Sunday, October 2, 2011

GW LazyTools

// ==UserScript==
// @name           GW LazyTools
// @namespace      noobs
// @version        20110821a
// @description    Powertools for Global Warfare
// @include        **main_src.php*
// @include        **
// ==/UserScript==

var Version = '20110821a';

// Test switches
var DEBUG_TRACE = false;
var DEBUG_BUTTON = true;
var ENABLE_INFO = true;
var ENABLE_CHAT = false;
// End Test switches

var JSON;if(!JSON){JSON={};}(function(){"use strict";function f(n){return n<10?'0'+n:n;}if(typeof Date.prototype.toJSON!=='function'){Date.prototype.toJSON=function(key){return isFinite(this.valueOf())?this.getUTCFullYear()+'-'+f(this.getUTCMonth()+1)+'-'+f(this.getUTCDate())+'T'+f(this.getUTCHours())+':'+f(this.getUTCMinutes())+':'+f(this.getUTCSeconds())+'Z':null;};String.prototype.toJSON=Number.prototype.toJSON=Boolean.prototype.toJSON=function(key){return this.valueOf();};}var cx=/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,escapable=/[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,gap,indent,meta={'\b':'\\b','\t':'\\t','\n':'\\n','\f':'\\f','\r':'\\r','"':'\\"','\\':'\\\\'},rep;function quote(string){escapable.lastIndex=0;return escapable.test(string)?'"'+string.replace(escapable,function(a){var c=meta[a];return typeof c==='string'?c:'\\u'+('0000'+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);})+'"':'"'+string+'"';}function str(key,holder){var i,k,v,length,mind=gap,partial,value=holder[key];if(value&&typeof value==='object'&&typeof value.toJSON==='function'){value=value.toJSON(key);}if(typeof rep==='function'){,key,value);}switch(typeof value){case'string':return quote(value);case'number':return isFinite(value)?String(value):'null';case'boolean':case'null':return String(value);case'object':if(!value){return'null';}gap+=indent;partial=[];if(Object.prototype.toString.apply(value)==='[object Array]'){length=value.length;for(i=0;i<length;i+=1){partial[i]=str(i,value)||'null';}v=partial.length===0?'[]':gap?'[\n'+gap+partial.join(',\n'+gap)+'\n'+mind+']':'['+partial.join(',')+']';gap=mind;return v;}if(rep&&typeof rep==='object'){length=rep.length;for(i=0;i<length;i+=1){k=rep[i];if(typeof k==='string'){v=str(k,value);if(v){partial.push(quote(k)+(gap?': ':':')+v);}}}}else{for(k in value){if(,k)){v=str(k,value);if(v){partial.push(quote(k)+(gap?': ':':')+v);}}}}v=partial.length===0?'{}':gap?'{\n'+gap+partial.join(',\n'+gap)+'\n'+mind+'}':'{'+partial.join(',')+'}';gap=mind;return v;}}if(typeof JSON.stringify!=='function'){JSON.stringify=function(value,replacer,space){var i;gap='';indent='';if(typeof space==='number'){for(i=0;i<space;i+=1){indent+=' ';}}else if(typeof space==='string'){indent=space;}rep=replacer;if(replacer&&typeof replacer!=='function'&&(typeof replacer!=='object'||typeof replacer.length!=='number')){throw new Error('JSON.stringify');}return str('',{'':value});};}if(typeof JSON.parse!=='function'){JSON.parse=function(text,reviver){var j;function walk(holder,key){var k,v,value=holder[key];if(value&&typeof value==='object'){for(k in value){if(,k)){v=walk(value,k);if(v!==undefined){value[k]=v;}else{delete value[k];}}}}return,key,value);}text=String(text);cx.lastIndex=0;if(cx.test(text)){text=text.replace(cx,function(a){return'\\u'+('0000'+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);});}if(/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,'@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,']').replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,''))){j=eval('('+text+')');return typeof reviver==='function'?walk({'':j},''):j;}throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse');};}}());
var JSON2 = JSON;

if (\/globalwarfaregame/i) >= 0){
  facebookInstance ();
if ( >= 0){
  GWwideScreen ();

function GWwideScreen(){
 var iFrame = parent.document.getElementsByTagName('IFRAME');
 //iFrame[0].style.minWidth = '1220px';
 iFrame[0].style.width = '100%';
 while ( (iFrame=iFrame.parentNode) != null) = '100%';

/***  Run only in "" instance ... ***/
function facebookInstance (){
  function setWide (){
 var iFrame = document.getElementById('iframe_canvas');
 if (!iFrame){
   setTimeout (setWide, 1000);
 } = '100%';

 while ( (iFrame=iFrame.parentNode) != null)
   if (iFrame.tagName=='DIV') = '100%';
    var e = document.getElementById('mainContainer');
  document.getElementById('content').style.minWidth = '1220px';
  for(i=0; i<e.childNodes.length; i++){
   if(e.childNodes[i].id == 'contentCol'){
    e.childNodes[i].style.width = '100%';
    e.childNodes[i].style.margin = '0px';
    e.childNodes[i].style.paddingTop = '50px';
 var e = document.getElementById('globalContainer');
 if(e){ = '100%';
  if(e.firstChild){ = '80%'; = '0 10%';

    var div = searchDOM (document.getElementById('content'), 'node.tagName=="DIV" &&"rightCol")>=0', 7);
    if (div){ ='none';

var Options = {
 ptWinIsOpen : false,
 ptWinDrag : false,
 ptWinPos : {},
 ptTrackOpen : true,
 includeCity : true,
 includeMarching : false,
 includeTraining : false,
 includeTrainingTotal : false,
 overviewAllowOverflow : false,
 overviewFontSize : 12,
 pbgoldenable : true,
 pbGoldLimit : 99,

var Seed = unsafeWindow.seed;
var Tabs = {};
var mainPop;
var Cities = {};
var ptStartupTimer = null;
var CPopUpTopClass = 'ptPopTop';
var uW = unsafeWindow;
function ptStartup (){
  clearTimeout (ptStartupTimer);
  if (unsafeWindow.ptLoaded)
  var metc = getClientCoords(document.getElementById('main_engagement_tabs'));
  if (metc.width==null || metc.width==0){
    ptStartupTimer = setTimeout (ptStartup, 1000);
  unsafeWindow.ptLoaded = true;
  //logit ("KofC client version: "+ anticd.getKOCversion());
  Seed = unsafeWindow.seed;
  var styles = '.ptTabs {color:black; font-size:12px}\
 .xtab {padding-right: 5px; border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap;}\
    .xtabBR {padding-right: 5px; border:none; background:none;}\
    table.ptTab tr td {border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap; padding:0px}\
    .hostile td { background:red; }.friendly td{background:lightgreen; }.ally td{background:lightblue; }\
 table.ptTabPadNW tr td {border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap; padding: 2px 4px 2px 8px;}\
    table.ptTabBR tr td {border:none; background:none;}\
    table.ptTabLined tr td {border:1px none none solid none; padding: 2px 5px; white-space:nowrap;}\
    table.ptOptions tr td {border:1px none none solid none; padding: 1px 3px; white-space:nowrap;}\
    table.ptSrchResults tr td {border:1px none none solid none; padding: 1px 3px; white-space:nowrap;}\
    table.ptTabSome tr td {border:none; background:none; padding: 1px 3px; white-space:nowrap;}\
 table.ptTabBR tr td {border:none; background:none;}\
    table.ptTabLined tr td {border:1px none none solid none;}\
    table.ptTabOverview tr td {border-left:1px solid #ccc; white-space:nowrap; padding: 1px;}\
    table.ptTabPad tr td.ptentry {background-color:#ffeecc; padding-left: 8px;}\
    table.ptNoPad tr td {border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap; padding:0px}\
    .ptDetLeft {padding:0 5px 0 0 !important; font-weight:bold; text-align:right}\
 .ptOddrow {background-color:#eee}\
    .ptStat {border:1px solid; border-color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; background-color:#357}\
    .ptStatLight {color:#ddd}\
 .ptentry {padding: 7px; border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background-color:#ffeecc; white-space:nowrap;}\
    .ptErrText {font-weight:bold; color:#600000}\
    button::-moz-focus-inner, input[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner { border: none; }\
    span.whiteOnRed {padding-left:3px; padding-right:3px; background-color:#700; color:white; font-weight:bold}\
    span.boldRed {color:#800; font-weight:bold}\
    input.ptDefButOn {cursor:pointer; border:1px solid black; background-color:red;}\
    input.ptDefButOff {cursor:pointer; border:1px solid black; background-color:#0a0;}\
    input.ptButton20 {height:27px; width:80px}\
    table.ptMainTab {empty-cells:show; margin-top:5px }\
    table.ptMainTab tr td a {color:inherit }\
    table.ptMainTab tr td   {font-family:georgia,arial,sans-serif; height:60%; empty-cells:show; padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;  margin-top:5px; white-space:nowrap; border: 1px solid; border-style: none none solid none; }\
    table.ptMainTab tr td.spacer {padding: 0px 3px;}\
    table.ptMainTab tr td.sel    {font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; border: 1px solid; border-style: solid solid none solid; background-color:#eed; color:black}\
    table.ptMainTab tr td.notSel {font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; border: 1px solid; border-style: solid solid none solid; background-color:#1e66bd; color:white; border-color:black;}\
    tr.ptPopTop td { background-color:#ded; border:none; height: 21px;  padding:0px; }\
    tr.ptretry_ptPopTop td { background-color:#a00; color:#fff; border:none; height: 21px;  padding:0px; }\
    tr.ptMainPopTop td { background-color:#ded; border:none; height: 42px;  padding:0px; }\
    tr.ptretry_ptMainPopTop td { background-color:#a00; color:#fff; border:none; height: 42px;  padding:0px; }\
    .CPopup .CPopMain { background-color:#f8f8f8; padding:6px; overflow:auto;}\
    .CPopup  {border:3px ridge #666}\
    span.ptTextFriendly {color: #080}\
    span.ptTextHostile {color: #800}\
 .ptButCancel {background-color:#a00; font-weight:bold; color:#fff}\
    div.indent25 {padding-left:25px}'; = 'PT';
  logit ("* Global Warfare Power Tools v"+ Version +" Loaded", true);

// TODO: Make sure WinPos is visible on-screen ?
  if (Options.ptWinPos==null || Options.ptWinPos.x==null|| Options.ptWinPos.x=='' || isNaN(Options.ptWinPos.x)){
    var c = getClientCoords (document.getElementById('gor_menu_bar'));
    Options.ptWinPos.x = c.x+4;
    Options.ptWinPos.y = c.y;
    saveOptions ();
  mainPop = new CPopup ('pt', Options.ptWinPos.x, Options.ptWinPos.y, 550,800, Options.ptWinDrag,
      function (){
  mainPop.autoHeight (true);  

  mainPop.getMainDiv().innerHTML = '<STYLE>'+ styles +'</style>';
  AddMainTabLink('TOOLS', eventHideShow, mouseMainTab);
  tabManager.init (mainPop.getMainDiv());
  if (Options.ptWinIsOpen && Options.ptTrackOpen){ (true);
  window.addEventListener('unload', onUnload, false);


/****************************  Overview Tab ******************************/
function getResourceProduction (cityId){
  var ret = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
  var now = unixTime ();
  var wilds = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
  var w = Seed.wilderness["city" + cityId];
  for (var k in w){
    var type = parseInt(w[k].tileType);
    if (type==10 || type==11 || type==12)
      wilds[1] += parseInt(w[k].tileLevel);
      wilds[type/10] += parseInt(w[k].tileLevel);
  knight = 0;       
  var s = Seed.knights["city" + cityId];
  if (s) {
    s = s["knt" + Seed.leaders["city" + cityId].resourcefulnessKnightId];
    if (s){
      var knight = parseInt(s.knightLevel);
      // if (s.resourcefulnessBoostExpireUnixtime > now)
        // knight *= 1.25;
  var workerFactor = 1;
  var c = parseInt(Seed.citystats["city" + cityId]["pop"][0]);  // Current  population
  var w = parseInt(Seed.citystats["city" + cityId]["pop"][3]);  // Labor force
  if (w > c)
    workerFactor = c / w;
  for (var i=1; i<5; i++){
    var usage = Seed.resources["city" + cityId]["rec" + i];
    var items = 0;
    if (parseInt(Seed.bonus["bC1" + i + "00"]["bT1" + i + "01"]) > now) {
      items = 0.25;
    var tech =["tch" + i];
    ret[i] = parseInt((usage[2] * (1 + tech/10 + knight/100 + items + wilds[i]/20) * workerFactor + 100));
  return ret;  

Tabs.Overview = {
  tabOrder : 1,
  cont : null,
  displayTimer : null,

  Overview : function (){

  init : function (div){
    this.cont = div;
    if (Options.overviewAllowOverflow) = 'visible';

  hide : function (){
    clearTimeout (Tabs.Overview.displayTimer);
  show : function (){
    var rownum = 0;
    var t = Tabs.Overview;

    clearTimeout (t.displayTimer);

    function _row (name, row, noTotal){
      if (rownum++ % 2)
        style = '';
        style = ' style = "background: #e8e8e8"';
      var tot = 0;
      var m = [];
      m.push ('<TR style="background: #fff" align=right');
      m.push (style);
      m.push ('><TD');
      m.push (style);
      m.push ('><B>');
      m.push (name);
      m.push (' &nbsp; </td>');
      if (noTotal){
        m.push ('<TD');
        m.push (style);
        m.push ('> &nbsp;</td>');
      } else {
        for (i=0; i<row.length; i++)
          tot += row[i];
        m.push ('<TD style="background: #ffc">');      
        m.push (addCommas(tot));
        m.push ('</td>');
      for (i=0; i<row.length; i++){
        m.push ('<TD');
        m.push (style);
        m.push ('>');     
        m.push (addCommas(row[i]));
        m.push ('</td>');
      m.push ('</tr>');
      return m.join('');
    try {
      dt = new Date ();
      dt.setTime (Seed.player.datejoinUnixTime * 1000);
     // <TR align=left><TD><SPAN class=ptStatLight>Joined on:</span> '+ dt.toLocaleDateString() +'</td>
      str = '<DIV class=ptstat style="margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px;"><TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="ptTab ptStat" width=97% align=center>\
        <TD><SPAN class=ptStatLight>Power:</span> ' + addCommas(Seed.player.might) +'</td>\
        <TD><SPAN class=ptStatLight>Alliance:</span> ' + getMyAlliance()[1] +'</td>\
        <TD align=right><SPAN class=ptStatLight>Domain:</span> ' + unsafeWindow.domainName +'</td></tr></table></div>';

      str += "<DIV id=overMainDiv style='font-size:"+ Options.overviewFontSize +"px'><TABLE class=ptTabOverview cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR valign=top style='text-align:right'><TD width=65></td><TD width=88 style='background: #ffc'><B>TOTAL</b></td>";
      for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
        str += "<TD width=81><B>"+ Cities.cities[i].name.substring(0,11) +'</b><BR>'+ Cities.cities[i].x +','+ Cities.cities[i].y +"<BR>"+ unsafeWindow.provincenames['p'+ Cities.cities[i].provId] +"</td>";
      str += "</tr>";
   str += '<TR valign=top style=\'text-align:right\'><TD></td><TD style=\'background: #ffc\'></td>';
  for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++){
    cityID = 'city'+Cities.cities[i].id;
    Gate = parseInt(Seed.citystats[cityID].gate);
  if(Gate == 0)
    str += '<TD>Hiding</td>';
    str += '<TD><SPAN class=boldRed>Defending</span></td>';
      rows = [];
      rows[0] = [];
      for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
        cityID = 'city'+ Cities.cities[i].id;
        rows[0][i] = parseInt(Seed.citystats[cityID].gold[0]);
      for (r=1; r<9; r++){
        rows[r] = [];
        for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
          cityID = 'city'+ Cities.cities[i].id;
          rows[r][i] = parseInt(Seed.resources[cityID]['rec'+r][0] / 3600);

