Friday, September 30, 2011

Ikariam: End Time

// ==UserScript==
// @name  Ikariam: End Time
// @version 1.02
// @author  Phate
// @description     A script for Ikariam that puts the end time in the countdown. 
// @include        http://s*.ikariam.*/*
// @exclude         http://board.ikariam.*/*
// @require
// @require
// @history        1.02 Trading post: in the table added travel time for each offer.
// @history        1.02 I fixed the calculation of the missions with the new graphics
// @history        1.02 calculating the time to Democracy.
// @history        1.02 calculating the time to buy the next cargo.
// @history        1.02 BugFix: error in reaserch advisor for 0 point in hour.
// @history        1.01 BugFix: round of pillage.
// @history        1.01 BugFix: during loading of the hold, I don't report the arrival time.
// @history        1.01 BugFix: correct code for calculating arrival only in the first row.
// @history        1.00 Czech translation. Mar10 thanks for your help.
// @history        1.00 Removed calculation of the percentage of filling the hold.
// @history        1.00 I changed the calculation time research, for version
// @history        1.00 Added the new class 'arrival' for all calculations of time of arrival.
// @history        1.00 I modifiy function getDate().
// @history        1.00 options changed the reference time server time.
// @history        0.98 I changed the position of script options , there are now into 'Game Options'.
// @history        0.98 Update Slovenian and Lithuanian Translation.
// @history        0.98 Adaptations for Ikariam 0.4.2.
// @history        0.97 Update Hebrew, Polish, Spanish, Greek and Turkish Translation.
// @history        0.97 BugFix: modify code for error when player have more 1kk of resource in warehouse.
// @history        0.97 BugFix: modify code for error tomorrow.
// @history        0.97 BugFix: modify code for error 'ET_opt undefined'.
// @history        0.96 BugFix: modify code for error 'string undefined'.
// @history        0.96 BugFix: wrong loading time in the port.
// @history        0.96 Changed saving options of the script.
// @history        0.96 Changed the code to speed up the script.
// @history        0.96 Updated script to version 0.4.1.
// @history        0.96 Added 'Buy 100% increase capacity' in the calculation level warehouses for the building upgrade.
// @history        0.96 In the Options page you can select two methods of calculation the level warehouses: 'Max' if you want to use most spaces of the city. 'Min' if you want to minimize the space used in the city.
// @history        0.95 BugFix: miscalculation of the value given for 'tomorrow'.
// @history        0.95 BugFix: error unsafeWindow.LocalizationStrings.
// @history        0.95 BugFix: error on saving levels of the port, warehouses and dumps.
// @history        0.95 Changed code on the difference between public satisfaction and capacity cities.
// @history        0.94 Modify calculation of the date. Add and change some text.
// @history        0.94 Proper calculation of the warehouses to version 0.4.0 of Ikariam. Added Dump.
// @history        0.94 Rewrote some code with jquery.
// @history        0.94 Estimated time of return of the fleet if you abort the mission.
// @history        0.94 BugFix: Ikariam plus, error in tail development.
// @history        0.94 BugFix: approximation for the excess was removed by the update.
// @history        0.94 BugFix: save port level returned an error.
// @history        0.94 BugFix: error in the academy for missing node experiment.
// @history        0.93 BugFix: wrong date money order.
// @history        0.93 BugFix: Error returned when you wanted to process build a new building.
// @history        0.93 BugFix: In the city did not save the date for the building upgrades.
// @history        0.93 Added date to make new experiment.
// @history        0.93 Improved upgrade code countdown date.
// @history        0.93 Page options I added a reset button to reset the loading time port.
// @history        0.93 Added Romanian translation.
// @history        0.92 Added the date of exhaustion finances when the sum is negative. Thank you for the idea Lauferon.
// @history        0.92 Added calculation of the end date for construction of the next level when a level is under construction (ikariam v0.35).
// @history        0.92 When the upgrade time is expressed in days and hours, you can't know the exact end date, in this case the end date is added 1 hour.
// @history        0.92 Improved viewing levels in the warehouses to be built to upgrade the building.
// @history        0.92 Improved display of start and end date of the buildings, changed some texts.
// @history        0.92 Added Lithuanian translation.
// @history        0.91 Modify code for delete loading cargo.
// @history        0.91 Modify id to save a loading cargo.
// @history        0.91 Page port added countdown in cargo awaiting loading.
// @history        0.91 Added updated date of arrival and departure in calculating the travel.
// @history        0.91 Added updated date in upgrade building.
// @history        0.91 BugFix: german traslation.
// @history     0.91 Now appear in all missions the dates of each step.
// @history     0.91 Small graphic improvements.
// @history     0.91 Add some text. Deleted other old texts.
// @history        0.91 Added Turkish and Bosnian/Croatian translation.
// @history        0.91 BugFix: wrong time calculating in Serbian language. Hour and second have the same letter.

