (sites.length == 0){ alert("Unable to parse the list, sorry."); return; } if (bHasTypes == 1) thd = "<thead><tr><th>Domain</th><th>Block Type</th></tr></thead>"; else thd = "<thead><tr><th>Domain</th></tr></thead>"; document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").innerHTML = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"ghhtbl\" id=\"ghhparsed\">" + thd + tbod + "</table>"; document.getElementById("ghhtbldiv").style.display = ""; rasis = document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").querySelectorAll("input[value='asis']")[0]; if (bHasTypes == 1){ if (rasis.hasAttribute("disabled")) rasis.removeAttribute("disabled"); rasis.checked = true; rasis.parentNode.style.color = ""; } else { rasis.setAttribute("disabled","disabled"); rasis.parentNode.style.color = "rgb(172, 168, 153)"; document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").querySelectorAll("input[value='t']")[0].checked = true; } document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("ghhexp2").addEventListener("click",doImport,true); e.target.blur(); } function doImport(e){ // Add sites from cleaned up domain list to script block lists var tbl, rads, i, typeRule, rows, dom, newDoms = ""; tbl = document.getElementById("ghhparsed"); if (!tbl){ alert("Unable to locate table of parsed domains!"); return; } if (tbl.parentNode.style.display == "none"){ alert("Please start the import process again!"); return; } rads = document.getElementById("ghhrightcontrols").querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']"); for (i=0; i<rads.length; i++){ if (rads[i].checked){ typeRule = rads[i].value; break; } } rows = tbl.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr"); for (i=0; i<rows.length; i++){ dom = rows[i].children[0].textContent; if (dom.lastIndexOf(".") < dom.length-2 && dom.indexOf(".") > 1){ switch (typeRule){ case "asis": if (rows[i].children[1].textContent == "Perma-ban") newDoms += dom + ":p|"; else newDoms += dom + ":t|"; break; default: newDoms += dom + ":" + typeRule + "|"; } rows[i].style.backgroundColor = "#ff0"; } else { rows[i].style.backgroundColor = "#f00"; } } if (newDoms != ""){ if (blist == "") blist = "|" + newDoms; else blist += newDoms; GM_setValue("hideyback",GM_getValue("hideyhosts")); GM_setValue("hideyhosts",blist); if(document.getElementById("ghhmngform").style.display=="block") refreshSiteList(); } alert("Import of yellow-highlighted domains completed. Please check the Management Pane to " + "view, sort, and/or de-duplicate your imported domains."); } function sortlist(e){ // Alpha-sort block list if (listchgs > 0) { if (confirm("You have unsaved changes to your lists. Save changes and sort, or cancel sorting?")){ saveedits(null); } else { return; } } if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist; var sarray = blist.substr(1,blist.length-2).split("|"); sarray.sort(); GM_setValue("hideyhosts", "|" + sarray.join("|") + "|"); blist = GM_getValue("hideyhosts"); refreshSiteList(); if (e) e.target.blur(); } function dedup(e){ // De-duplicate block lists if (!confirm("If you block example.com, you don't also need to block www.example.com. Remove unnecessary domains from the block list?")) return; var barray, i, j, iadd, smain, stest, sremd = "", sques = ""; if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist; barray = blist.substr(1,blist.length-2).split("|"); for (i=0; i<barray.length; i++){ if (barray[i].indexOf(":t") > -1){ barray[i] = barray[i].substr(0,barray[i].indexOf(":")).split(".").reverse().join(".") + "!t"; } else { if (barray[i].indexOf(":p") > -1){ barray[i] = barray[i].substr(0,barray[i].indexOf(":")).split(".").reverse().join(".") + "!p"; } else { barray[i] = barray[i].split(".").reverse().join(".") + "!t"; } } } barray.sort(); for (i=0; i<barray.length-1; i++){ iadd = 0; for (j=1; j<barray.length-i; j++){ if (barray[i+j].indexOf(barray[i].substr(0,barray[i].length-2)) != 0) break; smain = barray[i].substr(0,barray[i].length-2).split(".").reverse().join("."); stest = barray[i+j].substr(0,barray[i+j].length-2).split(".").reverse().join("."); if (stest.indexOf(smain) < 0) break; if (barray[i].substr(barray[i].length-1) == barray[i+j].substr(barray[i+j].length-1)){ blist = blist.replace(stest + ":" + barray[i+j].substr(barray[i+j].length-1) + "|", ""); sremd += "|Removed: " + stest + "; Covered by: " + smain; iadd += 1; } else { stest += (barray[i+j].substr(barray[i+j].length-1) == "t") ? " (regular)" : " (permaban)"; smain += (barray[i].substr(barray[i].length-1) == "t") ? " (regular)" : " (permaban)"; sques += "|Didn't remove " + stest + " due to block type difference from " + smain; } } i += iadd; } GM_setValue("hideyhosts",blist); refreshSiteList(); // ToDo: Alerts are temporary; nicer display "some day" if (sremd != "") alert(sremd.substr(1).replace(/\|/g,"\n")); if (sques != "") alert(sques.substr(1).replace(/\|/g,"\n")); if (sremd == "" && sques == "") alert("No unnecessary domains found."); if (e) e.target.blur(); } function unwww(e){ // Remove www from beginnings of domains if (!confirm("You can block other subdomains on example.com by removing www from the beginning (e.g., blog.example.com). Update the block list?")) return; if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist; blist = blist.replace(/\|www\./g, "\|"); GM_setValue("hideyhosts",blist); refreshSiteList(); if (e) e.target.blur(); } // Misc functions function convertFormat(){ if (blist.substr(0,1) != "|") blist = "|" + blist; blist = "|" + blist.slice(1).replace(/\|/g,":t|"); GM_setValue("hideyhosts", blist); } function convertTxts(strTxts){ var oldTxts; oldTxts = JSON.parse(strTxts); txts = defaultTxts; if (txtsPref.indexOf(":[") == -1){ // 0.8x to 0.9x+ txts.block[0] = oldTxts.block; txts.unblock[0] = oldTxts.unblock; txts.pban[0] = oldTxts.pban; txts.okbtn[0] = oldTxts.okbtn; txts.cancelbtn[0] = oldTxts.cancelbtn; txts.savebtn[0] = oldTxts.savebtn; txts.closebtn[0] = oldTxts.closebtn; } else { // 0.9x to 1.1x+ txts.block[0] = oldTxts.block[0]; txts.unblock[0] = oldTxts.unblock[0]; txts.pban[0] = oldTxts.pban[0]; txts.okbtn[0] = oldTxts.okbtn[0]; txts.cancelbtn[0] = oldTxts.cancelbtn[0]; txts.savebtn[0] = oldTxts.savebtn[0]; txts.closebtn[0] = oldTxts.closebtn[0]; if (oldTxts.okPbtn) txts.okPbtn[0] = oldTxts.okPbtn[0]; if (oldTxts.cancelMbtn) txts.cancelMbtn[0] = oldTxts.cancelMbtn[0]; if (oldTxts.mngbtn) txts.mngbtn[0] = oldTxts.mngbtn[0]; if (txts.savebtn[0]=="Save Changes") txts.savebtn[0]="Save Lists"; // v1.1 // 1.1 to 1.2+ if (oldTxts.eximbtn) txts.eximbtn[0] = oldTxts.eximbtn[0]; // 1.2 to 1.3+ if (oldTxts.utilbtn) txts.utilbtn[0] = oldTxts.utilbtn[0]; if (oldTxts.sortbtn) txts.sortbtn[0] = oldTxts.sortbtn[0]; if (oldTxts.unwwwbtn) txts.unwwwbtn[0] = oldTxts.unwwwbtn[0]; if (oldTxts.dedupbtn) txts.dedupbtn[0] = oldTxts.dedupbtn[0]; } GM_setValue("textstrings",JSON.stringify(txts)); // requires Fx 3.5+ } function ghhkillevent(e){ if (e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "button" || e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "input") return; e.stopPropagation(); } function toggleBlockHiders(str){ var s = document.getElementById("ghhStyleNoBlock"); if (str == "S"){ if (s) s.parentNode.removeChild(s); return; } if (str == "H"){ if (s) return; s = document.createElement("style"); s.id = "ghhStyleNoBlock"; s.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(".ghhb{display:none}")); document.body.appendChild(s); } } function refreshListeners(e){ // for AutoPager extension var bbtns, bnotc, i, j; bbtns = document.getElementById("navcnt").querySelectorAll(".ghhb"); for (i=0;i<bbtns.length;i++){ bbtns[i].removeEventListener("click",showbfd,true); bbtns[i].addEventListener("click",showbfd,true); } bnotc = document.getElementById("navcnt").querySelectorAll(".ghhd"); for (i=0;i<bnotc.length;i++){ bnotc[i].removeEventListener("click",reshow,true); bnotc[i].addEventListener("click",reshow,true); bbtns = bnotc[i].querySelectorAll("button.ghhider"); for (j=0;j<bbtns.length;j++){ if (bbtns[j].getAttribute("title")=="Unblock this site"){ bbtns[j].removeEventListener("click",unblock,true); bbtns[j].addEventListener("click",unblock,true); } if (bbtns[j].getAttribute("title")=="Permanently hide this site"){ bbtns[j].removeEventListener("click",permban,true); bbtns[j].addEventListener("click",permban,true); } } } } function convertPrefs(arrPrefs, allnew){ ghhPrefO = arrPrefs; if (allnew == "true"){ // 1.3.7 to 1.4.x var tmp = GM_getValue("shownotc"); if (tmp){ if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.shownotc[0] = tmp; GM_deleteValue("shownotc"); } tmp = GM_getValue("mngpaneopen"); if (tmp){ if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = tmp; GM_deleteValue("mngpaneopen"); } tmp = GM_getValue("mngbtnstyle"); if (tmp) if (tmp.length > 0){ if (tmp.indexOf("-")>-1) tmp = "both"; // default ancient pref ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = tmp; GM_deleteValue("mngbtnstyle"); } tmp = GM_getValue("addtolistpos"); if (tmp){ if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.addtolistpos[0] = tmp; GM_deleteValue("addtolistpos"); } tmp = GM_getValue("aggressiveblock"); if (tmp){ if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.aggressiveblock[0] = tmp; GM_deleteValue("aggressiveblock"); } tmp = GM_getValue("usemutation"); if (tmp){ if (tmp.length > 0) ghhPrefO.usemutation[0] = tmp; GM_deleteValue("usemutation"); } } else { if (ghhPrefs.indexOf("reserved1")>-1){ var oldPrefs = JSON.parse(ghhPrefs); ghhPrefO.shownotc[0] = oldPrefs.shownotc[0]; ghhPrefO.mngpaneopen[0] = oldPrefs.mngpaneopen[0]; ghhPrefO.mngbtnstyle[0] = oldPrefs.mngbtnstyle[0]; ghhPrefO.addtolistpos[0] = oldPrefs.addtolistpos[0]; ghhPrefO.aggressiveblock[0] = oldPrefs.aggressiveblock[0]; ghhPrefO.usemutation[0] = oldPrefs.usemutation[0]; ghhPrefO.oneclick[0] = oldPrefs.oneclick[0]; } } GM_setValue("ghhprefs",JSON.stringify(ghhPrefO)); // requires Fx 3.5+ }

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Sunday, October 2, 2011
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)
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