Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chapter [Sarga] 28

    Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya

Chapter [Sarga] 28


In this chapter Rama describes various troubles of staying in forest and beseeches seetha not to go to forest

saevam bruvatiim siitaam dharmaj~no dharma vatsalaH |
nivartana arthe dharma aatmaa vaakyam etat uvaaca ha || 2-28-1
1. saH= Rama; dharmaJNjaH= the knower of righteousness; dharmavatsalaH= who was fond of righteousness; nakurute= did not form; buddhim= the idea; netum= of taking; siitaam= Sita; bruvatiim= who was speaking; evam= thus; chintayan= thinking; duHkhaani= of difficulties; vane= in the forest.
Thinking of difficulties one will be called upon to bear in the forest, Rama who was fond of righteousness did not form the idea of taking Sita who was speaking as aforesaid.
saantvayitvaa punastaam tu baashhpaduushhitalochanaam |
nivartanaarthe dharmaatmaa vaakyametaduvaacha ha || 2-28-2
2. saantayitvaa= soothening with kind words; taam= to Sita; bhaashhpa duushhita lochanaam= when eyes were blemished with tears; dharmaatmaa= Rama, the virtuous minded; uvaachaha= spoke; etat= these; vaakyam= words; punaH= again; nivartanaarthe= for the purpose of making her turn back.
Soothening with kind words to Sita, when eyes were blemished with tears, the virtuous Rama spoke again as follows, for the purpose of waking her turn back.
siite mahaa kuliinaa asi dharme ca nirataa sadaa |
iha aacara svadharmam tvam maa yathaa manasaH sukham || 2-28-3
3. siite= Oh, Sita! asi= you are; mahaakuliinaa= born in a high lineage; sadaa= ever; nirataa= devoted to; dharme= righteousness; tvam= you; aachara= perform; svadharmama= your own virtue; iha= here; yathaa= how; sukham= agreeable; me manasaH= to my mind.
"Sita! Your are born in a high lineage, ever devoted to righteousness. Perform your own virtue here, which is agreable to my mind."
siite yathaa tvaam vakSyaami tathaa kaaryam tvayaa abale |
vane doSaa hi bahavo vadataH taan nibodha me || 2-28-4
4. siite=Oh,Sita; abale= the delicate! yathaa tathaa= whatever manner; vakshhyaami= I shall tell; tvaam= you; kaaryam= is to be done; tvayaa= by you; bahavaH= many; doshhaaH hi= inconveniences indeed; vane= in the forest; nibodha= know; taan= them; me= from me; vadataH= speaking.
"Oh Sita, the delicate! Do whatever I tell you. There are many inconveniencs in the forest. Know them from me."
siite vimucyataam eSaa vana vaasa kR^itaa matiH |
bahu doSam hi kaantaaram vanam iti abhidhiiyate || 2-28-5
5. siite= Oh, Sita; eshaa= this; matiH= thought; vanavaasakR^itaa= made about forest; vimuchyataam= be given up; abhidhiiyati hi= It is indeed said; vanam= forest; kaantaaram= the wilderness; bahudoshhayutam= is fraught with many dangers.
"Oh, Sita! Let your thought made about forest be given up. It is indeed said that forest with its wilderness is fraught with many dangers."
hita buddhyaa khalu vaco mayaa etat abhidhiiyate |
sadaa sukham na jaanaami duhkham eva sadaa vanam || 2-28-6
6. etat vachaH= this advice; abhidhiiyate hi= is expressed indeed; mayaa= by me; hita buddhyaa= keeping your welfare in view; sadaa nagaanaami= I do not ever consider; vanam= forest; sukham= as comfortable; sadaa= always; duHkhameva= uncomfortable.
This advice is given by me, keeping your welfare in view. I do not ever consider a forest as comfortable. It is always uncomfortable."
giri nirjhara sambhuutaa giri kandara vaasinaam |
simhaanaam ninadaa duhkhaaH shrotum duhkham ataH vanam || 2-28-7
7. ninadaaH= the sounds; girinirjaharasambhuutaaH= created from water falls in hills; simhaanaam= from lions; girikandharavaasinaam= residing in mountain caves; duHkHaaH= are unpleasant; shrotum= to hear; ataH= that is why; vanam=forest; duHkham= is uncomfortable.