// ==/UserScript==
const lversion = '1.02';
ScriptUpdater.check(52268, lversion);
// languages
const ltyp = ['ar','ba','cz','de','dk','en','es','fr','gr','hu','il','it','lt','lv','nl','pl','pt','ro','rs','ru','se','si','sk','tr','ua']
const langs = 
 { // Arabic translate by Samerramez
  text_Upgrade:  "انتهاء التطوير ",
  msg_Never:   "ابداً",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "يمتلئ: ",
  upBuild:   ["تاريخ بدء التمديد","تاريخ انتهاء التطوير",,"end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "احتمال الدخل : ",
  resource:   "ناقص للمستوى ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time تبين انه هنالك خطأ.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n هل تريد ارسال الخطأ الى صانع السكربت?",
  port:    "وقت التحميل - مستوى المرفأ = ",
  port2:    "سرعة التحميل: ",
  wait:    "المرفأ يقوم بالتحميل الآن",
  hold:    "تسطيع تحميل بنفس عدد السفن كمان ",
  hold2:    " الموارد",
  loadcargo:   " السفن ممتلئة",
  optiontxt:  "اختيار اللغة",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:      ["بدء محاصرة المرفأ","محاصرة المرفأ","نهاية المحاصرة"],
  txtDfsPrt:   ["بداية الدفاع عن المرفأ","الدفاع عن المرفأ","انتهاء الدفاع عن المرفأ"],
  txtDfsTwn:      ["بداية الدفاع عن المدينة","الدفاع عن المدينة","نهاية الدفاع عن المدينة"],  
  txtBltTwn:      ["بداية المعركة","معركة المدينة","أحتلال"],  
  txtopyTwn:      "أحتلال المدينة",
  transport1:  "وجهة الوصول",
  transport2:  "العودة الى المرفأ",
  WhTitle:   "منزل التخزين",
  noWh:   "The city does not have enough space to build the warehouses needed.",
  loadport:   "انتهاء التحميل ",
  emptyWh:   "الفارغ في منزل التتخزين",
  month:    ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission:  "سحب الأساطيل - ",
  predictfull:  "ممتلئ",
  titletravel:  "مدة الرحلة",
  predict:   "حساب الوقت لملء المدينة",
  headTime:  "اختيار اعدادات الوقت:",
  localTime:   "الوقت المحلي",
  serverTime:  "توقيت السيرفر",
  formatTime:  "صيغة الوقت",
  townhalltitle1: " الناس لتملأ المدينة",
  townhalltitle2: " الناس الموجودة",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Bosnian/Croatian translation - latin by Bianced
  text_Upgrade:  "Kraj nadogradnje ",
  msg_Never:   "Nikad",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Napunjeno za: ",
  upBuild:   ["Datum početka nadogradnje","Datum završetka nadogradnje","end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "Ukupni mogući dobitak: ",
  resource:   "Resursi koji nedostaju za sljedeći nivo: ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time prijavio grešku.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Da li želiš prijaviti grešku autoru skripte?",
  port:    "Vrijeme punjenja – Nivo trgovačke luke = ",
  port2:    "Brzina punjenja: ",
  wait:    "Luka je zauzeta punjenjem drugog utovara",
  hold:    "Prostor može biti napunjen drugim ",
  hold2:    " resursima",
  loadcargo:   " Teret je pun",
  optiontxt:   "Izaberi jezik",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Start block harbour","Block harbour","End block harbour"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Start defend port","Defend port","End defend port"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Start defend town","Defend town","End defend town"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Start battle town","Battle town","Pillage"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Occupy town",
  transport1:  "Vrijeme dolaska",
  transport2:  "Vrati se u luku",
  WhTitle:   "Skladište",
  noWh:   "The city does not have enough space to build the warehouses needed.",
  loadport:   "Utovar završava u ",
  emptyWh:   "Prostor u skladištu",
  month:    ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Maj","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission:  "Opozovi flotu - ",
  predictfull:  "Puno",
  titletravel:  "Trajanje putovanja",
  predict:   "Vrijeme do potpuno naseljenog grada",
  headTime:   "Izaberi vrijeme:",
  localTime:   "Lokalno vrijeme",
  serverTime:  "Vrijeme servera",
  formatTime:  "Format vremena",
  townhalltitle1: " Stanovništvo će naseliti gradove",
  townhalltitle2: " Stanovništvo",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Czech translate by Mar10  
  text_Upgrade:   "Konec rozšiřování",  
  msg_Never:      "nikdy",  
  msg_TimeLeft:   "Plno za: ",  
  upBuild:        ["doba začátku rozšiřování","doba konce rozšiřování","doba předpokládaného přebytku"],  
  totalprice:     "Celkový možný příjem: ",  
  resource:       "Chybějící pro úroveň ",  
  errortxt:       "End_Time vygeneroval chybu.\n\n",  
  errortxt1:      " \n\n Chcete upozornit autora na chybu?",  
  port:           "Čas nakládání - úroveň Přístavu = ",  
  port2:          "Rychlost nakládání: ",  
  wait:           "Přístav je zaměstnán nakládání jiného zboží",  
  hold:           "Zásilka bude plná s dalšími ",  
  hold2:          " surovinami",  
  loadcargo:      " zásilka je plná",  
  optiontxt:      "Zvol jazyk",  
  optRstLoad:     "Resetovat nakládací časy",  
  txtBlkPrt:      ["Začátek blokády přístavu","Blokovat přístav","Konec blokády přístavu"],  
  txtDfsPrt:      ["Začátek obrany přístavu","Bránit přístav","Konec bránění přístavu"],  
  txtDfsTwn:      ["Začátek obrany města","Bránit město","Konec obrany města"],  
  txtBltTwn:      ["Začátek bitvy o město","Bitva o město","Rabování"],  
  txtopyTwn:      "Okupovat město",  
  transport1:     "Čas příjezdu do destinace",  
  transport2:     "Návrat do přístavu",  
  WhTitle:        "Skladiště",  
  noWh:           "Nedostatečná kapacita skladišť na další úroveň.",  
  loadport:       "Konec nakládání za ",  
  emptyWh:        "Místo ve skladišti",  
  month:          ["Led","Ún","Bře","Dub","Kvě","Čer","Čec","Srp","Září","Říj","List","Pro"],  
  tomorrow:       "zítra",  
  abortmission:   "Stáhnout flotilu - ",  
  predictfull:    "Plno",  
  titletravel:    "Doba plavby",  
  predict:        "Spočítat čas potřebný k zaplnění města",  
  headTime:       "Zvolte doporučený čas:",  
  localTime:      "Místní čas",  
  serverTime:     "Serverový čas",  
  formatTime:     "Formát času",  
  townhalltitle1: " lidí k zaplnění města",  
  townhalltitle2: " lidí v přebytku",  
  buyCap:         [" Koupit ","Přebytek zboží na konci ","100% zvýšena kapacita"],  
  headWh:         "Kolik stavebních ploch použít pro skladiště",  
  moreWh:         "max",  
  fewWh:          "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // German translate by Aristeidis - fixed by TorfDrottel
  text_Upgrade:  "Ausbau abgeschlossen ",
  msg_Never:   "nie",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Voll in: ",
  upBuild:   ["Zeitpunkt des Baubeginns","Zeitpunkt der Fertigstellung",,"end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "Mögliches Gesamteinkommen: ",
  resource:   "Fehlend für Stufe ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time hat einen Fehler verursacht.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Möchtest du den Fehler dem Autor melden?",
  port:    "Verladezeit - Handelshafen Stufe = ",
  port2:    "Verladegeschwindigkeit : ",
  wait:    "Der Hafen ist mit dem Verladen anderer Waren beschäftigt",
  hold:    "Der Laderaum wäre voll mit weiteren ",
  hold2:    " Waren",
  loadcargo:   " Handelsschiffe sind voll",
  optiontxt:   "Sprache wählen ",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Begin Hafenblockade","Hafenblockade","Ende Hafenblockade"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Beginn Hafenverteidigung","Hafenblockade","Ende Hafenblockade"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Start Stadt verteidigen","Stadt verteidigen","Ende Stadt verteidigen"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Start Stadtplünderung","Stadt plündern","Ende Stadtplünderung"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Start Stadt besetzen",
  transport1:  "Ankunft am Ziel",
  transport2:  "Rückkehr zum Heimathafen",
  WhTitle:   "Lagerhaus",
  noWh:   "The city does not have enough space to build the warehouses needed.",
  loadport:   "Verladen fertig um ",
  emptyWh:   "freie Kapazität im Lagerhaus",
  month:   ["Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez"],
  tomorrow:  "morgen",
  abortmission: "Flotte zurückziehen - ",
  predictfull:  "voll",
  titletravel:  "Dauer des Transports",
  predict:   "Berechne die Zeit bis die Bevölkerungsgrenze erreicht ist",
  headTime:   "Wähle die die Bezugszeit:",
  localTime:   "Lokale Zeit",
  serverTime:  "Server Zeit",
  formatTime:  "Zeitformat",
  townhalltitle1:  " Einwohner, um die Stadt zu füllen",
  townhalltitle2:  " überschüssige Einwohner",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Danish translate by lovebug & fix by MicCo
  text_Upgrade:  "Opgradering afsluttet",
  msg_Never:   "aldrig",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Fuld om: ",
  upBuild:   ["dato for starten af opgradering","dato for afslutningen af opgradering","slutdato for omtrentlige afslutning"],
  totalprice:  "Mulig samlede indkomst:",
  ressource:   "Manglende for dette niveau",
  errortxt:   "End_Time har genereret en fejl.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   "\n\n Ønsker Du at informere om fejlen til forfatteren?",
  port:    "Lastnings tid - Handels Havn niveau =",
  port2:    "Laste hastighed: ",
  vent:    "Havnen er sat til at laste andet gods",
  hold:    "Lasten vil være fuld sammen med andre",
  hold2:    "varer",
  loadcargo:   "lasten er fuld",
  optiontxt:   "Vælg sprog",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:   ["Start blokker havn","Blokker havn","Slut blokkering"],
  txtDfsPrt:   ["Start forsvare havn","Forsvar havn","Slut forsvare havn"],
  txtDfsTwn:   ["Start forsvare byen","Forsvar by","Slut forsvare byen"],
  txtBltTwn:   ["Start kamp i by","Kamp i by","Plyndring"],
  txtopyTwn:   "Besæt byen",
  transport1:  "Destination ankomst",
  transport2:  "Tilbage til din havn",
  WhTitle:   "Lagerbygning",
  noWh:    "Byen har ikke nok plads til at bygge de nødvendige lagerbygninger.",
  loadport:   "Lastning ender",
  emptyWh:   "Plads i lageret",
  month:    ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Maj","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sept","Okt","Nov","Dec"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission:  "Tilbagetrække flåder - ",
  predictfull:  "fulde",
  titletravel:  "Varighed af rejsen",
  forudsige:   "Beregn tid for at fylde byen",
  headTime:   "Vælg reference tid:",
  localtime:   "Lokal tid",
  serverTime:  "Server tid",
  formatTime:  "Tids format",
  townhalltitle1: "folk til at fylde byen",
  townhalltitle2: "mennesker i overskydende",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // English translate by Paul93 & myself
  text_Upgrade:  "End of the upgrading ",
  msg_Never:   "never",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Full in: ",
  upBuild:   ["date of the beginning of the upgrading","date of the end of the upgrading","end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "Possible total income: ",
  resource:   "Missing for the level ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time has generated an error.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n You want to signal the error to the author?",
  port:    "Loading time - Trading port level = ",
  port2:    "Loading speed: ",
  wait:    "The port is engaged to load other cargo",
  hold:    "The hold will be full with other ",
  hold2:    " goods",
  loadcargo:   " cargos are full",
  optiontxt:   "Select language",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Start block harbour","Block harbour","End block harbour"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Start defend port","Defend port","End defend port"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Start defend town","Defend town","End defend town"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Start battle town","Battle town","Pillage"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Occupy town",
  transport1:  "Destination arrival",
  transport2:  "Return to your port",
  WhTitle:   "Warehouse",
  noWh:   "Insufficient capacity of the warehouses for the next level.",
  loadport:   "Loading end at ",
  emptyWh:   "Space in the warehouse",
  month:   ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sept","Oct","Nov","Dec"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission: "Withdraw fleets - ",
  predictfull:  "full",
  titletravel:  "Duration of journey",
  predict:   "Calculate the time to fill the town",
  headTime:   "Select the reference time:",
  localTime:   "Local time",
  serverTime:  "Server time",
  formatTime:  "Time format",
  townhalltitle1: " people to fill up the town",
        townhalltitle2: " people in excess",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min Capacity","Max Triton","Min travel"]
 { // Spanish translate by Rohcodom & update by Crom
  text_Upgrade: "Fin de la ampliación ",
  msg_Never:   "nunca",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Lleno en: ",
  upBuild:        ["horario inicial de la ampliación","horario final de la ampliación","margen de finalización"],
  totalprice:  "Total de ganancias posibles: ",
  resource:   "Faltantes para el nivel ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time ha generado un error.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n ¿Deseas informar del error al autor?",
  port:    "Tiempo de carga - Tamaño del puerto = ",
  port2:    "Velocidad de carga: ",
  wait:    "El puerto está ocupado cargando otros barcos mercantes",
  hold:    "El barco mercante estará lleno con ",
  hold2:    " bienes",
  loadcargo:   " barcos mercantes están llenos",
  optiontxt:   "Selecciona el idioma",
  optRstLoad:     "Reiniciar tiempo de carga",
  txtBlkPrt:      ["Inicio del bloqueo de puerto","Bloqueo de puerto","Fin del bloqueo de puerto"],
  txtDfsPrt:      ["Inicia defensa del puerto","Defensa del puerto","Finaliza defensa del puerto"],
  txtDfsTwn:      ["Inicia defensa de ciudad","Defensa de ciudad","Finaliza defensa de ciudad"],
  txtBltTwn:      ["Inicia batalla en la ciudad","Batalla en ciudad","Saqueo"],
  txtopyTwn:      "Ocupación de ciudad",
  transport1:  "Llegada al destino",
  transport2:  "Regreso a tu puerto",
  WhTitle:   "Depósito",
  noWh:           "La ciudad no tiene espacio libre para construir los depósitos necesarios.",
  loadport:  "Fin de la carga en ",
  emptyWh:  "Espacio en el depósito",
  month:   ["Ene","Feb","Mar","Abr","May","Jun","Jul","Ago","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dic"],
  tomorrow:  "mañana",
  abortmission:   "Retirar flotas - ",
  predictfull: "lleno",
  titletravel: "Duración del viaje",
  predict:   "Calcular el tiempo en el que estará lleno el pueblo",
  headTime:   "Seleccionar el horario de referencia:",
  localTime:   "Hora local",
  serverTime:  "Hora del servidor",
  formatTime:  "Formato de hora",
  townhalltitle1: " habitantes para llenar el pueblo",
  townhalltitle2: " exceso de habitantes",
  buyCap:   [" Comprar ","Exceder bienes al final de ","100% capacidad aumentada"],
  headWh:   "Espacios usados para los depósitos",
  moreWh:   "máx.",
  fewWh:    "mín.",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // French translate by Shrek
  text_Upgrade:  "Fin de l'amélioration ",
  msg_Never:   "Jamais",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Complet dans : ",
  upBuild:   ["Date de début de l'amélioration","Date de la fin de l'amélioration","end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "Revenu total possible: ",
  resource:   "Manquant pour le niveau ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time a généré une erreur.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Voulez-vous signaler cette erreur à l'auteur?",
  port:    "Temps de chargement - Port commercial niveau = ",
  port2:    "Vitesse de chargement: ",
  wait:    "Le port est en train de charger d'autres cargos",
  hold:    "La cale sera complète avec ",
  hold2:    " autres marchandises",
  loadcargo:   " cargos sont pleins",
  optiontxt:   "Sélection de la langue",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Start block harbour","Block harbour","End block harbour"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Start defend port","Defend port","End defend port"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Start defend town","Defend town","End defend town"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Start battle town","Battle town","Pillage"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Occupy town",
  transport1:  "Destination d'arrivée",
  transport2:  "Retour à votre port",
  WhTitle:   "Entrepôt",
  noWh:   "The city does not have enough space to build the warehouses needed.",
  loadport:   "Fin de chargement à ",
  emptyWh:   "Place dans l'entrepôt",
  month:    ["Jan","Fev","Mars","Avr","Mai","Juin","Juil","Août","Sept","Oct","Nov","Dec"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission:  "Retrait des flottes - ",
  predictfull:  "complet",
  titletravel:  "Durée du voyage",
  predict:   "Calcul du temps de remplissage de la ville",
  headTime:   "Sélection de l'heure de référence :",
  localTime:   "Heure locale",
  serverTime:  "Heure du serveur",
  formatTime:  "Format de l'heure",
  townhalltitle1: " personnes pour compléter la ville",
  townhalltitle2: " personnes en trop",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Greek traslate by Napoleon I & update by rosso_
  text_Upgrade: "Ολοκλήρωση αναβάθμισης ",
  msg_Never: "ποτέ",
  msg_TimeLeft: "Πλήρες σε: ",
  upBuild: ["ημερομηνία έναρξης αναβάθμισης","ημερομηνία λήξης αναβάθμισης","ημερομηνία λήξης με υπερβολική προσέγγιση"],
  totalprice: "Πιθανά συνολικά έσοδα: ",
  resource: "Υπολείπονται για το επίπεδο ",
  errortxt: "Το End_Time έχει πραγματοποιήσει ένα σφάλμα. \n\n",
  errortxt1: " \n\n Θέλεις να αναφέρεις το σφάλμα στο συντάκτη?",
  port: "Χρόνος φόρτωσης - Επίπεδο Εμπορικού Λιμένα = ",
  port2: "Ταχύτητα φόρτωσης: ",
  wait: "Ο Εμπορικός Λιμένας είναι απασχολημένος με τη φόρτωση άλλου φορτίου",
  hold: "Το αμπάρι θα είναι πλήρες με άλλο(-α) ",
  hold2: " αγαθό(-ά)",
  loadcargo: " πλήρες φορτίο",
  optiontxt: "Επιλογή γλώσσας",
  optRstLoad: "Ανανέωση χρόνου",
  txtBlkPrt: ["Εκκίνηση αποκλεισμού λιμανιού","Αποκλεισμός λιμανιού","Λήξη αποκλεισμού λιμανιού"],
  txtDfsPrt: ["Εκκίνηση υπεράσπισης λιμανιού","Υπεράσπιση λιμανιού","Λήξη υπεράσπισης λιμανιού"],
  txtDfsTwn: ["Εκκίνηση υπεράσπισης πόλης","Υπεράσπιση πόλης","Λήξη υπεράσπισης πόλης"],
  txtBltTwn: ["Εκκίνηση μάχης πόλης","Μάχη πόλης","Λεηλασία"],
  txtopyTwn: "Κατέλαβε την πόλη",
  transport1: "Άφιξη στον προορισμό",
  transport2: "Επιστροφή στο λιμάνι σου",
  WhTitle: "Αποθήκη Εμπορευμάτων",
  noWh: "Η πόλη δεν έχει τους απαιτούμενους κενούς χώρους για να χτιστούν οι αποθήκες που χρειάζονται.",
  loadport: "Ολοκλήρωση φόρτωσης στις ",
  emptyWh: "Διαθέσιμος χώρος στην Αποθήκη Εμπορευμάτων",
  month: ["01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12"],
  tomorrow: "αύριο",
  abortmission: "Απόσυρση στόλων - ",
  predictfull: "πλήρες",
  titletravel: "Διάρκεια ταξιδιού",
  predict: "Υπολογισμός χρόνου πλήρωσης Δημαρχείου",
  headTime: "Επιλογή ώρας αναφοράς:",
  localTime: "Τοπική ώρα",
  serverTime: "Ώρα Server",
  formatTime: "Μορφή ώρας",
  townhalltitle1: " πολίτες για να γεμίσουν την πόλη",
  townhalltitle2: " πλεόνασμα πολιτών",
  buyCap: [" Αγορά ","Πλεόνασμα υλικών στο τέλους του ","100% αύξησης χωρητικότητας"],
  headWh: "Πόσους χώρους χτισίματος χρησιμοποιείς για τις αποθήκες",
  moreWh: "μέγιστο",
  fewWh: "ελάχιστο",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // magyar forditas Robagfalva
  text_Upgrade:  "A fejlesztés befejezése ",
  msg_Never:   "soha",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Tele: ",
  upBuild:   ["kezdés ideje","a fejlesztés befejező dátuma","end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "eladásból származó bevétel: ",
  resource:   "A következő szinthez szükséges ",
  errortxt:   "probléma a scripttel.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n jelented a hibát a szerzőnek",
  port:    "Kikötő szint = ",
  port2:    "Töltési sebesség: ",
  wait:    "a kikötöben lévő egyébb rakomány",
  hold:    "Hogy teli legyen, kell még ",
  hold2:    " nyersanyag",
  loadcargo:   " szállitok teli",
  optiontxt:   "Válasz nyelvet",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Start block harbour","Block harbour","End block harbour"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Start defend port","Defend port","End defend port"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Start defend town","Defend town","End defend town"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Start battle town","Battle town","Pillage"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Occupy town",
  transport1:  "érkezés másik kikötőbe",
  transport2:  "visszatérés a kikötőbe",
  WhTitle:   "raktár",
  noWh:   "The city does not have enough space to build the warehouses needed.",
  loadport:   "töltés vége ",
  emptyWh:   "hely a raktárban",
  month:   ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sept","Oct","Nov","Dec"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission: "Withdraw fleets - ",
  predictfull:  "full",
  titletravel:  "Duration of journey",
  predict:   "Calculates the time needed for population growth",
  headTime:   "Select the reference time:",
  localTime:   "Local time",
  serverTime:  "Server time",
  formatTime:  "Time format",
  townhalltitle1: " people to fill up the town",
        townhalltitle2: " people in excess",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Hebrew translate by Yaakov תורגם לעברית ע"י יעקב
  text_Upgrade:  "סיום השידרוג ",
  msg_Never:   "אף פעם",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "מלא ב: ",
  upBuild:   ["תאריך ההתחלה ","תאריך סיום השידרוג",",תאריך הסיום המשוער עבר"],
  totalprice:  "ס''ה הכנסה אפשרית: ",
  resource:   "חסר לשלב ",
  errortxt:   "שגיאה בזמן הסיום. \n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n האם אתה מעונין לדווח על השגיאה למפתח?",
  port:    "זמן טעינה – שלב נמל = ",
  port2:    "מהירות טעינה ",
  wait:    "הנמל עסוק בטעינה אחרת",
  hold:    "המטען יהיה מלא עם עוד ",
  hold2:    " משאבים",
  loadcargo:   " המטען מלא",
  optiontxt:   "בחר שפה",
  optRstLoad:  "אפס זמן טעינה",
  txtBlkPrt:   ["התחלת חסימת הנמל","נמל חסום","סיום חסימת הנמל"],
  txtDfsPrt:   ["התחלת הגנת הנמל","נמל מוגן","סיום הגנת הנמל"],
  txtDfsTwn:   ["התחלת הגנת העיר","עיר מוגנת","סיום הגנת העיר"],
  txtBltTwn:   ["התחלת התקפת העיר","עיר מותקפת","שדידה"],
  txtopyTwn:   "כיבוש עיר",
  transport1:  "יעד הגעה",
  transport2:  "חזרה לנמל שלך",
  WhTitle:   "מחסן",
  noWh:    "בעיר אין מספיק מקום לבנות את המחסנים הנדרשים.",
  loadport:   "הטעינה תסתיים ב ",
  emptyWh:   "מקום פנוי במחסן",
  month:    ["01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12"],
  tomorrow:   "מחר",
  abortmission:  "הסג צי - ",
  predictfull:  "מלא",
  titletravel:  "משך המשימה",
  predict:   "חישוב זמן לעיר מלאה",
  headTime:   "בחר את התיחסות השעה:",
  localTime:   "שעה מקומית",
  serverTime:  "שעת השרת",
  formatTime:  "תבנית השעה",
  townhalltitle1: " אזרחים לעיר מלאה",
  townhalltitle2: "אזרחים מיותרים",
  buyCap:   [" קנה ","עודף סחורות בסיום של ","100% קיבולת אחסון כפולה"],
  headWh:   "כמה מבנים משמשים למחסן",
  moreWh:   "מקסימום",
  fewWh:    "מינימום",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Italian texts by myself
  text_Upgrade:  "Fine costruzione ",
  msg_Never:   "mai",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Pieno in : ",
  upBuild:   ["Data di inizio ampliamento","Data di fine ampliamento","La data di fine è approssimata in eccesso",],
  totalprice:  "Possibile reddito totale: ",
  resource:   "Mancano per il livello ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time ha generato un errore.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Vuoi segnalare l'errore all'autore?",
  port:    "Tempo di Carico - Livello del porto = ",
  port2:    "Velocità di caricamento: ",
  wait:    "Il porto è impegnato a caricare altri mercantili",
  hold:    "La stiva sarà piena con ",
  hold2:    " merci",
  loadcargo:   " mercantili a stiva piena",
  optiontxt:   "Seleziona la lingua",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset tempi caricamento",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Inizio blocco porto","Blocco porto","Fine blocco porto"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Inizio difesa porto","Difesa porto","Fine difesa porto"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Inizio difesa città","Difesa città","Fine difesa città"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Inizio assedio città","Assedio città","Saccheggia città"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Città occupata",
  transport1:  "Arrivo a destinazione",
  transport2:  "Rientro nel tuo porto",
  WhTitle:   "Magazzino",
  noWh:   "Capacità dei magazzini insufficente per il prossimo livello.",
  loadport:   "Fine caricamento ",
  emptyWh:   "Spazio nel magazzino",
  month:    ["Gen","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mag","Giu","Lug","Ago","Set","Ott","Nov","Dic"],
  tomorrow:  "domani",
  abortmission:  "Ritiro flotta - ",
  predictfull:  "pieno",
  titletravel:  "Tempo di Viaggio",
  predict:   "Calcola il tempo di riempimento Città",
  headTime:  "Seleziona l'orario di riferimento:",
  localTime:   "Orario locale",
  serverTime:  "Ora del server",
  formatTime:  "Formato Ora",
  townhalltitle1: " cittadini per riempire la città",
  townhalltitle2: " cittadini in eccesso",
  buyCap:   [" Compra ","Esubero materie fine ","Doppia capienza"],
  headWh:   "Quanti spazi della città usi per i magazzini",
  moreWh:   "massini",
  fewWh:    "minimi",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Lithuanian translate by TrueSkillZ
  text_Upgrade:  "Tobulinimo pabaiga ",
  msg_Never:   "niekada",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Pilna bus už: ",
  upBuild:   ["Tobulinimo pradžios data","Tobulinimo pabaigos data"," Apytikslis resursų kiekis pabaigus tobulinimą"],
  totalprice:  "Galimos bendros pajamos: ",
  resource:   "Lygiui trūksta ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time klaida.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Norite pranešti apie klaidą autoriui?",
  port:    "Krovimo laikas – Prekybos uosto lygis = ",
  port2:    "Krovimo greitis: ",
  wait:    "Uostas dar krauna kitą krovinį",
  hold:    "Laivai užsipildys su kitais kroviniais ",
  hold2:    " prekių",
  loadcargo:   " laivai yra pilni",
  optiontxt:   "Pasirinkite kalbą",
  optRstLoad:  "Atnaujinti krovimo laiką",