      str += _row ('Gold', rows[0]);
      str += _row ('Food', rows[1]);
      str += _row ('Oil', rows[2]);
      str += _row ('Stone', rows[3]);
      str += _row ('Steel', rows[4]);
      str += _row ('Titanium', rows[5]);
      str += _row ('Graphene', rows[6]);
      str += _row ('Uranium', rows[7]);
      str += _row ('Diamonds', rows[8]);
      str += '<TR><TD colspan=12><BR></td></tr>';
   for (r=1; r<20; r++){
        rows[r] = [];
  for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
            rows[r][i] = 0;
   if (Options.includeCity){
        for (r=1; r<20; r++){
          for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
            cityID = 'city'+ Cities.cities[i].id;
            rows[r][i] = parseInt(Seed.units[cityID]['unt'+r]);
      if (Options.includeMarching){
        for (var i=0; i<20; i++)
          rows[i][Cities.numCities] = march.marchUnits[i];
   if (Options.includeTrainingTotal){
  for (var i=0; i<20; i++)
          rows[i][Cities.numCities+1] = train.trainUnts[i];
      if (Options.includeTraining){
        var q = Seed.training_queue;
        for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
          q = Seed.training_queue['c'+ Cities.cities[i].id];
          if (q && q.length>0){
            for (qi=0; qi<q.length; qi++)
              rows[q[qi][0]][i] += parseInt(q[qi][1]);
      rownum = 0;
   // for(i=0; i<20; i++)
  // str += _row (unsafeWindow.arStrings.unitName['u'+i], rows[i]);
   str += _row ('SupTruck', rows[1]);
      str += _row ('Infantry', rows[5]);
      str += _row ('Sniper', rows[6]);
      str += _row ('AntiTank', rows[4]);
   str += _row ('Spc Forces', rows[18]);
      str += _row ('SAM', rows[7]);
      str += _row ('Tank', rows[8]);
      str += _row ('Drone', rows[17]);
      str += _row ('Helicopter', rows[9]);
      str += _row ('Gunship', rows[11]);
      str += _row ('Fighter', rows[10]);
      str += _row ('Bomber', rows[12]);
   str += _row ('Cargo', rows[19]);
      str += _row ('Hellfire', rows[16]);
      str += _row ('Stealth', rows[13]);
      str += '<TR><TD colspan=12><BR></td></tr>';
      row = [];
      row2 = [];
      row3 = [];
      for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
        var rp = getResourceProduction (Cities.cities[i].id);
        var usage = parseInt(Seed.resources["city" + Cities.cities[i].id]['rec1'][3]);
        row3[i] = usage;
        row2[i] = rp[1];
    row[i] = rp[1] - usage;
   str += _row ('Upkeep', row3, true);
      str += _row ('Production', row2, true);      
      str += _row ('Food +/-', row, true);
      for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
        if (row[i] >= 0)
          row[i] = '----';
        else {
          var timeLeft = parseInt(Seed.resources["city" + Cities.cities[i].id]['rec1'][0]) / 3600 / (0-row[i]) * 3600;
          if (timeLeft > 86313600)
            row[i] = '----';
          else {
            if (Options.enableFoodWarn && timeLeft<(Options.foodWarnHours*3600))
              row[i] = '<SPAN class=whiteOnRed>'+ timestrShort(timeLeft) +'</span>';
              row[i] = timestrShort(timeLeft);
      str += _row ('Food left', row, true);
      str += '<TR><TD><BR></td></tr>';
      row = [];
      for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
        var totWilds = 0;
        dat = Seed.wilderness['city'+ Cities.cities[i].id];
        if (dat!=null && matTypeof(dat)=='object')
          for (k in dat)
        var castle = parseInt(Seed.buildings['city'+ Cities.cities[i].id].pos0[1]);
  if(castle == 11) castle = 12;
        if (totWilds < castle)
          row[i] = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>'+ totWilds +'/'+ castle +'</b></span>';
          row[i] = totWilds +'/'+ castle;
      str += _row ('#Wilds', row, true);
      row = [];
      for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
        totKnights = 0;
        dat = Seed.knights['city'+ Cities.cities[i].id];
        for (k in dat)
        row[i] = totKnights;
      str += _row ('#Generals', row, true);
      var now = unixTime();
      var row = [];
      for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
        var totTime = 0;
        var q = Seed.outgoing_marches['c'+Cities.cities[i].id]; 
        if (q!=null && q.length>0)
          totTime = q[q.length-1][3] - now;
        if (totTime < 0)
          totTime = 0;
        if (totTime < 3600)
          row[i] = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>'+ timestr(totTime) +'</b></span>';
          row[i] = timestr(totTime);
      str += _row ('TroopQ', row, true);
      var row = [];
      for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {
        var wall = {};
        getWallInfo (Cities.cities[i].id, wall);
        var totTime = 0;
        var q = Seed.fortify_queue['city'+Cities.cities[i].id]; 
        if (q!=null && q.length>0)
          totTime = q[q.length-1][3] - now;
        if (totTime < 0)
          totTime = 0;
        if (totTime<1 && (wall.wallSpaceUsed < wall.wallSpace-4 || wall.fieldSpaceUsed < wall.fieldSpace-4))
          row[i] = '<SPAN class=boldRed><B>'+ timestr(totTime) +'</b></span>';
          row[i] = timestr(totTime);
      str += _row ('WallQue', row, true);
      str += '<TR><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtab colspan=4><BR><INPUT type=CHECKBOX id=ptoverOriginal'+ (Options.includeCity?' CHECKED':'') +'>Show Troops in City</td></tr>';
      str += '<TR><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtab colspan=4><INPUT type=CHECKBOX id=idCheck'+ (Options.includeMarching?' CHECKED':'') +' DISABLED>Show Marching Troops/Resources</td></tr>';
      str += '<TR><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtab colspan=4><INPUT type=CHECKBOX id=ptoverIncTraining'+ (Options.includeTraining?' CHECKED':'') +' DISABLED>Show troops training in city</td></tr>';
      str += '<TR><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtab colspan=4><INPUT type=CHECKBOX id=ptoverIncTrainingTotal'+ (Options.includeTrainingTotal?' CHECKED':'') +' DISABLED>Show troops training totals</td></tr>';
      str += '<TR><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtab colspan=4><INPUT type=CHECKBOX id=ptOverOver'+ (Options.overviewAllowOverflow?' CHECKED':'') +'>Allow width overflow \
         &nbsp; &nbsp; FONT SIZE: '+ htmlSelector ({9:9, 10:10, 11:11, 12:12}, Options.overviewFontSize, 'id=ptoverfont') +'</td></tr>';
      str += "</table></div>";
   str+= 'GW Lazy Tools Version : ' + Version;
      Tabs.Overview.cont.innerHTML = str;
      document.getElementById('ptoverOriginal').addEventListener('click', e_clickEnableTroops, false);
      document.getElementById('idCheck').addEventListener('click', e_clickEnableMarch, false);
      document.getElementById('ptoverIncTraining').addEventListener('click', e_clickEnableTraining, false);
      document.getElementById('ptoverIncTrainingTotal').addEventListener('click', e_clickEnableTrainingTotal, false);
      document.getElementById('ptOverOver').addEventListener('click', e_allowWidthOverflow, false);
      document.getElementById('ptoverfont').addEventListener('change', e_fontSize, false);
//DebugTimer.display ('Draw Overview');    
    } catch (e){
      Tabs.Overview.cont.innerHTML = '<PRE>'+ +' : '+ e.message +'</pre>';
    t.displayTimer = setTimeout (, 5000);

    function e_clickEnableTroops (){
      var t = Tabs.Overview;
      Options.includeCity = document.getElementById('ptoverOriginal').checked; ();
    function e_clickEnableMarch (){
      var t = Tabs.Overview;
      Options.includeMarching = document.getElementById('idCheck').checked; ();
    function e_clickEnableTraining (){
      var t = Tabs.Overview;
      Options.includeTraining = document.getElementById('ptoverIncTraining').checked; ();
    function e_clickEnableTrainingTotal (){
      var t = Tabs.Overview;
      Options.includeTrainingTotal = document.getElementById('ptoverIncTrainingTotal').checked; ();

    function e_fontSize(evt){
      document.getElementById('overMainDiv').style.fontSize = +'px'; 
      Options.overviewFontSize =;

    function e_allowWidthOverflow (evt){
      var tf = document.getElementById('ptOverOver').checked;
      Options.overviewAllowOverflow = tf;
      if (tf) = 'visible';
      else = 'auto';


function getWallInfo (cityId, objOut){
  objOut.wallSpaceUsed = 0;
  objOut.fieldSpaceUsed = 0;
  objOut.wallLevel = 0;  
  objOut.wallSpace = 0;     
  objOut.fieldSpace = 0;  
  var b = Seed.buildings["city" + cityId];
  if (b.pos1==null)
  objOut.wallLevel = parseInt(b.pos1[1]);
  var spots = 0;
  for (var i=1; i<(objOut.wallLevel+1); i++)
    spots += (i * 500);
  objOut.wallSpace = spots;     
  objOut.fieldSpace = spots;  
  var fort = Seed.fortifications["city" + cityId];
  for (k in fort){
    var id = parseInt(k.substr(4));
    if (id<60)
      objOut.wallSpaceUsed += parseInt(unsafeWindow.fortstats["unt"+ id][5]) * parseInt(fort[k]);
      objOut.fieldSpaceUsed += parseInt(unsafeWindow.fortstats["unt"+ id][5]) * parseInt(fort[k]);

/****************************  Build Implementation  ******************************
  visu directly in the game of build queue elements
  <span class="leveltag" style="left:60px;">10</span>
  more todos within the code
 */ = {
    tabOrder: 1,
    tabLabel: 'Build',
    myDiv: null,
    timer: null,
    buildTab: null,
    koc_buildslot: null,
 koc_buildmenu: null,
    currentBuildMode: null,
    buildStates: [],
 loaded_bQ: [],
 lbQ: [],

    init: function(div){
        var t =;
        t.myDiv = div;
        t.koc_buildslot = unsafeWindow.Building.buildSlot; //save original koc function
        t.koc_buildmenu = unsafeWindow.Building.buildMenu; //save original koc function
        t.currentBuildMode = "build";
  t.buildStates = {
            running: false,
   help: false,
        for (var i = 0; i < Cities.cities.length; i++) {
            t["bQ_" + Cities.cities[i].id] = JSON2.parse(GM_getValue('bQ_' + getServerId() + '_' + Cities.cities[i].id, '[]'));
   if (typeof t["bQ_" + Cities.cities[i].id] == 'undefined' || (t["bQ_" + Cities.cities[i].id]) == "") {
    t["bQ_" + Cities.cities[i].id] = [];
        var m = '<DIV id=pbBuildDivF class=ptStat>BUILD FUNCTIONS</div><TABLE id=pbbuildfunctions width=100% height=0% class=ptTab><TR>';
        if (t.buildStates.running == false) {
            m += '<TD><INPUT id=pbBuildRunning type=submit value="Auto Build = OFF"></td>';
        else {
            m += '<TD><INPUT id=pbBuildRunning type=submit value="Auto Build = ON"></td>';
  m += '<TD><INPUT id=pbBuildMode type=submit value="Build Mode = OFF"></td>';
  m += '<TD>Build Type: <SELECT id="pbBuildType">\
    <OPTION value=build>level up</option>\
    <OPTION value=max>level max</option>\
    <OPTION value=destruct>destruct</option>\
  //m += '<TD><INPUT id=pbHelpRequest type=checkbox DISABLED '+ (' CHECKED':'') +'\></td><TD>Ask for help?</td>';
  m += '</tr></table></div>';
        m += '<DIV id=pbBuildDivQ class=ptStat>BUILD QUEUES</div><TABLE id=pbbuildqueues width=100% height=0% class=ptentry><TR>';
  for (var i = 0; i < Cities.cities.length; i++) {
            m += '<TD colspan=2><CENTER><B>' + Cities.cities[i].name + '</b></center></td>';
  m += '</tr><TR>';
        for (var i = 0; i < Cities.cities.length; i++) {
            m += '<TD colspan=2><CENTER><INPUT id=pbbuild_' + Cities.cities[i].id + ' type=submit value="Show"></center></td>';
        m += '</tr><TR>';
        for (var i = 0; i < Cities.cities.length; i++) {
            m += '<TD>Qc:</td><TD id=pbbuildcount_' + Cities.cities[i].id + '>' + t["bQ_" + Cities.cities[i].id].length + '</td>';
        m += '</tr><TR>';
        for (var i = 0; i < Cities.cities.length; i++) {
            t['totalTime_' + Cities.cities[i].id] = 0;
            cbQ = t["bQ_" + Cities.cities[i].id];
            if (typeof cbQ != 'undefined') {
                for (var j = 0; j < cbQ.length; j++) {
                    t['totalTime_' + Cities.cities[i].id] = parseInt(t['totalTime_' + Cities.cities[i].id]) + parseInt(cbQ[j].buildingTime);
                timestring = timestr(t['totalTime_' + Cities.cities[i].id]);
            m += '<TD>Tt:</td><TD id=pbbuildtotal_' + Cities.cities[i].id + '>' + timestring + '</td>';
        m += '</tr></table><SPAN class=boldRed id=pbbuildError></span>';
        t.myDiv.innerHTML = m;
        for (var i = 0; i < Cities.cities.length; i++) {
            var cityId = Cities.cities[i].id;
            var btnName = 'pbbuild_' + cityId;
            addQueueEventListener(cityId, btnName);
   t.showBuildQueue(cityId, false);

        t.e_autoBuild(); //start checking if we can build someting
  document.getElementById('pbBuildType').addEventListener('change', function(){t.setBuildMode(this.value);}, false);
  document.getElementById('pbBuildRunning').addEventListener('click', function(){
        }, false);
  document.getElementById('pbBuildMode').addEventListener('click', function(){
        }, false);
  // document.getElementById('pbHelpRequest').addEventListener ('change', function (){
        // = (document.getElementById('pbHelpRequest').checked);
        // t.saveBuildStates();
        // }, false);
  window.addEventListener('unload', t.onUnload, false);
        function addQueueEventListener(cityId, name){
            document.getElementById(name).addEventListener('click', function(){
                t.showBuildQueue(cityId, true);
            }, false);
 setBuildMode: function (type) {
     var t =;
  t.currentBuildMode = type;
    e_autoBuild: function(){
      var t =;
     document.getElementById('pbbuildError').innerHTML = '';
      if (t.buildStates.running == true) {
          var now = unixTime();
    //logit ('Seed.queue_con: (now='+ now +')\n'+ inspect (Seed.queue_con, 3));
          for (var i = 0; i < Cities.cities.length; i++) {
              var cityId = Cities.cities[i].id;
              var isBusy = false;
              var qcon = Seed.queue_con["city" + cityId];
              if (matTypeof(qcon)=='array' && qcon.length>0) {
                if (parseInt(qcon[0][4]) > now)
                  isBusy = true;
                  qcon.shift();   // remove expired build from queue        
     //logit ('City #'+ (i+1) + ' : busy='+ isBusy);               
              if (isBusy) {
                  //TODO add info of remaining build time and queue infos
              } else {
                 if (t["bQ_" + cityId].length > 0) { // something to do?
                   var bQi = t["bQ_" + cityId][0];   //take first queue item to build
      //setTimeout(t.e_autoBuild, 10000); //should be at least 10
      //return; // we need to make sure that there is enough time for each ajax request to not overwrite the vaule that are needed by the next run
  setTimeout(t.e_autoBuild, 10000); //should be at least 10
    doOne : function (bQi){
  var t =;
  var currentcityid = parseInt(bQi.cityId);
  var cityName = t.getCityNameById(currentcityid);
  var time = parseInt(bQi.buildingTime);
  var mult = parseInt(bQi.buildingMult);
  var attempt = parseInt(bQi.buildingAttempt);

  //mat/KOC Power Bot: 49 @ 19:41:45.274: Pos: 6 Type: 13 Level: 8 Id: 1523749
  var mode = bQi.buildingMode;
  //  var mode = "build"; //FOR DEBUG
  var citpos = parseInt(bQi.buildingPos);
  //  var citpos = 6; //FOR DEBUG
  if (Seed.buildings['city' + currentcityid]["pos" + citpos] != undefined && Seed.buildings['city' + currentcityid]["pos" + citpos][0] != undefined) { 
   var l_bdgid = parseInt(bQi.buildingType); //JUST FOR CHECK
   var bdgid = parseInt(Seed.buildings['city' + currentcityid]["pos" + citpos][0]);
   //  var bdgid = 13; //FOR DEBUG
   var l_curlvl = parseInt(bQi.buildingLevel); //JUST FOR CHECK
   var curlvl = parseInt(Seed.buildings['city' + currentcityid]["pos" + citpos][1]);
   //  var curlvl = 8; //FOR DEBUG

   var l_bid = parseInt(bQi.buildingId); //JUST FOR CHECK
   var bid = parseInt(Seed.buildings["city" + currentcityid]["pos" + citpos][3]);
   //  var bid = 1523749; //FOR DEBUG
   if (curlvl > 8 && mode == 'build') {
    t.cancelQueueElement(0, currentcityid, time, false);
    logit("Queue item deleted: Building Level equals 9 or higher!!!");
   if (isNaN(curlvl)) {
    t.cancelQueueElement(0, currentcityid, time, false);
    logit("Found no correct value for current building!!!!");
   if (l_bdgid != bdgid) {
    t.cancelQueueElement(0, currentcityid, time, false);
    logit("Building Type does not match!!!!");
   if (l_bid != bid) {
    t.cancelQueueElement(0, currentcityid, time, false);
    logit("Building ID does not match!!!!");
   if (l_curlvl < curlvl) {
     t.cancelQueueElement(0, currentcityid, time, false);
     logit("Queue item deleted: Buildinglevel is equal or higher!!!");
   if (l_curlvl > curlvl && mode == 'build') {

