Saturday, January 22, 2011

LoU Tweak

// ==UserScript==
// @name           LoU Tweak
// @description    Adds various functionalities to Lord of Ultima
// @namespace      AmpliDude
// @include        http://prodgame**/index.aspx*
// @version        1.4.2
// @require
// ==/UserScript==


var LT_mainFunction = function() {

 function createTweak() {
  var louTweak = {};
  var LT = {};
  LT_strings = {
   "en": {
    "options_btn_tt": "Click to show LoU Tweak Options",
    "layout_btn_tt": "Click to generate layout Sharestring for current city",
    "chat_btn_city": "City",
    "chat_btn_player": "Player",
    "chat_btn_alliance": "Alliance",
    "chat_btn_url": "Link",
    "copy_coords_btn": "Copy coordinates to chat",
    "up_count_tt": "Buildings available for upgrade:",
    "opts_max_chatlines": "Maximum lines of chat:",
    "opts_chat_opacity": "Chat background transparency:",
    "opts_switch_to_ally_tab": "Switch to Alliance Tab at start",
    "opts_show_queue_win": "Show queue info window",
    "opts_limit_req_res": "Limit requested resources to city free space",
    "opts_inc_res": {
     "lab": "Incoming resources label:",
     "disabled": "Disabled",
     "always": "Always on",
     "context": "Contextual"
    "opts_separator": {
     "lab": "Thousands separator:",
     "period": "'.' (period)",
     "comma": "',' (comma)",
     "space": "' ' (space)",
     "none": "none"
    "opts_city_tag": {
     "lab": "[city] tag shows:",
     "info": "City info",
     "region": "Region view"
    "opts_lowest_lvl": {
     "lab1": "Select buildings that you want to upgrade with 'L (upgrade any lowest level)' shortcut",
     "lab2": "Define Max levels of every group type at which shortcut 'L' will stop upgrading",
     "towers": "Towers:",
     "military": "Military:",
     "resource": "Resource:",
     "cottage": "Cottage:",
     "barracks": "Barracks:",
     "utilities": "Utilities:"
    "opts_set_hotkeys": "Click on one of the following buttons and then press a key to define shortcut",
    "opts_hotkey_labels": {
     "lab1": "Build hotkeys:",
     "lab2": "Upgrade hotkeys:",
     "lab3": "Moonstone creation hotkeys:",
     "lab4": "Global hotkeys:",
     "upgrade": "Upgrade building",
     "downgrade": "Downgrade / Demolish (Shift+)",
     "minister": "Assign to Minister",
     "prev_city": "Previous city",
     "next_city": "Next city"
    "opts_clr_inc_res": "Incoming resources label font colors:",
    "opts_clr_chat": {
     "lab": "Chat font colors:",
     "all": "All:",
     "alliance": "Alliance:",
     "whisper": "Whisper:",
     "background": "Background:"
    "opts": {
     "save": "Save",
     "export": "Export",
     "import": "Import",
     "export_lab": "You can save this string in a text file and import it later when needed.",
     "import_lab": "Insert saved LoU Tweak Options into text field and press OK.",
     "import_invalid": "Inserted string is invalid"
    "layout": {
     "city": "City layout",
     "overlay": "Overlay layout",
     "apply": "Apply layout",
     "remove": "Remove layout"
    "opts_lang": {
     "lab": "LoU Tweak language",
     "en": "English (Englisch)",
     "de": "German (Deutsch)",
     "es": "Spanish (Español)",
     "pl": "Polish (Polski)"
    "purify_btn_tt": "Click to open 'Purify resources' window",
    "opts_tagless_coords": "Make tagless coords clickable",
    "opts_minimap": {
     "enable_lab": "Enable MiniMap",
     "clrs_lab": "MiniMap colors:",
     "show_cities": "Show cities",
     "show_none": "None",
     "show_noncastle": "Non-castle",
     "show_castle": "Castle",
     "show_all": "All",
     "show_self": "My",
     "show_alliance": "Alliance",
     "show_allied": "Allied",
     "show_enemy": "Enemy",
     "show_nap": "NAP",
     "show_other": "Other",