  txtBlkPrt:   ["Pradėti blokuoti uostą","Blokuoti uostą","Baigti blokuoti uostą"],
  txtDfsPrt:   ["Pradėti ginti uostą","Ginti uostą","Baigti ginti uostą"],
  txtDfsTwn:   ["Pradėti ginti miestą","Ginti miestą","Baigti ginti miestą"],
  txtBltTwn:   ["Pradėti mūšį mieste","Mūšis mieste","Plėšti"],
  txtopyTwn:   "Okupuoti miestą",
  transport1:  "Atvykimo tikslas",
  transport2:  "Gryžti į savo uostą",
  WhTitle:   "Sandėlis",
  noWh:    "Per žemas sandėlio lygis.",
  loadport:   "Krovimo pabaiga ",
  emptyWh:   "Sandėlio talpa",
  month:    ["Sau","Vas","Kov","Bal","Geg","Bir","Lie","Rugp","Rug","Spa","Lap","Gru"],
  tomorrow:   "rytoj",
  abortmission:  "Atšaukti laivus - ",
  predictfull:  "pilna",
  titletravel:  "Kelionės trukmė",
  predict:   "Skaičiuoti laiką kada miestas bus pilnas",
  headTime:   "Pasirinkite laiką:",
  localTime:   "Vietinis laikas",
  serverTime:  "Serverio laikas",
  formatTime:  "Laiko formatas",
  townhalltitle1: " žmonių užpildyti miestą",
  townhalltitle2: " žmonių perviršis",
  buyCap:   [" Pirkti ","Bus perteklius už ","100% padidėjęs pajėgumas"],
  headWh:   "Kiek statybų vietų panaudota sandeliams",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Latvian translate by ootoo - fixed by Andrejs & jasa2009
  text_Upgrade:   "Celtniecība beigsies ",
  msg_Never:      "nekad",  
  msg_TimeLeft:   "Pilna: ",  
  upBuild:        ["Sākuma datums","Celtniecības beigu datums","aptuvenais beigu datums"],  
  totalprice:     "Kopējie ienākumi: ",  
  resource:       "Pietrūkst līmenim ",  
  errortxt:       "End_Time ir pieļāvis kļūdu.\n\n",  
  errortxt1:      " \n\n Tu vēlies paziņot autoram par kļūdu??",  
  port:           "Iekraušanās laiks - Ostas līmenis = ",  
  port2:          "Iekraušanas ātrums: ",  
  wait:           "Patreiz ostā tiek pildīti citi kuģi",  
  hold:           "Kuģis būs pilns pēc ",  
  hold2:          " materiāliem",  
  loadcargo:      " pilni tirdzniecības kuģi",  
  optiontxt:      "Izvēlēties valodu",  
  optRstLoad:     "Atjaunot iekraušanas laiku",  
  txtBlkPrt:      ["Sāks bloķēt ostu","Bloķēs ostu","Beigs bloķēt ostu"],  
  txtDfsPrt:      ["Sāks aizsargāt ostu","Aizsargās ostu","Beigs aizsargāt ostu"],  
  txtDfsTwn:      ["Sāks aizsargāt pilsētu","Aizsargās pilsētu","Beigs aizsargāt pilsētu"],  
  txtBltTwn:      ["Sāks kauju pilsētā","Kauja pilsētā","Laupīšana"],  
  txtopyTwn:      "Okupēs pilsētu",  
  transport1:     "Pienāks galapunktā",  
  transport2:     "Atgriezīsies jūsu ostā",  
  WhTitle:        "Noliktava",
  noWh:           "Pilsētā nav pietiekami daudz vietas, lai uzbūvētu nepieciešamās noliktavas.",  
  loadport:       "Iekraušana beigsies ",  
  emptyWh:        "Brīva vieta noliktavā",  
  month:          ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mai","Jūn","Jūl","Aug","Sept","Okt","Nov","Dec"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission:   "Atsaukt flotes – ",  
  predictfull:    "pilns",  
  titletravel:    "Ceļa ilgums",  
  predict:        "Laiks pilsētas apdzīvošanai",  
  headTime:       "Izvēlēties laiku:",  
  localTime:      "Vietējais laiks",  
  serverTime:     "Servera laiks",  
  formatTime:     "Laika formāts",  
  townhalltitle1: "pietrūkst līdz aizpildīšanai",  
  townhalltitle2: "nepieciešamās dzīvesvietas pieaugumam",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Dutch translate by Boudewijn
  text_Upgrade:  "Uitbreiding voltooid: ",
  msg_Never:   "nooit",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Vol in: ",
  upBuild:   ["Begintijdstip","einddatum voltooiing uitbreiding","end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "Mogelijk totale inkomen: ",
  resource:   "Ontbrekend voor niveau ",
  errortxt:   "Er is een fout opgetreden in End_Time.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Wil je de fout doorgeven aan de auteur?",
  port:    "Laadtijd - Grootte van de haven: ",
  port2:    "Snelheid van het laden: ",
  wait:    "Resterende tijd die wordt gebruikt door de haven om een ander schip te laden",
  hold:    "Het scheepsruim is vol met nog ",
  hold2:    " goederen",
  loadcargo:   " handelsschepen zijn vol",
  optiontxt:   "Kies taal",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset laadtijd",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Begin havenblokkade","Blokkeer haven","Einde havenblokkade"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Begin havenverdediging","Verdedig haven","Einde havenverdediging"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Begin stadsverdediging","Verdedig stad","Einde stadsverdediging"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Begin stadsgevecht","Open gevecht","Plunderen"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Bezet stad",
  transport1:  "Aankomsttijd",
  transport2:  "Terugkomst in de haven",
  WhTitle:   "Opslagplaats",
  noWh:   "De stad heeft niet genoeg ruimte voor de benodigde opslagplaatsen.",
  loadport:   "Laden voltooid om ",
  emptyWh:   "Resterende capaciteit",
  month:   ["Jan","Feb","Mrt","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec"],
  tomorrow:  "morgen",
  abortmission: "Tijdsduur om vloot terug te trekken - Terugkomsttijd: ",
  predictfull:  "vol",
  titletravel:  "Reisduur",
  predict:   "Bereken de tijd totdat de stad vol is",
  headTime:   "Referentietijd",
  localTime:   "Plaatselijke tijd",
  serverTime:  "Servertijd",
  formatTime:  "Tijdsformaat",
  townhalltitle1: " inwoners om de stad vol te maken",
        townhalltitle2: " inwoners in overvloed",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Tłumaczenie na polski przez Qasq - fix by skiter ;)
  text_Upgrade:  "Koniec rozbudowy ",
  msg_Never:   "nigdy",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Pełne o: ",
  upBuild:   ["Data rozpoczęcia","Czas ukończenia rozbudowy","Wyliczenie po za zasięgiem"],
  totalprice:  "Złoto możliwe do zarobienia na tych transakcjach: ",
  resource:   "Brakuje do tego poziomu ",
  errortxt:   "Skrypt napotkał błąd.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Chcesz zgłosić problem do autora?",
  port:    "Poziom twojego portu = ",
  port2:    "Prędkość załadunku: ",
  wait:    "W porcie ładowane jest inne zamówienie",
  hold:    "Ten transport ma jeszcze tyle wolnej przestrzeni ",
  hold2:    " dobra",
  loadcargo:   " statki są pełne",
  optiontxt:   "Wybierz język",
  optRstLoad:  "Zresetuj czas ładowania",
  txtBlkPrt:   ["Rozpocznij blokadę portu","Blokuj port","Zakończ blokadę portu"],
  txtDfsPrt:   ["Rozpocznij obronę portu","Broń portu","Zakończ obronę portu"],
  txtDfsTwn:   ["Rozpocznij obronę miasta","Broń miasta","Zakończ obronę miasta"],
  txtBltTwn:   ["Start battle town","Battle town","Pillage"],
  txtopyTwn:   "Okupuj miasto",
  transport1:  "Wpływa do docelowego portu",
  transport2:  "Wraca do twojego portu",
  WhTitle:   "Magazyn",
  noWh:    "W mieście nie ma wystarczającej ilości miejsca do budowy potrzebnych magazynów.",
  loadport:   "Ładowanie zakończy się o ",
  emptyWh:   "Miejsce w magazynie/ach",
  month:    ["Sty","Lut","Mar","Kwi","Maj","Cze","Lip","Sie","Wrz","Paź","Lis","Gru"],
  tomorrow:   "Jutro",
  abortmission:  "Wycofanie floty - ",
  predictfull:  "pełno",
  titletravel:  "Czas trwania podróży",
  predict:   "Obliczenie czasu zapełnienia miasta",
  headTime:   "Wybór czasu referencyjnego:",
  localTime:   "Czas lokalny",
  serverTime:  "Czas serwera",
  formatTime:  "Format czasu",
  townhalltitle1: " ludzi by zapełnić miasto",
  townhalltitle2: " ludzi za dużo",
  buyCap:   [" Kup ","Nadwyżka towarów na koniec","100% zwiększona pojemość"],
  headWh:   "Ile wykorzysta miejsc budowlanych dla magazynów",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Portuguese translate by Pescossudo
  text_Upgrade: "Fim da melhoria ",
  msg_Never:   "nunca",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Cheia em: ",
  upBuild:   ["Data de início da melhoria","Data do fim da melhoria","end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "Renda total possível: ",
  resource:   "Falta para o nível ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time gerou um erro.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Você quer enviar o erro para o autor?",
  port:    "Tempo de carregamento - o nível do porto de troca = ",
  port2:    "Velocidade carregamento: ",
  wait:    "O porto é contratado para carregar outras cargas",
  hold:    "Faltam ",
  hold2:    " mercadorias para completar a carga.",
  loadcargo:   " carga está completa",
  optiontxt:   "Selecione linguagem",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Start block harbour","Block harbour","End block harbour"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Start defend port","Defend port","End defend port"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Start defend town","Defend town","End defend town"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Start battle town","Battle town","Pillage"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Occupy town",
  transport1:  "Chegada ao destino",
  transport2:  "Regressar ao porto",
  WhTitle:   "Armazém",
  noWh:   "The city does not have enough space to build the warehouses needed.",
  loadport:   "Carregamento termina em ",
  emptyWh:   "Espaço no armazém",
  month:    ["Jan","Fev","Mar","Abr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Ago","Set","Out","Nov","Dez"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission:  "Retirar frotas - ",
  predictfull:  "Cheia",
  titletravel:  "Duração ",
  predict:   "Calcule o tempo para encher a cidade",
  headTime:   "Selecione hora referência:",
  localTime:   "Hora local",
  serverTime:  "Hora servidor",
  formatTime:  "Time format",
  townhalltitle1: " people to fill up the town",
        townhalltitle2: " people in excess",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Romanian translation by Kaboom
  text_Upgrade:   "Sfarsitul de upgrade ",
  msg_Never:      "niciodata",
  msg_TimeLeft:   "Plin in: ",
  upBuild:        ["data de inceput de upgrade","data terminarii de upgrade","excesul aproximativ la data terminarii"],
  totalprice:     "Venit total posibil: ",
  resource:       "Lipsesc pentru nivelul ",
  errortxt:       "End_Time a generat o eroare.\n\n",
  errortxt1:      " \n\n Vrei sa semnalezi aceasta eroare autorului??",
  port:           "Timp de incarcare – Nivel Port Comercial = ",
  port2:          "Viteza de incarcare: ",
  wait:           "Portul mai incarca alte bunuri",
  hold:           "Nava de transport va fi umpluta cu inca ",
  hold2:          " bunuri",
  loadcargo:      " nave de transport sunt pline",
  optiontxt:      "Alege limba",
  optRstLoad:     "Reseteaza timpul de incarcare",
  txtBlkPrt:      ["Incepe blocarea portului","Blocheaza portul","Sfarsitul blocarii portului"],
  txtDfsPrt:      ["Incepe apararea portului","Apara portul","Sfarsitul apararii portului"],
  txtDfsTwn:      ["Incepe apararea orasului","Apara orasul","Sfarsitul apararii orasului"],
  txtBltTwn:      ["Incepe lupta in oras","Jefuieste","Sfarsitul luptei orasului"],
  txtopyTwn:      "Ocupa orasul",
  transport1:     "Sosirea la destinatie",
  transport2:     "Intoarcere la portul tau",
  WhTitle:        "Magazie",
  noWh:           "Orasul nu are destul spatiu sa construiasca magaziile necesare.",
  loadport:       "Incarcarea se termina la ",
  emptyWh:        "Spatiu in magazie",
  month:          ["Ian","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mai","Iun","Iul","Aug","Sept","Oct","Nov","Dec"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission:   "Retrage flota - ",
  predictfull:    "plin",
  titletravel:    "Durata de calatorie",
  predict:        "Calculeaza timpul de umplere al populatiei orasului",
  headTime:       "Selecteaza timpul de referinta:",
  localTime:      "Timpul local",
  serverTime:     "Timpul serverului",
  formatTime:     "Formatul timpului",
  townhalltitle1: " oameni pentru umplerea orasului",
  townhalltitle2: " oameni in exces",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Српски превод by Duje F-H
  text_Upgrade:  "Завршетак надоградње ",
  msg_Never:   "Никад",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Пуно за: ",
  upBuild:   ["Датум почетка надоградње","Датум завршетка надоградње","end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "Укупни могући добитак: ",
  resource:   "НЕдостаје за следећи ниво: ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time је генерисао грешку.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Желиш ли да пријавиш аутору скрипте?",
  port:    "Време пуњења – Ниво трговачке луке = ",
  port2:    "Брзина пуњења: ",
  wait:    "Лука је заузета пуњењем другог товара",
  hold:    "Простор може бити напуњен другим ",
  hold2:    " добрима",
  loadcargo:   " Терет је пун",
  optiontxt:   "Изабери језик",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Start block harbour","Block harbour","End block harbour"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Start defend port","Defend port","End defend port"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Start defend town","Defend town","End defend town"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Start battle town","Battle town","Pillage"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Occupy town",
  transport1:  "Долазак на одредиште",
  transport2:  "Врати се у луку",
  WhTitle:   "Складиште",
  noWh:   "The city does not have enough space to build the warehouses needed.",
  loadport:   "Loading end at ",
  emptyWh:   "Простор у складишту",
  month:    ["Јан","Феб","Мар","Апр","Мај","Јун","Јул","Авг","Септ","Окт","Нов","Дец"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission:  "Опзови флоту - ",
  predictfull:  "пуно",
  titletravel:  "Трајање путовања",
  predict:   "Време до попуњавања града",
  headTime:   "Изабери времене:",
  localTime:   "Локално време",
  serverTime:  "Време сервера",
  formatTime:  "Формат времена",
  townhalltitle1: " становништво ће попунити градове",
  townhalltitle2: " становништво у претеку",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Russian translation by GrAndAG
  text_Upgrade:  "Окончание постройки ",
  msg_Never:   "никогда",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Заполнится: ",
  upBuild:   ["дата начала постройки","дата окончания постройки","end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "Возможный доход: ",
  resource:   "Не хватает до уровня ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time вызвал ошибку.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Хотите сообщить об ошибке автору?",
  port:    "Время погрузки - Уровень порта = ",
  port2:    "Скорость погрузки: ",
  wait:    "Порт занят погрузкой других транспортов",
  hold:    "Транспорт будет полон если погрузить ещё ",
  hold2:    " товаров",
  loadcargo:   " сухогрузов заполнено",
  optiontxt:   "Выберите язык",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Start block harbour","Block harbour","End block harbour"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Start defend port","Defend port","End defend port"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Start defend town","Defend town","End defend town"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Start battle town","Battle town","Pillage"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Occupy town",
  transport1:  "Прибытие в пункт назначения",
  transport2:  "Возвращение в ваш порт",
  WhTitle:   "Склад",
  noWh:   "The city does not have enough space to build the warehouses needed.",
  loadport:   "Окончание погрузки в ",
  emptyWh:   "Свободное место на складе",
  month:   ["Янв","Фев","Мар","Апр","Май","Июн","Июл","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission: "Отзыв флота - ",
  predictfull:  "полный",
  titletravel:  "Продолжительность поездки",
  predict:   "Подсчитывать время до заполнения города",
  headTime:   "Отображать время относительно:",
  localTime:   "Местного времени",
  serverTime:  "Времени сервера",
  formatTime:  "Формат времени",
  townhalltitle1: " людей (уровня довольства) не хватает для заполнения города",
  townhalltitle2: " людей (уровень довольства) в запасе",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Svensk översätning av Theo Gonks II
  text_Upgrade:  "Utbyggnad klar ",
  msg_Never:   "Det dröjer",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Fullt: ",
  upBuild:   ["utbyggnaden startar","utbyggnaden klar","end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "Möjlig total inkomst: ",
  resource:   "Saknas för nivå ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time har genererat ett fel.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Vill du påtala felet till konstruktören?",
  port:    "Lasttid - Hamnens nivå = ",
  port2:    "Lastningshastighet: ",
  wait:    "Hamnen är upptagen med att lasta annat gods",
  hold:    "Lastutrymmet blir fullt med ",
  hold2:    " annat gods",
  loadcargo:   " lastutrymme fullt",
  optiontxt:   "Välj språk",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Start block harbour","Block harbour","End block harbour"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Start defend port","Defend port","End defend port"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Start defend town","Defend town","End defend town"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Start battle town","Battle town","Pillage"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Occupy town",
  transport1:  "Ankomsttid",
  transport2:  "Återvänd till din hamn",
  WhTitle:   "Lagerlokal",
  noWh:   "The city does not have enough space to build the warehouses needed.",
  loadport:   "Lastningen klar ",
  emptyWh:   "Plats i lagerlokalen",
  month:    ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Maj","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sept","Okt","Nov","Dec"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission:  "Återkalla flottor - ",
  predictfull:  "fullt",
  titletravel:  "Restiden är",
  predict:   "Beräknad tid att fylla staden",
  headTime:   "Välj referenstid:",
  localTime:   "Lokal tid",
  serverTime:  "Servertid",
  formatTime:  "Tidsformat",
  townhalltitle1: " people to fill up the town",
        townhalltitle2: " people in excess",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Slovenian translate by GoldenGuy
  text_Upgrade:  "Konec nagradnje",
  msg_Never:   "nikoli",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Še: ",
  upBuild:   ["datum začetka nagradnje","datum konca nagradnje","Približni datum konca nagradnje"],
  totalprice:  "Možnost prihranka: ",
  resource:   "Primakuje ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time-u se je zgodila napaka.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Želiš prijaviti napako avtorju??",
  port:    "Nalagam - Ladije za trgovanje = ",
  port2:    "Hitrost nalaganja: ",
  wait:    "Vsi se ukvarjajo z nalganjem tovora",
  hold:    "Naloženo bo nadrugo ladijo ",
  hold2:    " surovine",
  loadcargo:   " ladje so polne",
  optiontxt:   "Izberi jezik",
  optRstLoad:  "Resertiram čas",
  txtBlkPrt:   ["Pošlji blokirati pristanišče","Blokiranje prisatnišče","Konec blokiranje pristanišča"],
  txtDfsPrt:   ["Začni braniti pristanišče","Branjenje pristanišče","Konec branjenje pristanišča"],
  txtDfsTwn:   ["Začni braniti mesto","Branjene mesto","konec branjenja mesta"],
  txtBltTwn:   ["Začni Ropati mesto","Ropaj","Dobiček ropanja"],
  txtopyTwn:   "Okupacija mesta",
  transport1:  "Destinacija plovbe",
  transport2:  "Nazaj domov",
  WhTitle:   "Skladišče",
  noWh:    "Nezadostna kapaciteta skadišč.",
  loadport:   "Konec nalaganje dobrin ",
  emptyWh:   "Prostor v skladišču",
  month:    ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Maj","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dec"],
  tomorrow:   "jutri",
  abortmission:  "umakni flote - ",
  predictfull:  "polno",
  titletravel:  "Trajanje potovanja",
  predict:   "Izračunaj čas zapolnitve mesta",
  headTime:   "Izberi referenčni čas:",
  localTime:   "Lokalni čas",
  serverTime:  "Čas serverja",
  formatTime:  "Zapis časa",
  townhalltitle1: " ljudje za zapolnjenje mesta",
  townhalltitle2: " preveč ljudi",
  buyCap:   [" Kupi ","Presežek surovin ob koncu ","100% polna kapaciteta"],
  headWh:   "Koliko gradbenih ozemlja uporabim za skladišče",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Slovak translate by TmsK
  text_Upgrade:  "Koniec aktualizácie",
  msg_Never:   "Nikdy",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Plné za: ",
  upBuild:   ["Dátum začiatku aktualizácie","Dátum ukončenia aktualizácie","end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "Možné celkové príjmy: ",
  resource:   "Chýbajúce suroviny pre level ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time hlási chybu.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Chceš poslať správu o chybe autorovi?",
  port:    "Loading time - Trading port level = ",
  port2:    "Rýchlosť nakladnia: ",
  wait:    "Práve sa nakladá iná loď",
  hold:    "Držte sa bude plne s ostatnými",
  hold2:    " Tovar",
  loadcargo:   " Náklad je plný",
  optiontxt:   "Vybrať jazyk",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Start block harbour","Block harbour","End block harbour"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Start defend port","Defend port","End defend port"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Start defend town","Defend town","End defend town"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Start battle town","Battle town","Pillage"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Occupy town",
  transport1:  "Príchod do miesta určenia",
  transport2:  "Vrátiť sa do prístavu",
  WhTitle:   "Sklad",
  noWh:   "The city does not have enough space to build the warehouses needed.",
  loadport:   "Nakladanie skončí za ",
  emptyWh:   "Voľné miesto v sklade",
  month:    ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Máj","Jún","Júl","Aug","Sept","Okt","Nov","Dec"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission:  "Zrušiť flotilu - ",
  predictfull:  "plný",
  titletravel:  "Doba trvania cesty",
  predict:   "Vypočítavam čas naplnenia radnice",
  headTime:   "Vybrať referenčný čas",
  localTime:   "Lokálny čas",
  serverTime:  "Čas serveru",
  formatTime:  "Formát času",
  townhalltitle1: " ľudí do naplnenia radnice",
  townhalltitle2: " ľudia nad limit",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Turkish translate by Segwarg
  text_Upgrade:  "Yükseltme Bitiş Zamanı ",
  msg_Never:   "Hiçbir zaman",
  msg_TimeLeft:  "Tam Dolu: ",
  upBuild:   ["Başlangıç tarihi","Yükseltme bitiş tarihi","Bitiş tarihi yaklaşık fazlalık"],
  totalprice:  "Muhtemel Toplam Gelir: ",
  resource:   "Yükseltme için Eksik Olan",
  errortxt:   "End_Time bir hatayla karşılaştı.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Hatayı bildirmek ister misiniz?",
  port:    "Yükleme Zamanı - Ticaret Limanı Seviyesi = ",
  port2:    "Yükleme Hızı: ",
  wait:    "Limanda başka bir kargo yükleniyor.",
  hold:    "Gemi kapasitesi şu kadar yükle tam dolu olacak: ",
  hold2:    " mallar",
  loadcargo:   " Kargolar full",
  optiontxt:   "Dil Seç",
  optRstLoad:  "Yükeme zamanını sıfırla",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Liman kuşatma başlangıcı","Limanı kuşat","Liman kuşatma sonu"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Liman kuşatma başlangıcı","Limanı Savun","Şehri Savunma Sonu"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Şehri savunma başlangıcı","Şehri Savun","Şehri savunma sonu"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Şehirde savaş başlangıcı","Şehirde savaş","Yağmala"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Şehri işgal et",
  transport1:  "Varış yeri",
  transport2:  "Kendi Limanına dönme zamanı",
  WhTitle:   "Depo",
  noWh:   "Şehirde gerekli depoları inşa edecek boş yer yok.",
  loadport:   "Yükleme bitiş zamanı ",
  emptyWh:   "Depoda Kalan boşluk",
  month:   ["Oca","Şub","Mar","Nis","May","Haz","Tem","Ağu","Eyl","Eki","Kas","Ara"],
  tomorrow:  "Yarın",
  abortmission: "Filoları geri çek - ",
  predictfull:  "dolu",
  titletravel:  "Seyahat süresi",
  predict:   "Şehri doldurmak için gereken zamanı hesapla",
  headTime:   "Referans zamanı seç:",
  localTime:   "Yerel Zaman",
  serverTime:  "Sunucu Zamanı",
  formatTime:  "Zaman Formatı",
  townhalltitle1: " Şehri doldurmak için gereken insan",
        townhalltitle2: " Fazla insan",
  buyCap:   [" Satın al ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% arttırılmış kapasite"],
  headWh:   "Depolar için ne kadar inşaa alanı var",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]
 { // Ukrainian translate by alkanoid
  text_Upgrade: "Закінчення будівництва ",
  msg_Never:  "ніколи",
  msg_TimeLeft: "Заповниться: ",
  upBuild:   ["дата початку будівництва","дата закінчення будівництва","end date approximate excess"],
  totalprice:  "Можливий дохід: ",
  resource:   "Не вистачає до рівня ",
  errortxt:   "End_Time викликав помилку.\n\n",
  errortxt1:   " \n\n Хочете повідомити про помилку автору?",
  port:    "Час навантаження - Рівень порту = ",
  port2:    "Швидкість завантаження: ",
  wait:    "Порт зайнятий навантаженням інших транспортів",
  hold:    "Транспорт буде повний, якщо завантажити ще ",
  hold2:    " товарів",
  loadcargo:   " торгових суден заповнено",
  optiontxt:   "Виберіть мову",
  optRstLoad:  "Reset loading time",
  txtBlkPrt:  ["Start block harbour","Block harbour","End block harbour"],
  txtDfsPrt:  ["Start defend port","Defend port","End defend port"],
  txtDfsTwn:  ["Start defend town","Defend town","End defend town"],
  txtBltTwn:  ["Start battle town","Battle town","Pillage"],
  txtopyTwn:  "Occupy town",
  transport1:  "Прибуття в пункт призначення",
  transport2:  "Повернення в ваш порт",
  WhTitle:   "Склад",
  noWh:   "The city does not have enough space to build the warehouses needed.",
  loadport:   "Закінчення завантаження в ",
  emptyWh:   "Вільне місце на складі",
  month:   ["Січ","Лют","Бер","Кві","Тра","Чер","Лип","Сер","Вер","Жов","Лис","Гру"],
  tomorrow:  "tomorrow",
  abortmission: "Відкликання флоту - ",
  predictfull: "повний",
  titletravel: "Тривалість поїздки",
  predict:   "Підраховувати час до заповнення міста",
  headTime:   "Відображати час відносно:",
  localTime:   "Місцевого часу",
  serverTime:  "Часу сервера",
  formatTime:  "Формат часу",
  townhalltitle1: " людей, щоб заповнити місто",
  townhalltitle2: " людей у надлишку",
  buyCap:   [" Buy ","Surplus goods at the end of ","100% increased capacity"],
  headWh:   "How many building ground use for warehouses",
  moreWh:   "max",
  fewWh:    "min",
  tTravel:   ["Min capacità","Max propulsore","Min viaggio"]