   if (mode == 'destruct') {
    var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams);
    params.cid = currentcityid; = "";
    params.pos = citpos; = curlvl - 1;
    if (curlvl >= 1) { = bid;
    params.type = bdgid;
    new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "destruct.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, {
     method: "post",
     parameters: params,
     onSuccess: function(rslt){
      if (rslt.ok) {
       logit("Destructing " + unsafeWindow.buildingcost['bdg' + bdgid][0] + " at " + cityName, true);
       Seed.queue_con["city" + currentcityid].push([bdgid, 0, parseInt(rslt.buildingId), unsafeWindow.unixtime(), unsafeWindow.unixtime() + time, 0, time, citpos]);
       if (params.cid == unsafeWindow.currentcityid)
       // if (document.getElementById('pbHelpRequest').checked == true)
        // t.bot_gethelp(, currentcityid);
       t.cancelQueueElement(0, currentcityid, time, false);
      } else {
       var errmsg = unsafeWindow.printLocalError(rslt.error_code || null, rslt.msg || null, || null);
       document.getElementById('pbbuildError').innerHTML = errmsg;
       logit(errmsg, true);
     onFailure: function(){
      document.getElementById('pbbuildError').innerHTML = "Connection Error while destructing! Please try later again";
   if (mode == 'build') {
    var invalid = false;
    var chk = unsafeWindow.checkreq("b", bdgid, curlvl); //check if all requirements are met
    for (var c = 0; c < chk[3].length; c++) {
     if (chk[3][c] == 0) {
      invalid = true;
    if (invalid == false) {       
     var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams);
     params.cid = currentcityid;
     // = "";
     params.pos = citpos; = curlvl + 1;
     if ( > 9){ //make sure that no level 10+ is built
      t.cancelQueueElement(0, currentcityid, time, false);
      logit("Queue item deleted: Tryed to build level 10+ building! Please report if this happens!!!");
     if ( > 1) { = bid;
     params.type = bdgid;
     new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "construct.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, {
      method: "post",
      parameters: params,
      onSuccess: function(rslt){
       if (rslt.ok) {
        logit("Building " + unsafeWindow.buildingcost['bdg' + bdgid][0] + " Level " + + " at " + cityName, true);        
        Seed.resources["city" + currentcityid].rec1[0] -= parseInt(unsafeWindow.buildingcost["bdg" + bdgid][1]) * mult * 3600;
        Seed.resources["city" + currentcityid].rec2[0] -= parseInt(unsafeWindow.buildingcost["bdg" + bdgid][2]) * mult * 3600;
        Seed.resources["city" + currentcityid].rec3[0] -= parseInt(unsafeWindow.buildingcost["bdg" + bdgid][3]) * mult * 3600;
        Seed.resources["city" + currentcityid].rec4[0] -= parseInt(unsafeWindow.buildingcost["bdg" + bdgid][4]) * mult * 3600;
        Seed.resources["city" + currentcityid].rec5[0] -= parseInt(unsafeWindow.buildingcost["bdg" + bdgid][5]) * mult * 3600;
        Seed.resources["city" + currentcityid].rec6[0] -= parseInt(unsafeWindow.buildingcost["bdg" + bdgid][6]) * mult * 3600;
        Seed.resources["city" + currentcityid].rec7[0] -= parseInt(unsafeWindow.buildingcost["bdg" + bdgid][7]) * mult * 3600;
        Seed.resources["city" + currentcityid].rec8[0] -= parseInt(unsafeWindow.buildingcost["bdg" + bdgid][8]) * mult * 3600;
        Seed.queue_con["city" + currentcityid].push([bdgid, curlvl + 1, parseInt(rslt.buildingId), unsafeWindow.unixtime(),  unsafeWindow.unixtime() + time, 0, time, citpos]);      
        if (params.cid == unsafeWindow.currentcityid)
        // if (document.getElementById('pbHelpRequest').checked == true)
         // t.bot_gethelp(, currentcityid);
        t.cancelQueueElement(0, currentcityid, time, false);
       } else {
        var errmsg = unsafeWindow.printLocalError(rslt.error_code || null, rslt.msg || null, || null);
        if (rslt.error_code == 103) { // building has already the target level => just  delete
         t.cancelQueueElement(0, currentcityid, time, false);
         logit("Queue item deleted: Building at this Level already exists or build process already started!");
        } else {
         document.getElementById('pbbuildError').innerHTML = Cities.byID[currentcityid].name +': '+ errmsg + " Item was requeued. Check for retry count.";
      onFailure: function(){
       document.getElementById('pbbuildError').innerHTML = "Connection Error while building! Please try later again";
    } else {
     t.requeueQueueElement(bQi); // requeue item if check is invalid
  } else {
   t.cancelQueueElement(0, currentcityid, time, false);
   logit("Queue item deleted: Building does not exist!!!");
 requeueQueueElement: function (bQi) {
     var t =;
  var cityId = bQi.cityId;
  var buildingPos = parseInt(bQi.buildingPos);
  var buildingId = parseInt(bQi.buildingId);
  var buildingLevel = parseInt(bQi.buildingLevel);
  var buildingType = parseInt(bQi.buildingType);
  var buildingTime = parseInt(bQi.buildingTime);
  var buildingMult = parseInt(bQi.buildingMult);
  var buildingAttempts = parseInt(bQi.buildingAttempts);
  var buildingMode = bQi.buildingMode;
  t.addQueueItem(cityId, buildingPos, buildingType, buildingId, buildingTime, buildingLevel, buildingAttempts + 1, buildingMult, buildingMode); // requeue item
  t.cancelQueueElement(0, cityId, buildingTime, false); // delete Queue Item
    show: function(){
  var t =;
    bot_buildslot: function(c, a){
        var t =;
  var cityId = t.getCurrentCityId();
        var buildingPos   = c;
        var buildingType  = parseInt(Seed.buildings['city' + cityId]["pos" + buildingPos][0]);
        var buildingLevel = parseInt(Seed.buildings['city' + cityId]["pos" + buildingPos][1]);
  var buildingId    = parseInt(Seed.buildings['city' + cityId]["pos" + buildingPos][3]);
  if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit("Pos: " + buildingPos + " Type: " + buildingType + " Level: " + buildingLevel + " Id: " + buildingId);
    var buildingAttempts = 0;
  var loaded_bQ = t["bQ_" + cityId];
  if (typeof Seed.queue_con['city' + cityId][0] != 'undefined') {
   var current_construction_pos = Seed.queue_con['city' + cityId][0][2];
  } else {
   var current_construction_pos = "";
  if (loaded_bQ.length == 0 && current_construction_pos != "" ) { //check anyway if there is currently build in progess for this specific building
   if (current_construction_pos != 'NaN' && current_construction_pos == buildingId) {
    buildingLevel += 1;
  } else {
   if (current_construction_pos != "" && current_construction_pos == buildingId) {
    buildingLevel += 1;
   for (var i = 0; i < loaded_bQ.length; i++) { // check if there are already queue items for this building or the building is currently building
    var loadedCity = loaded_bQ[i].cityId;
    var loadedSlot = loaded_bQ[i].buildingPos;
    if (loadedSlot == buildingPos && loadedCity == cityId) {
     buildingLevel += 1;
    if (loaded_bQ[i].buildingMode == 'destruct' && loadedSlot == buildingPos && loadedCity == cityId) { // check if destrcution is already in queue
     t.modalmessage('Destruction already in Queue!');
        if (t.currentBuildMode == "build") {
      if (buildingLevel >= 9) {
                t.modalmessage('Due to building requirements (DI), buildings above level 9\nshould be manualy built.');
            var buildingMode = "build";
   var result = t.calculateQueueValues(cityId, buildingLevel, buildingType, buildingMode);
   var buildingMult = result[0];
   var buildingTime = result[1];
   var queueId = loaded_bQ.length;
   t.addQueueItem(cityId, buildingPos, buildingType, buildingId, buildingTime, buildingLevel, buildingAttempts, buildingMult, buildingMode);
   t._addTab(queueId, cityId, buildingType, buildingTime, buildingLevel, buildingAttempts, buildingMode);
        if (t.currentBuildMode == "max") {
            var buildingMode = "build";
   for (var bL = buildingLevel; bL <9; bL++) {
    var queueId = loaded_bQ.length;
    var result = t.calculateQueueValues(cityId, bL, buildingType, buildingMode);
    var buildingMult = result[0];
    var buildingTime = result[1];
    queueId = queueId ;
    t.addQueueItem(cityId, buildingPos, buildingType, buildingId, buildingTime, bL, buildingAttempts, buildingMult, buildingMode);
    t._addTab(queueId, cityId, buildingType, buildingTime, bL, buildingAttempts, buildingMode);
        if (t.currentBuildMode == "destruct") {
            var buildingMode = "destruct";
   var result = t.calculateQueueValues(cityId, buildingLevel, buildingType, buildingMode);
   var buildingMult = result[0];
   var buildingTime = result[1];
   var queueId = loaded_bQ.length;
   t.addQueueItem(cityId, buildingPos, buildingType, buildingId, buildingTime, buildingLevel, buildingAttempts, buildingMult, buildingMode);
   t._addTab(queueId, cityId, buildingType, buildingTime, buildingLevel, buildingAttempts, buildingMode);

 calculateQueueValues: function (cityId, buildingLevel, buildingType, buildingMode) {
     var t =;
  var now = unixTime();
  if (buildingMode == 'build') {
   var buildingMult = Math.pow(2, buildingLevel);
  if (buildingMode == 'destruct') {
   var buildingMult = Math.pow(2, buildingLevel - 2);
        var buildingTime = unsafeWindow.constructionData["b" + buildingType].c[10] * buildingMult;
        if (parseInt(buildingType) < 6 && parseInt(buildingType) > 0 && buildingMult == 1) {
            buildingTime = 5;
  if (buildingMode == 'build') {
   buildingTime = parseInt(buildingTime / (1 + unsafeWindow.General.politicsBonus() + unsafeWindow.Research.bonusForType(unsafeWindow.Constant.Research.CRANES)));
  if (buildingMode == 'destruct') {
   buildingTime = buildingTime / (1 + unsafeWindow.General.politicsBonus() + unsafeWindow.Research.bonusForType(unsafeWindow.Constant.Research.CRANES));
   if (buildingTime % 1 > 0) {
    buildingTime = parseInt(buildingTime);
  var result = new Array(buildingMult, buildingTime);
  return result;

 bot_gethelp: function (f, currentcityid) {
   var a = qlist = Seed.queue_con["city" + currentcityid];
   var e = 0;
   var d = 0;
   for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
  if (parseInt(a[c][2]) == parseInt(f)) {
    e = parseInt(a[c][0]);
    d = parseInt(a[c][1]);
   var b = new Array();
   b.push(["REPLACE_LeVeLbUiLdInG", d]);
   b.push(["REPLACE_BuIlDiNgNaMe", unsafeWindow.buildingcost["bdg" + e][0]]);
   b.push(["REPLACE_LeVeLiD", d]);
   b.push(["REPLACE_AsSeTiD", f]);
   var g = function(h, i) {
  unsafeWindow.continuation_95(h, i);
  if (!h) {
    var j = d > 1 ? :;, false)
   unsafeWindow.common_postToProfile("95", unsafeWindow.Object.cloneFeed(unsafeWindow.template_data_95), unsafeWindow.Object.cloneFeed(unsafeWindow.actionlink_data_95), g, b)
 addQueueItem: function (cityId, buildingPos, buildingType, buildingId, buildingTime, buildingLevel, buildingAttempts, buildingMult, buildingMode) {
 var t =;
  var lbQ = t["bQ_" + cityId];
            cityId:    cityId,
            buildingPos:  buildingPos,
            buildingType:   buildingType,
   buildingId:   buildingId,
            buildingTime:   buildingTime,
            buildingLevel:   buildingLevel,
            buildingAttempts:  buildingAttempts,
   buildingMult:   buildingMult,
            buildingMode:   buildingMode
  t.modifyTotalTime(cityId, 'increase', buildingTime); //adjust total Time
    modalmessage: function(message){
     var t =;
        var timeout = 10000;
        var content = "autoclose after 10sec...<br><br>"
        content += message;
        window.setTimeout('unsafeWindow.Modal.hideModal();', timeout);
 modifyTotalTime: function (cityId, type, buildingTime) {
     var t =;
  var element = document.getElementById('pbbuildcount_' + cityId);
  var currentCount = parseInt(element.innerHTML);
  if (type == "increase") {
   t['totalTime_' + cityId] = t['totalTime_' + cityId] + buildingTime;
   var currentCount = currentCount + 1;
  if (type == "decrease") {
   t['totalTime_' + cityId] = t['totalTime_' + cityId] - buildingTime;
   var currentCount = currentCount - 1;
  element.innerHTML = currentCount;
  document.getElementById('pbbuildtotal_' + cityId).innerHTML = timestr(t['totalTime_' + cityId]);
    hide: function(){
        var t =;
  //unsafeWindow.buildslot = t.koc_buildslot; // restore original koc function
    onUnload: function(){
        var t =;
        for (var i = 0; i < Cities.cities.length; i++) {
            //t["bQ_" + Cities.cities[i].id] = []; //clean up if needed
            GM_setValue('bQ_' + getServerId() + '_' + Cities.cities[i].id, JSON2.stringify((t["bQ_" + Cities.cities[i].id])));
    _addTab: function(queueId, cityId, buildingType, buildingTime, buildingLevel, buildingAttempts, buildingMode){
  var t =;
        var row = document.getElementById('pbCityQueueContent').insertRow(0);
        row.vAlign = 'top';
        row.insertCell(0).innerHTML = queueId;
        if (buildingMode == "destruct") {
            row.insertCell(1).innerHTML = '<img src="">';
        else {
            row.insertCell(1).innerHTML = '<img src="">';
        row.insertCell(2).innerHTML = unsafeWindow.buildingcost['bdg' + buildingType][0];
        row.insertCell(3).innerHTML = timestr(buildingTime);
  if (buildingMode == "destruct") {
   row.insertCell(4).innerHTML = 0;
        } else {
   row.insertCell(4).innerHTML = buildingLevel + 1; // => target Level
  row.insertCell(5).innerHTML = buildingAttempts;
        row.insertCell(6).innerHTML = '<input class="button30 ptButton20" type=button id="queuecancel_' + queueId + '" value=Cancel></input>';
        document.getElementById('queuecancel_' + queueId).addEventListener('click', function(){
            t.cancelQueueElement(queueId, cityId, buildingTime, true);
        }, false);
    cancelQueueElement: function(queueId, cityId, buildingTime, showQueue){
        var t =;
        var queueId = parseInt(queueId);
        t["bQ_" + cityId].splice(queueId, 1);
        t.modifyTotalTime(cityId, 'decrease', buildingTime); //adjust total Time 
        if (showQueue == true) {
            t.showBuildQueue(cityId, false);
    showBuildQueue: function(cityId, focus){
     var t =;
     clearTimeout (t.timer);
        var popBuildQueue = null;
        var cityName = t.getCityNameById(cityId);
        if (t.popBuildQueue == null) {
            t.popBuildQueue = new CPopup('pbbuild_' + cityId, 0, 0, 350, 500, true, function() {clearTimeout (t.timer);});
        var m = '<DIV style="max-height:460px; height:460px; overflow-y:auto"><TABLE align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% class="pbTabPad" id="pbCityQueueContent">';       
        t.popBuildQueue.getMainDiv().innerHTML = '</table></div>' + m;
        t.popBuildQueue.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<TD width="200px"><B>Build Queue of ' + cityName + '</b></td><TD><INPUT id=pbOptimizeByTime type=submit value="Optimize by Time"></td>';
        if (focus)
  document.getElementById('pbOptimizeByTime').addEventListener('click', function(){t.clearBuildQueue();t.paintBuildQueue(cityId, true);}, false);
  t.timer = setTimeout (function() {t.showBuildQueue(cityId, false)}, 5000);  
    paintBuildQueue: function(cityId, optimize){
        var t =;
        var lbQ = t["bQ_" + cityId];
  if (optimize == true) {
   lbQ.sort(function(a,b){return a.buildingTime - b.buildingTime});
  t["bQ_" + cityId] = lbQ;
  for (var i = 0; i < lbQ.length; i++) {
   var queueId = i;
   t._addTab(queueId, lbQ[i].cityId, lbQ[i].buildingType, lbQ[i].buildingTime, lbQ[i].buildingLevel, lbQ[i].buildingAttempts, lbQ[i].buildingMode);
 clearBuildQueue: function() {
     var t =;
  var table = document.getElementById('pbCityQueueContent');
  var rows = table.rows;
    getCurrentCityId: function(){ // TODO maybe move as global function to the core application
        if (!unsafeWindow.currentcityid)
            return null;
        return unsafeWindow.currentcityid;
    saveBuildStates: function(){
  var t =;
        var serverID = getServerId();
        GM_setValue('buildStates_' + serverID, JSON2.stringify(t.buildStates));
    readBuildStates: function(){
        var t =;
        var serverID = getServerId();
        s = GM_getValue('buildStates_' + serverID);
        if (s != null) {
            states = JSON2.parse(s);
            for (k in states)
                t.buildStates[k] = states[k];
    toggleStateRunning: function(obj){
  var t =;
        if (t.buildStates.running == true) {
            t.buildStates.running = false;
            obj.value = "Auto Build = OFF";
        else {
            t.buildStates.running = true;
            obj.value = "Auto Build = ON";
    toggleStateMode: function(obj){
  var t =;
        if (obj.value == 'Build Mode = OFF') {
   unsafeWindow.Building.buildSlot = t.bot_buildslot; // overwrite original koc function
   unsafeWindow.Building.buildMenu = t.bot_buildslot; // overwrite original koc function
   // var guardian = document.getElementById('citymap').getElementsByClassName('bldg_guardian_0');
   // if(guardian.length >0)
    // guardian[0].addEventListener('click', t.bot_buildguardian, false);
            obj.value = "Build Mode = ON";
        else {
   unsafeWindow.Building.buildSlot = t.koc_buildslot; // restore original koc function
   unsafeWindow.Building.buildMenu = t.koc_buildmenu; // restore original koc function
   // var guardian = document.getElementById('citymap').getElementsByClassName('bldg_guardian_0');
   // if(guardian.length >0)
    // guardian[0].removeEventListener('click', t.bot_buildguardian, false);
   obj.value = "Build Mode = OFF";
 getCityNameById: function (cityId) {
    return Cities.byID[cityId].name;   

/*********************************** Info tab ***********************************/
Tabs.Info = {
  tabOrder : 20,
  cont : null,
//  tabDisabled : !ENABLE_INFO,

  init : function (div){
    var t = Tabs.Info;
 t.cont = div;

    fortmight = {
      u52: "1",
      u53: "1",
      u54: "1",
      u55: "1",

 var t = Tabs.Info;
    rownum = 0;

    m = '<STYLE>.xtabR {padding-right: 5px; border:none; background:none; white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;}\
          .xtabH {background:#ffffe8; border:none; padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; margin-left:10px; text-align:right;}\
            .xtabHL { background:#ffffe8; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none none solid; padding-right:5px; padding-left:5px; margin-left:10px; text-align:right;}\
            .xtabL { background:none; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none none solid; padding-right:5px; padding-left: 5px; margin-left:10px; text-align:right;}\
            .xtabLine { padding:0px; spacing:0px; height:1px; border-color:black; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none solid none }</style>\
        <DIV style="overflow-y:auto; overflow-x:hidden"><DIV class=ptStat>UNIT INFORMATION</div><TABLE align=center cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0>\
        <TR style="text-align:center"><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtabHL colspan=5><B>COST TO BUILD</b></td><TD class=xtabHL colspan=4><B>STATS</b></td><TD class=xtabHL><B>Upkeep</b></td></tr>\
        <TR valign=bottom align=right><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtabHL>Food</td><TD class=xtabH>Oil</td><TD class=xtabH>Steel</td>\
        <TD class=xtabH>Titan</td><TD class=xtabH>Pop</td><TD class=xtabHL>Life</td><TD class=xtabH>Atk</td><TD class=xtabH>Speed</td>\
        <TD class=xtabH>Load</td><TD class=xtabHL>Food</td></tr>\
        <TR style="height:1px;"><TD style="padding:0px; spacing:0px; height:1px; border-color:black; border-width: 1px; border-style: none none solid none" colspan=11></td></tr>';
    for (ui=1; ui<20; ui++){
      if (ui==2) ui++ ;// skip unknown troops type
      if (ui==3) ui++ ;// skip unknown troops type
      if (ui==14) ui++; // skip unknown troops type

      if (++rownum % 2)
        rsty = '';
        rsty = ' style="text-align:right; background: #e8e8e8" ';
      cost = unsafeWindow.unitcost['unt'+ui];     //  0=NAME, 1=?, 2=Food, 3=Oil, 4=?, 5=Steel, 6=Titan, 10=IdlePop
      stats = unsafeWindow.unitstats['unt'+ui];   //  0=Life, 1=Attack, 2=?, 3=Speed, 4=?, 5=Load
      food = unsafeWindow.unitupkeeps[ui];
      troopname = unsafeWindow.arStrings.unitName['u'+ui];

      m += '<TR '+ rsty +'style="text-align:right;">';
      m += '<TD class=xtab><B>'+ troopname +'</b></td><TD class=xtabL>'+ cost[2] +'</td><TD class=xtabR>'+ cost[3] +'</td>\
            <TD class=xtabR>'+ cost[5] +'</td><TD class=xtabR>'+ cost[6] +'</td><TD class=xtabR>'+ cost[10] +'</td>\
            <TD class=xtabL>'+ stats[0] +'</td><TD class=xtabR>'+ stats[1] +'</td><TD class=xtabR>'+ stats[3] +'</td><TD class=xtabR>'+ stats[5] +'</td><TD class=xtabL>'+ food +'</td>';
      m += '</tr>';

