// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube_Better_Loopy // @namespace PI // @description Loop songs within time duration play all videos on a page(by // extra script) // @include http://*.youtube.com/watch?v* // @include http://youtube.com/watch?v* // @include http://*.youtube.com/watch_popup?v* // @include http://youtube.com/watch_popup?v* // @include http://*.youtube.com/watch?NR* // @version // @credit CDM, and the supporter(s) of the original script 'Loopy for YouTube'; PhasmaExMachina for his Updater and Options Dialog // @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/91400.user.js // @notify true // ==/UserScript== var version = ''; var debug = false; //Dont run in/from frames. if(window.top != window.self) return; //******** Default Settings - can be changed. ******// var extensionEnabled = true; var nextVideosEnabled = true; var timedLoopEnabled = true; var newButtonStyle = true; var buttonLess = false; var enableKeyboardShortcuts = true; var loopKeysCtrl = false; var loopKeysAlt = true; var loopKeysShift = false; var loopKeysKey = 'L'; var loopByDefault = true; //******** Default Settings section over. ******// //******** Utility methods. Don't change if you don't understand what you are doing*********// var isChrome = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') >= 0); var isFirefox = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') >= 0); log = debug ? (isChrome ? function(message){console.log(message);} : (isFirefox ? GM_log : function(){}) ) : function() {} var url = new String(window.location.href).toLowerCase(); var GM_KEY_PREFIX = "GM_KEY_"; var MAX_DAYS = 5000; function GM_GlobalSetValue(key, val) { var gmFound = false; try { if(GM_setValue && isFirefox) // to increase the problems, Chrome defines the method and says "not supported". { GM_setValue(key, val); gmFound = true; } } catch(ex) { //I hate you Google Chrome. } if(!gmFound) { //work around using cookies. createCookie(GM_KEY_PREFIX + key, val, MAX_DAYS); } } function GM_GlobalGetValue(key, defaultValue) { var returnValue = defaultValue; var gmFound = false; try { if(GM_getValue && isFirefox) { returnValue = GM_getValue(key, defaultValue); gmFound = true; } } catch(ex) { //do nothing } if(!gmFound) { var cookieTry = readCookie(GM_KEY_PREFIX + key); if(cookieTry) { returnValue = cookieTry; if(returnValue == "false") //most probably, we wanted this. returnValue = false; else if(returnValue == "true") returnValue = true; } } return returnValue; } function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } function eraseCookie(name) { createCookie(name,"",-1); } function getChildrenByXPath(currentNode, xpath, CallBack) { var returnArray = new Array(); var nodesSnapshot = document.evaluate(xpath, currentNode, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null ); for ( var i=0 ; i < nodesSnapshot.snapshotLength; i++ ) returnArray.push(CallBack ? CallBack(nodesSnapshot.snapshotItem(i)) : nodesSnapshot.snapshotItem(i)); return returnArray; } function findPosX(obj) { var curleft = 0; if(obj.offsetParent) while(1) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; if(!obj.offsetParent) break; obj = obj.offsetParent; } else if(obj.x) curleft += obj.x; return curleft; } function findPosY(obj) { var curtop = 0; if(obj.offsetParent) while(1) { curtop += obj.offsetTop; if(!obj.offsetParent) break; obj = obj.offsetParent; } else if(obj.y) curtop += obj.y; return curtop; } function clickObject(obj) { if(!obj) return; var clickEvent = window.document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); clickEvent.initEvent("click", true, false); obj.dispatchEvent(clickEvent); } //*************************************************************************** // var isPopup = url.indexOf('watch_popup') >= 0; var wasPlaying = false; //*********** Check for Updates - Only for Firefox. ************** // function onVersionCheck(remoteVersion) { log("*********Version returned: " + remoteVersion + "*************"); } if(typeof ScriptUpdater != 'undefined' && isFirefox) { ScriptUpdater.check(57971, version, onVersionCheck); } //***************** Configuration Settings - Many thanks to PhasmaExMachina *********************************** // //***************** http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/62718 ************************************************* // //***************** (There are some changes on top of his original script to suit my needs )******************* // Config = { data:null, callback:null, tempOptions:{}, footerHtml:'<span style="font-size:.9em;">Note: You may need to refresh the page to see changes.</span>', reloadOnSave:false, init:function(settings) { Config.settings = settings; }, preloadData:function() { Config.data = {}; Config.settings = typeof(Config.tabs) != 'undefined' ? Config.tabs : Config.settings; for(var tabName in Config.settings) { if(typeof(Config.settings[tabName].fields) == "object") { var fields = Config.settings[tabName].fields for(var fieldName in fields) { Config.data[fieldName] = Config.get(fieldName); } } } }, close:function(saved) { document.body.removeChild(Config.$('ConfigBodyWrapper')); document.body.removeChild(Config.