var ET_opt, ET_lang, page, ET_unit, curdate;

 if (!unsafeWindow.IKARIAM) return;
 ET_lang = getLanguage();
 page = $('body:first').attr('id');
 curdate = getDate();
 var timeSrv = (ET_opt.refTime == 1)? 0: unsafeWindow.IKARIAM.time.serverTimeDiff*1;
  var cnt = $(this).text().split('getCountdown');
  for (var j = 1; j < cnt.length; j++)
   var name = cnt[j].split('el: \"')[1].split('\"')[0]
   var enddate = parseInt(cnt[j].split('enddate: ')[1])*1000 - timeSrv;
   if (name == 'cityCountdown') {cityCountdown(name,enddate)}
   else if (name == 'upgradeCountDown') {upgradeCountDown(name,enddate)} // countdown building 
   else if (name == 'cooldown') {coolDown(name,enddate)} // countdown miracle
   // countdown transport
   else if (name == 'outgoingOwnCountDown' || name == 'outgoingAlienCountDown') {outgoingOwnCountDown(name,enddate)} // loding time in the port
   else if (name.indexOf('eta') == 0) {etaMerchantNavy(name,enddate)}
   else if (name.indexOf('ret') == 0) {retMerchantNavy(name,enddate)}
   // countdown troops and fleets
   else if (name.indexOf('fleetRow') == 0) 
    $('#'+ name).prev('td').text(realTimetoDate(enddate,true))
   else if (name.indexOf('SpyCountDown') == 0) {spyCountDownHideOut(name,enddate)}
   else if (name.indexOf('buildCountDown') == 0) {buildCntdwBarShipSafe(name,enddate)}
 // page Building
 if ($('#buildingUpgrade').length > 0) {predictEndDateBuilding()} // if you view building 
 if (page == 'city') {pageCity()}       // view town
 else if (page =='buildingGround') {pageBuildingGround()}  // new building
 else if (page =='townHall') {pageTownHall()}     // townHall
 else if (page =='researchAdvisor') {pageResearchAdvisor()}  // researchAdvisor  
 else if (page =='finances') {pageFinances()}     // Finances
 else if (page =='academy') {pageAcademy()}      // Academy
 else if (page =='palace'){pagePalace()}      // Palace 
 // page Transport
 else if (page =='merchantNavy') {pageMerchantNavy()} // How hold are full and number of the cargo required the load
 else if (page =='branchOffice') {pageBranchOffice()} // How much money you get from the market
 else if (page =='transport')  {pageTransport()}  // How much time for load cargo
 else if (page =='takeOffer')  {pageTakeOffer()}  // Buy Goods
 else if (page =='port')   {pagePort()}   // abort loading cargo
 // page Troops and Fleets
 else if (page =='militaryAdvisorMilitaryMovements') pageMilitaryAdvisorMilitaryMovements(); // movements
 else if (page =='blockade')  pageBlockPort();           // Occupy port
 else if (page =='defendPort') pageDefendPort();            // Defend port
 else if (page =='deployment' && $('#selectArmy').length > 0) pageDeployArmy();   // Deployment Army
 else if (page =='deployment' && $('#selectFleet').length > 0) pageDeployFleet();   // Deployment Fleet
 else if (page =='defendCity')  pageDefendCity();           // Defend Town
 else if (page =='plunder')  pagePlunder();            // Pillage Town
 else if (page =='occupy')  pageOccupy();            // Occupy town
 else if (page =='barracks' || page =='shipyard' || page =='safehouse') pageBarShipSafe(); // Building troops, fleets or spy
 // other page
 else if (page == 'options' && $('#options_debug').length > 0)
  $('#mainview div.content:first').before(
  "<div class='content'>" +
    "<a href='' target='_blank'>End_Time v "+ lversion +"</a>"+
    "<span style='font-size:10px;'>  by <a href='' target='_blank'>Phate72</a></span>"+
   "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>"+
     "<tr>" +
      "<td colspan=3></td>"+
     "</tr>" +
     "<tr>" +
      "<th id='ET_headtime'>"+ ET_lang.headTime +"</th>" +
      "<td><input type='radio' name='ET_refTime' value=0><span id='ET_localtime'> "+ ET_lang.localTime +"</span></td>"+
      "<td><input type='radio' name='ET_refTime' value=1><span id='ET_servertime'> "+ ET_lang.serverTime +"</span></td>"+
     "</tr>" +
     "<tr>" +
      "<th id='ET_headhour'>"+ ET_lang.formatTime +"</th>" +
      "<td><input type='radio' name='ET_typeHour' value=0><span> 24h</span></td>"+
      "<td><input type='radio' name='ET_typeHour' value=1><span> 12h</span></td>"+
     "</tr>" +
     "<tr>" +
      "<td colspan=3></td>"+
     "</tr>" +
     "<tr>" +
      "<th id='ET_headPredict'>"+ ET_lang.predict +"</th>" +
      "<td><input type='checkbox' id='ET_predict'></td>"+
     "</tr>" +
     "<tr>" +
      "<td colspan=3></td>"+
     "</tr>" +
     "<tr>" +
      "<td colspan=3></td>"+
     "</tr>" +
     "<tr>" +
      "<th id='ET_headWarehouse'>"+ ET_lang.headWh +"</th>" +
      "<td><input type='radio' name='ET_calcWh' value=0><span id='ET_moreWh'> "+ ET_lang.moreWh +"</span></td>"+
      "<td><input type='radio' name='ET_calcWh' value=1><span id='ET_fewWh'> "+ ET_lang.fewWh +"</span></td>"+
     "</tr>" +
     "<tr>" +
      "<td colspan=3></td>"+
     "</tr>" +
     "<tr>" +
      "<th>Debug</th>" +
      "<td><input type='checkbox' id='ET_debug'></td>"+
     "</tr>" +
     "<tr>" +
      "<td colspan=3></td>"+
     "</tr>" +
     "<tr>" +
      "<th id='Endlanguage'>"+ ET_lang.optiontxt +"</th>" +
      "<td><select id='End_selectLanguage'></select></td>"+
     "</tr>" +
   "</table>" +
   '<div class="centerButton">'+
    '<input id="ET_Reset_Loading" class="button" value="'+ ET_lang.optRstLoad +'" type="button" onclick="javascript:resetDate()" >'+
   "<div class='footer'></div>" +
  // add language in Select element
  var selLang = document.getElementById('End_selectLanguage');
  for (var l=0; l < ltyp.length; l++)
    var selOpt = false;
    if (ltyp[l] == ET_opt.lang){selOpt = true;}
    selLang.add(new Option(ltyp[l], ltyp[l],false,selOpt),  null)
  // add event and update state
  $("input[name='ET_refTime']:radio").click(function(){ET_opt.refTime = $(this).val()}).eq(ET_opt.refTime).attr('checked',true);
  $("input[name='ET_typeHour']:radio").click(function(){ET_opt.typHour = $(this).val()}).eq(ET_opt.typHour).attr('checked',true);
  $("input[name='ET_calcWh']:radio").click(function(){ET_opt.calcWh = $(this).val()}).eq(ET_opt.calcWh).attr('checked',true);
  $('#ET_predict').bind('change',function(){ET_opt.predict = this.checked}).attr('checked',ET_opt.predict);
  $('#ET_debug').bind('change',function(){ET_opt.debug = this.checked}).attr('checked',ET_opt.debug);
    ET_opt.lang = this.value
    ET_lang = getLanguage();
    // change text in option page
  $('#ET_Reset_Loading').click(function(){localStorage.setItem('ET_waitPort', '[]')});
  $(window).unload(function() {setOpt()});
 {infoError("function main",er)}

function infoError(name,er) //with error open forum page
 if (!ET_opt.debug) return; // exit if you don't want debug script 
 if(confirm(ET_lang.errortxt + name + " " +  er + ET_lang.errortxt1)) {"");}

function getLanguage()
 if (!langs[ET_opt.lang]) 
  alert("End_Time. The language is not supported. The script sets the default language (en). In the options page you can change it.");
  ET_opt.lang ='en';
 return langs[ET_opt.lang];

/** --------------------------*/  
/**     Building library      */
/** --------------------------*/ 

function cityCountdown(name,time) // countdown building upgrade in the town
 var endtxt = " - " + realTimetoDate(time,false); // date of end event
 $('#'+name).after('<span>'+ endtxt +'</span>');
 // Position3 modify class timetofinish in end date is longer
 $('#'+name).parents('li#position3').find('div.timetofinish').css('left','-'+ 5*(endtxt.length-3) +'px');
 saveUpgrade (time); // save end time of building for predict end time
    {infoError("function cityCountdown ",er)}

function upgradeCountDown(name,time) // countdown building upgrade in the building page or Tradegood page or resource page
 var endtxt = realTimetoDate(time,false); // date of end event
 if (page != 'tradegood' &&  page != 'resource')
  $('#upgradeInProgress > div.isUpgrading').text(ET_lang.text_Upgrade + endtxt)
  saveUpgrade (time); // save end time of building for predict end time
 else $('#'+name).prevAll('div.isUpgrading').text(ET_lang.text_Upgrade + endtxt);
    {infoError("function upgradeCountDown ",er)}

function saveUpgrade (rTime) // save end time of building for predict end time
 localStorage.setItem('ET_UpBld_' + cityIdPath(), String(rTime));

function coolDown(name,time) // countdown miracle in the temple
 var endtxt = realTimetoDate(time,false); // date of end event
 $('#'+name).parent().append('<div id="EndcoolDown">'+ endtxt +'</div>');
 $('#EndcoolDown').css({'position':'relative','padding':'5px 5px','font-size':'18px','display':'inline'});
    {infoError("function coolDown ",er)}