// name, food, oil, stone, ?, ?, ?, ?, traintime?
//fortstats=[0,1000,0,0,0,1] Life,Atk,Load?,?,?,?
    m += '<TR class=xtabLine><TD colspan=11 class=xtabLine></td></tr>';
    for (k in unsafeWindow.fortcost){
      if (++rownum % 2)
        rsty = '';
        rsty = ' style="background: #e8e8e8" ';
      cost = unsafeWindow.fortcost[k];     //  NAME, Food, Wood, Stone, Ore, ?, IdlePop, Time
      fi = k.substring(3);
      stats = unsafeWindow.fortstats['unt'+fi];   //  Life, Attack, Defense, Speed, Range, Load
      food = 0;
      might = fortmight['u'+fi];
     name = cost[0].replace ('Defensive','');
//      name = name.replace ('Wall-Mounted','');
      m += '<TR '+ rsty +'align=right><TD align=left class=xtab><B>'+ name +'</b></td><TD class=xtabL>'+ cost[1] +'</td><TD class=xtab>'+ cost[2] +'</td>\
          <TD class=xtabR>'+ cost[3] +'</td><TD class=xtabR>'+ cost[4] +'</td><TD class=xtabR>'+ cost[6] +'</td>\
          <TD class=xtabL>'+ stats[0] +'</td><TD class=xtabR>'+ stats[1] +'</td><TD class=xtabR>'+ stats[2] +'</td><TD class=xtabR>'+ stats[3] +'</td>\
          <TD class=xtabL>'+ food +'</td></tr>';
    m += '<TR class=xtabLine><TD colspan=11 class=xtabLine></td></tr>';
    m += '</table></div><BR>';
  m +='<DIV>';
      m += '<BR><INPUT id=ptButDebug type=submit name="SEED" value="DEBUG">';
    t.cont.innerHTML = m +'</div>';
      document.getElementById('ptButDebug').addEventListener('click', function (){debugWin.doit()}, false);

  hide : function (){

  show : function (){

function enable1() {

/*********************************** Options tab ***********************************/
Tabs.Options = {
  tabOrder : 40,
  cont : null,

  init : function (div){
    var t = Tabs.Options;
    t.cont = div;
    try {      
      m = '<TABLE class=ptTab>\
        <TR><TD colspan=2><B>Config:</b></td></tr>\
        <TR><TD><INPUT id=ptAllowWinMove type=checkbox /></td><TD>Enable window drag (move window by dragging top bar with mouse)</td></tr>\
  <TR><TD><BR> </td></tr>\
  <TR><TD colspan=2><B>Enhancements:</b></td></tr>\
  <TR><TD><INPUT id=ptgoldenable type=checkbox /></td><TD>Auto collect gold when happiness reaches <INPUT id=ptgoldLimit type=text size=2 maxlength=3 \>%</td></tr>\
  <TR><TD><INPUT id=ptoilenable type=checkbox /></td><TD>Auto collect oil</td></tr>\
  <TR><TD><INPUT id=ptfoodenable type=checkbox /></td><TD>Auto collect Food</td></tr>\
  <TR><TD><INPUT id=ptWHenable type=checkbox /></td><TD>Auto collect WarHeads</td></tr>\
  <TR><TD><INPUT id=ptahelpenable type=checkbox /></td><TD>Auto Help Alliance Members(Alliance Chat)</td></tr>';
  m += '</table><BR><BR><HR>Note that if a checkbox is greyed out there has probably been a change of KofC\'s code, rendering the option inoperable.';
      t.cont.innerHTML = m;

      t.togOpt ('ptAllowWinMove', 'ptWinDrag', mainPop.setEnableDrag);
   t.togOpt ('ptgoldenable', 'pbgoldenable', CollectGold.setEnable);
   t.togOpt ('ptoilenable', 'pboilenable', CollectOil.setEnable);
   t.togOpt ('ptfoodenable', 'pbfoodenable', CollectFood.setEnable);
   t.togOpt ('ptWHenable', 'pbWHenable', CollectWH.setEnable);
   t.togOpt ('ptahelpenable', 'pbahelpenable', enable1);
   t.changeOpt ('ptgoldLimit', 'pbGoldLimit');

    } catch (e) {
      t.cont.innerHTML = '<PRE>'+ +' : '+ e.message +'</pre>';  

  hide : function (){

  show : function (){
 togOpt : function (checkboxId, optionName, callOnChange){
    var t = Tabs.Options;
    var checkbox = document.getElementById(checkboxId);
    if (Options[optionName])
      checkbox.checked = true;
    checkbox.addEventListener ('change', eventHandler, false);
    function eventHandler (){
      Options[optionName] = this.checked;
      if (callOnChange)
        callOnChange (this.checked);
  changeOpt : function (valueId, optionName, callOnChange){
    var t = Tabs.Options;
    var e = document.getElementById(valueId);
    e.value = Options[optionName];
    e.addEventListener ('change', eventHandler, false);
    function eventHandler (){
      Options[optionName] = this.value;
      if (callOnChange)
        callOnChange (this.value);

/*********************************** Chat tab ***********************************/
Tabs.Chat = {
  tabOrder : 50,
  cont : null,
  tabDisabled : !ENABLE_CHAT,

  init : function (div){
    var t = Tabs.Chat;
 t.cont = div;
 var m ='<DIV>';
    t.cont.innerHTML = m +'</div>';

  hide : function (){

  show : function (){


/********************************* Search Tab *************************************/

function distance (d, f, c, e) {
  var a = 750;
  var g = a / 2;
  var b = Math.abs(c - d);
  if (b > g)
    b = a - b;
  var h = Math.abs(e - f);
  if (h > g)
    h = a - h;
  return Math.round(100 * Math.sqrt(b * b + h * h)) / 100;

Tabs.Search = {
  tabOrder : 10,
  //tabDisabled : !ENABLE_SEARCH_TAB,
  //MapAjax : new CMapAjax(),

  init : function (div){
    var t = Tabs.Search;
 var Provinces = {1:{'name':"Tintagel",'x':75,'y':75},




    22:{'name':"Bodmin Moor",'x':225,'y':675},
 unsafeWindow.PTgotoMap2 = t.gotoMap;
    unsafeWindow.PTpd = t.clickedPlayerDetail;
    unsafeWindow.PTpd2 = t.clickedPlayerLeaderboard;
 unsafeWindow.PCpo2 = t.clickedPlayerCheckOnline;
    unsafeWindow.PCplo2 = t.clickedPlayerGetLastLogin;
    t.cont = div;
    t.cont.innerHTML = '\
      <DIV class=ptentry><table><tr><td><TABLE><TR valign=bottom><TD class=xtab width=100 align=right>Search for: </td><TD>\
      <SELECT id="srcType">\
        <OPTION value=0>Barb Camp</option>\
        <OPTION value=1>Wilderness</option>\
  <OPTION value=2>Cities</option>\
      <DIV id="srcOpts" style="height:100px"></div></td><td style="visibility:hidden"><DIV id=divOutOpts style="background:#e0e0f0; padding:10px ;visibility:hidden"></div></td></tr></table></div>\
      <DIV id="srcResults" style="height:470px; max-height:470px;"></div>';
    var psearch = document.getElementById ("srcType");
    m = '<TABLE><TR valign=middle><TD class=xtab width=100 align=right>Center: &nbsp; X: </td><TD class=xtab>\
      <INPUT id=srchX type=text\> &nbsp; Y: <INPUT id=srchY type=text\> &nbsp;';
 // m += '<span><select id="ptprovinceXY"><option>--provinces--</option>';
  // for (var i in Provinces) {
   // m += '<option value="'+i+'">'+Provinces[i].name+'</option>';
  // }
 // m += '</select></span>';

 m += '</td></tr><TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Max. Distance: </td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=srcDist size=4 value=10 /> &nbsp; <SPAN id=spInXY></span></td></tr>';
    m += '<TR><TD class=xtab></td><TD class=xtab><INPUT id=srcStart type=submit value="Start Search"/></td></tr>';
    m += '</table>';
    document.getElementById ('srcOpts').innerHTML = m;
    new CdispCityPicker ('srchdcp', document.getElementById('spInXY'), true, null, 0).bindToXYboxes(document.getElementById ('srchX'), document.getElementById ('srchY'));
    // document.getElementById ('ptprovinceXY').addEventListener('change', function() {
   // if (this.value >= 1) {
    // document.getElementById ('srchX').value = Provinces[this.value].x;
    // document.getElementById ('srchY').value = Provinces[this.value].y;
    // document.getElementById ('srcDist').value = 75;
   // }
   // }, false); 
 document.getElementById ('srcStart').addEventListener ('click', t.clickedSearch, false);

//Edit add city search
clickedPlayerDetail : function (span, uid){
    var t = Tabs.AllianceList;
    span.onclick = '';
    span.innerHTML = "fetching details ...";
    t.fetchPlayerInfo (uid, function (r) {t.gotPlayerDetail(r, span)});

  clickedPlayerLeaderboard : function (span, uid){
    var t = Tabs.AllianceList;
    span.onclick = '';
    span.innerHTML = "fetching leaderboard info ...";
    t.fetchLeaderboard (uid, function (r) {t.gotPlayerLeaderboard(r, span)});
  clickedPlayerCheckOnline : function (span, uid){
 var s = Tabs.Search;
    span.onclick = '';
    span.innerHTML = "fetching online status ...";
    s.fetchPlayerStatus (uid, function (r) {s.gotPlayerStatus(r, span, uid)});
  fetchPlayerStatus : function (uidArray, notify){
    var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams);
    params.checkArr = uidArray;
    new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "ajax/getOnline.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, {
      method: "post",
      parameters: params,
      onSuccess: function (rslt) {
        notify (rslt);
      onFailure: function (rslt) {
        notify ({errorMsg:'AJAX error'});

  clickedPlayerGetLastLogin : function (span, uid){
    var t = Tabs.AllianceList;
 var s = Tabs.Search;
    span.onclick = '';
    span.innerHTML = "fetching login date ...";
    t.fetchPlayerLastLogin (uid, function (r) {s.gotPlayerLastLogin(r, span)});
  gotPlayerLeaderboard : function (rslt, span){
    var t = Tabs.AllianceList;
    if (!rslt.ok){
      span.innerHTML = rslt.errorMsg;
    if (rslt.totalResults == 0){
      span.innerHTML = '<B>Leaderboard:</b> Not found! (misted?)';
    var p = rslt.results[0];
    var an = p.allianceName;
    if (!an || an=='' || p.officerType==4)
      an = 'none';
      an += ' ('+ officerId2String(p.officerType) +')';
    m = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 class=ptTab><TR><TD><B>Leaderboard: </b></td><TD colspan=2> Might: '+ p.might  +' &nbsp; Alliance: '+ an +'</td></tr>'; 
    for (var i=0; i<p.cities.length; i++){
      var c = p.cities[i];
      m += '<TR><TD align=right><B>City #'+ (i+1) +':</b></td><TD> &nbsp; '+ c.cityName +' '+coordLink (c.xCoord, c.yCoord)+'</td><TD width=75%> &nbsp; level: '
        + c.tileLevel +' &nbsp; &nbsp; status: '+ cityStatusString (c.cityStatus) +' &nbsp; &nbsp; created: ' + c.dateCreated.substr(0,10) +'</td></tr>';
    span.innerHTML = m + '</table>';
  gotPlayerDetail : function (rslt, span){
    var t = Tabs.AllianceList;
    if (!rslt.ok){
      span.innerHTML = rslt.errorMsg;
    var u = rslt.userInfo[0];
    var a = 'None';
    if (u.allianceName)
      a = u.allianceName +' ('+ getDiplomacy(u.allianceId) + ')';
    var m = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 class=ptTab><TR><TD><B>Details:</b> &nbsp; </td><TD>Alliance: '+ a +' &nbsp; Cities: '
          + u.cities +' &nbsp; Population: '+ u.population +'</td></tr><TR><TD></td><TD>Provinces: ';
    var pids = u.provinceIds.split (',');
    var p = [];
    for (var i=0; i<pids.length; i++)
    span.innerHTML = m + p.join (', ') +'</td></tr></table>';
  gotPlayerStatus : function (rslt, span,uid){
    var t = Tabs.AllianceList;
    if (!rslt.ok){
      span.innerHTML = rslt.errorMsg;

    var p =;
    if (p[uid] == true) {
      m = '<span style="color:green"><b>online!</b></span>';
    } else {
       m = '<span style="color:red"><b>may not be online</b></span>';
    span.innerHTML = m + '';

  gotPlayerLastLogin : function (rslt, span){
    var t = Tabs.AllianceList;
    if (!rslt.ok){
      span.innerHTML = rslt.errorMsg;

    var p = rslt.playerInfo;
    var lastLogin = rslt.playerInfo.lastLogin;
    if (lastLogin) {
      m = '<span style="color:black">Last login: '+lastLogin+'</span>';
    } else {
       m = '<span style="color:red">No login date found: '+lastLogin+'</span>';
    span.innerHTML = m + '';
//End edit city search

  hide : function (){

  show : function (cont){

  opt : {},

  searchRunning : false,
  tilesSearched : 0,
  tilesFound : 0,
  curX : 0,
  curY : 0,
  lastX : 0,
  firstX : 0,
  firstY : 0,
  lastY : 0,

  normalizeCoord : function (x){
    if ( x >= 800)
      x -= 800;
    else if (x < 0)
      x += 800;
    return parseInt (x/5) * 5;

  clickedSearch : function (){
    var t = Tabs.Search;

    if (t.searchRunning){
      t.stopSearch ('SEARCH CANCELLED!');
    t.opt.searchType = document.getElementById ('srcType').value;
    t.opt.startX = parseInt(document.getElementById ('srchX').value);
    t.opt.startY = parseInt(document.getElementById ('srchY').value);
    t.opt.maxDistance = parseInt(document.getElementById ('srcDist').value);
    errMsg = '';

    if (isNaN (t.opt.startX) ||t.opt.startX<0 || t.opt.startX>749)
      errMsg = "X must be between 0 and 749<BR>";
    if (isNaN (t.opt.startY) ||t.opt.startY<0 || t.opt.startY>749)
      errMsg += "Y must be between 0 and 749<BR>";
    if (isNaN (t.opt.maxDistance) ||t.opt.maxDistance<1 || t.opt.maxDistance>100)
      errMsg += "Max Distance must be between 1 and 100<BR>";
    if (errMsg != ''){
      document.getElementById('srcResults').innerHTML = '<FONT COLOR=#660000>ERROR:</font><BR><BR>'+ errMsg;

    t.searchRunning = true;
    document.getElementById ('srcStart').value = 'Stop Search';
    m = '<DIV class=ptstat><TABLE width=100% cellspacing=0><TR><TD class=xtab width=125><DIV id=statSearched></div></td>\
        <TD class=xtab align=center><SPAN id=statStatus></span></td>\
        <TD class=xtab align=right width=125><DIV id=statFound></div></td></tr></table></div>\
      <TABLE width=100%><TR><TD><DIV id=divOutTab style="width:100%; height:470px; max-height:470px; overflow-y:auto;"></div></td></tr></table>';
    document.getElementById('srcResults').innerHTML = m;
    if (t.opt.searchType == 0)
      typeName = 'Barbarians';
    else if (t.opt.searchType == 1)
      typeName = 'Wildernesses';
   typeName = 'Cities';