$('ConfigMask')); window.removeEventListener('keyup', Config.keyUpHandler, true); if(typeof(Config.callback) == 'function') Config.callback(saved); }, show:function(callback) { Config.tempOptions = {}; Config.settings = typeof(Config.settings) != 'undefined' ? Config.settings : Config.tabs; Config.callback = typeof(callback) == 'function' ? callback : null; if(typeof(Config.styleDrawn) == 'undefined') { // apply styling GM_addStyle("\ #ConfigMask { position:absolute; width:100%; top:0; left:0; height:100%; background-color:#000; opacity:.7; z-index:9000; } \ #ConfigBody * { border:none; font-size:12px; color:#333; font-weight:normal !important; margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; background:none; text-decoration:none; font-family:Helvetica Neue,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; line-height:1.2em; } \ #ConfigBody { width:400px; margin:auto !important; top:0px; right: 0px; position:fixed; text-align:left; background:#f9f9f9; border:1px outset #333; padding:0 !important; font-family:Arial; font-size:14px; border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; cursor:default; z-index:9010; color:#333; padding-bottom:1em !important; } \ #ConfigBody a { text-decoration:underline; color:#000099 !important; } \ #ConfigBody strong, #ConfigContentBox strong { font-weight:bold !important; } \ #ConfigBody h1 { font-size:13px; font-weight:bold !important; padding:.5em !important; border-bottom:1px solid #333; background-color:#999; margin-bottom:.75em !important; } \ #ConfigBody h2 { font-weight:bold; margin:.5em 1em !important; } \ #ConfigBody h1 { font-size:13px; font-weight:bold; color:#fff; text-decoration:none; } \ #ConfigBody h1 a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } \ #ConfigBody li { list-style-type:circle; } \ #ConfigBody p { font-size:12px; font-weight:normal; margin-bottom:1em !important; } \ #ConfigContentPadding { margin:0 1em !important; }\ #ConfigTabs { margin-top:20px !important; }\ #ConfigTabs span { border:1px solid #666; border-radius:5px 5px 0 0; -moz-border-radius:5px 5px 0 0; padding: 2px 10px !important; position:relative; top:-2px; background-color:#ddd; cursor:pointer; }\ #ConfigTabs span:hover { background-color:#eee; }\ #ConfigTabs span.active { background-color:#F9F9F9; top:-1px; border-bottom:none; padding-top:3px !important; font-weight:bold; cursor:inherit; }\ #ConfigTabs span.active:hover { background-color:#F9F9F9; }\ #ConfigContentBox { border:1px inset #666; padding:1.5em 1em 1em !important; max-height:300px; overflow:auto; }\ #ConfigContentBox table { width:auto !important; }\ #ConfigContentBox td { font-weight:normal; }\ #ConfigContentBox input { border:1px inset #666 !important; }\ #ConfigContentBox td.fieldLabel { text-align:left !important; padding-right:.5em !important;font-weight:bold !important; }\ #ConfigContentBox td.subFieldLabel { text-align:left !important; padding-right:.5em !important; }\ #ConfigContentBox td select { border:1px inset #666; }\ #ConfigHistory { margin:0 1em 1em 1em !important; max-height:150px; overflow-y:auto; border:1px inset #999; padding:0 1em 1em !important; width:448px; } \ #ConfigHistory ul { margin-left:2em !important; } \ #ConfigClose { float:right; cursor:pointer; height:14px; opacity:.5; } \ #ConfigClose:hover { opacity:.9; } \ #ConfigFooter { padding:1.5em 1em 0 !important; } \ #ConfigFooter input { border:1px outset #666; padding:3px 5px 5px 20px !important; background:no-repeat 4px center #eee; border-radius:3px; -moz-border-radius:3px; cursor:pointer; width:80px; float:right; margin-left:.5em !important; } \ #ConfigFooter input:hover { background-color:#f9f9f9; } \ #ConfigFooter select { border:1px inset #666; }\ #ConfigContentBox #ConfigFieldTable { width:auto !important; margin-left:2em !important; }\ #ConfigContentBox #ConfigFieldTable td { padding-bottom:.5em !important; }" ); if(typeof(Config.css) != 'undefined') // apply user specified styles if set GM_addStyle(Config.css); Config.styleDrawn = true; } // declare and apply config background mask var noticeBg = document.createElement('div'); noticeBg.id = "ConfigMask"; noticeBg.style.height = (unsafeWindow.scrollMaxY + unsafeWindow.innerHeight) + 'px'; document.body.appendChild(noticeBg); // declare and apply config window var noticeWrapper = document.createElement('div'); noticeWrapper.setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute; width:100%; top:0; left:0; z-index:9010; max-width:auto; min-width:auto; max-height:auto; min-height:auto;'); noticeWrapper.id = "ConfigBodyWrapper"; var notice = document.createElement('div'); notice.id = "ConfigBody"; var html = '<h1>\ <img src="' + Config.icons.config + '" align="absmiddle" style="margin-top:-2px;"/>\ ' + (typeof(Config.scriptName) == 'string' ? Config.scriptName + ' - ' : '') + ' Settings\ </h1>\ <div id="ConfigContentPadding">\ <div id="ConfigTabs">'; // draw tabls var i = 0; var firstTabId = ""; for(var label in Config.settings) { var id = 'configTab' + label.replace(/\s/g, '_'); html += '<span id="' + id + '">' + label + '</span>'; firstTabId = i == 0 ? id : firstTabId; i++; } html += '</div><div id="ConfigContentBox">'; html += '</div>'; html += '</div>'; html += '<div id="ConfigFooter">\ <input type="button" id="ConfigCancelButton" value="Cancel" style="background-image:url(' + Config.icons.close + ')"/>\ <input type="button" id="ConfigCloseButton" value="Save" style="background-image:url(' + Config.icons.save + ')"/>\ ' + Config.footerHtml + '\ </div>'; notice.innerHTML = html;; noticeWrapper.appendChild(notice); document.body.appendChild(noticeWrapper); // add tab change listeners for(var label in Config.settings) { var id = 'configTab' + label.replace(/\s/g, '_'); Config.$(id).addEventListener('click', function() { Config.activateTab(this.id); }, false); } // add escape key press and other listener Config.activateTab(firstTabId); window.addEventListener('keyup', Config.keyUpHandler, true); Config.$('ConfigCloseButton').addEventListener('click', function() { Config.save(); Config.close(true); if(Config.reloadOnSave) document.location = ''; }, true); Config.$('ConfigCancelButton').addEventListener('click', function() { Config.close(false) }, true); if(Config.onclick) Config.