Sunday, January 23, 2011

Catalanizator - Twitter en català

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Catalanizator - Twitter en català
// @namespace
// @description    Tradueix Twitter al català,basat en la seqüència :  profil word changes on facebook.Portat a tu per V:23012011
// @require
// @include        **
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {

  var replacements, regex, key, textnodes, node, s;

// you can customize the script below by changing the letter "a" to a lowercase version of the word
// and the letter "B" to the uppercase version of the word. Currently, in this version you
// can only change "a" and B to a word that turns plural by just adding an "s"
// Remember: KEEP THE QUOTES when changing "a" and "B"

replacements = {
  "What are you doing": "Què estàs fent ara",
"update": "actualitza",
"Home": "Inici",
"actualitzas": "actualitzacions",
"Latest": "Darrer",
"Followers_me": "seguidors/es",
"following_me": "seguint_jo",
"Direct Messages": "Missatges Directes",
"Favorites": "Favorits",
"Trending Topics": "Temes Calents",
"Following": "Seguint",
"add": "afegeix",
"ago from": "fa des de",
"View All": "Veure tots",
"Search": "Cerca",
"Profile": "Perfil",
"Find People": "Cerca Gent",
"Settings": "Configuració",
"Help": "Ajuda",
"Sign out": "Surt",
" ago": " fa",
"from": "des de",
"About Us": "Sobre Nosaltres",
"Contact": "Contacta`ns",
"Status": "Estat",
"Apps": "Aplicacions",
"Jobs": "Feina",
"Terms": "Termes",
"Privacy": "Privacitat",
"in reply to": "en resposta a",
"What": "Què",
"What is": "Què és",
"is a service": "és un servei",
"service": "servei",
" is ": " és ",
" for ": " per a ",
"friends": "amics/gues",
"family": "família",
" and ": " i ",
"Why": "Per què",
"How": "Com",
"Select": "Tria",
"Language": "Idioma",
"English": "Català",
"Please": "Si us Plau",
"sign in": "entra",
"Sign in": "Entra",
"user name": "nom d`usuari/a",
"perro": "gos",
"San Roque": "Sant Roc",
"á": "à",
"co–workers": "companys/es de feina",
"Watch a video": "Mira un vídeo",
"communicate": "comunicar-se",
"stay connected": "estar connectat/da",
"through": "a través de",
"exchange": "intercanvi",
"quick, frequent answers": "ràpides i freqüents respostes",
"to one": "a una",
"question": "pregunta",
"Get Started—Join!": "Inicia't - Entra",
" or ": " o ",
"email afegeixress": "adreça de correu-e",
"password": "contrasenya",
"Sign In &raquo": "Entra &raquo",
"Remember me": "Recorda`m",
"Forgot contrasenya": "Has oblidat la contrasenya",
"Here": "Aquí",
"Click here": "Clica aquí",
"Already using Twitter": "Ja fas servir Twitter",
"your phone": "el teu telèfon",
" use ": " usa ",
"Because": "Perquè",
"even basic": "fins i tot bàsiques",
" are ": " són ",
"meaningful": "importants",
"colleagues": "colegues",
"especially": "especialment",
"You follow": "Segueixes",
"people": "persones",
"Invite more!": "Convida`n més ;)",
"Direct message": "Missatge directe",
"remove": "esborra",
"Next": "Següent",
"Previous": "Anterior",
"Followers": "Seguidors/es",
"block": "bloca",
"follow": "segueix",
"You són segueixing": "Ja segueixes a",
"és over capacity.": "està saturat.",
"Too many tweets!": "Massa tweets :S ",
"Name": "Nom",
"Location": "Localitat",
"Updates": "Actualitzacions",
"RSS feed of ": "Apunta`t a les ",
"Seguint_profile": "Segueix a",
"Seguidors/es_profile": "el/la segueixen",
"Find persones": "Cerca persones",
"Follow them": "Segueix-les",
"Find on": "Troba a",
"other networks": "altres xarxes",
"Invite": "Convida",
" by ": " per ",
"email": "correu-e",
"Suggested Users": "Usuaris/es Suggerits",
"You can search per a persones you know who already have a Twitter account.": "Troba persones que tinguin ja un compte a Twitter.",
"Who són you looking for": "A qui busques",
"search": "cerca",
"Cerca per a a": "Cerca per ",
"username": "nom d`usuari/a",
"first o last name": "nom o cognom",
"Your Email": "El teu correu-e",
"Email Password": "La teva contrasenya del correu-e",
"Choose": "Tria",
"Twitter account": "compte de Twitter",
"the list on the left": "la llista de l`esquerra",
"We can check if your": "Podem comprovar si els teus",
"You can invite folks per sending them an": "Pots convidar gent via",