"The sounds created from waterfalls in hills and from lions resding in mountain caves are unpleasant to hear. That is why living in a forest in uncomfortable."
kriiDamaanaashcha visrabdhaa mattaah shuunye mahaamR^igaaH |
dR^ishhTvaa samabhivartante siite duHkhamato vanam || 2-28-8
8. mahaa mR^igaaH= large animals; visrabdhaaH= which are fearless; mattaaH= intoxicated; kR^iidamaanaaH= sporting; shuunyo= in desolate forest; samabhivartane= come forward; dR^ishhTvaa= after seeing; siite= Oh, Sita! ataH= that is why; vanam= forest; duHkham= is uncomfortable.
"Large wild animals which are fearless and intoxicated sporting in the desolate forest; come forward, after seeing. Oh, Sita! That is why living in forest is uncomfortable."
sagraahaaH saritashchaiva paN^kavatyashcha dustaraaH |
mattairapi gajairnityamato duHkhataram vanam || 2-28-9
9. saritashchaiva= even streams; sagraahaaH= filled with corcodiles; paNkavatyaH cha=full of mire; dustaraaH= are difficult to be crossed; mattaiH gajairapi= by rut elephants also; ataH= hence; vanam= forest; nityam= is always; duHkhatara= very much uncomforable.
"Even streams filled with crocodiles full of mire are difficult to be crossed by rut elephants also. Hence dwelling in a forest is always very much uncomfortable.
lataakaNTakasampuurNaaH kR^ikavaakuupanaaditaaH |
nirapaashcha sudurgaashcha maargaa duHkhamato vanam || 2-28-10
10. maargaaH= pathways; lataakaNtaka sampuurNaaH= covered with creeps and thorns; kR^ikavaakuupanaaditaaH= echoed with noise of wild cocks; nirapaaH= water=less; sudurgaaH cha= and very difficult to enter; ataH= hence; vanam= forest; duHkham= is hardship.
"Pathways covered with creepers and thorns, echoed with noise of wild cocks, are water-less and very difficult to enter. Hence dwelling in a forest is hardship."
supyate parNa shayyaasu svayam bhagnaasu bhuu tale |
raatriSu shrama khinnena tasmaat duhkhataram vanam || 2-28-11
11. shramakhinnena= one distressed by fatigue; supyate= has to sleep; raatrishhu= in nights; bhagnaasu parNa shayyaasu= on a bed of fallen leaves; tasmaat= hence; vanam= forest; duHkhataram= is very much a misery.
"One distress by fatigue has to sleep in nights on a bed of fallen leaves. Hence, living in a forest is very much a misery."
ahoraatram cha santoshhaH kartavyo niyataatmanaa |
phalairvR^ikshaavapatitaiH siite duHkhamato vanam || 2-28-12
12. siite= Oh, Sita! niyataatmanaa= one with mind disciplined; ahoraatram= day and night; kartavyaH= has to necessarily do; santoshhaH= contend with; phalaiH= fruits; vR^ikshhaapatitaiH= fallen from trees; ataH= henc; vanam= forest; duHkham= is suffering.
"Oh, Sita! With mind disciplined day and night, one has to necessarily satisfy ourself with fruits fallen from trees. Hence, living in a forest is a suffering."
upavaasaH ca kartavyaa yathaa praaNena maithili |
jaTaa bhaaraH ca kartavyo valkala ambara dhaariNaa || 2-28-13
13. maithili= Oh, Sita, the princess of Mithila! uparaasashcha= fasting also; kartavyaH= is to be done; yathaa praaNena= according to one's stamina; valkalaambaradhaariNaa= wearing clothes of bark; jataabhaarashcha= and mass of matted hair(on the head) kartavyaH= is to be done.