    m = '<CENTER><B>Search for '+ typeName +'<BR>\
        Center: '+ t.opt.startX +','+ t.opt.startY +'  &nbsp; Distance: '+ t.opt.maxDistance +'<BR></center>\
        <DIV class=ptentry><TABLE cellspacing=0 width=100%><TR align=center><TD class=xtab colspan=10><B>LIST OPTIONS:</b><BR></td></tr>';
 if (t.opt.searchType == 1 || t.opt.searchType == 0) {
      m += '<TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Min. level to show:</td><TD class=xtab> <INPUT id=filMinLvl size=2 value='+ Options.srcMinLevel +' /></td></tr>\
        <TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Max. level to show:</td><TD class=xtab> <INPUT id=filMaxLvl size=2 value='+ Options.srcMaxLevel +' /></td></tr>';
    if (t.opt.searchType == 1){
      m += '<TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Wilderness Type:</td><TD class=xtab><SELECT id=filWildType>';
      m += htmlOptions ( {1:'Glassland/Lake', 3:'Woodlands', 4:'Hills', 5:'Mountain', 6:'Plain', 0:'ALL', 20:'Special'}, Options.wildType );
      m += '</select></td></tr><TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Unowned Only:</td>\
   <TD class=xtab><INPUT id=filUnowned type=CHECKBOX '+ (Options.unownedOnly?' CHECKED':'') +'\><td></tr>';
 if (t.opt.searchType == 1 || t.opt.searchType == 0) {
   m += '<TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Sort By:</td><TD class=xtab><SELECT id=filSortBy>\
    <OPTION value="level" '+ (Options.srcSortBy=='level'?'SELECTED':'')  +'>Level</option>\
    <OPTION value="dist" '+ (Options.srcSortBy=='dist'?'SELECTED':'')  +'>Distance</option>';
  if(t.opt.searchType == 1){ m+= '<OPTION value="might" '+ (Options.srcSortBy=='might'?'SELECTED':'')  +'>Might</option>';}
      m += '</select></td></tr>\
            <TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Show coordinates only:</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT type=checkbox id=coordsOnly \></td></tr>\
            </table></div><BR><SPAN id=srchSizeWarn></span>';
 } else {
  m += '<TR><TD class=xtab align=right>City Type:</td><TD class=xtab><SELECT id=filCities>';
     m += htmlOptions ( {1:'All', 2:'Allies', 3:'Friendly', 4:'Hostile', 5:'Neutral', 6:'Unallianced', 7:'Misted'}, Options.cityType );
     m += '</select></td></tr>';  
  m += '<TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Sort By:</td><TD class=xtab><SELECT id=filSortBy>\
   <OPTION value="might" '+ (Options.srcSortBy=='might'?'SELECTED':'')  +'>Might</option>\
   <OPTION value="dist" '+ (Options.srcSortBy=='dist'?'SELECTED':'')  +'>Distance</option>\
     <TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Min might to show:</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT type=text id=minMight value='+Options.MightSrc+' size=3 \></td></tr>\
           <TR><TD class=xtab align=right>Show coordinates only:</td><TD class=xtab><INPUT type=checkbox id=coordsOnly \></td></tr>\
           </table></div><BR><SPAN id=srchSizeWarn></span>';

 document.getElementById ('divOutOpts').style.visibility = 'visible';
    document.getElementById('divOutOpts').innerHTML = m;
 if (t.opt.searchType == 1 || t.opt.searchType == 0) {
  document.getElementById('filMinLvl').addEventListener ('change', function (){
    Options.srcMinLevel = document.getElementById('filMinLvl').value;
    t.dispMapTable ();
    }, false);
  document.getElementById('filMaxLvl').addEventListener ('change', function (){
    Options.srcMaxLevel = document.getElementById('filMaxLvl').value;
    t.dispMapTable ();
    }, false);
    document.getElementById('filSortBy').addEventListener ('change', function (){
      Options.srcSortBy = document.getElementById('filSortBy').value;
      t.dispMapTable ();
      }, false);
    document.getElementById('coordsOnly').addEventListener ('change', function (){ t.dispMapTable (); }, false);
    if (t.opt.searchType == 1){
      document.getElementById('filWildType').addEventListener ('change', function (){
        Options.wildType = document.getElementById('filWildType').value;
        t.dispMapTable ();
        }, false);
      document.getElementById('filUnowned').addEventListener ('change', function (){
        Options.unownedOnly = (document.getElementById('filUnowned').checked);
        t.dispMapTable ();
        }, false);
 if (t.opt.searchType == 2){
  document.getElementById('filCities').addEventListener ('change', function (){
  Options.cityType = document.getElementById('filCities').value
        t.dispMapTable ();
  document.getElementById('minMight').addEventListener ('change', function (){
  Options.MightSrc = document.getElementById('minMight').value
        t.dispMapTable ();

    t.mapDat = [];
    t.firstX =  t.opt.startX - t.opt.maxDistance;
    t.lastX = t.opt.startX + t.opt.maxDistance;
    t.firstY =  t.opt.startY - t.opt.maxDistance;
    t.lastY = t.opt.startY + t.opt.maxDistance;
    t.tilesSearched = 0;
    t.tilesFound = 0;
    t.curX = t.firstX;
    t.curY = t.firstY;
    var xxx = t.normalizeCoord(t.curX);
    var yyy = t.normalizeCoord(t.curY);
    document.getElementById ('statStatus').innerHTML = 'Searching at '+ xxx +','+ yyy;
if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 0 clickedSearch()... setTimeout ..:" + xxx +' , '+ yyy +' , '+;
    setTimeout (function(){Map.request (xxx, yyy, 15, t.mapCallback)}, MAP_DELAY);

  dispMapTable : function (){
    var tileNames = ['Barb Camp', 'Grassland', 'Lake', 'Woodlands', 'Hills', 'Mountain', 'Plain', 'City' ];
    var t = Tabs.Search;
    var coordsOnly = document.getElementById('coordsOnly').checked;
if (DEBUG_TRACE) DebugTimer.start();
    function mySort(a, b){
      if (Options.srcSortBy == 'level'){
        if ((x = a[4] - b[4]) != 0)
          return x;
   if (Options.srcSortBy == 'might'){
  if(b[10] == null) b[10] = 0;
  if(a[10] == null) a[10] = 0;
        if ((x = b[10] - a[10]) != 0)
          return x;
      return a[2] - b[2];

    dat = [];
    for (i=0; i<t.mapDat.length; i++){
      lvl = parseInt (t.mapDat[i][4]);
      type = t.mapDat[i][3];
   if (t.opt.searchType == 2 && type == 7 ) {
   if (!(Options.cityType == 2) || t.mapDat[i][12] == 'ally')
   if (!(Options.cityType == 3) || t.mapDat[i][12] == 'friendly') 
   if (!(Options.cityType == 4) || t.mapDat[i][12] == 'hostile')
   if (!(Options.cityType == 5) || t.mapDat[i][12] == 'neutral') 
   if (!(Options.cityType == 6) || t.mapDat[i][12] == 'unaligned') 
   if (!(Options.cityType == 7) || t.mapDat[i][5]===true)
   if ((t.mapDat[i][10] > parseInt(Options.MightSrc)) || t.mapDat[i][5]===true)
   } else {
    if (lvl>=Options.srcMinLevel && lvl<=Options.srcMaxLevel){
   if (t.opt.searchType==0 || Options.wildType==0
   ||  (Options.wildType==1 && (type==1 || type==2))
   ||  (Options.wildType == type))
     if (!Options.unownedOnly || t.mapDat[i][5]===false)
    dat.push (t.mapDat[i]);
if (DEBUG_TRACE) DebugTimer.display('SEACHdraw: FILTER');

    document.getElementById('statFound').innerHTML = 'Found: '+ dat.length;
    if (dat.length == 0){
      m = '<BR><CENTER>None found</center>';
    } else {
if (DEBUG_TRACE) DebugTimer.display('SEACHdraw: SORT');
      if (coordsOnly)
        m = '<TABLE align=center id=srcOutTab cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2><TR style="font-weight: bold"><TD>Location</td></tr>';
      else {
        if (t.opt.searchType == 2) {
   m = '<TABLE id=srcOutTab cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2><TR style="font-weight: bold"><TD>Location</td><TD >Dist</td><TD>City</td><TD>Owner</td><TD>Might</td><td>Alliance</td><TD width=80% style="font-size:9px;">More info</td><TD style="padding-left: 10px;"></td></tr>';
  } else { 
   if(Options.unownedOnly || t.opt.searchType == 0){
     m = '<TABLE id=srcOutTab cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2><TR style="font-weight: bold"><TD>Location</td><TD style="padding-left: 10px">Dist</td><TD style="padding-left: 10px;">Lvl</td><TD width=80%> &nbsp; Type</td><TD style=""></td></tr>';
   } else {
     m = '<TABLE id=srcOutTab cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2><TR style="font-weight: bold"><TD>Location</td><TD style="padding-left: 10px">Dist</td><TD style="padding-left: 10px;">Lvl</td><TD>Type</td><TD>Owner</td><TD>Might</td><TD>Alliance</td><TD width=80% style="font-size:9px;">More info</td></tr>';
      var numRows = dat.length;
      if (numRows > 500 && t.searchRunning){
        numRows = 500;
        document.getElementById('srchSizeWarn').innerHTML = '<FONT COLOR=#600000>NOTE: Table only shows 500 of '+ dat.length +' results until search is complete.</font>';
      for (i=0; i<numRows; i++){
     m += '<TR valign="top"';
   if (dat[i][12]) m += 'class="pt'+dat[i][12]+'"';
        m += ' ><TD><DIV onclick="ptGotoMapHide('+ dat[i][0] +','+ dat[i][1] +')"><A>'+ dat[i][0] +','+ dat[i][1] +'</a></div></td>';
        if (coordsOnly)
          m += '</tr>';
   if (t.opt.searchType == 2) { 
     m += '<TD align="left"  valign="top">'+ dat[i][2].toFixed(2) +' &nbsp; </td><TD align=left>'+ dat[i][8] +'</td><TD valign="top">'+dat[i][9]+'</td><TD valign="top">'+dat[i][10]+'</td><td>'+dat[i][11]+'</td><td>';
     if (dat[i][5]) {
     m += '<DIV onclick="PTscout('+ dat[i][0] +','+ dat[i][1] +');return false;"><A style="font-size:9px;" >Scout</a></div>';
    } else 
     m += '<DIV onclick="PTpd(this, '+ dat[i][7] +')"><A style="font-size:9px;" >Details</a></div>\
     <DIV style="" onclick="PTpd2(this, '+ dat[i][7] +')"><A style="font-size:9px;">Leaderboard</a></div>\
     <DIV style="" onclick="PCpo2(this, '+ dat[i][7] +')"><A style="font-size:9px;">Onlinestatus</a></div>\
     <DIV style="" onclick="PCplo2(this, '+ dat[i][7] +')"><A style="font-size:9px;">Last Login</a></div>';
       m+= '</td><TD  valign="top">'+ (dat[i][5]?' Misted':'') +'</td></tr>';
   } else {
     if(!dat[i][5] || t.opt.searchType == 0){
    m += '<TD align="left"  valign="top">'+ dat[i][2].toFixed(2) +' &nbsp; </td><TD align=left valign="top">'+ dat[i][4] +'</td><TD align="left" valign="top">'+ tileNames[dat[i][3]]+'</td><TD colspan=4>'+ (dat[i][5]?' OWNED':'') +'</td></tr>';
     } else {
       m += '<TD align="left"  valign="top">'+ dat[i][2].toFixed(2) +' &nbsp; </td><TD align=left valign="top">'+ dat[i][4] +'</td><TD align="left" valign="top">'+ tileNames[dat[i][3]]+'</td><TD valign="top">'+ dat[i][9] +'</td><TD valign="top">'+dat[i][10]+'</td><TD valign="top">'+dat[i][11]+'</td><td>';
      if (dat[i][6]) {
     m += '<DIV onclick="PTscout('+ dat[i][0] +','+ dat[i][1] +');return false;"><A style="font-size:9px;" >Scout</a></div>';
      } else {
     m += '<DIV onclick="PTpd(this, '+ dat[i][8] +')"><A style="font-size:9px;" >Details</a></div>\
     <DIV style="" onclick="PTpd2(this, '+ dat[i][8] +')"><A style="font-size:9px;">Leaderboard</a></div>\
     <DIV style="" onclick="PCpo2(this, '+ dat[i][8] +')"><A style="font-size:9px;">Onlinestatus</a></div>\
     <DIV style="" onclick="PCplo2(this, '+ dat[i][8] +')"><A style="font-size:9px;">Last Login</a></div>';
    m += '</td></tr>';
      m += '</table>';
    document.getElementById('divOutTab').innerHTML = m;
    dat = null;
if (DEBUG_TRACE) DebugTimer.display('SEACHdraw: DRAW');

  mapDat : [],

  gotoMap : function (e){
    coords = e.children[0].innerHTML.split(',');
    hideMe ();
    document.getElementById('mapXCoor').value = coords[0];
    document.getElementById('mapYCoor').value = coords[1];
  stopSearch : function (msg){
    var t = Tabs.Search;
    document.getElementById ('statStatus').innerHTML = '<FONT color=#ffaaaa>'+ msg +'</font>';
    document.getElementById ('srcStart').value = 'Start Search';
    document.getElementById('srchSizeWarn').innerHTML = '';
    t.searchRunning = false;

/** mapdata.userInfo:
(object) u4127810 = [object Object]
    (string) n = George2gh02    (name)
    (string) t = 1              (title code)
    (string) m = 55             (might)
    (string) s = M              (sex)
    (string) w = 2              (mode: 1=normal, 2=begprotect, 3=truce, 4=vacation )
    (string) a = 0              (alliance)
    (string) i = 1              (avatar code)

  mapCallback : function (left, top, width, rslt){
    function insertRow (x, y, msg){
      row = document.getElementById('srcOutTab').insertRow(-1);
      row.insertCell(0).innerHTML = x +','+ y;
      row.insertCell(1).innerHTML = distance (t.opt.startX, t.opt.startY, x, y);
      row.insertCell(2).innerHTML = msg;
if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 3 mapCallback()");
    var t = Tabs.Search;
    if (!t.searchRunning)
    if (!rslt.ok){
      t.stopSearch ('ERROR: '+ rslt.errorMsg);

    map =;
 var userInfo = rslt.userInfo;
    var alliance = rslt.allianceNames;
    for (k in map){
      if (t.opt.searchType==0 && map[k].tileType==51 && !map[k].tileCityId ) {  // if barb
        type = 0;
      } else if (t.opt.searchType==1 && ((map[k].tileType>=10 && map[k].tileType<=50) || map[k].tileType>200) ) {
        if (map[k].tileType == 10)
          type = 1;
        else if (map[k].tileType == 11 || map[k].tileType == 12)
          type = 2;
  else if (map[k].tileType > 200)
    type = 20;
          type = (map[k].tileType/10) + 1;
      } else if (t.opt.searchType==2 && map[k].tileCityId >= 0 && map[k].tileType > 50 && map[k].cityName)
    type = 7;
      dist = distance (t.opt.startX, t.opt.startY, map[k].xCoord, map[k].yCoord);
      if (dist <= t.opt.maxDistance){
     if (t.opt.searchType==2) {
   var isMisted = map[k].tileUserId == 0 || false;  
   var uu = 'u'+map[k].tileUserId;
   var aU = 'unknown';
   var aD = 'unknown';
   var mightU = 0;
   var nameU = 'unknown';
   if (isMisted) {
    nameU = 'In mist';
    mightU = ''; 
   } else {
    if (userInfo[uu] ) { // Corrects a problem with hung search.
     nameU = userInfo[uu].n;
     mightU = userInfo[uu].m; 
     aD = getDiplomacy(userInfo[uu].a);
     if ( alliance && alliance['a'+userInfo[uu].a] ) {
      aU = alliance['a'+userInfo[uu].a];
     else {
      aU = '----';
      aD = 'unaligned';
    t.mapDat.push ([map[k].xCoord, map[k].yCoord, dist, type, map[k].tileLevel, isMisted, map[k].tileCityId, map[k].tileUserId, map[k].cityName,nameU,mightU,aU,aD ]);
  } else {
   isOwned = map[k].tileUserId>0 || map[k].misted;
    t.mapDat.push ([map[k].xCoord, map[k].yCoord, dist, type, map[k].tileLevel, isOwned]);
   } else {
    var isMisted = map[k].tileUserId == 0 || false;
    var uu = 'u'+map[k].tileUserId;
    var aU = 'unknown';
    var aD = 'unknown';
    var mightU = 0;
    var nameU = 'unknown';
    if (isMisted) {
     nameU = 'In mist';
     mightU = ''; 
    } else {
     if (userInfo[uu] ) { // Corrects a problem with hung search.
      nameU = userInfo[uu].n;
      mightU = userInfo[uu].m; 
      aD = getDiplomacy(userInfo[uu].a);
      if ( alliance && alliance['a'+userInfo[uu].a] ) {
       aU = alliance['a'+userInfo[uu].a];
      else {
       aU = '----';
       aD = 'unaligned';
    t.mapDat.push ([map[k].xCoord, map[k].yCoord, dist, type, map[k].tileLevel, isOwned, isMisted, map[k].tileCityId, map[k].tileUserId, nameU, mightU, aU, aD]);
    t.tilesSearched += (15*15);
    document.getElementById('statSearched').innerHTML = 'Searched: '+ t.tilesSearched;

    t.curX += 15;
    if (t.curX > t.lastX){
      t.curX = t.firstX;
      t.curY += 15;
      if (t.curY > t.lastY){
        t.stopSearch ('Done!');

    var x = t.normalizeCoord(t.curX);
    var y = t.normalizeCoord(t.curY);
    document.getElementById ('statStatus').innerHTML = 'Searching at '+ x +','+ y;
if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 0 mapCallback()... setTimeout ..:" + x +' , '+ y +' , '+ t.mapCallback.toString().substr (0,50));
    setTimeout (function(){Map.request (x, y, 15, t.mapCallback)}, MAP_DELAY);

/*******************   KOC Map interface ****************/
Map = {
 0: bog
10: grassland
11: lake
20: woods
30: hills
40: mountain
50: plain
51: city / barb
53: misted city
  generateBlockList : function(left, top, width) {
    var width5 = parseInt(width / 5);
    var bl = [];

    for (x=0; x<width5; x++){
      xx = left + (x*5);
      if (xx > 795)
        xx -= 800;
      for (y=0; y<width5; y++){
        yy = top + (y*5);
        if (yy > 795)
          yy -= 800;
        bl.push ('bl_'+ xx +'_bt_'+ yy);
    return bl.join(",");

  callback : null,
  request : function (left, top, width, cb) {
if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 1 Map.request(): "+ left +' , '+ top +' , '+ width);
    left = parseInt(left / 5) * 5;
    top = parseInt(top / 5) * 5;
    width = parseInt((width+4) / 5) * 5;
    var blockString = this.generateBlockList(left, top, width);
    Map.callback = cb;
    if (unsafeWindow.SANDBOX)
      return RequestMAPTEST(left, top, width, callback);
    var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams);
    params.blocks = blockString;
    new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "fetchMapTiles.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, {
      method: "post",
      parameters: params,
      onSuccess: function (rslt) {
if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 2 Map.request  Map = "+ inspect (Map, 2, 1, 2));
        Map.callback(left, top, width, rslt);
      onFailure: function (rslt) {
        Map.callback(left, top, width, rslt);