"See what you'll send them.": "Mira què els envies",
"Enter some": "Escriu alguna",
"correu-ees:": "correu-e:",
"Separate": "Separa",
"Invite": "Convida",
"with": "amb",
"Maybe you've heard of these Twitter users": "Has sentit mai a parlar sobre aquests usuaris/es de Twitter",
"the persones you'd like to start segueixing": "les persones que vols seguir",
"All": "Tots",
"does it work": "funciona",
"Your ": "Els teus ",
"Email Security": "Seguretat en el correu-e",
"We don't store": "No guardem",
"your login": "la teva entrada",
"your contrasenya": "la teva contrasenya",
"submitted securely": "enviada segurament",
"ambout": "sense",
"permission": "permís",
"we don't correu-e": "no t'enviarem correus-e",
"your permís": "el teu permís",
"on other ": "a d`altres",
" already ": " ja ",
"already have a ": "ja tenen un ",
" a servei ": " un servei ",
"correu-ees": "correu-e",
"Account": "Compte",
"Password": "Contrasenya",
"Devices": "Dispositius",
"Notices": "Avisos",
"Picture": "Imatge",
"Design": "Disseny",
"Username": "Nom d`usuari/a",
"Els teus URL": "La teva adreça URL",
"Enter": "Escriu",
"name": "nom",
"your real name": "el teu nom real",
"so persones you know can recognize you": "per a que les persones que et coneixen et puguin trobar.",
"space": "espai",
"please": "si us plau",
"Email": "Correu-e",
"You must": "Has de",
"re-enter": "reescriure",
"to change your": "per canviar el teu",
"Forgot": "Has oblidat",
"Time Zone": "Zona horària",
"More Info URL": "Adreça de Més Informació",
"One Line Bio": "Bio d`1 línia",
"About ": "Sobre ",
"yourself": "tu mateix",
"in fewer than ": "en menys de ",
"Where in the world són you": "On ets al món",
"Què language would you like to Twitter in?": "En quin idioma vols Twitter",
"Protect": "Protegeix",
"Delete": "Esborra",
"my account": "el meu compte",
"Save": "Salva",
"Current": "Actual",
"New Contrasenya": "Nova Contrasenya",
"Verify": "Verifica",
"Auto Nudge": "Auto-Toc",
"Replies": "Respostes",
"Show me": "Mostra`m",
" all": " totes",
"this": "això",
"Maximum size of": "Màxim Tamany permès:",
"theme": "interfície",
"Change": "Canvia",
"background image": "imatge de fons",
"design": "disseny",
"disseny colors": "colors del disseny",
"replies": "respostes",
"to the persones I'm segueixing": "de les persones que segueixo",
"Nudge me if": "Avisa'm si",
"I haven’t actualitzad": "No he actualitzat",
"in 24 hours": "en 24 hores",
"This will send a txt to": "Això enviarà un sms a",
"Adreça de correu-es": "Adreça de correu-e",
"New Follower Correu-es": "Avís de Nou seguidor/a",
"Correu-e when": "Avisa'm per correu-e quan",
"someone starts segueixing me": "algú comenci a seguir-me",
"I receive a new direct message": "rebi un missatge directe nou",
"send me": "envia'm",
"Newsletter": "Butlletí",
"Direct Text Correu-es": "Avís de Nou Missatge per Correu-e",
"more": "més",
"update": "actualitza",
"treball": "treball",
"minute": "minut",
"Search": "Cerca",
"RSS feed": "Sindicació RSS",
"Goodies": "Aplicacions",
"Business": "Negocis",
"about": "sobre",
"hours": "hores",
"Aug": "Ago",
"search": "cerca",
"Continue": "Segueix",
"commas": "comes",
"Find people": "Troba gent",
"your real nom": "el teu nom real",
"Have a homepage o a blog": "Tens un pàgina web o blog",
"afegeixress": "adreça",
" here": " aquí",
"You can also": "Tu també pots",
"to your site": "a la teva web",
"Put": "Posa",
"chars.": "crts.",
"my tweets": "els meus tweets",
"Only let": "Només deixa",
"whom I approve": "que jo aprovi",
"If això": "Si això",
"checked": "marcat",
"you WILL NOT be": "NO seràs",
" on the ": " a ",
"public timeline": "línia de temps pública",
"posted previously": "enviat anteriorment",
"may still be": "potser segueixen",
"publicly visible": "publicament visibles",
"in some places": "en alguns llocs",
"I want the inside scoop": "Vull el butlletí",
" a interfície": "una interfície",
"Connections": "Connexions",
"You've allowed": "Has permés",
"the segueixing applications": "que les següents aplicacions",
"your account": "el teu compte",
"Revoke Access ": "Revoca accès",
"approved on": "aprovat el",
"read i write access": "permís d`escriptura i lectura",