/** ACTION in the PAGE */
function pageCity() // save level of port and warehouse
 if ($('#locations').length <=0) return; // exit if page is type message error
 var idcity =parseInt($('#position0 a:first').attr('href').split('id=')[1]) 
 getLevel($('ul#locations li.port'),'ET_lvlport'+ idcity);   //port
 getLevel($('ul#locations li.warehouse'),'ET_lvlwarehouse'+ idcity); //warehouse
 getLevel($('ul#locations li.dump'),'ET_lvldump'+ idcity);   //dump
    {infoError("function pageCity ",er)}
function getLevel(node,keySave) // save level of building
 var RE = /\D/g; //
 var ary = [];
  var lvl = parseInt($(this).find('span:first').text().replace(RE,''));
  if ($(this).find('div.constructionSite').length > 0) {lvl += '+'}
 if (ary.length > 1) ary.sortlvl()   //sort level
 else if (ary.length <= 0) ary=[0]
 localStorage.setItem(keySave,uneval(ary)); // save level

function pageTownHall()  // predict population overfull
 if ($('#CityOverview').length <=0 || ET_opt.predict == false) {return;} // exit
 var curP = $('#CityOverview span.occupied').text() *1
 var maxP = $('#CityOverview').text() *1
 var growthP = $('#CityOverview li.growth span.value').text().split(' ')[0] *1
 var satisfP = $('#SatisfactionOverview div.happiness div.value').text() *1 
 var timeLeftEx = 0; 
 if (curP < maxP && (curP + satisfP) > maxP && growthP > 0 ) // town is growing and will fill
  for ( var i = curP; i < maxP; i++) {timeLeftEx = timeLeftEx + 1 / (growthP - 0.02 * (i - curP));}
  var timetxt = RealTimetoCounter(parseInt(timeLeftEx*60)*60,2);
 else if (curP == maxP) // town is full
  timetxt = "<span style='color: red'><strong> " + ET_lang.predictfull + "</strong></span>";
 else // town is growing and will not fill
  for ( i = 1; i < Math.abs(satisfP); i++) {timeLeftEx = timeLeftEx + 1 / ( Math.abs(growthP) - 0.02 * i);}
  var timetxt = ET_lang.msg_Never;
  var exttime = RealTimetoCounter(parseInt(timeLeftEx*60)*60,2);
  if (exttime != '') {timetxt += " (" + RealTimetoCounter(parseInt(timeLeftEx*60)*60,2)+ ")";}
 var difSatisfaction = maxP - curP - satisfP;
 var Satsf = (difSatisfaction > 0)?  '<sup style="color: green" title="'+ difSatisfaction + ET_lang.townhalltitle1 +'"> +'+ difSatisfaction +'</sup>': '<sup style="color: red" title="'+ Math.abs(difSatisfaction) + ET_lang.townhalltitle2 +'"> '+ difSatisfaction +'</sup>';
 // add new node for end time growth
 $('<li class="'+ $('#CityOverview li.growth').attr('class') +'">'+
  '<span class="textlabel">'+ET_lang.msg_TimeLeft+'</span>'+
  '<span class="value">'+ timetxt +'</span>'+
 '</li>').appendTo('#CityOverview ul.stats').css({'position':'relative','top':'100px','left':'325px'});
 $('#SatisfactionOverview div.value:last').append(Satsf)
 {infoError("function pageTownHall ",er)}

function pageResearchAdvisor() // action with page Research Advisor
 var tmpoint = $('ul.researchLeftMenu > li.time').text().replace(/\D/g,'') *1;
 if (tmpoint > 0)
  $('#currentResearch li.researchPointsDiff').each(function()
   var difpoint = $(this).text().replace(/\D/g,'') *1;
   var datepoint = realTimetoDate(curdate + (difpoint/tmpoint *60*60*1000) ,false);
    .css({'font-weight':'bold','margin':'4px 8px','padding':'3px 0px 3px 18px','width':'100px'});
 {infoError("function pageResearchAdvisor ",er)}

function pageAcademy() // countdown negative gold
 if ($('#accelerateResearch p.notice').length > 0)
  exp = $('#accelerateResearch p.notice').text().split(" ");
  var rtime = CountertoRealTime(exp[exp.length-2] +" "+ exp[exp.length-1]);
  if (rtime>0) $('#accelerateResearch p.notice').append('<span> - '+ realTimetoDate(rtime*1000 + curdate,false) +'</span>');
    {infoError("function pageAcademy ",er)}

function pagePalace()
  var anarchyTime = CountertoRealTime($(this).text())
  $(this).after('<div>'+  realTimetoDate(curdate + anarchyTime * 1000,false) +'</div>')
    {infoError("function pagePalace ",er)}

function pageFinances() // countdown negative gold
 var result = $('#mainview table.table01:last tr.result td.hidden').text().replace(/[^\d^-]/g,'') *1;
 if (result < 0)
  var gold = $('table#balance:first td.res:last').text().replace(/\D/g,'')*1;
  var rDate = parseInt(getDate()+ new Date(((gold/Math.abs(result))*60*60)*1000).getTime())
  var date = realTimetoDate(rDate);
  $('#mainview table.table01:last tr.result').html('<div><span name="ET_cntdw" value='+ rDate +'></span> - '+ date +'</div>').css('color','red');
  $('#mainview table.table01:last tr.result span').eq(0).css('font-weight','normal') 
  // countdown
  ET_Counter('','',' - ');
  ET_t_cnt = setInterval(ET_Counter,5000,'','',' - ');
  $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_cnt)}); // delete countdown
 else localStorage.setItem('ET_balance',result)
    {infoError("function pageFinances ",er)}

function pageBuildingGround() // new building in town
 var auxdate = localStorage.getItem('ET_UpBld_' + cityIdPath())*1;
 $('li.building').each(function ()
  var rtime =  CountertoRealTime($(this).find('li.time').text().split(': ')[1]); // time to upgrade building
  $(this).find('li.time').append('<span> - '+ dateBuild(rtime*1000,auxdate,false) +'</span>')
  if ($(this).find('p.cannotbuild').length > 0) {$(this).find('li.time span:last').css('color','red')} // if you can build
 if (auxdate < curdate) //increase end date
  ET_t_dt = setInterval(ET_Date,5000,false);
  $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_dt)}); // delete increase Date
 {infoError("function pageBuildingGround ",er)}

function predictEndDateBuilding() // calculate date of your upgrade building or missing resource
 var idcity = cityIdPath();   // id of the city view
 var idresource = $('#citySelect').attr('value'); // id of the city witn the resouce show

 if (idcity != idresource) return; // Exit if resource isn't of the town
 var addtime=""; // time needed for upgrade
 var node = $('#buildingUpgrade li.time')
 if (node.length>0) {addtime = node.text().split(': ')[1]}
 else     {return} // not upgrade level
 var wood = getResourceBuilding('wood',$('#buildingUpgrade li.wood'));
 var wine = getResourceBuilding('wine',$('#buildingUpgrade'));
 var marble = getResourceBuilding('marble',$('#buildingUpgrade li.marble'));
 var crystal = getResourceBuilding('crystal',$('#buildingUpgrade'));
 var sulfur = getResourceBuilding('sulfur',$('#buildingUpgrade li.sulfur'));
 // compare resource to upgrade witn resource in town
 var chkresources = true; // flag check resources
 var noupgrade = false;
 var html ="";
 var rtime = 0;
 if (wood.diff >= 0 && wine.diff >= 0 && marble.diff >= 0 && crystal.diff >= 0 && sulfur.diff >= 0 ) // if total resource is in town put the end date
  var auxdate = localStorage.getItem('ET_UpBld_' + cityIdPath())*1;
  if (auxdate < curdate) {noupgrade = true;} // buildings not upgraded in town
  rtime =  CountertoRealTime(addtime); // time to upgrade building
  // when time finish with hour
  var chktime = false;
  if ( (rtime/3600) == parseInt(rtime/3600))
   rtime += 3600; // add 1 hour if time don't have minutes or second
   chktime = true;
  html += dateBuild(rtime*1000,auxdate,chktime);
 else // you don't have all resources
  chkresources = false;
  // search upgrading level 
  var lvl = $('#buildingUpgrade h4').eq(0).text().replace(/\D/g,"") *1;
  // compile html text for table of missing resource
  html='<h4>'+ ET_lang.resource + lvl +':</h4><ul class="resources">';
  if (wood.diff < 0)  html += insDifResource(wood.diff,'wood',wood.uptxt);
  if (wine.diff < 0)  html += insDifResource(wine.diff,'wine',wine.uptxt);
  if (marble.diff < 0) html += insDifResource(marble.diff,'marble',marble.uptxt);
  if (crystal.diff < 0) html += insDifResource(crystal.diff,'glass',crystal.uptxt);
  if (sulfur.diff < 0) html += insDifResource(sulfur.diff,'sulfur',sulfur.uptxt);
  html += '</ul>';
 // add new node for resource in less
 $('#buildingUpgrade div.footer:last').before('<div class="content" id="ET_DateBld">'+ html +'</div>');
 // ELIMINARE $('#ET_DateBld li:even').addClass('alt')
 // search resources that require max level of the warehouse
 var maxresource=wood.up
 if (wine.up > maxresource){maxresource=wine.up};
 if (marble.up > maxresource){maxresource=marble.up};
 if (crystal.up > maxresource){maxresource=crystal.up};
 if (sulfur.up > maxresource){maxresource=sulfur.up};
 var lvlup = Math.ceil((maxresource - 1500)/8000); // calculate level of warehouse
 //level warehouse
 actWh = eval(localStorage.getItem('ET_lvlwarehouse'+ idcity)); // get level warehouse
 if (actWh==null) actWh=[0];
 var totLvlWh=0;
 for ( var t=0; t< actWh.length; t++) {totLvlWh += parseInt(actWh[t])}
 //level dump
 actDp = eval(localStorage.getItem('ET_lvldump'+ idcity));  // get level dump
 if (actDp==null) actDp = [0];
 var lvlDp = parseInt(actDp[0])*4
 //control level
 var totLvl= totLvlWh + lvlDp;
 //compare resource to upgrade with space in warehouse
 var qWh = (totLvl * 8000) + 1500;
 if (noupgrade && chkresources) //add increase date if you don't upgrade other bulid in town
  ET_t_dt = setInterval(ET_Date,1000,false);
  $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_dt)}); // delete increase Date
 else if (lvlup > totLvl)
  // Calculates the amount of free space in the warehouse
  html = '';
  if (wood.up > qWh)  html += insDifResource(qWh -,'wood',wood.uptxt);
  if (wine.up > qWh)  html += insDifResource(qWh -,'wine',wine.uptxt);
  if (marble.up > qWh) html += insDifResource(qWh -,'marble',marble.uptxt);
  if (crystal.up > qWh) html += insDifResource(qWh -,'glass',crystal.uptxt);
  if (sulfur.up > qWh) html += insDifResource(qWh -,'sulfur',sulfur.uptxt);
  if (html!='') {html = '<h4>'+ ET_lang.emptyWh +':</h4><ul class="resources">'+ html +'</ul>';}
  // add new node for level upgraded of the warehouse
  $('#ET_DateBld').before('<div class="footer"></div>'+
        '<div class="content">'+
          '<h4>'+ ET_lang.WhTitle +'</h4>'+
          '<div id="ET_input"></div>'+
          '<table id="ET_tableWh"></table>'+
        '<div class="content">'+ html +'</div>'+
        '<div class="footer"></div>');
  if (qWh*2 != unsafeWindow.IKARIAM.currentCity.maxCapacity.wood * 1) // if you don't buy 100% increase capacity
   $('#ET_input').html('<input type="checkbox" id="ET_incWh" /><span>'+ ET_lang.buyCap[0] + ET_lang.buyCap[2] +'</span>')
 if (qWh*2 == unsafeWindow.IKARIAM.currentCity.maxCapacity.wood * 1) // if you buy 100% increase capacity
  html = '';
  if ( > qWh)html += insDifResource(qWh -,'wood',wood.uptxt);
  if ( > qWh)html += insDifResource(qWh -,'wine',wine.uptxt);
  if ( > qWh)html += insDifResource(qWh -,'marble',marble.uptxt);
  if ( > qWh)html += insDifResource(qWh -,'glass',crystal.uptxt);
  if ( > qWh)html += insDifResource(qWh -,'sulfur',sulfur.uptxt);
  if (html!='') {html = '<div class="content">'+
        '<h4  style="color:green">'+ ET_lang.buyCap[1] + ET_lang.buyCap[2] +'</h4>'+
        '<ul class="resources">'+ html +'</ul>'+
         '<div class="footer"></div>';}
 {infoError("function predictEndDateBuilding ",er)}

function getResourceBuilding(resouce,upgrade) // get resouce for upgrade building
 var RE = /\D/g
 var ary={uptxt:"",up:0,rs:0,diff:0};
 if (upgrade.length > 0)
  ary.up = upgrade.text().replace(RE,'')*1;
  ary.uptxt = upgrade.attr('title');
 else {return ary} = unsafeWindow.IKARIAM.currentCity.resources[resouce]
 ary.diff = - ary.up
 return ary

function insDifResource(valore,classtxt,titletxt) // use in function predictEndDateBuilding for show resource
 { return '<li class='+ classtxt +' title='+ titletxt +'><span class="textLabel">'+ titletxt +'</span><span style=\'color: '+ (valore >= 0? 'green':'red') +'\'> ' + replaceNum(valore) + '</li>'}

function dateBuild(rtime,auxdate,chktime) // new building in town
 var html ="";
 var appx ="";
 var waittime =0;
 var incDtTime = rtime/1000;
 // when time finish with hour
 if (chktime) {appx = '<sup style="color: red; font-size:9px" title="'+ ET_lang.upBuild[2] +'">+1'+ ET_unit.hour +'</sup>';}
 // search other upgraded in town
 var starttxt="";
 if (auxdate > curdate) // one building upgraded in town
  //setting start date
  starttxt = realTimetoDate(auxdate,false);
  html += '<span title="'+ ET_lang.upBuild[0] +'">'+ starttxt + '</span><span style="color: green; font-size:16px "> » </span>';
  waittime = auxdate - curdate;
 // calculate end time of building
 rtime +=  waittime + curdate;
 var endtxt = realTimetoDate(rtime,false);
 if (starttxt != "")
  if (starttxt.split(" ")[0] == endtxt.split(" ")[0]) // delete day if the same of start date
   {endtxt = endtxt.split(" ")[1];}
 // setting end date
 html += '<span>';
 var idbld = ""
 if (auxdate <= curdate) {idbld = " name='ET_incDate' value ="+ incDtTime;}
 html += '<span '+ idbld +' title="'+ ET_lang.upBuild[1] +'">'+ endtxt +'</span>' + appx;
 return html;
 {infoError("function dateBuild ",er)}

function calcCapacity(res,Wh,tDp) // level warehouse and dump
 var htmlWh = "<tbody>";
 var kRs = ($('#ET_incWh').attr('checked'))? 2:1;
 var lvlup = Math.ceil((res - 1500)/(8000 * kRs)); // calculate level of warehouse
 // calculate level of existing warehouse and dump 
 var numWH = (Wh.length==1 && Wh[0]==0)? 0 : Wh.length;
 var actDp = (parseInt(tDp) == tDp)? parseInt(tDp): parseInt(tDp) + 1;
 var numDP = (actDp>0)? 1 : 0;
        //fewer Warehouses more Warehouses
 var kWh= (ET_opt.calcWh == 1)? [0,34,40,40,40] : [0,20,25,30,40];
 var kDp= (ET_opt.calcWh == 1)? [0,25,40,40,40] : [0,15,20,30,40];
 //calculates the maximum number of levels with existing warehuose and dump
 var maxlvl = (numWH*kWh[numWH]) +(numDP*4*kDp[numWH])
 var cal = true;
 while (maxlvl < lvlup)
  if ((numWH==3 && numDP==0 && ET_opt.calcWh==1)||(numWH==4 && numDP==0 && ET_opt.calcWh!=1))
  maxlvl = (numWH*kWh[numWH]) +(numDP*4*kDp[numWH])
  if ( numWH >= 4 && numDP >= 1 && maxlvl < lvlup) 
   htmlWh += "<tr><td colspan=3><center>"+ ET_lang.noWh +"</center><td>";
 if (cal) // 5 is max number of warehouses and dump
  if (numDP ==1)
   var lvlDp = Math.ceil((lvlup - (numWH*kWh[numWH]))/4);
   if (lvlDp < actDp) lvlDp = actDp;
   lvlup -= lvlDp*4;
  for (var j=0; j < numWH; j++)
   if (j==3) htmlWh += "</tr><tr>"; // 3 is max number of cells for line
   var lvlWh = Math.ceil(lvlup /(numWH - j)); // required warehuose's level
   var actWh = (Wh[j] != null)? Wh[j]:0;
   var upWh = (parseInt(actWh) == actWh)? actWh*1: parseInt(actWh) + 1;
   var txtUp = (upWh == actWh)? "": "<span style='color: green;'>+1</span>";
   htmlWh += "<td><center>"+
      "<img src='skin/img/city/building_warehouse.gif' alt='Warehouse' height='40' width='59'>"+
      parseInt(actWh) + txtUp; // text actual level of warehouse
   if (lvlWh <= upWh)
    lvlWh = upWh;
    var color = "green";
    var difWh = "-";
    htmlWh +="<span style='color: green; font-size:14px'>»</span>"+ lvlWh;
    color = "red";
    difWh = upWh - lvlWh
   htmlWh += "<div style='color: "+ color +";'>"+ difWh +"</div></center></td>";
   lvlup -= lvlWh; // other level of warehouses
  if (numDP ==1)
   if (numWH==3) htmlWh += "</tr><tr>"; // 3 is max number of cells for line
   txtUp = (parseInt(tDp) == actDp)? "": "<span style='color: green;'>+1</span>";
   htmlWh += "<td><center>"+
      "<img src='skin/img/city/building_dump.gif' alt='Dump' height='40' width='52'>"+
      parseInt(tDp) + txtUp; // text actual level of warehouse
   if (lvlDp <= actDp)
    color = "green";
    var difDp = "-";
    htmlWh +="<span style='color: green; font-size:14px'>»</span>"+ lvlDp;
    color = "red";
    difDp = actDp - lvlDp
   htmlWh += "<div style='color: "+ color +";'>"+ difDp +"</div></center></td>";
 htmlWh += "</tr></tbody>";
 {infoError("function calcCapacity ",er)}