$('ConfigBody').addEventListener('click',Config.onclick, false); }, //-------------------------------- "private" methods ----------------------------------------- activateTab:function(id) { // deactivate current tab var elems = Config.$('ConfigTabs').getElementsByTagName('span'); for(var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { elems[i].className = ''; } // set current tab Config.$(id).className = 'active'; var key = id.replace(/^configTab/, '').replace(/_/g, ' '); var fields = Config.settings[key].fields; var html = typeof(Config.settings[key].html) == 'string' ? Config.settings[key].html : ''; html += '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="ConfigFieldTable">'; for(var fieldName in fields) { var field = fields[fieldName]; var type = typeof(field.type) != 'string' ? 'html' : field.type; var tip = typeof(field.tip) == 'string' ? field.tip : ''; var classUsed = (field.subfield == true) ? 'subFieldLabel' : 'fieldLabel'; var disabledString = (field.disabled == true) ? ' disabled="disabled" ' : ''; if(type != 'html') html += '<tr title="' + tip + '"><td colspan="' + (type == 'html' ? '2' : '1') + '" class="'+classUsed+'">' + (typeof(field.label) == 'string' ? field.label : '') + '</td><td>'; else html += '<tr>'; switch(type) { case 'select': html += '<select id="configInput_' + fieldName + '" '+ disabledString +'>'; if(typeof(field.options) == 'undefined') alert('Options Error: ' + fieldName + ' of type "select" is missing the "options" property'); else { for(var text in field.options) { var val = field.options[text]; html += '<option value="' + val + '"' + (Config.get(fieldName) == val ? ' selected' : '') + '>' + text + ' </option>'; } } html += '</select>'; break; case 'password': case 'text': var width = typeof(fields[fieldName].width) != 'undefined' ? (fields[fieldName].width.toString().match(/px/) ? fields[fieldName].width : fields[fieldName].width + 'px') : false; var maxLengthString = typeof(field.maxLength) != 'string'? "" : ' maxLength = "' + field.maxLength + '" '; html += '<input '+ maxLengthString + 'id="configInput_' + fieldName + '" value="' + Config.get(fieldName) + '" style="' + (width ? 'width:' + width + ';' : '') + '" type="' + type + '"'+ disabledString +'/>'; break; case 'checkbox': html += '<input id="configInput_' + fieldName + '" type="checkbox" style="position:relative; top:2px;"' + (Config.get(fieldName) ? 'checked' : '' ) + ''+ disabledString +'/>'; break; case 'html': html += '<td colspan="2">' + field.value + '</td>'; break; } if(type != 'html') { html += '<i>'; html += typeof(fields[fieldName].text) == 'string' ? ' - ' + fields[fieldName].text : ''; html += '</i></td></tr>'; } else html += '</tr>'; } html += '</table>'; // add check for updates if(id == "configTabAbout" && typeof(ScriptUpdater) == 'object' && typeof(ScriptUpdater.scriptId) != 'undefined') { html += '<p><br/><a href="javascript:void(0)" id="ConfigCheckUpdatesLink">Check for updates</a></p>'; } Config.$('ConfigContentBox').innerHTML = html; // add event listeners for(var fieldName in fields) { switch(fields[fieldName].type) { case 'checkbox': Config.$('configInput_' + fieldName).addEventListener('change', function() { Config.tempOptions[this.id.toString().match(/configInput_(.+)$/)[1]] = this.checked;// ? '1' : '0'; }, false); break; case 'select': Config.$('configInput_' + fieldName).addEventListener('change', function() { Config.tempOptions[this.id.toString().match(/configInput_(.+)$/)[1]] = this.value; }, false); break; case 'password': case 'text': Config.$('configInput_' + fieldName).addEventListener('keyup', function() { Config.tempOptions[this.id.toString().match(/configInput_(.+)$/)[1]] = this.value; }, false); break; } } if(id == "configTabAbout" && typeof(ScriptUpdater) == 'object' && typeof(ScriptUpdater.scriptId) != 'undefined') { $('#ConfigCheckUpdatesLink')[0].addEventListener('click', function() { ScriptUpdater.forceNotice(ScriptUpdater.scriptId, ScriptUpdater.scriptCurrentVersion); }, false); } }, keyUpHandler:function (e) { if(e.keyCode == 27) { Config.close(false); } }, icons:{ install:"%3D", config:"", close:"%3D%3D", uso:"%3D%3D", save:"%3D", }, getField:function(key) { Config.settings = typeof(Config.tabs) != 'undefined' ? Config.tabs : Config.settings; for(var tabName in Config.settings) { if(typeof(Config.settings[tabName].fields) == "object") { var fields = Config.settings[tabName].fields for(var fieldName in fields) if(fieldName == key) return fields[fieldName]; } } return false; }, get:function(key) { if(Config.data != null && typeof(Config.data[key]) != 'undefined') return Config.data[key]; else { var field = Config.getField(key); key = typeof(Config.prefix) == 'string' ? Config.prefix + key : key; switch(field.type) { case 'checkbox': if(typeof(field.value) == 'undefined' || !field.value) return GM_GlobalGetValue(key, false); else return GM_GlobalGetValue(key, field.value); break; case 'select': case 'password': case 'text': return GM_GlobalGetValue(key, (typeof(field.value) != 'undefined' ? field.value : '')); break; default: return 'not found'; } } }, save:function() { for(var x in Config.tempOptions) Config.set(x, Config.tempOptions[x]); Config.tempOptions = {}; }, set:function(key, value) { key = typeof(Config.prefix) == 'string' ? Config.prefix + key : key; GM_GlobalSetValue(key, value); }, $:function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }, }; onClickButtonLess = function(e) { var prefix = 'configInput_'; if(!e) return; var node = e.target; if(node.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'input' || node.