"Oh, Sita the princess of Mithila! Fasting is to be done according to one's stamina. Clothes of bark are to be worn and mass of matted hair has to be worn on the head."
devataanaam pitR^iiNaam chakartavyam vidhipuurvakam |
praaptaanaamatithiinaam cha nityashaH pratipuujanam || 2-28-14
14. devataanaam= the celestials; pitRuunaam cha= the ancestors; atithiinaam cha= the guests; praaptaanaam= who arrife; kartavyam= are to be; nityashaH= always; pratipuujanam= worshipped; vidhipuurvakam= according to prescribed rites.
"The celestials, the ancestors, the guests who arrive are to be worshipped always according to the preseribed rites."
kaaryastriirabhishhekashcha kaale kaale cha nityashaH |
charataa niyamenaiva tasmaadduHkhataram vanam || 2-28-15
15. abhishhekaH= bath; kaaryaH= is to be performed; triH= three times; nityashaH= every day; kaale kaale= at appropriate time; charataa= by the one moving in the forest; niyamenaiva= with restraint in the mind; tasmaat= hence; vanam= forest; duHkhataram= is very much a misery.
"Bath is to be performed three times a day at appropriate time by the one moving in the forest, with one's mind kept in restraint. Hence, living in a forest is very much a misery."
upahaarashcha kartavyaH kusumaiH svayamaahR^itaiH |
aarshheNa vidhinaa vedyaam baale duHkhamato vanam || 2-28-16
16. baale= Oh, Sita the innocent! upahaarashcha= offering; kartavyaH= is to be done; dusumaiH= with flowers; aahR^itaiH= brought; svayam= by one's self; vedyaam= at the altar; aarshheNa vidhinaa= according to the rites prescribed by sages; ataH= hence; vanam= forest; duHkham= is hardship.
"Oh, Sita the innocent! Offering is to be done with flowers brought by one's own self at the altar, according to the rites prescribed by sages. Hence, living in a forest is a hardship."
yathaalabdhena kartavyaH santoshhstena maithili |
yataahaarairvanacharaiH siite duHkhamato vanam || 2-28-17
17. maithili= Oh, Sita the princess of Mithila! vanacharaiH= the dwellers of forest; kartavyaH= are to be; santoshhaH= satisfied; yathaa labdhena= with whatever is obtained; tena= there; yataahaaraiH= the rstricted food; ataH= hence; vanam= forest; duHkham= is misery.
"Oh, Sita the princess of Mithila! The dwellers of forest are to be satisfied with whatever is obtained there, the restricted food. Hence, living in forest is a misery.
atiiva vaataH timiram bubhukSaa ca atra nityashaH |
bhayaani ca mahaanti atra tataH duhkhataram vanam || 2-28-18
18. atra= In the forest; vaataaH= air; timiram= darkness; atiiva= are very much; nityashaH= always; bubukshhaa= hunger; mahaanti= great; bhayaani cha= fears also; ataH= hence; vanam= forest; duHkhataram= is very much a misery.
"In the forest, air and darkness are too much. There are always hunger and great fears too. Hence, dwelling in a forest is very much a misery."
sarii sR^ipaaH ca bahavo bahu ruupaaH ca bhaamini |
caranti pR^ithiviim darpaat ataH dukhataram vanam || 2-28-19
19. bhaamini= Oh, Sita! Various creeping animals; bahuruupaaH= of different forms; charanti= room about; pR^ithiviim= on earth; darpaat= with pride; tataH= hence; vanam= forest; duHkhataram= is great misery.
"Oh, Sita! Various creeping animals of different forms roam about on earth with pride. Hence dwelling in a forst is a great misery."
nadii nilayanaaH sarpaa nadii kuTila gaaminaH |
tiSThanti aavR^itya panthaanam ataH duhkhataram vanam || 2-28-20
20. sarpaaH= snakes; nadiinilayanaaH= dwelling in rivers; nadiikutilagaaminaH= moving crookedly like rivers; tishhThanti= stay; aavR^itya= obstructing; panthaanam= the way; tataH= hence; vanam= forest; duHkhataram= is great misery.