/** --------------------------*/  
/**     Transport library     */
/** --------------------------*/ 

function outgoingOwnCountDown(name,time) // countdown loading cargo in the port
 var nodeCnt = document.getElementById(name);
 var endtxt = realTimetoDate(time,false); // date of end event
 nodeCnt.parentNode.lastChild.textContent = ET_lang.loadport + endtxt;
 // add id event
 var lnk = $('#'+ name).parents('tr').find('td:last a')
 if (lnk.length <= 0) return;
 var idcity = cityIdPath();
 var cargo = parseInt($('#'+ name).parents('tr').find('td').eq(1).html().split('</div>')[1]);
 wait = READLoadingTime(true);
 for (var j = 0; j < wait.length ; j++)
  if(idcity == wait[j].cityLoad && cargo == wait[j].nCargo)
    wait[j].eventId = parseInt(lnk.attr('href').split('eventId=')[1]);
 // save loading time
 localStorage.setItem('ET_waitPort', uneval(wait));
 {infoError("function outgoingOwnCountDown ",er)}

function etaMerchantNavy(name,time) // countdown mission in Merchant Navy
 var nodeCnt = $('#'+ name).parent();
 var column = 3;
 var col ='target'
 if (nodeCnt.find('td.returning').length >0 || (nodeCnt.find('td.gotoown').length >0 &&  nodeCnt.find('td.actions > a > img').length < 1))  {col ='source'} // transport mission aborting 
 nodeCnt.find('td.'+ col).append('<span title="'+ ET_lang.transport1 +'"> '+ realTimetoDate(time,false) +'<span>');
 {infoError("function etaMerchantNavy ",er)}

function retMerchantNavy(name,time) // countdown mission in Merchant Navy
 if (time > curdate) // calculate arrival destination
  {$('#'+ name).parent().find('td.source').append('<span title="'+ ET_lang.transport2 +'"> '+ realTimetoDate(time,false) +'<span>')}
 {infoError("function retMerchantNavy ",er)}

/** ACTION in the PAGE */
function pageMerchantNavy() //calculate full of hold and cntdw loading cargo
 //How many ships have the hold full
  var load = parseInt($(this).text().split(' / ')[0]); // load in the cargos
  var hold = parseInt($(this).text().split(' / ')[1]); // capacity of the cargos
  if (!isNaN(load) && !isNaN(hold)) $('#mainview td.transports').eq(id)
    .append("<div title='"+ Math.ceil(load/500) + ET_lang.loadcargo +"' style='font-size:10px'> "+ parseInt(load/(hold/100)) +"% </div>");
 //check time in table
 var wait = READLoadingTime(false);
 if (wait.length <=0) return; // exit if no loading time 
 var nTable = $('#mainview table:has(td.eta)').length;
 var chkIndex = [];
 $('#mainview table:has(td.eta)').each(function(id) // for each table
  var typ='';
  if (nTable == 2) 
   if (id == 1) {typ = 't'}
   if (id == 2) {typ = 'g'}
  var eta = $(this).find('td.eta')
  for (var j= eta.length -1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)  // for each row of table
   var line = eta.eq(j).parent()
   if (line.find('td.actions a').length > 0) // cell Actions have abbandon mission
    var cargo = parseInt(line.find('td.transports').text());
    var idsr = line.find('td.source a').attr('href').split('cityId=')[1];
    var idtg = line.find(' a').attr('href').split('cityId=')[1];
    for (var jj = wait.length-1; jj >= 0; jj--) // search loading time in array
     //  same town source  same town of destination  same number of cargo  same type of mission    not used in list
     if (wait[jj].cityLoad == idsr && wait[jj].cityDest == idtg && wait[jj].nCargo == cargo && (wait[jj].typ == typ || typ == '') && $.inArray(jj,chkIndex) < 0)
      if (eta.eq(j).text().replace(/\D/g,'').length == 0) //Add countdown in loading cargo
       eta.eq(j).append('<div name="ET_cntdw" value="'+ wait[jj].dateLoad +'"></div>')
        .attr('title', ET_lang.loadport + realTimetoDate(wait[jj].dateLoad,false));
       eta.eq(j).prevAll('').append('<span title="'+ ET_lang.transport1 +'"> '+ realTimetoDate(wait[jj].dateDest,false) +'<span>');
      else            //Add time if you abort mission
       $('<div name=ET_incTm value='+ wait[jj].dateLoad +'></div>')
         curdate = getDate();
         dif = curdate - ($(this).attr('value') *1);
         if( dif > 0) $(this).attr('title', ET_lang.abortmission + realTimetoDate(dif + curdate,false))
      // add event id for abort mission
      wait[jj].eventId = parseInt(line.find('td.actions a').attr('href').split('eventId=')[1]);
      line.find('td.actions a').bind('click',function()
       deleteMission(parseInt($(this).parents('tr').find('td.source a').attr('href').split('cityId=')[1]),
 //save loading time
 localStorage.setItem('ET_waitPort', uneval(wait));
 // countdown for loading time
 ET_Counter('','',' - ');
 ET_t_cnt = setInterval(ET_Counter,1000,'','',' - ');
 $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_cnt)}); // delete countdown
 // increase time fo abort mission
 ET_t_inc = setInterval(ET_Increase,1000);
 $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_inc)}); // delete countdown

 {infoError("function pageMerchantNavy ",er)}

function pageBranchOffice() // how much money you get from the market and save level of harbour if you trade it
 //adds the level of the port in the link exchange goods 
 $('table.tablekontor tr').find('td:last a[href*=type=444]').each(function()
  var lvlport= parseInt($(this).parents('tr').find('td').eq(1).text())
  if (!isNaN(lvlport))
   $(this).attr('value',lvlport).bind('click',function() {localStorage.setItem('ET_tradePort',$(this).attr('value'))});
 //how much money you get from the market
 $('#reservedGold').parent().before('<p>'+ ET_lang.totalprice +'<span id=ET_totPrice></span> <img src="skin/resources/icon_gold.gif"></p>')
 $('table.tablekontor:last select, table.tablekontor:last input').bind('change',function(){money()});
 $('table.tablekontor td:has(a)').prev().each(function(){
  var dist= parseInt($(this).text())
  dist = dist>0? dist:0.5;
  var travel = (1200/60)* dist *60;
  var max = RealTimetoCounter(travel,2)
  var qta = RealTimetoCounter(travel/1.664,2)
  var prop = RealTimetoCounter(travel/4,2)
  var min = RealTimetoCounter(travel/5.664,2)
  $(this).append('<p title="'+ ET_lang.tTravel[0] +' ~'+ qta +' / '+ ET_lang.tTravel[1] +' ~'+ prop +' / '+ ET_lang.tTravel[2] +' ~'+ min +'">~'+ max +'</p>')
 $('table.tablekontor p').css('font-size','9px')
 {infoError("function pageBranchOffice ",er)}
function money() // how much money you get from the market
 var gold =0;
 $('table.tablekontor:last select[value="444"]').each(function()
  {gold += $(this).parents('tr').find('input:first').val() * $(this).parents('tr').find('input:last').val()});
 {infoError("function money ",er)}

function pageTakeOffer() // with a branchOffice take an offer
 var typ = $('input[name=type]').val(); // type of mission - 444=buy 333=sell
 var loadMyPort = '';
 var typload = (typ == 444)? false:true;
 var load = calcuPort(typload);
 if (typ == 444)  // type research 'I am looking for'
  $('#missionSummary li.journeyTarget').after(
  "<li class='ET_loadTime' title='"+ ET_lang.port + load.txt +" / "+ ET_lang.port2 + load.speed +"'>"+
   "<span id='loadTime' name='ET_incDate'></span>"+
  $('#missionSummary li.ET_loadTime').css({'background':'url("/skin/relatedCities/trade_ship_20.gif") no-repeat scroll left top transparent','padding-left':'36px'});
  $('#missionSummary li.arrival').attr('title',ET_lang.transport1)
 else if(typ == 333) // type research 'I offer'
   .attr('style','font-weight: normal')
   .before("<span  id='waitTime' name='ET_cntdw' title='"+ ET_lang.wait +"' style='font-weight: normal'></span>"+
    "<span  id='loadTime' title='"+ ET_lang.port + load.txt +" / "+ ET_lang.port2 + load.speed +"' style='font-weight: normal'></span>")
   .after( "<span style='font-weight: normal'> = </span>"+
    "<span  id='totalTime' style='font-weight: bold'>" + $('#journeyTime').text() + "</span>");
  $('#missionSummary li.arrival').attr('title',ET_lang.transport1)
  if (load.wait > curdate) 
   ET_Counter('',' + ',' - ');
   ET_t_cnt = setInterval(ET_Counter,1000,'',' + ',' - ');
   $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_cnt)}); // delete countdown
 // add event for loading time
 $('table.offerTable td.input input:text').keyup(function(){loadOffer(load,typ)});
 $('table.offerTable td.input a').click(function(){loadOffer(load,typ)});
 $('#sliderbg_capacity , #slider_capacity_min , #slider_capacity_max').click(function() {loadOffer(load,typ)}); 
 //add event with submit form, save loading time
 $('#mainview form:first').submit(function(){SAVELoadingTime(load,'g')});
 {infoError("function pageTakeOffer ",er)}
function loadOffer(load,typmis) // calculate time to load cargo SISTEMARE
 curdate = getDate();
 var totRs = 0;
 $('table.offerTable td.input input:text').each(function() 
  var qta = $(this).attr('value')*1;
  totRs += isNaN(qta)? 0: qta;
 // calcu travel time 
 var journey= $('#journeyTime').text();
 if (!journey) journey = '-';
 var traveltime = CountertoRealTime(journey);
 // calcu loading time
 var loadingtime = 0;  
 if (totRs > 0) loadingtime = parseInt(totRs / load.speed*60); // time unit second
 var loadtxt = RealTimetoCounter(loadingtime,2);
 var totaltime = traveltime;
 var returntime = traveltime *2 + loadingtime;
 if (typmis == 333)
  var waitdate = $('#waitTime').attr('value');
  var waittime = waitdate > curdate? (waitdate - curdate)/1000: 0;
  if (loadtxt != "") loadtxt += " + "; // if load cargo in your port
  totaltime += waittime + loadingtime; // Calculate total time
  returntime += waittime;
 $('#loadTime').text(loadtxt).attr('value',loadingtime); // loading time 
 // Calculate arrive transport date 
 $('#arrival').text(realTimetoDate(totaltime*1000 + curdate,false))
 $('#totalTime').text(RealTimetoCounter(totaltime,2)); // total time
 // calculate return time
 $('#returnDate').text(realTimetoDate(returntime*1000 + curdate,false))
 {infoError("function loadOffer ",er)}

function pageTransport() // how much time for load cargo
 if ($('#journeyTime').length < 1) return // exit for error page
 var load = calcuPort(true); // load level port
 // Make sure the adjust functions is called when the ammount of resources changes
 if (unsafeWindow.swood) { unsafeWindow.swood.subscribe( "change", function(){loadGoods(load)})}   //change wood
 if (unsafeWindow.smarble) { unsafeWindow.smarble.subscribe( "change", function() {loadGoods(load)})} //change marble
 if (unsafeWindow.swine) { unsafeWindow.swine.subscribe( "change", function() {loadGoods(load)})}  //change wine
 if (unsafeWindow.ssulfur) { unsafeWindow.ssulfur.subscribe( "change", function() {loadGoods(load)})} //change sulfur
 if (unsafeWindow.sglass) { unsafeWindow.sglass.subscribe("change", function() {loadGoods(load)})}  //change crystal
 $('#sliderbg_capacity , #slider_capacity_min , #slider_capacity_max').click(function() {loadGoods(load)});
 $('#sliderbg_jet , #slider_jet_min , #slider_jet_max').click(function() {loadGoods(load)});
 $('#transport').submit(function() {SAVELoadingTime(load,'g')});  //press button trasport  
  .attr('style','font-weight: normal')
  .before("<span  id='waitTime' name='ET_cntdw' title='"+ ET_lang.wait +"' style='font-weight: normal'></span>"+
    "<span  id='loadTime' title='"+ ET_lang.port + load.txt +" / "+ ET_lang.port2 + load.speed +"' style='font-weight: normal'></span>")
  .after( "<span style='font-weight: normal'> = </span>"+
    "<span  id='totalTime' style='font-weight: bold'>" + $('#journeyTime').text() + "</span>");
 $('#missionSummary li.arrival').attr('title',ET_lang.transport1)
 // check if you must calculate return time
 if ($('#citySelect option[value='+ $('form#transport input[name=destinationCityId]').val() +']').length <= 0) nodeReturn();
 // empty hold
 $('#missionSummary ul.routeInfo').append("<li id='ET_hold' style='font-weight: normal'>"+ ET_lang.hold +"<span id='emptyhold' style='font-weight: bold'>0</span>"+ ET_lang.hold2 +"</li>");
 // countdown time for loading other cargo
 if (load.wait > curdate) 
  ET_Counter('',' + ',' - ');
  ET_t_cnt = setInterval(ET_Counter,1000,'',' + ',' - ');
  $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_cnt)}); // delete countdown
 { // increase Date
  ET_t_dt = setInterval(ET_Date,1000,true);
  $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_dt)}); // delete increase Date
 {infoError("function pageTransport ",er)}

function loadGoods(load) // calculate time to load cargo
 // Get total ammount of resources that will be sent
 curdate = getDate();
 var totRs =0;
 $('#transportGoods ul.resourceAssign input.textfield').each(function() 
  var qta = $(this).attr('value')*1;
  totRs += isNaN(qta)? 0: qta;
 var journey= $('#journeyTime').text();
 if (!journey) journey = '-';
 var waitdate = $('#waitTime').attr('value');
 var waittime = waitdate > curdate? (waitdate - curdate)/1000: 0;
 var loadingtime = 0;
 // Calculate empty hold trasport
 if (totRs > 0)
  var ships = parseInt($('#transporterCount').attr('value'));
  var capacity = $('#textfield_capacity').val()*100;
  if(isNaN(capacity)) capacity=500;
  var empty = ships * capacity - totRs;
  if (empty > 0)
  else $('#ET_hold').hide();
  // Calculate wait time if port is occupated in other loading
  loadingtime = parseInt(totRs / load.speed*60); // time unit second
 else $('#ET_hold').hide();
 // if load cargo in your port
 var loadtxt = RealTimetoCounter(loadingtime,2);
 if (loadtxt != "") loadtxt += " + ";
 // Calculate total time
 var traveltime = CountertoRealTime(journey);
 var totaltime = waittime + loadingtime + traveltime;
 var totaltxt = RealTimetoCounter(totaltime,2);
 // Calculate arrive transport date
 $('#arrival').attr('value', totaltime)
 // calculate return time
 var rtnDate = $('#returnDate')
 if (rtnDate.length > 0)
  rtnDate.text(realTimetoDate( curdate + (totaltime + traveltime)*1000,true))
   .attr('value',loadingtime + (traveltime*2))
 {infoError("function loadGoods ",er)}

function hideSlider(idSection) // hide slider Capacity and Propulsion
 // hide Capacity ship session
 $('#'+ idSection +' div.transportersCapacity div, #'+ idSection +' div.transportersCapacity p').hide()
 $('#'+ idSection +' div.transportersCapacity h4').append('<img id="closeCapacity" src="skin/layout/down-arrow.gif" style="position:absolute; right:30px">')
  if ($(this).attr('src') == "skin/layout/down-arrow.gif")
    $('#'+ idSection +' div.transportersCapacity div, #'+ idSection +' div.transportersCapacity p').show()
    $('#'+ idSection +' div.transportersCapacity div, #'+ idSection +' div.transportersCapacity p').hide()