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase() != 'checkbox') return; function $x(id){ return document.getElementById(prefix + id);} function click(obj, toCheck) { var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); evt.initEvent("click", true, true); if(obj.checked != toCheck) obj.dispatchEvent(evt); } if(node.checked) { if(node.id == prefix + 'buttonLess') { click($x('timedLoopEnabled'), false); // $x('nextVideosEnabled').checked = false; // $x('loopByDefault').checked = true; click($x('nextVideosEnabled'), false); click($x('loopByDefault'), true); } else if(node.id == prefix + 'timedLoopEnabled' || node.id == prefix + 'nextVideosEnabled') click($x('buttonLess'), false); } } Config.scriptName = "Better Loopy for YouTube"; Config.onclick = onClickButtonLess; Config.tabs = { "Features":{ html:'<p>Set your feature preferences here.</p>', fields:{ timedLoopEnabled:{ type:'checkbox', label:'Enable Timed Loop', tip:'Check if you want to loop videos within a time duration.', value:true, }, nextVideosEnabled:{ type:'checkbox', label:'Enable playing all videos on a page', tip:'Check if you want to press the Play All bookmark button on any page to play all videos one by one. ', value:true, }, buttonLess:{ type:'checkbox', label:'No UI, just plain loop', tip:'If checked, none of the buttons/links/text boxes etc. will be shown. You can still loop through keyboard shortcuts', value:false, }, loopByDefault:{ type:'checkbox', label:'Loop all videos by default', value:false, tip:'Check if you automatically want to loop all videos you watch.', }, } }, "Keyboard Shortcuts":{ html:'<p>Set your keyboard shortcut preferences here.</p>', fields:{ enableKeyboardShortcuts:{ type:'checkbox', label:'Enable Keyboard shortcuts', tip:'Check if keyboard shortcuts should be enabled.', value:true, }, EnterToFocus:{ type:'checkbox', label:'Pressing enter focuses on Start Time', tip:'Check if you want to press the "Play All" button on any page to play all the video one by one. ', value:true, }, LoopKeys:{ type:'html', value:'<strong>Toogle Loop shortcut keys:</strong>', }, loopKeysCtrl:{ type:'checkbox', label:' Ctrl', value:false, subfield:true, }, loopKeysAlt:{ type:'checkbox', label:' Alt', value:true, subfield:true, }, loopKeysShift:{ type:'checkbox', label:' Shift', value:false, subfield:true, }, loopKeysKey:{ type:'text', label:' Key (A-Z only)', value:'L', subfield:true, disabled:false, width:'50', maxLength:'1', }, } }, "About":{ html:'<p><a href="http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/57971"><span style="font:15px !important;font-weight:bold;color:gray">Better Loopy for YouTube</span></a> by <a href="http://userscripts.org/users/piyushsoni">Piyush Soni</a><br/> version '+ version +' <br/><br/><a href="http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/57971.user.js" >Install latest version</a><iframe src="http://piyushsoni.com/feed/betterloopy.html" scrolling="no" height="70px" width="100%"/>', } }; //Read config settings function readConfigIntoBetterLoopy() { log('came inside readConfig.'); timedLoopEnabled = Config.get('timedLoopEnabled'); nextVideosEnabled = Config.get('nextVideosEnabled'); buttonLess = Config.get('buttonLess'); enableKeyboardShortcuts = Config.get('enableKeyboardShortcuts'); loopKeysCtrl = Config.get('loopKeysCtrl'); loopKeysAlt = Config.get('loopKeysAlt'); loopKeysShift = Config.get('loopKeysShift'); loopKeysKey = Config.get('loopKeysKey').toUpperCase(); loopByDefault = Config.get('loopByDefault'); extensionEnabled = timedLoopEnabled || nextVideosEnabled; log('timedloop: ' + timedLoopEnabled); log('nextvid: ' + nextVideosEnabled); log('buttonLess: ' + buttonLess); log('loopKeysCtrl: ' + loopKeysCtrl); log('loopKeysShift: ' + loopKeysShift); log('loopKeysAlt: ' + loopKeysAlt); log('loopKeysKey: ' + loopKeysKey); log('loopByDefault: ' + loopByDefault); log('extensionEnabled: ' + extensionEnabled); log('enableKeyboardShortcuts: ' + enableKeyboardShortcuts); // log(' :' + ); } readConfigIntoBetterLoopy(); //Make settings accessible. if(isFirefox) GM_registerMenuCommand('Better Loopy for YouTube Settings', showSettings); isCosmicPanda = ($('masthead-nav') != null); var linksSection = $('masthead-sections') || $('masthead-nav'); if(linksSection) { var settingsLink = create('a',[['href','#'],['click', function() {showSettings();}],['innerHTML','Better Loopy'],['class', 'split end ']]); splitLink = $('.split end', linksSection); // log("split link : " + splitLink); if(splitLink) { // splitLink.setAttribute('style','margin-right:0px !important'); splitLink.removeAttribute('class'); linksSection.insertBefore(settingsLink, splitLink.nextSibling); } else linksSection.appendChild(settingsLink); } function showSettings() { if($('ConfigBody')) Config.close(false); else { if(ytObj && ytObj.getPlayerState() == "1") { ytObj.pauseVideo(); wasPlaying = true; } Config.show(onSettingsDone); } } //************Keyboard shortcuts section ****************************** if(enableKeyboardShortcuts) window.addEventListener('keyup', handleKeyPress, false); function handleKeyPress(e) { var shiftPressed = e.shiftKey; var altPressed = e.altKey; var ctrlPressed = e.ctrlKey; var node = e.target; //Ok. Once again, test adding this comment. //log("Key: " + e.keyCode + ", Key Modifiers: " + (ctrlPressed ? " ctrl " : " ") + (altPressed ? "alt " : " ") + (shiftPressed ? "shift" : "")); switch(e.keyCode) { case 13://Enter if(ytObj && (node.id == 'txtStartTime' || node.id == 'txtEndTime')) { time = getMinuteSecondsTime(ytObj.getCurrentTime()); node.value = time; } else { if(node.id == 'idTextBoxDivSendLoopLink') { clickObject($('buttonSendLinkOK')); } else if(node.