/************************ error Killer ************************/
var ErrorKiller  = {
  saveFunc : null,
  init : function (tf){
  if (firefoxVersion.substring(0,4) == '4.0b')  // bug in firefox 4.0b10 causes syntax error with: "var func = eval ('function (){}');"
    ErrorKiller.saveFunc = unsafeWindow.Modal.showModalUEP;
    ErrorKiller.setEnable (tf);
  setEnable : function (tf){
      unsafeWindow.Modal.showModal525 = eval ('function (a,b,c) {actionLog ("Blocked error popup");}');
/*******************Chat Pane*****************/
var ChatPane = {
  init : function(){
    var t = ChatPane;
 setInterval(t.HandleChatPane, 2500);

  HandleChatPane : function() {
 var DisplayName = GetDisplayName();
 var AllianceChatBox=document.getElementById('mod_comm_list2');
 var GlobalChatBox=document.getElementById('mod_comm_list1'); 
  var chatPosts = document.evaluate(".//div[contains(@class,'chatwrap')]", AllianceChatBox, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
   for (var i = 0; i < chatPosts.snapshotLength; i++) {
    thisPost = chatPosts.snapshotItem(i);
    var postAuthor = document.evaluate('.//*[@class="nm"]', thisPost, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
      var postAuthorName = postAuthor.snapshotItem(0).innerHTML;
      if(postAuthorName != DisplayName){
       var helpAllianceLinks1=document.evaluate("//*[contains(@onclick,'Building.helpBuild')]", thisPost, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );  
       var helpAllianceLinks2=document.evaluate("//*[contains(@onclick,'Research.helpResearch')]", thisPost, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );  
               for (var j = 0; j < helpAllianceLinks1.snapshotLength; j++) {
        thisLink = helpAllianceLinks1.snapshotItem(j);
         var alreadyClicked = thisLink.getAttribute("clicked");
          thisLink.setAttribute('clicked', 'true');
          var myregexp = /(Building.helpBuild\(.*\);)/;
          var match = myregexp.exec(thisLink.getAttribute("onclick"));
          if (match != null) {
          onclickCode = match[0];    
               for (var j = 0; j < helpAllianceLinks2.snapshotLength; j++) {
        thisLink = helpAllianceLinks2.snapshotItem(j);
         var alreadyClicked = thisLink.getAttribute("clicked");
          thisLink.setAttribute('clicked', 'true');
          var myregexp = /(Research.helpResearch\(.*\);)/;
          var match = myregexp.exec(thisLink.getAttribute("onclick"));
          if (match != null) {
           onclickCode = match[0];
    // Hide alliance requests in chat
     var helpAllianceLinks=document.evaluate(".//a[contains(@onclick,'Building.helpBuild')]", thisPost, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
      for (var j = 0; j < helpAllianceLinks.snapshotLength; j++) {
       thisLink = helpAllianceLinks.snapshotItem(j);
     var helpAllianceLinks2=document.evaluate(".//a[contains(@onclick,'Research.helpResearch')]", thisPost, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
      for (var j = 0; j < helpAllianceLinks2.snapshotLength; j++) {
       thisLink = helpAllianceLinks2.snapshotItem(j);



/************************ War Head Collector ************************/
var CollectWH = {
  timer : null,
  lastCollect : {},
  init : function (){
    var t = CollectWH;
    t.lastCollect['c'+ Cities.cities[3].id] = 0;
 t.setEnable (Options.pbWHenable);
  setEnable : function (tf){
    var t = CollectWH;
    clearTimeout (t.timer);
    if (tf)

  colCityName : null,
  colHappy : 0,  
  tick : function (){
    var t = CollectWH;
 if(!Cities.cities[3]) return;
    var city = Cities.cities[3];
    var since = unixTime() - t.lastCollect['c'];
    if (since>6*60*60){
        t.lastCollect['c'] = unixTime();
        t.colCityName =;
        t.ajaxCollectWH (city, t.e_ajaxDone);
    t.timer = setTimeout (t.tick, 15000);    

  e_ajaxDone : function (rslt){
    var t = CollectWH;
    if (rslt.ok)
      logit ('Collected '+ rslt.gained.resource2 +' War Heads '+ t.colCityName, true);
      logit ('Error collecting War Heads for '+ t.colCityName +': <SPAN class=boldRed>'+ unsafeWindow.ERROR_CODE[rslt.error_code] +'</span>', true);
  ajaxCollectWH : function (city, notify){
    var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams);
    params.cid =;
 params.eventid = 1;
    new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "warheadFactoryEvent.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, {
      method: "post",
      parameters: params,
      onSuccess: function (rslt) {
        if (notify)  
          notify (rslt);
      onFailure: function (rslt) {
        if (notify)  
          notify (rslt);
/************************ Food Collector ************************/
var CollectFood = {
  timer : null,
  lastCollect : {},
  init : function (){
    var t = CollectFood;
    t.lastCollect['c'+ Cities.cities[2].id] = 0;
 t.setEnable (Options.pbfoodenable);
  setEnable : function (tf){
    var t = CollectFood;
    clearTimeout (t.timer);
    if (tf)

  colCityName : null,
  colHappy : 0,  
  tick : function (){
    var t = CollectFood;
 if(!Cities.cities[2]) return;
    var city = Cities.cities[2];
    var since = unixTime() - t.lastCollect['c'];
    if (since>15*60){
        t.lastCollect['c'] = unixTime();
        t.colCityName =;
        t.ajaxCollectFood (city, t.e_ajaxDone);
    t.timer = setTimeout (t.tick, 15000);    

  e_ajaxDone : function (rslt){
    var t = CollectFood;
    if (rslt.ok)
      logit ('Collected '+ rslt.gained.resource2 +' Food for '+ t.colCityName, true);
      logit ('Error collecting Food for '+ t.colCityName +': <SPAN class=boldRed>'+ unsafeWindow.ERROR_CODE[rslt.error_code] +'</span>', true);
  ajaxCollectFood : function (city, notify){
    var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams);
    params.cid =;
 params.eventid = 1;
    new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "greenhouseEvent.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, {
      method: "post",
      parameters: params,
      onSuccess: function (rslt) {
        if (notify)  
          notify (rslt);
      onFailure: function (rslt) {
        if (notify)  
          notify (rslt);
/************************ Gold Collector ************************/
var CollectGold = {
  timer : null,
  lastCollect : {},
  init : function (){
    var t = CollectGold;
    for (var c=0; c<Cities.numCities; c++)
      t.lastCollect['c'+ Cities.cities[c].id] = 0;
 t.setEnable (Options.pbgoldenable);
  setEnable : function (tf){
    var t = CollectGold;
    clearTimeout (t.timer);
    if (tf)

  colCityName : null,
  colHappy : 0,  
  tick : function (){
    var t = CollectGold;
    for (var c=0; c<Cities.numCities; c++){
      var city = Cities.cities[c];
      var happy = Seed.citystats['city'+].pop[2];
      var since = unixTime() - t.lastCollect['c'];
      if (happy>=Options.pbGoldLimit && since>15*60){
        t.lastCollect['c'] = unixTime();
        t.colCityName =;
        t.colHappy = happy;
        t.ajaxCollectGold (city, t.e_ajaxDone);
    t.timer = setTimeout (t.tick, 15000);    

  e_ajaxDone : function (rslt){
    var t = CollectGold;
    if (rslt.ok)
      logit ('Collected '+ +' gold for '+ t.colCityName +' (happiness was '+ t.colHappy +')', true);
      logit ('Error collecting gold for '+ t.colCityName +': <SPAN class=boldRed>'+ unsafeWindow.ERROR_CODE[rslt.error_code] +'</span>', true);
  ajaxCollectGold : function (city, notify){
    var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams);
    params.cid =;
 params.eventid = 1;
    new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "coliseumEvent.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, {
      method: "post",
      parameters: params,
      onSuccess: function (rslt) {
        if (notify)  
          notify (rslt);
      onFailure: function (rslt) {
        if (notify)  
          notify (rslt);
/************************ Oil Collector ************************/
var CollectOil = {
  timer : null,
  lastCollect : {},
  init : function (){
    var t = CollectOil;
    t.lastCollect['c'+ Cities.cities[1].id] = 0;
 t.setEnable (Options.pboilenable);
  setEnable : function (tf){
    var t = CollectOil;
    clearTimeout (t.timer);
    if (tf)

  colCityName : null,
  colHappy : 0,  
  tick : function (){
    var t = CollectOil;
 if(!Cities.cities[1]) return;
    var city = Cities.cities[1];
    var since = unixTime() - t.lastCollect['c'];
    if (since>24*60*60){
        t.lastCollect['c'] = unixTime();
        t.colCityName =;
        t.ajaxCollectOil (city, t.e_ajaxDone);
    t.timer = setTimeout (t.tick, 1*60*60*1000);    

  e_ajaxDone : function (rslt){
    var t = CollectOil;
    if (rslt.ok)
      logit ('Collected '+ rslt.gained.resource2 +' oil for '+ t.colCityName, true);
      logit ('Error collecting oil for '+ t.colCityName +': <SPAN class=boldRed>'+ unsafeWindow.ERROR_CODE[rslt.error_code] +'</span>', true);
  ajaxCollectOil : function (city, notify){
    var params = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxparams);
    params.cid =;
 params.eventid = 1;
    new MyAjaxRequest(unsafeWindow.g_ajaxpath + "petroleumLabEvent.php" + unsafeWindow.g_ajaxsuffix, {
      method: "post",
      parameters: params,
      onSuccess: function (rslt) {
        if (notify)  
          notify (rslt);
      onFailure: function (rslt) {
        if (notify)  
          notify (rslt);

/************************ Refresh Every X minutes ************************/
var RefreshEvery  = {
  timer : null,
  init : function (){
    if (Options.pbEveryMins < 1)
      Options.pbEveryMins = 1;
    RefreshEvery.setEnable (Options.pbEveryEnable);
  setEnable : function (tf){
    var t = RefreshEvery;
    clearTimeout (t.timer);
    if (tf)
      t.timer = setTimeout (t.doit, Options.pbEveryMins*60000);
  doit : function (){
    actionLog ('Refreshing ('+ Options.pbEveryMins +' minutes expired)');

var WideScreen = {
  chatIsRight : false,
  useWideMap : false,
  rail : null,
  init : function (){
    t = WideScreen;
    if (GlobalOptions.pbWideScreen){
      t.rail = searchDOM (document.getElementById('mod_maparea'), 'node.className=="maparea_rrail"', 10);
      GM_addStyle ('.modalCurtain {width:760px !important} .mod_comm_mmb{z-index:0 !important}');  
      try {
      } catch (e) {
  setChatOnRight : function (tf){
    t = WideScreen;
    // if (tf == t.chatIsRight || !GlobalOptions.pbWideScreen)
      // return;
    if (tf == t.chatIsRight)
    if (tf){
      var chat = document.getElementById('kocmain_bottom').childNodes[2];
      if (!chat || chat.className!='mod_comm')
        setTimeout (function (){t.setChatOnRight(tf)}, 1000);
      // = '-624px';
      // = '760px';
      // = '720px';

   var style = '.mod_comm {top:-624px; left:760px; height:720px; !important}'
      document.getElementById('mod_comm_list1').style.height = '580px';
      document.getElementById('mod_comm_list2').style.height = '580px';
      document.getElementById('koc_chatterbox') = '110px';
      document.getElementById('koc_chatterbox').style.left = '775px';
   document.getElementById('koc_chatterbox').style.background = 'url("'+ CHAT_BG_IMAGE +'")';
    } else {
      var chat = document.getElementById('kocmain_bottom').childNodes[2]; = '0px'; = '0px'; = ''; = '';
      document.getElementById('mod_comm_list1').style.height = '287px';
      document.getElementById('mod_comm_list2').style.height = '287px';
    t.chatIsRight = tf;
  useWideMap : function (tf) {
   t = WideScreen;
   if (tf == t.useWideMap || !GlobalOptions.pbWideScreen)
   if (tf){ = 'none';
      document.getElementById('mapwindow').style.height = "436px";
      document.getElementById('mapwindow').style.width = "1220px";
      document.getElementById('mapwindow').style.zIndex = "50";
   } else { = 'block';
      document.getElementById('mapwindow').style.height = "439px";
      document.getElementById('mapwindow').style.width = "760px";
      document.getElementById('mapwindow').style.zIndex = "";

/************ DEBUG WIN *************/
var debugWin = {
  popDebug : null,
  dbDefaultNot : 'tech,tutorial,items,quests,wilderness,wildDef,buildings,knights,allianceDiplomacies,appFriends,players',
  dbSelect : {},

  doit : function (){ 
    var t = debugWin;    

    function syncBoxes (){
      var div = document.getElementById('dbpoplist');
      for (var i=0; i<div.childNodes.length; i++){
        if (div.childNodes[i].type && div.childNodes[i].type=='checkbox'){
          var name=div.childNodes[i].name.substr(6);
          div.childNodes[i].checked = t.dbSelect[name];
    function clickedAll (){
      for (var k in t.dbSelect)
        t.dbSelect[k] = true;
    function clickedNone (){
      for (var k in t.dbSelect)
        t.dbSelect[k] = false;
    function clickedDefaults (){
      for (k in t.dbSelect)
        t.dbSelect[k] = true;
      var not = t.dbDefaultNot.split(',');
      for (var i=0; i<not.length; i++)
        t.dbSelect[not[i]] = false;
    function clickedShow (){
      var now = new Date();
      var myseed = unsafeWindow.Object.clone (Seed);
      var div = document.getElementById('dbpoplist');
      for (var i=0; i<div.childNodes.length; i++){
        if (div.childNodes[i].type && div.childNodes[i].type=='checkbox'){
          var name=div.childNodes[i].name.substr(6);
          if (!div.childNodes[i].checked)
            delete myseed[name];
      WinLog.write ("seed @ "+ unixTime()  +" ("+ now +")\n\n"+ inspect (myseed, 8, 1));
    function clickedShowScripts (){
      var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
      for (var i=0; i<scripts.length; i++){
        if (scripts[i].src!=null && scripts[i].src!='')
          WinLog.write ('<A style="color:black; text-decoration:underline;" TARGET=_tab HREF="'+ scripts[i].src +'">'+ scripts[i].src +'</a>');
    if (t.popDebug == null){  
      t.popDebug = new CPopup ('db', 0, 0, 400,500, true);
      t.popDebug.getTopDiv().innerHTML = 'DEBUG';
      t.popDebug.getMainDiv().innerHTML = '<DIV><INPUT type=submit id=dbsuball value=ALL> &nbsp; <INPUT type=submit id=dbsubnone value=NONE> &nbsp; \
        <INPUT type=submit id=dbdefaults value=DEFAULTS> &nbsp; <INPUT type=submit id=dbsubdo value=SHOW> &nbsp; <INPUT type=submit id=dbsubscripts value=SCRIPTS></div>\
        <DIV id=dbpoplist style="max-height:400px; height:400px; overflow-y:auto"></div>';
      var div = document.getElementById('dbpoplist');
      for (var k in Seed)
        t.dbSelect[k] = true;
      var not = t.dbDefaultNot.split(',');
      for (var i=0; i<not.length; i++)
        t.dbSelect[not[i]] = false;
      var m = [];
      for (k in t.dbSelect){
        m.push ('<INPUT type=checkbox ');
        m.push ('name="dbpop_');
        m.push (k);
        m.push ('"> &nbsp; ');
        m.push (k);
        m.push ('<BR>');
      div.innerHTML = m.join ('');
      document.getElementById('dbsuball').addEventListener('click', clickedAll, false);
      document.getElementById('dbsubnone').addEventListener('click', clickedNone, false);
      document.getElementById('dbdefaults').addEventListener('click', clickedDefaults, false);
      document.getElementById('dbsubdo').addEventListener('click', clickedShow, false);
      document.getElementById('dbsubscripts').addEventListener('click', clickedShowScripts, false);
    } (true);

function readOptions (){
  var serverID = getServerId();
  s = GM_getValue ('Options_'+serverID);
  if (s != null){
    opts = JSON2.parse (s);
    for (k in opts){
      if (matTypeof(opts[k]) == 'object')
        for (kk in opts[k])
          Options[k][kk] = opts[k][kk];
        Options[k] = opts[k];

function saveOptions (){
  var serverID = getServerId();
  setTimeout (function (){GM_setValue ('Options_'+serverID, JSON2.stringify(Options));}, 0);

function onUnload (){
  Options.ptWinPos = mainPop.getLocation();