"Have an account": "Tens un compte",
"Sign in": "Entra",
"See what": "Mira què",
"persones són saying sobre": "estan dient aquestes persones sobre",
"Join the conversation": "Entra a la conversa",
"Sign up now": "Registra't ara",
"Share": "Comparteix",
"discover": "descobreix",
"what’s happening right now": "què està passant ara",
"anywhere in the world": "a qualsevol lloc del món",
"New to Twitter": "Nou/va a Twitter",
"looks at every incoming tweet": "mira cada fil",
"then ranks the popularity of certain words or phrases in": "llavors valora la popularitat de certes paraules o frases en",
"Click any of the popular topics below to see what people are saying about them right now": "Clica a qualsevol resultat popular de sota per veure què està dient la gent ara",
"Real time": "Temps Real",
"real time": "temps real",
"Realtime": "Temps real",
"Temps real results": "Resultats en temps real",
"Trending topics": "Temes més de moda",
"Cerca tip": "Pista de cerca",
"Trending": "de moda",
"topics": "temes",
"de moda temes": "temes de moda",
"Join": "Entra",
"the conversation": "a la conversa",
"hour": "hora",
"to contribute what's going on in your world i to filter your view of Twitter down to the persones i temes that interest you most": "per contribuir al que passa al teu món i per filtrar la teva visió de Twitter a les persones i interessos que tinguis",
"results": "resultats",
"since": "des que",
"you started cercaing": "vas iniciar la cerca",
"Refresh": "Actualitza",
"to see them": "per veure'ls",
"result": "resultat",
"the Conversation": "a la conversa",
"Already usa": "Ja uses",
"on el teu": "al teu",
"Finish": "Finalitza",
"signup now": "el teu registre",
"Full nom": "Nom",
"Already on": "Ja estàs registrat/da a",
"your first i last nom": "el teu nom complet",
"Pick a unique nom on Twitter": "Tria un nom únic per a Twitter",
"Checking": "Comprovant",
"availability": "disponibilitat",
"character": "caràcter",
"be tricky": "sigues clar",
"Type the words above": "Escriu les paraules de sobre",
"Can't read": "No pots llegir",
"words": "paraules",
"Get two new": "Aconsegueix noves",
"Hear a set of ": "Escolta les ",
"Powered": "Fet",
"In case you forget something": "En cas que oblidis quelcom",
"By clicking on": "Clicant a",
"Create": "Crea",
"above, you confirm that you accept the": "confirmes que acceptes els",
"Termes of Service": "Termes de Servei",
"Crea an Compte": "Crea un compte",
"Login": "Entra",
"wait a moment i try again": "espera un moment i torna-ho a provar",
"Public Timeline": "Línia temporal pública",
"Join!": "Entra",
"Recent Public Tweets": "Twits públics recents",
"Què everyone on Twitter és talking sobre!": "Què està dient tothom a Twitter",
"less than": "menys de",
"seconds": "segons",
" a minut ": " un minut ",
"Crea Els teus Compte": "Crea el teu compte",
"Entra to Twitter": "Entra a Twitter",
"If you’ve been using": "Si uses",
"we’ll get you signed up a web": "et donarem entrada des d`una web",
"click aquí": "clica aquí",
"segueixers": "seguidors/es",
"Tweets": "Twits",
"User / Nom": "Usuari/a - Nom",
"Actions": "Accions",
"Mention": "Menciona",
"Unsegueix": "Deixa de seguir",
"Block": "Bloca",
"Follow": "Segueix",
"afegeix o invite més": "afegeix o convida'n a més",
"tweets": "twits",
"From aquí you can change your basic account info, fill in your profile data, i set whether you want to be private o public.": "Des d'aquí pots canviar la teva informació bàsica del teu compte, omplir dades per al teu perfil, i marcar el que vols privat i/o públic",
"Be tricky! Els teus contrasenya should be at least 6 caràcters i not a dictionary word o common nom. Canvia la teva contrasenya on occasion.": "Sigues clar. La teva contrasenya ha de tenir 6 caràcters com a mínim i no una paraula extreta de diccionari o similar.Canvia la teva contrasenya algun cop.",
" fun ": " divertit ",
"when used": "quan és usat",
"your mobile phone": "el teu telèfon mòbil",
"Set yours up": "Dona'ns el teu",
"Mobile Phone": "Telèfon Mòbil",
"your mobile number": "el teu número de mòbil",
"below": "sota",
"include": "inclou",
"your country code": "el teu codi de pais",
"amb a ": "amb un ",
"in the country code box": "a la capsa del codi de país",