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'HTML' && $('txtStartTime')) $('txtStartTime').focus(); } break; default: var incorrectKeys = (loopKeysShift != shiftPressed) || (loopKeysAlt != altPressed) || (loopKeysCtrl != ctrlPressed); if(e.keyCode == loopKeysKey.charCodeAt(0) && !incorrectKeys) { LoopyOnOff(); goToStart(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } else if(e.keyCode == 'M'.charCodeAt(0) && !incorrectKeys) { showSettings(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } else if(e.keyCode == 'N'.charCodeAt(0) && !incorrectKeys) { playNext(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } else if(e.keyCode == 'P'.charCodeAt(0) && !incorrectKeys) { togglePlay(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } } } function onSettingsDone(saved) { if(wasPlaying) { ytObj.playVideo(); wasPlaying = false; } if(saved) { //readConfigIntoBetterLoopy(); //location.reload(); } } var ytLoop = false; var ytPlayList; var ytPLIndex; var loopCounter = 0; var maxLoopLimit = -1; var eventRegistered = false; var elementsAdded = false; var eventRegistrationRetries = 0; var ytPlayer = null, ytObj = null; var divBetterLoopyActions, buttonActions; var actionsPanelOn = false; var divSendLoopLink; var sharePanelEventAdded = false; var isCosmicPanda = false; function /*class*/ RememberedSong(iVideoID, iStartTime, iEndTime) { this.videoID = iVideoID; this.startTime = iStartTime; this.endTime = iEndTime; } // var arrRememberedSongs = new Array(); // var song1 = new RememberedSong('test1', '1:23','4:45'); // var song2 = new RememberedSong('test2', '0:23','3:45'); // arrRememberedSongs.push(song1); // arrRememberedSongs.push(song2); // // alert(uneval(arrRememberedSongs)); // GM_GlobalSetValue('RememberString', uneval(arrRememberedSongs)); // var arr2 = eval(GM_GlobalGetValue('RememberString', ('({})'))); // alert(arr2[1].videoID); var APPEND_MODE_NONE = 0; var APPEND_MODE_END = 1; var APPEND_MODE_BEGINNING = 2; function create(elementType, attributes, appendMode, parent) { var newEl = document.createElement(elementType); for(i in attributes) { if(attributes[i][0] == 'innerHTML') newEl.innerHTML = attributes[i][1]; else if(attributes[i][0] == 'click') newEl.addEventListener('click', attributes[i][1], false); else newEl.setAttribute(attributes[i][0], attributes[i][1]); } if(!appendMode || appendMode == APPEND_MODE_NONE) return newEl; if(appendMode == APPEND_MODE_END) parent.appendChild(newEl); else if(appendMode == APPEND_MODE_BEGINNING) parent.insertBefore(newEl, parent.firstChild); return newEl; } function $(identifier, altParent, returnAll) { var obj = null, objs = null; doc = altParent ? altParent : document; if(identifier.indexOf(".") == 0) { identifier = identifier.replace(".",""); objs = doc.getElementsByClassName(identifier); } else if(identifier.indexOf("<") == 0) { identifier = identifier.replace("<","").replace(">",""); objs = doc.getElementsByTagName(identifier); } else { obj = doc.getElementById(identifier); if(!obj) objs = doc.getElementsByName(identifier); } if(objs && objs.length > 0) { if(returnAll) return objs; else return objs[0]; } else return obj; } if(buttonLess) extensionEnabled = false; if(!extensionEnabled) nextVideosEnabled = false; loopy = create('div', [['id','eLoopy']]); a = create('label', [['class','LoopyOff'],['title','Enable auto replay'],['innerHTML','Loop'],['id','eOnOff'],['click', function () {LoopyOnOff(); return false;}]]); if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("feature=playlist") > 0) { if(a) a.innerHTML = "Loop PlayList"; urlArgs = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for(var i = 0; i < urlArgs.length; i++) { arg = urlArgs[i].split('='); if (arg[0].toLowerCase() == "p") { ytPlayList = arg[1]; } else if (arg[0].toLowerCase() == "index") { ytPLIndex = parseInt(arg[1], 10)+1; } } if(ytPlayList == getCookie("LoopyPL")) { a.title = "Disable auto replay"; a.setAttribute("class", "LoopyOn"); ytLoop = true; } } if(!buttonLess) loopy.appendChild(a); window.setTimeout(function() { initLoopy(); }, 500); function initLoopy() { if (!elementsAdded && !buttonLess) { var piExtension = create('div',[['id','newDiv']]); var blankSpan = create('span',[['width','100px']]); blankSpan.innerHTML = " "; var buttonSet = create('input', [['type','button'],['value','Loop'],['class','NewLoopyOff yt-uix-tooltip-reverse yt-uix-button yt-uix-tooltip'], ['id','loopSet'], ['title','Enable auto replay'],['tabindex','4'],['style','vertical-align:top !important'],['click', function() {LoopyOnOff(); goToStart();}]]); if(nextVideosEnabled && !$('txtVideos')) { var textel = document.createTextNode("Next videos: "); var spaceEl = document.createTextNode(" "); var inputbox = create('input', [['id', 'txtVideos'],['value', getQuerystring('nextVideos')],['class','TextBox']]); var linkNext = create('a', [['style','cursor:pointer']]); linkNext.addEventListener('click', playNext, false); linkNext.innerHTML = "Next >"; piExtension.appendChild(textel); piExtension.appendChild(inputbox); piExtension.appendChild(spaceEl); piExtension.appendChild(linkNext); } //See if the URL contains custom time interval to loop. var urlStartTime = getQuerystring("loopStart"); var urlEndTime = getQuerystring("loopEnd"); var customTime = false; if(urlStartTime.length > 0 || urlEndTime.length > 0) { customTime = true; //Enable timed loop, at least for this session. timedLoopEnabled = true; } //For looping between a start and end time: var extraDiv = null; if(timedLoopEnabled && !$('txtStartTime')) { if(nextVideosEnabled) piExtension.appendChild(blankSpan); var loopStart = document.createTextNode(" Loop Start time: "); inputStartTime = create('input', [['id','txtStartTime'],['size','5'],['tabindex','2'],['class','TextBox'],['title','Enter time in mm:ss format or press Enter key to set current video time']]); var loopEnd = document.createTextNode(" End Time: "); inputEndTime = create('input', [['id','txtEndTime'],['size','5'],['tabindex','3'],['class','TextBox'],['title','Enter time in mm:ss format or press Enter key to set current video time']]); inputEndTime.addEventListener('blur', goToStart, false); piExtension.appendChild(loopStart); piExtension.appendChild(inputStartTime); piExtension.appendChild(loopEnd); piExtension.appendChild(inputEndTime); piExtension.