     "show_lawless": "Lawless",
     "show_moongate": "Moongates",
     "show_shrine": "Shrines",
     "clr_self": "Self:",
     "clr_alliance": "Alliance:",
     "clr_allied": "Allied:",
     "clr_enemy": "Enemy:",
     "clr_nap": "NAP:",
     "clr_other": "Other:",
     "clr_lawless": "Lawless:",
     "clr_moongate": "Moongate:",
     "clr_shrine": "Shrine:"
    "trade_limit": "Limit",
    "no": "No",
    "yes": "Yes",
    "req_restart": "(requires restart)"
   "de": {
    "options_btn_tt": "LoU Tweak Optionen anzeigen",
    "layout_btn_tt": "Für die aktuelle Stadt einen LoU City Planner Sharestring erzeugen",
    "chat_btn_city": "Stadt",
    "chat_btn_player": "Spieler",
    "chat_btn_alliance": "Allianz",
    "chat_btn_url": "Link",
    "copy_coords_btn": "Kopiere Koordinaten in den Chat",
    "up_count_tt": "Zum Aufwerten verfügbare Gebäude:",
    "opts_max_chatlines": "Maximale Zeilen im Chat:",
    "opts_chat_opacity": "Chat Hintergrundtransparenz:",
    "opts_switch_to_ally_tab": "Beim Start zum  Allianz-Tab wechseln",
    "opts_show_queue_win": "Info-Fenster für Aufträge anzeigen",
    "opts_limit_req_res": "Begrenze bestellte Rohstoffe auf die freie Lagerkapazität der Stadt",
    "opts_inc_res": {
     "lab": "Label für ankommende Waren:",
     "disabled": "deaktiviert",
     "always": "Immer an",
     "context": "Kontextabhängig"
    "opts_separator": {
     "lab": "Tausendertrennung:",
     "period": "'.' (Punkt)",
     "comma": "',' (Komma)",
     "space": "' ' (Leerzeichen)",
     "none": "ohne"
    "opts_city_tag": {
     "lab": "[stadt] Tag zeigt:",
     "info": "Stadt Info",
     "region": "Regionsansicht"
    "opts_lowest_lvl": {
     "lab1": "Wähle die Gebäude zur Aufwertung durch den 'L (niedrigste Stufe aufwerten)' Tastenkürzel aus",
     "lab2": "Die maximale Stufe für jede Gruppe festlegen, bei der das Tastenkürzel 'L' das Aufwerten beendet",
     "towers": "Türme:",
     "military": "Militär:",
     "resource": "Waren:",
     "cottage": "Wohnhaus:",
     "barracks": "Kaserne:",
     "utilities": "Versorger:"
    "opts_set_hotkeys": "Zum Festlegen eines Tastenkürzels zuerst den Button anklicken und dann eine Taste drücken",
    "opts_hotkey_labels": {
     "lab1": "Aufbau-Hotkeys:",
     "lab2": "Aufwertungs-Hotkeys:",
     "lab3": "Mondsteinerzeugungs-Hotkeys:",
     "lab4": "Allgemeine Hotkeys:",
     "upgrade": "Gebäude aufwerten",
     "downgrade": "Abwerten / Abriss (Umschalt+)",
     "minister": "Dem Minister zuweisen",
     "prev_city": "Vorherige Stadt",
     "next_city": "Nächste Stadt"
    "opts_clr_inc_res": "Font Farbe für Ankommende Waren Label:",
    "opts_clr_chat": {
     "lab": "Font Farben für Chat:",
     "all": "Alle:",
     "alliance": "Allianz:",
     "whisper": "Flüstern:",
     "background": "Hintergrund:"
    "opts": {
     "save": "Speichern",
     "export": "Exportieren",
     "import": "Importieren",
     "export_lab": "Diese Zeichenkette in einer Textdatei speichern und später bei Bedarf importieren.",
     "import_lab": "Gespeicherte LoU Tweak Optionen in das Textfeld einfügen und OK drücken.",
     "import_invalid": "Die eingefügte Zeichenkette ist ungültig"
    "layout": {
     "city": "Stadtplan",
     "overlay": "Übersichtsplan einblenden",
     "apply": "Übersichtsplan anwenden",
     "remove": "Übersichtsplan entfernen"
    "opts_lang": {
     "lab": "Sprache des LoU Tweak",
     "en": "Englisch (English)",
     "de": "Deutsch (German)",
     "es": "Spanisch (Spanish)",
     "pl": "Polnisch (Polish)"
    "purify_btn_tt": "Click to open 'Purify resources' window",
    "opts_tagless_coords": "Make tagless coordinatess clickable",
    "opts_minimap": {
     "enable_lab": "Enable MiniMap",
     "clrs_lab": "MiniMap colors:",
     "show_cities": "Show cities",
     "show_none": "None",