"Need help": "Necessites ajuda",
"Country code": "Codi d`Estat",
"1 per a US": "34 per a Espanya",
"Mobile number": "Número de mòbil",
"It’s okay per a Twitter to send txt messages to my phone. Standard rates apply.": "Em sembla bé que Twitter m'enviï SMS al meu mòbil aplicant les tarifes actuals",
"Tria a": "Tria una",
"Revoke Access": "Revoca l`accès",
"new tweet": "nou twit",
"listed": "llistats",
"update": "actualitza",
"Close": "Tanca",
"Què do you think of the retweet feature?": "Què en penses de la possibilitat de fer retwits?",
"Send feedback!": "Envia'ns la teva opinió",
"New list": "Nova llista",
"Trending Topics": "Temes Actuals",
"Lists són timelines you build tu mateix, consisting of amics/gues, família, co-workers, sports teams, you nom it.": "Les llistes són línies temporals que et fas tu mateix, consistint en amics/gues, família, companys/es de feina, equips favorits, que tu anomenis.",
"New!": "Nou!",
"Retweet to share twits": "Retwiteja per compartir twits",
"Lists": "Llistes",
"Retweeted": "Retwitejat",
"That's you!": "Ets tu!",
"Manage lists": "Controla llistes",
"Find accounts i segueix them": "Troba comptes i segueix-les",
"You can find": "Pots trobar",
"you know that ja have a compte": "que coneguis i tinguin ja un compte",
"Què account són you looking for": "Què compte cerques",
"brand": "marca",
"Continue": "Continua",
"We store adreça de correu-e des de això import to help you connect amb other Twitter users": "Enregistrem la teva adreça de correu-e des de la que importar informació que t'ajudi a connectar amb altres usuaris/es de Twitter",
"We won't correu-e these adreçaes": "No donarem aquestes adreces de correu-e",
"Learn més": "Apren-ne més",
"Save": "Salva",
"’s settings": " - - Configuració",
"Tips": "Suggeriments",
"to keep your twits private. Approve who can segueix you i keep your twits out of cerca resultatats.": "per tal de mantenir els teus twits en privat.Aprova qui et segueix i manté els teus twits fora dels resultats de cerques.",
"Filling in your profile information will help persones find you on Twitter. For example, you'll be més likely to turn up in a Twitter cerca if you've afegeixed your location o el teu nom real.": "Omplint informació al teu perfil ajudaràs a la gent a trobar-te a Twitter.Per exemple, tens més probabilitats de ser trobat/da si ecrius el teu nom real o ubicació.",
"Mobile": "Mòbil",
"Triauna": "Tria una",
"to access el teu compte": "accedeixin al teu compte",
"Developers": "Desenvolupadors/es",
"Listed": "llistats",
"Què’s happening": "Què està passant",
"Retweet to spread the word": "Retwiteja per escampar la paraula",
"mobile web": "la web per a mòbil",
"update": "actualitza",
"Close": "Tanca",
"interesting twits": "twits interessants",
"your seguidors/es": "els teus seguidors/es",
"per hovering over a tweet": "passant per sobre un twit",
"clicking": "clicant",
"A retweet": "Un retwit",
"de someone you segueix": "d'algú que segueixis",
"will look like the example pictured aquí": "es veurà com l'exemple que veus aquí",
"Learn": "Aprén-ne",
"Totse ansehen…": "Tots/es els que et segueixen...",
"Crea a new list": "Crea una llista nova",
"List nom": " Nom de la llista",
"Description": "Descripció",
"Under 100": "Menys de 100",
"optional": "opcional",
"Public": "Públic",
"Anyone can subscribe to això list.": "Tothom pot apuntar-se a aquesta llista.",
"Private": "Privat",
"Only you can access això list": "Només tu pots accedir a aquesta llista",
"Create List": "Crea llista",
"Browse Suggestions": "Mira Suggeriments",
"Example": "Exemple",
"Find Friends": "Troba amics/gues",
"organizations": "organitzacions",
"companies": "empreses",
"Sources in": "Fonts en",
"Look who else": "Mira qui hi",
"the ones you like": "qui t'agradi",
"Start segueixing them!": "Comença a seguir-los/es",
"Tria the temes you són interested in": "Tria els temes que t'interessen",
"Find a few persones": "Troba unes quantes persones",
"you want to hear des de": "que vols escoltar",
"then segueix them": "després segueix-les",
"When you": "Quan tu",
"someone": "algú",
"each time they tweet": "cada cop que twitegin",