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); piExtension.appendChild(buttonSet); } if(urlStartTime.length > 0 && inputStartTime && getProperTime(urlStartTime) > 0) { inputStartTime.value = urlStartTime; } if(urlEndTime.length > 0 && inputEndTime && getProperTime(urlEndTime) > 0) { inputEndTime.value = urlEndTime; } var watchPanelDiv = $("watch-panel") || $(".watch-panel-section watch-panel-divided-top", document); if(watchPanelDiv) { if(nextVideosEnabled != timedLoopEnabled) //one of them is false, and not both. { piExtension.setAttribute('style','float:right'); extraDiv = create('div',[['id','idExtraDiv'],['style','overflow:hidden']]); extraDiv.appendChild(piExtension); } //Remove the top padding from the watch-panel div, which makes the 'Loopy' button detached from the YouTube player. watchPanelDiv.setAttribute("style","padding-top:0px"); if(extensionEnabled) { piExtension.appendChild(buttonSet); SetupActionsUI(piExtension); //Add extension to watch panel. watchPanelDiv.insertBefore((extraDiv ? extraDiv : piExtension), watchPanelDiv.firstChild); buttonSet.setAttribute('class','Thin ' + buttonSet.getAttribute('class')); } else if(newButtonStyle) { var watchActionsRight = $("watch-actions-right") || $("watch-actions"); watchActionsRight.appendChild(buttonSet); } if(!newButtonStyle) watchPanelDiv.insertBefore(loopy, watchPanelDiv.firstChild); } else { //last resort watchPlayerDivID = "watch-player"; watchPlayerDiv = $(watchPlayerDivID); if(isPopup) { if(!watchPlayerDiv) watchPlayerDiv = $("watch-player-div"); if(watchPlayerDiv) watchPlayerDiv = watchPlayerDiv.parentNode; } if(watchPlayerDiv) { if(!extensionEnabled) { if(newButtonStyle) watchPlayerDiv.appendChild(buttonSet); else watchPlayerDiv.appendChild(loopy); } else watchPlayerDiv.appendChild(piExtension); } } elementsAdded = true; } ytPlayer = $("movie_player"); if(!ytPlayer && isPopup) ytPlayer = $("video-player");// in case of pop up. try { if(!eventRegistered) { ytObj = ytPlayer.wrappedJSObject || ytPlayer; ytObj.addEventListener("onStateChange", 'onPlayerStateChange'); eventRegistered = true; log('registered on retry number ' + eventRegistrationRetries); } //Play All Videos/Loop by default. if(ytObj && !ytLoop && ((extensionEnabled && nextVideosEnabled && inputbox && inputbox.value != "") || loopByDefault || customTime)) { //Make it automatically on since there are next videos to be played or the user wants it that way. LoopyOnOff(); log('Loop is on by default'); } //Run according to the custom time. if(ytObj && customTime && eventRegistered) { // var startTime = getProperTime(inputStartTime.value); // ytObj.seekTo(startTime, true); var callBack = unsafeWindow.onPlayerStateChange || onPlayerStateChange; callBack(0); } } catch(ex) { if(ex.toString().indexOf('Not enough arguments') < 0) log('exception! ' + ex.toString()); } if(!eventRegistered && eventRegistrationRetries < 5) window.setTimeout(function() { initLoopy(); }, 500 + (eventRegistrationRetries++)*500); } function SetupActionsUI(addToElement) { //Create settings dropdown button: //buttonActions class when active : yt-uix-button-active buttonActions = create('button', [['class','yt-uix-button-masked yt-uix-tooltip-reverse yt-uix-button yt-uix-tooltip Thin'],['aria-activedescendant',''],['aria-haspopup','true'],['aria-expanded','false'],['aria-pressed','false'],['role','button'],['onclick',';return false;'],['type','button'],['style','vertical-align:top !important;'],['data-tooltip-title','Better Loopy Actions'],['click', OnActionsClick],['id','idButtonActions']], APPEND_MODE_END, addToElement); var imgActions = create('img', [['class','yt-uix-button-arrow'],['alt','Actions'],['src','//s.ytimg.com/yt/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif']], APPEND_MODE_END, buttonActions); //Create Settings dropdown. divBetterLoopyActions = create('div', [['id','idDivBetterLoopyActions'],['class','yt-uix-button-menu watch'], ['style','display:none;font-size:12px']], APPEND_MODE_END, addToElement); var divInsideActions = create('div',[['id','idInnerActions']], APPEND_MODE_END, divBetterLoopyActions); //Add , 'Remember Loop For Video' var listActions = CreateMenuList('listInnerActions', ['Settings', 'Set Repeat Limit', 'Send Looped Link'], divInsideActions); divSendLoopLink = create('div', [['id','idDivSendLoopLink'],['innerHTML','<br/>Copy and send the following link for the looped part: <br/>'],['style','display:none; position:absolute; z-index:9000;top:300;left:500;width:500px; height: 80px; background-color:grey;color:#FFFFFF;text-align:center;vertical-align:center;']], APPEND_MODE_END, addToElement); var sendLinkTextBox = create('input', [['id','idTextBoxDivSendLoopLink'],['type','text'],['style','vertical-align:center'],['size','80']], APPEND_MODE_END, divSendLoopLink); divSendLoopLink.innerHTML = divSendLoopLink.innerHTML + "<br/>"; var okButton = create('input',[['id','buttonSendLinkOK'],['type','button'],['value','OK'],['style','vertical-align:bottom'],['click',function () {divSendLoopLink.style.display='none';}]], APPEND_MODE_END, divSendLoopLink); // var watchActionsShare = $('watch-actions-share'); // var longLinkNodes = getChildrenByXPath(watchActionsShare, "//input[contains(text(), 'Long link')]"); // if(longLinkNodes.length > 0) // OnSharePanelReady(); // else if(!sharePanelEventAdded) // { // //wait for it to be ready. // sharePanelEventAdded = true; // watchActionsShare.