/************  LIB classes/functions .... **************/
DebugTimer = {
  startTime : 0,
  start : function (){
    now = new Date();
    DebugTimer.startTime = now.getTime();
  getMillis : function (){
    now = new Date();
    return now.getTime() - DebugTimer.startTime;
  display : function (label, noReset){
    now = new Date();
    elapsed = now.getTime() - DebugTimer.startTime;
    logit (label +": "+ elapsed/1000);
    if (noReset===null || !noReset)
      DebugTimer.startTime = now.getTime();

function debugPos  (e){
  return '['+ e.tagName +'] client - offset: '+ e.clientLeft +','+ e.clientTop +','+ e.clientWidth +','+ e.clientHeight
          +' - '+ e.offsetLeft +','+ e.offsetTop +','+ e.offsetWidth +','+ e.offsetHeight +' '+ e +' --OP--> '+ e.offsetParent;

function CwaitForElement (id, timeout, notify){
  this.check = check;
  this.end = new Date().getTime() + timeout;
  var t = this;
  function check(){
    if (document.getElementById (id))
      notify (true);
    else if (new Date().getTime() > t.end)
      notify (false);
      setTimeout (t.check, 500);

function clickWin (win,obj,evtName) {
 var evt = win.document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
 evt.initMouseEvent(evtName, true, true, win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
 return !obj.dispatchEvent(evt);
function debugElement  (e){
  var x = unsafeWindow.Object.clone (e.wrappedJSObject);
  x.innerHTML = '';
  x.innerText = '';
  x.textContent = '';
  return inspect (x, 1, 1);

function getClientCoords(e){
  if (e==null)
    return {x:null, y:null, width:null, height:null};
  var x=0, y=0;
  ret = {x:0, y:0, width:e.clientWidth, height:e.clientHeight};
  while (e.offsetParent != null){
    ret.x += e.offsetLeft;
    ret.y += e.offsetTop;
    e = e.offsetParent;
  return ret;

function DOMtree (e, levels){
  var m = [];
  level (e, levels, 0);
  function level (e, levels, cur){
    try {        
      for (var i=0; i<cur; i++)
        m.push('  ');
      if (!e.tagName)
        m.push ('?');
        m.push (e.tagName);
      if ({
        m.push (' id=');
        m.push (;
      if ({
        m.push (' name=');
        m.push (;
      if (e.className){
        m.push (' class=');
        m.push (e.className);
      if ( && &&'none')>0)
        m.push (' hidden');
       m.push ('\n');
      if (cur < levels){
        for (var c=0; c<e.childNodes.length; c++){
          level (e.childNodes[c], levels, cur+1);
    } catch (e) {
      m.push ('UNAVAILBLE!\n');
  return m.join('');  

function parseIntNan (n){
  x = parseInt(n, 10);
  if (isNaN(x))
    return 0;
  return x;
function parseIntZero (n){
  n = n.trim();
  if (n == '')
    return 0;
  return parseInt(n, 10);

var WinManager = {
  wins : {},    // prefix : CPopup obj
  didHide : [],
  get : function (prefix){
    var t = WinManager;
    return t.wins[prefix];
  add : function (prefix, pop){
    var t = WinManager;
    t.wins[prefix] = pop;
    if (unsafeWindow.cpopupWins == null)
      unsafeWindow.cpopupWins = {};
    unsafeWindow.cpopupWins[prefix] = pop;
  hideAll : function (){
    var t = WinManager;
    t.didHide = [];
    for (k in t.wins){
      if (t.wins[k].isShown()){
        t.didHide.push (t.wins[k]);
        t.wins[k].show (false);
  restoreAll : function (){
    var t = WinManager;
    for (var i=0; i<t.didHide.length; i++)
      t.didHide[i].show (true);
  delete : function (prefix){
    var t = WinManager;
    delete t.wins[prefix];
    delete unsafeWindow.cpopupWins[prefix];

function CPopup (prefix, x, y, width, height, enableDrag, onClose) {
  var pop = WinManager.get(prefix);
  if (pop){ (false);
    return pop;
  this.BASE_ZINDEX = 111111;
  // protos ... = show;
  this.toggleHide = toggleHide;
  this.getTopDiv = getTopDiv;
  this.getMainDiv = getMainDiv;
  this.getLayer = getLayer;
  this.setLayer = setLayer;
  this.setEnableDrag = setEnableDrag;
  this.getLocation = getLocation;
  this.setLocation = setLocation;
  this.focusMe = focusMe;
  this.unfocusMe = unfocusMe;
  this.centerMe = centerMe;
  this.destroy = destroy;
  this.autoHeight = autoHeight;

  // object vars ...
  this.div = document.createElement('div');
  this.prefix = prefix;
  this.onClose = onClose;
  var t = this;
  this.div.className = 'CPopup ptTabs '+ prefix +'_CPopup'; = prefix +'_outer'; = "#fff"; = this.BASE_ZINDEX        // KOC modal is 100210 ? = 'none'; = width + 'px'; = ''; = height + 'px'; = "absolute"; = y +'px'; = x + 'px';
  if (CPopUpTopClass==null)
    topClass = 'CPopupTop '+ prefix +'_CPopupTop';
    topClass = CPopUpTopClass +' '+ prefix +'_'+ CPopUpTopClass;
  var m = '<TABLE cellspacing=0 width=100% height=100%><TR id="'+ prefix +'_bar" class="'+ topClass +'"><TD width=99% valign=bottom><SPAN id="'+ prefix +'_top"></span></td>\
      <TD id='+ prefix +'_X align=right valign=middle onmouseover="\'pointer\'" style="color:#fff; background:#333; font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; padding:0px 5px">X</td></tr>\
      <TR><TD height=100% valign=top class="'+ prefix +'_CPopMain" colspan=2><DIV class="CPopMain '+ prefix +'_CPopMain" id="'+ prefix +'_main"></DIV></td></tr></table>';
  this.div.innerHTML = m;
  document.getElementById(prefix+'_X').addEventListener ('click', e_XClose, false);
  this.dragger = new CWinDrag (document.getElementById(prefix+'_bar'), this.div, enableDrag);
  this.div.addEventListener ('mousedown', e_divClicked, false);
  WinManager.add(prefix, this);
  function e_divClicked (){
  function e_XClose (){;
    if (t.onClose != null)
  function autoHeight (onoff){
    if (onoff) = '';  
    else =;
  function focusMe (){
    for (k in unsafeWindow.cpopupWins){
      if (k != t.prefix)
  function unfocusMe (){
  function getLocation (){
    return {x: parseInt(, y: parseInt(};
  function setLocation (loc){ = loc.x +'px'; = loc.y +'px';
  function destroy (){
    WinManager.delete (t.prefix);
  function centerMe (parent){
    if (parent == null){
      var coords = getClientCoords(document.body);
    } else
      var coords = getClientCoords(parent);
    var x = ((coords.width - parseInt( / 2) + coords.x;
    var y = ((coords.height - parseInt( / 2) + coords.y;
    if (x<0)
      x = 0;
    if (y<0)
      y = 0; = x +'px'; = y +'px';
  function setEnableDrag (tf){
  function setLayer(zi){ = ''+ (this.BASE_ZINDEX + zi);
  function getLayer(){
    return parseInt( - this.BASE_ZINDEX;
  function getTopDiv(){
    return document.getElementById(this.prefix+'_top');
  function getMainDiv(){
    return document.getElementById(this.prefix+'_main');
  function show(tf){
    if (tf){ = 'block';
      t.focusMe ();
    } else { = 'none';
    return tf;
  function toggleHide(t){
    if ( == 'block') {
      return (false);
    } else {
      return (true);

function CWinDrag (clickableElement, movingDiv, enabled) {
  var t=this;
  this.setEnable = setEnable;
  this.setBoundRect = setBoundRect;
  this.debug = debug;
  this.dispEvent = dispEvent;
  this.lastX = null;
  this.lastY = null;
  this.enabled = true;
  this.moving = false;
  this.theDiv = movingDiv;
  this.body = document.body;
  this.ce = clickableElement;
  this.moveHandler = new CeventMove(this).handler;
  this.outHandler = new CeventOut(this).handler;
  this.upHandler = new CeventUp(this).handler;
  this.downHandler = new CeventDown(this).handler;
  this.clickableRect = null;
  this.boundRect = null;
  this.bounds = null;
  this.enabled = false;
  if (enabled == null)
    enabled = true;
  this.setEnable (enabled);

  function setBoundRect (b){    // this rect (client coords) will not go outside of current body
    this.boundRect = boundRect;
    this.bounds = null;

  function setEnable (enable){
    if (enable == t.enabled)
    if (enable){
      clickableElement.addEventListener('mousedown',  t.downHandler, false);
      t.body.addEventListener('mouseup', t.upHandler, false);
    } else {
      clickableElement.removeEventListener('mousedown', t.downHandler, false);
      t.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', t.upHandler, false);
    t.enabled = enable;

  function CeventDown (that){
    this.handler = handler;
    var t = that;
    function handler (me){
      if (t.bounds == null){
        t.clickableRect = getClientCoords(clickableElement);
        t.bodyRect = getClientCoords(document.body);
        if (t.boundRect == null)
          t.boundRect = t.clickableRect;
        t.bounds = {top:10-t.clickableRect.height, bot:t.bodyRect.height-25, left:40-t.clickableRect.width, right:t.bodyRect.width-25};
      if (me.button==0 && t.enabled){
        t.body.addEventListener('mousemove', t.moveHandler, true);
        t.body.addEventListener('mouseout', t.outHandler, true);
        t.lastX = me.clientX;
        t.lastY = me.clientY;
        t.moving = true;

  function CeventUp  (that){
    this.handler = handler;
    var t = that;
    function handler (me){
      if (me.button==0 && t.moving)

  function _doneMoving (t){
    t.body.removeEventListener('mousemove', t.moveHandler, true);
    t.body.removeEventListener('mouseout', t.outHandler, true);
    t.moving = false;

  function CeventOut  (that){
    this.handler = handler;
    var t = that;
    function handler (me){
      if (me.button==0){
        t.moveHandler (me);

  function CeventMove (that){
    this.handler = handler;
    var t = that;
    function handler (me){
      if (t.enabled && !t.wentOut){
        var newTop = parseInt( + me.clientY - t.lastY;
        var newLeft = parseInt( + me.clientX - t.lastX;
        if (newTop <{     // if out-of-bounds...
          newTop =;
        } else if (newLeft < t.bounds.left){
          newLeft = t.bounds.left;
        } else if (newLeft > t.bounds.right){
          newLeft = t.bounds.right;
        } else if (newTop >{
          newTop =;
        } = newTop + 'px'; = newLeft + 'px';
        t.lastX = me.clientX;
        t.lastY = me.clientY;

  function debug  (msg, e){
    logit ("*************** "+ msg +" ****************");
    logit ('clientWidth, Height: '+ e.clientWidth +','+ e.clientHeight);
    logit ('offsetLeft, Top, Width, Height (parent): '+ e.offsetLeft +','+ e.offsetTop +','+ e.offsetWidth +','+ e.offsetHeight +' ('+ e.offsetParent +')');
    logit ('scrollLeft, Top, Width, Height: '+ e.scrollLeft +','+ e.scrollTop +','+ e.scrollWidth +','+ e.scrollHeight);

  function dispEvent (msg, me){
    logit (msg + ' Button:'+ me.button +' Screen:'+ me.screenX +','+ me.screenY +' client:'+  me.clientX +','+ me.clientY +' rTarget: '+ me.relatedTarget);

function inspect(obj, maxLevels, level, doFunctions){
  var str = '', type, msg;
  if(level == null)  level = 0;
  if(maxLevels == null) maxLevels = 1;
  if(maxLevels < 1)
      return 'Inspect Error: Levels number must be > 0';
  if(obj == null)
    return 'ERROR: Object is NULL\n';
  var indent = '';
  for (var i=0; i<level; i++)
    indent += '  ';
  for(property in obj) {
    try {
        type =  matTypeof(obj[property]);
        if (doFunctions==true && (type == 'function')){
          str += indent + '(' + type + ') ' + property + "[FUNCTION]\n";
        } else if (type != 'function') {
          str += indent + '(' + type + ') ' + property + ( (obj[property]==null)?(': null'):('')) +' = '+ obj[property] +"\n";
        if((type=='object' || type=='array') && (obj[property] != null) && (level+1 < maxLevels))
          str += inspect(obj[property], maxLevels, level+1, doFunctions);  // recurse
    catch(err) {
      // Is there some properties in obj we can't access? Print it red.
      if(typeof(err) == 'string') msg = err;
      else if(err.message)        msg = err.message;
      else if(err.description)    msg = err.description;
      else                        msg = 'Unknown';
      str += '(Error) ' + property + ': ' + msg +"\n";
  str += "\n";
  return str;
} = function(testArr) {
    if (this.length != testArr.length) return false;
    for (var i = 0; i < testArr.length; i++) {
        if (this[i].compare) {
            if (!this[i].compare(testArr[i])) return false;
        if (this[i] !== testArr[i]) return false;
    return true;
String.prototype.entityTrans = { '&':'&amp;', '<':'&lt;',  '>':'&gt;',  '\"':'&quot;', '\'':'&#039' };
String.prototype.htmlSpecialChars = function() {
  var ret = this.toString();
  for (k in this.entityTrans)
     ret  = ret.split(k).join(this.entityTrans[k]);
  return ret;
String.prototype.htmlSpecialCharsDecode = function() {
  var ret = this.toString();
  for (k in this.entityTrans)
     ret = ret.split(this.entityTrans[k]).join(k);
  return ret;
String.prototype.trim = function () {
    return this.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");

function mouseMainTab (me){   // right-click on main button resets window location
  if (me.button == 2){
    var c = getClientCoords (document.getElementById('gor_menu_bar'));
    mainPop.setLocation ({x: c.width +4, y: 0});

function eventHideShow (){
  if (mainPop.toggleHide(mainPop)){
    Options.ptWinIsOpen = true;
  } else {
    Options.ptWinIsOpen = false;

function createButton (label){
  var a=document.createElement('a');
  a.className='tab buttontab';
  a.innerHTML='<span class=left></span><span class=right></span>';
  a.innerHTML+='<span class=mid>'+ label +'</span>';'78px';
  return a;

function AddMainTabLink(text, eventListener, mouseListener) {
  var tabs=document.getElementById('kochead');
  if(!tabs) {
    if (tabs)
 setTimeout(function(){ AddMainTabLink(text, eventListener, mouseListener);}, 200);
  if (tabs) {
    var a = createButton (text);
    var e = tabs.parentNode;
    var gmTabs = null;
    for (var i=0; i<e.childNodes.length; i++){
      var ee = e.childNodes[i];
      if (ee.tagName && ee.tagName=='DIV' && ee.className=='tabs_engagement' &&!='main_engagement_tabs'){
        gmTabs = ee;
    if (gmTabs == null){
      gmTabs = document.createElement('div');
      tabs.parentNode.insertBefore (gmTabs, tabs);'nowrap';'735px';'20px';'0 0 0 25px';
      gmTabs.lang = 'en_PB';
   // document.getElementById('koc_chatterbox') = '840px';
   // document.getElementById('cityinfo_box') = '1042px';
    a.addEventListener('click',eventListener, false);
    if (mouseListener != null)
      a.addEventListener('mousedown',mouseListener, true);
    return a;
  return null;

function searchDOM (node, condition, maxLevel, doMult){
    var found = [];
    eval ('var compFunc = function (node) { return ('+ condition +') }');
    doOne(node, 1);
      if (found.length==0)
        return null;
      return found[0];
    return found;
    function doOne (node, curLevel){
      try {
        if (compFunc(node))
      } catch (e){
      if (!doMult && found.length>0)
      if (++curLevel<maxLevel && node.childNodes!=undefined)
        for (var c=0; c<node.childNodes.length; c++)
          doOne (node.childNodes[c], curLevel);

function CdispCityPicker (id, span, dispName, notify, selbut){
  function CcityButHandler (t){
    var that = t;
    this.clickedCityBut = clickedCityBut;
    function clickedCityBut (e){
      if (that.selected != null)
        that.selected.className = "ptcastleBut ptcastleButNon"; = Cities.cities[];
      if (that.dispName)
        document.getElementById('cname').innerHTML =; = "ptcastleBut ptcastleButSel";
      that.selected =;
      if (that.coordBoxX){
        that.coordBoxX.value =;
        that.coordBoxY.value =; = '#ffffff'; = '#ffffff';
      if (that.notify != null)

  function selectBut (idx){

  function bindToXYboxes (eX, eY){
    function CboxHandler (t){
      var that = t;
      this.eventChange = eventChange;
      if ({
        eX.value =;
        eY.value =;
      function eventChange (){
   var xValue=that.coordBoxX.value.trim();
   var xI=/^\s*([0-9]+)[\s,]+([0-9]+)/.exec(xValue);   
   if(xI) {
        var x = parseInt(that.coordBoxX.value, 10);
        var y = parseInt(that.coordBoxY.value, 10);
        if (isNaN(x) || x<0 || x>750){
 = '#ff8888';
        if (isNaN(y) || y<0 || y>750){
 = '#ff8888';
        } = '#ffffff'; = '#ffffff';
        if (that.notify != null)
          that.notify (null, x, y);
    this.coordBoxX = eX;
    this.coordBoxY = eY;
    var bh = new CboxHandler(this);
    eX.addEventListener('change', bh.eventChange, false);
    eY.addEventListener('change', bh.eventChange, false);

  this.selectBut = selectBut;
  this.bindToXYboxes = bindToXYboxes;
  this.coordBoxX = null;
  this.coordBoxY = null; = id;
  this.dispName = dispName;
  this.prefixLen = id.length+1;
  this.notify = notify;
  this.selected = null; = null;
  var m = '';
  for (var i=0; i<Cities.cities.length; i++)
    m += '<INPUT class="ptcastleBut ptcastleButNon" id="'+ id +'_'+ i +'" value="'+ (i+1) +'" type=submit \>';
  if (dispName)
    m += ' &nbsp; <SPAN style="display:inline-block; width:85px; font-weight:bold;" id='+ id +'cname' +'></span>';
  span.innerHTML = m;
  var handler = new CcityButHandler(this);
  for (var i=0; i<Cities.cities.length; i++)
    document.getElementById (id+'_'+i).addEventListener('click', handler.clickedCityBut, false);
  if (selbut != null)

function implodeUrlArgs (obj){
  var a = [];
  for (var k in obj)
    a.push (k +'='+ encodeURI(obj[k]) );
  return a.join ('&');    

function GetDisplayName(){
 var DisplayName = document.getElementById('topnavDisplayName');
  DisplayName = DisplayName.innerHTML;
  DisplayName = null;
 return DisplayName
function DoUnsafeWindow(func, execute_by_embed) {
 if(this.isChrome || execute_by_embed) {
  var scr=document.createElement('script');
 } else {
function dialogRetry (errMsg, seconds, onRetry, onCancel, errCode){
  seconds = parseInt(seconds);
  var pop = new CPopup ('pbretry', 0, 0, 400,200, true);
  pop.getTopDiv().innerHTML = '<CENTER>GW Lazy Tools</center>';
  pop.getMainDiv().innerHTML = '<CENTER><BR><FONT COLOR=#550000><B>An error has ocurred:</b></font><BR><BR><DIV id=paretryErrMsg></div>\
      <BR><BR><B>Automatically retrying in <SPAN id=paretrySeconds></b></span> seconds ...<BR><BR><INPUT id=paretryCancel type=submit value="CANCEL Retry" \>';
  document.getElementById('paretryCancel').addEventListener ('click', doCancel, false);;
  if(errCode && unsafeWindow.g_js_strings.errorcode['err_'+errCode])
 document.getElementById('paretryErrMsg').innerHTML = unsafeWindow.g_js_strings.errorcode['err_'+errCode];
 document.getElementById('paretryErrMsg').innerHTML = errMsg;
  document.getElementById('paretrySeconds').innerHTML = seconds;
  var rTimer = setTimeout (doRetry, seconds*1000);
  countdown ();

  function countdown (){
    document.getElementById('paretrySeconds').innerHTML = seconds--;
    if (seconds > 0)
      cdTimer = setTimeout (countdown, 1000);
  function doCancel(){
    clearTimeout (rTimer);
    clearTimeout (cdTimer);
    onCancel ();
  function doRetry (){
    clearTimeout (rTimer);
    clearTimeout (cdTimer);;