"you'll see their twits on your Twitter Inici page": "veuràs els seus twits a la teva pàgina d'inici de Twitter",
"You can segueix o unsegueix sources anytime": "Pots seguir i deixar de seguir les fonts sempre que vulguis",
"Books": "Llibres",
"Charity": "Caritat",
"Escriutainment": "Entreteniment",
"Family": "Família",
"Fashion": "Moda",
"Food & Drink": "Menjar i Beguda",
"Funny": "Humor",
"Health": "Salut",
"Music": "Música",
"News": "Notícies",
"Politics": "Política",
"Science": "Ciència",
"Sports": "Esports",
"Staff Picks": "Actualitat",
"Technology": "Tecnologia",
"Travel": "Viatges",
"Verified": "Verificat",
"Find your contacts": "Troba els teus contactes",
"Many of your": "Molts dels teus",
"segueix them": "segueix-los",
"Find": "Troba",
"Troba your amics": "Troba els teus amics",
"Your correu-e": "El teu correu-e",
"Your contrasenya": "La teva contrasenya",
"Search": "Cerca",
"Find": "Troba",
"Your URL": "La teva adreça",
"Canvia your Twitter nom d`usuari/a anytime sense affecting your existing twits": "Canvia el teu nom d`usuari/a quan vulguis sense afectar als teus twits ja existents",
"direct messages": "missatges directes",
"Sign in": "Entra",
"Enable geotagging": "Permetre geolocalització",
"Geotagging?": "Geolocalització",
"Reply": "Respon",
"Retweet": "Retwiteja",
"Messages": "Missatges",
"What`s happening?": "Què està passant?",
"Timeline": "Línia temporal",
"Mentions": "Mencions",
"Retweets": "Retwits",
"followers_count": "Seguidors",
"118": "120",
"user_created_at": "proves",
"Pene": "Marc",
"trends": "proves",
"The best way to discover what’s new in your world.": "La millor forma de descobrir què hi ha de nou al teu món.",
"See who’s aquí": "Mira qui hi ha",
"View": "Veure",
"Friends i industry peers you know. Celebrities you watch. Negocises you frequent. Troba them totes on Twitter.": "Amics i indústries que coneixes.Famosos que segueixes.Negocis que freqüentes.Troba`ls tots a Twitter.",
"Leave preview": "Surt de la nova versió",
"The best way to": "La millor manera de",
"A new Twitter experience és coming!": "Una nova experiència de Twitter està arribant!",
"it…": "",
"descobreix what": "descobrir què",
"s new in your world": " hi ha de nou al teu món",
"See who": "Mira qui",
"s aquí": "és aquí",
"Easy, free, i instant actualitzacions": "Actualitzacions fàcils, gratuites i instantànies",
"Get access to the information that interests you most.": "Accedeix a la informació que t`interessa més.",
"Apren-ne més sobre it…": "Apren-ne més amb…",
"right now": "ara",
"Catch a glimpse": "Mira un bocí",
"of the new": "del nou",
"experience és coming!": "experiència arriba",
"A new": "Una nova",
"Who To Segueix": "A qui seguir",
"Switch to Old Twitter": "Canvia al Twitter antic",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
"á": "à",
regex = {};
for ( key in replacements ) {
  regex[key] = new RegExp(key, 'g');

textnodes = document.evaluate( "//body//text()" , document , null , XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE , null );
for ( var i=0 ; i<textnodes.snapshotLength ; i++ ) {
  node = textnodes.snapshotItem(i);
  s =;
  for ( key in replacements ) {
    s = s.replace( regex[key] , replacements[key] );
  } = s;


var viewLogButton = document.createElement("div");

viewLogButton.innerHTML="<a href=\"***Emoticons List***\" onclick=\"'','popup','width=500,height=500,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,left=100,top=6666'); return false\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a>";

viewLogButton.setAttribute("style", "position: fixed; right: -5px; top: 210px; font-family: tahoma; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 600; -moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; cursor: pointer;");




replaceElement(document, yemo);

function listen(evt)


 var node =;

 if (node.nodeType == document.ELEMENT_NODE) 

  replaceElement(node, yemo);


 if (node.nodeType == document.TEXT_NODE) {

  var parent = node.parentNode;

  var span = replaceTextNode(node, yemo);

  if (span) 

   parent.replaceChild(span, node);



document.body.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', listen, true);


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