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', OnSharePanelReady, false); // } //Set event on body click. document.body.addEventListener('click', bodyClick, true); } function CreateMenuList(idList, arrListItemTexts, containerElement) { var listActions = create('ul', [['id','listInnerActions'], ['class','addto-menu'],['style','text-align: left;']], APPEND_MODE_END, containerElement); var i; for(i = 0; i < arrListItemTexts.length; ++i) { var listItem = create('li', null, APPEND_MODE_END, listActions); var spanId = 'ActionItem' + arrListItemTexts[i].replace(/ /g,""); var spanItem = create('span',[['class','yt-uix-button-menu-item addto-item LeftAligned'],['innerHTML',arrListItemTexts[i]],['click', function() {OnActionItemClick(this);}],['id',spanId]], APPEND_MODE_END, listItem); } } unsafeWindow.onPlayerStateChange = function(newState) { log('Player state changed to ' + newState + ', ytLoop is ' + ytLoop); if (ytLoop && newState == "0") { if (typeof ytPlayList != "undefined") { if (ytPLIndex == $("playlistVideoCount_PL").innerHTML) { var url = $("playlistRow_PL_0").getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href + "&playnext=1"; window.setTimeout(function() { window.location = url}, 60); } } else { //If any video IDs are there in the next Videos list, try to play them first. if(!playNext()) { if(maxLoopLimit > 0 && loopCounter >= maxLoopLimit) { //Max loop limit set. We don't want to loop anymore. LoopyOnOff(); return; } window.setTimeout(function() { ytObj.playVideo(); }, 60); if(isChrome) { ytObj.playVideo(); setTimeout(function() { goToStart(); }, 900); } ++loopCounter; if(!newButtonStyle && a) a.title = "Video looped " + loopCounter + " time(s). " + "Disable auto replay"; buttonSet = $('loopSet'); if(buttonSet) { buttonSet.setAttribute('title', "Video looped " + loopCounter + " time(s). " + "Disable auto replay"); buttonSet.setAttribute('data-tooltip', "Video looped " + loopCounter + " time(s). " + "Disable auto replay"); } if(timedLoopEnabled) { var videoDuration = ytObj.getDuration(); var startTime = getProperTime($("txtStartTime").value); //If startTime box is empty, move to start of video. if(startTime < 0) startTime = 0; ytObj.seekTo(startTime, true); var endTime = getProperTime($("txtEndTime").value); if(endTime > startTime && endTime < videoDuration) { setTimeout(function() { goToStart(); }, 900); } } } } } } function goToStart() { log('checking'); if(!ytObj || !ytLoop) return; endTimeBox = $("txtEndTime"); if(isFirefox && (!endTimeBox || endTimeBox.value == "")) return; var endTime = getProperTime(endTimeBox ? endTimeBox.value : ""); if(endTime < 0) endTime = ytObj.getDuration(); var currentTime = ytObj.getCurrentTime(); if(currentTime >= endTime) { var callBack = unsafeWindow.onPlayerStateChange || onPlayerStateChange; callBack(0); } else setTimeout(function() { goToStart(); }, 900); } LoopyOnOff = function() { log(ytLoop ? 'disabling loop' : 'enabling loop'); var newClass, oldClass, newTitle; if (ytLoop) { ytLoop = false; if (typeof ytPlayList != "undefined") setCookie("LoopyPL", null); newTitle = "Enable auto replay"; oldClass = "LoopyOn"; newClass = "LoopyOff"; } else { ytLoop = true; if (typeof ytPlayList != "undefined") setCookie("LoopyPL", ytPlayList); newTitle = "Disable auto replay"; oldClass = "LoopyOff"; newClass = "LoopyOn"; } buttonSet = $("loopSet"); if(buttonSet) { buttonSet.setAttribute('title', newTitle); buttonSet.setAttribute('data-tooltip', newTitle); currentStyle = buttonSet.getAttribute('class'); buttonSet.setAttribute('class', currentStyle.replace("New" + oldClass,"New" + newClass)); //buttonSet.focus(); } if(!newButtonStyle) { oldOnOff = $("eOnOff"); if(oldOnOff) { oldOnOff.title = newTitle; oldOnOff.setAttribute("class", newClass); } } if(ytLoop && isChrome) // How many times I have to say that I hate you Google Chrome. goToStart(); } bodyClick = function(e) { if(e.target.id != 'idButtonActions') HideActions(); } OnActionsClick = function() { if(actionsPanelOn) HideActions(); else ShowActions(); } function ShowActions() { if(!actionsPanelOn) { actionsPanelOn = true; var x = findPosX(buttonActions); var y = findPosY(buttonActions); var oneOffsetX = buttonActions.offsetLeft; var oneOffsetY = buttonActions.offsetTop; // var rect = buttonActions.getBoundingClientRect(); // x = rect.left - page.scrollLeft; // y = rect.top - page.scrollTop; isCosmicPanda = ($('masthead-nav') != null); divBetterLoopyActions.style.display = 'block'; var width = divBetterLoopyActions.offsetWidth; if(isCosmicPanda) { divBetterLoopyActions.style.left = (oneOffsetX + buttonActions.offsetWidth - width) + "px"; divBetterLoopyActions.style.top = (oneOffsetY + buttonActions.offsetHeight) + "px"; } else { divBetterLoopyActions.style.left = (x + buttonActions.offsetWidth - width) + "px"; divBetterLoopyActions.style.top = (y + buttonActions.offsetHeight) + "px"; } var currentClass = buttonActions.getAttribute('class'); buttonActions.setAttribute('class', currentClass + ' yt-uix-button-active'); } } function HideActions() { if(actionsPanelOn) { actionsPanelOn = false; divBetterLoopyActions.style.display = 'none'; var currentClass = buttonActions.getAttribute('class'); buttonActions.setAttribute('class', currentClass.replace(' yt-uix-button-active','')); } } function OnActionItemClick(obj) { HideActions(); var id = obj.id; if(id == 'ActionItemSettings') { showSettings(); } else if(id == 'ActionItemSendLoopedLink') { // var shareButton = $("watch-share"); // if(shareButton) // clickObject(shareButton); var textBox = $('idTextBoxDivSendLoopLink'); if(textBox) { var loopString = ""; //textBox.value = window.location.replace("#",""); var txtStartTime = $('txtStartTime'); var txtEndTime = $('txtEndTime'); if(txtStartTime && txtStartTime.value != "") loopString += "&loopStart="+txtStartTime.value; if(txtEndTime && txtEndTime.value != "") loopString += "&loopEnd="+txtEndTime.value; if(loopString.length == 0) { alert('You are not