     "show_noncastle": "Non-castle",
     "show_castle": "Castle",
     "show_all": "All",
     "show_self": "My",
     "show_alliance": "Alliance",
     "show_allied": "Allied",
     "show_enemy": "Enemy",
     "show_nap": "NAP",
     "show_other": "Other",
     "show_lawless": "Lawless",
     "show_moongate": "Moongates",
     "show_shrine": "Shrines",
     "clr_self": "Self:",
     "clr_alliance": "Alliance:",
     "clr_allied": "Allied:",
     "clr_enemy": "Enemy:",
     "clr_nap": "NAP:",
     "clr_other": "Other:",
     "clr_lawless": "Lawless:",
     "clr_moongate": "Moongate:",
     "clr_shrine": "Shrine:"
    "trade_limit": "Limit",
    "no": "No",
    "yes": "Yes",
    "req_restart": "(requires restart)"
   "es": {
    "options_btn_tt": "Pincha para mostrar las opciones de LoU Tweak",
    "layout_btn_tt": "Pincha para generar un texto con el diseño de tu ciudad actual",
    "chat_btn_city": "Ciudad",
    "chat_btn_player": "Jugador",
    "chat_btn_alliance": "Alianza",
    "chat_btn_url": "Link",
    "copy_coords_btn": "Copiar coordenadas al chat",
    "up_cout_tt": "Edificios disponibles para ampliar:",
    "opts_max_chatlines": "Líneas máximas de chat:",
    "opts_chat_opacity": "Transparencia de la ventana de Chat:",
    "opts_switch_to_ally_tab": "Cambiar a la pestaña Alianza al comenzar",
    "opts_show_queue_win": "Mostrar ventana de información de colas",
    "opts_limit_req_res": "Limitar recursos solicitados a la capacidad disponible de la ciudad",
    "opts_inc_res": {
     "lab": "Etiqueta de recursos entrates:",
     "disabled": "Desactivado",
     "always": "Siempre",
     "context": "Contextual"
    "opts_separator": {
     "lab": "Separador de miles:",
     "period": "'.' (punto)",
     "comma": "',' (coma)",
     "space": "' ' (espacio)",
     "none": "ninguno"
    "opts_city_tag": {
     "lab": "La etiqueta [city] muestra:",
     "info": "Información de la ciudad",
     "region": "Vista de la región"
    "opts_lowest_lvl": {
     "lab1": "Selecciona los edificios que quieres ampliar con el acceso directo 'L (amplia cualquiera del nivel más bajo)'",
     "lab2": "Define el nivel máximo de todos los tipos de grupo con el que el acceso directo 'L' se detendrá la actualización",
     "towers": "Torres:",
     "military": "Militares:",
     "resource": "Recursos:",
     "cottage": "Cottage:",
     "barracks": "Barracas:",
     "utilities": "Utilidades:"
    "opts_set_hotkeys": "Pincha en uno de los siguientes botones y presiona una tecla para definir un acceso directo",
    "opts_hotkey_labels": {
     "lab1": "Teclas de acceso directo para Edificios:",
     "lab2": "Teclas de acceso directo para Ampliaciones:",
     "lab3": "Teclas de acceso directo para la creación de Moonstone:",
     "lab4": "Teclas de acceso directo Globales:",
     "upgrade": "Ampliar edificios",
     "downgrade": "Desampliar / Demoler (Shift+)",
     "minister": "Asignar al Ministro",
     "prev_city": "Ciudad anterior",
     "next_city": "Ciudad siguiente"
    "opts_clr_inc_res": "Color de las fuente de la etiqueta de recursos entrantes:",
    "opts_clr_chat": {
     "lab": "Color de la fuente del Chat:",
     "all": "Todos:",
     "alliance": "Alianza:",
     "whisper": "Susurro:",
     "background": "Fondo:"
    "opts": {
     "save": "Salvar",
     "export": "Exportar",
     "import": "Importar",
     "export_lab": "Puedes salvar esta cadena de texto como un fichero de texto e importarlo más adelante.",
     "import_lab": "Inserta las opciones salvadas del LoU Tweak en el campo de texto y presiona ok.",
     "import_invalid": "La cadena de texto introducida no es válida"
    "layout": {
     "city": "Diseño de la ciudad",
     "overlay": "Superponer diseño",


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