// NOTE: args can be either a string which will be appended as is to url or an object of name->values
function addUrlArgs (url, args){
  if (!args)
    return url;
  if (url.indexOf('?') < 0)
    url += '?';
  else if (url.substr(url.length-1) != '&')
    url += '&';    
  if (matTypeof(args == 'object'))
    return url + implodeUrlArgs (args);    
  return url + args;

// emulate protoype's Ajax.Request ...
function AjaxRequest (url, opts){
  var headers = {
    'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
    'X-Prototype-Version': '1.6.1',
    'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'
  var ajax = null;
  if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
    ajax=new XMLHttpRequest();
    ajax=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  if (opts.method==null || opts.method=='')
    method = 'GET';
    method = opts.method.toUpperCase();  
  if (method == 'POST'){
    headers['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8';
  } else if (method == 'GET'){
    addUrlArgs (url, opts.parameters);

  ajax.onreadystatechange = function(){
//  ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete']; states 0-4
    if (ajax.readyState==4) {
      if (ajax.status >= 200 && ajax.status < 305)
        if (opts.onSuccess) opts.onSuccess(ajax);
        if (opts.onFailure) opts.onFailure(ajax);
    } else {
      if (opts.onChange) opts.onChange (ajax);
  }, url, true);   // always async!

  for (var k in headers)
    ajax.setRequestHeader (k, headers[k]);
  if (matTypeof(opts.requestHeaders)=='object')
    for (var k in opts.requestHeaders)
      ajax.setRequestHeader (k, opts.requestHeaders[k]);
  if (method == 'POST'){
    var a = [];
    for (k in opts.parameters){
   if(matTypeof(opts.parameters[k]) == 'object')
  for(var h in opts.parameters[k])
   a.push (k+'['+h+'] ='+ opts.parameters[k][h] );
        a.push (k +'='+ opts.parameters[k] );
    ajax.send (a.join ('&'));
  } else               {

function MyAjaxRequest (url, o, noRetryX){
if (DEBUG_TRACE) logit (" 0 myAjaxRequest: "+ url +"\n" + inspect (o, 2, 1));
  var opts = unsafeWindow.Object.clone(o);
  var wasSuccess = o.onSuccess;
  var wasFailure = o.onFailure;
  var retry = 0;
  var delay = 5;
  var noRetry = noRetry===true?true:false;
  opts.onSuccess = mySuccess;
  opts.onFailure = myFailure;

  new AjaxRequest(url, opts);

  function myRetry(){
    new AjaxRequest(url, opts);
    delay = delay * 1.25;
  function myFailure(){
    var o = {};
    o.ok = false;
    o.errorMsg = "AJAX Communication Failure";
    wasFailure (o);
  function mySuccess (msg){
    var rslt = eval("(" + msg.responseText + ")");
    var x;
    if (window.EmulateAjaxError){
      rslt.ok = false;  
    if (rslt.ok){
      if (rslt.updateSeed)
      wasSuccess (rslt);
    rslt.errorMsg = unsafeWindow.printLocalError((rslt.error_code || null), (rslt.msg || null), ( || null));
    if ( (x = rslt.errorMsg.indexOf ('<br><br>')) > 0)
      rslt.errorMsg = rslt.errorMsg.substr (0, x-1);
    if (!noRetry && (rslt.error_code==0 ||rslt.error_code==8 || rslt.error_code==1 || rslt.error_code==3)){
      dialogRetry (rslt.errorMsg, delay, function(){myRetry()}, function(){wasSuccess (rslt)});
    } else {
      wasSuccess (rslt);

function coordLink (x, y){
  var m = [];
  m.push ('(<a onclick="ptGotoMapHide (');
  m.push (x);
  m.push (',');
  m.push (y);
  m.push ('); return false">');
  m.push (x);
  m.push (',');
  m.push (y);
  m.push ('</a>)');  
  return m.join('');

unsafeWindow.ptGotoMapHide = function (x, y){
  try {
  } catch (e){ }
  try {
  } catch (e){ }
  unsafeWindow.ptGotoMap (x, y);  

unsafeWindow.ptGotoMap = function (x, y){
  if (Options.hideOnGoto)
    hideMe ();
  setTimeout (function (){ 
    document.getElementById('mapXCoor').value = x;
    document.getElementById('mapYCoor').value = y;
    var a = document.getElementById("mod_views").getElementsByTagName("a");
    for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
        a[b].className = ""
    document.getElementById('mod_views_map').className = "sel";
    document.getElementById("maparea_city").style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById("maparea_fields").style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById("maparea_map").style.display = 'block';
  }, 0);

unsafeWindow.PTscout = function (x, y){
  setTimeout (function (){ 
    if (Options.hideOnGoto)
    hideMe ();
    document.getElementById('mapXCoor').value = x;
    document.getElementById('mapYCoor').value = y;
  }, 0);

// returns: 'neutral', 'friendly', or 'hostile'
function getDiplomacy (aid) {
  if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies == null)
    return 'neutral';
  if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendly && Seed.allianceDiplomacies.friendly['a'+aid] != null)
    return 'friendly';
  if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies.hostile && Seed.allianceDiplomacies.hostile['a'+aid] != null)
    return 'hostile';
  if (aid == Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceId)
    return 'ally';
  return 'neutral';

function getMyAlliance (){
  if (Seed.allianceDiplomacies==null || Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceName==null)
    return [0, 'None'];
    return [Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceId, Seed.allianceDiplomacies.allianceName];

function getMarchInfo (){
  var ret = {};

  ret.marchUnits = [];
  ret.returnUnits = [];
  ret.resources = [];
  for (i=0; i<13; i++){
    ret.marchUnits[i] = 0;
    ret.returnUnits[i] = 0;
  for (i=0; i<5; i++){
    ret.resources[i] = 0;

  var now = unixTime();

  for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {   // each city
    cityID = 'c'+ Cities.cities[i].id;
    for (k in Seed.outgoing_marches[cityID]){   // each march
      march = Seed.outgoing_marches[cityID][k];
      if ((typeof (march) == 'object') && (march.returnUnixTime < now)){
        for (ii=0; ii<13; ii++){
          ret.marchUnits[ii] += parseInt (march['unit'+ ii +'Count']);
          ret.returnUnits[ii] += parseInt (march['unit'+ ii +'Return']);
        for (ii=1; ii<5; ii++){
          ret.resources[ii] += parseInt (march['resource'+ ii]);
          ret.resources[0] += parseInt (march['gold']);
// TODO: fixup completed marches
// TODO: Assume transport is complete ?
  return ret;

function getTrainInfo (){
  var ret = {};

  ret.trainUnts = [];
  for (i=0; i<13; i++){
    ret.trainUnts[i] = 0;
  var q = Seed.training_queue;
  for(i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++) {   // each city
    cityID = 'c'+ Cities.cities[i].id;
 q = Seed.training_queue[cityID];
 if (q && q.length>0){
   for (qi=0; qi<q.length; qi++)
          ret.trainUnts[q[qi][1]] += parseInt(q[qi][2]);
  return ret;

var fortNamesShort = {
  53: "Archer Tower",
  52: "Caltrops",
  54: "Logs",
  55: "Trebuchet",

// returns {count, maxlevel}
function getCityBuilding (cityId, buildingId){
  var b = Seed.buildings['city'+cityId];
  var ret = {count:0, maxLevel:0};
  for (var i=1; i<33; i++){
    if (b['pos'+i] && b['pos'+i][0] == buildingId){
      if (parseInt(b['pos'+i][1]) > ret.maxLevel)
        ret.maxLevel = parseInt(b['pos'+i][1]);
  return ret;

var myServerId = null;
function getServerId() {
  if (myServerId == null){
    var m=/^[a-zA-Z]+([0-9]+)\./.exec(document.location.hostname);
    if (m)
      myServerId = m[1];
      myServerId = '??';
  return myServerId;
function setCities(){
  Cities.numCities = Seed.cities.length;
  Cities.cities = [];
  Cities.byID = {};
  for (i=0; i<Cities.numCities; i++){
    city = {};
    city.idx = i; = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][0]); = Seed.cities[i][1];
    city.x = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][2]);
    city.y = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][3]);
    city.tileId = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][5]);
    city.provId = parseInt(Seed.cities[i][4]);
    Cities.cities[i] = city;
    Cities.byID[Seed.cities[i][0]] = city;

var tabManager = {
  tabList : {},           // {name, obj, div}
  currentTab : null,
  init : function (mainDiv){
    var t = tabManager;
    var sorter = [];
    for (k in Tabs){
      if (!Tabs[k].tabDisabled){  
        t.tabList[k] = {};
        t.tabList[k].name = k;
        t.tabList[k].obj = Tabs[k];
        if (Tabs[k].tabLabel != null)
          t.tabList[k].label = Tabs[k].tabLabel;
          t.tabList[k].label = k;
        if (Tabs[k].tabOrder != null)
          sorter.push([Tabs[k].tabOrder, t.tabList[k]]);
          sorter.push([1000, t.tabList[k]]);
        t.tabList[k].div = document.createElement('div');

 sorter.sort (function (a,b){return a[0]-b[0]});
    var m = '<TABLE cellspacing=3 class=ptMainTab><TR>';
    for (var i=0; i<sorter.length; i++) {
      //m += '<TD class=spacer></td><TD align=center class=notSel id=pttc'+ sorter[i][1].name +' ><A><SPAN>'+ sorter[i][1].label +'</span></a></td>';
      m += '<TD class=spacer></td><TD align=center class=notSel id=pttc'+ sorter[i][1].name +' ><A><SPAN>'+ sorter[i][1].label +'</span></a></td>';
      //if (i==8) m+='</tr><TR>';
    //m += '<TD class=spacer width=90% align=right>'+ Version +'&nbsp;</td></tr></table>';
    mainPop.getTopDiv().innerHTML = m;
    for (k in t.tabList) {
      if (t.tabList[k].name == Options.currentTab)
        t.currentTab = t.tabList[k] ;
      document.getElementById('pttc'+ k).addEventListener('click', this.e_clickedTab, false);
      var div = t.tabList[k].div; = 'none'; = '100%';
      try {
      } catch (e){
        div.innerHTML = "INIT ERROR: "+ e;
    if (t.currentTab == null)
      t.currentTab = sorter[0][1];    
    t.setTabStyle (document.getElementById ('pttc'+, true); = 'block';
  hideTab : function (){
    var t = tabManager;
  showTab : function (){
    var t = tabManager;;
  setTabStyle : function (e, selected){
    if (selected){
      e.className = 'sel';
    } else {
      e.className = 'notSel';
  e_clickedTab : function (e){
    var t = tabManager;
    newTab = t.tabList[];
    if ( !={
      t.setTabStyle (document.getElementById ('pttc'+, false);
      t.setTabStyle (document.getElementById ('pttc'+, true);
      t.currentTab.obj.hide (); = 'none';
      t.currentTab = newTab; = 'block';
      Options.currentTab =;      

function hideMe (){ (false);
  Options.ptWinIsOpen = false;

function showMe (){ (true);
  Options.ptWinIsOpen = true;

function objectName (o){
  var s = o.toString();
  return s.substr(7,s.length-8);

function matTypeof (v){
  if (typeof (v) == 'object'){
    if (!v)
      return 'null';
//    else if (unsafeWindow.Object.prototype.toString.apply(v) === '[object Array]')
    else if (v.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array")>=0 && typeof(v.splice)=='function')
      return 'array';
    else return 'object';
  return typeof (v);

function addCommasInt(n){
  nStr = parseInt(n) + '';
  var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
  while (rgx.test(nStr)) {
    nStr = nStr.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
  return nStr;

function addCommas(nStr){
  nStr += '';
  x = nStr.split('.');
  x1 = x[0];
  x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
  var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
  while (rgx.test(x1)) {
    x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
  return x1 + x2;
function htmlSelector (valNameObj, curVal, tags){
  m = [];
  m.push ('<SELECT');
  if (tags){
    m.push (' ');
    m.push (tags);
  for (k in valNameObj){
    m.push ('><OPTION ');
    if (k == curVal)
      m.push ('SELECTED ');
    m.push ('value="');
    m.push (k);
    m.push ('">');
    m.push (valNameObj[k]);
    m.push ('</option>');
  m.push ('</select>');
  return m.join ('');

function unixTime (){
  return parseInt (new Date().getTime() / 1000) + unsafeWindow.g_timeoff;
function htmlOptions (a, curVal){
  m = '';
  for (k in a)
    m += '<OPTION value="'+ k +'"'+ (k==curVal?' SELECTED':'')  +'>'+ a[k] +'</option>';
  return m;
function getFunctionName (func){
  var name=/\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\(/.exec(func);
  if (!name)
    return '';
  return name[1];

function findAllBetween (txt, find1, find2){
  var m = [];
  var last = 0;
  while ( (i1=txt.indexOf(find1, last))>=0 && (i2=txt.indexOf (find2, i1))>=0 ) {
    m.push (txt.substring(i1+find1.length, i2));
    last = i2 + find2.length;
  return m;

function strUpTo (s, find){
  var i = s.indexOf(find);
  if (i > 0)
    return s.substr(0, i);
  return s;

 Xd Xh
 Xh Xm
 Xm Xs
function timestrShort(time) {
  time = parseInt (time);
  if (time > 86400){
    var m = [];
    time /= 3600;
    m.push (parseInt(time/24));
    m.push ('d ');
    m.push (parseInt(time%24));
    m.push ('h ');
    return m.join ('');    
  } else
    return timestr (time);

 part       full
 Xd Xh Xm   Xd Xh Xm Xs
 Xh Xm      Xh Xm Xs
 Xm Xs      Xm Xs
 Xs         Xs
function timestr(time, full) {
  time = parseInt (time);
  var m = [];
  var t = time;
  if (t < 61)
    return  t + 's';
  if (t > 86400){
    m.push (parseInt(t/86400));
    m.push ('d ');
    t %= 86400;
  if (t>3600 || time>3600){
    m.push (parseInt(t/3600));
    m.push ('h ');
    t %= 3600;
  m.push (parseInt(t/60));
  m.push ('m');
  if (full || time<=3600 ){
    m.push (' ');
    m.push (t%60);
    m.push ('s');  
  return m.join ('');

function logit (msg, force){
 if(!DEBUG_TRACE && !force) return false;
 var now = new Date();
 var prefix = getServerId() +' @ '+ now.toTimeString().substring (0,8) +'.' + now.getMilliseconds();
 msg = prefix+" : "+msg;
 if (typeof GM_log !== 'undefined') { GM_log(msg); return true; }
 if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.log) { console.log(msg); return true; }
 return false;

/************  LIB singletons .... **************/
// TODO: fix REopening window
var WINLOG_MAX_ENTRIES = 1000;     // TODO
var WinLog = {
  state : null,
  win: null,
  eOut : null,
  lastE : null,
  enabled : true,
  reverse : true,
  busy : false,
isOpening : false,

  open : function (){
    var t = WinLog;

    function eventButClear(){
      var t = WinLog;
      t.lastE = null;
      t.eOut.innerHTML ='';
    function eventButReverse(){
      var t = WinLog;
      if (t.busy)
      t.busy = true;
      if (t.reverse){'wlRev').value= 'Top';
        t.reverse = false;
      } else{'wlRev').value= 'Bottom';
        t.reverse = true;
      var n = t.eOut.childNodes.length;
      if (n < 2)
      for (i=n-2; i>=0; i--){
        t.eOut.appendChild (t.eOut.childNodes[i]);
      t.busy = false;
    if (! ||{
t.isOpening = true;  
// Firefox bug??? It appears as if a new thread is started on open, withOUT reusing same window
      // ='', 'uwtrace', 'top=30,left=0,width=900,height=700,scrollbars=no,location=no,menubar=no,directories=no,status=no'); = new CPopup('ptwinlog', 0, 0, 500, 800, true, function(){;;;});;
t.isOpening = false; 
t.state = null; 
    if (t.state == null){ = '<STYLE>pre{margin:0px} hr{margin:3px; height:1px; border:0px; color:#cee; background-color:#cee}</style>\
        <BODY style="margin:0px; padding:0px; border:none">\
        <DIV id=winlogtop style="background-color:#d0d0d0; margin:0px; padding:0px; border:1px solid">\
        <INPUT id=wlClear type=submit value="Clear"> &nbsp; <INPUT id=wlRev type=submit value="Bottom"></div>\
        <DIV id=wlOut style="overflow-y:auto; overflow-x:auto; max-height:800px; width:600px"></div></body>';
      document.getElementById('wlClear').addEventListener('click', eventButClear, false);
      document.getElementById('wlRev').addEventListener('click', eventButReverse, false);
      t.eOut =  document.getElementById('wlOut');
      t.lastE = null;
      t.state = 1;

  writeText : function (msg){
    WinLog.write (msg.htmlEntities()); 
  write : function (msg){
    var t = WinLog;
    if (!t.enabled || t.isOpening)
    var te = document.createElement('pre');
    var now = new Date();
    var m = [];
    var millis = now.getMilliseconds();
    m.push (now.toTimeString().substring (0,8));
    m.push ('.');
    if (millis<100)
    if (millis<10)
    m.push (': ');
    m.push (msg);
    te.innerHTML = m.join('');

    if (t.reverse){
      if (t.lastE == null){
        t.lastE = te;
      } else {
        t.eOut.insertBefore(te, t.lastE);
      var hr = document.createElement('hr');
      t.eOut.insertBefore(hr, te);
      t.lastE = hr;
    } else {



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