looping a part of the video and can therefore send the whole link. :)'); return; } textBox.value = window.location.href.replace("#","") + loopString; // textBox.focus(); // textBox.select(); //why doesn't it work? window.setTimeout(function() {textBox.focus();},0); window.setTimeout(function() {textBox.select();},0); //Why does it work? } divSendLoopLink.style.display = 'block'; } else if(id == 'ActionItemSetRepeatLimit') { limit = prompt("Enter the number of times the video should be looped"); maxLoopLimit = parseInt(limit, 10); if(isNaN(maxLoopLimit)) { maxLoopLimit = -1; return; } } else if(id == 'ActionItemRememberLoopForVideo') { var videoID = getQuerystring('v'); var txtStartTime = $('txtStartTime'); var txtEndTime = $('txtEndTime'); var rememberString = videoID + ","; if(txtStartTime && txtStartTime.value != "") rememberString += "loopStart," + txtStartTime.value + ","; if(txtEndTime && txtEndTime.value != "") rememberString += "loopEnd," + txtEndTime.value + ","; if(rememberString.length > 0) { var lastRemember = GM_GlobalGetValue("RememberString",""); GM_GlobalSetValue("RememberString", lastRemember + "," + rememberString + ";"); // alert('Done!'); } } } function OnSharePanelReady() { var watchActionsShare = $('watch-actions-share'); // var longLinkNodes = getChildrenByXPath(watchActionsShare, "//input[contains(text(), 'Long link')]"); // if(sharePanelEventAdded) // watchActionsShare.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', OnSharePanelReady, false); var sharePanelURL = getChildrenByXPath(watchActionsShare, "//input[@class='share-panel-url']"); divSendLoopLink.style.display = 'block'; } function getCookie(name) { var results = document.cookie.match('(^|;) ?' + name + '=([^;]*)(;|$)'); if (results) { return unescape(results[2]); } else { return null; } } function getProperTime(stringTime) { if(trim(stringTime, " ") == "") return -1; var timeInSeconds = 0; var index = stringTime.indexOf(':'); if(index < 0) timeInSeconds = parseInt(stringTime, 10); else { var time = stringTime.split(":"); timeInSeconds = parseInt(time[0]*60, 10) + parseInt(time[1], 10); } if(isNaN(timeInSeconds)) return 0; else return timeInSeconds; } function getMinuteSecondsTime(seconds) { totalSeconds = Math.round(seconds); seconds = totalSeconds % 60; if(seconds < 10) seconds = "0" + seconds; minutes = (totalSeconds - seconds)/60; return new String(minutes + ":" + seconds); } function setCookie(name, value) { document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value); } function trim(str, chars) { return ltrim(rtrim(str, chars), chars); } function ltrim(str, chars) { chars = chars || "\\s"; return str.replace(new RegExp("^[" + chars + "]+", "g"), ""); } function rtrim(str, chars) { chars = chars || "\\s"; return str.replace(new RegExp("[" + chars + "]+$", "g"), ""); } function getQuerystring(key, default_) { if (default_==null) default_=""; key = key.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]"); var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]"+key+"=([^&#]*)"); var qs = regex.exec(window.location.href); if(qs == null) return default_; else return qs[1]; } function playNext() { if(!extensionEnabled || !nextVideosEnabled) return false; log('Playing next video'); var retVal = false; var el = $('txtVideos'); if(el && el.value != "") { var index = el.value.indexOf(";"); var videoID = el.value; if(index>0) { videoID = videoID.substring(0,index); el.value = el.value.substring(index+1); } else el.value = ""; watchString = isPopup ? "watch_popup" : "watch"; var nextLocation = "http://www.youtube.com/"+ watchString +"?v="+videoID; if(el.value.length > 1) nextLocation += "&nextVideos="+el.value; window.location = nextLocation; retVal = true; } return retVal; } function togglePlay() { if(ytObj) { state = ytObj.getPlayerState(); if(state == "1") ytObj.pauseVideo(); else if(state == "2") ytObj.playVideo(); } } if (typeof GM_addStyle == "undefined") { GM_addStyle = function(text) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; style = create('style',[['type','text/css']]); style.textContent = text; head.appendChild(style); } } GM_addStyle(" \ #eLoopy { \ width: 28px; \ margin-left: auto; \ text-align: center; \ background: #EFEFEF; \ border-left: #B1B1B1 1px solid; \ border-right: #B1B1B1 1px solid; \ border-bottom: #B1B1B1 1px solid; \ padding: 1px 4px 1px 4px; \ margin-bottom: 5px; } \ #newDiv { \ margin-left: auto; \ color:grey; \ text-align: center; \ font-size: 11px; \ vertical-align:middle; \ background:-moz-linear-gradient(center top , #FFFFFF, #dfdfdf) repeat scroll 0 0 #F6F6F6; \ background: #F6F6F6 -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(white), to(#dfdfdf)); \ border-left: #B1B1B1 1px solid; \ border-right: #B1B1B1 1px solid; \ border-bottom: #B1B1B1 1px solid; \ border-top: #B1B1B1 1px solid; \ padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px; \ border-radius: 3px; \ -moz-border-radius: 3px; \ height:20px \ } \ #eOnOff { \ font-weight: bold; \ font-size: 11px; \ text-decoration: none; \ -moz-user-select: none; \ -khtml-user-select: none; \ user-select: none; } \ .LoopyOff { \ color: grey !important; } \ .LoopyOff:hover { \ color: black !important; } \ .LoopyOn { \ color: crimson !important; } \ .NewLoopyOff{ \ color:gray; \ font-weight:bold; \ } \ .NewLoopyOn{ \ color:rgb(191,0,65); \ font-weight:bold; \ } \ .Thin{ \ height:1.72em; \ } \ .LeftAligned{ \ margin-left: 0; \ } \ .TextBox{ \ height:16px; \ background-color:white; \ border:1px solid lightgray; \ color:black; \ vertical-align:center; \ border-radius: 3px; \ -moz-border-radius: 3px; \ } \ " );

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Saturday, October 29, 2011
Better Loopy for YouTube
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