 // hide propulsion session
 $('#setPremiumJetPropulsion div, #setPremiumJetPropulsion p').hide()
 $('#setPremiumJetPropulsion h4').append('<img id="closePropulsion" src="skin/layout/down-arrow.gif" style="position:absolute; right:30px">')
  if ($(this).attr('src') == "skin/layout/down-arrow.gif")
    $('#setPremiumJetPropulsion div, #setPremiumJetPropulsion p').show()
    $('#setPremiumJetPropulsion div, #setPremiumJetPropulsion p').hide()
 {infoError("function hideSlider ",er)}

function nodeReturn(typNode) // return time node
 $('#missionSummary '+ typNode).after(
  "<li class='ET_return' title='"+ ET_lang.transport2 +"'>"+
   "<span id='returnDate' name='ET_incDate'></span>"+
 $('#missionSummary li.ET_return').css({'background':'url("/skin/buildings/x40_y40/port.gif") no-repeat scroll left top transparent','padding-left':'44px'});
function nodeAction(typNode,imgAct,titleAct) // return time node
 $('#missionSummary '+ typNode).after(
  "<li class='ET_action' title='"+ titleAct +"'>"+
   "<span id='endDate' name='ET_incDate'></span>"+
 $('#missionSummary li.ET_action').css({'background':'url('+ imgAct +') no-repeat scroll left top','background-size':'contain','padding-left':'44px'});

function pagePort() // if you want delete loading cargo and Add waiting time
 var result = localStorage.getItem('ET_balance');
 if (result>0)
  var buyShip = $('div.buyTransporter div.forminput strong').text().replace(/\D/g,'')*1;
  if (buyShip>0) $('div.buyTransporter div.forminput').append('<div><strong>'+ realTimetoDate(curdate +(buyShip/result*3600*1000),false) +'</strong></div>');

 var tab = $('#mainview div.master:first table.table01:not(:has(div#outgoingOwnCountDown,td.empty))');
 if (tab.length < 1) return; // exit if you don't have loading cargo
 var idcity = cityIdPath();
 wait = READLoadingTime(true);
 var lastItem = wait.length-1
 for (var j = tab.length-1; j >= 0 ; j--)
  var cargo = parseInt(tab.eq(j).find('td').eq(1).html().split('</div>')[1]);
  for (var jj = lastItem; jj >= 0; jj--) // search loading time in array
   if(idcity == wait[jj].cityLoad && cargo == wait[jj].nCargo)
    lastItem = jj-1;
    wait[jj].eventId = parseInt(tab.eq(j).find('td:last a').attr('href').split('eventId=')[1]);
    var rtime = parseInt((wait[jj].dateLoad - curdate)/1000); // calculate loading time
     .append('<div name="ET_cntdw" '+
        'title="'+ ET_lang.loadport + realTimetoDate(wait[jj].dateLoad,false) +'" '+
        'value='+wait[jj].dateLoad +'>'+
         RealTimetoCounter(rtime,4) +
    tab.eq(j).find('td:last a').bind('click',function(){deleteMission(idcity,parseInt($(this).attr('href').split('eventId=')[1]))});
 // save loading time
 localStorage.setItem('ET_waitPort', uneval(wait));
 // countdown loading time
 ET_Counter('','',' - ');
 ET_t_cnt = setInterval(ET_Counter,1000,'','',' - ');
 $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_cnt)}); // delete countdown
 {infoError("function pagePort ",er)}

/** --------------------------*/  
/**    Army & Fleet library   */
/** --------------------------*/ 

function spyCountDownHideOut(name,time) // add end time at countdown spy report
 var nodeCnt = document.getElementById(name);
 var endtxt = realTimetoDate(time,false); // date of end event
 nodeCnt.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('li')[1].textContent += " - " + endtxt;
 {infoError("function spyCountDownHideOut ",er)}

function buildCntdwBarShipSafe(name,time) // add end time at countdown recruit unit
 //Add Date for recuit unit
 $('<div>'+ realTimetoDate(time,false) +'</div>')
  .appendTo($('#'+ name).parent())
 //Add Date for waiting recuit unit 
 $('#unitConstructionList div.time:not(:first)').each(function(id)
  $(this).find('span:last').remove(); //Hide node with text
  $('<div>'+  realTimetoDate(curdate +(CountertoRealTime($(this).html().split('<span')[0]) * 1000),false) +'</div>')
 {infoError("function buildCntdwBarShipSafe ",er)}

/** ACTION in the PAGE */
function pageMilitaryAdvisorMilitaryMovements() // fleet movements add percent of load in the cargo and how many cargo are full
/* // search goods or army and calculates the percentage of filling of the hold
  var totG =0, totA=0;
   .each(function(){totG += $(this).next('div.count').text() *1});
   .each(function(){totA += $(this).next('div.count').text() *3});
   .each(function(){totA += $(this).next('div.count').text() *5});
   .each(function(){totA += $(this).next('div.count').text() *10});
   .each(function(){totA += $(this).next('div.count').text() *15});
   .each(function(){totA += $(this).next('div.count').text() *20});
   .each(function(){totA += $(this).next('div.count').text() *30});
  //Add % cargo full
   var load = totA + totG;
   var cargo = parseInt($(this).text())*500;
   if (load> cargo) load = totG;
   $('<div title="'+ Math.ceil(load/500) + ET_lang.loadcargo +'">'+ Math.ceil(load/(cargo/100)) +' %</div>').appendTo($(this))

 // if you don't have the direction arrows and you have the link to abort the mission, then this is a loading port! I think
 var row = $('table.locationEvents tr:not(:has(td img[src*=arrow]))').find('td:last a').parents('tr');
 if (row.length<=0) return
 var wait = READLoadingTime(false);
 if (wait.length<=0) return
 var chkIndex = [];
 for( var j = row.length-1; j >= 0; j--)
  var cargo = parseInt(row.eq(j).find('td').eq(2).html());
  var source = parseInt(row.eq(j).find('a:first').attr('href').split('cityId=')[1]);
  var target = parseInt(row.eq(j).find('a').eq(1).attr('href').split('cityId=')[1]);
  for( var i = wait.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
   if (wait[i].cityLoad == source && wait[i].cityDest == target && wait[i].nCargo == cargo && $.inArray(i,chkIndex) < 0)

    wait[i].eventId = parseInt(row.eq(j).find('td:last a').attr('href').split('eventId=')[1]);
    //Event if you want abort mission
    row.eq(j).find('td:last a').bind('click',function()
 //save loading time
 localStorage.setItem('ET_waitPort', uneval(wait));
 {infoError("function pageMilitaryAdvisorMilitaryMovements ",er)}

function pageBarShipSafe() // page Barrak Ship Safe
 //Add events for army training
 $('ul#units input.textfield').bind('keyup',function(){recruitTime()});
 $('ul#units div.sliderbg, ul#units a.setMin, ul#units a.setMax').bind('click',function(){recruitTime()});
 //Add node for Recruit date
 if (page == 'safehouse') $('#units li.time').append('<span> - </span><span id="ET_recruit"></span>')
 {infoError("function pageBarShipSafe ",er)}

function recruitTime() // Add time and End time for unit recruit
 var addtime =0;
 // Add time of other recruit
 var actRecruit = $('#unitConstructionList div.time:last')
 if (actRecruit.length > 0) addtime = CountertoRealTime(actRecruit.text())
 var date = curdate + addtime*1000
 var timeUnt = 0;
 var recruit
 if (page == 'safehouse') timeUnt = CountertoRealTime($('#units li.time').text())* parseInt($('input#textfield_spy').val())
  timeUnt = CountertoRealTime($('#accumulatedUnitCosts li.time').text().split(': ')[1])
  $('#accumulatedUnitCosts li.time').append('<span> - </span><span id="ET_recruit"></span>')
 if (timeUnt > 0)
  $('#ET_recruit').text(realTimetoDate(date + timeUnt * 1000,false));
  if (addtime == 0) 
   ET_t_dt = setInterval(ET_Date,5000,false);
   $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_dt)}); // delete increase Date
 {infoError("function recruitTime ",er)}

function pageDeployArmy() // Calculate end time of transport Army
 var load = calcuPort(true);
 // Add new node
 if ($('#journeyTime').length < 1) return // exit for error page
  .after( "<span id='ET_Time'>"+
     "<div class='journeyTime'>"+
     "<span id='waitTime' name='ET_cntdw' title='"+ ET_lang.wait +"'></span>"+
     "<span id='loadTime' title='"+ ET_lang.port + load.txt +" / "+ ET_lang.port2 + load.speed +"'></span>"+
     "<span id='travelTime' title='"+ ET_lang.titletravel +"'> - </span>"+
     "<span> = </span>"+
     "<span  id='totalTime' style='font-weight: bold'> - </span>"+
     "<div class='arrival'>"+
      "<span id='startDate' name='ET_incDate' title='"+ ET_lang.transport1 +"'>-</span>"+
 // countdown time for loading other cargo
 ET_Counter('',' + ','');
 ET_t_cnt = setInterval(ET_Counter,1000,'',' + ','');
 $(window).unload(function(){clearInterval(ET_t_cnt);}); // delete countdown
 // increase Date
 ET_t_dt = setInterval(ET_Date,1000,true);
 $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_dt)});  // delete countdown
 // add event
 $('#selectArmy div.sliderbg, #selectArmy a').click(function(){deployment(load)});
 $('#selectArmy :text').keyup(function(){deployment(load)});
 $('#deploymentForm').bind('submit', function() {SAVELoadingTime(load,'t')}); //press button of the mission
 {infoError("function pageDeployArmy ",er)}

function pageDeployFleet() // Calculate end time of transport Fleet
 var load = {id: 0, txt: '', speed: 0, wait: 0};
 // Add new node
 if ($('#journeyTime').length < 1) return // exit for error page
  .after( "<span> = </span>"+
    "<span  id='totalTime' style='font-weight: bold'> - </span>")
 $('#missionSummary div.common')
  .append("<div class='arrival'>"+
     "<span id='startDate' name='ET_incDate' title='"+ ET_lang.transport1 +"'>-</span>"+
 // increase Date
 ET_t_dt = setInterval(ET_Date,1000,true);
 $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_dt)});  // delete countdown
 // add event
 $('#selectFleet div.sliderbg, #selectFleet a').click(function(){deployment(load)});
 $('#selectFleet :text').keyup(function(){deployment(load)});
 {infoError("function pageDeployFleet ",er)}
function deployment(load) // Calculate travel of Army or Fleet
 curdate = getDate();
 var employed = $('#sumTransporter').text() > 0? timeTroops() : 0;
 var waittime = (load.wait > curdate && employed > 0)? (load.wait - curdate)/1000: 0;
 var loadingtime = employed > 0? parseInt((employed / load.speed)*60): 0; // time unit second
 if (loadingtime > 0) 
   .text(RealTimetoCounter(loadingtime,2) +" + ")
 var journey = $('#journeyTime').text();
 var traveltime = CountertoRealTime(journey);
 $('#journeyTime').attr('value',traveltime); // for SAVEloadingTime

 var totaltime = waittime + loadingtime + traveltime;
 $('#totalTime').text(totaltime>0? RealTimetoCounter(totaltime,2) : ' -');
 // Calculate arrive transport date
 $('#startDate').text(realTimetoDate(curdate + totaltime*1000,true))
  .attr('value',waittime <= 0? totaltime: 0); // time for increase date
 {infoError("function deployment ",er)}

function timeTroops() // calculate the employment of the hold
 var troops = 0;
 $('#selectArmy ul.assignUnits :text').each(function(){
  var troop = $(this).prevAll('div.weight:first').text().replace(/\D/g,'') *  $(this).val()
  troops += !isNaN(troop)? troop : 0;
 return troops
 {infoError("function timeTroops ",er)}

function pageBlockPort() // page Occupy port
 $('#missionSummary li.journeyTime').after("<li class='arrival'>"+
     "<span id='startDate' name='ET_incDate' title='"+ ET_lang.txtBlkPrt[0] +"'></span>"+
 if (unsafeWindow.jDC) 
  curdate = getDate();
  unsafeWindow.jDC.subscribe( "change", function()
   var journey= $('#journeyTime').text();
   if (!journey) journey = '-';
   var traveltime = CountertoRealTime(journey);
   $('#startDate').text(realTimetoDate(curdate + traveltime*1000,false))
    .attr('value',traveltime); // time for increase date

 // increase Date
 ET_t_dt = setInterval(ET_Date,1000,true);
 $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_dt)});  // delete countdown
 $('#ET_Time img').css('margin','0px 3px');
    {infoError("function pageBlockPort ",er)}

function pageDefendPort() // page Defend port
 if (unsafeWindow.jDC) { unsafeWindow.jDC.subscribe( "change", function(){calcDefend()})}
 $('#time').change(function() {calcDefend()});
 //new node
 $('#missionSummary li.journeyTime').after( 
  "<li class='arrival'>"+
   "<span id='startDate' name='ET_incDate' title='"+ ET_lang.txtDfsPrt[0] +"'></span>"+
 $('#missionSummary li').css({'line-height':'26px','background-position':'left center','padding-right':'15px'})
 // increase Date
 ET_t_dt = setInterval(ET_Date,1000,true);
 $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_dt)});  // delete countdown
    {infoError("function pageDefendPort ",er)}
function calcDefend() // calculate travel for Defend port
 curdate = getDate();
 var journey= $('#journeyTime').text();
 if (!journey) journey = '-';
 var traveltime = CountertoRealTime(journey);
 $('#startDate').text(realTimetoDate(traveltime*1000 + curdate,true))
  .attr('value',traveltime); // time for increase date
 var defend = parseInt($('#time').attr('value')) + traveltime;
 $('#endDate').text(realTimetoDate(defend*1000 + curdate,true))
  .attr('value',defend); // time for increase date
 $('#returnDate').text(realTimetoDate((defend + traveltime)*1000 + curdate,true))
  .attr('value',defend + traveltime)
    {infoError("function calcDefend ",er)}

function pageDefendCity() // Calculate end time of Defend town
 if ($('#defendForm').length <= 0) return; // if return error
 var load = calcuPort(true); 
  .before("<span id='waitTime' name='ET_cntdw' title='"+ ET_lang.wait +"' style='font-weight: normal'></span>"+
    "<span id='loadTime' title='"+ ET_lang.port + load.txt +" / "+ ET_lang.port2 + load.speed +"' style='font-weight: normal'></span>")
  .after( "<span> = </span>"+
    "<span  id='totalTime'> - </span>");
 $('#missionSummary ul.plunderInfo').css('height','52px')
 $('#missionSummary div.transporters > span').attr('class','textLabel')
 $('#missionSummary li.journeyTime').after( 
  "<li class='arrival'>"+
   "<span id='startDate' name='ET_incDate' title='"+ ET_lang.txtDfsTwn[0] +"'></span>"+
 $('#missionSummary li').css({'line-height':'26px','background-position':'left center','padding-right':'15px'})
 // countdown time for loading other cargo
 ET_Counter('',' + ','');
 ET_t_cnt = setInterval(ET_Counter,1000,'',' + ','');
 $(window).unload(function(){clearInterval(ET_t_cnt);}); // delete countdown
 // increase Date
 ET_t_dt = setInterval(ET_Date,1000,true);
 $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_dt)});  // delete countdown 
 // add event
 $('#selectArmy div.sliderbg, #selectArmy a').click(function(){defendCity(load)});
 $('#selectArmy :text').keyup(function(){defendCity(load)});
 $('#time').change(function() {defendCity(load)});
 $('#defendForm').bind('submit', function() {SAVELoadingTime(load,'t')}); //press button of the mission
 {infoError("function pageDefendCity ",er)}

function pagePlunder() // Calculate end time of Pillage town
 if ($('#plunderForm').length <= 0) return; // if return error
 var load = calcuPort(true); 
 //new node
 $('#missionSummary div.plunderInfo')
  .after( "<div id='ET_Time' style='margin: 5px 0px 5px 150px'>"+
     "<div class='journeyTime'>"+
      "<span id='waitTime' name='ET_cntdw' title='"+ ET_lang.wait +"'  style='font-weight: normal'></span>"+
      "<span id='loadTime' title='"+ ET_lang.port + load.txt +" / "+ ET_lang.port2 + load.speed +"'  style='font-weight: normal'></span>"+
      "<span id='travelTime' title='"+ ET_lang.titletravel +"'  style='font-weight: normal'> - </span>"+
      "<span> = </span>"+
      "<span  id='totalTime'> - </span>"+
     "<ul class='arrival'>"+
      "<li id='startDate' name='ET_incDate' title='"+ ET_lang.txtBltTwn[0] +"'/>"+
      "<select id='time' title='"+ ET_lang.txtBltTwn[1] +"'>"+
       "<option value='0' > 1Rd</option>"+
       "<option value='900' > 2Rd</option>"+
       "<option value='1800' > 3Rd</option>"+                
       "<option value='2700' selected='selected'> 4Rd</option>"+                
       "<option value='3600' > 5Rd</option>"+                
       "<option value='4500' > 6Rd</option>"+                
       "<option value='5400' > 7Rd</option>"+                
       "<option value='6300' > 8Rd</option>"+
       "<option value='7200' > 9Rd</option>"+
       "<option value='8100' >10Rd</option>"+                
      "<li id='endDate' name='ET_incDate' title='"+ ET_lang.txtBltTwn[2] +"'/>"+
 nodeReturn('ul.arrival li:last') 
 $('#missionSummary li.ET_return').css({'padding':'8px 15px 8px 44px'});
 $('#time').css({'background':'url(skin/actions/plunder.gif) no-repeat scroll left top','background-size':'contain','padding-left':'35px'});
 $('#missionSummary ul.arrival li').css({'padding-right':'15px','display':'inline'});
 // countdown time for loading other cargo
 ET_Counter('',' + ','');
 ET_t_cnt = setInterval(ET_Counter,1000,'',' + ','');
 $(window).unload(function(){clearInterval(ET_t_cnt);}); // delete countdown
 // increase Date
 ET_t_dt = setInterval(ET_Date,1000,true);
 $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_dt)});  // delete countdown 
 // add event
 $('#selectArmy div.sliderbg, #selectArmy a').click(function(){defendCity(load)});
 $('#selectArmy :text').keyup(function(){defendCity(load)});
 $('#time').change(function() {defendCity(load)});
 $('#plunderForm').bind('submit', function() {SAVELoadingTime(load,'t')}); //press button of the mission
 {infoError("function pageDfsPlgOcy ",er)}