"Snakes dwelling in rivers, moving crookedly like rivers, stay obstucting the pathways. Hence, living in forest is a great misery."
patamgaa vR^ishcikaaH kiiTaa damshaaH ca mashakaiH saha |
baadhante nityam abale sarvam duhkham ataH vanam || 2-28-21
21. abale= Oh, frail princess! pataNgaaH= flying insects; vR^ishchikaaH= scorpious; kiitaaH= insects; mashakaiH saha= including mosquiteos; damshaashcha= and flies; nityam= always; baadhante= annoy; sarvam= every one; ataH= hence; vanam= forest; duHkham= is hardship.
"Oh, frail princess! Flying insects, scropious, insects including mosquitoes and files always annoy every one. Hence, forest is full of hardship."
drumaaH kaNTakinaH caiva kusha kaashaaH ca bhaamini |
vane vyaakula shaakhaa agraaH tena duhkhataram vanam || 2-28-22
22. bhaamini= Oh, Sita! drumaaH= trees, kushakaashaH cha= 'Kusa' grass(poa cynosuroides, a grass with long pointed stalks) and 'kasa' grass(saccharum spontaneum used for mats, roofts etc); kaNTakinashchaiva= bambooes; vyaakula shaakhaagraaH= with ends of branches spread on all sides; vane= are in the forest; tena= henc; vanam= forest; duHkhataram= is very much a misery.
"Oh, Sita! Forest is full of trees, kusa grass and bambooes with ends of their branches spread on all sides. Hence, living in a forest is a great misery."
kaayakleshaashcha bahavo bhayaani vividhaani cha |
araNyavaase vasato kdhuHkhameva tato vanam || 2-28-23
23. vasataH= inhabitant; araNya vaase= living in a forest; bahuvaH= (has) many; kaaya kleshaaH= bodily troubles; vividhaani= (has) various; bhayaani cha= panies; tataH= hence; vanam= forest; duHkhameva= really a misery.
"An inhabitant living in a forest has to face various bodily troubles and panics. Hence, forest- life is readly a misery."
krodhalobhe vimoktavyau kartavyaa tapase matiH |
na bhetavyam cha bhetavye nityam duHkhamato vanam || 2-28-24
24. krodha lobhau= anger, greed; vimoktavyau= are to be abandoned; matiH= devotion; kartavyaa= is to be done; tapase= on asceticism; bhetavye= what needs to be feared; bhetavyam= should not be feared; ataH= hence; vanam= forest; nityam= is always; duHkham= suffering.
"Anger and greed are to be abandoned by the dwellers of forest. Devotion is to be bestowed on asceticism. What needs to be feared, should not be feared. Hence, living in a forest is a suffereing."
tat alam te vanam gatvaa kSamam na hi vanam tava |
vimR^ishann iha pashyaami bahu doSataram vanam || 2-28-25
25. ta= therefore; te= to you; alam=enough; gatvaa= went; vanam= to forest; tava= to you; vanam= forest; na hi= is not indeed; kshhamam= bearble; vimR^ishan= reflecting; iha= now; pashyaami= I perceive; vanam= forest; bahudoshhataram= as having too many disadvantages.
"Therefore, do away with the idea of your coming to the forest. Forest is not indeed bearable for you. Reflecting now, I perceive forest as having too many disadvantages."
vanam tu netum na kR^itaa matis tadaa |
babhuuva raameNa yadaa mahaatmanaa |
na tasya siitaa vacanam cakaara tat |
tataH abraviid raamam idam suduhkhitaa || 2-28-26
26. yadaa= when; raameNa= by Rama; mahaatmanaa= the great souled; matiH= the mind; na babhuuva= was not; kR^itaa= set; netum= to take; vanam= to forest; tadaa= then; suduHkhitaa= the much aggrieved; siitaa= Sita; nachakaara= did not accept; tasya= his; tat= that; vachanam= word; tataH= afterwords; abraviit= spoke; idam= these words; raamam= to Rama.
As the great souled Rama did not agree to take her to the forest, the much aggrieved Sita spoke to Rama as follows:-

|| iti ayodhya kaande raamayane shhTaavimshaH sargaH ||
Thus complets twenty eighth chapter of Ayodhya Kaanda of Srimad Ramayana.


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