function pageOccupy() // Calculate end time of transport troops in mission Transport, Pillage, Occupacy and defend
 if ($('#plunderForm').length <= 0) return; // if return error
 var load = calcuPort(true); 
 //new node
 $('#missionSummary div.plunderInfo')
  .after( "<div id='ET_Time' style='margin: 5px 0px 5px 150px'>"+
     "<div class='journeyTime'>"+
      "<span id='waitTime' name='ET_cntdw' title='"+ ET_lang.wait +"'></span>"+
      "<span id='loadTime' title='"+ ET_lang.port + load.txt +" / "+ ET_lang.port2 + load.speed +"'></span>"+
      "<span id='travelTime' title='"+ ET_lang.titletravel +"'> - </span>"+
      "<span> = </span>"+
      "<span  id='totalTime' style='font-weight: bold'> - </span>"+
     "<div class='arrival'>"+
      "<span id='startDate' name='ET_incDate' title='"+ ET_lang.txtBltTwn[0] +"'></span>"+
      "<img src='skin/actions/plunder.gif' title='"+ ET_lang.txtBltTwn[1] +"' style='height:12px; width:18px'>"+
      "<select id='time'>"+
       "<option value='0' selected='selected'> 1Rd</option>"+
       "<option value='900' > 2Rd</option>"+
       "<option value='1800' > 3Rd</option>"+                
       "<option value='2700' > 4Rd</option>"+                
       "<option value='3600' > 5Rd</option>"+                
       "<option value='4500' > 6Rd</option>"+                
       "<option value='5400' > 7Rd</option>"+                
       "<option value='6300' > 8Rd</option>"+
       "<option value='7200' > 9Rd</option>"+
       "<option value='8100' >10Rd</option>"+                
      "<span id='endDate' name='ET_incDate' title='"+ ET_lang.txtopyTwn +"'></span>"+
      "<img src='skin/actions/occupy.gif' title='"+ ET_lang.txtopyTwn +"' style='height:12px; width:18px'>"+
 $('#missionSummary div.arrival img').css('margin','0px 3px');
 // countdown time for loading other cargo
 ET_Counter('',' + ','');
 ET_t_cnt = setInterval(ET_Counter,1000,'',' + ','');
 $(window).unload(function(){clearInterval(ET_t_cnt);}); // delete countdown
 // increase Date
 ET_t_dt = setInterval(ET_Date,1000,true);
 $(window).unload(function() {clearInterval(ET_t_dt)});  // delete countdown 
 // add event
 $('#selectArmy div.sliderbg, #selectArmy a').click(function(){defendCity(load)});
 $('#selectArmy :text').keyup(function(){defendCity(load)});
 $('#time').change(function() {defendCity(load)});
 $('#plunderForm').bind('submit', function() {SAVELoadingTime(load,'t')}); //press button of the mission
 // css End Time
 $('#ET_Time img').css('margin','0px 3px');
 {infoError("function pageOccupy ",er)}
function defendCity(load) // Calculate travel of Defend town
 curdate = getDate();
 var employed = $('#sumTransporter').text() > 0? timeTroops() : 0;
 var waittime = (load.wait > curdate && employed > 0)? (load.wait - curdate)/1000: 0;
 var loadingtime = employed > 0? parseInt((employed / load.speed)*60): 0; // time unit second
 if (loadingtime > 0) 
   .text(RealTimetoCounter(loadingtime,2) +" + ")
 var journey = $('#journeyTime').text();
 var traveltime = CountertoRealTime(journey);

 var totaltime = waittime + loadingtime + traveltime;
 $('#totalTime').text(totaltime>0? RealTimetoCounter(totaltime,2) : ' -');
 // Calculate arrive transport date
 $('#startDate').text(realTimetoDate(curdate + totaltime*1000,true))
  .attr('value',waittime <= 0? totaltime: 0); // time for increase date
 var defend = parseInt($('#time').attr('value')) + totaltime;
 $('#endDate').text(realTimetoDate(defend*1000 + curdate,true))
  .attr('value',defend); // time for increase date
 $('#returnDate').text(realTimetoDate((defend + traveltime)*1000 + curdate,true))
  .attr('value',defend + traveltime)
 {infoError("function deployment ",er)}

/** --------------------------*/  
/**   Miscellaneous library   */
/** --------------------------*/

function getOpt() // get option parameter
 ET_opt = eval(localStorage.getItem('ET_opt'));//options
 if (ET_opt == null)  // Init parameter
  ET_opt = {};
  ET_opt.refTime = 1;
  ET_opt.typHour = 0;
  ET_opt.predict = true;
  ET_opt.calcWh = 0;
  ET_opt.debug = false;
  ET_opt.lang = window.navigator.language.split('-')[0].toLowerCase();

function setOpt()   // save option parameter

function timeunits() // get time variable from the page
 ET_unit = eval(localStorage.getItem('ET_unit'));
 if (ET_unit == null)
  if(unsafeWindow.LocalizationStrings != undefined) 
   ET_unit = unsafeWindow.LocalizationStrings.timeunits.short
   ET_unit.separator =  unsafeWindow.LocalizationStrings.thousandSeperator;
  else ET_unit = {day:"D", hour:"h", minute:"m", second:"s", separator:","}; 
 {infoError("function timeunits ",er)}

function getDate() // get current Date
 var rdate = (new Date()).getTime()
 if (ET_opt.refTime == 1) 
  rdate += unsafeWindow.IKARIAM.time.serverTimeDiff
  if (rdate == null) alert('error data');
 return rdate;

function CountertoRealTime(string) // convert string "2h 40m 23s" in time 'second'
 var addtime=0;
 if (string != null && string != undefined)
  var tms = string.split(' ');
  for (var j = 0 ; j < (tms.length) ; j++)
   if (tms[j].indexOf(ET_unit.second) >= 0  && j == tms.length-1) {addtime += parseInt(tms[j]);} //Second
   else if (tms[j].indexOf(ET_unit.minute) >= 0) {addtime += parseInt(tms[j])*60;}    //Minutes
   else if (tms[j].indexOf(ET_unit.hour) >= 0) {addtime += parseInt(tms[j])*60*60;}   //Hour
   else if (tms[j].indexOf( >= 0) {addtime += parseInt(tms[j])*60*60*24}   //Day
 return addtime;
 {infoError("function CountertoRealTime ",er)}

function RealTimetoCounter(rtime, trimtime) // convert time 'second' in string "2h 40m 23s"
 // value of trimtime are 2,3,4
 // calculate Day Hour Minutes and second
 var day = parseInt(rtime/(24*60*60));
 rtime -= day *24*60*60;
 var hour = parseInt(rtime/(60*60));
 rtime -= hour *60*60;
 var min = parseInt(rtime/60);
 rtime -= min *60;
 var sec = parseInt(rtime);
 // create string time
 var t =0;
 var string ='';
 if (day > 0) 
  string = day + + ' ';
 if (hour > 0) 
  string += hour + ET_unit.hour + ' ';
 if (min > 0 && trimtime > t) 
  string += min + ET_unit.minute + ' ';
 if (sec > 0 && trimtime > t) {string += sec + ET_unit.second + ' ';}
 return string
 {infoError("function RealTimetoCounter ",er)}

function realTimetoDate(rdate,secOn) // date of the end event
 var endtxt = "";  
 var today = new Date (curdate); // Today
 var newDate = new Date (rdate) // date of the end event
 if ( (newDate.getDate() != today.getDate()) || (newDate.getMonth() != today.getMonth()) ) // Add month
  if ( newDate.getDate() == (today.getDate()+1) && newDate.getMonth() == today.getMonth() && newDate.getYear() == today.getYear()) endtxt = ET_lang.tomorrow
   endtxt = newDate.getDate() + "." + ET_lang.month[newDate.getMonth()] ; // Add Day and Month
   if (newDate.getFullYear() != today.getFullYear()) endtxt += "." + newDate.getFullYear(); // Add Year
  endtxt+=" ";
 // type of hour 12h or 24h (24h =0 and 12h =1)
 var hour = newDate.getHours()
 var ampm ='';
 if (ET_opt.typHour == 1)
  ampm = (hour > 12)? 'pm':'am';
  hour = (hour > 12)? hour-12: hour;
 endtxt += hour;
 var min = newDate.getMinutes();
 if (min < 10) {min= "0" + min;}
 endtxt += ":" + min; // Add Minites
 if (secOn == true)
  var sec = newDate.getSeconds();
  if (sec < 10) {sec = "0" + sec;}
  endtxt += ":" + sec; // Add Second
 endtxt += ampm; // Add PM or AM for 12h
 return endtxt
 {infoError("function realTimetoDate ",er)}

function cityIdPath() // ID city by path of the city view
 if (page == 'city') var idcity = parseInt($('#position0 a:first').attr('href').split('id=')[1])
 else idcity=parseInt($('#breadcrumbs a[href*=?view=city]').attr('href').split('id=')[1])
 return idcity

function replaceNum(num) // Parses an int of format 123456 to an string in format 123,456 
 var sign=(num < 0)? '-':'';
 var multi ='';
 num = Math.abs(num);
 if (num> 1000000)
  num= parseInt(num/1000);
  multi ='k';
 var string = String(Math.abs(num));
 for ( j=string.length-3 ; j > 0; j = j-3)
  {string = string.substring(0 , j) + ET_unit.separator + string.substring(j , string.length)}
 return sign + string + multi;

 Store loading time
   {cityLoad: 45380, dateLoad: 12345678, cityDest: 97342, dateDest: 12578954, nCargo: 30, typ: 'g', eventId:45897623},
   {cityLoad: 67321, dateLoad: 12348756, cityDest: 54087, dateDest: 56324620, nCargo: 20, typ: 't', eventId:45897624}

Array.prototype.sortlvl = function () //sort level 
  if (this.length <= 1) {return;}
  for (j=0 ; j < this.length-1 ; j++)
   for (jj=j+1 ; jj< this.length ; jj++)
    if (parseInt(this[j]) < parseInt(this[jj]))
     tmp = this[jj];
     this[jj] = this[j];
     this[j] = tmp

Array.prototype.sortDate = function () //from smallest to largest
  if (this.length <= 2) {return;}
  for (j=0 ; j < this.length-1 ; j++)
   for (jj=j+1 ; jj< this.length ; jj++)
    if (this[j].dateLoad > this[jj].dateLoad)
     tmp = this[jj];
     this[jj] = this[j];
     this[j] = tmp

function lastLoadingTime(idcity) // last loading time
 var wait = READLoadingTime(false); // read date  
 for (var j = wait.length-1; j>=0; j--) 
  {if (wait[j].cityLoad == idcity) {return wait[j].dateLoad;}}
 return 0;
 {infoError("function lastLoadingTime ",er)}

function READLoadingTime(ctrldate) // read loading time
 wait = eval(localStorage.getItem('ET_waitPort'));
 if (wait == null) wait=[];
 $(wait).each(function(id){if (this.dateDest < curdate) wait.splice(id,1)}) // delete old mission
 localStorage.setItem('ET_waitPort', uneval(wait)); //save 
 if (ctrldate) $(wait).each(function(id){if (this.dateLoad < curdate) wait.splice(id,1)}); // filter for loading date
 return wait;
 {infoError("function READLoadingTime ",er)}

function SAVELoadingTime(load,typ) // save loading time
 var loadingtime = $('#loadTime').attr('value'); //loading time
 if (loadingtime > 0) // continue for valid loading time
  curdate = getDate()
  var iddest = $('input:hidden[name = destinationCityId]').val()
  // Calculate loading date
  //var mis = {}; // save date and type of mission
  var actdate = load.wait < curdate? curdate: load.wait;
  var loadingdate = actdate + loadingtime * 1000;
  // Calculate travel date
  var traveltime = $('#journeyTime').attr('value'); //travel time
  // Calculate number of cargo
  var cargo= $('#sumTransporter').text() > 0? $('#sumTransporter').text() : 0;
  if ($('#transporterCount').attr('value')>0) cargo = $('#transporterCount').attr('value');
  var mis = {cityLoad:, dateLoad: loadingdate, cityDest: iddest, dateDest: (loadingdate + traveltime * 1000), nCargo: cargo, typ: typ}
  var wait = READLoadingTime(true); // read date
  wait.push(mis);   // add new date of loading cargo
  localStorage.setItem('ET_waitPort', uneval(wait));
 {infoError("function SAVELoadingTime ",er)}

function deleteMission(idcity,nEvent) // erase loading mission
 curdate = getDate()
 var wait = READLoadingTime(false);
 for(var jj=0; jj< wait.length; jj++)
  if (wait[jj].eventId == nEvent)
   var datedif = wait[jj].dateLoad - curdate; // difference in time to the date cleared
   // search date in storege loading time
   for(var j= 0; j < wait.length; j++)
    if (idcity == wait[j].cityLoad)
     if (jj > j){datedif = wait[jj].dateLoad - wait[j].dateLoad;} // search other loading cargo before deleting mission
     if (jj < j){wait[j].dateLoad = wait[j].dateLoad - datedif;}  // recalculate freight loading times
   wait.splice(jj,1);   // delete mission
   localStorage.setItem('ET_waitPort', uneval(wait));
 {infoError("function deleteMission ",er)}

function calcuPort(mycity) // Array with idcity + level port + loading speed + wait date
 var waitdate = 0;
 var idcity ='';
 if (mycity) // my port
  idcity = $('#citySelect').attr('value');// Get id of source city
  var lvlport = eval(localStorage.getItem('ET_lvlport'+ idcity));
  if (!lvlport) lvlport = [0];
  waitdate = lastLoadingTime(idcity);
 else  // other port
  lvlport = localStorage.getItem('ET_tradePort')*1;
  if (isNaN(lvlport)) lvlport = 0;
 // Calculate loading times    0       5       10       15       20        25         30       35         40
 const loadingspeed = new Array(10,30,60,93,129,169,213,261,315,373,437,508,586,672,766,869,983,1108,1246,1398,1565,1748,1950,2172,2416,2685,2980,3305,3663,4056,4489,4965,5488,6064,6698,7394,8161,9004,9931,10951,12073,13308);
 // Calculate wait time if port is occupated in other loading
 var lvltot="";
 var loadSp = 0;
 if ($.isArray(lvlport)) // type array is my port - number is other port
  var lvltxt ='';
  var speed = 0;
  $(lvlport).each(function(index, value) { 
   lvltxt += value + '+';
   if (value > 0 && value <= 41) speed += loadingspeed[value]
   else if (value > 41) speed += loadingspeed[41]
  lvltxt = lvltxt.replace(/[+]$/,'');
  speed = lvlport;
  lvltxt = 'xx';
 return {id: idcity, txt: lvltxt, speed: speed, wait: waitdate}
 {infoError("function calcuPort ",er)}

// Countdown of string type '2h 23m 12s'
var ET_t_cnt;
function ET_Counter(pretxt,posttxt,nvrtxt)
 var node = document.getElementsByName('ET_cntdw')
 curdate = getDate();
 for (var j=0; j< node.length; j++)
   dateend = node[j].getAttribute('value')
   if (dateend !=null && dateend > curdate)
    var time = RealTimetoCounter((dateend-curdate)/1000,2)
    node[j].textContent = pretxt + time + posttxt;
   else if(dateend <= curdate)
    node[j].textContent = nvrtxt;

// Increase time of string type '2h 23m 12s'
var ET_t_inc;
function ET_Increase()
 curdate = getDate();
  dif = curdate - ($(this).attr('value') *1);
  if( dif > 0) $(this).text(RealTimetoCounter(dif/1000,2))

// Increase Date of string type date '1.gen.2010 22:15'
var ET_t_dt;
function ET_Date(sec) 
 curdate = getDate();
  var time = $(this).attr('value') *1;
  if(time > 0) $(this).text(realTimetoDate( curdate + (time*1000),sec))


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